Enlarging a sparse image

2022-07-02 Thread Michael
So what I want to do: Enlarge a sparse image to make room for a rebuilt b-tree.

What happened: I normally backup my system onto a sparse bundle time machine 
image. And then that bundle (all the bands files) can be sent to an offsite 
backup service.

While this may seem odd, it has the benefit that the time machine drive 
contains all the permission and ownership information correctly (otherwise lost 
in the backup service which stores the data, not the meta-data). 

The problem? Drive failure, restore drive from the service, and the time 
machine drive is not consistent.

So far this is as-expected, actually. Since the data is being updated as it's 
being copied out, having a file system that needs repairing is expected.

What I did next: Attached the sparse bundle of the time machine backup with a 
shadow image file, and then try to fsck it.

Came back with a damaged b-tree that needs to be rebuilt. And not enough space 
on the drive image to rebuild it.

So the next idea was to try to resize the sparse bundle. The restore data came 
back on an 8 TB drive, when it was just about 6 TB of data -- so there's room 
to make it bigger.

Problem: I can't find a way to enlarge an *unmounted* disk image. 
I can't mount it without cleaning it.
And I can't clean it without enlarging it.

Does anyone see a way to make this happen?

The goal is to make the disk image (.sparsebundle/) bigger to permit fsck to 

My first thought is to just edit the sparsebundle info file to be bigger; but 
that's the equivalent of a bigger drive without a bigger file system, and then 
still has the problem of how do you enlarge a filesystem that won't mount (does 
anyone know if this is doable?)

(The last option is, I believe, disk warrior which I believe permits doing an 
in-memory rebuilt b-tree for accessing data off the disk).

Oh -- during all this, I discovered that shadow mounting is *disk image only*, 
you cannot actually mount a drive itself as a shadow mount (there's 50+gb free 
on another drive, I could easily work with that) to keep it "recoverable" if 
something fails.
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: [amugtalk] Splitting screens

2021-11-03 Thread Michael
Dual window support on the mac is painful.

In older version (10.9.5), left/right works just fine. Vertical will sort-of 
work, if the menu bar is on the top window, and the widths of the screens 
match. And this will work *until* you right click. (Or maybe it was when a 
context menu came up -- I never tested in a drawing program where right 
clicking just changed to the other pen.)

The real problem is the "full screen" concept.
In 10.9.5, "full screen" has two different implementations. One is "Make this 
window content cover this entire screen, but do not alter the second screen." 
This is the *good* system. It lets me use my 720p monitor to watch a 720p video 
while doing something else.

The second concept, and apparently the only concept in 10.12, is "Switch to a 
new space. Blank out all windows, fill this content to the current monitor, and 
make all other monitors useless. Disable space changing".

My computer ** IS FOR MULTITASKING**.
Apple seems to feel "One task to rule them all".

Back in ... was it 10.4? 10.5? I could close a window, and go to the next 
window. I could have multiple spaces, and each space would have multiple apps 
open, and I only had to worry about the windows that were on the active space.

Today? I close a window and go to the next window *of that app*. If I'm on one 
space, and close a window, I might get switched to a different space to see a 
window of that same app. The very idea that I might need to work with multiple 
apps to work on a single project? Nope. 

Apple's approach of Single-app tasking fits the whole "You want full screen, 
you get a space dedicated to one window", and the whole "You can't go back to 
the last window, you go to another window of this app".

It's painful.

My next computer will be linux.

> On 2021-10-31, at 3:53 PM, Macs R We  wrote:
> Well that was insightful.
> The behavior seems to be connected with the option, "Displays have separate 
> Spaces." I guess it makes sense that OS X might have some indigestion 
> figuring out how to split half a page onto "Desktop 2" and the other half 
> onto "Desktop 7."
> When I turned it off, I was able to split a window between two displays, 
> mostly (if I dragged more than about half of it onto the lower display, it 
> snapped entirely to that display, but I could drag it back upwards and get it 
> to stick). But I couldn't grow it to encompass more than one display, no 
> matter what I did, which I can achieve trivially under Windows (on the Mac).
> But in that mode, the machine was operationally lobotomized. When you flip to 
> a different desktop on one display to double-check a piece of data, the data 
> you needed to compare it to on the lower display flips away from you. Maybe 
> I'm just too used to working in the "independent displays" mode, but that was 
> a non-starter for me, so I won't be using it.
> But thanks for clearing up my question.
>> On Oct 31, 2021, at 2:58 PM, Robert Zusman > > wrote:
>> I suspect that may have something to do with it.
>> My Mojave system splits windows just fine (the left monitor stops just after 
>> the “send mail” button):
>> -RZ
>>> On Oct 31, 2021, at 2:54 PM, Macs R We >> > wrote:
>>> Well, I'm using "multiple Desktops" in Mission Control, which superseded 
>>> the original Spaces.
 On Oct 31, 2021, at 2:43 PM, Robert Zusman >>> > wrote:
 Are you using “Spaces?”
> On Oct 31, 2021, at 2:36 PM, Macs R We  > wrote:
> I run a two-display system on my bench, with one display (wall mount) 
> positioned over the other (laptop).
> When I was running Windows recently in Parallels (which picks up that 
> there are two screens and uses them), I noticed that if I dragged a 
> screen halfway between the two displays, it stayed there just fine, split 
> between displays. Or, I could grow a screen to encompass both displays, 
> giving me stuff like extra-long browser windows or galley copies.
> It triggered a long-ago memory of being able to do exactly this on the 
> Mac, in the classic OS. But I can't do it today. 
> If I try to drag a window halfway between two monitors, it will show a 
> "ghost" copy of the bottom of the window on the lower screen until I 
> release the window, then only the upper half of the window will show, on 
> the upper screen. (If the displays are arranged side-by-side, a similar 
> thing happens, with the partial window available only on the leftmost 
> screen.)
> This has resulted numerous times in a "lost window" syndrome, where I 
> move a window slightly to the left or right, but inadvertently manage to 
> fat-finger it upwards as well. Suddenly the whole window vanishes, save 
> for a sliver on the upper screen that is near invisible, 

Re: Let's Encrypt DST Root CA X3 Expiration

2021-10-07 Thread Michael
(Moving from macports to macos-talk)

I am still having a problem with this.
I've managed to get the DST root into my system as "trusted for all users".
But the ISRG root is only marked as "trusted for this account" as my normal 
user ID, and it fails to authenticate for a process that runs as root.

Attempting this security command --
>  sudo security -v add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k 
> /System/Library/Keychains/SystemRootCertificates.keychain isrgrootx1.pem

does not change it from "this account" to "all users", and I cannot figure out 
how to make that change.

Can anyone help me?

On 2021-10-02, at 8:25 PM, raf  wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 02, 2021 at 08:06:27PM -0700, Michael  wrote:
>> So, first, I want to say "Thank you" for this bit:
>>> • From View menu select "Show Expired Certificates"
>> In keychain access, I could not see the expired certs, and was
>> thinking that they were just deleted for being old. Once I could find
>> the old ones, I could turn them back on.
> Ah, that explains why I couldn't see it. :-)
>> The second thing is that for whatever reason, I could not download
>> and install the new cert into keychain access. But ... oddly, Firefox
>> 52 ESR had that cert installed (even that old ...???). I could export
>> from firefox, and import THAT into keychain access, and at least
>> enable that for my account.
>> So, ... well, not perfect. These certs are marked as trusted for *my
>> account*. Not for the system. So predictably, some things done by the
>> system in the background will fail, but at least Chrome and Firefox
>> both now work fine. (Safari isn't tested, but ... well, Safari isn't
>> tested :=-).
> On 10.6.8, I wasn't able to add to the system keychain
> via the Keychain Access GUI (even after unlocking it),
> but I was able to do it using the "security" command
> following these instructions:
>  How do I update my root certificates on an older version of Mac OS (e.g. El 
> Capitan)?
> https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/422332/how-do-i-update-my-root-certificates-on-an-older-version-of-mac-os-e-g-el-capi
> If you have ISRG Root X1 as a .pem file, something like this
> should import it into the "System" keychain:
>  sudo security -v add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k 
> /Library/Keychains/System.keychain isrgrootx1.pem
> For the "System Roots" keychain, instead of the "System" keychain:
>  sudo security -v add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k 
> /System/Library/Keychains/SystemRootCertificates.keychain isrgrootx1.pem
> I don't know if it matters which of these keychains it goes into.
> cheers,
> raf

This message was composed with the aid of a laptop cat, and no mouse

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Uninstalling something (X11 specifically)

2021-01-30 Thread Michael
Is there a way, in general, to uninstall something?

For the specific case of X11 -- I had installed XQuartz 2.7.11, and it 
apparently is too new for an older program -- what do I need to remove in 
addition to the /opt/X11 directory? What else do I need to do?

Simply trying to install a lower version doesn't work -- apparently the 
installer won't replace a "newer" version with an older one.

I'm trying to use a commercial program that was developed back in 2012, and 
worked against the version of X back in 10.7 and 10.8, or even the oldest 
10.9's. But it fails completely against the macports version, or even the 
latest from XQuartz, so I'm now going back to the oldest XQuartz I can run to 
see if it works better.

This message was composed with the aid of a laptop cat, and no mouse

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Using X11?

2021-01-05 Thread Michael

On 2021-01-05, at 4:37 AM, George N. White III  wrote:

> On Tue, 5 Jan 2021 at 03:41, Michael  wrote:
> On 2021-01-04, at 5:07 AM, George N. White III  wrote:
> > Both X.org and  macOS have been adding measures to beef up security, which 
> > was not 
> > much of an issue years ago.You need to start XQuartz "by the book" so 
> > that it runs 
> > with the needed  privileges.   
> > 
> Ok, what is starting XQuartz "by the book"? What's the proper way to start it 
> up?
> Just launch XQuartz from the Applications folder or run “open -a XQuartz”.  
> By default, 
> this should open an X terminal.  The FAQ tells you how to change that 
> behaviour, and 
> has some other information about related scripts   

Hey, that works :-)

System log has this interesting info after startup:

Jan  5 10:53:38 keybounceMBP org.macosforge.xquartz.startx[19935]: expr: syntax 
Jan  5 10:53:38 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Jan  5 10:53:38 keybounceMBP org.macosforge.xquartz.startx[19935]: xauth:  file 
/Users/michael/.serverauth.19936 does not exist
Jan  5 10:53:39 keybounceMBP org.macosforge.xquartz.startx[19935]: xauth: 
(argv):1:  bad display name "keybounceMBP:0" in "list" command
Jan  5 10:53:39 keybounceMBP org.macosforge.xquartz.startx[19935]: xauth: 
(stdin):1:  bad display name "keybounceMBP:0" in "add" command
Jan  5 10:53:40 keybounceMBP X11.bin[19926]: NSURLConnection/CFURLConnection 
HTTP load failed (kCFStreamErrorDomainSSL, -9807)
Jan  5 10:53:41 keybounceMBP org.macosforge.xquartz.startx[19935]: 
/opt/X11/bin/xinit: XFree86_VT property unexpectedly has 0 items instead of 1

Seeing math errors in the startup script (expr), and then seeing the "obvious" 
display name not work makes me concerned.
$DISPLAY is, even under that xterm window, 

Also, I thought this was how you got a window to show up on the second monitor:
bash-3.2$ xterm -display :1
xterm: Xt error: Can't open display: :1

And ... oh dear lord, can you please tell me how to make the default font size 
24 point for normal text and 18 point for fixed-width? Or at least tell me 
which help command to start with?

(Bonus if you tell me how to set font face/family as well :-)

> Are you using a fresh install of Mavericks?   
> There is a collection of old bug reports that may be helpful:
> Try google with "site:https://github.com/XQuartz IPC failure: Operation not 
> permitted"
> Have you (or some application) set DYDL_LIBRARY_PATH "(without understanding 
> how it works)"?
> Another bug report was traced to someone (or some application) replacing a 
> system utility with an "unsigned" 
> 3rd party program.   Messing with the PATH variable could also result in 
> attempting to use an "unsigned"
> utility.
> -- 
> George N. White III

Entertaining minecraft videos

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Using X11?

2021-01-04 Thread Michael

On 2021-01-04, at 5:07 AM, George N. White III  wrote:

> Both X.org and  macOS have been adding measures to beef up security, which 
> was not 
> much of an issue years ago.You need to start XQuartz "by the book" so 
> that it runs 
> with the needed  privileges.   

Ok, what is starting XQuartz "by the book"? What's the proper way to start it 
This message was composed with the aid of a laptop cat, and no mouse

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Using X11?

2021-01-03 Thread Michael

On 2021-01-03, at 5:21 AM, George N. White III  wrote:

> On Sat, 2 Jan 2021 at 22:05, Michael  wrote:
>> On 2021-01-02, at 7:07 AM, George N. White III  wrote:
>> > On Fri, 1 Jan 2021 at 23:47, Michael  wrote:
>> >> I'm having trouble with X windows. I have 10.9.5, and I have downloaded X 
>> >> from https://www.xquartz.org/releases/XQuartz-2.7.11.html.
>> >> 
>> >> I not only logged out, I restarted my computer.
>> >> 
>> >> I still cannot get it to start up. Running xinit gave this in the log:
>> >> Jan  1 19:39:57 keybounceMBP org.macosforge.xquartz.X11.stub[28817]: 
>> >> launch_msg("CheckIn") IPC failure: Operation not permitted
>> >> 
>> > This error has been seen before: 
>> > 
>> > https://superuser.com/questions/429426/fink-hangs-with-ipc-failure-operation-not-permitted
>> > 
>> > https://lists.apple.com/archives/x11-users/2012/Jan/msg4.htm
>> > 
>> [...]
>> >> I am in need of the X11 from xquartz, and not the one from macports, 
>> >> because I have an old commercial program I'm trying to run that is linked 
>> >> against the stuff in /opt/X11 specifically.
>> >>  
>> >> 
>> >> How do I make this work?
>> >> 
>> > Is the commercial developer still active?  Have you been able to run 
>> > xquartz in the past?   You may need a different startup script or some 
>> > permission tweaks.
>> I have never needed X in the past, this is my first time. In theory they are 
>> still around, but the program in question is no longer maintained, and the 
>> mac version never got the frame rate of the windows/linux versions, so it 
>> was never a big focus. The company's focus has shifted -- apparently their 
>> engine is more valuable for simulation companies than being used for a game 
>> engine. But: This program is not the issue. This is a plain X issue.
> If it was a "plain X issue" you wouldn't be tied to the longer supported 
> XQuartz implementation and could try the macports version.   It might, 
> however, be worth installing the macports version to see if it will run, and 
> if so to compare with the startup scripts and permissions for the XQuartz 
> version.

xinit is now a binary, not a script, so I can't do any comparisons.
I do need to get the XQuartz version running for this commercial program.
But the point is, XQuartz should be able to launch itself. Right? This version 
of X should still run, even if it is 4 years old, right?

>> How do I get X to start up? Keep in mind -- this is just the STOCK, 
>> UNMODIFIED xinit and the corresponding X server. So this is just some sort 
>> of installation / configuration issue with the basic xquartz.
> Are you starting XQuartz from the command line or using the icon?
> https://lists.apple.com/archives/x11-users/2014/Sep/msg2.html 

I am starting X by running "xinit" (from the command line), and expecting it to 
do all the stuff needed to start up the X server.

The last time I used X was on sun nodes back at UCLA, and that was all it took 

> Did you check for the "-iokit" flag mentioned in the Fink links?

Never heard of it.

> -- 
> George N. White III

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Using X11?

2021-01-02 Thread Michael

On 2021-01-02, at 7:07 AM, George N. White III  wrote:

> On Fri, 1 Jan 2021 at 23:47, Michael  wrote:
>> I'm having trouble with X windows. I have 10.9.5, and I have downloaded X 
>> fromhttps://www.xquartz.org/releases/XQuartz-2.7.11.html.
>> I not only logged out, I restarted my computer.
>> I still cannot get it to start up. Running xinit gave this in the log:
>> Jan  1 19:39:57 keybounceMBP org.macosforge.xquartz.X11.stub[28817]: 
>> launch_msg("CheckIn") IPC failure: Operation not permitted
> This error has been seen before: 
> https://superuser.com/questions/429426/fink-hangs-with-ipc-failure-operation-not-permitted
> https://lists.apple.com/archives/x11-users/2012/Jan/msg4.htm
>> Jan  1 19:39:57 keybounceMBP org.macosforge.xquartz.X11.stub[28817]: 
>> Xquartz: Unable to locate waiting server: org.macosforge.xquartz.X11
>> Jan  1 19:39:57 keybounceMBP org.macosforge.xquartz.X11.stub[28818]: 
>> Xquartz: Starting X server: 
>> /Applications/Utilities/XQuartz.app/Contents/MacOS/X11 --listenonly
>> Jan  1 19:40:17 keybounceMBP org.macosforge.xquartz.X11.stub[28817]: 
>> Xquartz: bootstrap_look_up(): Unknown service name
>> And xinit gave me this output:
>> waiting for X server to begin accepting connections .
>> ..
>> ..
>> ..
>> ..
>> ..
>> ..
>> ..
>> ..
>> .
>> xinit: giving up
>> xinit: unable to connect to X server: Operation timed out
>> xinit: server error
>> michael$ echo $DISPLAY
>> /tmp/launch-SNmCyz/org.macosforge.xquartz:0
>> michael$ which xinit
>> /opt/X11/bin/xinit
>> I am in need of the X11 from xquartz, and not the one from macports, because 
>> I have an old commercial program I'm trying to run that is linked against 
>> the stuff in /opt/X11 specifically.
>> How do I make this work?
> Is the commercial developer still active?  Have you been able to run xquartz 
> in the past?   You may need a different startup script or some permission 
> tweaks.

I have never needed X in the past, this is my first time. In theory they are 
still around, but the program in question is no longer maintained, and the mac 
version never got the frame rate of the windows/linux versions, so it was never 
a big focus. The company's focus has shifted -- apparently their engine is more 
valuable for simulation companies than being used for a game engine. But: This 
program is not the issue. This is a plain X issue.

How do I get X to start up? Keep in mind -- this is just the STOCK, UNMODIFIED 
xinit and the corresponding X server. So this is just some sort of installation 
/ configuration issue with the basic xquartz.

This message was composed with the aid of a laptop cat, and no mouse

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Using X11?

2021-01-01 Thread Michael
I'm having trouble with X windows. I have 10.9.5, and I have downloaded X from 

I not only logged out, I restarted my computer.

I still cannot get it to start up. Running xinit gave this in the log:
Jan  1 19:39:57 keybounceMBP org.macosforge.xquartz.X11.stub[28817]: 
launch_msg("CheckIn") IPC failure: Operation not permitted
Jan  1 19:39:57 keybounceMBP org.macosforge.xquartz.X11.stub[28817]: Xquartz: 
Unable to locate waiting server: org.macosforge.xquartz.X11
Jan  1 19:39:57 keybounceMBP org.macosforge.xquartz.X11.stub[28818]: Xquartz: 
Starting X server: /Applications/Utilities/XQuartz.app/Contents/MacOS/X11 
Jan  1 19:40:17 keybounceMBP org.macosforge.xquartz.X11.stub[28817]: Xquartz: 
bootstrap_look_up(): Unknown service name

And xinit gave me this output:
waiting for X server to begin accepting connections .
xinit: giving up
xinit: unable to connect to X server: Operation timed out
xinit: server error
michael$ echo $DISPLAY
michael$ which xinit

I am in need of the X11 from xquartz, and not the one from macports, because I 
have an old commercial program I'm trying to run that is linked against the 
stuff in /opt/X11 specifically.

How do I make this work?
This message was composed with the aid of a laptop cat, and no mouse

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Configuring Taskgated

2020-06-25 Thread Michael
So the recent discussion of Taskgated has me wondering how to fix a problem.

Basically: Taskgated has the job of restricting access to task ports to permit 
security on mach. When a program wants to go from unix Pid to mach port, this 
now has to be verified by taskgated.

Taskgated has been more strict than I would like.

I am running 10.9.5. The most common failures are with jvisualvm not working, 
and this would make a perfectly good example case.

How do I tell taskgated to permit jvisualvm to always "pass", and rely on 
userid and/or effective ID of root as permitted?

The manual for taskgated says:

 -s   Allow signed applications marked as "safe" to have free access to 
task ports, without
  having to pass an authorization check. Note that such callers 
must be marked both
  allowed and safe.

How you go about signing stuff is ... most definitely NOT well explained, and I 
have never managed to find anything for how end users can sign an executable 
(only how developers can sign a bundle.)

What's the solution?

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: macos as vm guest

2020-06-25 Thread Michael

On 2020-06-25, at 3:52 PM, Perry Lee  wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 25, 2020, at 3:32 PM, Michael wrote:
>> (Apple's software license says I can run it on Mac hardware, right? It 
>> doesn't say that it has to be the raw OS, does it?)
> From the software license agreement for macOS Catalina [1]: "to install, use 
> and run up to two (2) additional copies or instances of the Apple Software 
> within virtual operating system environments on each Mac Computer you own or 
> control that is already running the Apple Software, for purposes of: (a) 
> software development; (b) testing during software development; (c) using 
> macOS Server; or (d) personal, non-commercial use"
> It reads like the host OS has to be macOS too.
> [1] https://www.apple.com/legal/sla/docs/macOSCatalina.pdf

Glad I have no intention of ever using it, then. That's 10.15, that requires 
the root drive reformatting, with no compatible driver for older systems, right?

(Whether or not it's a better file system isn't the issue. 100% breaking 
compatibility with everything older is a bad move.)

Also: Already running the Mac OS? Well, my system is running 10.9.5, so it is 
already running mac os. Having to temporarily boot linux for a moment isn't an 
issue, right? It's not like it says "is running on some version of Mac OS at 
the moment you install this", but even if it did, I could set up/install one VM 
while running Mac OS, and then boot to linux to actually launch the VM for 
normal use.

If you think that's a silly argument, then look up why Gnu had to issue version 
3 of their GPL -- different undefined "Of course it means X" terms got 
interpreted differently by different courts, possibly with less sensibility 
than this one.

Entertaining minecraft videos

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: macos as vm guest

2020-06-25 Thread Michael

On 2020-06-25, at 3:03 PM, Ralph Seichter  wrote:

> * macpo...@parvis.nl:
>> i would like these 10.11 and 10.13 as vm guest under 10.15.
> Why as a VM guest? Have you considered installing and booting different
> macOS versions on separate partitions of the same machine? You can even
> install macOS on external harddisks.
> Another option I find interesting is macOS-Simple-KVM [1], if you happen
> to have a spare Linux box sitting around.
>  [1] https://github.com/foxlet/macOS-Simple-KVM
> Not exactly what you asked for, but I still hope this helps a bit.

Ohh, this is interesting.
How well does MacOS run on mac hardware with Linux as the host, and MacOS as 
the guest?

(Apple's software license says I can run it on Mac hardware, right? It doesn't 
say that it has to be the raw OS, does it?)

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: macos as vm guest

2020-06-25 Thread Michael
If I wanted to run a vm of something at 10.12 or newer, on a host running 
10.9.5, is it doable?

If not: How well does 10.9.5 run as a guest on newer OS's?

Keep in mind: 10.9.5 was really the last "low security sandbox", and newer OS's 
restrict things. 10.9.5 was the last "old audio model" system, and some audio 
things break on newer stuff (ahem ... Jack Router. And "Jack still works with 
anything that lets you select an audio device" is only partially accurate -- I 
still could not use Qjack to route different programs differently, and if I 
could select an audio device specifically for that program, then I don't need 
Jack Router.)

Assume the goal is to be able to run a graphical program that wants 10.12 or 
higher, and get the audio capture/routing of Jack; I'm pretty sure that 
requires the 10.12+ to be the guest.

Current machine is a 2014 Macbook pro laptop. Is there a better machine that 
can run 10.9.5? (I think 10.10 was 2016?)

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Where are my Night Shift options?

2020-06-25 Thread Michael
An alternative to Night Shift is F.lux.

F.lux will give you the light coloring balance. It does make the assumption 
that your monitor's description is accurate, and it specifically assumes that 
the color balance information in your monitor description is accurate. 

(Side note: Why does there seem to be no programs that let you edit/modify an 
ICC profile to fix problems like that? When I use a temperature balance on my 
calibration, I'm making the adjustments to fix blue shift on the monitor to fit 
a 5500 light temperature, even if I wound up dragging the slider to the 3700 
label. Why does the calibrator want to mis-label the resultant profile based on 
the slider and not my actual lighting?)

F.lux will work on any monitor, even externals. In contrast, night shift will 
sometimes work both monitors, and sometimes only my internal.

Think of F.lux as "night shift plus automations. We hope you like the 
automations. We don't give you any real control over what happens when. We 
assume that sunset is the right time to change things once (because you rely on 
either sunlight or yellow lamps, we don't believe in sunlight lamps), or that a 
fixed number of hours before your specified wakeup time is the next time to 
change (and we'll use a different, redder set of colors because hey, you should 
be going to bed now). We assume that all your monitors adjust together -- don't 
blame us if one is now redder than the other, that's your ICC not recording the 
temperature of one of them properly, and the ICC must be right."

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: 10.9.5 with Random Restarts

2020-05-07 Thread Michael

On 2020-05-07, at 4:22 PM, Macs R We  wrote:

> When you knock the power connector out and the battery exhausts itself, macOS 
> will cause the machine to hibernate when the battery gets below a certain 
> percentage, just so that it can keep the state alive like an internal battery 
> would have, until you power it up again. Of course, if you leave it in that 
> state for a few weeks, it will eventually drain, but most of the time that 
> doesn't happen.

So it wasn't even a real powerless test.

Can't remove the battery on this one like I could on the old power PC.

>> On May 7, 2020, at 2:44 PM, Michael  wrote:
>> On 2020-05-07, at 2:40 PM, Macs R We  wrote:
>>> While this is true, even in the older systems a bad PRAM battery would 
>>> cause mischief only when the machine was disconnected from all other power 
>>> (for a laptop, that means adapterless and batteryless; for a desktop, that 
>>> means unplugged or shut off with the power button, not slept). Otherwise, 
>>> the Mac will always maintain power to those functions using the 
>>> non-internal-battery power source. Unless you have a desktop, and unless 
>>> you explicitly shut it down or have a home power failure, the PRAM battery 
>>> (where present) will never come into play.
>> Actually, adapterless and batteryless was an issue recently.
>> Kitty knocked the power cord out (magsafe does not mean it won't disconnect; 
>> it means the connector won't be damaged when it disconnects) and the battery 
>> drained.
>> On the other hand, it did a full reboot after being reconnected, so ...
>>>> On May 7, 2020, at 2:17 PM, Karl Kuehn  wrote:
>>>> Michael,
>>>>I think you are misunderstanding what it going on with a bad PRAM 
>>>> battery. The time being off is a side-effect, not the proximate cause of 
>>>> the problems (restarts, etc). The problem is that the clock is not 
>>>> trustable (so not always going the right direction), along with the 
>>>> maintaining consistency with a number of firmware setting (think about 
>>>> mismatches between what hardware and software think is happening). There 
>>>> probably is also some issue with greying-out the power management hardware 
>>>> (which depends on that battery).
>>>>I don’t know if there is a separate battery anymore (and never knew it 
>>>> for laptops), but I do know that people rarely knew to even look for 
>>>> problems with the batteries (Apple techs included), and so I was able to 
>>>> solve a few “unsolvable” issues with older hardware (way back when).
>>>> —
>>>>Karl Kuehn
>>>>> On May 7, 2020, at 1:47 PM, Macs R We  wrote:
>>>>> Well, yes and no. 
>>>>> It's true a system clock time being set badly can screw up the encryption 
>>>>> services, and that's one thing that a dead internal battery will cause. I 
>>>>> save installation packages for all past OSX systems, and to install them 
>>>>> I often have to set the system clock way back to be within their 
>>>>> certificates' (short) expiration dates. Sometimes I forget to set it 
>>>>> back, and start getting strange errors like "this website's certificate 
>>>>> is not yet valid" until I remember. But it doesn't cause panics.  And you 
>>>>> would be able to figure out if that's a problem by just checking your 
>>>>> current system time. Since Apple started making all their laptops with 
>>>>> non-removable batteries, I don't think they even include a separate 
>>>>> internal battery anymore.
>>>>> If you are getting true panics, you must have panic dumps available 
>>>>> somewhere in the log area, and should be able to scan those.
>>>>> You should be able to examine your root certificates in Keychain Access; 
>>>>> the app should be able to help you identify an untrusted one.
>>>>> Another thing that can cause reboots is benign — having the installation 
>>>>> system set to install updates automatically, and some of these updates 
>>>>> require a reboot. Usually the symptom of this is that you 

Re: 10.9.5 with Random Restarts

2020-05-07 Thread Michael

On 2020-05-07, at 2:40 PM, Macs R We  wrote:

> While this is true, even in the older systems a bad PRAM battery would cause 
> mischief only when the machine was disconnected from all other power (for a 
> laptop, that means adapterless and batteryless; for a desktop, that means 
> unplugged or shut off with the power button, not slept). Otherwise, the Mac 
> will always maintain power to those functions using the non-internal-battery 
> power source. Unless you have a desktop, and unless you explicitly shut it 
> down or have a home power failure, the PRAM battery (where present) will 
> never come into play.

Actually, adapterless and batteryless was an issue recently.

Kitty knocked the power cord out (magsafe does not mean it won't disconnect; it 
means the connector won't be damaged when it disconnects) and the battery 

On the other hand, it did a full reboot after being reconnected, so ...

>> On May 7, 2020, at 2:17 PM, Karl Kuehn  wrote:
>> Michael,
>>I think you are misunderstanding what it going on with a bad PRAM 
>> battery. The time being off is a side-effect, not the proximate cause of the 
>> problems (restarts, etc). The problem is that the clock is not trustable (so 
>> not always going the right direction), along with the maintaining 
>> consistency with a number of firmware setting (think about mismatches 
>> between what hardware and software think is happening). There probably is 
>> also some issue with greying-out the power management hardware (which 
>> depends on that battery).
>>I don’t know if there is a separate battery anymore (and never knew it 
>> for laptops), but I do know that people rarely knew to even look for 
>> problems with the batteries (Apple techs included), and so I was able to 
>> solve a few “unsolvable” issues with older hardware (way back when).
>> —
>>  Karl Kuehn
>>  kuehn.k...@gmail.com
>>> On May 7, 2020, at 1:47 PM, Macs R We  wrote:
>>> Well, yes and no. 
>>> It's true a system clock time being set badly can screw up the encryption 
>>> services, and that's one thing that a dead internal battery will cause. I 
>>> save installation packages for all past OSX systems, and to install them I 
>>> often have to set the system clock way back to be within their 
>>> certificates' (short) expiration dates. Sometimes I forget to set it back, 
>>> and start getting strange errors like "this website's certificate is not 
>>> yet valid" until I remember. But it doesn't cause panics.  And you would be 
>>> able to figure out if that's a problem by just checking your current system 
>>> time. Since Apple started making all their laptops with non-removable 
>>> batteries, I don't think they even include a separate internal battery 
>>> anymore.
>>> If you are getting true panics, you must have panic dumps available 
>>> somewhere in the log area, and should be able to scan those.
>>> You should be able to examine your root certificates in Keychain Access; 
>>> the app should be able to help you identify an untrusted one.
>>> Another thing that can cause reboots is benign — having the installation 
>>> system set to install updates automatically, and some of these updates 
>>> require a reboot. Usually the symptom of this is that you wake up to find 
>>> yourself back at the login window. Still, the system logs would also 
>>> identify this as a reboot reason.
>>>> On May 7, 2020, at 11:57 AM, Michael  wrote:
>>>> Hmm. "easy" enough to check, I just have to ... not ... use ... my 
>>>> computer ... for a weekend? ...
>>>> Maybe a few days midweek.
>>>> On 2020-05-07, at 11:55 AM, larkost  wrote:
>>>>> I have no idea if this is the problem, but back when I was in the 
>>>>> troubleshooting Macs business one problem I ran into was the PRAM battery 
>>>>> (yes, wrong name, but...) going bad. It would cause all sorts of 
>>>>> mysterious problems until replaced.
>>>>> The way of checking for this was to:
>>>>> 1. On a Friday make sure that the system time was set.
>>>>> 2. Disconnect the computer from all network connections, and unplug it 
>>>>> from power.
>>>>> 3. Leave it over the weekend unplugged.

Root keys and older systems

2020-05-07 Thread Michael
> You should be able to examine your root certificates in Keychain Access; the 
> app should be able to help you identify an untrusted one.

So I've discovered what's happening with my keys, and ... I'd like to know how 
I update things.

I have a bunch of root keys that expire later this month, and then a lot more 
start expiring later this year.

I've got one, COMODO RSA Root certificate that says "This root certificate is 
not trusted", and that's whats been breaking some websites.

What's the best course of action for proceeding?


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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: 10.9.5 with Random Restarts

2020-05-07 Thread Michael
Hmm. "easy" enough to check, I just have to ... not ... use ... my computer ... 
for a weekend? ...

Maybe a few days midweek.

On 2020-05-07, at 11:55 AM, larkost  wrote:

> I have no idea if this is the problem, but back when I was in the 
> troubleshooting Macs business one problem I ran into was the PRAM battery 
> (yes, wrong name, but...) going bad. It would cause all sorts of mysterious 
> problems until replaced.
> The way of checking for this was to:
> 1. On a Friday make sure that the system time was set.
> 2. Disconnect the computer from all network connections, and unplug it from 
> power.
> 3. Leave it over the weekend unplugged.
> 4. If the time was wrong when you booted up on Monday, then you found your 
> problem.
> Of course this was with desktops, And a number of years ago. 
>> On May 7, 2020, at 11:39 AM, Michael  wrote:
>> This is unhappy for me also; I have gotten two panics in just about a week.
>> Absolutely nothing odd recorded in the system log.
>> Meanwhile, on reboot, I see this message in the log:
>> May  7 11:09:28 keybounceMBP apsd[141]: Failed to evaluate trust: No error. 
>> (0), result=5; retrying with revocation checking optional
>> May  7 11:09:28 keybounceMBP apsd[141]: failed to evaluate trust: No error. 
>> (0), result=5; retrying with system roots
>> May  7 11:09:28 keybounceMBP apsd[141]: Root certificate is not explicitly 
>> trusted
>> May  7 11:09:28 keybounceMBP apsd[141]: Unrecognized leaf certificate
>> May  7 11:09:30 keybounceMBP SecurityAgent[215]: User info context values 
>> set for >console
>> May  7 11:09:30 keybounceMBP loginwindow[120]: Login Window - Returned from 
>> Security Agent
>> What would make "Failure to evaluate trust: no error"?
>> Would this be in any way related to some https web sites now refusing to 
>> work because the certificate chain cannot be verified (the website in 
>> question is just fine).
>> OS: 10.9.5.
>> System crash reporter directory shows nothing. There's networking diags from 
>> just after the reboot.
>> System diagnostics ... nothing new, but there was stuff from powerstats just 
>> after midnight. There's a LOT of powerstat information over time there.
>> ... and a lot of wakeup and CPU dumps from firefox. Hmm.
>>> On 2020-05-07, at 8:33 AM, Chris Walker  wrote:
>>> Tried to find the last reboot which *I think* was between 09 & 09:30am.  
>>> All I could find in the system log was that it rebooted shortly after 9:00 
>>> am with no specified reason.  The other logs didn’t tell me anything that I 
>>> could understand but it may be that I have the time wrong and am therefore 
>>> looking in the wrong place.
>>> I’m wondering if the best thing is to reinstall the system although that 
>>> may leave something in place that really shouldn't be there, but until I 
>>> can narrow the time down more accurately it’s a bit like looking for a 
>>> needle in a haystack.
>>> Chris
>>>>> On 7 May 2020, at 11:26, Macs R We  wrote:
>>>> Look at System Information for your current uptime. Compute the time of 
>>>> your last reboot. Launch Console and look at the system log, the 
>>>> Diagnostic Reports folders (2), and the CrashReporter folder to see what 
>>>> macOS claimed was the reason for the reboot.
>>>>> On May 7, 2020, at 1:21 AM, Chris Walker  wrote:
>>>>> Hi all:
>>>>> I keep getting random restarts.  Whilst I’m away from the machine it will 
>>>>> perform a restart for no reason I can determine.  I have had problems 
>>>>> with the power prefs not sticking but that appears to have been solved.
>>>>> The machine feels warm but not unduly, so I don’t think it’s temperature 
>>>>> related.  I’ve scanned for malware using ClamXAV which found nothing and 
>>>>> a recent Apple Diagnostic found no problems.  I have an LG 24” 4K display 
>>>>> connected via Thunderbolt.
>>>>> Gatekeeper and XProtect are up to date.
>>>>> Anyone any ideas as to the cause or possible solutions?  
>>>>> Mac Mini 2018, 3.2Ghz core i7; 32Gb Ram, MacOS 10.14.6
>>>>> Chris
>>>>> ___
>>>>> MacOSX-talk mailing list
>>>>> MacOSX-talk@omnigroup.com
>>>>> https://www.omnigroup.com/mailman/listinfo/macosx-talk
>>> ___
>>> MacOSX-talk mailing list
>>> MacOSX-talk@omnigroup.com
>>> https://www.omnigroup.com/mailman/listinfo/macosx-talk
>> ---
>> This message was composed with the aid of a laptop cat, and no mouse
>> ___
>> MacOSX-talk mailing list
>> MacOSX-talk@omnigroup.com
>> https://www.omnigroup.com/mailman/listinfo/macosx-talk

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: 10.9.5 with Random Restarts

2020-05-07 Thread Michael
This is unhappy for me also; I have gotten two panics in just about a week.

Absolutely nothing odd recorded in the system log.

Meanwhile, on reboot, I see this message in the log:

May  7 11:09:28 keybounceMBP apsd[141]: Failed to evaluate trust: No error. 
(0), result=5; retrying with revocation checking optional
May  7 11:09:28 keybounceMBP apsd[141]: failed to evaluate trust: No error. 
(0), result=5; retrying with system roots
May  7 11:09:28 keybounceMBP apsd[141]: Root certificate is not explicitly 
May  7 11:09:28 keybounceMBP apsd[141]: Unrecognized leaf certificate
May  7 11:09:30 keybounceMBP SecurityAgent[215]: User info context values set 
for >console
May  7 11:09:30 keybounceMBP loginwindow[120]: Login Window - Returned from 
Security Agent

What would make "Failure to evaluate trust: no error"?

Would this be in any way related to some https web sites now refusing to work 
because the certificate chain cannot be verified (the website in question is 
just fine).

OS: 10.9.5.

System crash reporter directory shows nothing. There's networking diags from 
just after the reboot.

System diagnostics ... nothing new, but there was stuff from powerstats just 
after midnight. There's a LOT of powerstat information over time there.

... and a lot of wakeup and CPU dumps from firefox. Hmm.

On 2020-05-07, at 8:33 AM, Chris Walker  wrote:

> Tried to find the last reboot which *I think* was between 09 & 09:30am.  
> All I could find in the system log was that it rebooted shortly after 9:00 am 
> with no specified reason.  The other logs didn’t tell me anything that I 
> could understand but it may be that I have the time wrong and am therefore 
> looking in the wrong place.
> I’m wondering if the best thing is to reinstall the system although that may 
> leave something in place that really shouldn't be there, but until I can 
> narrow the time down more accurately it’s a bit like looking for a needle in 
> a haystack.
> Chris
>> On 7 May 2020, at 11:26, Macs R We  wrote:
>> Look at System Information for your current uptime. Compute the time of your 
>> last reboot. Launch Console and look at the system log, the Diagnostic 
>> Reports folders (2), and the CrashReporter folder to see what macOS claimed 
>> was the reason for the reboot.
>>> On May 7, 2020, at 1:21 AM, Chris Walker  wrote:
>>> Hi all:
>>> I keep getting random restarts.  Whilst I’m away from the machine it will 
>>> perform a restart for no reason I can determine.  I have had problems with 
>>> the power prefs not sticking but that appears to have been solved.
>>> The machine feels warm but not unduly, so I don’t think it’s temperature 
>>> related.  I’ve scanned for malware using ClamXAV which found nothing and a 
>>> recent Apple Diagnostic found no problems.  I have an LG 24” 4K display 
>>> connected via Thunderbolt.
>>> Gatekeeper and XProtect are up to date.
>>> Anyone any ideas as to the cause or possible solutions?  
>>> Mac Mini 2018, 3.2Ghz core i7; 32Gb Ram, MacOS 10.14.6
>>> Chris
>>> ___
>>> MacOSX-talk mailing list
>>> MacOSX-talk@omnigroup.com
>>> https://www.omnigroup.com/mailman/listinfo/macosx-talk
> ___
> MacOSX-talk mailing list
> MacOSX-talk@omnigroup.com
> https://www.omnigroup.com/mailman/listinfo/macosx-talk

This message was composed with the aid of a laptop cat, and no mouse

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Repairing a time machine sparsebundle

2020-01-31 Thread Michael
SuperDuper's free trial only does normal copies and file updates from one drive 
to another. So it's like a gui on top of rsync.

Disk Warrior might do what I want -- it claims to -- but at $120, 
non-refundable, it's out what I'm willing to pay.

Super Duper's website makes no claims about being able to restore dead drives, 
or fix catalog errors, etc. So I'm looking at a .sparsebundle, that is fully 
readable (bands, etc), containing a broken file system that fsck/disk utility 
cannot fix, and cannot even attach -readonly.

And I'm looking at hfs+ and thinking "unix's file system never got into this 
bad of a problem, even if you wound up with hundreds of directories in 
lost+found without any hirearchy, and usually would mount readonly in the worst 

In fact, just in case there was some issue with the non-fixableness being 
related to being a time machine non-writable image somehow, I tried doing it 
with shadow.

bash-3.2# hdiutil attach -nomount -shadow ~/tmp/shadow2.hdiutil 
/dev/disk9  GUID_partition_scheme   
bash-3.2# diskutil repairVolume disk9s2
Started file system repair on disk9s2 TimeMachine
Checking file system
Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume
Detected a case-sensitive volume
Checking extents overflow file
Checking catalog file
Invalid sibling link
Rebuilding catalog B-tree
The volume TimeMachine could not be repaired
Volume repair complete
Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required
Error: -69845: File system verify or repair failed
Underlying error: 8: POSIX reports: Exec format error

Looks like it's a simple case of "$120 to recover is more than I can 
afford/value the recovery".

On 2020-01-23, at 4:23 PM, Macs R We  wrote:

> Looks like my information was old. Version 4 couldn't do it (even after they 
> claimed it would); version 5 apparently handles it well. Guess I stopped 
> trying it after version 4 yelled at me.
> Another source says: 
>> SuperDuper will make a file-level copy, handling multi-linked files 
>> correctly, and will produce a copy without catalog damage even if the source 
>> has catalog damage. (But if the source catalog is damaged, the copy may not 
>> finish, and even if it finishes the new copy may have other non-catalog 
>> inconsistencies that make it unusable.)
> You may want to try that, especially since I think it has a free trial.
>> On Jan 23, 2020, at 4:21 PM, Matt Penna  wrote:
>> I’m curious about this because DiskWarrior works fine for me on Time Machine 
>> volumes (but I’ve never tried it on a Time Machine sparsebundle).
>> The only trouble I had with DiskWarrior on Time Machine drives was when it 
>> was a 32-bit app and could not allocate enough memory to hold all the file 
>> system structures—a showstopper with my Time Machine drive that at the time 
>> had a 17GB B-tree and that definitely would not fit into the 4GB 32-bit RAM 
>> limit.
>> Since going 64-bit in late 2014, DiskWarrior should work on all Time Machine 
>> volumes.
>> In an ironic reversal with modern Macs, DiskWarrior can now ONLY work on 
>> Time Machine drives; APFS-formatted drives drives are not supported with 
>> current versions of DiskWarrior and Time Machine drives are still HFS+. 
>> (Alsoft says DiskWarrior APFS support is coming soon, now that technical 
>> specs for the file system have been finalized, though APFS is ostensibly 
>> robust enough to not need much fixing. I know, I know…)
>>  Matt
>>> On Jan 23, 2020, at 1:39 PM, Macs R We  wrote:
>>> Although all of this is true, as it turns out, I know of only one disk 
>>> management tool that will even attempt to repair a Time Machine volume, 
>>> because the volume architecture is so baroque -- and that is Disk Utility. 
>>> If you try to repair the volume with Disk Warrior, it will flat out tell 
>>> you, "this is a Time Machine volume, and I don't do those." You have to use 
>>> only Disk Utility, not fsck. If DU can't solve the problem, it can't be 
>>> solved.
>>>> On Jan 23, 2020, at 11:31 AM, Matt Penna  wrote:
>>>> On Jan 23, 2020, at 1:25 PM, Michael  wrote:
>>>>>> On 2020-01-23, at 10:23 AM, Matt Penna  wrote:
>>>>>> If you have DiskWarrior, I would give that a try. I believe it works on 
>>>>>> disk images and sparsebundles.

Re: Repairing a time machine sparsebundle

2020-01-23 Thread Michael
For that matter, why is it that sometimes (I've had no problem recovering files 
from a time machine backup like this before) there is no problem mounting a 
sparsebundle, or at worst just a "-shadow" (normal if it was backed up while 
mounted), and this time it is doornail dead?

What's going on with a time machine sparse bundle?
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Repairing a time machine sparsebundle

2020-01-23 Thread Michael

On 2020-01-23, at 10:39 AM, Macs R We  wrote:

> Although all of this is true, as it turns out, I know of only one disk 
> management tool that will even attempt to repair a Time Machine volume, 
> because the volume architecture is so baroque -- and that is Disk Utility. If 
> you try to repair the volume with Disk Warrior, it will flat out tell you, 
> "this is a Time Machine volume, and I don't do those." You have to use only 
> Disk Utility, not fsck. If DU can't solve the problem, it can't be solved.

Unfortunately, Disk utility (the window app) does the same thing that the 
command line diskutil does.

Both wind up calling the appropriate fsck.hfs tool with the right args, and 
give identical results.

So what is going on with the btree such that an invalid sibling means that all 
the files are lost and unobtainable? How did we go from "At worst, you lose 
your directories, because the inode list / catalog file will at least contain 
all the files, and most of the time you just lose a top level directory 
somewhere and the directory structure under there is fine". I could search 
lost+found for the right filename, and start recovering the directory I need 
that way.

>> On Jan 23, 2020, at 11:31 AM, Matt Penna  wrote:
>> On Jan 23, 2020, at 1:25 PM, Michael  wrote:
>>>> On 2020-01-23, at 10:23 AM, Matt Penna  wrote:
>>>> If you have DiskWarrior, I would give that a try. I believe it works on 
>>>> disk images and sparsebundles.
>>>>   Matt
>>> I do not have disk warrior.
>> Unfortunately, whenever a drive or image is not reparable like this, I’ve 
>> always had to resort to a 3rd-party tool to fix the file system; the 
>> built-in tools are not very robust. Perhaps someone else will have another 
>> suggestion.
>> It’s always been baffling to me that 3rd parties write better fix-it tools 
>> than the people who write the OSes. This has been a problem for over 30 
>> years and it’s still as unsolved as ever, even if the file systems are a lot 
>> less fragile than they used to be.
>>   Matt
>> ___
>> MacOSX-talk mailing list
>> MacOSX-talk@omnigroup.com
>> https://www.omnigroup.com/mailman/listinfo/macosx-talk
> ___
> MacOSX-talk mailing list
> MacOSX-talk@omnigroup.com
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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Repairing a time machine sparsebundle

2020-01-23 Thread Michael
On 2020-01-23, at 10:23 AM, Matt Penna  wrote:

> If you have DiskWarrior, I would give that a try. I believe it works on disk 
> images and sparsebundles.
>   Matt

I do not have disk warrior.

>> On Jan 23, 2020, at 1:09 PM, Michael  wrote:
>> I need help getting files off a time machine backup.
>> Here's the time machine sparsebundle info:
>> image-path  : /Volumes/Backblaze_MacEx4TB43084955/Backblaze 
>> Restore/rawTimeMachine/TimeMachine.sparsebundle
>> image-alias : /Volumes/Backblaze_MacEx4TB43084955/Backblaze 
>> Restore/rawTimeMachine/TimeMachine.sparsebundle
>> shadow-path : /Users/michael/sparse.dirty
>> shadow-alias: /Users/michael/sparse.dirty
>> icon-path   : 
>> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DiskImages.framework/Resources/CDiskImage.icns
>> image-type  : sparse bundle disk image (shadowed)
>> system-image: false
>> blockcount  : 730040
>> blocksize   : 512
>> writeable   : TRUE
>> autodiskmount   : false
>> removable   : TRUE
>> image-encrypted : false
>> mounting user   : michael
>> mounting mode   : 
>> process ID  : 18184
>> /dev/disk9  GUID_partition_scheme   
>> /dev/disk9s248465300--11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC
>> /dev/disk9s1C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B
>> bash-3.2# 
>> Time machine volume is attached as shadowed, because it was backed up as 
>> dirty (it was mounted, so, of course it would be dirty).
>> On that backup is this:
>> bash-3.2# mount
>> /dev/disk0s5 on / (hfs, local, journaled)
>> devfs on /dev (devfs, local, nobrowse)
>> /dev/disk0s4 on /Volumes/UserData (hfs, local, journaled)
>> /dev/disk1 on /Volumes/Macintosh HD (hfs, local, journaled)
>> map -hosts on /net (autofs, nosuid, automounted, nobrowse)
>> map auto_home on /home (autofs, automounted, nobrowse)
>> /dev/disk3s2 on /Volumes/Reinstall (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, journaled, 
>> noowners)
>> /dev/disk6s1 on /Volumes/calibre-3.48.0 (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, 
>> read-only, noowners, mounted by michael)
>> /dev/disk2s2 on /Volumes/rawKleimanMovies (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, 
>> journaled, noowners)
>> /dev/disk2s3 on /Volumes/rawTimeMachine (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, noowners)
>> /dev/disk4s2 on /Volumes/TimeMachine (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, journaled, 
>> mounted by michael)
>> /dev/disk5s2 on /Volumes/Kleiman Movies (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, 
>> journaled, mounted by michael)
>> /dev/disk7s0s2 on /Volumes/WD Unlocker (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, 
>> read-only, noowners)
>> /dev/disk8s2 on /Volumes/Backblaze_MacEx4TB43084955 (hfs, local, nodev, 
>> nosuid, journaled, noowners)
>> bash-3.2# diskutil mount disk9s2
>> Volume on disk9s2 failed to mount
>> bash-3.2# diskutil repairvolume disk9s2
>> Started file system repair on disk9s2 TimeMachine
>> Checking file system
>> Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume
>> Detected a case-sensitive volume
>> Checking extents overflow file
>> Checking catalog file
>> Invalid sibling link
>> Rebuilding catalog B-tree
>> The volume TimeMachine could not be repaired
>> Volume repair complete
>> Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required
>> Error: -69845: File system verify or repair failed
>> Underlying error: 8: POSIX reports: Exec format error
>> bash-3.2# 
>> In other words, the sparsebundle has a file system error.
>> I could only access it with hdiutil attach -nomount.
>> That let me get to the point of running fsck, but fsck complains.
>> I only need read access, I do not need write access.
>> How do I restore files from the sparse bundle?
>> ___
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>> MacOSX-talk@omnigroup.com
>> https://www.omnigroup.com/mailman/listinfo/macosx-talk
> ___
> MacOSX-talk mailing list
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Repairing a time machine sparsebundle

2020-01-23 Thread Michael
I need help getting files off a time machine backup.

Here's the time machine sparsebundle info:
image-path  : /Volumes/Backblaze_MacEx4TB43084955/Backblaze 
image-alias : /Volumes/Backblaze_MacEx4TB43084955/Backblaze 
shadow-path : /Users/michael/sparse.dirty
shadow-alias: /Users/michael/sparse.dirty
icon-path   : 
image-type  : sparse bundle disk image (shadowed)
system-image: false
blockcount  : 730040
blocksize   : 512
writeable   : TRUE
autodiskmount   : false
removable   : TRUE
image-encrypted : false
mounting user   : michael
mounting mode   : 
process ID  : 18184
/dev/disk9  GUID_partition_scheme   

Time machine volume is attached as shadowed, because it was backed up as dirty 
(it was mounted, so, of course it would be dirty).

On that backup is this:

bash-3.2# mount
/dev/disk0s5 on / (hfs, local, journaled)
devfs on /dev (devfs, local, nobrowse)
/dev/disk0s4 on /Volumes/UserData (hfs, local, journaled)
/dev/disk1 on /Volumes/Macintosh HD (hfs, local, journaled)
map -hosts on /net (autofs, nosuid, automounted, nobrowse)
map auto_home on /home (autofs, automounted, nobrowse)
/dev/disk3s2 on /Volumes/Reinstall (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, journaled, 
/dev/disk6s1 on /Volumes/calibre-3.48.0 (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, read-only, 
noowners, mounted by michael)
/dev/disk2s2 on /Volumes/rawKleimanMovies (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, 
journaled, noowners)
/dev/disk2s3 on /Volumes/rawTimeMachine (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, noowners)
/dev/disk4s2 on /Volumes/TimeMachine (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, journaled, 
mounted by michael)
/dev/disk5s2 on /Volumes/Kleiman Movies (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, journaled, 
mounted by michael)
/dev/disk7s0s2 on /Volumes/WD Unlocker (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, read-only, 
/dev/disk8s2 on /Volumes/Backblaze_MacEx4TB43084955 (hfs, local, nodev, nosuid, 
journaled, noowners)
bash-3.2# diskutil mount disk9s2
Volume on disk9s2 failed to mount
bash-3.2# diskutil repairvolume disk9s2
Started file system repair on disk9s2 TimeMachine
Checking file system
Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume
Detected a case-sensitive volume
Checking extents overflow file
Checking catalog file
Invalid sibling link
Rebuilding catalog B-tree
The volume TimeMachine could not be repaired
Volume repair complete
Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required
Error: -69845: File system verify or repair failed
Underlying error: 8: POSIX reports: Exec format error

In other words, the sparsebundle has a file system error.

I could only access it with hdiutil attach -nomount.
That let me get to the point of running fsck, but fsck complains.

I only need read access, I do not need write access.
How do I restore files from the sparse bundle?

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Make all screens but 1 to go dark

2019-12-31 Thread Michael

On 2019-12-30, at 1:42 PM, Macs R We  wrote:
>> On Dec 30, 2019, at 12:34 PM, Michael  wrote:
>> Lets just say that Apple's virtual desktop design was not the best choice, 
>> okay? (Back before it became part of the OS, was it 10.5?, there were third 
>> party apps that gave virtual desktops with different behaviors.)
> Apple had multiple screens in the OS since years before OS X, and frankly the 
> interface and semantics haven't changed a whole lot from then until now.

I know that in 10.4, it was possible to use a third party virtual desktop 
program, and that there were several that had different behaviors. I do not 
remember that it had an OS provided one.

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Make all screens but 1 to go dark

2019-12-30 Thread Michael
On Dec 28, 2019, at 2:34 PM, Carl Hoefs  wrote:
>> I have a MacPro ("ashcan") that supports up to 6 monitors. I have multiple 
>> large-screen monitors running right now, but I'd like to be able to have all 
>> but one go dark (black), such as when I'm watching a full-screen video on 
>> one monitor. The others being on are quite a distraction so I'd like to 
>> "blank" them for that purpose.
>> Is there any keyboard shortcut (or other way) to do this (on Mojave)? 

I can never keep track of which number is which name.
On 10.10 and newer, there is an option in Preferences -> Displays to treat each 
monitor as a separate space. If this is turned off -- one shared space -- then 
the default action for "go full screen" becomes "blank all other monitors, and 
make this window full screen over one monitor".

This is something I hate. I like being able to have a window spread over 
multiple monitors (wide gaming), and absolutely hate the bugs that show up if 
you make a window tall (one monitor above the other). I like being able to have 
a video full-screen on one monitor while working in the second. Most 
applications on 10.9 behave this way; occasionally, I have seen "blank the 
others", but not often.

> Use mission control to create a desktop or the other screens, and make its 
> wallpaper black. If you want to darken the screens, just mouse to them and 
> scroll sideways to the black desktop. 

Yea, ick. I do keep a set of "black desktops", but the whole issue of dragging 
a window over to that desktop before making it full-screen ... Lets just say 
that Apple's virtual desktop design was not the best choice, okay? (Back before 
it became part of the OS, was it 10.5?, there were third party apps that gave 
virtual desktops with different behaviors.)

>> - And if I *gasp* turn off the other monitors macOS thinks they're no longer 
>> connected and scrambles all of my carefully placed windows onto one.

Oh, god, yes, the "Move all windows, and lose track of where they were" 
behavior. Hasn't Apple heard of "undo"?

My best solution to that so far: If you hide an application, it will 
**usually** stay hidden, and not move windows, even when monitors are turned 
off and on. Well over 95% success rate for everything except finder.

Last application that was hidden off a monitor tends to unhide when that 
monitor turns back on. If that app was Finder, good luck to you.

>> - I'm skipping the upgrade to macOS Catalina completely. It's Horrorville.
>> -Carl

Is that the "Stop 32 bit apps completely"? Bad enough that they will die 
occasionally in 10.9.5 if idle and enough swap-out happens. And since the 
program I'm thinking of isn't even sold anymore, I couldn't upgrade even if I 
wanted to spend the $150 upgrade price (I think that's what they'd charge, i'm 
more than 2 versions out of date.)

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Recovering the "Low disk" / "Disk full" popups?

2019-11-29 Thread Michael
How do you recover the low disk/disk full popups? This is on 10.9.5.

As in, I'm typing in a document, the popup comes up, steals key focus, grabs a 
spacebar and a return before I realize it (because I type quickly), and then 
the popup notice is gone.

How do I get them back?

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Sharing free space?

2019-11-29 Thread Michael
> If you have room on your main disk and it is APFS-formatted, you can easily 
> create a new volume in Disk Utility that will share the free space, and if it 
> doesn't work out, you can delete the volume later.

I'd like to know how to get two volumes to share free space if they are on the 
same physical disk.

Heck, even with 10.9-10.12's logical volume groups, the same question.

If this is something new in the "We'll force your root disk to be repartitioned 
because we're now making root read only" system, then it's a "don't care, 
thanks anyways" issue.

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Time Machine HDD encryption

2019-09-12 Thread Michael

On 2019-09-12, at 11:14 AM, Carl Hoefs  wrote:

> Yes, I was hoping to get the data off the drive. I was unsure how TM drives 
> work when apart from the system they were backing up. If I connect the TM HDD 
> to another system, does TM know the backups on it aren't for that system? 
> Would the TM backup data be available through TM on the new system? Or would 
> I need to cd into the drive and copy files off manually?

There's some variations over time, but basically the backup directory contains 
a top-level "per machine" section, that is used to identify if the backup is 
for a given machine or not. When you use (I think) associateDisk to take 
ownership of a backup disk for a new machine (typically used when you restore a 
backup onto a new machine if the old mother board dies, etc), that just renames 
that directory to indicate current ownership.

The files on the backup basically are untouched. They are placed in directories 
that do not permit any write operations of any kind (ACL lists). All 
files/directories get two extended attributes to indicate that they are in a 
backup and the approximate range of which backups. If there were any special 
permissions, those should be indicated in another special extended attribute.

Modern Finder should, on copy, restore the permissions/ACL's of the files to 
normal when they come out of the backup directory. Older systems only did that 
when you restored through the time machine interface or the tmutil command.

Normal file system commands will work just fine. The TM directories just look 
like normal read-only directories containing the files. If you are not using 
any special ACL's or extended attributes, everything will treat them normally, 
including normal "chmod" permissions and ownerships

You might need to use "Browse other time machine disks" if you wanted to look 
at it through the TM graphical interface.

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Re: Clone an APFS volume

2018-09-06 Thread Michael

On 2018-09-06, at 12:00 PM, Mike Mackovitch  wrote:

> The volume snapshot feature allows blocks to be shared between
> different versions of a volume.

So, a form of time machine on normal volumes? How do you control when old 
versions are culled, or is that not how the versioning feature works?

i.e. -- is it a case of "Here's the base OS install, now here's the webdev 
version for work, here's a virtual machine for testing installs before we 
install it", etc?

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Re: Setting up multiple desktops, for different purposes per desktop.

2018-08-02 Thread Michael

On 2018-08-02, at 7:26 PM, Macs R We  wrote:

> Ah.  It sounds like you're having problems with multiple monitors.  I use 
> multiple desktops on the laptop monitor only, so I have no experience with 
> the deficiencies you appear to be describing.  I also haven't had apps 
> "collapse to a single desktop" to my knowledge.  But I leave my laptop on 
> 24/7 (I just sleep the display when I'm not using it) so I can always access 
> it remotely if need be — since I rarely sleep or shutdown the machine, that's 
> perhaps why I haven't seen any collapsing.

I use both multiple monitors *AND* multiple desktops.

Multiple desktops are far more painful when they fail (because it takes so long 
to resort the windows, especially finder windows, by project/virtual desktop), 
so I've stopped even trying to use them. 

>> On Aug 1, 2018, at 10:10 AM, Michael  wrote:
>> On 2018-07-29, at 7:17 PM, Macs R We  wrote:
>>>> On Jul 29, 2018, at 12:10 PM, Michael  wrote:
>>>> I have tried to do something like this for years, but I have concluded 
>>>> that Apple's implementation of virtual desktops is just broken. I can 
>>>> never manage to have one app happy to have windows on multiple desktops 
>>>> (Finder, and TextEdit, are the worst behaving for me, Terminal isn't too 
>>>> far behind),
>>> Hm.  I often run with Finder windows open on multiple desktops, sometimes 
>>> TextEdit, rarely Terminal, and very often Safari.  They seem to work fine 
>>> for me, or perhaps I just have lower functional expectations. The most 
>>> annoying functional lacuna I experience is that using command-tilde to 
>>> cycle through an app's active windows cycles only through the windows on 
>>> that desktop (making me wonder why I can't seem to find the window I 
>>> remember having left open, until I realize it's because it's not on the 
>>> current desktop).
>>>> restoring apps doesn't restore their windows to the desktop (Well, Finder 
>>>> will *usually*, not always, behave here),
>>> I don't know if you're talking about resurrecting them from a Dock 
>>> pigeonhole, or automatically re-opening them after a reboot, so I can't 
>>> parse this complaint.
>> After a reboot. Or, if the system thinks that it is safe to kill and 
>> relaunch it later.
>> For example, this morning, although this is not a virtual desktop issue, 
>> Finder, Mail, and Terminal re-opened all of their windows on the internal 
>> monitor, nothing on the HDMI monitor. Which means that they resized the big 
>> windows down to the internal monitor size.
>> I've had things collapse onto a single desktop so often that I have just 
>> stopped trying to separate them. It's not worth trying to spend a 
>> significant amount of time setting up projects that way only to know that it 
>> will (not if, when) break.
>> It's worse when you consider that Apple does not back up Saved Application 
>> State to time machine, so in some cases, not only does everything reset to 
>> the current desktop on startup, but things will also go to "All windows are 
>> reopened as default size and random placement", and you can't restore the 
>> previous day's window state.
>>>> and the general "feel" that I get is that Apple's view of virtual desktops 
>>>> is "This desktop is for this app", not "this desktop is for this workflow".
>>> Maybe my brain is insufficiently object-oriented.  I typically don't use 
>>> the same app for different workflows simultaneously (except for looking up 
>>> things in Safari, or taking notes in TextEdit, and these both seem to work 
>>> fine for me).
>> Finder, TextEdit, Terminal, and Mail are consistently multi-project programs 
>> for me. And they consistently fail/collapse to a single desktop. And this 
>> morning they collapsed to a single monitor.
>> ---
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Re: Setting up multiple desktops, for different purposes per desktop.

2018-08-02 Thread Michael

On 2018-08-02, at 6:49 AM, David Schwartz  wrote:

> On Aug 1, 2018, at 4:34 PM, Michael  wrote:
>> On 2018-08-01, at 10:40 AM, David Schwartz  wrote:
>>>> For example, this morning, although this is not a virtual desktop
>>>> issue, Finder, Mail, and Terminal re-opened all of their windows on the
>>>> internal monitor, nothing on the HDMI monitor. Which means that they
>>>> resized the big windows down to the internal monitor size.
>>> Is "internal monitor" an iMac? Or a MacBook... ?
>> Macbook pro, retina.
> (apologies to the list for inadvertedly requesting and receiving these last 
> comments directly)
> You have a portable computer connected via HDMI to an external display; so 
> when you write "this morning", what condition had you left it in the previous 
> night?

In this specific case, I had my machine turned off.

Normally, the issue is just closing and re-opening the app, which I do as 
needed to clean up swap space.

> Assuming you don't work in clamshell mode, did you leave the top case open 
> overnight, and just come back to the MacBook and wake it up with a keypress?

I never work in clamshell mode.

Clamshell mode is "You have closed the lid. Clearly, you don't want to shut 
down, you want to mirror your displays onto the remote. What do you mean, no 
keyboard? You're going to mouse, right?"

I close my lid when I want to go to sleep.
Instead, I have to go into terminal and use pmset to force sleep mode.

And, there's a good chance of it erroring on wakeup. If I use hibernate mode, 
it's almost guaranteed. If I just use normal sleep, there's a nearly guranteed 
"Oh, no external monitor on wake up, move all windows to the internal. Oh hey, 
now there's an external monitor, re-arrange them yourself".

> Are you doing some combination of closing lid, disconnecting HDMI, 
> reconnecting HDMI, opening lid, etc?
> Please provide the complete steps you're taking and what you observe at each 
> step; that might help others to provide greater insight and assistance.

My primary issue happens when an app is closed with an external monitor 
connected, anything from "no change" to "external disconnected overnight, 
reconnected in morning", "full shutdown", etc.

I've never noticed a pattern on when it does or does not 'reset'.

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Setting up multiple desktops, for different purposes per desktop.

2018-08-01 Thread Michael

On 2018-07-29, at 7:17 PM, Macs R We  wrote:

>> On Jul 29, 2018, at 12:10 PM, Michael  wrote:
>> I have tried to do something like this for years, but I have concluded that 
>> Apple's implementation of virtual desktops is just broken. I can never 
>> manage to have one app happy to have windows on multiple desktops (Finder, 
>> and TextEdit, are the worst behaving for me, Terminal isn't too far behind),
> Hm.  I often run with Finder windows open on multiple desktops, sometimes 
> TextEdit, rarely Terminal, and very often Safari.  They seem to work fine for 
> me, or perhaps I just have lower functional expectations. The most annoying 
> functional lacuna I experience is that using command-tilde to cycle through 
> an app's active windows cycles only through the windows on that desktop 
> (making me wonder why I can't seem to find the window I remember having left 
> open, until I realize it's because it's not on the current desktop).
>> restoring apps doesn't restore their windows to the desktop (Well, Finder 
>> will *usually*, not always, behave here),
> I don't know if you're talking about resurrecting them from a Dock 
> pigeonhole, or automatically re-opening them after a reboot, so I can't parse 
> this complaint.

After a reboot. Or, if the system thinks that it is safe to kill and relaunch 
it later.

For example, this morning, although this is not a virtual desktop issue, 
Finder, Mail, and Terminal re-opened all of their windows on the internal 
monitor, nothing on the HDMI monitor. Which means that they resized the big 
windows down to the internal monitor size.

I've had things collapse onto a single desktop so often that I have just 
stopped trying to separate them. It's not worth trying to spend a significant 
amount of time setting up projects that way only to know that it will (not if, 
when) break.

It's worse when you consider that Apple does not back up Saved Application 
State to time machine, so in some cases, not only does everything reset to the 
current desktop on startup, but things will also go to "All windows are 
reopened as default size and random placement", and you can't restore the 
previous day's window state.

>> and the general "feel" that I get is that Apple's view of virtual desktops 
>> is "This desktop is for this app", not "this desktop is for this workflow".
> Maybe my brain is insufficiently object-oriented.  I typically don't use the 
> same app for different workflows simultaneously (except for looking up things 
> in Safari, or taking notes in TextEdit, and these both seem to work fine for 
> me).

Finder, TextEdit, Terminal, and Mail are consistently multi-project programs 
for me. And they consistently fail/collapse to a single desktop. And this 
morning they collapsed to a single monitor.

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Setting up multiple desktops, for different purposes per desktop.

2018-07-29 Thread Michael

On 2018-07-29, at 11:23 AM, Macs R We  wrote:

> I have my desktop background set to rotate through a folder of photos that I 
> have published on our family calendar.  I also have my Mac set up with 
> multiple desktops, with each desktop devoted to a certain class of task 
> (mail, RSS reader, accounting tools, Windows, etc.)

I have a much better question. How did you do this?

I have tried to do something like this for years, but I have concluded that 
Apple's implementation of virtual desktops is just broken. I can never manage 
to have one app happy to have windows on multiple desktops (Finder, and 
TextEdit, are the worst behaving for me, Terminal isn't too far behind), 
restoring apps doesn't restore their windows to the desktop (Well, Finder will 
*usually*, not always, behave here), and the general "feel" that I get is that 
Apple's view of virtual desktops is "This desktop is for this app", not "this 
desktop is for this workflow".

Also, how do you get each desktop to have a different set of pictures? Best 
I've managed so far is a single fixed picture per desktop.

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Soundflower

2018-07-22 Thread Michael

On 2018-07-22, at 10:31 AM, David Schwartz  wrote:
> On Jul 22, 2018, at 10:28 AM, Michael  wrote:
>> So I found out the hard way that the version of soundflower that I'm using, 
>> even if configured for 6 different 2-channel loops, only has one volume 
>> control, and making any loop softer makes all the loops softer.
>> I've also discovered that there's about half a dozen different forks of 
>> soundflower.
>> Does anyone have a version that they use that:
>> 1. Supports multiple different sound levels on different devices,
>> 2. Does not introduce errors (Static/noise) after two or three days?
>> (A different version that I used to use would result in my needing to 
>> restart coreaudiod to get rid of that noise, so it's not a minor concern.)

> I prefer to use the rock solid commercial audio products from Rogue Amoeba, 
> instead of open source solutions:
> https://rogueamoeba.com/freebies/soundflower/

Ohh, lovely:

Initial development and maintenance of Soundflower was done by Cycling '74. In 
2014, Cycling '74 passed stewardship of Soundflower to Rogue Amoeba, but we 
ultimately didn't have the time or resources to improve the product.

Thankfully, at the end of 2015, Soundflower's original author Matt Ingalls 
picked up the baton. The project can now be found via this GitHub link. If 
you're looking to use Soundflower, that's the link to visit.

So I have used that Cycling '74 version, and it gave me that noise after days. 
I knew that R.A. didn't have any improvements to it, and I did find at least 
one other bugfix distribution.

Now that the original author has gotten back to it?
... Sadly, nothing in the last 4 years except a readme update. So, no go.

But now there's something like 300 forks of soundflower on GitHub. YEISH.

So, I'm back to my question: Anyone got one that works well?

MacOSX-talk mailing list


2018-07-22 Thread Michael
So I found out the hard way that the version of soundflower that I'm using, 
even if configured for 6 different 2-channel loops, only has one volume 
control, and making any loop softer makes all the loops softer.

I've also discovered that there's about half a dozen different forks of 

Does anyone have a version that they use that:
1. Supports multiple different sound levels on different devices,
2. Does not introduce errors (Static/noise) after two or three days?

(A different version that I used to use would result in my needing to restart 
coreaudiod to get rid of that noise, so it's not a minor concern.)

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Unable to use compressed swap, 10.9.5

2018-07-20 Thread Michael

On 2018-07-17, at 9:30 AM, Michael  wrote:

> I'd like some help figuring this out. My machine cannot use compressed swap 
> in 10.9.5.
> This is not an "always" issue. Originally it did use compressed swap with no 
> problem.

So I found the first issue, and I don't understand it. I'm looking for more 

I had, probably by mistake, configured a boot plist at 
/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration. I thought that the values I specified 
in the boot-args nvram setting were running things, but no, that file was 
overriding anything I was trying to specify on the boot-args.

So that's issue number one. I can make compressed swap "work" by removing this 

But that's the problem. The default action is to use 10 GB of my 16 GB for 
compressed swap. That's too much.

The vm compressor code is located at 
Reading it (and it was in my browser history, as well as a question I asked on 
stack overflow), the vm_compression_limit seems to go into a maximum number of 
compressed pages limit.

The number in the config file is 1024 * 1024, which seems to be a reasonable 
number of pages (1m pages, 4K per page, is 4 GB.) Yet it causes a swap error as 
soon as the limit is reached, and I'm prompted to close an unwanted app because 
the system is "out of application memory".

So I've got two choices, and I'm looking for the third:
1. No compression -- system works, but swap fills up rather quickly.
2. Compression, default -- system "works", but I don't have enough live memory.
3. What I want -- compression with less memory used by the compressor.

Can anyone help with this?

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Unable to use compressed swap, 10.9.5

2018-07-17 Thread Michael
I'd like some help figuring this out. My machine cannot use compressed swap in 

This is not an "always" issue. Originally it did use compressed swap with no 
problem. I switched to non-compressed swap because, under heavy load, the 
system would only have 6 GB for normal use, and 10 GB was used for the 
compressed data. And at the time, my normal heavy load was a minecraft server, 
a minecraft client, a teamspeak/skype call, and a video recorder -- which did 
not fit into 6 GB.

If I boot up a 10.12.6 image, I get compressed swap working just fine. But it 
takes too long to boot off my USB stick, and (bleep bleep apple) I don't have 
the room on my spare OS partition for the ever increasing OS size. (Bleep, why 
Apple, why do you force every important folder to be on the root partition? 
I've got tons of space on a giant partition on the internal drive, and I was 
brought up with a Multi-boot/Linux-based philosophy of the root partition is 
the stable system code, not /tmp, not swap, not users, not caches, etc.) 

Symptoms: As soon as the swap data tries to go to disk, I see this in the 
console log:

Jul 16 22:55:30 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: low swap: suspending pid 11512 (Dragon 
Jul 16 22:55:30 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: low swap: suspending pid 2415 (firefox)
Jul 16 22:55:30 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 
90 [wdhelper]
Jul 16 22:55:30 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: Swap File 

Dynamic Pager is being run with the default args:

  118   ??  Ss 0:00.14 /sbin/dynamic_pager -F /private/var/vm/swapfile

And there are standby files there:

keybounceMBP:~ michael$ ls /private/var/vm/
total 1114112
  65536 swapfile0  1048576 swapfile1
keybounceMBP:~ michael$ 

And, just in case:

keybounceMBP:~ michael$ openssl sha1 /sbin/dynamic_pager 
SHA1(/sbin/dynamic_pager)= f6b342d0023745ad8088650a502cb7a4e87b12c0
keybounceMBP:~ michael$ 

Did perhaps the pager get disk corruption?

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Re: Sandbox error while attempting to print

2018-07-08 Thread Michael
On 2018-07-08, at 2:41 PM, Macs R We  wrote:

> If you need to make this work for physical-space reasons, you'll have to add 
> a box like this that performs exactly this conversion — for $17, not an 
> expensive solution.

Ha again!
"Compatible Operating Systems:
• Windows® XP/Vista®/7 (32-bit and 64-bit)

And yeah, physical space reasons is a big part of it. Now I just need to find a 
Mac compatible version of that box (and I'm sure the only issue is a software 
driver for that box.)

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Sandbox error while attempting to print

2018-07-08 Thread Michael

On 2018-07-08, at 2:51 PM, Macs R We  wrote:

> Later on in the manual it does indeed talk about sharing printers.  But it 
> only works if you use their "Ready Share printer utility" package (which is 
> printer-server-type software) on each computer.  Have you done that?

Ha. I tried. The first version of that software that I found was Windows only 
(even though it states that it is Mac compatible on the box). Later, I did find 
a Mac version of the software, but the current version is only for 10.13 and 
newer, and I cannot find an older version of the software to download.

The network's performance of this new router is significantly less than I 
expected. Bottom line, between network performance problems, printer doesn't 
"just work", an inability to raise a support issue on their website, the 
broadcom chips so OpenWRT doesn't even work, etc., it's going back tomorrow.

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Sandbox error while attempting to print

2018-07-08 Thread Michael

On 2018-07-08, at 1:44 PM, David Schwartz  wrote:

>> Printer is USB only.
>> The router in question has a USB port, and support for network printing. 
> Apparently not very good support. 
> What is the make and model of this router?

Netgear r7900p

> ___
> MacOSX-talk mailing list
> MacOSX-talk@omnigroup.com
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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Sandbox error while attempting to print

2018-07-08 Thread Michael

On 2018-07-08, at 2:10 PM, Macs R We  wrote:

>> Printer is USB only.
>> The router in question has a USB port, and support for network printing. It 
>> exposes the printer to the network as Bonjour.
> Over what?  The USB port?  
> This makes no sense.  It's like saying that my car is "aviation-capable" 
> because it has an artificial horizon gauge, even though it lacks wings.

All I can say is that my Mac sees it as a Bonjour printer.

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Sandbox error while attempting to print

2018-07-08 Thread Michael

On 2018-07-08, at 12:05 PM, Macs R We  wrote:
>> On Jul 8, 2018, at 11:48 AM, David Schwartz  wrote:
>> On Jul 7, 2018, at 9:53 PM, Michael  wrote:
>>> ... plugged into my router, showing up as a Bonjour network printer
>> When connected via Ethernet does the printer have an IP address on your 
>> subnet?
>> If so, instead of selecting from the list of discovered printers, try 
>> setting up as IP with either LPD or IPP and see if the behavior is 
>> different.  
> This is good advice.
> I've had the experience of having a printer that was cabled to my indoor 
> network visible only to other cabled machines, and when it was reconfigured 
> to be wireless, was visible only to other wireless machines.  What caused it 
> was the inability of Bonjour to traverse a bridge. (Bonjour's TTL is 1, and 
> cannot be bumped up.) I reconfigured my internal network and gave my printer 
> a constant IP address (handed out by my router) instead of depending on 
> Bonjour to do it all, and the problem went away.

Printer is USB only.

The router in question has a USB port, and support for network printing. It 
exposes the printer to the network as Bonjour.

I have no idea how to give an IP address to a USB printer, nor any idea how 
Bonjour works internally (other than that it is supposed to hide the concern 
about where on a network something is).

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Sandbox error while attempting to print

2018-07-07 Thread Michael

On 2018-07-07, at 9:02 PM, Macs R We  wrote:

> It sounds like your CUPS printer driver is out of date.  If you're lucky, 
> it's only your copy.  If you're not lucky, there may be no up to date driver 
> available.
> If this is your only printer, reset the printing system and setup your Epson 
> again from scratch.  (If it's not your only printer, it means you'll have to 
> set up all the other printers again too.)


I wound up plugging it in to my computer directly. The error message still 
shows up, but it prints fine.

For whatever reason, plugged into my router, showing up as a Bonjour network 
printer, it will not print. But it prints fine plugged directly into my 

No desk space. It can't stay where I have it temporarily placed. But it doesn't 
seem to be the printing system on my computer.

This is after resetting the printing system.

>> On Jul 7, 2018, at 6:41 PM, Michael  wrote:
>> I am attempting to print to an Epson printer (a 2200) connected via Bonjour.
>> The console log shows:
>> Jul  7 18:37:39 keybounceMBP cups-exec[52964]: sandbox cache error 3850
>> Jul  7 18:37:39 keybounceMBP cups-exec[52962]: sandbox cache error 3850
>> Jul  7 18:37:39 keybounceMBP cups-exec[52963]: sandbox cache error 1: no 
>> such table: profiles
>> Jul  7 18:37:39 keybounceMBP EPSON_Stylus_Photo_2200__3e_ea_38__0[52963]: 
>> The function `CGContextErase' is obsolete and will be removed in an upcoming 
>> update. Unfortunately, this application, or a library it uses, is using this 
>> obsolete function, and is thereby contributing to an overall degradation of 
>> system performance.
>> The print queue program says "stopped – 'filter' failed, 1 page".
>> Mac OS: 10.9.5
>> Can anyone help me?
>> ---
>> Entertaining minecraft videos
>> http://YouTube.com/keybounce
>> ___
>> MacOSX-talk mailing list
>> MacOSX-talk@omnigroup.com
>> http://www.omnigroup.com/mailman/listinfo/macosx-talk

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Sandbox error while attempting to print

2018-07-07 Thread Michael
I am attempting to print to an Epson printer (a 2200) connected via Bonjour.

The console log shows:
Jul  7 18:37:39 keybounceMBP cups-exec[52964]: sandbox cache error 3850
Jul  7 18:37:39 keybounceMBP cups-exec[52962]: sandbox cache error 3850
Jul  7 18:37:39 keybounceMBP cups-exec[52963]: sandbox cache error 1: no such 
table: profiles
Jul  7 18:37:39 keybounceMBP EPSON_Stylus_Photo_2200__3e_ea_38__0[52963]: The 
function `CGContextErase' is obsolete and will be removed in an upcoming 
update. Unfortunately, this application, or a library it uses, is using this 
obsolete function, and is thereby contributing to an overall degradation of 
system performance.

The print queue program says "stopped – 'filter' failed, 1 page".

Mac OS: 10.9.5
Can anyone help me?

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: iOS apps without iTunes

2018-06-05 Thread Michael Caplinger
> I really dislike that iTunes doesn’t do it anymore…Apple removed perfectly 
> good functionality from it…

My recollection is that for years the ‘tech pundits’ complained that iTunes 
'did too much' and was ‘bloated’.  I’ve always thought removing the iOS App 
Store from iTunes was a response to these ‘demands’…


MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re-enabling the low disk warnings

2018-05-25 Thread Michael
How do I reenable the low disk warnings if they have been turned off by 


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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Help needed re-enabling compressed virtual memory.

2018-04-12 Thread Michael

On 2018-04-07, at 1:25 PM, Carl Hoefs  wrote:

> I think just clearing the setting will revert to the default behavior 
> (compressing memory):
> sudo nvram -d boot-args
> Then reboot.
> -Carl


This happens with zero swap space used. In other words, as soon as compressed 
swap tries to use the disk, it fails.

So my computer:
*can use normal swap, but not compressed swap.
*Can only boot (startup disk) from a normal partition on the internal drive 
(not from a USB stick, not from the recovery partition)
*refuses to display the boot chooser on pressing alt/option.

All of these used to work. It looks like I was able to boot from a USB stick in 
January or February (I had to use 10.2  to compact a sparse image that used 
large bands). I'm not sure when compressed swap failed -- it's probably been a 
year since I turned it off.

Apr 12 10:41:01 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: low swap: suspending pid 891 (firefox)
Apr 12 10:41:01 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: low swap: suspending pid 853 (Dragon 
Apr 12 10:41:01 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 
231 [xpcd]
Apr 12 10:41:01 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: Swap File 
Apr 12 10:41:01 keybounceMBP com.apple.launchd[1] 
(com.apple.xpcd.CA00----[231]): Exited: Killed: 9
Apr 12 10:41:01 keybounceMBP loginwindow[312]: -[ProcessPanel(lowMem) 
initAsLoMemPanel] | Lo-Memory panel initializing
Apr 12 10:41:02 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 
235 [com.apple.audio.]
Apr 12 10:41:02 keybounceMBP com.apple.launchd[1] 
(com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[235]): Exited: Killed: 9
Apr 12 10:41:03 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 
241 [com.apple.audio.]
Apr 12 10:41:03 keybounceMBP com.apple.launchd[1] 
(com.apple.audio.SandboxHelper[241]): Exited: Killed: 9
Apr 12 10:41:03 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 
85 [wdhelper]
Apr 12 10:41:03 keybounceMBP com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.wdhelper[85]): 
Exited: Killed: 9
Apr 12 10:41:04 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 
407 [IMDPersistenceAg]
Apr 12 10:41:04 keybounceMBP com.apple.launchd[1] 
(com.apple.imdpersistence.IMDPersistenceAgent[407]): Exited: Killed: 9
Apr 12 10:41:04 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 
425 [com.apple.NotesM]
Apr 12 10:41:04 keybounceMBP com.apple.launchd[1] 
(com.apple.NotesMigratorService[425]): Exited: Killed: 9
Apr 12 10:41:05 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 
406 [xpcd]
Apr 12 10:41:05 keybounceMBP com.apple.launchd[1] 
(com.apple.xpcd.3700----[406]): Exited: Killed: 9
Apr 12 10:41:05 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 
486 [CloudKeychainPro]
Apr 12 10:41:05 keybounceMBP secd[411]:  handle_xpc_event >>>>> 
handle_connection_event via event_handler <<<<<, WTF?
Apr 12 10:41:05 keybounceMBP com.apple.launchd.peruser.502[259] 
(com.apple.security.cloudkeychainproxy3[486]): Idle-exit job was jettisoned. 
Will bypass throttle interval for next on-demand launch.
Apr 12 10:41:05 keybounceMBP com.apple.launchd.peruser.502[259] 
(com.apple.security.cloudkeychainproxy3[486]): assertion failed: 13F1911: 
launchd + 43321 [364E35A7-9FA7-3950-8494-40B49A2E7250]: 0x9
Apr 12 10:41:06 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 
436 [nsnetworkd]


>> On Apr 7, 2018, at 12:57 PM, Michael  wrote:
>> So a while back, I disabled compressed virtual memory:
>> bash-3.2# nvram boot-args
>> boot-args   -v -s vm_compressor=1
>> bash-3.2# 
>> I tried to reenable it (removing the vm_compressor argument). Unfortunately, 
>> all that did was give me a swap error as soon as physical memory filled up.
>> I'd like to know what I need to do to go back to compressing my virtual 
>> memory.
>> At the time, my reason for disabling it was that it turned my 16 GB machine 
>> into a 6 GB machine. The system would insist on using 10 GB for compressed 
>> swap, and my working set at the time -- Minecraft client, Minecraft server, 
>> recording software, voice chat software, etc. -- needed more memory than 
>> that.
>> ---
>> Entertaining minecraft videos
>> http://YouTube.com/keybounce
>> ___
>> MacOSX-talk mailing list
>> MacOSX-talk@omnigroup.com
>> http://www.omnigroup.com/mailman/listinfo/macosx-talk

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Help needed re-enabling compressed virtual memory.

2018-04-07 Thread Michael
So a while back, I disabled compressed virtual memory:

bash-3.2# nvram boot-args
boot-args   -v -s vm_compressor=1

I tried to reenable it (removing the vm_compressor argument). Unfortunately, 
all that did was give me a swap error as soon as physical memory filled up.

I'd like to know what I need to do to go back to compressing my virtual memory.

At the time, my reason for disabling it was that it turned my 16 GB machine 
into a 6 GB machine. The system would insist on using 10 GB for compressed 
swap, and my working set at the time -- Minecraft client, Minecraft server, 
recording software, voice chat software, etc. -- needed more memory than that.

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Trouble with startup disk and the boot chooser.

2018-04-07 Thread Michael
I am running 10.9.5, on a 15 inch, mid 2014 MacBook Pro.

I used to be able to use startup disk in system preferences to select a 10.12 
USB stick.

I used to be able to hold down the option key and get a chooser at boot time.

I even wondered if maybe the bless information had gotten cleared

bash-3.2# bless --info .
finderinfo[0]:606 => Blessed System Folder is 
finderinfo[1]: 440225 => Blessed System File is 
finderinfo[2]:  0 => Open-folder linked list empty
finderinfo[3]:  0 => No alternate OS blessed file/folder
finderinfo[4]:  0 => Unused field unset
finderinfo[5]:606 => OS X blessed folder is 
64-bit VSDB volume id:  0xD0753A395E418072
bash-3.2# cd /
bash-3.2# bless --info .
finderinfo[0]: 803839 => Blessed System Folder is /System/Library/CoreServices
finderinfo[1]: 846201 => Blessed System File is 
finderinfo[2]:  0 => Open-folder linked list empty
finderinfo[3]:  0 => No alternate OS blessed file/folder
finderinfo[4]:  0 => Unused field unset
finderinfo[5]: 803839 => OS X blessed folder is /System/Library/CoreServices
64-bit VSDB volume id:  0x82BCF4CF22760DAE

The bless information on my USB stick looks similar to what I see on my hard 

I used to be able to do this.

I am no longer able to boot off of a USB stick. I am no longer able to boot 
from my recovery mode partition.

Help? How do I make this work, or has Apple done something to the firmware and 
this will not work at all anymore?

/Volumes/EFI/EFI/APPLE/FIRMWARE/MBP112_0138_B25_LOCKED.scap has a date of 

And for completeness,
bash-3.2# bless --info /Volumes/Recovery\ HD/
finderinfo[0]: 24 => Blessed System Folder is /Volumes/Recovery 
finderinfo[1]: 25 => Blessed System File is /Volumes/Recovery 
finderinfo[2]:  0 => Open-folder linked list empty
finderinfo[3]: 24 => Alternate OS blessed file/folder is /Volumes/Recovery 
finderinfo[4]:  0 => Unused field unset
finderinfo[5]: 24 => OS X blessed folder is /Volumes/Recovery 
64-bit VSDB volume id:  0xE93483E4DDDE9594

And something I just thought of in case it makes a difference: on the USB stick,

bash-3.2# bless --info /Volumes/Recovery\ HD/
finderinfo[0]: 23 => Blessed System Folder is /Volumes/Recovery 
finderinfo[1]: 24 => Blessed System File is /Volumes/Recovery 
finderinfo[2]:  0 => Open-folder linked list empty
finderinfo[3]: 23 => Alternate OS blessed file/folder is /Volumes/Recovery 
finderinfo[4]:  0 => Unused field unset
finderinfo[5]: 23 => OS X blessed folder is /Volumes/Recovery 
64-bit VSDB volume id:  0x00D7DD48B1E38F6A
bash-3.2# ls /Volumes/EFI/
total 6
1 .Spotlight-V100/  1 .Trashes/ 4 ._.Trashes*   1 

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Universal access console spam

2018-03-25 Thread Michael

On 2018-03-25, at 12:01 PM, Macs R We  wrote:

> There's not a lot of intel on the web about what this process actually does.
> Guessing entirely from the name, I wonder if it might be related to System 
> Preferences / Accessibility / Speech / Announce when alerts are displayed or 
> applications need your attention.  I know Universal Access was the old name 
> for Accessibility.  Actually, if you're still running Lion, it still may be.

I do in fact use universal access. And I have for a long time. This console 
spam is new.

I have no idea why it has started now, nor how to stop it.

That launchctl command does stop it, but I have no idea if it's hiding a more 
serious problem.

>> On Mar 25, 2018, at 11:47 AM, Michael  wrote:
>> What can cause this, and how do I fix it?
>> Mar 25 11:45:27 keybounceMBP com.apple.launchd.peruser.502[227] 
>> (com.apple.universalaccessAuthWarn): Throttling respawn: Will start in 1 
>> seconds
>> Mar 25 11:45:28 keybounceMBP com.apple.launchd.peruser.502[227] 
>> (com.apple.universalaccessAuthWarn[10980]): Exited with code: 1
>> Mar 25 11:45:28 keybounceMBP com.apple.launchd.peruser.502[227] 
>> (com.apple.universalaccessAuthWarn): Throttling respawn: Will start in 1 
>> seconds
>> Mar 25 11:45:29 keybounceMBP com.apple.launchd.peruser.502[227] 
>> (com.apple.universalaccessAuthWarn[10981]): Exited with code: 1
>> Mar 25 11:45:29 keybounceMBP com.apple.launchd.peruser.502[227] 
>> (com.apple.universalaccessAuthWarn): Throttling respawn: Will start in 1 
>> seconds
>> This started shortly after I logged in.
>> 10.9.5.
>> ---
>> Entertaining minecraft videos
>> http://YouTube.com/keybounce
>> ___
>> MacOSX-talk mailing list
>> MacOSX-talk@omnigroup.com
>> http://www.omnigroup.com/mailman/listinfo/macosx-talk

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Universal access console spam

2018-03-25 Thread Michael
What can cause this, and how do I fix it?

Mar 25 11:45:27 keybounceMBP com.apple.launchd.peruser.502[227] 
(com.apple.universalaccessAuthWarn): Throttling respawn: Will start in 1 seconds
Mar 25 11:45:28 keybounceMBP com.apple.launchd.peruser.502[227] 
(com.apple.universalaccessAuthWarn[10980]): Exited with code: 1
Mar 25 11:45:28 keybounceMBP com.apple.launchd.peruser.502[227] 
(com.apple.universalaccessAuthWarn): Throttling respawn: Will start in 1 seconds
Mar 25 11:45:29 keybounceMBP com.apple.launchd.peruser.502[227] 
(com.apple.universalaccessAuthWarn[10981]): Exited with code: 1
Mar 25 11:45:29 keybounceMBP com.apple.launchd.peruser.502[227] 
(com.apple.universalaccessAuthWarn): Throttling respawn: Will start in 1 seconds

This started shortly after I logged in.

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Help with no swap space please.

2018-03-11 Thread Michael
Or ...

My name came up as: launchctl: Couldn't 
No such file or directorynothing found to load Michael

Details say:
/usr/bin/sudo /bin/rm -rf
with no directory specified.

On 2018-03-11, at 7:59 PM, Michael  wrote:

> Ok. Will  try, but after reading the description in the manual of what does, 
> I'm not expecting  it to work.
> On 2018-03-11, at 7:43 PM, Macs R We  wrote:
>> Mavericks.  It's a third-party tool, it's always had the name in it.
>>> On Mar 11, 2018, at 8:42 PM, Michael  wrote:
>>> On 2018-03-11, at 7:40 PM, Macs R We  wrote:
>>>> Hm.  Have you tried using Sierra Cache Cleaner (they have one for every OS 
>>>> name, just Google yours) in deep clean mode?
>>> No. What's the name of 10.9.5? (And why did they skip from nice, meaningful 
>>> numbers to meaningless names?)
>>>>> On Mar 11, 2018, at 8:37 PM, Michael  wrote:
>>>>> My system log is showing me things like this:
>>>>> Mar 11 19:20:35 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: low swap: suspending pid 14091 
>>>>> (firefox)
>>>>> Mar 11 19:20:35 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: low swap: suspending pid 936 
>>>>> (Dragon Dictate)
>>>>> Mar 11 19:20:35 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting 
>>>>> pid 96 [wdhelper]
>>>>> Mar 11 19:20:35 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: Swap 
>>>>> File Error.
>>>>> My boot-args  is  just
>>>>> boot-args   -v -s
>>>>> I have approximately 2 GB of compressed space, and zero bytes of swap 
>>>>> used.
>>>>> bash-3.2# ls /var/vm
>>>>> total 1114112
>>>>> 65536 swapfile0   1048576 swapfile1
>>>>> bash-3.2# 
>>>>> The system is able to allocate swap files, but for some reason is 
>>>>> refusing to use them. Also, in the past I moved away from compressed swap 
>>>>> to "just go directly to swap files" because I discovered that my system 
>>>>> would consistently wind up with about 10 GB of compressed space, leaving 
>>>>> with only 6 GB of working space. I recently reset it to use the normal 
>>>>> compressed swap because I'm no longer using the heavy workload that 
>>>>> needed more than 6 GB of working space.
>>>>> My old boot args was
>>>>> boot-args   -v -s vm_compressor=1
>>>>> and it worked fine until my boot partition ran out of space (At which 
>>>>> point it died horrifically; in contrast, although the compressed swap 
>>>>> setup won't use the swap file, and runs into trouble much much sooner, it 
>>>>> is graceful and the "out of memory panel" actually works.)
>>>>> ---
>>>>> Entertaining minecraft videos
>>>>> http://YouTube.com/keybounce
>>>>> ___
>>>>> MacOSX-talk mailing list
>>>>> MacOSX-talk@omnigroup.com
>>>>> http://www.omnigroup.com/mailman/listinfo/macosx-talk
>>> ---
>>> Entertaining minecraft videos
>>> http://YouTube.com/keybounce
> ---
> Entertaining minecraft videos
> http://YouTube.com/keybounce

Entertaining minecraft videos

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Help with no swap space please.

2018-03-11 Thread Michael
Ok. Will  try, but after reading the description in the manual of what does, 
I'm not expecting  it to work.

On 2018-03-11, at 7:43 PM, Macs R We  wrote:

> Mavericks.  It's a third-party tool, it's always had the name in it.
>> On Mar 11, 2018, at 8:42 PM, Michael  wrote:
>> On 2018-03-11, at 7:40 PM, Macs R We  wrote:
>>> Hm.  Have you tried using Sierra Cache Cleaner (they have one for every OS 
>>> name, just Google yours) in deep clean mode?
>> No. What's the name of 10.9.5? (And why did they skip from nice, meaningful 
>> numbers to meaningless names?)
>>>> On Mar 11, 2018, at 8:37 PM, Michael  wrote:
>>>> My system log is showing me things like this:
>>>> Mar 11 19:20:35 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: low swap: suspending pid 14091 
>>>> (firefox)
>>>> Mar 11 19:20:35 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: low swap: suspending pid 936 
>>>> (Dragon Dictate)
>>>> Mar 11 19:20:35 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting 
>>>> pid 96 [wdhelper]
>>>> Mar 11 19:20:35 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: Swap 
>>>> File Error.
>>>> My boot-args  is  just
>>>> boot-args   -v -s
>>>> I have approximately 2 GB of compressed space, and zero bytes of swap used.
>>>> bash-3.2# ls /var/vm
>>>> total 1114112
>>>> 65536 swapfile0   1048576 swapfile1
>>>> bash-3.2# 
>>>> The system is able to allocate swap files, but for some reason is refusing 
>>>> to use them. Also, in the past I moved away from compressed swap to "just 
>>>> go directly to swap files" because I discovered that my system would 
>>>> consistently wind up with about 10 GB of compressed space, leaving with 
>>>> only 6 GB of working space. I recently reset it to use the normal 
>>>> compressed swap because I'm no longer using the heavy workload that needed 
>>>> more than 6 GB of working space.
>>>> My old boot args was
>>>> boot-args   -v -s vm_compressor=1
>>>> and it worked fine until my boot partition ran out of space (At which 
>>>> point it died horrifically; in contrast, although the compressed swap 
>>>> setup won't use the swap file, and runs into trouble much much sooner, it 
>>>> is graceful and the "out of memory panel" actually works.)
>>>> ---
>>>> Entertaining minecraft videos
>>>> http://YouTube.com/keybounce
>>>> ___
>>>> MacOSX-talk mailing list
>>>> MacOSX-talk@omnigroup.com
>>>> http://www.omnigroup.com/mailman/listinfo/macosx-talk
>> ---
>> Entertaining minecraft videos
>> http://YouTube.com/keybounce

Entertaining minecraft videos

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Help with no swap space please.

2018-03-11 Thread Michael

On 2018-03-11, at 7:40 PM, Macs R We  wrote:

> Hm.  Have you tried using Sierra Cache Cleaner (they have one for every OS 
> name, just Google yours) in deep clean mode?

No. What's the name of 10.9.5? (And why did they skip from nice, meaningful 
numbers to meaningless names?)

>> On Mar 11, 2018, at 8:37 PM, Michael  wrote:
>> My system log is showing me things like this:
>> Mar 11 19:20:35 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: low swap: suspending pid 14091 
>> (firefox)
>> Mar 11 19:20:35 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: low swap: suspending pid 936 (Dragon 
>> Dictate)
>> Mar 11 19:20:35 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting 
>> pid 96 [wdhelper]
>> Mar 11 19:20:35 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: Swap File 
>> Error.
>> My boot-args  is  just
>> boot-args   -v -s
>> I have approximately 2 GB of compressed space, and zero bytes of swap used.
>> bash-3.2# ls /var/vm
>> total 1114112
>> 65536 swapfile0   1048576 swapfile1
>> bash-3.2# 
>> The system is able to allocate swap files, but for some reason is refusing 
>> to use them. Also, in the past I moved away from compressed swap to "just go 
>> directly to swap files" because I discovered that my system would 
>> consistently wind up with about 10 GB of compressed space, leaving with only 
>> 6 GB of working space. I recently reset it to use the normal compressed swap 
>> because I'm no longer using the heavy workload that needed more than 6 GB of 
>> working space.
>> My old boot args was
>> boot-args   -v -s vm_compressor=1
>> and it worked fine until my boot partition ran out of space (At which point 
>> it died horrifically; in contrast, although the compressed swap setup won't 
>> use the swap file, and runs into trouble much much sooner, it is graceful 
>> and the "out of memory panel" actually works.)
>> ---
>> Entertaining minecraft videos
>> http://YouTube.com/keybounce
>> ___
>> MacOSX-talk mailing list
>> MacOSX-talk@omnigroup.com
>> http://www.omnigroup.com/mailman/listinfo/macosx-talk

Entertaining minecraft videos

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Help with no swap space please.

2018-03-11 Thread Michael
My system log is showing me things like this:

Mar 11 19:20:35 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: low swap: suspending pid 14091 (firefox)
Mar 11 19:20:35 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: low swap: suspending pid 936 (Dragon 
Mar 11 19:20:35 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 
96 [wdhelper]
Mar 11 19:20:35 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: (default pager): [KERNEL]: Swap File 

My boot-args  is  just
boot-args   -v -s

I have approximately 2 GB of compressed space, and zero bytes of swap used.

bash-3.2# ls /var/vm
total 1114112
  65536 swapfile0   1048576 swapfile1

The system is able to allocate swap files, but for some reason is refusing to 
use them. Also, in the past I moved away from compressed swap to "just go 
directly to swap files" because I discovered that my system would consistently 
wind up with about 10 GB of compressed space, leaving with only 6 GB of working 
space. I recently reset it to use the normal compressed swap because I'm no 
longer using the heavy workload that needed more than 6 GB of working space.

My old boot args was
boot-args   -v -s vm_compressor=1
and it worked fine until my boot partition ran out of space (At which point it 
died horrifically; in contrast, although the compressed swap setup won't use 
the swap file, and runs into trouble much much sooner, it is graceful and the 
"out of memory panel" actually works.)

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Re: Time Machine duplicates

2018-03-05 Thread Michael

On 2018-03-05, at 12:43 PM, Dinse, Gregg (NIH/NIEHS) [C]  

> That's a good idea.  I just checked and, based on the names of the folders, 
> there appears to be only one per hour.  So, this suggests that the listing 
> within the Time Machine app is reporting two backups per hour when in fact 
> only one is being performed (or at least only one is being kept in the usual 
> location).

Do you have mobile backups?

> Gregg
> On 03/05/2018, 12:55 PM, "Macs R We"  wrote:
>Why not examine the folder hierarchy on your backup drive and inspect the 
> individual folder names, which will tell you when each backup set was 
> actually taken.  Then at least you will know which end of the process is 
> misbehaving.
>> On Mar 5, 2018, at 9:26 AM, Dinse, Gregg (NIH/NIEHS) [C] 
>>  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am running MacOSX 10.12.6 on a mid-2010 Mac Pro tower.  I just upgraded 
>> from Yosemite to Sierra, so that may be related.
>> I installed a "new" hard drive and dedicated it to Time Machine.  It's only 
>> been running for about a day.  I opened the Time Machine app today and, as 
>> usual, there are the tick marks along the right side of the screen that show 
>> when the various backups were performed (when the mouse hovers over a given 
>> tick mark).  Ideally the backups are about an hour apart.  In my case, there 
>> are pairs of tick marks with the same time listed.  That is, the last two 
>> tick marks show exactly the same time, the next two tick marks also show the 
>> exact same time (though an hour earlier), and so on.  I don't know if two 
>> backups are being performed each hour, or if the listing is just messed up.  
>> Has anyone seen this?  Does anyone know how to fix it?  Is there some 
>> preference file somewhere that is messed up?
>> Thanks in advance for any help you can give me,
>> Gregg
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Re: Startup Disk disagrees with restart options, and restart options is right

2018-03-02 Thread Michael Brian Bentley
Having no other real solutions, nuke and pave is in that WD 4TB drive's 

I have an Early 2013 MBP (Retina) w 16GB Ram running High Sierra 10.13.3 

The internal ssd is an early OWC Aura 1TB. I have the old original Apple 
ssd in the external aluminum case. Both have High Sierra and can boot. 
It took a couple days to get that far.

I have three WD 2.5" Rotating Memory Drives [RMD] (My, how that old old 
name has returned to haunt), an Ultra 4TB in a shiny case, and a 4TB and 
2TB in those new black cases. The Ultra 4TB drive has a boot partition, 
a Boot Camp partition and a Time Machine partition; it got corrupted 
after a year of service so it's sitting there until everything else has 
settled down. The 2TB drive is new, has just a bootable partition and 
does boot, tho it can take a while (for as yet unknown reasons). That 
apple progress bar crawls. The 2TB is I believe APFS.

The 4TB drive is new, and is HFS+. It was set up to be the second backup 
drive to take over from the Ultra, and so has the boot partition, Boot 
Camp backup, and Time Machine partition, but it doesn't boot.

According to OWC, my combination of 1TB OWC ssd and Retina MBP laptop is 
the one combination that wasn't supposed to have weird problems that the 
other combinations apparently have suffered from. I didn't need a 
firmware update before installing High Sierra, and I'm not supposed to 
be experiencing wacky slow behavior and odd problems with external 
drives not booting when they should be able to.

I have a work machine that is about the same as the home machine, and 
the drives behave the same, so I actually don't think the current 
internal ssd is causing hiccups for boot time. The work machine is still 
on Sierra.

More as I make it up. I'm now working on backing up the NTFS 
partition(s) so I can wipe the drive(s).

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Startup Disk disagrees with restart options, and restart options is right

2018-03-01 Thread Michael Brian Bentley
I've had a heck of a time getting the Ts crossed and the eyes poked 
(ow!) installing High Sierra on an internal OWD SSD and all the external 
backup drives such that they all boot. i'm almost done. It's taken 
several days. The mix of the early OWC Aura SSD and APFS, I believe, has 
been a chore.

I have a 4TB external hard drive that has High Sierra installed, is an 
HFS+/GUID drive. It shows up in Preferences>Startup Disk as bootable. It 
does not show up in the restart options menu, and the MBP doesn't boot 
from that drive when selected via Startup Disk.

Anyone know what's going on with this? Regrooving a 4TB drive is tedious.


MacOSX-talk mailing list

Startup Disk disagrees with restart options, and restart options is right

2018-03-01 Thread Michael Brian Bentley
I've had a heck of a time getting the Ts crossed and the eyes poked 
(ow!) installing High Sierra on an internal OWD SSD and all the external 
backup drives such that they all boot. i'm almost done. It's taken 
several days. APFS has been a chore.

I have a 4TB external hard drive that has High Sierra installed, is an 
HFS+/GUID drive. It shows up in Preferences>Startup Disk as bootable. It 
does not show up in the restart options menu, and the MBP doesn't boot 
from that drive when selected via Startup Disk.

Anyone know what's going on with this? Regrooving a 4TB drive is tedious.


MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Backblaze warning.

2018-02-25 Thread Michael

On 2018-02-25, at 9:16 PM, @lbutlr  wrote:

> On 2018-02-25 (17:14 MST), Michael  wrote:
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: "Zach (Support)" 
>>> Subject: [Help Desk] Re: I am unable to recover files for a backup.
>>> Backblaze automatically does not backup browser profiles like those create 
>>> for Firefox and Chrome as this information can typically be retrieved via 
>>> logging into the browser once more. As such, it will not be recoverable 
>>> from within your backup.
>>> However, these exclusions can be edited or removed in an editable XML file 
>>> hidden the Backblaze package on your machine. This article describes where 
>>> to find this file and how to edit it: 
>>> https://help.backblaze.com/hc/en-us/articles/220973007-Advanced-Topic-Setting-Custom-Exclusions-via-XML
>>> Cheers,
>>> Zach
>>> Support Technician
>>> The Backblaze Team
>> Backblaze by default does not back up a Firefox profile, except for the 
>> bookmarks file.
>> This file is immediately getting edited by me.
>> Just a warning. There are exclusions not shown the in the preferences panel, 
>> and there's no warning about it until you need it.
> There are also hard-coded exclusions that cannot be edited.

The unavoidable things are shown in the preference panel. The issue is not that 
there is a second file of user editable exclusions, the issue is that these 
exclusions include something that Backblaze felt was not needed (your browser 
profile), when for many of us the browser profile needs to be backed up.

In particular, a lot of settings get saved in a JavaScript file which is not 
backed up.

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Backblaze warning.

2018-02-25 Thread Michael

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Zach (Support)" 
> Subject: [Help Desk] Re: I am unable to recover files for a backup.
> Backblaze automatically does not backup browser profiles like those create 
> for Firefox and Chrome as this information can typically be retrieved via 
> logging into the browser once more. As such, it will not be recoverable from 
> within your backup.
> However, these exclusions can be edited or removed in an editable XML file 
> hidden the Backblaze package on your machine. This article describes where to 
> find this file and how to edit it: 
> https://help.backblaze.com/hc/en-us/articles/220973007-Advanced-Topic-Setting-Custom-Exclusions-via-XML
> Cheers,
> Zach
> Support Technician
> The Backblaze Team

Backblaze by default does not back up a Firefox profile, except for the 
bookmarks file.

This file is immediately getting edited by me.

Just a warning. There are exclusions not shown the in the preferences panel, 
and there's no warning about it until you need it.

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Sparse bundle thinks it's out of space.

2018-02-25 Thread Michael
Oh crud.

/dev/disk3s33.4T  3.4T  492M 100% /Volumes/rawTimeMachine
/dev/disk4s23.3T  3.3T 0 100% /Volumes/TimeMachine

So this morning, I saw something in the console log that made me worried. 
Another one of those "cannot cat this inode" issues.

A verification of the Time Machine image showed that it was fine. So now let's 
verify the underlying physical drive.

Oh, it's live. Unmount the Time Machine volume.

Nope, still live.

A quick check showed that the diskimage-helper program was still running. 
Right, I have to actually eject the Time Machine volume.

The raw volume is fine. Remount Time Machine, and oops.

Remember, yesterday I shrank the diskimage with disk utility, and at that point 
the reported size was working correctly. It was ignoring the space on the 
underlying physical drive, and reporting that it had about 2 TB of unused space 
inside the diskimage. The only thing I did since then it was a complete flush 
of the cache.

The underlying physical drive still has space. The Time Machine volume is 
ignoring that, and only using its own space. This is good.

But in the process of completely cleaning out the cache, and reading the data 
off the drive, it went from seeing a large amount of space to seeing no space.

There seems to be a cache consistency problem in the diskimage system somewhere.

I'm probably going to reformat this thing, and start over. Having lost the two 
month history, there is no reason not to.

EDI: Or, you know, ...

keybounceMBP:TimeMachine michael$ du -s lost+found/
du: cannot read directory 'lost+found/dir_11663332': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory 'lost+found/dir_13655795': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory 'lost+found/dir_14096703/com.apple.documentVersions': 
Permission denied
... 456 total lines ...
du: cannot read directory 'lost+found/dir_4871298/Pictures': Permission denied
du: cannot read directory 'lost+found/dir_4871298/Public/Drop Box': Permission 
du: cannot read directory 'lost+found/dir_8696987': Permission denied
915271136   lost+found/
keybounceMBP:TimeMachine michael$ 

Yea ...

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Sparse bundle thinks it's out of space.

2018-02-24 Thread Michael
Oh, this is fun.

Feb 24 20:29:49 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: hfs: cat_resolvelink: can't find 
inode=dir_2 on vol=TimeMachine

The good news: using disk utility to explicitly shrink the partition results it 
working properly, showing plenty of free space as expected.
The bad news: that error message

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Sparse bundle thinks it's out of space.

2018-02-24 Thread Michael

On 2018-02-24, at 6:04 PM, @lbutlr  wrote:

> On 2018-02-24 (17:03 MST), Michael  wrote:
>> To clarify: with the default 8 MB band size, the same behavior of assuming 
>> that the space on the image is the same as the space on the host drive,
> You said "The sparse bundle was the size of the partition minus a small 
> amount ", so what are you expecting the free space to report?
> I only  use a few sparse bundles, they are set to be maximum of 4.7GB and 
> they report the proper amount of free space as maximum Size of bundle - space 
> used on bundle, as I would expect.
> If you are making a custom sparse bundle with a custom band size I would not 
> be at all surprised if something like Time Machine got very confused by that. 
> Time machine is not just any app, and it has deep hooks into the system.
> As for deleting data from Time Machine, this is often tricky and just because 
> you think you deleted something doesn't mean you did. What tool are you using 
> to delete files to free up space?
> AFAIK, Time Machine only supports using sparse bundles that 1) it creates and 
> 2) are on network shares. Could be wrong, it's not something I've spent a lot 
> of time on. Time Machine is my primary backup, but that is only because it is 
> convenient. The backup I rely on is Backblaze.

I am certain that I'm actually deleting the large file. The tool that I am 
using is Time Machine itself.

Console log shows:

Feb 23 21:23:44 keybounceMBP com.apple.backupd[26765]: Deleted backup 
/Volumes/TimeMachine/Backups.backupdb/Keybounce's MacBook Pro/2017-11-09-235918 
containing 51.36 GB; 56.22 GB now available, 7.69 GB required
Feb 23 21:23:44 keybounceMBP com.apple.backupd[26765]: Deleted 3 backups 
containing 53.48 GB total; 56.22 GB now available, 7.69 GB required
Feb 23 21:23:44 keybounceMBP com.apple.backupd[26765]: Backup date range was 
shortened: oldest backup is now Nov 16, 2017
Feb 23 21:23:48 keybounceMBP com.apple.backupd[26765]: Copied 8 items (1 KB) 
from volume Macintosh HD. Linked 21.
Feb 23 21:25:01 --- last message repeated 4 times ---
Feb 23 21:27:47 keybounceMBP com.apple.backupd[26765]: Copied 405 items (1.54 
GB) from volume New Main. Linked 6550.
Feb 23 21:28:08 keybounceMBP com.apple.backupd[26765]: Copied 2 items (Zero KB) 
from volume UserData. Linked 13.
Feb 23 21:28:11 keybounceMBP com.apple.backupd[26765]: Copied 2 items (Zero KB) 
from volume rawTimeMachine. Linked 5.
Feb 23 21:28:16 keybounceMBP com.apple.backupd[26765]: Copied 5 items (33 
bytes) from volume Sierra10-12test. Linked 19.
Feb 23 21:29:32 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: hfs: set LowDisk: vol:TimeMachine, 
freeblks:17670, warninglimit:19200
Feb 23 21:29:32 keybounceMBP KernelEventAgent[136]: tid 54485244 received 
event(s) VQ_LOWDISK (4)
Feb 23 21:29:32 keybounceMBP KernelEventAgent[136]: tid 54485244 type 'hfs', 
mounted on '/Volumes/TimeMachine', from '/dev/disk4s2', low disk
Feb 23 21:29:33 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: hfs: set VeryLowDisk: vol:TimeMachine, 
freeblks:12710, dangerlimit:12800
Feb 23 21:29:33 keybounceMBP kernel[0]: hfs: set VeryLowDisk: vol:TimeMachine, 
backingstore b_avail:78246, tag:16
Feb 23 21:29:33 keybounceMBP KernelEventAgent[136]: tid 54485244 received 
Feb 23 21:29:33 keybounceMBP KernelEventAgent[136]: tid 54485244 type 'hfs', 
mounted on '/Volumes/TimeMachine', from '/dev/disk4s2', low disk, very low disk
Feb 23 21:29:34 keybounceMBP mds[131]: (Warning) Volume: Indexing reset and 
suspended on backup volume "/Volumes/TimeMachine" because it is low on disk 
Feb 23 21:29:36 keybounceMBP com.apple.backupd[26765]: Stopping backup.
Feb 23 21:29:36 keybounceMBP com.apple.backupd[26765]: Error: (-34) SrcErr:NO 
Copying /Volumes/rawKleimanMovies/KleimanMovies.sparsebundle/bands/32c9 to 
/Volumes/TimeMachine/Backups.backupdb/Keybounce's MacBook 
Feb 23 21:32:10 keybounceMBP com.apple.backupd[26765]: Copied 14 items (1.48 
GB) from volume rawKleimanMovies. Linked 9498.
Feb 23 21:32:10 keybounceMBP com.apple.backupd[26765]: Copy stage failed with 
Feb 23 21:32:12 keybounceMBP com.apple.backupd[26765]: Backup failed with error 
28: 28

In fact, over the rest of the night and the next morning, the log shows 
complaints of no space for the indexer, deleting a backup to make room for the 
indexer, resuming the indexer, and the indexer failing for no disk space.

Right now, there is only one backup on the sparse bundle.

What do I expect to show in free space? The underlying partition is 3.7 TB. The 
drive image, if I remember correctly, was made at 3.5 TB. The free space should 
be 3.5 TB minus the used (one backup). In other words, th

Re: Sparse bundle thinks it's out of space.

2018-02-24 Thread Michael
>>> First question: is there any way to make a sparse image drive reuse space 
>>> in the bands when they are freed up?
>>> Second question: is there any way to compact a sparse image when the band 
>>> size used is bigger than normal?
>> Have your tried with a non-hax0red sparse bundle using the default 8MB band 
>> size?
> Sure. Works. Will compact. But slow. Very slow.
> And this is a normal, supported HDI image bundle, made by the normal Apple 
> tools.

To clarify: with the default 8 MB band size, the same behavior of assuming that 
the space on the image is the same as the space on the host drive, and as far 
as I can tell not reusing the band space when a file is deleted off the image 

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Sparse bundle thinks it's out of space.

2018-02-24 Thread Michael
> On 2018-02-24 (09:55 MST), Michael  wrote:
>> First question: is there any way to make a sparse image drive reuse space in 
>> the bands when they are freed up?
>> Second question: is there any way to compact a sparse image when the band 
>> size used is bigger than normal?
> Have your tried with a non-hax0red sparse bundle using the default 8MB band 
> size?

Sure. Works. Will compact. But slow. Very slow.

And this is a normal, supported HDI image bundle, made by the normal Apple 

> -- 
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Sparse bundle thinks it's out of space.

2018-02-24 Thread Michael
I'm running into an issue with sparse bundles. I am using 10.9.5.

The issue is this: deleting files off of a sparse bundle does not actually free 
up space, or at least does not appear to.

Specifically: the partition that I'm using for Time Machine had a sparse bundle 
created in it. The sparse bundle was the size of the partition minus a small 
amount (default sizing). Due to the poor speed of Time Machine with sparse 
bundles and the default band size, I used the technique seen in various places 
to make the band size bigger (copying it with hdiutil and specifying a new band 

"hdiutil compact" will not free up unused bands when they are bigger than the 
default (128 mb in use). I did not think this would be a concern, because even 
if all of the drive image space is allocated, there will still be space on the 
virtual disk that is unused, freed up, and will be reused. The worst that would 
happen, I figured, would be that the band files would be rewritten repeatedly 
with new backup data.

This is not what happened. Issue number one, is that the free disk space that 
the operating system reports is based on the free disk space of the underlying 
physical disk, regardless of how many gigabytes of data have been deleted off 
of the this image. (As you can guess, this means that my entire Time Machine 
history is now gone.).

Issue number two? For some reason, just ignoring the disk free result, 
attempting to write to the image drive anyways fails. Nevermind that the HFS 
filesystem contained on the drive image should have terabytes of unused space, 
writes fail. It started with backupd complaining that it could not write its 
log file, and now I cannot even use a simple "echo test > out" without a 

First question: is there any way to make a sparse image drive reuse space in 
the bands when they are freed up?

Second question: is there any way to compact a sparse image when the band size 
used is bigger than normal?

(A monthly maintenance reboot into 10.12, or something similar, is not out of 
the question. For normal operation, I need features of 10.9.5 that go away in 
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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Re-enabling low disk space notices

2018-01-28 Thread Michael
On 2018-01-28, at 12:22 PM, Macs R We  wrote:

> Maybe I didn't get the memo, but I don't think that MacOS offers notices of 
> low disk space.  Entirely out of space, I've seen for sure, but not low.  
> Perhaps you had some other tool (something like Onyx, Cocktail, Drive Genius, 
> or whatever) that offered this feature and you deleted it?

In 10.9.5, there is both a warning for low disk space, and a warning for out of 
disk space. Unfortunately, there is a tick box to prevent that message from 
coming back up again, and since all messages show up in approximately the same 
space, and since no one decided to disable buttons in a UI panel when it first 
shows up, you can be trying to hit one panel, another panel suddenly appears in 
front of you, and you have activated the wrong button in the wrong panel.

> In any event, I highly recommend the freeware tool GrandPerspective.  It has 
> the most outlandish UI you've ever seen, but it takes about 10 seconds to 
> grasp and then you wonder why it took the human race 30 years to come up with 
> it.

I use an older version of Grand Perspective, that is read only with no ability 
to alter the file system, with support for Time Machine backups. (Specifically, 
ignoring multi-linked directories). I discovered that I have to set the set UID 
bit and make it owned by root in order for it to accurately read a Time Machine 

I do love the interface of it, and the way it displays files. I have no clue 
how to write that display myself.

>> On Jan 28, 2018, at 1:11 PM, Michael  wrote:
>> How do I re-enable notices of low disk space if they were turned off by 
>> accident?
>> 10.9.5.
>> ---
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Re-enabling low disk space notices

2018-01-28 Thread Michael
How do I re-enable notices of low disk space if they were turned off by 


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Re: using a set uid root appkit program to gain root

2018-01-22 Thread Michael
On 2018-01-22, at 2:28 PM, Karl Kuehn  wrote:

> `setuid` has really been restricted, and I don't think you could do this 
> though AppleScript at this point (requires app signatures).

I am running on 10.9.5. So some security holes might sill be around.

> However, if what you are actually trying to accomplish is doable via a 
> command line, you could set it up in the `/etc/sudoers` file that whomever 
> needs to run this could run that specific command (and nothing else) with 
> `sudo COMMAND` without needing a passoword.

The issue is that I have managed to lose my password. I can probably (I hope) 
use a recovery boot to clear he password, and in worst-case, I can do a full 
re-install and time machine backup. I want to avoid that if possible.

If nothing else, being able to set my password to something known is sufficient.

MacOSX-talk mailing list

using a set uid root appkit program to gain root

2018-01-22 Thread Michael
Is possible to use a set uid root appkit program to gain access to root? 
Or if nothing else, set the password on an account to a known value?

I am specifically thinking if it is possible to use apple script to get it to 
execute a system command.

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Re: Lost password

2018-01-16 Thread Michael
10.9.5 (audio driver issues).

Wha happened: I have a macbook pro 15 inch reina. I am sufferin from a bulin 
baer, and my rackpad sopped workin a while back. My "ee" key sopped workin abou 
2 monhs ao.

oday, my "ee" key also sopped (efhi ... rsuv). Since I have a "ee" in my 
password, I needed o chane i before I was locked ou.

I chaned i wih sysem preferences, all was ood, excep ha I ried o use SMB. 
Enerin my new password did no work. I ried o re-ener i on he compuer, bu now he 
sysem said I did no ener i correcly.

So ... I don' have a ypable admin password, I don' have an acive sudo erminal 
session, and unless a recovery boo will le me rese a password, I'm in rouble.

What happened: I have a MacBook Pro 15 inch retina. I'm suffering from a 
bulging battery, my trackpad stopped working a while back. My T key stopped 
working about two months ago.

Today, my G key also stopped. Since I have a G in my password, I need to change 
it before I was locked out.

I changed it with system preferences, all was good, except That I tried to use 
SMB. Enter my new password did not work. I tried to reenter it on the computer, 
but now the system said I did not enter it correctly.

So, I don't have a typeable admin password (*), I don't have an active sudu 
terminal session, and unless a recovery boot let me reset a password, I'm in 

I make heavy use of voice assist typing, but I discovered that when it comes to 
entering a password into a password field, I cannot use the paste operation -- 
It has to actually come from the keyboard.And at login, I have no usable 
keyboard other than the physical keyboard on the machine (No tablet keyboard or 
other virtual keyboard is usable).

(*): I do have a second admin account with a known password, but that password 
includes a dead key.

On 2018-01-16, at 2:55 PM, Charles Lindauer  wrote:

> Recovery depends on what operating system you’re on. Let us know and we can 
> help.
> I ran into a similar situation a few days ago, and what happened was the user 
> had somehow started using the German keyboard settings. When corrected to 
> English, the old password worked.
> In any case, we need a little more info to help.
> Charles Lindauer
> Lindauer Mac Consulting
> 707.479.6170
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Jan 16, 2018, at 10:55 AM, Michael  wrote:
>> I just changed my password, and I thought I knew what I changed it to. 
>> However, I just had to type my password in again, and it did not work.
>> I am still logged in, but I have no access to my password. I have access to 
>> root. In the past, horrible errors with passwords have been fixed by simply 
>> editing the password file and setting the password to blank, and changing it 
>> again.
>> that approach no longer works. What can I do to recover my password?
>> ---
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>> http://YouTube.com/keybounce
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Re: Lost password

2018-01-16 Thread Michael
>> What can I do to recover my password?
> If you have access to root
> # passwd 

Ack, I thought I had access to root. Oops.

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Lost password

2018-01-16 Thread Michael
I just changed my password, and I thought I knew what I changed it to. However, 
I just had to type my password in again, and it did not work.

I am still logged in, but I have no access to my password. I have access to 
root. In the past, horrible errors with passwords have been fixed by simply 
editing the password file and setting the password to blank, and changing it 

that approach no longer works. What can I do to recover my password?

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Lost password

2018-01-16 Thread Michael
I just changed my password, and I thought I knew what I changed it to. However, 
I just had to type my password in again, and it did not work.

I am still logged in, but I have no access to my password. I have access to 
root. In the past, horrible errors with passwords have been fixed by simply 
editing the password file and setting the password to blank, and changing it 

that approach no longer works. What can I do to recover my password?

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Re: antivirus/malware ?

2018-01-09 Thread Michael
>> OK, why is this a bad idea?
> That is a very long post I'm not willing to make again. The many and varied 
> issues with AV are well documented not eh Internet. The short list is that AV 
> software introduces its own deep vulnerabilities and exposes your system to 
> those new flaws that the OS vendor can't mitigate and that it draws excessive 
> resources. There are more issues than those, of course.

That would be referring to real-time scanning I take it? If you are only using 
non-real-time scanning (Checking files on a disk as opposed to checking running 
programs) do those problems still exist?

>> 2. What is wrong with bit torrent?
> Downloading software from bit torrent is unsafe as many torrents include 
> trojans or malware.
>> I know that bad stuff can be seeded, and labeled as "good".
>> But it is no different than downloading anything else.
> Yes, it is very different from downloading from a  known source.

Can you please explain how downloading a bit torrent file from a known good 
seed is any different than downloading a file directly from a known source?

(I seriously thought it was effectively equivalent, other than speed issues)
MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: antivirus/malware ?

2017-12-19 Thread Michael

On 2017-12-19, at 2:15 AM, @lbutlr  wrote:

> On 18 Dec 2017, at 03:14, Jean-Christophe Helary 
>  wrote:
>> A client is kind of requesting that I install an anti-virus/malware on my 
>> mac…
> Explain to them the reasons this is a bad idea.

OK, why is this a bad idea?

>> Do you have any recommendation ? I checked the web already and it looks like 
>> Sophos does the job *and* is free…
> My recommendation for Macs is always the same, do not run as admin, do not 
> run anti-virus software. Do not download software for bit torrent.

1. What is wrong  with AV?
2. What is wrong with bit torrent?

I know that bad stuff can be seeded, and labeled as "good".
But it is no different than downloading anything else.
And if you trust the person publishing the seed, what is wrong with the 
resultant file?

(I have my own issues with bit torrent. In the long past, bit torrent software 
would not let you download faster than you uploaded; to promote sharing, your 
download credit was based on what you have uploaded. So instead of downloading 
as fast as your download pipe, by downloading from five or six places at once, 
your download was limited to your upload speed. I do hope that has been 

> If you are very concerned, then crank up the gatekeeper protection to only 
> allow App Store apps (and previously installed app) to run.

 Mine is set to require signed applications, or else manual authorization.

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Applying compression to a file/directory tree?

2017-11-06 Thread Michael
So apparently, HFS file systems can transparently compress files.

Is there a command to let users compress, or check on the compressed status, of 

Assume, for example, that I have a large directory tree of almost exclusively 
read-only stuff that I would not mind being compressed to save space.

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Applying compression to a file/directory tree?

2017-11-06 Thread Michael
So apparently, HFS file systems can transparently compress files.

Is there a command to let users compress, or check on the compressed status, of 

Assume, for example, that I have a large directory tree of almost exclusively 
read-only stuff that I would not mind being compressed to save space.

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Trackpad weirdness ?

2017-10-17 Thread Michael
I have a bulged battery, bulged enough to bend the case such that the computer 
no longer fits into the box.

If this is commonplace -- apple using a battery that by design will swell over 
time and damage the trackpad/case, with no limit in place (the idea of limiting 
the default charge to 50% unless you ask for the extra to be put in for a trip, 
or something similar) -- is that grounds for a class action suit, just like the 
defective soldering of the graphic chip that came apart for some users?

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Macs Fan Control (was: Re: High Sierra and MacPorts)

2017-10-12 Thread Michael
(Moved from MacPorts discussion to Os X talk)

On 2017-10-11, at 8:08 PM, [ftp83plus]  wrote:

> From experience, Macs Fan Control seems to work a tad better than 
> smcFanControl. But that doesn’t solve the base issue of why so much CPU is 
> being used, and why the fan doesn’t increase in speed along with CPU 
> temperature.

Can someone explain some safe settings to use with Macs Fan Control? 
I don't know what's safe; I know that if I use it, it overrides the normal SMC 
I know that I can just run one fan at max all the time, and cool my mac a 
little more, but that's not necessarily a good thing.

Also, is there a temperature over time graphing program that works with modern 
I used to use Temperature Monitor, but it doesn't work with modern macs, and 
said that the method it used to use to get temps no longer worked; but now I 
have two programs (a dashboard plugin, and this) that do give temps, and in 
this case, quite a lot of them.

>> El 11 oct 2017, a las 22:35, Ken Cunningham 
>>  escribió:
>> This can be useful for overriding fan control, I've found:
>> https://github.com/hholtmann/smcFanControl
>> Watch your temps, tho.
>> K
>> On 2017-10-11, at 7:27 PM, [ftp83plus] wrote:
>>> Already did. No difference.
>>> I am beginning to suspect that Apple did this on purpose to push users to 
>>> buy new hardware. Just as it does crippling iPhone with bloated iOS.
 El 11 oct 2017, a las 20:18, Clemens Lang  escribió:
 On October 10, 2017 10:25:12 PM GMT+02:00, "[ftp83plus]" 
> Still, even with a relatively low temperature (65C-so) the fan spins
> loudly, reaches max speed at 70C (read from CPU diode with Macs Fan
> Control. What is strange is the speed doesn’t seem to be directly
> linked to the temperature.
 If you haven't tried that already, try resetting your SMC. It has solved 
 similar problems with my MacBook before.
 Clemens Lang

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Macs Fan Control (was: Re: High Sierra and MacPorts)

2017-10-12 Thread Michael
(Moved from MacPorts discussion to Os X talk)

On 2017-10-11, at 8:08 PM, [ftp83plus]  wrote:

> From experience, Macs Fan Control seems to work a tad better than 
> smcFanControl. But that doesn’t solve the base issue of why so much CPU is 
> being used, and why the fan doesn’t increase in speed along with CPU 
> temperature.

Can someone explain some safe settings to use with Macs Fan Control? 
I don't know what's safe; I know that if I use it, it overrides the normal SMC 
I know that I can just run one fan at max all the time, and cool my mac a 
little more, but that's not necessarily a good thing.

Also, is there a temperature over time graphing program that works with modern 
I used to use Temperature Monitor, but it doesn't work with modern macs, and 
said that the method it used to use to get temps no longer worked; but now I 
have two programs (a dashboard plugin, and this) that do give temps, and in 
this case, quite a lot of them.

>> El 11 oct 2017, a las 22:35, Ken Cunningham 
>>  escribió:
>> This can be useful for overriding fan control, I've found:
>> https://github.com/hholtmann/smcFanControl
>> Watch your temps, tho.
>> K
>> On 2017-10-11, at 7:27 PM, [ftp83plus] wrote:
>>> Already did. No difference.
>>> I am beginning to suspect that Apple did this on purpose to push users to 
>>> buy new hardware. Just as it does crippling iPhone with bloated iOS.
 El 11 oct 2017, a las 20:18, Clemens Lang  escribió:
 On October 10, 2017 10:25:12 PM GMT+02:00, "[ftp83plus]" 
> Still, even with a relatively low temperature (65C-so) the fan spins
> loudly, reaches max speed at 70C (read from CPU diode with Macs Fan
> Control. What is strange is the speed doesn’t seem to be directly
> linked to the temperature.
 If you haven't tried that already, try resetting your SMC. It has solved 
 similar problems with my MacBook before.
 Clemens Lang

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Getting time machine to backup a drive image

2017-09-27 Thread Michael

On 2017-09-27, at 7:14 AM, LuKreme  wrote:

> On Sep 26, 2017, at 12:00, Michael  wrote:
>> Last restore, I found that backblaze does not save the executable bit for 
>> any data file -- broke shell scripts, etc. With a sparse bundle to fix that, 
>> the next question is keeping local backups meaningful.
> Backblaze also doesn’t backup any files in /usr/local/


(checks ... )
Ok, the oddballs are "/usr" -- in it's entirety -- and "/private" that includes 
some machine-specific config files.

Time to file a bug report -- /usr/local is kinda important.

/private/var/mail -- really important

... not sure about /private/var/db

/private/etc has a BUNCH of machine-specific configs -- all the SSH keys, 
rc.local, various config files, etc.

Thank you for pointing that out.

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Ugh -- Mail in 10.12.6 -- Show stopper

2017-09-27 Thread Michael

On 2017-09-27, at 7:08 AM, LuKreme  wrote:

> On Sep 26, 2017, at 23:36, Michael  wrote:
>> Apple's implementation of "full screen application" is really "one 
>> full-screen window", and makes it a pain for apps that have multiple windows 
>> or even multi-app'ing.
> I use  full screen mode for Mail on my laptop exclusively. I find it works 
> very well, especially with the tabs that are available in 10.12 and now with 
> the way the message windows are treated in 10.13. By putting account folders 
> in my tab bar and hiding the mailbox view most of the time and learning some 
> hot keys, I get through mail much much faster than I used to.
> Different than you are used to is not worse, but mail has changed very little 
> in its UI since 10.9, or, in fact, since they introduce the new layout in 
> 10.7?

I routinely have multiple mail windows open at once, referencing one while 
writing in another.

Or, I'll have my send window as big as possible, so I can read what I'm saying.

In general, my windows for writing text tend to either be full-screen, or 
smaller and the screen is shared by multiple windows. 

And, that's not even taking into account when I'm dictating into a Dictate 
window, while I have other windows open for referencing info in them.

I love the 10.12 "auto-hide the menu bar". Between auto-hide menu bar, and 
auto-hide dock, I don't need or want "take over both monitors". (Oh yea -- 
10.12 would not let me adjust overscan on my HDMI, nor split a window across 
both. I know that second is a setting somewhere, but the overscan?)

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Ugh -- Mail in 10.12.6 -- Show stopper

2017-09-26 Thread Michael
Thank you. I don't even know how I activated full-screen.

At least hitting that green "maximize" button brings it back to a normal 
window. Just not a big window. (NB: I did not hit the green button to make it 
full screen. Did 10.12 add another way to get there?)

On 2017-09-26, at 9:38 PM, Jean-Christophe Helary 

> What you describe is when Mail is in Full Screen.
> I decided to bite the bullet a while ago and use it only full screen and it 
> works like a charm.
> ...You can have a number of mails opened. The enter a tabbed mode in that 
> mail composing window.

But I could not figure out how to have more than one of them open at a time, 
nor move them around.

Apple's implementation of "full screen application" is really "one full-screen 
window", and makes it a pain for apps that have multiple windows or even 

I discovered the "auto-hide menu bar" feature; between that and auto-hide dock, 
is there any reason to say "maximize window" is not sufficient, and "dedicate 
screen to one window no matter how much an app will use more than one" is even 

Even after going to non-full-screen, I had problems. At some point, I made the 
fonts in the window I was typing in tiny (not sure how), and could not figure 
out how to get it back. Heck, the window I was trying to compose a message in 
disappeared on me, and when I finally got it back (not sure how), it behaved 
like it was a tiny preview window from "show all windows for this app", with 
small fonts.

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Ugh -- Mail in 10.12.6 -- Show stopper

2017-09-26 Thread Michael
Thank you. I don't even know how I activated full-screen.

At least hitting that green "maximize" button brings it back to a normal 
window. Just not a big window. (NB: I did not hit the green button to make it 
full screen. Did 10.12 add another way to get there?)

On 2017-09-26, at 9:38 PM, Jean-Christophe Helary 

> What you describe is when Mail is in Full Screen.
> I decided to bite the bullet a while ago and use it only full screen and it 
> works like a charm.
> ...You can have a number of mails opened. The enter a tabbed mode in that 
> mail composing window.

But I could not figure out how to have more than one of them open at a time, 
nor move them around.

Apple's implementation of "full screen application" is really "one full-screen 
window", and makes it a pain for apps that have multiple windows or even 

I discovered the "auto-hide menu bar" feature; between that and auto-hide dock, 
is there any reason to say "maximize window" is not sufficient, and "dedicate 
screen to one window no matter how much an app will use more than one" is even 

Even after going to non-full-screen, I had problems. At some point, I made the 
fonts in the window I was typing in tiny (not sure how), and could not figure 
out how to get it back. Heck, the window I was trying to compose a message in 
disappeared on me, and when I finally got it back (not sure how), it behaved 
like it was a tiny preview window from "show all windows for this app", with 
small fonts.

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Getting a command to move to the time machine backup of working dir

2017-09-26 Thread Michael

On 2017-09-26, at 7:50 AM, @lbutlr  wrote:

> On Sep 26, 2017, at 8:44 AM, @lbutlr  wrote:
>> pushd "$(tmutil latestbackup)$(ls -d `find /Volumes/ -maxdepth 1 -type l 
>> -print` | sed 's/\/Volumes\///')$(pwd -P)"
> AFAIC, this works and is shorter, but I don't use pushd myself:
> pushd "$(tmutil latestbackup)$(ls -d `find /Volumes/ -maxdepth 1 -type l` | 
> sed 's/\/Volumes\///')"

Lacking the current directory at the end, it can't work.

The longer one?
keybounceMBP:Library michael$ pushd "$(tmutil latestbackup)$(ls -d `find 
/Volumes/ -maxdepth 1 -ty
pe l -print` | sed 's/\/Volumes\///')$(pwd -P)"
ls: cannot access '/Volumes//New': No such file or directory
ls: cannot access 'Main': No such file or directory
-bash: pushd: /Volumes/TimeMachine/Backups.backupdb/Keybounces MacBook 
Pro/2017-09-26-184525/Users/michael/Library: No such file or directory

... Yea, my root volume has a space in the name "New Main".

So how badly  can I nest "$( ?

keybounceMBP:Library michael$ pushd "$(tmutil latestbackup)""$(ls -d "$(find 
/Volumes/ -maxdepth 1
 -type l -print) | sed 's/\/Volumes\///')""$(pwd -P)"

Missed one, try again

keybounceMBP:Library michael$ pushd "$(tmutil latestbackup)""$(ls -d "$(find 
/Volumes/ -maxdepth 1
 -type l -print) | sed 's/\/Volumes\///')")""$(pwd -P)"
ls: cannot access '/Volumes//New Main | sed '\''s/\/Volumes\///'\'')': No such 
file or directory
-bash: pushd: /Volumes/TimeMachine/Backups.backupdb/Keybounces MacBook 
Pro/2017-09-26-184525/Users/michael/Library: No such file or directory
keybounceMBP:Library michael$ 


Anyone? The nesting needed to deal with filenames containing space in a shell 
designed around "spaces break tokens, no files will ever have a space in their 
name" has gotten beyond me here.

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Getting time machine to backup a drive image

2017-09-26 Thread Michael

On 2017-09-26, at 9:07 AM, Arno Hautala  wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 11:52 AM, Michael  wrote:
>> I'm not going to a sparse image (which worked fine to start, but became 
>> horribly slow), I'm talking about taking something that is currently an 
>> image, and turning it into a normal directory in the time machine (right now 
>> it is only backed up as a disk image, not as the contents).
> I can see how to exclude volumes, but no way to explicitly include a volume.
> Looks like this isn't supported.
> https://superuser.com/questions/148849/backup-mounted-drive-of-an-image-in-time-machine

Aha! Searching (ok, reading article after article), I found this:

The trick: That sparsebundle mounted looks like a removable disk, like a 
floppy/cd/USB stick. So, you have to make it look like a fixed hard drive.

do shell script "hdiutil attach /path/to/your.sparsebundle -notremovable" with 
administrator privileges

Make that an automator script and put it in your startup items, or put the bash 
equivalent into rc.local, etc -- either way, it becomes time machine-able.

Now, the big caveat. If it's missing in one backup, and present the next 
backup, time machine might decide to back up the entire drive from scratch.

... Ahh, FOO. The comments there says it was tested and working in 10.7 and 
10.8, but I can now confirm it fails to work in 10.9.


grumble grumble grumble
The point of putting this file system in a sparse bundle was to make sure that 
the next time it dies / needs to be recovered from an online backup (backblaze) 
was to ensure that file meta-data is saved properly. At the same time, I want 
to have a local history backup so that I don't have to worry about downloading 
if I don't have to. (2/3rd of the disk is for time machine, and 1/3rd is for 
this stuff).

Last restore, I found that backblaze does not save the executable bit for any 
data file -- broke shell scripts, etc. With a sparse bundle to fix that, the 
next question is keeping local backups meaningful.

... I guess the only answer is to toss the sparsebundle/bands into time machine 
and mount/search all the images when I need to try to find something.

Hmm. Diskutil info reports that it is backed by a sparse bundle. So the system 
does track that, and time machine could see that. What I need is a block device 
loopback device, and a way to feed that sparse bundle to that block loopback, 
so it would look like it was on a block device instead of an image file.

Any idea how to do that?

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Getting a command to move to the time machine backup of working dir

2017-09-25 Thread Michael
So I'm trying to figure out a good alias command to move to the backup of the 
current dir.

 pushd "$(tmutil latestbackup)"/"$(pwd -P)"
-bash: pushd: /Volumes/TimeMachine/Backups.backupdb/Keybounces MacBook 
Pro/2017-09-25-072130//Volumes/UserData/Users/michael/Movies/Episode projects 
and notes/Corona Trials: No such file or directory
keybounceMBP:Corona Trials michael$ 

The issue? Root will be missing the  name of root; all other partitions will 
have a "/Volumes" in the middle that needs to be removed.

Does anyone have a good way to say "Get me to the backup of the current 
directory", for a pushd target?

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Getting time machine to backup a drive image

2017-09-25 Thread Michael

On 2017-09-25, at 9:03 AM, Arno Hautala  wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 11:52 AM, Michael  wrote:
>> I'm not going to a sparse image (which worked fine to start, but became 
>> horribly slow), I'm talking about taking something that is currently an 
>> image, and turning it into a normal directory in the time machine (right now 
>> it is only backed up as a disk image, not as the contents).
> Ah, got it.
> Are you able to select the mounted volume as a backup source?
> Is the mounted volume silently skipped?
> Are there any error messages from backupd?

I am not able to select it. It does not show up.
It is silently skipped.
No error messages.

(Got a 64 GB partition to install 10.12.6 in for testing.)

> -- 
> arno  s  hautala/-|   a...@alum.wpi.edu
> pgp b2c9d448

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Getting time machine to backup a drive image

2017-09-25 Thread Michael

On 2017-09-25, at 6:28 AM, Arno Hautala  wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 10:40 PM, Michael  wrote:
>> So if a hard drive is backed by a physical disk, time machine will back it 
>> up just fine.
>> If it's backed up by an hdiutil mounted image, then it seems to refuse to 
>> back it up.
> I haven't used TimeMachine in a while, but this previously worked just
> fine. I had a sparse bundle image on an AFP share. Every hour TM would
> invisibly mount the share, then mount the image, perform the backup,
> and finally unmount the image and share.

Wrong direction. I'm not going to a sparse image (which worked fine to start, 
but became horribly slow), I'm talking about taking something that is currently 
an image, and turning it into a normal directory in the time machine (right now 
it is only backed up as a disk image, not as the contents).

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Getting time machine to backup a drive image

2017-09-25 Thread Michael

On 2017-09-25, at 6:28 AM, Arno Hautala  wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 10:40 PM, Michael  wrote:
>> So if a hard drive is backed by a physical disk, time machine will back it 
>> up just fine.
>> If it's backed up by an hdiutil mounted image, then it seems to refuse to 
>> back it up.
> I haven't used TimeMachine in a while, but this previously worked just
> fine. I had a sparse bundle image on an AFP share. Every hour TM would
> invisibly mount the share, then mount the image, perform the backup,
> and finally unmount the image and share.

Wrong direction. I'm not going to a sparse image (which worked fine to start, 
but became horribly slow), I'm talking about taking something that is currently 
an image, and turning it into a normal directory in the time machine (right now 
it is only backed up as a disk image, not as the contents).

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Getting time machine to backup a drive image

2017-09-24 Thread Michael
So if a hard drive is backed by a physical disk, time machine will back it up 
just fine.
If it's backed up by an hdiutil mounted image, then it seems to refuse to back 
it up.

In both cases, a /dev/*disk* entry has it, and it's an HFS+J drive.

   0:  GUID_partition_scheme*1.0 TB disk0
   1:EFI EFI 209.7 MB   disk0s1
   2:  Apple_HFS Macintosh HD40.0 GBdisk0s2
   3: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 650.0 MB   disk0s3
   4:  Apple_HFS UserData832.8 GB   disk0s4
   5:  Apple_HFS New Main126.1 GB   disk0s5
   6: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 650.0 MB   disk0s6
   0:  GUID_partition_scheme*64.0 GBdisk1
   1:EFI EFI 209.7 MB   disk1s1
   2:  Apple_HFS DataDrive   63.7 GBdisk1s2
   0:  GUID_partition_scheme*6.0 TB disk2
   1:EFI EFI 209.7 MB   disk2s1
   2:  Apple_HFS rawKleimanMovies2.3 TB disk2s2
   3:  Apple_HFS TimeMachine 3.7 TB disk2s3
   0:  GUID_partition_scheme*5.8 GB disk3
   1:EFI EFI 209.7 MB   disk3s1
   2:  Apple_HFS OS X Install ESD5.5 GB disk3s2
   0:  GUID_partition_scheme*2.3 TB disk4
   1:EFI EFI 209.7 MB   disk4s1
   2:  Apple_HFS Kleiman Movies  2.3 TB disk4s2
   0:  GUID_partition_scheme*64.0 GBdisk6
   1:EFI EFI 209.7 MB   disk6s1
   2:  Apple_HFS Sierra10-12test 63.7 GBdisk6s2

Time machine has no trouble with the USB sticks, or the USB attached real 
But it refuses to read from the image drive.

Is there any way to make an image look "real enough" for time machine?

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Getting time machine to backup a drive image

2017-09-24 Thread Michael
So if a hard drive is backed by a physical disk, time machine will back it up 
just fine.
If it's backed up by an hdiutil mounted image, then it seems to refuse to back 
it up.

In both cases, a /dev/*disk* entry has it, and it's an HFS+J drive.

   0:  GUID_partition_scheme*1.0 TB disk0
   1:EFI EFI 209.7 MB   disk0s1
   2:  Apple_HFS Macintosh HD40.0 GBdisk0s2
   3: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 650.0 MB   disk0s3
   4:  Apple_HFS UserData832.8 GB   disk0s4
   5:  Apple_HFS New Main126.1 GB   disk0s5
   6: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 650.0 MB   disk0s6
   0:  GUID_partition_scheme*64.0 GBdisk1
   1:EFI EFI 209.7 MB   disk1s1
   2:  Apple_HFS DataDrive   63.7 GBdisk1s2
   0:  GUID_partition_scheme*6.0 TB disk2
   1:EFI EFI 209.7 MB   disk2s1
   2:  Apple_HFS rawKleimanMovies2.3 TB disk2s2
   3:  Apple_HFS TimeMachine 3.7 TB disk2s3
   0:  GUID_partition_scheme*5.8 GB disk3
   1:EFI EFI 209.7 MB   disk3s1
   2:  Apple_HFS OS X Install ESD5.5 GB disk3s2
   0:  GUID_partition_scheme*2.3 TB disk4
   1:EFI EFI 209.7 MB   disk4s1
   2:  Apple_HFS Kleiman Movies  2.3 TB disk4s2
   0:  GUID_partition_scheme*64.0 GBdisk6
   1:EFI EFI 209.7 MB   disk6s1
   2:  Apple_HFS Sierra10-12test 63.7 GBdisk6s2

Time machine has no trouble with the USB sticks, or the USB attached real 
But it refuses to read from the image drive.

Is there any way to make an image look "real enough" for time machine?

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Running a command at login

2017-09-22 Thread Michael

On 2017-09-22, at 8:14 AM, larkost  wrote:

>   I would argue that it is still true for server systems, especially now 
> with cloud infrastructures and things like Docker and Puppet. However, it was 
> a pretty useless statement in a conversation about MacOS, which is a client 
> OS, controlled by a company that does not think that way. 
>> On Sep 22, 2017, at 8:09 AM, @lbutlr  wrote:
>> On Sep 21, 2017, at 10:57 AM, Michael  wrote:
>>> Something I learned early on doing system admin on unix systems (hey, I 
>>> learned these lessons in V7 and S3, I can use "unix") was that you wanted 
>>> your root partition to be as little-write as possible. 
>> That was true 20 years ago, it is not true now.ZZ

Whether Mac OS is a client OS or not, the core issue remains: Being able to 
have a clean "here is my data" / "here is the company data" separation has 
consistently been beneficial for long-term "here is my data" backups, for 
fixing restore/reinstall problems (do a clean install of the OS, then a clean 
install of user added programs, then do a clean install of user data, get rid 
of any crud that accumulated from installed/deleted/obsoleted programs), etc. 
It has helped me in the past, and I see no reason to say this should go poof.

That "root" should be "write-little", separate from this, deals with the whole 
issue of "lots of writes clobbers things". I grew up with media being ruined by 
excessive writes (even early hard drives did this), and in general, having more 
data changes means more opportunities for errors to show up (and sorry, even 
modern hardware fails to accurately move data from the OS buffers to the hard 
drive media, this is documented and too accurate, and is part of why newer file 
systems are adding in data checksumming as part of the file system). 

So, wanting "root" to be stable, and keeping partitions separate, serves both 
"reduce the damage when something does fail", "reduce the likelyhood that the 
system boot will fail", "make it easier to take my data with me to the next 
system", and "make the system more reliable".


How does Mac OS make sure that all NFS mounts are ready before running programs 
in multi-user mode? Or does it only consider NFS mounts to be for the user home 
directory as some sort of special case handling by login window?

How does Mac OS deal with a user having a home directory not under /Users?

MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Sierra installer, not from App Store?

2017-09-22 Thread Michael

On 2017-09-21, at 8:57 PM, David Schwartz  wrote:

> What it does care about is if the installer is already on your Mac somewhere, 
> and it's pretty aggressive about looking in all of your mounted volumes.

That was it. It found a copy that I didn't realize was there. Thank you.

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Sierra installer, not from App Store?

2017-09-21 Thread Michael
Is there any way to get the 10.12 installer (or ANY of the 10.10+ installers) 
without going through AppStore?

AppStore insists that I successfully downloaded and installed Sierra, and will 
not let me re-download or attempt to install it again. None of the others 
(10.10, or 10.11) are available.

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Running a command at login

2017-09-21 Thread Michael
On 2017-09-17, at 10:27 AM, larkost  wrote:

>   As to #2, you are going to have to be a lot clearer about what you are 
> trying to do. Apple’s recommendation for handling startup dependencies is to 
> have each tool monitor its dependencies itself, and handle the cases where it 
> needs to wait for something. My general approach has been to write a Python 
> script in front of each one that has dependencies that waits for them then 
> uses something like `execv` to hand over the PID to the real process.

This is the sort of thing that a "all systems should ship secure and no user 
can make it insecure by accident" person will hate.

Basically, consider that everything started has hidden, unstated dependencies.

For example: /tmp will be ready for use. The system clock has been set and is 
accurate. Hostname is valid. Etc.

In deep history, the idea was that /etc/rc started by doing cleanup -- 
recovering the password file if it was edited, saving editor temp states, 
wiping /tmp back to clean AFTER both of those, etc.

Included here would be things like mounting drives that the system needed (good 
ol /etc/fstab, which is empty, and heck, I have attempted to use it and not 
been able to get partitions to mount properly), 

There was a point in /etc/rc where it started to run daemon programs (that did 
a fork/exec), or run other programs with an "&". That is the point where things 
start up for multiuser.

Everything after that point has hidden assumptions of basically, "Everything 
that /etc/rc would do to prepare the system has been done".

So, what I'm looking for is basically a way (putting it into writing like this 
actually makes it easy to state) to add a dependency tag to everything apple 
ships that says "A site-local startup script has run", and add in a program 
(bash, python, executable, whatever) that gets a chance to run before anything 
else gets going.


Launchd used to be flexible at boot. Going from 10.7 to 10.9 gave me trouble. 
It turns out that Launchd as pid 0 will refuse to boot the system unless 
several paths exist on the root partition as directories with specific 
ownerships/permissions. You are not allowed to even have them as symbolic links 
to a second partition on the boot drive. Something I learned early on doing 
system admin on unix systems (hey, I learned these lessons in V7 and S3, I can 
use "unix") was that you wanted your root partition to be as little-write as 
possible. Neither tmp nor swap go on root. The idea of per-user temp and cache 
directories to prevent people from interfering with each other is great, but 
why does that have to be on a partition that doesn't have 20 GB of wasted temp 
space? Or why do I have to waste that much space?

Being able to say "Fine, here's a directory for launchd to be happy, now let me 
mount a fake that supplies a symbolic link before anything else runs and starts 
writing into the wrong place"? That's kinda my first goal.

/var, /var/vm, /var/tmp, /var/folders, and a few others are forced to be root 

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MacOSX-talk mailing list

Re: Running a command at login

2017-09-21 Thread Michael
On 2017-09-17, at 10:27 AM, larkost  wrote:

>   As to #2, you are going to have to be a lot clearer about what you are 
> trying to do. Apple’s recommendation for handling startup dependencies is to 
> have each tool monitor its dependencies itself, and handle the cases where it 
> needs to wait for something. My general approach has been to write a Python 
> script in front of each one that has dependencies that waits for them then 
> uses something like `execv` to hand over the PID to the real process.

This is the sort of thing that a "all systems should ship secure and no user 
can make it insecure by accident" person will hate.

Basically, consider that everything started has hidden, unstated dependencies.

For example: /tmp will be ready for use. The system clock has been set and is 
accurate. Hostname is valid. Etc.

In deep history, the idea was that /etc/rc started by doing cleanup -- 
recovering the password file if it was edited, saving editor temp states, 
wiping /tmp back to clean AFTER both of those, etc.

Included here would be things like mounting drives that the system needed (good 
ol /etc/fstab, which is empty, and heck, I have attempted to use it and not 
been able to get partitions to mount properly), 

There was a point in /etc/rc where it started to run daemon programs (that did 
a fork/exec), or run other programs with an "&". That is the point where things 
start up for multiuser.

Everything after that point has hidden assumptions of basically, "Everything 
that /etc/rc would do to prepare the system has been done".

So, what I'm looking for is basically a way (putting it into writing like this 
actually makes it easy to state) to add a dependency tag to everything apple 
ships that says "A site-local startup script has run", and add in a program 
(bash, python, executable, whatever) that gets a chance to run before anything 
else gets going.


Launchd used to be flexible at boot. Going from 10.7 to 10.9 gave me trouble. 
It turns out that Launchd as pid 0 will refuse to boot the system unless 
several paths exist on the root partition as directories with specific 
ownerships/permissions. You are not allowed to even have them as symbolic links 
to a second partition on the boot drive. Something I learned early on doing 
system admin on unix systems (hey, I learned these lessons in V7 and S3, I can 
use "unix") was that you wanted your root partition to be as little-write as 
possible. Neither tmp nor swap go on root. The idea of per-user temp and cache 
directories to prevent people from interfering with each other is great, but 
why does that have to be on a partition that doesn't have 20 GB of wasted temp 
space? Or why do I have to waste that much space?

Being able to say "Fine, here's a directory for launchd to be happy, now let me 
mount a fake that supplies a symbolic link before anything else runs and starts 
writing into the wrong place"? That's kinda my first goal.

/var, /var/vm, /var/tmp, /var/folders, and a few others are forced to be root 

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