Re: Leopard, Apache and CGI Uploads

2008-04-28 Thread Jay Savage
On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 4:59 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a Perl file upload script I'd been using for years under Apache 1 in
 Tiger. I haven't modified it in ages. No mod_perl, just and the
 default Perl installation. It's always worked fine for files of any size
 (some as many as a gigabyte and taking more than an hour to upload), but
 since upgrading to Leopard, with its Apache2 nonsense, the script fails on
 large files -- anything over a megabyte -- with this being output to the
 browser: Server closed socket during multipart read (client aborted?)..

  This is the only error message logged, too. I've tested this with multiple
 clients on different operating systems and it's the same every time, unless
 the file's smaller than 1MB, in which case the script executes as it should.
 I added a debugging line to the upload hook that runs when I first create my
 CGI query object, and it reports the bytes increasing up to a point, after
 which it keeps logging these messages but the number of bytes stays static.
 It's never the exact same number but the files always seem to fail above 1
 megabyte, with about 1.4 being the upper limit I've seen so far.

  Any ideas? Thanks

What makes you think that this is a Perl issue? reported that
the client closed the connection. Why haven't you investigated that?
Leopard made thousands of changes in addition to the Apache and
versions, including changes to the firewall and networking in general;
I'd take a good, hard look at your system preferences, first. and make
sure you don't have any other old conf files lying around that may be
cousing problems.

If you are certain that the problem is in your Perl script somewhere,
please include, in your next message a small sample script that
replicates the problem. It's very difficult to troubleshoot a
description. It's much easier to troubleshoot code.


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Re: MacPerl Script on OS X

2008-02-29 Thread Jay Savage
On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 7:13 PM, Ben Crane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Thanks for your response copied below. I really don't want to go to Perl 5.x
 and all that newfangled stuff.

 Here's my code ending with the offending line 7 according to my BBEdit error
 msg also copied below. I think the problem must be something simple. BBEdit
 says the syntax is OK, and it does run OK under Classic. I've tried
 different path name conventions, ( / instead of : ) but that doesn't seem to
 help. All files have 777 permissions.

 1 #!/usr/bin/perl
  3 # This script converts the file names of scans and images formed from the
 scans from consignor IDs
  4 # to lot IDs. The file g5hd:newScansImages:trans is formed by exporting
 from the filemakerPro records that
  5 # describe the lots and contain the images
  7 open (trans, g5hd:newScansImages:trans) or die Error, can't open;

Hi Ben,

First, you rinstinct to convert to OS X/unix-style filenames was correct.

Second, you'll want to add $! to your die messages. That will tell
you *why* the operation failed:

open (trans, g5hd:newScansImages:trans) or die Error, can't open: $!;

In this case, it's probably because the file doesn't exist, or your
script doesn't have read permissions for it, but you won't know for
sure until you see what $! returns on your system.

If the file does exist, make sure the user your script runs as can
read the file.

If the file doesn't exist, make sure you are opening the file in
read/write mode see perldoc open for more information, but something

open(TRANS, , path); # or
open(TRANS, , path);

should do what you need, depending on whether you need to read or write.

Also, keep in mind that filehandles should be barewords or variables,
not double-quoted strings. That can bite you later. By convention,
they're also usually uppercase. That makes it easier to tell the
difference between filehandles and other things.


-- jay
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Re: MacPerl Script on OS X

2008-02-28 Thread Jay Savage
On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 4:03 PM, Ben Crane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a Perl 4.X script that runs using MacPerl in Classic on my G5
  Mac but I can't get it to run using Perl in 10.4.11.

  What do I need to do to make it run?

  Thanks for any suggestions.

Upgrade it work with Perl 5.x ;)

Seriously, though: what errors are you seeing? Does it rely on any
modules? Perhaps more importantly: is it set to be executable on 10.x?
Remember that the permissions scheme is different on X, and if it was
set to run under MacPerl on Classic, it won't be executable by

Unfortunately, a *lot* has changed in the last 15 years (the last
perl4 release was in 1993), so I don't think anyone is going to be
able to give you a list of all the things that could be going wrong
off the tops of their heads.

Post the errors, though, and if possible the problematic code, and we can help.


-- jay
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Re: Strange problem with @INC

2007-01-10 Thread Jay Savage

On 1/9/07, Jesse Engel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

hmm, no, just the default /usr/bin/perl. i've thought about installing 5.8.8, 
but haven't yet. i
changed my shell to bash (doesn't everyone?) in both xterm and apple_terminal 
and i did make a
.bashrc in which i changed the default value of $PATH to this:

i am getting different outputs for echo $PATH; xterm returns more search paths. 
also, printenv
doesn't return a PERL5LIB under xterm. i guess a good way to modify $PERL5LIB 
would be cool,
although i have read from several sources that it is better to use lib 
/foo/bar; than to modify

You've installed fink at some point, and you've either used it to
install something Perl-related (maybe a utility that is written in
Perl? Psync? SpamAssassin?) and as part of that process, you or the
installer have updated your rc file to add directories under /sw to
$PERL5LIB (or to source a config file that does that). This probably
happened when you ran /sw/bin/ as recommended by the Fink
install quide.

This has nothing to do with; the only thing that touches
/sw is Fink. /sw doesn't even exist on the system until Fink creates
it, and any reference to /sw that exists in any path or environment
variable was set by either you or Fink.

See if your .profile or .bash_profile or .login or  other rc file (I'm
sure there are a few I've forgotten) doesn't have a line similar to

 test -r sw/bin/  . sw/bin/

It won't be in .bashrc, though, unless you added it yourself.

As I said before, you have two options here. Since reinstalling all
your Finked software manually probably isn't appealing, what you need
to do is use your .xinitrc file to setup the fink environment in X.
Either setup your PATH and PERL5LIB manually in .xinitrc (it works
just like any other rc file) or source /sw/bin/

Google xinitrc for the gory details; the Fink X FAQ with detailed
directions is actually the first hit.


-- jay
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perltidy and -w flag

2006-10-05 Thread Jay Savage

I've recently started using TextMaker to edit my Perl scripts after
many years of Emacs. On the whole I'm happy, but one thing really bugs
me: styling. I've never really used perltidy before--Emacs perl-mode
and cperl-mode have done everything I wanted. TextMate, though, uses
perltidy internally. I've got my flags pretty well set in ~/.perltidy,
but I can't for the life of me figure how to get it to stop putting
the '-w' flag on the shebang line. It also seems to occasionally eat
my 'use warnings;' when it does it.

Any thoughts?


-- jay
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Re: perltidy and -w flag

2006-10-05 Thread Jay Savage

On 10/5/06, Joseph Alotta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Some people like TextMate also.  I think it costs $29.


The results of a long night coding and not enough coffee...I've meant
TextMate all along.

Tonight: sleep.

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Re: perltidy and -w flag

2006-10-05 Thread Jay Savage

On 10/5/06, Paul McCann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Jay Savage wrote:

 I can't for the life of me figure how to get it to stop putting
 the '-w' flag on the shebang line. It also seems to occasionally eat
 my 'use warnings;' when it does it.

I've just tried to replicate this in TextMate (selecting Tidy via
the Perl bundle with a use warnings; line and no -w flag. A naked
called to Tidy --that is, I have no .perltidy file-- didn't change
anything except the indentation of some loops; do you still get the
overriding of warnings if you move your .perltidy aside? Just for the
record I have...

% perltidy --v
This is perltidy, v20060719
[...copyright stuff]

You beat me to it. I was just getting ready to follow up. As it turns
out, it's not perltidy; it's an insidious feature of TextMate. It
turns out that TextMate runs its filters on the file being edited--not
on the buffer. It then replaces the buffer with the output from the

In preparation for overhauling an inherited project, I was opening up
copies of some old files, modifying the shebang, adding 'use
warnings;' and running perltidy before I started editing in earnest.
When the '-w' kept reappearing, I thought it was perltidy being

I turns out, though, that was was really happening was TextMate
silently throwing out my unsaved edits before passing the file off to
perltidy. Or after it got the file back from perltidy, whichever way
you want to look at it.

I'm just glad I hadn't made any important changes. The bug report is
in the mail. The correct behavior, IMO, would be to filter the buffer.
I'd settle, though, for a you're about to clobber your unsaved
changes diag.

-- jay
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Fwd: DBD::mysql OS X

2006-08-03 Thread Jay Savage

nd again with the reply-to.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Jay Savage [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Aug 3, 2006 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: DBD::mysql OS X
To: Walter Copenhaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On 8/3/06, Walter Copenhaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Has someone manage to install DBD::mysql in Mac X Tiger.  Can anyone point
me to a tutorial or
how to do this.



Can you tell us specifically what problems you're having and what
errors you're seeing? Installations usually go pretty smoothly. Just:

   perl -MCPAN -e 'install DBD::mysql'

The only caveat I can think of is that the tests assume you're
installing DBD::mysql against a fresh MySQL installation with the root
password still unset. If you've already configured MySQL and set the
root password, the tests will all fail. Since it's a pretty stable
module, it's usually safe to just go ahead and force install, but you
may want to unset to root password during the installation to run the
tests. You'll also have to force install if the the server you're
planning to use is on a different machine. You can read all about it
at, but
here's the relevant part:

The DBD::mysql installation runs a number of tests. These tests
attempt to connect to the local MySQL server using the default
username and password. (The default username is your login name on
Unix, and ODBC on Windows. The default password is no password.) If
you cannot connect to the server with those values (for example, if
your account has a password), the tests fail. You can use force
install DBD::mysql to ignore the failed tests.

Some other common issues are at, but
they shouldn't apply to OS X.


-- jay
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Re: DBD::mysql OS X

2006-08-03 Thread Jay Savage

On 8/3/06, Sherm Pendley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Aug 3, 2006, at 10:41 AM, Jay Savage wrote:

 The only caveat I can think of is that the tests assume you're
 installing DBD::mysql against a fresh MySQL installation with the root
 password still unset.

They assume no such thing. They don't even assume that the server
against which you're going to run the tests is on the same machine.

I believe you, but this clearly contradicts docs, and the information
provided by MySQL themselves, see the MySQL reference manual at The
relevant portion is  The DBD::mysql installation runs a number of
tests. These tests attempt to connect to the local MySQL server using
the default username and password. (The default username is your login
name on Unix, and ODBC on Windows. The default password is no

Assuming that you run cpan via sudo, that means the tests attempt to
connect to the database as root, with no password. That's pretty clear
from the docs and, in fact, matches observed behavior.

Detailed instructions are provided with the module that detail how to
provide the user name, password, host name, and other information
with which to run the tests.

Indeed there are some arcane libs options and command line switches
buried in INSTALL.

Ok, I'll turn off the sarcasm, they're not really that obscure. But
few things in life bug me more than CPAN modules that can be installed
via normal CPAN methods.

 If you've already configured MySQL and set the
 root password, the tests will all fail.

No, the tests will fail if you haven't provided the necessary
information for them to connect. The root password *IS NOT*
necessary. You don't have to run the tests as root either - current versions allow you to run the first few steps of module
building and testing as an ordinary user, and run the final step as
sudo make install.

That's a very interesting point about recent versions, I'll
have to look into that, thanks!

We're going to have to quibble over the definition of requires,
though. fails by default unless I go in a change the source and/or
makefile fits my working definition of requires.

The only requirement for the tests is that the test database (which
need not be named 'test') exists, and that the test user is fully
authorized to perform any operation on that database. It will need to
create and drop tables, perform queries, insert and delete rows, etc.

I think we're quibbling over sematics here. But let me change that to
By default the tests will be run as the current user with a password
of ''. Under normal circumstances (i.e. sudo -MCPAN -e'install...)
that means the tests will require that root be able to connect to a
running MySQL server on the local machine with a null password.

 Since it's a pretty stable
 module, it's usually safe to just go ahead and force install

Agreed - provided that the tests failed with failed to log in
errors and not some other error.

 , but you
 may want to unset to root password during the installation to run the

Worst. Advice. Ever.

You absolutely DO NOT want to open up a huge gaping security hole in
your database.

Obviously my assumption here is that installing DBD::mysql is one of
the first steps in setting up a new mysql installation. In fact,
default configuration will fail to install if the database is anything
other than a clean installation. That may, of course, be a faulty
assumption, and I certainly wouldn't advise anyone to unset the root
password--or any other password--on a live database accepting
connections from the network.

In the CPAN shell, run the look DBD::mysql command. This will
download the latest tarball and unpack it, then open up a subshell so
that you can run the other commands manually.

In the subshell, run open INSTALL.html to open the installation
docs in your default web browser. Under the Source Installation
section, there's a Configuration section, where a number of options
are listed that you can pass to Makefile.PL. Determine what options
you want to use, then run the commands.

For example, if I wanted to connect to the 'testme' database on
'mydbserver.invalid', and log in as 'nobody_special' with password
'lemmein', I'd run this sequence of commands:

perl Makefile.PL --testdb=testme --testhost=mydbserver.invalid --
testuser=nobody_special --testpassword=lemmein
make test
sudo make install

Depending on how you've configured your CPAN shell - i.e. whether
you're already running as root or not - you may not need to use
sudo with the last step.

When you're done, use 'exit' or ctrl-d to leave the subshell and get
back up to the CPAN shell.

This is probably one of the best and most concise explanation I've
ever seen of's advanced features. Thanks again!

-- j
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Re: PerlTK's -clipboardAppend in OSX...?

2006-05-05 Thread Jay Savage

On 5/4/06, Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Correct. Quartz and X11 have different (actually, at least 3)
 clipboard systems that aren't shared. You can get around this by using
 copy in the munbar at the top of the screen. but in order to
 manage this clipboards entirely from within X11 (TK), you're going to
 need help. See the xcutsel application that's part of the standard X11
 build, or autocutsel from Fink. Alternatively, you can use XDarwin
 instead of the Apple X11 port. Recent versions of XDarwin synchronize
 the clipboards...most of the time. Note that Quartz does a good job of
 reading the X11 clipboard. Items cut in X11 should be available to

 Quartz apps. It's just doesn't work the other way around.

if it is possible to synchronize the clipboards...

Yes, see the man pages for the programs I mentioned.

perhaps this can be

done when the PerlTK methods which add or retrieve data from the
clipboard are called?

No. This isn't a TK issue. This is a window manager issue. TK only
knows about the clipboard for the window manager/server it is running
under. No X11 application can see the OSX clipboard. It doesn't matter
whether they are TK, Qt, or GTK applications.

Perhaps the developers of PerlTK can address this


Again, this has nothing to do with PerlTK, or even TK. Apple would
need to add support for the the Quartz clipboard to it's X11
distribution. If this really bothers you, talk to Apple. Or use
XDarwin instead of Apple's X11.

xcutsel and autocutsel do provide workarounds, though. Just add the
appropriate commands as callbacks on you cut and paste routines.

Alternatively, since the Finder is scriptable, you could probably use
Mac::Glue or a call to osascript to pass the values from the X11
clipboard to the quartz clipboard.

There are lots of solutions here, but none of them are built into TK,
nor can they be. If you want your program to interface with an
environment other than the one TK is running ni, it's up to you to
make the links.

If interoperability is important to you and the less-than-elegant
solutions available don't appeal to you, you could port the program to
CamelBones, which is a framework for building Cocoa applications in


-- jay
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daggerquill [at] gmail [dot] com

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Re: PerlTK's -clipboardAppend in OSX...?

2006-05-04 Thread Jay Savage

On 5/3/06, Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Anyone have trouble copying things to the clipboard using PerlTK's
-clipboardAppend...?  When I use it to put things in the clipboard, I
cannot paste the contents into other OSX apps like Textedit.  The
Paste option is available in the application, however no data appears
when one pastes.

Correct. Quartz and X11 have different (actually, at least 3)
clipboard systems that aren't shared. You can get around this by using
copy in the munbar at the top of the screen. but in order to
manage this clipboards entirely from within X11 (TK), you're going to
need help. See the xcutsel application that's part of the standard X11
build, or autocutsel from Fink. Alternatively, you can use XDarwin
instead of the Apple X11 port. Recent versions of XDarwin synchronize
the clipboards...most of the time. Note that Quartz does a good job of
reading the X11 clipboard. Items cut in X11 should be available to
Quartz apps. It's just doesn't work the other way around.


-- jay
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daggerquill [at] gmail [dot] com

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Re: print 3 up labels

2005-11-10 Thread Jay Savage
On 11/10/05, Joseph Alotta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I want to print Avery 6140 labels with name and address from a mac.
 Is there a library.  If not, does anyone know how to set a font and
 tab a certain number of inches to print 3 columns?

 Joe Alotta

A CPAN search is your best friend here. Avery label turns up
PostScript::MailLabels, labels, and Paper::Specs. Other search terms
will undoubtedly turn up other results. Take a look and see what works
for you.

-- jay
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Re: BBEdit/Interarchy

2005-06-02 Thread Jay Savage
On 6/2/05, Bill Stephenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jun 1, 2005, at 4:40 PM, Jay Savage wrote:
  Just upload the file to something like  It can
  take as long as it needs to transfer.  Once it's transferred, rename
  -- jay
  daggerquill [at] gmail [dot] com
 Thanks for the reply Jay,
 I've done that too, but it's a rather laborious solution to what must
 be a rather common task and I'm thinking there could be a more
 automated way to deal with it. Since both BBEdit and Interarchy are
 already built to work together I was hoping that someone more familiar
 with their guts may have worked on it already.
 So I guess what I'm asking is if there a way to get either of these
 apps to upload a file with a new name and rename it after the upload is
 complete with one click. Obviously, this doesn't entirely solve the
 problem, but it does reduce the potential.
 Kindest Regards,

The answer is probably no.  At least not out of the box.  It's not
really all that common, at least not any more: most mission critical
apps are maintained on reasonably high speed connections.  In most
cases if you're working on an application where a customer just
absolutely can't get a 505 error, ever. The comapany pays for a cable
or T1--or at least DSL--connection. And usually, if it's that
important, especially if you're using renaming to aviod connection
problems, you don't want the process to be automated.  You want to do
it by hand to make sure it works, and you want to verify the checksums
on both the download and the upload, just to be sure you've got
everything.  So no, this probably isn't as common as it seems,
although it was certainly more common 5 years ago.

That said, interarchy is extremely AppleScriptable.  You should be
able to whip up something fairly quickly.  If you poke around the
Interarchy users group (it's linked from the website) there may even
be something out there already.

Anothe option would be to set up a cron job on the server to
periodically rename files with a certain extension.


-- jay 

daggerquill [at] gmail [dot] com

Re: ?Tk on mac- Question from a novice

2005-04-15 Thread Jay Savage
 I'm trying to run a perl program my friend has written via komodo on his
 windows machine however it uses the tk module. Despite a few attempts I cant
 seem to install this on module on my mac. Any ideas? Am I missing something?
 Are there issues with on OSX?

Well, what errors is it giving you?  How are you trying to install it
(cpan, make it yourself)? What version of perl do you have?  Give us
the error messages you're getting.

What jumps immediately to mind is that the latest will only
install under perl 5.8.0+, but Jaguar shipped with 5.6.0.  So you'll
need to update your perl, if you haven't already.

But your problem could be something else entirely.  More info.



Re: How to mount FTP as volume?

2005-04-01 Thread Jay Savage
On Apr 1, 2005 12:35 PM, Joseph Alotta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Everyone,
 I kind of remember trying this, it sort of worked, ie, it made the
 but it was slow and unusable and the little wheel would just keep
 spinning until
 I killed the job.

And unless they changed things radically and I missed it, It doesn't
mount the server -rw, which makes it basically useless.  who mounts a
volume for *downloads*?
