Re: USB Host - Class 1 Bluetooth

2008-06-17 Thread Allen Brown
Why yes, that's it.  If it looks OK there then you should be OK.
Of course, it's a very long document.  I think I managed to read
the whole thing (usb_20.pdf) at one point, however I was asleep
through most of it.  :-)  I spent most of my time in chapter 7
since I was designing and characterizing the pads.

I also notice that there are a lot more files available.  Back
then there were about half as many.  And OTG was just a proposal.
Allen Brown


 --- On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 5:33 AM, Allen Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 | Also the host (i.e. Nokia) may not allow a device to come on
 | if it reports needing more than the host *thinks* it is capable
 | of.

 Section: High-power Bus-powered Functions, pp. 174 ? [1]

 If sufficient power exists, the remainder of the function may be powered

 | If you can your hands on a copy of the USB spec, do so.  Unfortunately
 | that may be difficult.  They want you to pay money to play in that
 | game.

 This one?

 [1] usb_20.pdf.


 Shakthi Kannan
 maemo-developers mailing list

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Re: Community council is a representative body - not community leadership

2008-06-16 Thread Allen Brown
Folks, there are two solutions to this problem.
1. Ignore him. He will get bored and go away if he stops getting
  responses. An easy way to do this is to create a rule in your
  mailer which shunts every message from dariusjack directly
  into the trash without being read.
2. Or... remove him from the mailing list. More rude. But more
  effective in the short term, since it doesn't require cooperation
  from everybody on the list.

What clearly won't work is to try to reason with him.  That's like
trying to reason with a scorpion.
Allen Brown

 He is more than right in asking you to write in simple text HERE on
 this mailing list.
 Because this is also what 'I' ask you (and JUST because I am a regular
 USER of this mailing list).

 Pleasing other users is what makes you part of the community too.
 If you don't want to be part of it, just leave it.
 If you want to be part of it ( as I understand it ), then play by the

 You self said that the community should moderate itself.
 That's what happened right now, and you did not cooperate.

 Please, do.
 Otherwise no one will listen to you.
 At least, not me.

 Aniello Del Sorbo

 On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 5:29 PM, Darius Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 my dear friend,

 how about configuring your mailer ?
 You have no title to tell me how should I configure my mailer
 as I read corporate mails with images and some html code inlined.
 All you can do is to ask me but never tell me anything
 I should or have to do, as you are not my boss.
 Upgrade your mailer to read mail correctly.

 No more problems ?
 And stop cutting off the body of my mail to kill the thread.
 Bad boy.

 Global Alliance on Open Source Software

 --- On Mon, 16/6/08, Frederic Crozat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Frederic Crozat [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Community council is a representative body - not community
 To: Darius Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Monday, 16 June, 2008, 4:33 PM

 On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 3:53 PM, Darius Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 How about configuring your yahoo webmail to stop posting in HTML, as
 you have been told several times.

 Frederic Crozat

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Re: USB Host - Class 1 Bluetooth

2008-06-16 Thread Allen Brown
This is tangential to what you are asking about, but I think you
could run into a problem with your power injector. It's been a
few years since I read the USB specs, but as I recall the host
knows, and makes decisions based on, what power is available.
Also it switches that power on and off depending on what state
the bus is in.  There could be problems if the actual power
doesn't match what the host thinks it is.
Allen Brown

 I am interested in using class 1 USB bluetooth adapters in Maemo.  So
 far I have flashed a 770 with the latest OS2007 hacker edition and
 enabled USB host mode. I have also built a power injector to provide
 attached USB devices with 5v.

 I am now looking at how to get a suitable driver for the hardware and
 then setting up BlueZ to use the attached adapter instead of the 770's
 internal class 2 adapter.

 Does this seem like a feasible approach to you Maemo gurus?  I'm getting
 better/faster at working in Linux/Maemo but progress is still slow.  Any
 tips greatly appreciated as they will probably save me a lot of time.

 Does anyone know of any people or projects attempting anything similar?
 I surely can't be the first to try this, other people must have looked
 at class 1 bluetooth for these devices.  If not is this interesting to
 anyone else?

 maemo-developers mailing list

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Re: USB Host - Class 1 Bluetooth

2008-06-16 Thread Allen Brown
I think you didn't understand what I was saying. I'm not saying
the device will draw more power than your injector can handle.
I am saying that turning the power on and off is a part of the
protocol. And messing with this can break things.

Also the host (i.e. Nokia) may not allow a device to come on
if it reports needing more than the host *thinks* it is capable
of.  Not sure about this.  When I was reading the USB spec I
was focussed on the electronics, not the software.

If you can your hands on a copy of the USB spec, do so.  Unfortunately
that may be difficult.  They want you to pay money to play in that
Allen Brown

 I don't think the power should be an issue as Bluetooth adapters
 shouldn't be much more demanding that other USB devices that people have
 got working with the 770.  I am using a circuit similar to this one, I will test my
 circuit with other simpler USB devices with comparable power usage but I
 think the problems will be more related to software than hardware. I
 don't have much experience with drivers on Linux so that is the bit were
 I am worried I might have overlooked something crucial.


 Allen Brown wrote:
 This is tangential to what you are asking about, but I think you
 could run into a problem with your power injector. It's been a
 few years since I read the USB specs, but as I recall the host
 knows, and makes decisions based on, what power is available.
 Also it switches that power on and off depending on what state
 the bus is in.  There could be problems if the actual power
 doesn't match what the host thinks it is.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: community leadership - the Community Council

2008-06-14 Thread Allen Brown
I think you will find that quarterly elections are too frequent.
Everyone will burn out on voting.  Yearly or by halves.
Allen Brown

 Hey guys,
 So Maemo, as we all feel has enormous potential and we all feel
 investment in making things work out for the best.  So instead of each
 taking a side, why not find a better solution than what people are
 envisioning from a position of separation.  Because obviously there
 are pros and cons to both scenarios.  Direction given by passionate
 members can help steer things in the right direction or stifle it (a
 la gimp).  And sometimes mob rule is horrible because there is no room
 to innovate outside people's expectations.  So obviously you are both
 right here.  Please don't bicker on the list, it brings the
 conversation lower and turns a thread into a flame.  I try to read all
 of these mails and I prefer when things are in the positive.  That's
 what keeps me motivated and everyone motivated to contribute.  Keeping
 up morale is a big deal, especially in the floss world.  What about a
 democratically elected council that is renewed every quarter?  Or
 using a flex/flow organizational model like holacracy as I has put
 forth for recommendation?  I think roles are very important, and they
 keep people focused and in the right kind of relationship with each
 other.  I like the idea of a dynamic social network of passionate
 contributors, how can we create that?

 It's important to think about the picture of the future because then
 we can all contribute to that picture.  So why not paint the most
 incredible thing we can envision and find out how to get there?
 That's how scenario planners and futurists work with corporations.
 And I think we can all recognize great products that come out of great
 teams, and usually those teams are formed by a common context and

 Can't we all just get along? ;)


 On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 12:07 PM, Darius Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 you are completely wrong.
 I always and ever speak for myself.


 he wants to speak for them all
 (see above)

 There is a serious problem at maemo, as some guys from maemo
 don't need any community, any open discussion, any collaboration.
 What they need is power.

 Yesterday one guy from maemo said
 communities need moderators
 Open free source software developers don't need moderators.
 What I develop and test is multitouch solutions, gesture recognition,
 new user-computer interfaces and the like.
 There is no place at maemo for such work, solutions.
 I tried to subscribe to developers section at Maemo 3 times
 and 3 times server generated nothing what could let me in.
 So I gave up, still working at some other places.
 I don't need moderators from maemo to control what I
  should work on.

 Managing Multimedia Magazines at Google
 I don't need third party moderators
 as it's me who can hold a position of a moderator.

 Fight for leadership at Maemo is what kills Maemo
 and any idea of Nokia to have Maemo to work
 for the benefit of Nokia.

 Get real man, there are hundreds of hot places globe-wide,
 you an develop your ideas, projects, solutions in nice
 association, no moderators, full democracy
 and you an still say NO for Maemo Community Council
 not hurting anyone.


 --- On Fri, 13/6/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Subject: RE: community leadership - the Community
 Date: Friday, 13 June, 2008, 9:18 PM

 Any activities by communities financed, sponsored, donated by Nokia
 or other corporations, must follow the basic goal of the corporation.

 In general yes, and here the community adds value to Nokia. So there
 should be no problem unless this is all simply a rant against
 Nokia/commercial use of Linux, and in fact you had no intention of
 giving any useful input to the questions that were posed?

 This does in fact appear to be a rant from Darius Jack.  I have not
 any references to anything he has contributed to any open source
 community, yet he wants to speak for them all.  The relationship between
 commercial entities and the open source community has been explained to
 him more than once, but he does not care to understand.  Time to flip
 bozo bit.


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Re: Nokia N810 and FTDI

2008-06-11 Thread Allen Brown
Is it possible to run usbcontrol from the command line?
I would like to be able to run it whenever I boot.
The idea would be to turn the n800 into an appliance
which is a USB host.  Obviously it would make a lousy
appliance if it came up in the wrong mode after a boot.
Allen Brown


 On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 8:00 PM, siempre.aprendiendo
 Yes, this ( is the
 about which I said that there are some problems reported in the forum
 I'm not sure if it's working ok. I would like to be sure before buying
 Nokia N810 :)

 I have used usbcontrol [1] and it worked fine.



 nick loeve escribió:


 On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 6:19 PM, Jose Jose

 I would like to know if someone have connected any ftdi device
 (USB-serial) . I have learnt that there is a driver that changes to
 USB host, but the are are some comments from people who have problems
 using it...

 You will need to compile some kernel modules. Some instructions for
 connecting to an arduino (uses ftdi serial to usb) are here:


 I would like to use Nokia N810 as the brain of a AX12+ (Robotis)
 based robot. Connecting the digital servos AX12+ to the N810 with the
 FTDI based usb2dynamixel.

 maemo-developers mailing list

 Nick Loeve
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Re: policy: maemo packaging policy -draft

2008-06-09 Thread Allen Brown
Yes, that is why I have created several new menus.  Once that
actually make a little sense.  It is then easy to select them
instead of Extras.
Allen Brown


 Allen Brown wrote:
 * Interactive prompts from maintainer scripts (such as asking where
   do you want to stick this new thing in your menus) are annoying for
   the user.  I'd be inclined to add a sentence or two saying that these
   SHOULD be avoided where possible.

 Speaking as a user, the *lack* of asking which menu this belongs
 under is annoying.  Stuffing all add-ons into Extras sucks.  I want
 my tools organized according to uses, not according to which person
 developed them.

 Personally, I would vastly prefer a system like .desktop files where the
 developer says what categories the application is in, and it gets placed
 in the relevant menu(s). I don't like having to enter a menu name for,
 say, a game, when it should obviously go in the (non-existent) Games


 -- docsmaster

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: policy: maemo packaging policy -draft

2008-06-08 Thread Allen Brown
 * Interactive prompts from maintainer scripts (such as asking where
   do you want to stick this new thing in your menus) are annoying for
   the user.  I'd be inclined to add a sentence or two saying that these
   SHOULD be avoided where possible.

Speaking as a user, the *lack* of asking which menu this belongs
under is annoying.  Stuffing all add-ons into Extras sucks.  I want
my tools organized according to uses, not according to which person
developed them.
Allen Brown  abrown at
  I have noticed that the people who are late are often
  so much jollier than the people who have to wait for them.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Hello Maemo - CFSONID 2008

2008-06-04 Thread Allen Brown
 On Wed, Jun 04, 2008 at 12:23:15PM +0200, Robert Schuster wrote:
 So the answer is no. As long as Maemo's goal is not 'providing a 100%
 free platform' as well I[0] will not contribute[1] to it and I expect
 that with more and more freedom respecting projects/products you will
 have a hard time finding people who do.

 This is what I had in mind in my LinuxTag presentation: there
 are people who will not want to contribute to Maemo just because Nokia
 does not completely adhere to the free software principles.

 By that I did not mean to imply that Nokia should put free software
 above their bottom line.  My point was that Nokia should evaluate the
 extra value received from free software zealots (this word is probably
 too strong, but I don't have the time right now to pick a better one)
 with value lost from opening their proprietary components.

Nokia will not be able to estimate the value of contributions
by outsiders.  However they can estimate the value lost from
opening up.  They won't bet a known against an unknown.

What they have done instead is to run an experiment.  That experiment
is the n800 and family.

I say all this as an outsider. I don't speak for Nokia.  Rather
I am describing the general attitudes I have experienced from
within a different large corporation.

 Unfortunately I'm no economist and I cannot evaluate either.  Looking
 at the increasing popularity of free software in the IT sector it seems
 to me that free software benefits outweigh proprietary benefits, but
 this is not a choice I can make for Nokia; it's one Nokia has to make
 for themselves.

 Marius Gedminas

Nokia is not likely to see it the same way.  Not until they see
  One person, one vote (Except in Ohio or Florida.)

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: hildon_color_button custom colors issue

2008-04-18 Thread Allen Brown
I think that is still incorrect.  You should divide by 256.  That
is exactly equivalent to shifting the bits to the right by 8.
That moves the bits you want into the byte you need.
Allen Brown

 On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 12:40 PM, Aniello Del Sorbo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Anyway.. the first issue below happened because I was running Xournal
 root in an SSH remote shell.
 Thus, probably, colormaps  were wrong.
 Running it the usual way (from the Menu) fixed a bit things.
 The GdkColor returned by the hildon color chooser was, when drawn on the
 canvas, slightly different from the one showed in the button itself.
 I think it looked darker.

 After digging a bit I figured out that the GdkColor RGB values where
 (guint16) while I needed the RGB8 format (for the fill-color-rgba
 Thus, I had to first divide red, green and blue by 255 before putting
 into a single guint value (RGBA) in the form of 0xRRGGBBAA.

 guint rgba = GNOME_CANVAS_COLOR_A  (color-red / 255.0, color-green /
 255.0, color-blue / 255.0, alpha)

 Further corrected, the divisor should not be 255 but 257 (0x101) instead.
 Otherwise the reduction from RGB16 to RGB8 does not work.
 RGB16 is in the form: 0x i.e. values range from 0 to 65535
 RGB8 is in the form 0xRRGGBB i.e. values range from 0 to 255.

 Sorry if this is stuff people already know, but I am new to it and
 find much about it.

 maemo-developers mailing list

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Re: [RFC] Maemo package guidelines: mandatory categories

2008-04-17 Thread Allen Brown
Yes!  Yes!  A thousand times, yes!
Allen Brown

 Hi all,

 Here is my first suggestion to clean up the complete mess we have at the
 moment when it comes to package categories in the maemo extras repository.
 There is no official list of categories, which has brought us to state
 we are in now.

 We have these nice categories for example: 'Boingo', 'Canola'. Those
 never be a category by themselves. We also have a lot of duplicates like
 'cli' ,'Commandline' and 'Web','www' and 'Utilities','utils'.

 This really has to stop as this is confusing for end users. We, the maemo
 community, need to find a solution and fix this.

 If we look at Debian, we can see that they have the following list of

 admin, base, comm, contrib, devel, doc, editors, electronics, embedded,
 games, gnome, graphics, hamradio, interpreters, kde, libs, libdevel,
 mail, math, misc, net, news, non-free, oldlibs, otherosfs, perl, python,
 science, shells, sound, tex, text, utils, web, x11

 My suggestion would be to base our list off the Debian list and remove
 the categories that are not suitable for Maemo. We might also want to add
 some categories if we find some missing.

 admin, comm, devel, doc, editors, games, graphics, interpreters, mail,
 net, news, utils

 and add:

 desktop, database, education, internet, multimedia, office, scientific,
 security, system, travel

 Please feel free to suggest other categories. Try to keep them as broad as
 possible. I would really like to get a list of categories where every
 application can be in at least one category. It would be nice not to need
 the 'misc' or 'other' category.

 Perhaps it would also be a good idea to have the Application Manager
 display the pretty name for each category. e.g. comm - Communication.
 That might be step 2 though.

 I also would like your feedback on this idea:
 For diablo we only accept packages in the extras/extras-devel
 when they have a valid category.

 I'm really not sure if we can do this in time for diablo, but at least we
 can try to get the community to agree on this. I don't think we can do
 anything for existing repositories, but at least we could try for the new

 Please respond with your ideas, but keep it to the category subject only.

 - Niels

 [1]Debian Sections:

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Re: swap not a substitute for virtual memory

2008-04-17 Thread Allen Brown
The subject line is incorrect.  Swap is the portion of virtual
memory which is not physical.  What you should have said is
swap not a substitute for *physical* memory.
Allen Brown

 At Wed, 16 Apr 2008 13:18:29 -0400,
 Ian Lawrence wrote:

   The issue is more that the whole Web 2.0 hasn't been planned to be
   in 64MB of RAM.  There are sites out there where a single Flash
   or JavaScript script consumes more memory.  Even 128MB is tight.
 But, I mean it is possible to increase the amount of memory available
 for a 770 using an MMC card, right?. I am not sure what the upper
 limit is but 128MB + 64MB of system memory seems feasible.

 You are confused about what swap is.  Swap allows the memory manager
 to page (save) anonymous memory to backing store (which in this case
 is your disk).

 If union of the working set of the active applications (the memory
 they need to run with only a trivial amount of faults, i.e., page-ins)
 exceeds the amount of *RAM*, then your system thrashes.  As disk is
 several orders of magnitude slower than RAM, in such a case, your
 system makes no useful progress and will appear to you to have frozen.

 The advantage of swap then, is that if you are running e.g. Mozilla
 and its working set is large, then the memory manager can page the
 anonymous memory of background applications (as well as the anonymous
 memory that Mozilla uses, which is hopefully inactive).

 Without swap, the only data that the memory manager can page is that
 associated with files.  So, program and library text, data files, etc.
 The problem is that most programs don't use the disk format for the
 data they use: on bringing it into memory, they convert it to a form
 useful for in-memory operations.  Thus, a lot of the memory on your
 system will be occupied by such computed data, which, without swap, is
 locked in memory until it is explicitly freed.

 For what it is worth, after I removed /usr/bin/metalayer-crawler, my
 system went from being completely unusable for anything but being a
 broken alarm clock to being relatively useful.
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Q: Where submit patches?

2008-04-15 Thread Allen Brown
Is this an appropriate venue to propose patches?  I have a
small change to /etc/udhcpc/udhcpc.script which allows it to
connect to more sites.
   Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
 --- Henry Spencer
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