Re: ghc as an upgrade-stopper

2009-11-09 Thread Ryan Schmidt

On Nov 3, 2009, at 14:39, Alexy Khrabrov wrote:

So I wanted to effect a cheap Snow Leopard upgrade with

time sudo port upgrade --enforce-variants installed

The only supported solution after upgrading to Snow Leopard is to  
uninstall all ports and then reinstall them. See the Migration page:

However, I used to have a ghc, and now it stops the process with:
Error: Target org.macports.fetch returned: ghc is not yet supported on
Mac OS X 10.6.x (SnowLeopard)

Now I did port uninstall clean ghc...  Do I need further obliteration
efforts to make upgrade go past it?

ghc is not available in MacPorts for Snow Leopard yet. This is the  
ticket for the request to get that done:

You can Cc yourself if you'd like to be informed when ghc is available  
for Snow Leopard.

macports-users mailing list

Re: HDF5 dilemma

2009-11-09 Thread Ryan Schmidt

On Nov 6, 2009, at 17:34, Darren Weber wrote:

$ sudo port activate hdf5-18 @1.8.3_1
---  Activating hdf5-18 @1.8.3_1
Error: port activate failed: Image error: /opt/local/bin/gif2h5 is  
being used by the active hdf5 port.  Please deactivate this port  
first, or use 'port -f activate hdf5-18' to force the activation.

The hdf5 and hdf5-18 ports are behaving like separate ports, up to  
the point of activation conflicts.  There are two maintainers for  
these ports (in the CC list of this email); can we get together on  
this and work out the activation conflict?

They are separate ports, but appear to conflict. If the conflict is  
intentional, both ports should use the new conflicts keyword  
available as of MacPorts 1.8.0. If the conflict is not intentional,  
and it should be possible to install both ports simultaneously, then  
the conflict should be resolved by these two maintainers so that the  
two ports do not attempt to both install the same file(s).

macports-users mailing list

Re: Localized GTK Apps? How to do it?

2009-11-09 Thread Ryan Schmidt

On Nov 5, 2009, at 02:08, Nico Nachtigall wrote:

I'd like to have gtk apps localized.
At the moment e.g wireshark is english only on my system and pan2 got
translated only in 1/3 or so.

/ locale

Am I missing some packages or there are just no translations in  

Most ports should be installing all available localizations by  
default. For each port you find that doesn't have localizations  
working properly, you should feel free to file tickets in the issue  
tracker to have that resolved, if possible.

P.S: To start a new thread, please use the New Message feature in  
your email program; don't Reply to unrelated messages as this messes  
up the threading.

macports-users mailing list

Re: A few pointers about launchd and daemondo

2009-11-09 Thread Ryan Schmidt

On Nov 4, 2009, at 17:54, Scott Haneda wrote:

I have moved to making my own normal .plist files and putting them  
in files/, so org.pure-ftpd.ftpd.plist or similar.

Since pure-ftpd's web site is (not which  
appears to be owned by a domain squatter), the name of the plist  
should be org.pureftpd.whatever (not org.pure-ftpd.whatever).

macports-users mailing list

Re: HDF5 dilemma

2009-11-09 Thread Jochen Küpper


while I am still marked as maintainer of hdf-16, I am actually using  
hdf-18 exclusively...

On 09.11.2009, at 00:14, Mark Moll wrote:

HDF5 1.6.10 and HDF5 1.8.4 are currently in prerelease. HDF5 1.6.10  
is the last release of the 1.6.x series. HDF5 1.8.x can also be  
compiled in 1.6.x compatibility mode, but this shouldn’t be done by  
default. I think it’s hard make a case for the hdf5_select approach  
you suggest. First, there’s only 2 or 3 ports that need hdf5 1.6 (I  
think). Second, with gcc and python there really are many versions  
simultaneously in use. The cost of switching versions is significant  
with gcc and python and it makes sense to support multiple versions.

I think the easiest solution would be to mark the two ports  
conflicting in the Portfile (as pointed out by Ryan).

If there is considerable interest in having both ports around and  
active at the same time, then we should provide a hdf5_select…
I believe there is still considerable amounts of software around that  
relies on hdf5-1.6, isn't it? Most of it expects the headers directly  
in C_INCLUDE_PTH (or alike).

Since I am the maintainer of the hdf5-18 port I might be somewhat  
biased, but the least bad solution might be to have the hdf5 port  
install its files in ${prefix}/lib/hdf5-16/.

And the equivalent for hdf5-18, and then a hdf5_select that symlinks  
one of the two to $prefix/include and such…
Versioned libraries could always go to ${prefix}/lib, so selecting is  
compile time, but using is always possible…

Sorry, I don't have time right now to do any of this (besides the  
possible conflict statement), but feel free to change the Portfile  
appropriately or take over maintainership altogether.

On Nov 6, 2009, at 5:34 PM, Darren Weber wrote:

I've got a hdf5 dilemma ;-)

$ port installed hdf5*
The following ports are currently installed:
 hdf5 @1.6.9_0+threadsafe (active)
 hdf5-18 @1.8.3_0
 hdf5-18 @1.8.3_1

$ sudo port activate hdf5-18 @1.8.3_1
---  Activating hdf5-18 @1.8.3_1
Error: port activate failed: Image error: /opt/local/bin/gif2h5 is  
being used by the active hdf5 port.  Please deactivate this port  
first, or use 'port -f activate hdf5-18' to force the activation.

The hdf5 and hdf5-18 ports are behaving like separate ports, up to  
the point of activation conflicts.  There are two maintainers for  
these ports (in the CC list of this email); can we get together on  
this and work out the activation conflict?

Is it possible to have multiple version specific libs/bins  
installed?  Is it as simple as providing some version specific file- 
name mangles (with symlinks and maybe a hdf5_select utility like  
the gcc_select or python_select utility)?

A quick search on the user email list brings up a number of ports  
that depend on hdf5 with dependency build issues.

What is the current status of play on hdf5 and what is the  
recommended version to have installed?

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
Liberté, Égalité, FraternitéGnuPG key: CC1B0B4D
Sex, drugs and rock-n-roll

macports-users mailing list

Re: Wine error message

2009-11-09 Thread Frank J. R. Hanstick

	PowerPC Microprocessor Family:  The Programming Environments and  
MPC7450 RISC Miicroprocessor Family Reference Manual.  More wading  
in the latter because it covers all the MPC-74XX series.

On Nov 8, 2009, at 11:44 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

On Nov 6, 2009, at 19:15, Frank J. R. Hanstick wrote:

	I realize that wine is a Mactel only program; but, the error  

	Error: wine can only be used on an Intel Mac or other computer  
with a little-endian processor.

Error: Target org.macports.fetch returned: incompatible processor
Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.

is misleading with the or other computer with a little-endian  
processor since a PowerPC could run as both big-endian and little- 

I had no idea that was the case. Where can I read more about that?

I didn't want to just say Intel Mac, since MacPorts theoretically  
runs on non-Macs as well, many of which will be x86-based and thus  
should be able to use wine.

Frank J. R. Hanstick

macports-users mailing list

Re: A few pointers about launchd and daemondo

2009-11-09 Thread Scott Haneda

On Nov 9, 2009, at 12:21 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

On Nov 4, 2009, at 17:54, Scott Haneda wrote:

I have moved to making my own normal .plist files and putting them  
in files/, so org.pure-ftpd.ftpd.plist or  

Since pure-ftpd's web site is (not which  
appears to be owned by a domain squatter), the name of the plist  
should be org.pureftpd.whatever (not org.pure-ftpd.whatever).

I have been meaning to ask about this, as the current port is  
pureftpd, and mind is pure-ftpd.  All binaries are pure-ftpd, the only  
thing that is not is the webite.

The app is Pure-FTPd.  When I work out this variant conflicts issue,  
what is the procedure for the fact there is an old per with the name  
of pureftpd, and I am going with pure-ftpd?

Where does it state the the correct naming conventions for laaunchd  

I never knew the name was supposed to resolve back to the reverse of  
the website.

What do you do on a hosted site, for example:

- com.developersfiles.imagetool ?

Seems weird to hold them all under a domain that just hosts the  
files. being one of them, but they at least use

And then, all this is in macports, so maybe I should use  

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

macports-users mailing list

Re: daemondo / launchd just being silly on me

2009-11-09 Thread dreamcat four
On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 1:51 AM, Scott Haneda wrote:
 I do not know anything about stompserver.  How I would debug this...

 Can you start the server by hand, on the command line?  If so, sounds like
 you are doing pretty good.  Are you sure that --working_dir=/var is
 correct?  My understanding is that path is a portfile violation,

* Yes, can start it on the command line no probs.
* Yes, am aware that the path should be /opt/var,

/opt/var/ would be fine for this stompserver ruby gem. That
particular one is easy to configure. However the stompserver is just a
pilot and the simplest case for me to get going with. The chef gem,
and chef-server gems are not so easy. Posix /var paths are hardcoded
everywhere in 3 init scripts. Which are distributed as part of a ruby

Init scripts:

The idea is not to re-invent the wheel, so we would use:
startupitem.{start, stop, restart} to get launchd to call all these
init scripts.

There would be 4 plist files in total.

 Then again, any launchd item installed by MP is going outside of ${prefix},
 so there have been provisions to allow it.  Though it is just a symblink.

 Maybe you need --working_dir=${prefix}/var to keep everything in prefix?

So you would have to symlink the files from /opt/var to /var? I was
unsure how reasonable that is compared to just using /var. But it
probably would look like this:

/var/log/chef/ - /opt/var/log/chef
/var/run/chef/ - /opt/var/run/chef

And with 3 lockfiles left remaining in /var
It would be inadvisable to move them.


 If you can run via command line, great, you can then point the finger at
 debugging around the launchd item.  At that point, I wold make a basic
 launchd item by hand.  Look at something like
 for a basic shell template to use.

Okay, do you mean still calling daemondo or avoiding daemondo?

Its my impression that this error is an execvp() fail in daemondo/main.c.
Shouldn't i just recompile daemondo to printf() the execvup() arguments?

I have seen manually written plist examles to call other ruby programs
(as a daemon/server). But it seems like an backward step when
startupitem... in a portfile should do it for you. Also can the alias
command port load stomperver port unload stompserver still work
with a manual plist ? How to put a manual plist in a portfile rather
than using a startupitem declaration?

 For example, I have a backup script, called at 12:15 AM daily, it calls a
 shell script, which yours could do, or if it is simple, it can just call the
 one command you need to run.

Are you suggesting to wrap the ruby script in a bash script?
Have not tried that yet.


 Launchd is picky about paths, spaced, arguments with leading double dashes,
 and a number of things.  Aside from the most basic one liner scripts. I
 shove my core code logic in a executable file, and then let launchd cal

Hmm, if this were true, then it would be some plist creation error in

 Since I do not know about stompserver, all I can add is, get it running, and
 see if you can get it running with a standard launchd item.  Watch your
 system.log wen you load and unload. ( tail -f /var/log/system.log )

 Watch the system log when you start via daemondo, it can be telling in a
 number of ways.  If you get it working via your own launchd, you can decide
 to just bundle the plist in files, xinstall it into place, or just ui
 message the user on what to do.

I guess this answers 2 earlier question, as i have been reading this.
Thank you, that makes a lot of sense now.

Another thing seems to be that in my case I am simply writing a Port
to distribute launchd scripts. (the actual software can all be
installed with rubygems package management system). So for the case of
having as many as 4+ plist files, they could be all packaged into 1
Port if they were manually added to /files subdir ? This is quite a
benefit because startupitem.executable seems to limit to 1 plist
file per Portfile.

I wonder if the port load tagname, port unload tagname alias will
work for such a manual plist. It is a new convenience that was
recently added to macports.

 I do something like this: ( as a ui message )
     To install the launchd item, issue the following commands:
          cd ${prefix}/share/doc/${name}/
          sudo cp org.pure-ftpd.ftpd.plist.server.sample
            - or -
          sudo cp org.pure-ftpd.ftpd.plist.basic.sample
            - and then load the launchd item -
          sudo launchctl load -w

          You can now test the server with:

Re: crashing

2009-11-09 Thread Fernando Nasser

A problem may be that gimp won't compile on Snow Leopard, at least for me.

Ryan Schmidt wrote:

On Nov 8, 2009, at 10:09, Jeff Pitman wrote:

Yes, I was running the no_x11/quartz version. However, I mixed 
everything up and upgraded to Snow Leopard over the weekend.

Did you afterwards uninstall and reinstall all ports? If not, please do:

macports-users mailing list

macports-users mailing list

Re: crashing

2009-11-09 Thread Jeff Pitman
On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Ryan Schmidt ryandes...@macports.orgwrote:

 On Nov 8, 2009, at 10:09, Jeff Pitman wrote:

  Yes, I was running the no_x11/quartz version. However, I mixed everything
 up and upgraded to Snow Leopard over the weekend.

 Did you afterwards uninstall and reinstall all ports? If not, please do:

Yes, I cleared out all of the packages first.

If gimp-app didn't pull in python25  python26, I might be able to get this
up without installing Tk. python26 has an option to shut off tkinter, but
python25 has no such option.

$ sudo port install python26 +no_tkinter   # with +no_python, gimp
prolly won't need this
$ sudo port install pango +no_x11 +quartz
$ sudo port install cairo +no_x11 +quartz
$ sudo port install gtk2 +no_x11 +quartz
$ sudo port install gimp2 +no_x11 +quartz +no_python
$ sudo port install gimp-app +quartz

gimp-app also pulls in a ton of dependencies like gcc43 and other random
stuff. It'd be nice to go through this and clean up.

I'm still churning through the deps right now, I'll reply back to the list
with the full instructions. Gotta re-piece the deps and get the variant
incantations correct..

take care,
macports-users mailing list

Re: crashing

2009-11-09 Thread Jeff Pitman
On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 10:27 PM, Jeff Pitman wrote:

 If gimp-app didn't pull in python25  python26, I might be able to get
 this up without installing Tk. python26 has an option to shut off tkinter,
 but python25 has no such option.

 $ sudo port install python26 +no_tkinter   # with +no_python, gimp
 prolly won't need this
 $ sudo port install pango +no_x11 +quartz
 $ sudo port install cairo +no_x11 +quartz
 $ sudo port install gtk2 +no_x11 +quartz
 $ sudo port install gimp2 +no_x11 +quartz +no_python

Before building gimp2, go through the patch incantations documented near the
bottom of this bug:

 $ sudo port install gimp-app +quartz

Before building gimp-app, go through the following steps in this bug to
compile 32-bit version:

Hmm, doesn't seem to work since Pango just generates blocks for the fonts.
Perhaps it's due to 32-bit app invoking 64-bit libs.

Ah well, all the appropriate bugs are filed. So, just need to be patient
while folks work out the issues.

take care,
macports-users mailing list

Re: PostGIS / libproj Issues

2009-11-09 Thread Abram Gillespie

I was wondering if there was any progress here.  I updated the ticket
with the debug output and did a MacPort migration to OS X 10.6 by the


On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 6:07 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

 On Oct 11, 2009, at 02:14, Abram Gillespie wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 6:31 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

 On Oct 9, 2009, at 14:10, Abram Gillespie wrote:

 I'm getting an error when installing PostGIS. [snip]

 Please file a ticket in the issue tracker and provide more information
 including the full debug output of your attempted installation.

 Sure will.  But how do I get the full debug output?

 sudo port clean postgis
 sudo port -d install postgis 21 | tee ~/Desktop/postgis.txt

 The debug output will be displayed onscreen and saved in the file
 postgis.txt on your desktop, from which you can attach it to your Trac
 ticket if it fails again.

macports-users mailing list

Re: qt3-mac

2009-11-09 Thread wilfried rabaud

The PATH is correctly set but 'which qt3-mac' returns nothing...
'port contents qt-mac' shows me (from a long file list) :

but nowhere i can find something that looks like /opt/local/bin/qt3- 

I think I miss something but what?


Le 9 nov. 09 à 04:14, Scott Haneda a écrit :

Looking at the Portfile, it looks like things go into ${prefix}/ 
share/qt3, so probably /opt/local/share/qt3

You can try `which qt3-mac` which may show you the path, but you  
should already have your path set to locate it.

See this section 
 about $PATH if when you run `echo $PATH` in the terminal, you do  
not see the location of qt3-mac in that path.

Also, try `port contents qt3-mac` which will show you every single  
piece of software that was installed for that port.

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

On Nov 8, 2009, at 1:21 PM, wilfried rabaud wrote:

I have installed the qt3-mac port (all goes fine) to compile qcad  
from the source . To do so, I have to set the env. variable QTDIR  
and QMAKESPECS, but infortunately I am not able to find the  
executable files for Qt3. Does anyone knows where is located this  

MacPort 1.8
10.5.8 Leopard

Wilfried Rabaud

macports-users mailing list

Re: Error during p5-xml-parser installation

2009-11-09 Thread Jakob Vidmar
Thanks, it worked - at least for p5-xml-parser. It fails at opencv now:

---  Computing dependencies for opencv
---  Building opencv
Error: Target returned: shell command  cd
 /usr/bin/make -j2 all  returned error 2
Command output: /usr/bin/make  all-recursive
Making all in cxcore
Making all in src
if /bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile /usr/bin/g++-4.2
-DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../.. -I. -I../../cxcore/include -I../..  -DNDEBUG
-I/opt/local/include  -Wall -fno-rtti -pipe -O3 -g -march=prescott
-ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -O2 -I/opt/local/include -L/opt/local/lib
-arch x86_64 -MT dummy.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/dummy.Tpo -c -o dummy.lo
dummy.cpp; \
then mv -f .deps/dummy.Tpo .deps/dummy.Plo; else rm -f
.deps/dummy.Tpo; exit 1; fi
if /bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile /usr/bin/g++-4.2
-DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../.. -I. -I../../cxcore/include -I../..  -DNDEBUG
-I/opt/local/include  -Wall -fno-rtti -pipe -O3 -g -march=prescott
-ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -O2 -I/opt/local/include -L/opt/local/lib
-arch x86_64 -MT cxalloc.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/cxalloc.Tpo -c -o cxalloc.lo
cxalloc.cpp; \
then mv -f .deps/cxalloc.Tpo .deps/cxalloc.Plo; else rm -f
.deps/cxalloc.Tpo; exit 1; fi
 /usr/bin/g++-4.2 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../.. -I. -I../../cxcore/include
-I../.. -DNDEBUG -I/opt/local/include -Wall -fno-rtti -pipe -O3 -g
-march=prescott -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -O2 -I/opt/local/include
-L/opt/local/lib -arch x86_64 -MT dummy.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/dummy.Tpo -c
dummy.cpp  -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/dummy.o
 /usr/bin/g++-4.2 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../.. -I. -I../../cxcore/include
-I../.. -DNDEBUG -I/opt/local/include -Wall -fno-rtti -pipe -O3 -g
-march=prescott -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -O2 -I/opt/local/include
-L/opt/local/lib -arch x86_64 -MT cxalloc.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/cxalloc.Tpo
-c cxalloc.cpp  -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/cxalloc.o
dummy.cpp:1: error: CPU you selected does not support x86-64 instruction set
dummy.cpp:1: error: CPU you selected does not support x86-64 instruction set
cxalloc.cpp:1: error: CPU you selected does not support x86-64 instruction
cxalloc.cpp:1: error: CPU you selected does not support x86-64 instruction
make[3]: *** [cxalloc.lo] Error 1
make[3]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs
make[3]: *** [dummy.lo] Error 1
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.

Any suggestion?


2009/11/9 Ryan Schmidt

 On Nov 8, 2009, at 15:53, Jakob Vidmar wrote:

  I've just tried installing p5-xml-parser and this happened:
 ---  Computing dependencies for p5-xml-parser
 ---  Configuring p5-xml-parser
 Error: Target org.macports.configure returned: configure failure: shell
 command  cd
  /opt/local/bin/perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor  returned error 139
 Command output: sh: line 1:   886 Segmentation fault
  /opt/local/bin/perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor

 Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.

 Anyone mind shedding some light?


 PS) I'm using macports on Snow Leopard.

 Did you recently upgrade to Snow Leopard from a prior OS? If so, did you
 uninstall and then reinstall all ports? You need to; see the Migration page
 for details:

macports-users mailing list

Re: Installation/port-upgrade problems

2009-11-09 Thread Panagiotis Atmatzidis

Dear Sir,

On 09 Νοε 2009, at 5:10 μ.μ., Darren Temple wrote:

Hello macports-users,

I've been trying to install and start using macports recently, for  
the intention of installing KDE for use of the Kate and Kile  
programs, but keep running into problems. I had OS X 10.5.8  
installed initially, with the most recent release of X11 but not the  
most recent XCode tools, which requires Snow Leopard. I managed to  
install macports with this setup, but found a problem when I came to  
use it which issued a message about XCode tools needing updating.  
Seeing as I was expecting to upgrade to Snow Leopard soon, I thought  
I'd do this first before trying macports again. My system is now as  
follows :-

- Snow Leopard (updated to version 10.6.1)
- XCode tools 3.2.1
- X11 2.3.4

I have installed Macports using the easy disk-image/package  
method, which seemed to be successful. I next ran the command sudo  
port selfupdate which seemed to work fine, but then running port  
upgrade outdated I get the following :-


Macintosh:~ Ren$ port upgrade outdated
MacPorts running without privileges. You may be unable to complete  
certain actions (eg install).

---  Computing dependencies for openssl
MacPorts running without privileges. You may be unable to complete  
certain actions (eg install).
MacPorts running without privileges. You may be unable to complete  
certain actions (eg install).
MacPorts running without privileges. You may be unable to complete  
certain actions (eg install).
MacPorts running without privileges. You may be unable to complete  
certain actions (eg install).
MacPorts running without privileges. You may be unable to complete  
certain actions (eg install).
MacPorts running without privileges. You may be unable to complete  
certain actions (eg install).

---  Building openssl
Error: Target returned: shell command  cd / 
/work/openssl-0.9.8l  /usr/bin/make all  returned error 2
Command output: ld: warning: in /opt/local/lib/libz.dylib, file is  
not of required architecture

Undefined symbols:
_inflateEnd, referenced from:
_bio_zlib_free in libcrypto.a(c_zlib.o)
_zlib_stateful_free_ex_data in libcrypto.a(c_zlib.o)
_deflate, referenced from:
_bio_zlib_ctrl in libcrypto.a(c_zlib.o)
_bio_zlib_write in libcrypto.a(c_zlib.o)
_zlib_stateful_compress_block in libcrypto.a(c_zlib.o)
_deflateEnd, referenced from:
_bio_zlib_free in libcrypto.a(c_zlib.o)
_zlib_stateful_free_ex_data in libcrypto.a(c_zlib.o)
_inflateInit_, referenced from:
_bio_zlib_read in libcrypto.a(c_zlib.o)
_zlib_stateful_init in libcrypto.a(c_zlib.o)
_zError, referenced from:
_bio_zlib_ctrl in libcrypto.a(c_zlib.o)
_bio_zlib_read in libcrypto.a(c_zlib.o)
_bio_zlib_write in libcrypto.a(c_zlib.o)
_deflateInit_, referenced from:
_bio_zlib_write in libcrypto.a(c_zlib.o)
_zlib_stateful_init in libcrypto.a(c_zlib.o)
_inflate, referenced from:
_bio_zlib_read in libcrypto.a(c_zlib.o)
_zlib_stateful_expand_block in libcrypto.a(c_zlib.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [link_a.darwin] Error 1
make[1]: *** [do_darwin-shared] Error 2
make: *** [libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib] Error 2

Error: Unable to upgrade port: 1


Following this, I tried installing the kdebase4 port, just to see  
if macports would work regardless of this last message. Here is the  
result of this action :-


Macintosh:~ Ren$ sudo port install kdebase4
Warning: Skipping upgrade since ncursesw 5.7_0 = ncursesw 5.7_0,  
even though installed variants  do not match +darwin_10. Use  
'upgrade --enforce-variants' to switch to the requested variants.
Warning: Skipping upgrade since ncurses 5.7_0 = ncurses 5.7_0, even  
though installed variants  do not match +darwin_10. Use 'upgrade  
--enforce-variants' to switch to the requested variants.

---  Computing dependencies for openssl
---  Building openssl
Error: Target returned: shell command  cd /opt/ 
/work/openssl-0.9.8l  /usr/bin/make all  returned error 2
Command output: ld: warning: in /opt/local/lib/libz.dylib, file is  
not of required architecture

Undefined symbols:
_inflateEnd, referenced from:
_bio_zlib_free in libcrypto.a(c_zlib.o)
_zlib_stateful_free_ex_data in libcrypto.a(c_zlib.o)
_deflate, referenced from:
_bio_zlib_ctrl in libcrypto.a(c_zlib.o)
_bio_zlib_write in libcrypto.a(c_zlib.o)
_zlib_stateful_compress_block in libcrypto.a(c_zlib.o)
_deflateEnd, referenced from:
_bio_zlib_free in libcrypto.a(c_zlib.o)
_zlib_stateful_free_ex_data in libcrypto.a(c_zlib.o)
_inflateInit_, referenced from:
_bio_zlib_read in libcrypto.a(c_zlib.o)
_zlib_stateful_init in libcrypto.a(c_zlib.o)

Re: A few pointers about launchd and daemondo

2009-11-09 Thread Ryan Schmidt

On Nov 9, 2009, at 04:50, Scott Haneda wrote:

On Nov 9, 2009, at 12:21 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

On Nov 4, 2009, at 17:54, Scott Haneda wrote:

I have moved to making my own normal .plist files and putting them  
in files/, so org.pure-ftpd.ftpd.plist or  

Since pure-ftpd's web site is (not which  
appears to be owned by a domain squatter), the name of the plist  
should be org.pureftpd.whatever (not org.pure-ftpd.whatever).

I have been meaning to ask about this, as the current port is  
pureftpd, and mind is pure-ftpd.  All binaries are pure-ftpd, the  
only thing that is not is the webite.

The app is Pure-FTPd.  When I work out this variant conflicts  
issue, what is the procedure for the fact there is an old per with  
the name of pureftpd, and I am going with pure-ftpd?

Prior to MacPorts 1.8.0, the advice was: never rename a port, because  
we have no facility for supporting that. Now we do: the replaced_by  
keyword. So if you want to change the port name, you would leave a  
stub port called pureftpd which says it has been replaced_by pure- 
ftpd. This way, anybody who already has the port pureftpd installed  
will be properly advised to upgrade to pure-ftpd via port outdated.

Note the port name doesn't have to match the binary name (though I can  
see how it might be clearer). For example, the port pkgconfig installs  
the binary pkg-config.

Where does it state the the correct naming conventions for laaunchd  

Apple suggests the use of the reverse-DNS naming convention; for  
instance, This is an excellent convention,  
and you should follow it when defining your own services.

I never knew the name was supposed to resolve back to the reverse of  
the website.

What do you do on a hosted site, for example:

- com.developersfiles.imagetool ?

Could be.

Seems weird to hold them all under a domain that just hosts the  
files. being one of them, but they at least use

The files do not need to live on the domain; the purpose of the naming  
convention is to avoid filename clashes on the user's computer. To  
achieve this, the files are named using the reverse of a domain name  
that you or the project owns.

And then, all this is in macports, so maybe I should use  

The launchd plists MacPorts automatically creates for you with the  
startupitem keywords do use the org.macports prefix, so that would be  

Before I used MacPorts, when I compiled software by hand and created  
my own plists for things, I used com.ryandesign as the prefix, because  
they were plists I had created. Even if the plist was for, say, the  
lighttpd web server, I didn't want to name the plist with the  
net.lighttpd prefix, because that seemed to imply to me that the  
developers of lighttpd had created the plist and were responsible for  
its content, which was not correct; I was.

macports-users mailing list

Re: Error during p5-xml-parser installation

2009-11-09 Thread Ryan Schmidt

On Nov 9, 2009, at 12:20, Jakob Vidmar wrote:

Thanks, it worked - at least for p5-xml-parser. It fails at opencv  

This is the bug report for that:

I haven't read through all the comments yet.

macports-users mailing list

Re: qt3-mac

2009-11-09 Thread Brandon Allbery

On Nov 9, 2009, at 12:46 , wilfried rabaud wrote:

The PATH is correctly set but 'which qt3-mac' returns nothing...
'port contents qt-mac' shows me (from a long file list) :

but nowhere i can find something that looks like /opt/local/bin/qt3- 

I think I miss something but what?

That qt3 is a library, not a program?  I would expect QTDIR to be  
something like /opt/local/lib/qt3.

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
macports-users mailing list

Re: daemondo / launchd just being silly on me

2009-11-09 Thread Scott Haneda
You are a bit more advanced in your knowledge of C and other related  
code, sorry I was not more help, comments interspersed below...

On Nov 9, 2009, at 4:09 AM, dreamcat four wrote:

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 1:51 AM, Scott Haneda  

I do not know anything about stompserver.  How I would debug this...

Can you start the server by hand, on the command line?  If so,  
sounds like

you are doing pretty good.  Are you sure that --working_dir=/var is
correct?  My understanding is that path is a portfile violation,

* Yes, can start it on the command line no probs.

Well, then that pretty much points the finger to daemondo as far as I  
can tell then.

The idea is not to re-invent the wheel, so we would use:
startupitem.{start, stop, restart} to get launchd to call all these
init scripts.

Yes, I see where you are coming from. I have never used those  
commands.  I only recently learned they were tied in like that, and  
run just a few servers that needs restarting.  When restarting  
something like Apache just feels better to use ./apachectl graceful, I  
tend to go with what the rest of the world is doing.

I already have enough explaining to do on other lists as to what  
launchd even is :)

But I also have my own more general purpose way to restart services as  
well. Probably did reinvent a wheel on that one, though my wheel is  
pretty wobbly.

There would be 4 plist files in total.

Then again, any launchd item installed by MP is going outside of $ 
so there have been provisions to allow it.  Though it is just a  

Maybe you need --working_dir=${prefix}/var to keep everything in  

So you would have to symlink the files from /opt/var to /var? I was
unsure how reasonable that is compared to just using /var. But it
probably would look like this:

/var/log/chef/ - /opt/var/log/chef
/var/run/chef/ - /opt/var/run/chef

And with 3 lockfiles left remaining in /var
It would be inadvisable to move them.


I am way out of my league here, but why symblink?  Isn't the idea of  
MacPorts to get everything into ${prefix}?  If there is some path in  
your software that is calling out to /var, then I think you need to  
reinplace the source, or use a patchfile, to change the path.  Or  
perhaps talk to the developer to make it a build time argument that  
changes the paths for you.

If you can run via command line, great, you can then point the  
finger at
debugging around the launchd item.  At that point, I wold make a  
launchd item by hand.  Look at something like

for a basic shell template to use.

Okay, do you mean still calling daemondo or avoiding daemondo?

I personally avoid it.  I have just ran into issues with it, where it  
was harder for me to understand.  I am sure this is just my fault.   
Looking at the files it makes, I find them difficult to understand  
what is going on.  Whereas a plist for launchd, could not be easier to  
understand what is going on.

Its my impression that this error is an execvp() fail in daemondo/ 
Shouldn't i just recompile daemondo to printf() the execvup()  

I think it is worth a try, if that gets this working how it should,  
and there are no repercussions to other daemondo users, then seems a  
bug worth fixing.

I have seen manually written plist examles to call other ruby programs
(as a daemon/server). But it seems like an backward step when
startupitem... in a portfile should do it for you. Also can the alias
command port load stomperver port unload stompserver still worky
with a manual plist ? How to put a manual plist in a portfile rather
than using a startupitem declaration?

I do not think that it would work so easily. *I think* 	`port load`  
must call the Portfile in one of its phases, so you may have to alter  
that phase to do what you want with your launchd item.  I have never  
tried this personally.

What I can gather, is at the end of the day, the Portfile is just a  
tcl script, so you can do anything you want.  MacPorts has built a  
nice language helper on top of it, for making things easier, but it is  
not to say you can not have your way with that Portfile in any way you  

For example, I have a backup script, called at 12:15 AM daily, it  
calls a
shell script, which yours could do, or if it is simple, it can just  
call the

one command you need to run.

Are you suggesting to wrap the ruby script in a bash script?
Have not tried that yet.

That just depends on how the app gets started.  A launchd item that  

/Users/me/bin/myapp is pretty sure to work.

However, a one liner along the lines of
while true; do bunch of stuff here, with  and  redirection; done;  
never worked for me. I have to put that in a interim script, 

Re: errors building atlas

2009-11-09 Thread Scott Haneda
I think you are right in that is the patch you need. I use the docs  
here to remember how to apply a patch:
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

On Nov 9, 2009, at 9:07 AM, Arden wrote:

I have updated macports and then I ran upgrade outdated, fails with  
atlas. I see there is a bug filed #22379 
 and a possible patch? Not sure how to apply that one.

Any help is appreciated.
Mac G4 PPC

macports-users mailing list

Re: A few pointers about launchd and daemondo

2009-11-09 Thread Scott Haneda
The app is Pure-FTPd.  When I work out this variant conflicts  
issue, what is the procedure for the fact there is an old per with  
the name of pureftpd, and I am going with pure-ftpd?

Prior to MacPorts 1.8.0, the advice was: never rename a port,  
because we have no facility for supporting that. Now we do: the  
replaced_by keyword. So if you want to change the port name, you  
would leave a stub port called pureftpd which says it has been  
replaced_by pure-ftpd. This way, anybody who already has the port  
pureftpd installed will be properly advised to upgrade to pure-ftpd  
via port outdated.

Note the port name doesn't have to match the binary name (though I  
can see how it might be clearer). For example, the port pkgconfig  
installs the binary pkg-config.

Seriously, every port I touch has some aspect to it that makes it more  
than just a straight port :)  I used to hate p5's. I love p5's now.   
P5's are totally my friends, all other ports, I am making a list, when  
I go on my killing spree, alphabetical, keeping ASSP rightly at the  
top of that list

Thanks for your other explanations, they were helpful, especially to  
see you had the same thoughts as I did wit using your name in a plist.

Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

macports-users mailing list

Re: qt3-mac

2009-11-09 Thread wilfried rabaud

Le 10 nov. 09 à 01:44, Brandon Allbery a écrit :

On Nov 9, 2009, at 12:46 , wilfried rabaud wrote:

The PATH is correctly set but 'which qt3-mac' returns nothing...
'port contents qt-mac' shows me (from a long file list) :

but nowhere i can find something that looks like /opt/local/bin/qt3- 

I think I miss something but what?

That qt3 is a library, not a program?  I would expect QTDIR to be  
something like /opt/local/lib/qt3.

This is what have been installed in the lib/ :

which one is the good one ?

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon university 

Wilfried Rabaud

macports-users mailing list