At 1:01 AM -0400 4/16/02, Chris Devers wrote:
>On Mon, 15 Apr 2002, Puneet Kishor wrote:
>>  sorry guys, maybe I'll lurk, maybe I'll leave, maybe I'll go back to my
>No no no, please don't leave.
>Please accept my deep & sincere apologies for what I wrote.
>Chris Devers

May I say that:
1.  Chris' comments were inappropriate, and those he named should not 
feel that he represents a majority, or even substantial portion, of 
the subscribers to this list.
2.  Chris has promptly and forthrightly apologized; any further 
discussion that does not acknowledge this would seem inappropriate.
3.  Of the several hundred posts to this list so far in 2002, all but 
a few have been constructive and useful to some subscribers.
4.  While Chris has learned a particular lesson in list civility, 
others in this thread might learn the lesson that they were rudely 
treated just for joining in the conversation -- but I wish they would 
consider a different lesson: that focused questions lead to more 
interesting answers and wider participation.
5.  As I read the thoughtful posts in this thread I found myself 
growing impatient. The original question was so broad that it lost 
its anchor almost immediately. This is the only problem with the 
early posts; the mistake in the later posts was to not see that a 
very small number of folks were taking a lot of air time circling 
around a vague topic.
6.  These mistakes don't reflect the ideas or programming skills of 
the posters.
7.  Mistakes were made, and when we want to learn, mistakes are our friends.


   - Bruce


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