# An example that tells it all:
#   1 + 1/20  = 1.05    = 1.00 0011     : bit52 = 0, bit53 = 1
#   1 + 1/40  = 1.025   = 1.000 0011    : bit52 = 0, bit53 = 0
#   1 + 1/80  = 1.0125  = 1.0000 0011   : bit52 = 1, bit53 = 0
#   1 + 1/160 = 1.00625 = 1.00000 0011  : bit52 = 1, bit53 = 1
# where
#   1.00 0011 means
#   1.000011001100110011001100110011001100110011... base 2,
# and similarly for the other binary representations.
# Also bit52 and bit53 are the 52nd and 53rd bits after the point.

# The results:
  printf "%.1f\n", 1.05;     # produces  1.1
  printf "%.2f\n", 1.025;    # produces  1.02
  printf "%.3f\n", 1.0125;   # produces  1.012
  printf "%.4f\n", 1.00625;  # produces  1.0063

# This is 52-bit precision with rounding arithmetic. Sprintf rounds a
# number up or down according as the 53rd bit in the binary
# representation of the number is set or not. (The 52nd bit would be
# the indicator with 52-bit precision and truncating arithmetic.)

*---* mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|     Victor Thane Norton, Jr.
|     Mathematician and Motorcyclist
|     phone: 419-353-3399
*---* http://vic.norton.name

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