psync Panther and sym links

2004-03-19 Thread Bill Metzinger
I can't find any references to my particular problem. I guess I'm 
special. I hope someone can shed a little light.

I've used psync for years on OSX. I call it from a shell script during 
my daily cron.
Everything worked great until Panther.
When psync runs it copies symbolic links like normal.
When I rerun it, psync thinks those symbolic links need to be copied 

Here's a simple way to duplicate my problem on all my Panther machines

Bill:/ bill$ mkdir thing1 thing2 thing3

Bill:/ bill$ ln -s thing3 thing1/thing3

Bill:/ bill$ psync thing1 thing2
Scanning Destination Directory thing2 ...
1 items found.
Scanning Source Item thing1 ...
2 items found.
   0 items to delete,
   0 items unchanged,
   1 items to copy.
copying items ...
+l thing1/thing3
fixing directory attributes ...
00755,bill,admin thing2
Bill:/ bill$ psync thing1 thing2
Scanning Destination Directory thing2 ...
2 items found.
Scanning Source Item thing1 ...
2 items found.
   0 items to delete,
   0 items unchanged,
   1 items to copy.
copying items ...
+l thing1/thing3
fixing directory attributes ...
The psync was reinstalled from the author's instructions with the 
Panther patch.
Thank you for your help.

}   Someday I'll look back on all this,
}   laugh nervously and change the subject

re: psync trouble

2003-09-25 Thread Bill Metzinger
I'm getting close.
psync doesn't seem to set file permissions. It sets directory 
permissions, sort of.

I'm looking at the browser Camino. My source file 
/ is set to 771.
When psync copies it, the target / is 
set to 644.
When I manually set it executable, the app launches fine. Problem 
solved by hand.
Shouldn't psync set file permissions as well? If not how can I modify 
it to do so?

Also, my psync output shows:
00776,admin,admin /test2/
but the directory looks to be 755:
drwxr-xr-x  72 root  admin  2448 Sep 25 10:13 Resources
Sorry if this is obvious, but it has me searching.

}  All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine,
}  education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads,
}  the fresh-water system and public health,
}  what have the Romans ever done for us?

Re: Perl 5.8 locale

2003-03-02 Thread Bill Metzinger
Thank you!
The link you provided led me to another
which had a script that created the environment.plist file and ended my 
locale problem.
Happy in Pennsylvania

Perl 5.8 locale

2003-03-02 Thread Bill Metzinger
I'm using OSXS 10.2.4. One of the perl modules I want needs me to 
upgrade my perl 5.6. So first I tried the Apple supplied 
Perl-5.8.0-MacOSX.tar.gz. That was a hassle free install but led to my 
following error. I thought going thru CPAN and getting stable.tar.gz 
would help. After the config and install I ended up in the same place:

Welcome to Darwin!
[iBookServer:~] admin% perl -v
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LC_ALL = (unset),
LANG = en
are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Failed to fall back to the standard locale (C).
This is perl, v5.8.0 built for darwin
Can someone tell me how to permanently fix this? The temporary setenv 
LC_ALL C works.
