Re: QA from extras-devel to extras-testing

2009-04-30 Thread Andrew Zabolotny
From Thu, 30 Apr 2009 12:13:33 +0300
Quim Gil  wrote:

> The question is how to check and enforce them. What can be automated
> and what can be evaluated via testers feedback.
Since Maemo is a community project, QA could be done by the community
as well. As I see it, some person (or all developers?) is made part of
the QA team; then, when a developer uploads a package to the
autobuilder and he thinks it's ready for extras it marks the package
somehow as ready (instead of pushing it directly, like now).

Then the QA team members can look somehow at the list of "ready"
packages and test any of them. After they test a package, they may
"vote" somehow their opinion (with a optional field where they can go
into details what they like/didn't). If package gets at least one
negative vote, it's out of the queue for extras. If package gets, say,
10 positive votes (the number is to be determined experimentally), it's
automatically moved to extras.


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Re: about "pixel doubling"

2008-10-26 Thread Andrew Zabolotny
From Sun, 26 Oct 2008 18:08:51 +0800 (CST)
hjj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Hi,every one !Today i met a question about "pixel doubling",i want
> to add "pixel doubling" to linux 2.6.21。our project need
> it !resolution is 800x480,gngeo need to work at 400x240 resolution to
> fast graphic process!How can i finish?thanks very much ! 
Look here:


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Maemo-extras and translations

2008-10-23 Thread Andrew Zabolotny

Recently doing an 'apt-get update' I noticed this:

Ign diablo/free Translation-ru
Ign diablo/non-free Translation-ru
Ign diablo/user

this looks like an interesting feature (e.g. look at the lot of xchat
translations - all in the main repository). Is this a standard apt
feature, or it's some improvement by Nokia?

Also, is it possible to use this feature in Maemo-extras? It would be
cool if the package promoter would split the packages by language into
different sub-repositories. For example, if package name would match
the regular expression ^.*-locale-([a-z][a-z])$ it could be considered
a locale and moved to the respective repository.


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DSP audio question

2008-10-14 Thread Andrew Zabolotny

I've been looking lately into the sound subsystem of the NIT. I want to
try to make the audio subsystem more responsive and more compatible
with usual Linux software. I have a number of questions related to the
closed component of the audio subsystem - the /lib/dsp/modules/pcm2.o
module, and I'll be glad if somebody may answer them.

The first task may be achieved by modifying the alsa plugin (and maybe
later - the esd plugin) in order to write data to the DSP in small
portions, and a better implementation of the ALSA buffer/period
paradigm, so that software who cares about exact timing may get it.

About compatibility with existing Linux software: one of the
big problems is that the ALSA/DSP plugin does not support mmap access
method. Without this, many libraries (for example, the PortAudio
library, SDL alsa driver and others) will refuse to work with such a

This seems relatively easy to implement, by either providing the client
program direct access to mmap'd area, or emulating this using an
intermediate buffer.

So, here are my first questions:

1. Is the mmap'd buffer directly shared with the DSP, and are the
samples played read all the time from the mmap'd buffer, or the DSP
task will copy the whole buffer at the time of the DSP_CMD_DATA_WRITE
command, and then play it from the internal buffer? In other words: can
I modify the buffer while it's playing, or it should stay intact until
it's finished playing?

2. Is it possible to know the exact position played in the data buffer
(or the number of samples left, or something like this)? I tried to use
the DSP_CMD_STATE command (samples_played_high and samples_played_low
members of the audio_status_info_t structure), and it behaves vry
strangely: first half of minute or so, while sound is playing, these
fields are always reported as 0 (???). After some time they suddenly
starts increasing, but contain a very strange value: after playing
12288 samples the samples_played_low field will increase by 1672 (???).

3. Are these DSP_CMD_XXX commands applicable to all DSP nodes, or just
to pcm_rec and pcm[0-3]? This is more of curiosity :)

These questions wouldn't arise if the source of pcm2.o would be
accessible, but unfortunately...


P.S. And, by the way, I found a buglet in dsp-protocol.c:
it mmap's just half of the DSP mmap buffer, e.g. it maps
mmap_buffer_size BYTES while it's meant to be mmap_buffer_size WORDS).
This leads to crashes if you're trying to push into the DSP
mmap_buffer_size words...

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Re: R: R: Firefox does not render 'font-family' style attribute...

2008-10-03 Thread Andrew Zabolotny
From Thu, 2 Oct 2008 16:22:31 +0200
"Marco Solari" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks...
> Well, I suppose if I do not explicitly fall back, the browser will do,
> right? ;-)
> But, there is no font available to be installed on the tablet?
If you want more fonts, you may try installing the ttf-dejavu package.
It does not contain "arial" or "times", but contains a serif, a
sans-serif and a sans-serif mono font (the whole font family is called

For Microsoft fonts, it should be possible to prepare a package from
the so-called "Microsoft Web Fonts" which are kind of semi-free, but
one must look first into their license very carefully, if it's allowed
to re-distribute the repackaged fonts.


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Re: stlc45xx: open source WLAN driver for N800 and N810

2008-09-23 Thread Andrew Zabolotny
From Tue, 23 Sep 2008 14:46:56 +0300
Kalle Valo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The discussion on stlc45xx might get very technical (at least I'm
> hoping so) and I doubt that very few people in maemo-developersare
> interested about that.
As a compromise I would propose to cross-post important
messages/announcements to both lists :-)


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Re: Maemo-mapper vector data backend follow-up

2008-09-23 Thread Andrew Zabolotny
From Tue, 23 Sep 2008 12:29:06 +0100
"Simon Pickering" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My two cents.

I would strongly suggest against using Python and MySQL for such a
project. Python has a very large memory overhead compared to C/C++, and
a NIT doesn't have much memory to waste (I'd rather use the memory to
launch some extra program). MySQL is not easy to set up, and it's
simply much more than you generally need.

If you definitely need SQL, I would suggest the SQLite library, which
basically just stores a SQL database in a single file and does not
need any server process.

But I would even suggest against using SQL, if that's possible, because
parsing and interpreting SQL language involves unneeded overhead.
A thing such simple as a vector map could be easily stored in a plain
Berkley database.


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Package promoter breaks

2008-09-11 Thread Andrew Zabolotny
I'm sorry to rise this question here, but almost a month passed and my
bug report seems unobserved by anybody:

Solving this is a question of a couple minutes.


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Re: [maemo-developers] More missing source

2008-09-07 Thread Andrew Zabolotny
From Sun, 7 Sep 2008 10:52:59 +0300
"Kalle Vahlman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It would be only too cool to have the kernel and DSP tasks in a
> distributable form instead of binaries copied from existing system.
They are in the package osso-dsp-modules-rx-44. This is available
from Diablo repository, which is unfortunately password-protected.

But I think you're not allowed to redistribute this package anyway :-(


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Re: Best encoder for streaming video?

2008-09-01 Thread Andrew Zabolotny
From Tue, 26 Aug 2008 16:27:24 -0600
"Merrick Fonnesbeck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> before sending it out.  The video appears on the other side very
> choppy and pixelated, and I am wondering if I am using the right
> encoder or whether there is a better encoder that would compress my
> video better to give me a cleaner video?
Video encoding is a *very* CPU-intensive task (even a Core Duo 2 CPU is
not able to encode in realtime with every encoding algorithm). So you
have to find a balance between:

- Frame size (look how small is the video window in the SIP phone).
- Bitrate vs CPU load (if you don't need a very low bitrate, you may
send the uncompressed stream or as a series of jpeg frames)
- Quality vs bitstream, The lower is your target bitstream, the lower
will be the resulting video quality, that's obvious.

You will have to experiment with available codecs to find a optimal
combination for your case.


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Re: How to change system volume in C language?

2008-08-22 Thread Andrew Zabolotny
From Thu, 21 Aug 2008 11:12:09 +0800
"dumganhar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have searched a lot, but still can not find out the way to change
> system volume ?Could you give me an example?Thanks very much!
What you mean as the "system volume"? If I understand you correctly,
you're thinking about windows' drives like C: ? There are no drive
letters in Linux.


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Re: Linux kernel module autobuilding

2008-08-19 Thread Andrew Zabolotny
From Tue, 19 Aug 2008 07:00:39 + (UTC)
Danny Milosavljevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm trying to get my Option HSO Modem driver to autobuild on Diablo 
> builder for some time now. Thanks to everyone who helped me get so
> far :)
If you wait a little, I'll release a linux-headers package which will
make building packages easier. It works now, but I have a couple of
enhancements in mind I would like to do before first release. It will
install a /lib/modules/2.6.21/build directory with everything you need
to build a driver.

Also since kernel-diablo-modules package (which is included in
scratchbox environment by default because it's a dependency of
maemo-core-runtime) will install a /lib/modules/current link which will
point to current /lib/modules/`uname -r`, so you basically can do just
'make -C /lib/modules/current/build ...' and this will build your
driver both for diablo and future kernel versions (I hope). I'm not yet
sure about chinook, but it could work this way as well.


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Determining target kernel version in scratchbox

2008-08-12 Thread Andrew Zabolotny

I'm implementing a kernel-dev package which should contain just the
important headers and kernel makefile system, which can be used to
easily build out-of-tree modules for ITOS.

The idea is that a kernel module source package will Build-Depend: on
the kernel-dev package, and then do something like:

make -C /lib/modules/$(KVER)/build M=$(CURDIR)/my_driver

and voila! you get a .ko file in my_driver/.

However, I don't know yet how to determine the value for KVER. In
Diablo and Chinook this is 2.6.21-omap1. Usually this is computed as
`uname -r`, but in scratchbox this won't work (will return the kernel
release for the host OS, not for Diablo).

Is there any easy way to determine the kernel version for target OS in

Also a related question: what packages are installed
in autobuilder besides maemo-sdk-rootstrap? I see that the rootstrap
does not contain the gtk/hildon stuff, so some more packages are
somehow installed by default... Why I ask this - I found that somehow I
got the kernel-diablo-modules package installed in my scratchbox
environment, and it contains a link /lib/modules/current which contains
a link to /lib/modules/$(KVER), so you could do just 'make
-C /lib/modules/current/build' instead.


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Re: The Problem of Battery Status, UUID and Screensaver!

2008-08-10 Thread Andrew Zabolotny
From Sat, 9 Aug 2008 16:30:42 +0800
"dumganhar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How to get the UUID of N810?
I don't know if such a thing exists, at least 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' shows
a serial number of 0.

> And how to make
> an application to ignore screensaver! I am doing a GPS
Read the Maemo Platform Development tutorial, especially this chapter:


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Re: libSDL

2008-08-09 Thread Andrew Zabolotny
From Fri, 8 Aug 2008 17:03:36 +0100
"Chris Dobbs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have recently ported some software which uses SDL for audio to my
> Nokia N800. When I run the program it complains that 
> "Couldn't open audio device /dev/dsp : No such file or directory"
You should use the 'esd' SDL driver:


Normally this is always present in the N8x0 environment, perhaps you
changed something or are trying to run your application from

> Which is understandable as I think the N800 uses something
> like /dev/pcm1 or something.
N8x0 uses a very 'specific' (to say so) way to output sound: via DSP.
So it's the /dev/dsptask/pcm/[0-3] device with some unknown API.


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Re: Maemo SDK scratchbox breaks with Debian lenny upgrade

2008-08-07 Thread Andrew Zabolotny
From Thu, 7 Aug 2008 16:44:39 +0100
Graham Cobb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am currently looking into whether I can create a UML kernel which
> runs reliably enough to do building on lenny 32-bit and 64-bit
> systems.  I am optimistic but am currently having difficulty coming
> up with a UML kernel which will (i) build, and (ii) run scratchbox
> for a whole GPE build without hitting a kernel panic or breaking
> scratchbox.
You also can try qemu-kvm which is what I currently use for
maemo development on Fedora x86_64. Since the emulated machine is
32-bit, I have scratchbox in Ubuntu 8.04 working inside it without
problems (with vm.vdso_enabled=0 and vm.mmap_min_addr=4096
in /etc/sysctl.conf). The overall performance drop is about 30%
compared to host OS (tested on a large build of gcc+glibc+binutils).


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Re: border in osso-xterm in fullscreen?

2008-08-06 Thread Andrew Zabolotny
From Wed, 06 Aug 2008 14:31:08 +0200
Frantisek Dufka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm wondering why fixed font with height of 16 won't give me full 30 
> lines in osso-xterm but 29 lines plus one empty line on the bottom. 
> Anyone knows answer to this mystery?
Of course that's because the height of the client window area is not
divisible by the fonw height.

You may want to try DejaVu Sans Mono, the pre-packaged DejaVu fonts can
be downloaded here:

In my opinion, DejaVu Sans Mono gives a much nicer appearance to the


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Some autobuilder issues

2008-08-06 Thread Andrew Zabolotny

I would like to discuss a couple of topics about the autobuilder here,
and I hope it's okay to do it here rather than in bugzilla, because
they aren't bugs.

First problem: I tried to upload yesterday the unrar and tar packages to
the autobuilder and while it worked fine for diablo, there was a
problem with the chinook builder.

The logs are here, for example:

As you can see, there's no gnupg package in chinook sdk. I'm using the
excellent mud-builder tool to build some of my packages, and it uses
dpkg-depcheck to find out the build dependencies. And indeed, gpg is
normally used during a build process - both to check the signature on
source .dsc file and to generate a signature for the binary .dsc file.

Is it possible to add somehow the gnupg package to chinook sdk
package repositories, or they are frozen forever? I can edit the control
file after every autobuild manually and remove gnupg from there, but
it's an awkward way to do things.

Second issue is with old packages in extras-devel. They are going to
accumulate over the head, the repository (especially the build-logs
directory) is already filled up and this is only going to become worse
with time. Would it be possible to remove a old package version (and its
build logs in garage/builder/ directory) when a newer package version
has been built?

If somebody is concerned by the fact that somebody may replace somebody
else's package and that one will be lost, this can be done only for
older packages where Maintainer: or Changed-By: field is the same as in
the newer package. This way it's up to the maintainer to keep the older
versions, if he needs then.


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Re: Thumb and VFP support in Maemo-Builder

2008-08-04 Thread Andrew Zabolotny
From Mon, 04 Aug 2008 09:22:58 -0500
Glen Ditchfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I believe they are enabled.  Take a look at
Oops, indeed. My bad, it seems I was misleaded by the size mismatch
between the .deb file I've built myself and the .deb file built by the
autobuilder. I had the impression the .deb file built by the autobuilder
was substantially larger than my .deb file, but I cannot find this
package now.

>   -mthumb-interwork
> Generate code which supports calling between the ARM and Thumb
> instruction sets. Without this option the two instruction sets cannot
> be reliably used inside one program. The default is
> -mno-thumb-interwork, since slightly larger code is generated when
> -mthumb-interwork is specified.
In my opinion, -mthumb-interwork must be specified for programs and
-mthumb-interwork must be used for libraries. Functions in a program are
never called from other modules, thus they can use pure thumb
instructions. With -mthumb-interwork, as far as I understand, on entry
to all functions it is expected that the CPU is in 32-bit mode, and
then it switches to thumb mode (and returns into 32-bit mode before
returning). Also thumb code should be slower (because it can access
less registers thus more memory accesses), so it should not be used for
performance-critical libraries IMHO, unless CPU instruction cache size
plays an important role (e.g. unless active set size can fit with
-mthumb in the 32k CPU instruction cache, and without it it doesn't


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Thumb and VFP support in Maemo-Builder

2008-08-04 Thread Andrew Zabolotny

Reading maemo-policy.pdf, page 15 (sorry for the long quote, but it's


Many of the packages I've uploaded to extras-builder so far support
both thumb and parallel= options, and while parallel is just a matter
of compilation speed (and it depends of the hardware builder runs on),
the thumb options is definitely a Good Thing to have, because it makes
the executables smaller by 20-30% in my measurements.

As far as I understand, enabling these DEB_BUILD_OPTION's in the
builder should not affect older packages that do not have support for
thumb and/or vfp. So, maybe it would make sense to enable these
options in maemo builder?


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Re: need help uploading to Extras

2008-08-02 Thread Andrew Zabolotny
From Fri, 01 Aug 2008 08:10:35 -0400
Owen Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In my case, I am able to create a package that installs on the
> device just fine
Have you used some tool to build the debian/ directory? If you're
building the .deb file manually, that won't work for the builder, as it
needs automatic instructions for building your package.

> The first is a hildonized version of the Sonata MPD client
> (  I've uploaded my patched tarball and
> built deb here:  Version 1.5.2 is the latest
> version.
I can help you with packaging, as I'm interested too in Sonata. Do you
have a project on garage for this?

Also you may try to get/adapt the packaging scripts from the Ubuntu or
Debian version of Sonata. Just run "apt-get source sonata" in some
directory from Ubuntu/Debian.

> I hacked up this package manually since I don't know how to set up C
> packages to build themselves.
That's easy, really. You just have to read a little docs (for example,

> ps,
> and if anyone knows why my icons always come out so small in the
> application menus, please let me know.
I believe that's because you don't provide larger icons (app menu
uses 64x64 icons as far as I understand), or don't run
gtk-update-icon-cache. You should put them in 
/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/ and run

gtk-update-icon-cache -f /usr/share/icons/hicolor

from your postinst hooks of the .deb package.


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top_application ???

2008-07-26 Thread Andrew Zabolotny

I'm adapting an application for the Maemo platform, and got some

The .desktop file of the application contains the following lines:


Also I put a /usr/share/dbus-1/services/myapp.service file which

[D-BUS Service]

Now, when I start my application from the menu, first a small popup
window saying "MyApp - starting" appears, and after a few seconds a new
popup appears saying "top_application". I found this is most likely to
come from libhildonwm, but I don't quite understand what it means and
how I can avoid it. When I start the app from command line, it works

Another problem is with the file manager. I would like to have my app
associated with certain MIME types and have it launched automatically
when I double click on a file in file manager. For this I have added a
line to the desktop file, something like this:


I do update-desktop-database in my postinstall script, so
that /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache gets updated (and it indeed
contains references to my application).

However, I still can't get file manager to launch my app when I click
on these files, and they show a blank icon. Is there some possibility
to show a custom icon for these file types?

Also I've read somewhere that filemanager has an API over the D-BUS...
is it documented somewhere?


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Re: Autobuilder needs fixing!

2008-07-23 Thread Andrew Zabolotny
From Tue, 22 Jul 2008 23:22:49 +0200
Andre Klapper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Am Dienstag, den 22.07.2008, 21:34 +0100 schrieb Graham Cobb:
> > I know there is a bug report about this
> Would you mind sharing that bug ID with us? :-)
There's a bug that covers one of the problems highlighted in his
message: #3466


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Re: documentation in .deb packages

2008-07-22 Thread Andrew Zabolotny
From Tue, 22 Jul 2008 01:40:25 +0300
Marius Gedminas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > So far my packages
> > install a few files in /usr/share/doc/${pkg}/ and for some reason
> > they are not autoremoved.
> Did you use apt to install them, or did you use dpkg directly?
I use Application Manager, clicking in browser on a .deb file and then
app manager is launched and installs the .deb.

However, now I understand why the directories under /usr/share/doc
sometimes disappears "by magic", it seems docpurge was launched when I
installed something from the repositories :-)

Looks like Application Manager also uses dpkg when installing a single
deb file. I tried to put the .deb to my own private repository and
voila - no doc files :)

> If you're building a package specifically for Maemo, then by all means
> remove the docs from the deb!  You'll reduce the download size, and
> save some flash memory from wearing out sooner.
I realise this, but most debs contain anyway at least the the changelog.

Anyway, thanks for explanation :-)


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documentation in .deb packages

2008-07-21 Thread Andrew Zabolotny

I'm trying to understand the machinery that automatically removes the
documentation file when installing them on tablet. So far my packages
install a few files in /usr/share/doc/${pkg}/ and for some reason they
are not autoremoved.

Some more complex packages also have documentation inside the .deb
file, but at some point it is removed, although I don't get at which
(install-docs in postinst it seems?)

Can somebody explain how this works and what I should put in the .rules
to generate the correct postinst hooks.

For reference, my package builds with the following commands:


Sure, I can just remove dh_installchangelogs & dh_installdocs and there
simply won't be any docs in the .deb. However, it's a matter of
principle :-)

I have a postinst script, but it contains a proper #DEBHELPER# line so
debhelper could insert there whatever he wants... however, #DEBHELPER#
is replaced with a empty line.


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