Re: Parsing UTF8 files with wide characters

2005-06-15 Thread Andrew Mace

Try use utf8 - it lets Perl know that your script contains utf8 chars.

More info:


On Jun 15, 2005, at 2:48 PM, Robin wrote:

I thought I'd understood how to use unicode support in perl, but  
evidently not. In the script below, I'm stumped as to:

1) why the regex won't match ''.
2) why the substitution is carried out, but the result isn't in  
UTF8, nor is it UTF8 re-encoded in UTF8 (uncomment #require  
Encode; ... #Encode::decode_utf8($_); to test this )



 #!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use diagnostics-verbose;
#require Encode;

binmode (DATA,:utf8);

binmode (STDOUT,:utf8);

for (DATA){

if (/([EMAIL PROTECTED])/gs){
print match: ,$1,\n;

print match: ,$1,\n;




!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN;
META HTTP-EQUIV=content-type CONTENT=text/html; charset=utf-8
... and this is a web page.
hidden marker here -FONT COLOR=#FF3300[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ 


Re: ModPerl on Tiger

2005-05-18 Thread Andrew Mace
On May 18, 2005, at 12:58 PM, Rich Morin wrote:
Does anyone know whether (a) ModPerl is already part of Tiger?
If not, how big a hassle is it to install?  Specifically, is
it something I could reasonably accomplish in an installation
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; phone: +1 650-873-7841 Canta Forda Computer Laboratory   - The FreeBSD Browser, Meta Project, etc.

I was happy to find that mod_perl is included in Tiger.  Just  
uncomment the two relevant LoadModule and AddModule lines in /etc/ 


character encoding on file upload name

2005-04-06 Thread Andrew Mace
A few months ago, I thought I had finally figured out all there was to 
know about character encodings to prevent hosing output and getting 
wide char in print errors.

However, I recently noticed that if I attempt to upload a file with 
non-ASCII characters in the name, I can't call a simple 
Encode::decode_utf8 to write this name into a file.  The strange thing 
is that if I upload and save this file, it preserves the file name.  If 
I write just the name to a file with binmode :bytes and then cat that 
file to terminal, it displays it correctly.  However, if I open the 
:bytes file in BBEdit set to render utf-8 no BOM, the characters don't 
display correctly.  If I write the filename to a file with binmode 
:utf8, I think I get double-encoding and nothing displays it correctly.

If I use decode_utf8($filename, Encode::FB_CROAK) (or Encode::FB_WARN), 
then the utf8 flag on the string gets set and is_utf8 returns true.  
Otherwise it doesn't.  So, it seems there are characters in the string 
that are causing decode_utf8 to return early.  Regardless, the filename 
string is not valid utf-8.

Other form fields will give me the expected utf-8 string when I call 
decode_utf8 (in warn/cat/terminal, http/filename output).  So, I'm 
wondering what the difference could be... a CGI module issue? 
multipart/form-data POST issue?

I've attached a web script example below that will hopefully come 
through okay for anyone who's interested.  Try a filename with some 
non-ASCII characters and see what happens.

Any insights would be appreciated.

use strict;
use utf8;
use Encode qw(is_utf8 decode_utf8);
use CGI qw(:cgi uploadInfo);
use IO::File;
binmode(*STDOUT, :utf8);
print Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n;
print HTML;
my $buf;
my $rfh = upload('file');
my $f = param('file');
my $n = $f;

$f = decode_utf8($f);
($f) = $f =~ m/([^\/\\]+)$/;
my $fh = new IO::File;
$fh-open(' test.txt');
binmode($fh, ':bytes'); # :utf8 ?
print $fh $f, \n; # just write the filename into this file

$fh-open( $f); # save the file itself with its original name
binmode($fh, ':bytes');
while(read($rfh, $buf, 1024)) {
print $fh $buf;

print 'file name = ', $f, ' / ';
$f =~ s/./sprintf(0x%02x , ord($))/eg; # check char codes
print $f, 'br /br /';

my $vals = uploadInfo(param('file'));
for(keys %{$vals}) {
print $_, ': ', decode_utf8($vals-{$_}), 'br /';
print 'br /text field t1 = ', decode_utf8(param('t1')), 'br /';
print 'text field t2 = ', decode_utf8(param('t2')), 'br /';
print HTML;
br /
form name=test method=post action=test.cgi 

input type=text name=t1 value= s /br /
input type=text name=t2 value=nth s /br /
input type=file name=file /br /br /
input type=submit /

Re: character encoding on file upload name

2005-04-06 Thread Andrew Mace
On Apr 6, 2005, at 3:03 PM, John Delacour wrote:
At 12:08 pm -0400 6/4/05, Andrew Mace wrote:
Any insights would be appreciated.
What happens if you comment out
#use utf8;
#binmode(*STDOUT, :utf8);
#binmode($fh, ':bytes'); # :utf8 ?
#binmode($fh, ':bytes');
It seems to work then as you want:

Well, I get the same result as before - file itself saves okay, HTML 
page reports back okay, but when viewing in BBEdit (UTF-8, no BOM), the 
name of the file in test.txt doesn't render correctly - other form 
fields with extended charset data do, though.  When I paste into Mail, 
though, it looks fine, so I have no idea what's going on.  When I write 
the name to file with :utf8 and then try to read back in as :utf8 to 
send back to the browser, it gets totally hosed, that is:

$filename = decode_utf8($filename);

$fh-open(' test.txt');
binmode($fh, ':utf8');
print $fh $filename;

$fh-open(' test.txt');
binmode($fh, ':utf8');
$filename = $fh;
# HTML stuff
print $filename, 'br /';
If the string's utf8 flag is enabled, perl won't try to reencode when I 
write to a :utf8 opened file, right?  I just don't understand why this 
field is different from the other, non-file, form fields in 

Shouldn't I be using :utf8?  If I don't always use that layer, things 
can easily get corrupted, right?  Double encoding, and such as I reopen 
and append, etc.?  And since I have UTF-8 characters in my script, I 
should use utf8; to let perl know and binmode(*STDOUT,':utf8') so 
that I'm not lying when I say Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8?


Re: stupid newbie question

2005-01-17 Thread Andrew Mace
Why not something like:
my %sequences = ();
my $seq;
while() {
if($_ =~ m/^Sequence ([^\n]+)$/) {
$seq = $1;
$sequences{$1} = [0,0];
} elsif($_ =~ m/CR05-C1-10(\d)/) {
if($1 == 2) {
} elsif($1 == 3) {
my $total_102 = 0;
my $total_103 = 0;
for(keys %sequences) {
	print $_, : 102 = , $sequences{$_}-[0], ; 103 = , 
$sequences{$_}-[1], \n;
	$total_102 += $sequences{$_}-[0];
	$total_103 += $sequences{$_}-[1];

print Total 102 = , $total_102, \n;
print Total 103 = , $total_103, \n;

On Jan 17, 2005, at 2:04 PM, Marco Takita wrote:
Hi guys, sorry for the question not directly related to macosx but 
this is the OS I work with and I know that you guys are really 

I'm really new to perl. Actually I'm trying write my very first 
script. Let me try to explain what I need. I have a large text file 
that is basically something like this:

Sequence Contig3772
Assembled_from  CR05-C1-102-004-_A01_-CT.F_008.ab1  -40  955
Assembled_from  CR05-C1-102-006-_E05_-CT.F_035.ab1  -40  972
Assembled_from  CR05-C1-102-004-_B01_-CT.F_007.ab1  -32  1007
Assembled_from  CR05-C1-103-033-_G08_-CT.F_026.ab1  397  1400
Assembled_from  CR05-C1-102-060-_D07_-CT.F_029.ab1  403  1450
Assembled_from  CR05-C1-102-008-_G03_-CT.F_010.ab1  404  1427
Assembled_from  CR05-C1-102-065-_F12_-CT.F_043.ab1  406  1498
Sequence Contig3773
Assembled_from  CR05-C1-103-041-_E11_-CT.F_044.ab1  -694  275
Assembled_from  CR05-C1-102-019-_A11_-CT.F_048.ab1  -626  289
Assembled_from  CR05-C1-102-019-_D03_-CT.F_013.ab1  -625  314
Assembled_from  CR05-C1-102-019-_B11_-CT.F_047.ab1  -733  185
Sequence  Contig3774
and so on.
What I need is to count how many times either CR05-C1-102 or 
CR05-C1-103 appears in the text, which I was able to do:

while () {
@text = (CR05-C1-102,CR05-C1-103);
 foreach $wd (split) {
if ($wd =~ @text[0], @text[1]){
if ($wd =~ @text[0]){
if ($wd =~ @text[1]){
print  CR05-C1-102 $score CR05-C1-103 $res \n\n;
My problem is that I cannot do that for individual blocks like:
Sequence Contig3772
Assembled_from  CR05-C1-102-004-_A01_-CT.F_008.ab1  -40  955
Assembled_from  CR05-C1-102-006-_E05_-CT.F_035.ab1  -40  972
Assembled_from  CR05-C1-102-004-_B01_-CT.F_007.ab1  -32  1007
Assembled_from  CR05-C1-103-033-_G08_-CT.F_026.ab1  397  1400
Assembled_from  CR05-C1-102-060-_D07_-CT.F_029.ab1  403  1450
Assembled_from  CR05-C1-102-008-_G03_-CT.F_010.ab1  404  1427
Assembled_from  CR05-C1-102-065-_F12_-CT.F_043.ab1  406  1498
I was not able to isolate this block from the rest of the text.
Any idea how to do that?
Thanks a lot
Dr. Marco Aurélio Takita, Ph.D.
Centro APTA Citros Sylvio Moreira
Rodovia Anhanguera Km 158
Caixa Postal 04
13490-970 Cordeirópolis - SP, BRAZIL
Tel.: 55-19-35461399

Re: Download images/movies

2004-08-25 Thread Andrew Mace
 IE just displays the graphic but doesn't download it. The script does  
not seem to be overriding whatever the settings are in IE regarding  
MIME types and what to do with them -- I'm guessing. Is there a way to  
override that?
You could try changing the Content-Type to application/download.  The  
problem is Mac IE will show the save as prompt, but it will be the name  
of your script ( and not the filename you specified in the  
HTTP header.  I haven't found any workaround for this.  When I've done  
things like this in the past I've ended up using Apache conf settings  
like Chris' suggestion, though I'm realizing as I'm writing this that  
using $ENV{PATH_INFO} instead of the query string might solve that  
problem - take a look at the other Andy's suggestion for how to use  

Background.gif'picture link/a

my $filename = $ENV{'PATH_INFO'};

Good luck

On Aug 24, 2004, at 6:17 PM, Andrew Mace wrote:
$path is a system path, right?  As in, like, not relative to the  
webserver?  Just making sure...

Also, I messed up and used $length in one place and $size in another,  
though that doesn't explain your troubles.

I mean, you could do a lot of things to debug.  A quick thing you  
could do would be to change the content type to image/jpeg and remove  
the Content-Disposition and see what gets put into your browser.   
Since you're writing the HTTP headers before attempting to open the  
file, my suspicion is that there's something wrong with the path to  
the file and your script is exiting prematurely.


On Aug 24, 2004, at 8:23 PM, Mark Wheeler wrote:
Hi Andy,
Thanks for the input. I should have check the read/write method --  
my bad.

I tried both the slurp and the read methods, but the same thing still  
happens. On a PC the save dialog comes up but the file saved is 0k,  
and on a Mac, the the progress bar is just a spinning barber poll.  
Any ideas?

On Aug 24, 2004, at 3:56 PM, Andrew Mace wrote:
Hey Mark -
A few things.
- You want to open the file for reading, not to write.
- You should undef $/ to slurp the file if you're using   to read.
- You should stat the file before opening it to add the  
Content-Length header, if you want.
- For larger files, it would make more sense to use read() calls  
instead of slurping the entire file into memory.

So here's an updated version:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI ':standard';
my $filename = param('picname');
my $path = /images/$filename;
my $length = (stat($path))[7]; # the size, in bytes
binmode STDOUT;
print Content-Length: $size\n;
print Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=$filename\n;
print Content-Type: application/octet-stream\n\n;
open (FILE,  $path) || die(Can't open($filename): $!);
# slurp method:
undef $/;
my $data = FILE;
close (FILE);
print $data;
# read() method would be:
while(read(FILE,$data,4096)) {
print $data;
Good luck

On Aug 24, 2004, at 6:19 PM, Mark Wheeler wrote:
Hi all,
Here is my first attempt to write this script. I will be adding the  
protection/whitelisting/etc. after I get the basic this running.  
Here is what I have so far, and here is what happens. On a PC, the  
dialog box comes up and saves the file, but it is 0K -- nothing in  
it. On a Mac, the Downloads dialog box comes up, but the progress  
bar keeps spinning and nothing happens. Below is the HTML that  
calls the script and the CGI script itself. What did I forget/do  

titleUntitled Page/title
picname=Upload-Background.gif'picture link/a

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI ':standard';
my $filename = param('picname');
my $path = /images/$filename;
binmode STDOUT;
print Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=$filename\n;
print Content-Type: application/octet-stream\n\n;
open (FILE,  $path) || die(Can't open($filename): $!);
my $data = FILE;
close (FILE);
print $data;
On Aug 23, 2004, at 2:45 PM, Joel Rees wrote:
I think that's what I'm looking for. One question. What do you  
mean whitelist the filepaths. My only reference point is  
email. Whitelist for me means that email address on my  
whitelist always get through, even though the spam software  
might initially think it's spam. Can you clarify?
If the script I posted was readable, you might have noticed that  
it accepts one parameter and sets the directories only if that  
parameter matches correctly. It looks like a waste, but it's one  
way of what he was calling whitelisting in a fairly strict way,  
but allowing the same script to be used on multiple sets of  
images. You do have to add a little code for each set of images

Re: Download images/movies

2004-08-24 Thread Andrew Mace
Hey Mark -
A few things.
- You want to open the file for reading, not to write.
- You should undef $/ to slurp the file if you're using   to read.
- You should stat the file before opening it to add the Content-Length  
header, if you want.
- For larger files, it would make more sense to use read() calls  
instead of slurping the entire file into memory.

So here's an updated version:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI ':standard';
my $filename = param('picname');
my $path = /images/$filename;
my $length = (stat($path))[7]; # the size, in bytes
binmode STDOUT;
print Content-Length: $size\n;
print Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=$filename\n;
print Content-Type: application/octet-stream\n\n;
open (FILE,  $path) || die(Can't open($filename): $!);
# slurp method:
undef $/;
my $data = FILE;
close (FILE);
print $data;
# read() method would be:
while(read(FILE,$data,4096)) {
print $data;
Good luck

On Aug 24, 2004, at 6:19 PM, Mark Wheeler wrote:
Hi all,
Here is my first attempt to write this script. I will be adding the  
protection/whitelisting/etc. after I get the basic this running. Here  
is what I have so far, and here is what happens. On a PC, the dialog  
box comes up and saves the file, but it is 0K -- nothing in it. On a  
Mac, the Downloads dialog box comes up, but the progress bar keeps  
spinning and nothing happens. Below is the HTML that calls the script  
and the CGI script itself. What did I forget/do wrong?

titleUntitled Page/title
Background.gif'picture link/a

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI ':standard';
my $filename = param('picname');
my $path = /images/$filename;
binmode STDOUT;
print Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=$filename\n;
print Content-Type: application/octet-stream\n\n;
open (FILE,  $path) || die(Can't open($filename): $!);
my $data = FILE;
close (FILE);
print $data;
On Aug 23, 2004, at 2:45 PM, Joel Rees wrote:
I think that's what I'm looking for. One question. What do you mean  
whitelist the filepaths. My only reference point is email.  
Whitelist for me means that email address on my whitelist always  
get through, even though the spam software might initially think  
it's spam. Can you clarify?
If the script I posted was readable, you might have noticed that it  
accepts one parameter and sets the directories only if that parameter  
matches correctly. It looks like a waste, but it's one way of what he  
was calling whitelisting in a fairly strict way, but allowing the  
same script to be used on multiple sets of images. You do have to add  
a little code for each set of images, of course.

That script needs some comments.
Joel Rees
Getting involved in the neighbor's family squabbles is dangerous.
But if the abusive partner has a habit of shooting through  
his/her roof,
the guy who lives upstairs is in a bit of a catch-22.

Re: Download images/movies

2004-08-24 Thread Andrew Mace
$path is a system path, right?  As in, like, not relative to the  
webserver?  Just making sure...

Also, I messed up and used $length in one place and $size in another,  
though that doesn't explain your troubles.

I mean, you could do a lot of things to debug.  A quick thing you could  
do would be to change the content type to image/jpeg and remove the  
Content-Disposition and see what gets put into your browser.  Since  
you're writing the HTTP headers before attempting to open the file, my  
suspicion is that there's something wrong with the path to the file and  
your script is exiting prematurely.


On Aug 24, 2004, at 8:23 PM, Mark Wheeler wrote:
Hi Andy,
Thanks for the input. I should have check the read/write method --  
my bad.

I tried both the slurp and the read methods, but the same thing still  
happens. On a PC the save dialog comes up but the file saved is 0k,  
and on a Mac, the the progress bar is just a spinning barber poll. Any  

On Aug 24, 2004, at 3:56 PM, Andrew Mace wrote:
Hey Mark -
A few things.
- You want to open the file for reading, not to write.
- You should undef $/ to slurp the file if you're using   to read.
- You should stat the file before opening it to add the  
Content-Length header, if you want.
- For larger files, it would make more sense to use read() calls  
instead of slurping the entire file into memory.

So here's an updated version:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI ':standard';
my $filename = param('picname');
my $path = /images/$filename;
my $length = (stat($path))[7]; # the size, in bytes
binmode STDOUT;
print Content-Length: $size\n;
print Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=$filename\n;
print Content-Type: application/octet-stream\n\n;
open (FILE,  $path) || die(Can't open($filename): $!);
# slurp method:
undef $/;
my $data = FILE;
close (FILE);
print $data;
# read() method would be:
while(read(FILE,$data,4096)) {
print $data;
Good luck

On Aug 24, 2004, at 6:19 PM, Mark Wheeler wrote:
Hi all,
Here is my first attempt to write this script. I will be adding the  
protection/whitelisting/etc. after I get the basic this running.  
Here is what I have so far, and here is what happens. On a PC, the  
dialog box comes up and saves the file, but it is 0K -- nothing in  
it. On a Mac, the Downloads dialog box comes up, but the progress  
bar keeps spinning and nothing happens. Below is the HTML that calls  
the script and the CGI script itself. What did I forget/do wrong?

titleUntitled Page/title
picname=Upload-Background.gif'picture link/a

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI ':standard';
my $filename = param('picname');
my $path = /images/$filename;
binmode STDOUT;
print Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=$filename\n;
print Content-Type: application/octet-stream\n\n;
open (FILE,  $path) || die(Can't open($filename): $!);
my $data = FILE;
close (FILE);
print $data;
On Aug 23, 2004, at 2:45 PM, Joel Rees wrote:
I think that's what I'm looking for. One question. What do you  
mean whitelist the filepaths. My only reference point is email.  
Whitelist for me means that email address on my whitelist  
always get through, even though the spam software might initially  
think it's spam. Can you clarify?
If the script I posted was readable, you might have noticed that it  
accepts one parameter and sets the directories only if that  
parameter matches correctly. It looks like a waste, but it's one  
way of what he was calling whitelisting in a fairly strict way, but  
allowing the same script to be used on multiple sets of images. You  
do have to add a little code for each set of images, of course.

That script needs some comments.
Joel Rees
Getting involved in the neighbor's family squabbles is  
But if the abusive partner has a habit of shooting through  
his/her roof,
the guy who lives upstairs is in a bit of a catch-22.

Re: Converting PDF to JPEG

2004-05-17 Thread Andrew Mace
Supported formats for reading are:
PICT, Photoshop, BMP, QuickTime Image, GIF, JPEG, MacPaint, JPEG2, SGI, 
PSD, TGA, Text, PDF, PNG, and TIFF.

Supported formats for _saving_ are:
JPEG2, TIFF, JPEG, PICT, BMP, PSD, PNG, and QuickTime Image.

On May 17, 2004, at 1:54 PM, Jerry LeVan wrote:
Hmmm, what am I doing wrong...
[macjerry:~/Desktop]$ sips -s format pdf FixedColor.jpg --out 
Error: Not a valid format value
[macjerry:~/Desktop]$ sips -s format pdf FixedColor.jpg --out 
Error: Not a valid format value

On May 17, 2004, at 10:34 AM, Daniel Staal wrote:
--As of Saturday, May 15, 2004 8:35 AM -0700, Rich Morin is alleged 
to have said:

I suspect that there are Cocoa frameworks that would let me import
PDF and export JPEG, but I'd rather not go that way if I can help it.
What's the simplest way to solve this (ie, mechanically convert PDF
files to JPEG (or GIF or ...) format?
--As for the rest, it is mine.
If you are using Panther, you can use Apple's 'sips' commandline 
program to do this.  It is seriously under-documented, but it works 
well.  (Though it doesn't handle transparencies.  Not a problem if 
you are converting to JPEG, which doesn't support them.)

I've successfully used this line in a Perl script to convert images:
`sips -s format $ext $imagefile --out $imagedir 21`
where $ext is the extension of the file type you want to convert to,
$imagefile is the name of the file to be converted, and $imagedir is 
the directory or output image name.

The only documentation available is from the commandline: type 'sips 
-h' for usage help and 'sips -H' for lists of properties that are 

Daniel T. Staal
(Note: if anyone wants to help *me* use the Cocoa frameworks to do 
this, I would be grateful.  I need to be able to convert 
tiff/jpeg/gif/pdf/pict/png to a common file format (png or gif), 
preserving transparency and color balance.  So far I've not had luck 
on Mac.  I think I could convert pure Cocoa code to Perl...)

This email copyright the author.  Unless otherwise noted, you
are expressly allowed to retransmit, quote, or otherwise use
the contents for non-commercial purposes.  This copyright will
expire 5 years after the author's death, or in 30 years,
whichever is longer, unless such a period is in excess of
local copyright law.

XML::Sablotron and Panther

2003-10-25 Thread Andrew Mace
I did a clean install of Panther last night and have been rebuilding my Perl
libraries.  Both libexpat and libsablot compiled ok, but when I try to
install the XML::Sablotron package, I get the following errors:

In file included from Sablotron.xs:89:
Processor/Processor.h: In function `SchemeHandlerGetAllStub':
Processor/Processor.h:286: warning: passing arg 3 of `Perl_sv_2pv_flags'
from incompatible pointer type
Processor/Processor.h: In function `SchemeHandlerGetStub':
Processor/Processor.h:410: warning: passing arg 3 of `Perl_sv_2pv_flags'
from incompatible pointer type
DOM/DOM.xsh: In function `XS_XML__Sablotron__DOM__Node_xql_ns':
DOM/DOM.xsh:643: warning: passing arg 3 of `Perl_sv_2pv_flags' from
incompatible pointer type
DOM/DOM.xsh:644: warning: passing arg 3 of `Perl_sv_2pv_flags' from
incompatible pointer type

When I restart Apache (I use PerlModule to preload XML::Sablotron), it dies
with the following message:

dyld: /usr/sbin/httpd Undefined symbols:

I noticed suggestions here:
and here:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg05579.html
among other places regarding 10.2, but they haven't fixed the problem.

Again, this is a clean install of Panther -- the only system setting I've
changed so far is adding /usr/local/bin to $PATH.  Is this an issue with
Apple's Perl 5.8.1 install, a compiler issue, a Sablotron issue, ...?

Any insights would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

XML::Sablotron and Panther

2003-10-25 Thread Andrew Mace
I did a clean install of Panther last night and have been rebuilding my Perl
libraries.  Both libexpat and libsablot compiled ok, but when I try to
install the XML::Sablotron package, I get the following errors:

In file included from Sablotron.xs:89:
Processor/Processor.h: In function `SchemeHandlerGetAllStub':
Processor/Processor.h:286: warning: passing arg 3 of `Perl_sv_2pv_flags'
from incompatible pointer type
Processor/Processor.h: In function `SchemeHandlerGetStub':
Processor/Processor.h:410: warning: passing arg 3 of `Perl_sv_2pv_flags'
from incompatible pointer type
DOM/DOM.xsh: In function `XS_XML__Sablotron__DOM__Node_xql_ns':
DOM/DOM.xsh:643: warning: passing arg 3 of `Perl_sv_2pv_flags' from
incompatible pointer type
DOM/DOM.xsh:644: warning: passing arg 3 of `Perl_sv_2pv_flags' from
incompatible pointer type

When I restart Apache (I use PerlModule to preload XML::Sablotron), it dies
with the following message:

dyld: /usr/sbin/httpd Undefined symbols:

I noticed suggestions here:
and here:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg05579.html
among other places regarding 10.2, but they haven't fixed the problem.

Again, this is a clean install of Panther -- the only system setting I've
changed so far is adding /usr/local/bin to $PATH.  Is this an issue with
Apple's Perl 5.8.1 install, a compiler issue, a Sablotron issue, ...?

Any insights would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance