Re: [CSSU] how to include rewrites of closed blobs

2012-05-11 Thread Joerg Reisenweber
thanks Andrew, for clarification :-D
100% agree.

I just like to add we already have some apps that are no rewrites but clearly 
depend on CSSU (orientation lock applet, CSSU-tweaker...) and thus also should 
live in that repo CSSU-extras (or whatever path we choose to implement the 

(IRC: DocScrutinizer)
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Problem with three keys pressed

2012-05-09 Thread Joerg Reisenweber
see where I elaborated 
about the problem, though only regarding qualifier keys (Fn, Shift, Ctrl)

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: more Cell Broadcast SMS code

2011-06-26 Thread Joerg Reisenweber
>Note that it does not back up the file before hand nor does it verify the
>correct checksums. Can someone who knows N900 shell scripting create a
>script to handle it all? (i.e. check the checksum, backup the file and run
>the patcher)

I will marry it with the flawed busybox script earlier in that thread. It 
works for catching errors quite nicely, not though for the core part of 
patching which is domain of your code. :-) I'll also look into packaging etc, 
when I find the time to do.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [CSSU] Advice wanted on the best way to package Cell Broadcast SMS bugfix for closed libsms library

2011-06-26 Thread Joerg Reisenweber
bash-3.2$ python ./
Sun Jun 26 13:33:02 2011 New cell broadcast message received from channel 221
Message: 364883548122
Sun Jun 26 13:35:18 2011 New cell broadcast message received from channel 221
Message: 364977548097
Sun Jun 26 13:36:03 2011 New cell broadcast message received from channel 221
Message: 364883548122
Sun Jun 26 13:37:17 2011 New cell broadcast message received from channel 221
Message: 364977548097
Sun Jun 26 13:38:04 2011 New cell broadcast message received from channel 221
Message: 364883548122
Sun Jun 26 13:39:47 2011 New cell broadcast message received from channel 221
Message: 364977548097
Sun Jun 26 13:40:32 2011 New cell broadcast message received from channel 221
Message: 364883548122

#ok, now moving device somewhere else
Sun Jun 26 13:43:03 2011 New cell broadcast message received from channel 221
Message: 364883548122
#doublette, shouldn't happen?
^CTraceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 101, in 
  File "./", line 69, in listen
bash-3.2$ python ./
#added a typo fix
Sun Jun 26 13:53:47 2011 New cell broadcast message received from channel 221
Message: 364977548097

think we got it
jonwil said he want's to pick up on posting/publishing a proper c binary to 
patch the 3 bytes in I give up on messing with crippled messybox, 
rather adding bit of icing to the python code that created the above, and ship 
that here

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [CSSU] Advice wanted on the best way to package Cell Broadcast SMS bugfix for closed libsms library

2011-06-26 Thread Joerg Reisenweber

bash-3.2$ id
uid=2(user) gid=2(users)
bash-3.2$ dbus-monitor --system | grep -A 90 "member=IncomingCBS"   

signal sender=:1.21 -> dest=(null destination) serial=344 
path=/com/nokia/phone/SMS; interface=Phone.SMS; member=IncomingCBS
   array [  

  byte 51   

  byte 27   

  byte 13   

  byte 135  

  byte 155  

  byte 213  

  byte 104  

  byte 184  

  byte 152  

  byte 76   

  byte 214  

  byte 104  

  byte 52   

  byte 26   

  byte 141  

  byte 70   

  byte 163  

  byte 209  

  byte 104  

  byte 52   

  byte 26   

  byte 141  

  byte 70   

  byte 163  

  byte 209  

  byte 104  

  byte 52   

  byte 26   

  byte 141  

  byte 70   

  byte 163  

  byte 209  

  byte 104  

  byte 52   

  byte 26   

  byte 141  

  byte 70 

Re: [CSSU] Advice wanted on the best way to package Cell Broadcast SMS bugfix for closed libsms library

2011-06-26 Thread Joerg Reisenweber
don't bother to try to get this version of patcher script running, it has 
several flaws on stock maemo (busybox etc).

I may or may not ship a better version later.
sorry for the noise till then.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [CSSU] Advice wanted on the best way to package Cell Broadcast SMS bugfix for closed libsms library

2011-06-25 Thread Joerg Reisenweber

# Hi Jon

#attached find a little script to do the patching.

#I suggest to package this script together with whatever GUI(?) SMSCB app,
#and run in from postinst. Then up the pkg to extras-devel. If you prefer, I 
#can do the packaging and upload to extras-devel repo.


#--- 8X -- (snip) 

# file: /usr/local/bin/patch-libsms
# perm: chmod +x /usr/local/bin/patch-libsms
# ~# patch-libsms
# (needs root permisions)
# this script will patch the library to fix a bug, so N900
# finally could receive cell broadcast SMS
# There'll be a backup of the original file so you can revert if the 
# results are not satisfactory
# see
# All kudos to Jonathan Wilson for digging into this and finally find the 
# Alas xargs -Ixx printf is *really* too slow, and -I not supported by busybox
# busybox awk doesn't support gsub function :-/
# so you have to install *something* anyway, either a binary to patch, or a
# interpreter like perl to run a proper script, 
# or you get proper awk from gawk package in SDK repo:
# IroN900:~# apt-cache policy gawk
# gawk:
#   Installed: 1:3.1.4-2osso.2
#   Candidate: 1:3.1.4-2osso.2
#   Version table:
#  *** 1:3.1.4-2osso.2 0
# 500 fremantle/sdk/free Packages
# 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
# IroN900:~# apt-get install gawk
# (C)Joerg Reisenweber, joerg add openmoko dodd org, GPLv2
# thanks to Paul ;-)

LOG=/home/user/MyDocs/.documents/$( basename $0).log
BACKUP=/home/user/$(basename $LIBSMS)

#set -vx
dd if=/dev/zero of=$LOG bs=2k count=1 2>/dev/null || (echo "Can not create 
logfile $LOG, exiting!"; exit 5)
trap "cleanup" exit
  trap - exit
  if [ -f $LOG ]
echo -e "An Error occured! Please keep the logfile $LOG, and provide it to 
developers for analyzing what happend\nThe logfile:" >&3
cat $LOG >&3

exec 3>&2 1>$LOG 2>&1
set -e

echo "checking $LIBSMS for correct MD5 checksum, so we can apply patch..."
echo "$MD5ORIG  $LIBSMS" | md5sum -c 

echo "creating backup of $LIBSMS to $BACKUP..."

# change byte DD78 from 0xFF to 0x52, (changes a CMP R3, #0xFF 
# instruction to a CMP R3, #0x52 instruction) then change DD7C from 0x00 to 
# 0x52 and DD7F from 0x03 to 0xC3 (changes a MOVEQ R3, #0 instruction into a 
# MOVGT R3, #0x52)
echo "patching $LIBSMS..."
od -Ax -tx1 -w1 -v $LIBSMS | awk '/00dd78 ff/ { $0 = "00dd78 52"} /00dd7c 00/ 
{ $0 = "00dd7c 52"} /00dd7f 03/ { $0 = "00dd7f c3"} { gsub(/^.* /, "0x"); 
printf "%c", strtonum($0) }'

echo "checking result for correctness..."
if !echo "$MD5PATCHED  $LIBSMS" | md5sum -c
  echo "result incorrect! Restoring from backup $BACKUP..."
  cp -va $BACKUP $LIBSMS
  echo "removing backup..."
  rm $BACKUP
  echo " system info ==="
  exit 5

rm $LOG
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [CSSU] Advice wanted on the best way to package Cell Broadcast SMS bugfix for closed libsms library

2011-06-25 Thread Joerg Reisenweber
I forgot:

IroN900:~# md5sum /usr/lib/
6d9560f64f97dd18ccbd3119229717ae  /usr/lib/

Please tell which version (of combined fiasco image) you got installed, this 
above should be International.

Also you maybe can give a context hexdump of  byte DD78 -30bytes to +30bytes, 
so I could find the code in case it has just moved a bit


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [CSSU] Advice wanted on the best way to package Cell Broadcast SMS bugfix for closed libsms library

2011-06-25 Thread Joerg Reisenweber
I have some binary patcher ready here, alas I can't reproduce your patch, as 
the values of bytes to patch differ massively from your instruction

PR1.3 CSSU system:
IroN900:~# ls -l `find /usr -name '*libsms*'`
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root15 2010-06-23 06:08 /usr/lib/ ->
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 79964 2009-12-15 14:41 /usr/lib/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root21 2010-06-23 06:07 /usr/lib/ ->
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 42932 2009-12-16 11:31 /usr/lib/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  7836 2010-02-04 10:50 /usr/lib/rtcom-

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Is it possible to dump packets sent between the AP and cell modem?

2011-06-25 Thread Joerg Reisenweber

sorry for being late in here
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Major progress made on Cell Broadcast SMS on N900

2011-06-24 Thread Joerg Reisenweber
awesome work, many thanks!
This should go to cssu probably, at least judging by definition of cssu's 
purpose which is "fixing things that are part of fremantle-mp"
Nevertheless we also could get a simple app package that does all the needed 
binary patching. Ugly but would work.

What's 0x53 in your patch? I hope it's not just another arbitrary fixed length 
of SMS text you assume instead of the faulty 0

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N900 GPS - RTCM / DGPS?

2011-03-08 Thread Joerg Reisenweber
N900 GPS is connected to BB5 modem chip, and access is via ISI/Phonet. So I'd 
guess there's very little chances to get this DGPS thing working on N900.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: USB host mode on N900 (was Re: N900 usb host + power charge)

2010-11-06 Thread Joerg Reisenweber
[Paul Fertser Di  8. Dezember 2009]:
> Hi,
> On Mon, 21 Sep 2009 00:01:41 +0300, Igor Stoppa wrote:
> > On Sun, 2009-09-20 at 22:56 +0200, ext Kees Jongenburger wrote:
> > > On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 9:02 PM, Igor Stoppa wrote:
> > > > Add to that several HW bugs that were discovered during the
> > > > development
> > > > and needed workarounds.
> > >
> > > Does this simply mean it's not possible at all? not even for example
> > > booting in HOST only mode?
> >
> > AFAIK no. Not even that. Note that i'm no USB expert, but if i have
> > understood correctly, part of the configuration is done
> > automatically by the transceiver and that cannot be done because of
> > the missing line from the connector that would identify the port as
> > A type.
> I'm no USB expert either but given what i already know about it, i
> think more hardware information is needed to be able to give a final
> verdict on the N900 usb host mode functionality. I'm not talking here
> about perfectly correct standards implementation or certification
> issues though i personally would prefer to have a working hostmode
> implementation to having a useless usb logo on the box.
> So, a bit of theory first:
> 1. n810 analogy doesn't work here since n810 uses a dedicated usb
> controller (tusb6010b) along with a power management ic (tps65030)
> while n900 uses an integrated Mentor Graphics OTG controller (musb
> mhdrc) and other components still unknown to the general public.
> 2. For "true" OTG operation a dedicated line should be routed from the
> "ID" pin of receptable to the MUSB core.
> 3. For a device to act as a slave a "strong" 1.5k pullup should be
> connected to the DP line, this way a slave signals its presence.
> 4. For a device to act as a host two 15k pulldowns should be connected
> to DM and DP lines. If actual hardware lacks those, they can be easily
> connected externally, along with the peripheral equipment.
> 5. MUSB has output pins to control the necessary resistors and
> external circuits to provide power on Vbus.
> 6. Even in traditional usb-host <-> usb-device scenario power on the
> 5V line can come from either side, one can e.g. modify a powered hub
> in a way to provide power both to the host and to the peripherals, and
> since host charging circuit is generally independent from the usb
> controller, one most likely can use a hub like that to charge host and
> to enable usage of slave devices at the same time. Probably current
> musb driver doesn't support this scenario yet but it shouldn't be hard
> to implement.
> 7. I can't tell for sure because MUSB "datasheet" looks like a parody
> but it seems highly unlikely that it's impossible to manually switch
> musb to the host mode.
> Now, the questions:
> 0. Is there any real show-stopper to use USB host mode?
> 1. Does n900 have an integrated curcuit to provide power to the
> external devices over usb and if yes, what is it and how is it
> connected/controlled?
> 2. Does n900 have the necessary 15k pulldowns in place?
> 3. Is it indeed the connection between the ID pin on usb receptable
> and musb that is missing? It'd look strange to not route that line,
> even if the hostmode/otg is not fully functional, it's only one
> possibly useful line after all.
> 4. What HW bugs you mentioned are still present in the mass-produced
> devices, how do they affect usb operation?
> 5. Since musb driver doesn't seem to be in a particularly good shape,
> is it possible that some problems nokia engineers faced are software
> issues and hence can be fixed? What were they?
> Looking forward to your reply, TIA :)
> Happy hacking!

It's a pity nobody ever answered those questions, as it would have 
saved us an Olympus Mons of troubles we had to go through, to find 
out about all that by ourselves, with ZERO support from Nokia.

Whatever, Nokia said it's not possible, I always said it's 
impossible that this is not possible, so finally 

hostmode taskforce team [1] proudly presents:

*  *


[1] hostmode taskforce team mostly are the gals and guys listed as members of 

Joerg Reisenweber

System Architect, Senior EE, Consultant

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maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Notification LED (blue color) in PR 1.2

2010-06-23 Thread Joerg Reisenweber
[saurabh aggarwal Mi  23. Juni 2010]:
> Looks like it is no longer working. I tried with the dbus command that used
> to work with PR 1.1 (,
> and it doesn't work. I also tried sending an IM message to the native IM
> application, and even that didn't turn the blue LED on.
> Can some one confirm the break?
> -Saurabh
No, seems to work usually.
Have you checked your indicator light settings in settings app?
Please notice the PatternCommunicationIM blue flashing is only while screen is 
dim and only for IM, aiui.
Also your link is to DEactivate_LEDs - probably a mishap.
you could do a 
echo 50 > /sys/class/leds/lp5523:b/brightness
to power up the blue LED permanently and see if the hardware is ok. (echo 0 to 
switch back off)
But if you ever see a white indicator, then the blue LED is definitely ok, no 
need for that test.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Open Letter/Proposal to allow Maemo on the MeeGo Community OBS

2010-06-16 Thread Joerg Reisenweber
[David Greaves Mi  16. Juni 2010]:
> > *Please discuss on meego-community mailing list*
> DocScrutinizer on irc pointed out that a url might be useful but was too shy 
> to post himself ;)

For your convenience, head of thread in mail archive:


PS: I wasn't "too shy" but thought me answering to that thread could give bad 
example and start a concurrent discussion thread here, rather than keeping 
things in one list. So: Please don't post thought or comments here, but join 
meego ML!

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maemo-developers mailing list

Re: QT map widget

2010-06-13 Thread Joerg Reisenweber
[ So  13. Juni 2010]:
> - Original message -
> For application performance and cpu usage also time needed for tile pre-
> processing need to be counted.
> Does it some scaling for tiles after loading them ?
> Finally time used for scaling tiles is one key issues. Do we scale them or 
> download every size. How much cpu power is used for scaling or do we leave 
> it all for GPU ?

The main concern is about scaling has to be done *only once* and NOT for every 
refresh of the display. Depending on how ignorant the widget is coded, you 
might end with a redraw() triggered for every visible tile of the map, if the 
map content is only shifted aside by a few pixels. Then each tile object does 
all the scaling again, and that's for sure not the optimum way to implement 
Displaying a minimal change of the map, quite usually this means moving the 
bitmap by a few pixels and adding a few new pixels to the canvas at one side, 
this is definitely a completely different thing than drawing a new map from 
scratch which should be avoided as much as possible, for obvious performance 

Or simply put: if you got CPU load issues on displaying a slowly and minimally 
changing map, then you did something terribly wrong.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: QT map widget

2010-06-12 Thread Joerg Reisenweber
[Till Harbaum / Lists Sa  12. Juni 2010]:
> Hi,
> Am Samstag 12 Juni 2010 schrieb Ian Stirling:
> > And speedups may be very possible - if for example you can offload 
> > portions of the workload onto a GPU.
> That addresses the performance problem, but this likely also if you do this
> for performance reasons, it also increases battery consumption as you
> put additional load onto another component of the SOC.

It's rather moot, as this isn't a movie at 25fps, so an occasional image 
refresh, no matter how it's done, will take magnitudes less energy per time in 
average, than the backlight eats to display the image. When screen is dimmed 
(or the widget invisible/hidden/background) then of course all gfx workload 
should suspend, for obvious reasons


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maemo-developers mailing list

Re: /etc/init.d/ssh stop does not stop ssh on the N900

2010-03-24 Thread Joerg Reisenweber
[Ajai Khattri Mi  24. März 2010]:
> On Wed, 24 Mar 2010, Sivan Greenberg wrote:
> > I'd say supporting
> > /etc/init.d/ssh stop is important for users  that are coming from the
> > pre-upstart time.
> Better get used to it - upstart has been standard on several distros for 
> a few years now (Ubuntu, Fedora and maybe the next Debian release).

I think it doesn't matter if there's upstart or sysV-init - if I find a 
/etc/init.d/foo script, I expect this script to support "foo start" and "foo 
stop" and the other few valid options, and of course these shall work properly

If the script doesn't work as everybody would expect, then it shouldn't be 
there at all.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
maemo-developers mailing list