Well, I think I sorta have it working...

I used the menu item:  File/Update Projects and Events.  I had tried this 
earlier and it didn't work.  It turns out that it will only work if the various 
iMovie folders on the external disk are at the top level.  In my case, they 
were originally several levels deep.  I moved them to the top level of the 
external disk and tried the Update command again and this time it worked.  
Also, I found that once I did the update, I could move the various iMovie 
folders back where they were and things still seemed OK.

There were a few other hassles along the way.  I think things would have worked 
better if I had known about the top level requirement from the beginning.  
However, I had already "updated" my iMovie events -- I read somewhere that I 
could just double click on iMovie Library and it would update/convert the 
iMovie events.  This seemed to work for the events, but I did not know how to 
update/convert my projects.

I hope this helps someone else.


> On May 8, 2016, at 12:24 PM, Dinse, Gregg (NIH/NIEHS) [C] 
> <di...@niehs.nih.gov> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have not used iMovie for a while.  In the mean time, I have switched macs 
> and upgraded MacOSX.  My iMovie files and folders are on an external 
> thunderbolt drive.  When I started iMovie today, it could not find any of my 
> old files.  I went into iMovie Preferences, but I did not see a way to point 
> to a different location for my iMovie Library or iMovie Projects or iMovie 
> Events.  In fact, the Preferences panel seemed pretty useless.
> I found some instructions online for using an iMovie Library on an external 
> disk.  Basically, I deleted the iMovie Library that is automatically created 
> in my home directory on the internal disk and then I double clicked on the 
> iMovie Library located on the external disk.  This allowed iMovie (version 
> 10.1.1) to see the events in my iMovie Events folder (on the external disk).  
> The events are now listed in the bar along the left side of the main window 
> and all looks fine.
> How do I access my iMovie Projects folder on the external disk?  I found 
> stuff online about how to move the iMovie Projects folder from an internal 
> disk to an external disk, but I did not find anything about how to point 
> iMovie to a Projects folder on an external disk when there is no Projects 
> folder on the internal disk.
> When I click on Projects from within iMovie, I see place holders for my 11 
> projects.  The names are correct, but there is a generic icon for each, with 
> a question mark and the phrase "Missing File".  When I right click and choose 
> play, the between-clip transitions that I added are still there, but the main 
> clips (imported from a camcorder) have question marks and it says something 
> like "clip missing -- try importing again from original source material".  I 
> doubt that I even have most of the original clips.  I do have all of the 
> material in an iMovie Projects directory on my external drive.
> Can someone tell me how to point iMovie to this new location?  Or, in other 
> words, how can I access my iMovie Projects that are located on an external 
> disk, which were probably not properly moved to that external disk?
> Thanks,
> Gregg

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