I'm getting close.
psync doesn't seem to set file permissions. It sets directory permissions, sort of.

I'm looking at the browser Camino. My source file /Camino.app/Contents/MacOS/Camino is set to 771.
When psync copies it, the target /Camino.app/Contents/MacOS/Camino is set to 644.
When I manually set it executable, the app launches fine. Problem solved by hand.
Shouldn't psync set file permissions as well? If not how can I modify it to do so?

Also, my psync output shows:
00776,admin,admin /test2/Camino.app/Contents/Resources
but the directory looks to be 755:
drwxr-xr-x  72 root  admin  2448 Sep 25 10:13 Resources

Sorry if this is obvious, but it has me searching.

} All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, } education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, } the fresh-water system and public health, } what have the Romans ever done for us?

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