Re: GStreamer video/x-flv support

2009-07-10 Thread Hubert Figuiere
On 07/10/2009 10:06 AM, Artem Semenov wrote:
> It looks like gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg-osso library doesn't support FLV
> format at all.
> I've compared gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg-osso sources with GStreamer original
> sources and found that many formats are missing in *osso* library.
> Besides, when I run gst-inspect ffmpeg, it says that it has no x-flv
> support

The first clue is that flv is, like many other video codec/format, is
patent encumbered. Therefor it is understandable that Nokia don't want
to ship support for it if they have not cleared it.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Maemo will switch (completely?) to Qt?

2009-07-06 Thread Hubert Figuiere
On 07/07/2009 02:09 AM, Jean-Christian de Rivaz wrote:
> GObject is a hug success in a lot of very important libraries. 

I wouldn't go that far.

> Ask yourself: why there is so few general libraries written in C++ 
> compared to the libraries written in C ?

Because a C library can be used as is in C++. So instead of reinventing
the wheel, C++ programmers just use the C library.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Maemo Flasher-3.5 Tool Beta for Fremantle and Diablo released

2009-07-01 Thread Hubert Figuiere
On 06/30/2009 08:41 AM, wrote:
> The Maemo Eclipse Integration 2nd Edition project has released installation 
> packages for Maemo Flasher-3.5 Tool Beta for Linuxes, Mac OS X and Windows. 
> Maemo Flasher-3.5 tool supports flashing of N8x0 Diablo devices and coming 
> Fremantle devices.

Any plan to release the source code of the Flasher?

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: calendar-backend

2009-06-11 Thread Hubert Figuiere
On 06/11/2009 05:01 PM, Jamie Bennett wrote:
> Forgive my ignorance but is it 10x longer to compile or 10x increment
> in speed? Compilation speed is a matter of grabbing two coffee's
> instead of one, run time speed is a matter of giving up completely.

C code compiled by g++ isn't slower or faster. It should be the same.
(I'm talking runtime speed here)
Just because there seems to be another myth being entertained.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: calendar-backend

2009-06-11 Thread Hubert Figuiere
On 06/10/2009 07:32 AM, Sampo Savola wrote:
> There seems to be only C++ interface for this.
> How should this be used in C application,
> is there going to be C interface also?

You can mix C and C++ easily. You can recompile your C code with a C++ 


[1] possibly with a few changes that will keep the code compilable with 
a C compiler. This was part of the C++ design.
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: maemo UI

2009-06-01 Thread Hubert Figuiere
On 06/01/2009 01:49 PM, Erik Hovland wrote:
> The real bonus points for reading electronic documents is to make evince be
> small screen aware and make it be able understand page layout so that it 
> focuses
> away whitespace (like margins). Bonus points if it understands two and
> three column
> layouts as well. PDF reading on small devices is the sux0rs.

The real problem is that PDF is not a format for electronic books. 
Because it hardcodes paper size and layout, it is not independant of the 
media. PDF is a format for digital rendering of printouts.

As long as this will not be understood, then the problem will stick.
(and this also applies to people who think PDF is also for the web)

And to fall back on the subject of Maemo, this problem shows when the 
"User's Manual" for the N800 is provided as a PDF on the device... and 
the inline help tries to refer to it.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Re: Dates update in 770 (missing packages)

2007-02-05 Thread Hubert Figuiere
Ross Burton wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-02-05 at 08:49 +0100, Jose Manrique Lopez de la Fuente
> wrote:
>> Dates appears as an update in my App Manager (from 0.2-1 to 0.3.1-1)
>> but when I try to install it, it gives an error about missing
>> packages:
>> hildon-libs0 >= 0.12.24-3
>> libedataserver >=
>> libpang
>> About the last one (libpang), I am not sure if it is a Dates problem...
>> Any idea? Is it a bug?
> Asking the Dates maintainers would be a reasonable idea.

I did yesterday : -)

> Upgrade your firmware.  The Dates for 770 deb was built with a recent
> rootstrap which means you need the latest IT2006 release.  I can verify
> that it does work as I reflashed my 770 with an official image and
> installed Dates last night before uploading the deb.

If the repository is for mistral, then it should run on mistral, aka
2.0. I tried myself on sirocco, aka 2.1.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] problem with maemomm

2007-01-31 Thread Hubert Figuiere
Levi Bard wrote:
>> maeommm is currently only available for bora (Maemo 3.0, as used on the
>> N800). You seem to be using scirocco (Maemo 2.1).
>> It could theoretically be built for Maemo 2.1 and Maemo 2.0, but it
>> would take some work, which we won't do unless it seems really
>> necessary.
> So mistral and scirocco users and devs won't have c++ apis and apps
> available?  What's the reasoning for that?

1/ you could still port maemomm to maemo 2.0. It is free software after all.
2/ you can still use C++ even if the API itself are not. AbiWord is a
good example of C++ application for maemo (and plain Gtk)

It is not like you got forbidden to do it.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Mildly concerned about order status

2007-01-30 Thread Hubert Figuiere
> I would like to solicit reactions from those in the US and maybe
> Canada who have placed orders for N800s under the developer device
> program.

People in Canada are not allowed to order at all.

Apparently there is a US custom problem for shipping to Canada[1]


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] USA shop trouble + update

2007-01-26 Thread Hubert Figuiere

> Hubert & others, we have sent a US code to many non-US & non-EU
> contributors around the globe. Yes, we know you can't get your N800
> directly delivered at home. As explained the wiki page, you need to find
> out yourselves what to do next.

Is it that hard to tell the US shop to ship device out of the country in
that case? After all since the {Canadian,insert_your_local} store does
not even know about the N800 it is not competing with them, right?

The fact that I can't use the code in Europe also prevents me from going
through my parents. And no I'm not asking to have my code exchanged for
a EU one

I know the "maemo coupon team" do their best, and I thank them for that
as much as I am grateful for them to have put me on the list, but it is
just very sad and disappointing that business bureaucracy[1] just kill
all the good ideas.

I think I should invite all the people with a coupon that can't order to
contact both the closest Nokia store and their local Nokia store to
inquire about that issue. I have already contacted the Nokia store in
the USA to inquire about buying from them, but haven't gotten a reply so
far. I'm willing to be patient with that.


[1] I think I have other words to qualify this, but I'll keep them for
me. Bitterness is not to be share.
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] "This Nokia N800 discount code is for you"

2007-01-25 Thread Hubert Figuiere

>> I got it!!
> I got mine too!
> Thanks a lot to the Maemo team.

I received a code, thanks to the Maemo team.

Now, I would like to ask how one is supposed to order from Canada? The
Canadian Nokia store does not list it. Will the US store accept and
order to Canada? Their contact form already proved that it was not
suited for Canada (they expect a 5 digit Zip code, we have 6 alphanum
postal code here).

Note that I'm willing to wait a bit if that help getting things sorted out.

maemo-developers mailing list