Swig and Perl

2002-05-15 Thread Andrew Cunningham

I¹m trying to use  swig to generate and build perl dynamically loaded
extension modules, using the following build commands.
This example comes straight from the swig ³Examples² , so presumably works
on other platforms "as-is".
I had to add the flags for ld that I normally use for bundles.

gcc -c -Dbool=char   example.c example_wrap.c
ld -bundle -undefined suppress -flat_namespace example.o  example_wrap.o  -o
[localhost:Examples/perl5/simple] andrewc% perl example.pl
Can't locate loadable object for module example in @INC (@INC contains:
/System/Library/Perl/darwin /System/Library/Perl /Library/Perl/darwin
/Library/Perl /Library/Perl /Network/Library/Perl/darwin
/Network/Library/Perl /Network/Library/Perl .) at example.pl line 4
Compilation failed in require at example.pl line 4.

Any suggestions as to why Perl can¹t load the .so (bundle).



2002-05-15 Thread Chris Nandor

I'll be giving a talk entitled "Mac::Perl" at YAPC, June 26-28, in St. 
Louis.  The talk will discuss the present and future of the state of 
perl on Mac OS and Mac OS X.

If you wish to have anything in particular discussed, please let me 
know.  I am currently planning on an overview of 5.6/5.8 on Mac OS, and 
on Mac OS X, and the state of various tools and modules for accessing 
the Mac OS API on both platforms.  I'll be preparing my slides over the 
next two weeks.

Chris Nandor  [EMAIL PROTECTED]http://pudge.net/
Open Source Development Network[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://osdn.com/