
This have been a problem as long as PDF has existed. The PDF format was
initially created as a simpler and smaller format than PostScript. It's like
PS not a format that was intended to be editable

There are some applicarions thought that you might like to try out.
The commersial "Solvere" from the german company One Vision
You may also try to parse a PDF into Illustrator, but then the structure
will be lost

Both are pretty expensive solutions and are not very good soulutions but

So I could not agree more: Build a simple, small,  inexpensive editor...

Torkjell Arnzten

On 22-08-05 17:59, "Joseph Alotta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think someone needs to build an editor for PDF files.  Maybe macros
> for emacs or vim.
> On Aug 21, 2005, at 4:16 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:
>> On Aug 20, 2005, at 7:52 PM, Rich Morin wrote:
>>> I'm interested in being able to perform simple edits on PDF files.
>>> For example, I might want to be able to change the colors of some
>>> characters and output the changed version.
>> I looked ad Apple's PDFKit, thinking there might be a solution, but
>> no. Lots of stuff for searching, annotating, and rearranging pages
>> - but no low-level editing functions like you describe. Which makes
>> sense - PDF is really more of a delivery format than an editing
>> format.
>> Do you have control over the source of these PDF documents? If so,
>> you could make your changes there, and maybe use Automator to build
>> up a workflow to create and manage the PDFs.
>> sherm--
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