I've uploaded a new demo app to the CamelBones site: SimpleDBI.

It uses the DBIKit and DevKit PARs provided with CamelBones. It shows how to use an NSTimer instance to fetch one row of query results at a time, without blocking the run loop and triggering a "rainbow cursor." The unblocked run loop also allows for a cancel button click to be processed. The demo also uses an embedded WebView to display the results as an HTML table. The pre-built .app runs on both Panther and Tiger (universal), and includes drivers for both MySQL and PostgreSQL.

This demo will be included in the next release of CamelBones, but for now you can download a snapshot of it from the CVS page of the web site:


While you're at the web site, please consider donating to the project! Your donations are what makes CamelBones possible.


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