Re: something you always ...... about the X11 clipboard(s)

2015-04-05 Thread René J . V . Bertin
On Monday April 06 2015 05:03:50 Dave Horsfall wrote:
> On Sun, 5 Apr 2015, Ian Wadham wrote:
> > >>> Schröder's cat
> > >> ​[If it is not a savvy abbreviation​…]
> [...]
> > I hope New, Fara, Max, Ein, Bo and Heisberg will not come round to haunt 
> > you…
> Not to mention Charles Schulz...

Physicists ... they claim to be exact scientists, but they believe in ghosts 
and all :D

macports-users mailing list

Re: something you always ...... about the X11 clipboard(s)

2015-04-05 Thread Dave Horsfall
On Sun, 5 Apr 2015, Ian Wadham wrote:

> >>> Schröder's cat
> >> ​[If it is not a savvy abbreviation​…]
> I hope New, Fara, Max, Ein, Bo and Heisberg will not come round to haunt 
> you…

Not to mention Charles Schulz...

Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU)   "Those who don't understand security will suffer." (and check the home page whilst you're there)___
macports-users mailing list

Re: something you always ...... about the X11 clipboard(s)

2015-04-05 Thread Ian Wadham
On 03/04/2015, at 4:47 AM, René J.V. Bertin wrote:
> On Thursday April 02 2015 19:31:19 Eneko Gotzon wrote:
>>> Schröder's cat
>> ​[If it is not a savvy abbreviation​…]
> Nope ... more like an involuntary shortcut my fingers made ...
>> Just FYI: (Erwin) Schrödinger
> Oops. I knew that. Apologies to anyone offended!
> (Or: actually: the Herr Ing was temporarily elsewhere :) )

I hope New, Fara, Max, Ein, Bo and Heisberg will not come
round to haunt you…

Cheers, Ian W.

macports-users mailing list

Re: something you always ...... about the X11 clipboard(s)

2015-04-02 Thread René J . V . Bertin
On Thursday April 02 2015 19:31:19 Eneko Gotzon wrote:

>> Schröder's cat
>​[If it is not a savvy abbreviation​…]

Nope ... more like an involuntary shortcut my fingers made ...

>Just FYI: (Erwin) Schrödinger

Oops. I knew that. Apologies to anyone offended!

(Or: actually: the Herr Ing was temporarily elsewhere :) )
macports-users mailing list

Re: something you always ...... about the X11 clipboard(s)

2015-04-02 Thread René J . V . Bertin
On Thursday April 02 2015 20:29:38 Dave Horsfall wrote:

>Not quite; it's Click To Focus, which means the window receiving the 
>keyboard is the one in front, making it impossible to type into a 
>background window at the same time.

Note that windows rarely behave like Schröder's cat despite being made up of 
electrons: you cannot (usually) type into a foreground and background window at 
the same time ;)

macports-users mailing list

Re: something you always ...... about the X11 clipboard(s)

2015-04-02 Thread Dave Horsfall
On Thu, 2 Apr 2015, Eneko Gotzon wrote:

>   I can't stand CTF
> ​Please​, what's that?
> Canadian Taxpayer's Federation? ;)

Not quite; it's Click To Focus, which means the window receiving the 
keyboard is the one in front, making it impossible to type into a 
background window at the same time.

Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU)   "Those who don't understand security will suffer." (and check the home page whilst you're there)___
macports-users mailing list

Re: something you always ...... about the X11 clipboard(s)

2015-04-02 Thread Eneko Gotzon
On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 1:20 AM, Dave Horsfall  wrote:

> I can't stand CTF

​Please​, what's that?

Canadian Taxpayer's Federation? ;)

Eneko Gotzon Ares
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macports-users mailing list

Re: something you always ...... about the X11 clipboard(s)

2015-04-01 Thread René J . V . Bertin
On Wednesday April 01 2015 11:49:35 Chris Jones wrote:

>> Your kidding there right ;) As far as I am concerned KDE went down the
>> toilet when it switched from KDE3 to the bloated mess KDE4 is !
>Just to clarify, I was talking about KDE as a desktop environment. The 
>applications themselves are OK, and indeed due to QT4 etc. have better 
>standalone/cross platform support than before.

I never knew KDE3, so I couldn't tell and wasn't joking. I have KDE4 running on 
a netbook and the worst hogs aren't KDE apps.
Anyway, there's always Trinity for people like you ;)

And anyway2: this was about copy/pasting 

macports-users mailing list

Re: something you always ...... about the X11 clipboard(s)

2015-04-01 Thread Chris Jones

OT: Recent developments have been chipping away at/from that "best
unix for the desktop" aspect, while KDE has given Linux a desktop
that's getting close to being as good (but KF5 seems to be making the
same kind of choices I dislike in recent OS X versions, so I'll
probably will hang on to OS X a while longer).

Your kidding there right ;) As far as I am concerned KDE went down the
toilet when it switched from KDE3 to the bloated mess KDE4 is !

Just to clarify, I was talking about KDE as a desktop environment. The 
applications themselves are OK, and indeed due to QT4 etc. have better 
standalone/cross platform support than before.

macports-users mailing list

Re: something you always ...... about the X11 clipboard(s)

2015-04-01 Thread Chris Jones

OT: Recent developments have been chipping away at/from that "best unix for the 
desktop" aspect, while KDE has given Linux a desktop that's getting close to being 
as good (but KF5 seems to be making the same kind of choices I dislike in recent OS X 
versions, so I'll probably will hang on to OS X a while longer).

Your kidding there right ;) As far as I am concerned KDE went down the 
toilet when it switched from KDE3 to the bloated mess KDE4 is !

macports-users mailing list

Re: something you always ...... about the X11 clipboard(s)

2015-03-31 Thread René J . V . Bertin
On Wednesday April 01 2015 10:20:00 Dave Horsfall wrote:

> Ah; another FFM fan :-)  I can't stand CTF, but I can understand why the 

Yep. Though I must admit that occasionally I am surprised FFG doesn't work 
(focus follows gaze, as in oh yeah, my mouse was still in that other window) :)

> I like to run "xload" on remote boxes, and annoy cow-orkers by firing up 
> "xroach" on their screens :-)

I preferred xmelt for that. But the best annoyance was that app that made a 
pink battery bunny (slowly) march across your screen banging its drum after 
receiving a trigger over AppleTalk. The best part was that it came as a 
resource you could hide in each and every resource fork the system searched at 

macports-users mailing list

Re: something you always ...... about the X11 clipboard(s)

2015-03-31 Thread Dave Horsfall
On Wed, 1 Apr 2015, René J.V. Bertin wrote:

> I know iTerm2, but its power features aren't appealing/useful enough to 
> me to make up for the fact that it doesn't do "focus follows mouse" as 
> well as Apple's .

Ah; another FFM fan :-)  I can't stand CTF, but I can understand why the 
Mac does it (single application etc).

> Easy. Trying OS X a bit over 11y ago on my gf's new laptop made me 
> realise it was the only "unix for the desktop" that really gave the 
> (almost) best of both worlds. I always have an X server running and not 
> just because I prefer xterms over Which I also use, just 
> for different things, typically non-X things.

I like to run "xload" on remote boxes, and annoy cow-orkers by firing up 
"xroach" on their screens :-)

Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU)   "Those who don't understand security will suffer." (and check the home page whilst you're there)___
macports-users mailing list

Re: something you always ...... about the X11 clipboard(s)

2015-03-31 Thread René J . V . Bertin
On Tuesday March 31 2015 14:45:48 Ned Deily wrote:

I know iTerm2, but its power features aren't appealing/useful enough to me to 
make up for the fact that it doesn't do "focus follows mouse" as well as 
Apple's .

> useful power features and doesn't use X.  Of course, if one *prefers* to 
> run under X ... (but if one does, why use OS X on the desktop in the 
> first place?).

Easy. Trying OS X a bit over 11y ago on my gf's new laptop made me realise it 
was the only "unix for the desktop" that really gave the (almost) best of both 
worlds. I always have an X server running and not just because I prefer xterms 
over Which I also use, just for different things, typically non-X 

OT: Recent developments have been chipping away at/from that "best unix for the 
desktop" aspect, while KDE has given Linux a desktop that's getting close to 
being as good (but KF5 seems to be making the same kind of choices I dislike in 
recent OS X versions, so I'll probably will hang on to OS X a while longer).

macports-users mailing list

Re: something you always ...... about the X11 clipboard(s)

2015-03-31 Thread Ned Deily
In article <1979918.mOAS13Diux@portia.local>,
 Rene J.V. Bertin  wrote:
> One reason I use xterms for so much of my command line tinkering is how 
> double clicking selection works (full paths, for instance) and copies the 
> selected content at once to a clipboard or cutbuffer (CLIPBOARD?).

Just FYI:, a native OS X replacement for Apple's 
(and available via "port install iTerm2"), supports auto-copying of 
double-clicked selections to the OS X clipboard and has many other 
useful power features and doesn't use X.  Of course, if one *prefers* to 
run under X ... (but if one does, why use OS X on the desktop in the 
first place?).

 Ned Deily,

macports-users mailing list

something you always ...... about the X11 clipboard(s)

2015-03-31 Thread René J . V . Bertin
This is something I've always wondered to know but was a wee bit afraid to ask:

how do the different X11 clip and paste boards interact with the other 
cutbuffers (etc)?

One reason I use xterms for so much of my command line tinkering is how double 
clicking selection works (full paths, for instance) and copies the selected 
content at once to a clipboard or cutbuffer (CLIPBOARD?). Even before I found 
myself using mouses without 3 proper buttons I defined a shortcut (that can be 
made with 1 or 2 hands) to paste that content back into the terminal ("Meta 
Left: insert-selection(CLIPBOARD,CUT_BUFFER0)").

With XQuartz and the from MacPorts I find myself configuring the server 
to have sync enabled, but from the other options I activate only "update 
PRIMARY when Pasteboard changes". With all other combinations I tried I find 
that I lose the contents of the CLIPBOARD, and that doubleclicking also no 
longer copies to it.
For xterm work this compromise works well enough because I can still use 
pbpaste and pbcopy, and the Copy item in the Edit menu. I actually like that 
this gives me 2 clipboards that don't (usually) interfere.

It's less than ideal when I start doing things in GTk-based applications, 
applications using Qt5's xcb platform plugin ("qt5-x11") or any other X11 
application that aims to provide a "modern" copy/paste experience.

I'll admit that I never taken the trouble to master X11's clipboard and 
cutbuffer or its clipboard managers in detail (read: hardly at all). Is there a 
setting where I could have a somewhat better integration, but where at least 
copying to the CLIPBOARD (through double-click) continues to work (and ideally, 
the OS X clipboard doesn't automatically overwrite the CLIPBOARD contents when 
I hit Command-C somewhere in a Cocoa app)?



PS: if the terminology wasn't already confusing enough, the X11 preferences 
dialog makes it a step worse by suggesting they're personalities with a will of 
their own ("Update [the?!] Pasteboard when [the?!] CLIPBOARD changes") ;)
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