Re: problem with gd (dyld: perl Undefined symbols: )

2002-11-05 Thread Puneet Kishor

On Monday, November 4, 2002, at 11:49  AM, Bill Stephenson wrote:

Do none of your scripts work? Or is it just the one you're having
trouble with?

I've mentioned before that you can install both gd.c and necessary 
libs AND with Fink. I don't have 10.2 so this may be of no use to you, 
but it's
worth a shot...

Hi Bill,

Thanks for replying.

First, I finally got everything to work late last night. For the sake 
of the archives, and the benefit of other newbies like me, here is what 
I found. The dyld: perl Undefined symbols:  error is because of 
incompatible libraries. In my case, the errors were connected with gd 
(when I say gd, I mean gd the library, when I say GD I refer to, 
Lincoln Stein's perl interface to the libary).

My errors were thus --

dyld: perl Undefined symbols:

hence I knew something in my perl or my perl interface to the gd 
library was incompatible with my gd. I was not using I am using 
mapscript (part of the mapserver bundle). The problem was, everything 
worked in 10.1.2. Since I did not upgrade the stock Apple perl, I would 
venture the problem was caused by cpan that might have, at some point 
in time, jinxed my box with incompatible libraries.

I never had any problem installing gd the library. That part was cool. 
The problem was with the mapserver interface to gd.

When I compile mapserver (which generates the perlvars used by the 
Makefile.PL to create the mapscript.bundle and .pm), I can point the 
configure script to my libgd.a (which is what I kept doing, but kept on 
getting the resulting errors) OR point the configure script to gd.h in 
my gd src tree (which is what I did last night and finally got 
everything to work correctly).

The moral of the story... dyld: perl Undefined symbols:  error is 
because of incompatible libraries. The key is in figuring out the 
incompatible libraries. The inability to do that early was what caused 
me all the heartburn.

Unix is utterly fascinating, and confounding. Sometimes I find it 
easier to do opensource development on Windows, especially given 
Activestate's most excellent job in creating Activeperl and ppm. Yet, 
when things work, Unix is s much fun. Just wish Activestate would 
turn to Unix.

Kind of segues into Sherm's request for opinions on packaging 
Camelbones. Whatever it takes to make it easy to deliver applications 
to end-users... I just don't want to myself (or have others) spend more 
time trying to make perl (or its dependencies) than to actually 
creating an application, or working with an application.



Re: problem with gd (dyld: perl Undefined symbols: )

2002-11-04 Thread Bill Stephenson
Do none of your scripts work? Or is it just the one you're having
trouble with?

I've mentioned before that you can install both gd.c and necessary libs AND with Fink. I don't have 10.2 so this may be of no use to you, but it's
worth a shot...


Bill Stephenson

 From: Puneet Kishor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2002 17:26:44 -0600
 To: rich allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: problem with gd (dyld: perl Undefined symbols: )
 I installed to try and determine whether something was
 wrong with my gd. Of course, none of that has helped.

problem with gd (dyld: perl Undefined symbols: )

2002-11-02 Thread Puneet Kishor

I am proceeding nowhere, and I am hoping someone on this list can point 
me toward a solution. I have gd 1.8.4 installed and Apple's stock perl 
5.6.0. Everytime I run this one perl program that uses gd, I get the 
following error --

dyld: perl Undefined symbols:

Searching around on Google I discover that this dynaloader failure 
seems to be associated with incompatible modules. It seems that for 
some reason make install doesn't always completely overwrite the 
files in /Library/Perl. It is suggested that I can remove the shared 
libraries like this:
	% find /Library/Perl -name '*.bundle' -print | xargs rm -i

I want to remove nothing unless I am sure of the results so I do the 
following --

[lucknow:/Library/Perl] pkishor% sudo find . -name '*.bundle'

I see there is the GD.bundle that, I think, might be causing the 
incompatibility problem. Except, I was getting the above messages even 
before I installed Anyway, I back up the GD.bundle, and try 
building everything again... still no success. Exactly the same problem.

Here is the interesting thing -- Everything worked with 10.1.x using 
the same version of all other programs involved. Btw, I thought the 
problem might be because I had built gd with gcc 2.95 (one of the 
programs I need to build requires gg 2.95). But that is also not the 
problem because I rebuilt gd with gcc 3.1 and still got the same error.

Seems like my Perl is incompatible with my gd, or the perl module I am 
using (mapscript.bundle above) that incompatible with my gd. Except, I 
don't how to resolve this. I can't ask the mapscript makers because 
they don't use OS X, and besides, the same mapscript worked fine with 
10.1.x anyway. I know you folks may not know about mapscript, but you 
are perl and OS X gurus. So, I stand a better chance here.

Many tia,


Re: problem with gd (dyld: perl Undefined symbols: )

2002-11-02 Thread rich allen
i used these instruction to get gd working,( taken from which is now an invalid link)

to install png.lib

Library:	png
Version:	1.0.8
Author:	Coming Soon.
Description:	Coming Soon.
Source:	the exact URL coming soon
Porter:	Randal Cox
Status: 	Successful Port
How To:	Slightly complicated install.
Become root. create a link ln -s /usr/share/man /usr/local/man
Decompress the archive, cd into it
cp scripts/makefile.std ./makefile(in place of ./configure)
Edit makefile.cfg and make these changes
make test
make install

to install jpeg.lib

Library:	jpeg
Version:	6b
Author:	Coming Soon.
Description:	Coming Soon.
Source:	the exact URL coming soon
Porter:	Randal Cox
Status: 	Successful Port
How To:	Slightly complicated install.
Become root. create a link ln -s /usr/share/man /usr/local/man
Decompress the archive, cd into it
Edit makefile.cfg and make these changes
add '-I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include' to CFLAGS
add '-L/usr/lib -L/usr/local/lib' to LDLIBS
make test (see below)
make install
make install-lib
make install-headers
Make sure you run the unusual make install targets or you'll have 
trouble linking with other ports. I am really not sure what the point 
of the make install target is...
to install gd.lib

Perl Mods
Library:	gd
Version:	1.8.3
Author:	Coming Soon.
Description:	Coming Soon.
Source:	the exact URL coming soon
Porter:	Randal Cox
Status: 	Successful Port
How To:	Slightly complicated install.
Become root.
Decompress the archive, cd into it
Edit Makefile and make these changes
add -ljpeg to LIBS
INCLUDEDIRS=-I. -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include
LIBDIRS=-L. -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/lib
make(gives a ranlib error)
ranlib /usr/local/lib/*.a(force update the static library)
make test(no actual test - but works, so I think it's OK)
make install

to install

Perl Mods
Perl Module:
Version:	1.32
Author:	Coming Soon.
Description:	Coming Soon.
Source: - the exact URL coming soon
Porter:	Randal Cox
Status: 	Successful
How To:	Slightly complicated install.
Become root. Decompress the archive, cd into it, then type
Edit Makefile.PL and make these changes
add -I/usr/include to the INC line,
add -L/usr/lib to the LIBPATH line
perl Makefile.PL(answer y, n, n)
make(bails with a ranlib error)
ranlib /usr/local/lib/*.a(update the static libraries)
make(works fine this time)
make test(no errors)
make install
On Saturday, Nov 2, 2002, at 09:44 America/Anchorage, Puneet Kishor 


I am proceeding nowhere, and I am hoping someone on this list can 
point me toward a solution. I have gd 1.8.4 installed and Apple's 
stock perl 5.6.0. Everytime I run this one perl program that uses gd, 
I get the following error --

Searching around on Google I discover that this dynaloader failure 
seems to be associated with incompatible modules. It seems that for 
some reason make install doesn't always completely overwrite the 
files in /Library/Perl. It is suggested that I can remove the shared 
libraries like this:
	% find /Library/Perl -name '*.bundle' -print | xargs rm -i

I see there is the GD.bundle that, I think, might be causing the 
incompatibility problem. Except, I was getting the above messages even 
before I installed Anyway, I back up the GD.bundle, and try 
building everything again... still no success. Exactly the same 

Here is the interesting thing -- Everything worked with 10.1.x using 
the same version of all other programs involved. Btw, I thought the 
problem might be because I had built gd with gcc 2.95 (one of the 
programs I need to build requires gg 2.95). But that is also not the 
problem because I rebuilt gd with gcc 3.1 and still got the same  error.

Seems like my Perl is incompatible with my gd, or the perl module I am 
using (mapscript.bundle above) that incompatible with my gd. Except, I 
don't how to resolve this. I can't ask the mapscript makers because 
they don't use OS X, and besides, the same mapscript worked fine with 
10.1.x anyway. I know you folks may not know about mapscript, but you 
are perl and OS X gurus. So, I stand a better chance here.

Re: problem with gd (dyld: perl Undefined symbols: )

2002-11-02 Thread Puneet Kishor

Thanks, but I was able build gd 1.8.4 (and libpng and libjpeg) 
correctly following Scott Anguish's instructions on (see The 
reason I think the instructions I followed are cool is because 
everything worked in 10.1.x with gd built using the same instructions.

Wrt, I really don't need that for my programs. I initially 
installed everything (under 10.2.x) the way I had under 10.1.x because 
things had worked fine. When I discovered things were not working 
properly, I installed to try and determine whether something was 
wrong with my gd. Of course, none of that has helped.


On Saturday, November 2, 2002, at 03:44  PM, rich allen wrote:

i used these instruction to get gd working,( taken from which is now an invalid link)

On Saturday, Nov 2, 2002, at 09:44 America/Anchorage, Puneet Kishor 


I am proceeding nowhere, and I am hoping someone on this list can 
point me toward a solution. I have gd 1.8.4 installed and Apple's 
stock perl 5.6.0. Everytime I run this one perl program that uses gd, 
I get the following error --

Searching around on Google I discover that this dynaloader failure 
seems to be associated with incompatible modules. It seems that for 
some reason make install doesn't always completely overwrite the 
files in /Library/Perl. It is suggested that I can remove the shared 
libraries like this:
	% find /Library/Perl -name '*.bundle' -print | xargs rm -i

I see there is the GD.bundle that, I think, might be causing the 
incompatibility problem. Except, I was getting the above messages 
even before I installed Anyway, I back up the GD.bundle, and 
try building everything again... still no success. Exactly the same 