Re: File Writing and CGI

2003-11-21 Thread gene
On Nov 20, 2003, at 11:41 PM, Gohaku wrote:

When I tried use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser)
I saw the following:
Internal Server Error
I also ran the script from a browser as Root and I still got the same 

Make sure that the script is executable by the user that apache runs 
as.  Something like:
chmod 744 my_script
sudo chown apache my_script

I'm actually not running apache on my machine, so I don't know if the 
apache user is 'apache'. If not adjust the command above accordingly.

Re: making Perl scripts run

2003-08-28 Thread gene
On Wednesday, August 27, 2003, at 04:56  PM, Charlie Root wrote:

mrsparkle ellem ~/code $
bash: command not found
mrsparkle ellem ~/code $ sudo chmod +x
mrsparkle ellem ~/code $
bash: command not found
mrsparkle ellem ~/code $ perl
Enter some letters and numbers:  ASF19
What am I doing wrong?  I'd like perl scripts to work without my 
typing perl first. is not in your path.  If you try:
it should run.
If you are running the default shell, tcsh, you can add the following 
line to ~/.cshrc:

setenv PATH ${PATH}:.

That way the current directory (.) is always in your path.

smalltime industries
Now in 2D!

Re: Restart Apache

2002-11-26 Thread gene

On Tuesday, November 26, 2002, at 11:55  AM, Jeremy Schwartz wrote:

I am trying to rotate my Apache logs using Cron and the following shell

# /bin/sh

mv /var/log/httpd/access_log /users/admin/logs/
apachectl restart

This script is set to 755 and is being executed by the root crontab. 
first line is executing correctly, the log file is moving out of
/var/log/httpd/ to /users/admin/logs/ but apache is not restarting.

My first guess is that apachectl is not in the path for the script.
Try putting in the full path for apachectl.

If that still doesn't work, have you checked the error log for apache
to see if it's dying on startup??

Re: unix or mac-style text files?

2002-11-19 Thread gene

An alternative is to read the entire file in (undef $/) and then split 

My suggestion is to put some code like this in your script:

local $/ = get_line_ending($fh);

sub get_line_ending {
	my $fh = shift;
	my $char;
	while (read $fh, $char, 1) {
		if ($char eq \n) {
			seek $fh, 0, 0;
			return \n;
		} elsif ($char eq \r) {
			if (read $fh, $char, 1 and $char eq \n) {
seek $fh, 0, 0;
return \r\n;
			} else {
seek $fh, 0, 0;
return \r;
	## what, no line ending?
	## return a reasonable default
	seek $fh, 0, 0;
	return \n;

This, of course assumes that you don't have some oddball case
where you have \r's in a unix file or something like that, but
if you're dealing with text files (which is the only place where
line endings should matter), that's unlikely.

Suggestions for the above code:
Move the sub into a module.
Put a byte counter in, so that you're not reading through a 5 Gig
file looking for a line ending.
I assume it's more efficient to read small chunks of bytes rather
than byte by byte.  For most text files this shouldn't matter, but
you may want to alter the reads and also the comparisons if you care.

Re: Adding path to @INC for use with web server

2002-10-10 Thread gene

 From: Adam Witney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 11:09:38 +0100
 Subject: Adding path to @INC for use with web server


 Searching the archives I have been able to find out how to get Perl to
 search other paths for modules when invoked from the terminal or from 
 apps such as BBEdit, however I cannot get them recognised by cgi 
 scripts. I
 read somewhere to add this line to httpd.conf

You can include this code in httpd.conf:

use lib '';

I assume that this directive requires mod_perl
Alternatively you can do
PerlRequire /../../
and then in that perl config file, include your 'use lib' code.

Slow file upload in 10.2

2002-09-19 Thread gene

I sent out this email a while ago and got no replies, so I'm trying one 
more time:

After updating to Mac OS 10.2, I've noticed that my perl file uploads 
(using HTTP::Request::Common) have slowed down by a lot.  Using 
tcpdump, I see that there is a long delay before the first packet is 
sent.  Playing around with file sizes, I found a very strong file-size 

File Size   Time till first packet
15M 4 sec
17M 76 sec
19M 180 sec
24M 555 sec

This is the test code:

use HTTP::Request::Common;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent-new();
$response = $ua-request(POST 'http://my_url_',
Content_type = 'form-data',
Content = [  upload_file = ['my_big_file...'] ].
print $response-content;

That 24M file, which used to take a minute or two, now takes over nine 
minutes before the upload even starts.  I just tried updating my perl 
installation to 5.8.0, but that didn't help.  At this point, I don't 
know if this is a perl problem or not.


Slow file upload in 10.2

2002-09-06 Thread gene

After updating to Mac OS 10.2, I've noticed that my perl file uploads 
(using HTTP::Request::Common) have slowed down by a lot.  Using 
tcpdump, I see that there is a long delay before the first packet is 
sent.  Playing around with file sizes, I found a very strong file-size 

File Size   Time till first packet
15M 4 sec
17M 76 sec
19M 180 sec
24M 555 sec

This is the test code:

use HTTP::Request::Common;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent-new();
$response = $ua-request(POST 'http://my_url_',
Content_type = 'form-data',
Content = [  upload_file = ['my_big_file...'] ].
print $response-content;

That 24M file, which used to take a minute or two, now takes over nine 
minutes before the upload even starts.  I just tried updating my perl 
installation to 5.8.0, but that didn't help.  At this point, I don't 
know if this is a perl problem or not.
