Example of tranparent plugin for Home

2008-03-11 Thread Johan Bilien

I put an example of transparent home plugin at:

It's not meant to be functional but to be an illustration on how to
build transparent applets using cairo.

Please report any issue or question!
Johan Bilien
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Where to find following package...

2008-02-09 Thread Johan Bilien
On Wed, Feb 06, 2008, nisha jain wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/maemo# apt-get install hildon-widgets
 Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree
 Reading state information... Done
 E: Couldn't find package hildon-widgets

There is no package called hildon-widgets, the Hildon widgets are
implemented in the hildon-1 library contained in the libhildon1 package.
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: RE : Re: RE : Re: Non modal dialog

2008-02-07 Thread Johan Bilien
On Thu, Feb 07, 2008, Ross Burton wrote:
  if I use a GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL it appears maximized, and I can't move
  it neither change its size.
 Oh I see, you are trying to use GtkWindows as the notes themselves.
 Matchbox (the window manager) enforces normal windows to fill the screen
 (excluding panels), dialogs are centered and modal, and popup windows
 are ignored (technically, override redirect windows).  This means that
 they don't get decorated and can't be moved by the window manager.
 The solution here is to create a top level window for you application,
 and then draw the postit notes yourself.  One way would be to create a
 widget which draws a postit note and place them inside a GtkFixed or

You might want to take a look at the hildon-home-area and
hildon-desktop-home-item widgets, which implement some GtkFixed-like
widget and adds dragging of the items and other things. Both in
libhildondesktop. They are the widgets used in the home view in Chinook
but should be reusable.

Johan Bilien
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: desktop/home plugins 2nd round

2008-01-21 Thread Johan Bilien
On Mon, Jan 21, 2008, Collin R. Mulliner wrote:
 ok maybe it was not obvious but I'm kind of stuck with home applet
 development/debugging. So here some questions:
 1) Are home plugins supposed to work in scratchbox/Xephyr? If yes, is 
there a trick?

You need a recent version of Xephyr, with version 0.4 of the composite
extenstion if I remember right. Ubuntu Gutsy should be alright.

If you don't have access to a recent Xephyr you can disable Composite by
starting adding -extension Composite to the Xephyr command line, home
will revert to its non-composited behavior (but you will not be able to
test transparency).
 2) Has anybody written a home plugin for Maemo 4.x and has published 
the source?

I have a simple example which shows how to draw a translucent applet.
It's been in the (long) queue for our release approval in our internal
machinary for quite some time, I'll push again tomorrow. There is also a
statusbar plugin.

 3) Is there any better documentation/howto for home plugins then the 
one in the wiki, because it somehow is not very complete? Looking at 
the webshortcut plugin I see some stuff not mentioned in the howto.

for the API reference on the widget you need to derive from.

Johan Bilien
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: changing wallpaper

2008-01-18 Thread Johan Bilien
On Fri, Jan 18, 2008, Jussi Kukkonen wrote:
 Damien Moore wrote:
  is there an api or set of command line utilities for working with
  background images on the device? i've noticed the image is specified in
  but if i change it, the image won't change until the device is reset. at
  a minimum some way to force the update would do the job.
 You have the advantage of working with an open part of the platform...
 There seems to be a D-Bus service which I guess is not intended for
 this, but which you can maybe abuse:
 org.maemo.hildon.background_manager has method SetBackground. It's not
 documented, but looking at the source may help you out.

Unfortunately this will load an image, upload it to X and return a
Render Picture ID, but it does not apply it as the desktop wallpaper.
It's a utility service used by hildon-desktop.

There is no API for setting the background from an external process,
feel free to fill a feature request in bugzilla.

Regarding general look and feel of the desktop, everything is in
~/.osso/hildon-desktop/*.conf (number of panels, panel configuration ...).
But the theming is quite relying on the default configuration.

Johan Bilien
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Hildon hotkey support?

2007-08-28 Thread Johan Bilien

On Tue, 2007-08-28 at 10:02 -0400, Bill Filler wrote:
 Does anyone know if there is support in hildon desktop for hotkeys?  
 Specifically, I want a certain key to always show the home plugin,  
 and want another key to cycle through the running applications. I  
 don't know how to globally capture the key events in Hildon. Possibly  
 use Gnome hotkey support? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

There is some basic support in hildon-desktop (see
libhildonwm/hd-keys.c), but it's quite limited and hard-coded. We were
planning to make it more generic but haven't found the time yet.
Contributions are welcome ;)

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: A question to status bar plugin in hildon-desktop

2007-07-28 Thread Johan Bilien
On Fri, Jul 27, 2007, Zhu, Peter J wrote:
 Frrom my experience on hildon, gtk_status_icon_*** function and event
 process for status icon works pretty well on hildon-desktop. I didn't
 see any special thing what status bar plugin brings. It's just my
 thinking. Some guys here might have something I didn't know. Please let
 me know.

Yes I would say they are mostly legacy for existing plugins. They stil
have a few advantages:
 . in process, which allows saving some memory and prevents having daemons
mostly UI-less still link against GTK to present their status icon
 . possibility to select which one to show from the
 . unified interface with other hildon desktop plugins.

Johan Bilien
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Feature request for Application Menu In Thumb To Take 2 Columns

2007-06-21 Thread Johan Bilien
On Mon, Jun 18, 2007, Urho Konttori wrote:
 This problem may already have been discussed, but in case it's not,  
 here's my contribution:
 When I use a thumb to click on the left side application menu in home  
 view or
 application view, what I get is a list of 6 icons. 4 top ones are the  
 player, rss feed reader, images and file manager. If I want to ,  
 say , open
 calculater, I have to scroll down the list (which is painfully slow)  
 and then
 eventually encounter the utilities and from there the calculator.  
 But, let's
 say I wanted some app from extras. Even longer scrolling and then  
 list of
 extras apps. Again 6 apps. Say I wanted the 8th app. Again, scrolling.
 When I click on the application menu, take immediately more width for  
 the menu
 and assemble the icons in two columns. Thus, user will see 12 icons
 immediately. No need to scroll, as the 1st level menu is less than  
 12. Ok,
 click on one of the folders if further need.
 Again, open in two column mode and show all apps at the same time. If  
 wants to navigate to first level, he/she only has to press the  
 application menu
 item again.
 This would improve the thumb usability tremendously on N800.
 Bug id:

The two-columns menu is already available in Sardine, if you wanna take
a look. It's pretty much as you describe here.

Johan Bilien
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: can't find maemomm in 3.0 repo

2007-03-27 Thread Johan Bilien
On Mon, Mar 26, 2007, VLG wrote:
 Further digging reveals that starting with libsigc++-2.0-0c2a, 
 the 'Section: libs' in debian/control file is considered a violation
 of some sort. osso-application-installer insists on having 'Section:
 as the least.
 I am afraid, all the packages have to be rebuilt, signed, and uploaded

I believe having libs (without user/ ) won't prevent the packages from
being installed as dependency of another package, they will just not show
up in the Application Installer list (which is probably the best
behavior anyway). Marius correct me if I'm wrong.

Johan Bilien
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: can't find maemomm in 3.0 repo

2007-03-27 Thread Johan Bilien
On Tue, Mar 27, 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 at least on the surface, that doesn't seem to be the case. 
 An application I'm trying to install depends among others on 
 libsigc++-2.0-0c2a. The application's category is properly set to 
 'user/other' - so there is no conflict there. Also, my application's 
 dependencies are set to ${shlibs:Depends}.
 The libsigc++-2.0-0c2a's category is set to 'devel' - which make it 
 'invisible' but as you said 'installable as a dependency'. When I try to 
 install my application with Application Manager, its 'Status' is marked as 
 'Not installable' and the 'Problems' tab lists the following causes:
 Unable to install application
 Application packages missing:
 libsigc++-2.0-0c2a (= 2.0.2)

Are you installing the package as a file, or from a repository?

I think Application Installer does not install dependencies when
installing from a standalone file. Marius correct me if I'm wrong :)

Johan Bilien
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Launch maemo browser in fullscreen mode

2007-03-23 Thread Johan Bilien
On Fri, Mar 23, 2007, Simon Moore wrote:
 It does work, I've tried it.  Not specific to the 
 browser of course, can send any key to any 
 screen, but in this case you send F6 when the 
 browser is the front window to make it full screen.
 Anyone got any tips on changing X windows (i.e. 
 removing window manager) so just the browser 
 starts up with no other Apps?  It would make the 
 above work so much better as a kiosk. (nokia 770)

You could use the browser as your desktop process.

Replace PROG=/usr/bin/maemo_af_desktop with
PROG=/usr/bin/browser in /etc/osso-af-init/maemo-af-desktop.sh.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Launch maemo browser in fullscreen mode

2007-03-21 Thread Johan Bilien
On Tue, Mar 20, 2007, Frantisek Dufka wrote:
 Tomàs Jiménez Lozano wrote:
 There is really no way to maximize an application in general (and maemo
 browser in particular) emulating the HW Key press?
 Yes this brute force approach could work too. You could use uinput 
 kernel driver (used with serial bluetooth keyboards) to feed proper 
 F-key to the kernel input subsystem to emulate such key press. Could be 
 quite easy but you need kernel module not present by default on the device.

Using the XTest extension should work, something like
XTestFakeKeyEvent (display, keycode, TRUE, CurrentTime);
XTestFakeKeyEvent (display, keycode, FALSE, CurrentTime);

Johan Bilien
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Problem with Home plugin

2007-03-08 Thread Johan Bilien
On Thu, Mar 08, 2007, Markku Vire wrote:
 I wonder if the Home is already using GTypePlugin interface and dynamic 
 types to handle the types registered by the plugins. That would be the 
 right (tm) way to handle this in the scope of GObject... In the case of 
 register_static one can newer unload the modules.

Yes that's what we do in the new hildon-desktop code (see

Unfortunately it doesn't solve all the problems. Say plugin foo links
against gtkhtml, then the types for gtkhtml get registered statically,
then registered again when the applet is reloaded.

Johan Bilien
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Problem with Home plugin

2007-03-07 Thread Johan Bilien
On Mon, Dec 18, 2006, Vladislav Vasiliev wrote:
 However it seems that this function isn't called when switching off
 plugins or just doesn't unload plugins from memory. Is this a bug or
 have I missed something? How should it be done properly?


sorry for the very late answer,

home is not dlclosing the plugins, because many plugins (including the
shipped ones) register GType. dlclosing the re-opening them results in
them trying to re-register the types, even though glib already knows
about them.

The same handle from dlopen is reused if the applet is reopened.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] [maemo-announce] maemo 2.2 'gregale' is released

2007-02-02 Thread Johan Bilien

Aaron Levinson wrote:

It's great to see a new 2.x SDK release that runs on the same version of
scratchbox as the 3.0 SDK, but my main concern is will packages created
with the new SDK work on maemo 2.0 and 2.1 platforms?  When the
2.1/scirocco SDK was released, because of auto-generated dependency issues
in the package, packages created with the 2.1 SDK would not generally work
on 2.0 platforms.  As such, it has been best to continue to use the 2.0
SDK to build packages that will work on both 2.0 and 2.1 maemo platforms.

Now, we have a new 2.2 SDK, and I suspect that we will run into the same
dependency issues.  Are developers going to be continued to forced to use
the 2.0 SDK in order to build packages that support all 2.x platforms (and
as a result, continue to maintain the older scratchbox installation)?
Perhaps there can be some way to configure the 2.2 SDK such that it will
generate package dependencies for older 2.x releases.

This is far from ideal, but you can always circumvent the automatic 
dependencies and put the dependencies manually. Automatic dependencies 
come from the ${shlibs:Depends} pseudo-dependency in the debian/control 
file, which is replaced by all the packages containing the libraries the 
program is linked against. You can remove this field add the 
dependencies on library manually,  with versions  available in  maemo 2.0. 

maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Webshortcut home applet released under the LGPL

2007-02-01 Thread Johan Bilien
Today we released the webshortcut home applet for the Hildon Desktop
under the LGPL.

Sources are available at

It gives an example of how to use the new Hildon Desktop GTypeModule
based API Lucas recently announced. But keep in mind that the API and
implementations are still under heavy development and are still likely
to change a lot!


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Home applet questions

2007-01-31 Thread Johan Bilien
On Wed, 2007-01-31 at 08:52 +0100, Christoph Würstle wrote:
 I wrote a small home applet (showing gpe todos and appointments).
 It works nice, but I have two issues:
 1. how can I get the right themed border (in standard theme the blue one)

Try something like this:

  frame = gtk_frame_new (NULL);
  gtk_widget_set_name (frame, osso-speeddial);
  gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), 0);

  alignment = gtk_alignment_new (0.5,

  gtk_alignment_set_padding (GTK_ALIGNMENT (alignment), 15, 15, 15, 15);

  gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (alignment), yourwidget);

This will put yourwidget in a frame themed like the speeddial applet.

 2. and a very basic question: what's the simplest way to gt the ui
 updating (new buttons/labes/etc) at hildon_home_applet_lib_foreground in
 a background process (I'm new to c programming)

Sorry I didn't get you, do you want to trigger an update of the UI from
another process? If so you could use DBus for instance.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Home applet questions

2007-01-31 Thread Johan Bilien
On Wed, Jan 31, 2007, Christoph Würstle wrote:
 thanks for your answer. It works now. Looks really good now. Cool!

Nice :)

 To the second question (hope it is now understandable ;-) ):
 When hildon_home_applet_lib_foreground() is called  I update my GUI
 (cheking the events,  birthdays,  todos). This needs about 1-3 seconds
 (the contacts search (for birthdays) needs most of the time). This long
 the home-screen (eg. the other applets) hangs and you just see gray
 rectangles. So I thought put the gui updating (including events, todo,
 birthday readings) in another process or so. In Java/Python I would
 start a new thread creating the gui. How should I solve this issue in c?

You need to keep the Glib main loop running so the UI is updated. I
don't know the GPE PIM API but if it has asynchronous calls for data
retrieval you should use these ones instead.

You can use threads in C too but that shall be the last resort.

 And then a third question:
 At hildon_home_applet_lib_deinitialize() I should free all allocated
 mem. Is it enough to free the main widget (called frame in your example)
 to free all gtk related stuff, eg.
 if (osso)
 osso_deinitialize (osso);
 if (frame) gtk_widget_destroy(frame); //frame is the main widget

Yes that should do. GTK will free the child widgets as they are no
longer referrenced.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Mysterious branching

2007-01-31 Thread Johan Bilien
On Wed, Jan 31, 2007, Murray Cumming wrote:
 My life would be easier if I knew what svn branches existed for the
 various module versions used by the various Maemo versions. 
 For instance, I'd like to know where in svn I can find the branch for
 the version of hildon-fm that's in Maemo 3.0 (bora, for the N800,
 sometimes called IT-2007).
 I see a maemo-branches directory, but that doesn't include anything
 for IT-2007:
 I also see a branches directory with separate directories for each
 but that just has various branches with cryptic names, and I don't know
 which one is the one in Maemo 3.0. For instance:

I think the one used for IT-2007 is branches/hildon-fm/1.x

 In comparison, GNOME uses the same branch name for all modules in a
 specific GNOME version, such as gnome-2-14, which is nice and simple.

Yes we have a lot to improve in this regards. Some effort is ongoing to
harmonize the presentation of our modules, at least in the HAF.

 Someone really needs to put this information online, such as on this

I updated it for hildon-fm.
Johan Bilien
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] [PATCH] hildon-window.c Rev 8761

2006-12-14 Thread Johan Bilien
On Thu, Dec 14, 2006, Michael 'Mickey' Lauer wrote:
 Index: hildon-window.c
 --- hildon-window.c (Revision 8761)
 +++ hildon-window.c (Arbeitskopie)
 @@ -777,7 +777,7 @@
  hildon_window_update_title (window);
 -else if (strcmp (param-name, is-topmost))
 +else if (strcmp (param-name, is-topmost) == 0)
  hildon_window_is_topmost_notify (window);

Thanks, good catch!

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] How to determine if the screen has turned off?

2006-12-13 Thread Johan Bilien
On Wed, Dec 13, 2006, Aaron Levinson wrote:
 In the Maemo coding style and programming guidelines document on
 maemo.org, it states the following:  Avoid updating the GUI when the
 application running on the background and when the screen has been turned
 off. Remove unnecessary graphical elements or constantly updated screen
 components.  Now, it appears that hildon_window_get_is_topmost() or
 hildon_program_get_is_topmost() can be used to determine if an application
 is running in the background, but how does one programmatically determine
 if the screen has been turned off?  I see in the latest version of libosso
 in SVN that there is a muali API that provides the ability to access the
 information via a callback, but it is unclear how to determine this on 2.0
 or 2.1.  Perhaps I can use XScreenSaverQueryInfo() ?


You can register a callback with osso_hw_set_event_cb, set the
system_inactivity_ind flag in the osso_hw_state_t argument.

Johan Bilien
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] How to determine if the screen has turned off?

2006-12-13 Thread Johan Bilien

Aaron Levinson wrote:

Well, I had already examining the libosso APIs before sending the e-mail,
and I did notice the system_inactivity_ind flag in the osso_hw_state_t
struct.  However, according to the libosso documentation, if the callback
is called for system inactivity, this means that the application should
reduce its activity.  I didn't directly associate this text with the
screen being blanked, which I think is understandable, since screen
blanking is not the same thing.

What are the conditions that result in the callback for the system 
inactivity indicator being called?  The statement the application should 
reduce its activity is somewhat open-ended, and perhaps this callback is 
used for more than just to indicate that the screen has been blanked.

Right, screen blanking is the only occasion where I have seen this 
callback triggered, but maybe it's used in other cases, Kimmo?

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Debugging maemo_af_desktop crashes

2006-12-08 Thread Johan Bilien
On Thu, Dec 07, 2006, Marius Gedminas wrote:
 I believe I've mentioned before that my 770 likes to reboot spontaneously.
 /proc/bootreason is sw_rst, /var/lib/dsme/stats/lifeguard_resets usually
 indicates /usr/bin/maemo_af_desktop (46 times already, out of 54
 resets).  I mkdir'ed /media/mmc1/core-dumps and now have a core file
 from the last crash.  Question: what can I do with it?
 gdb on the 770 doesn't appear to be very useful:
 /media/mmc1/core-dumps $ gdb maemo_af_desktop core.959
 warning: core file may not match specified executable file.
 Core was generated by `/usr/bin/maemo_af_desktop'.
 Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted.
 Reading symbols from /lib/libc.so.6...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
 Loaded symbols for /lib/libc.so.6
 Reading symbols from /lib/ld-linux.so.3...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
 Loaded symbols for /lib/ld-linux.so.3
 #0  0x40047c14 in kill () from /lib/libc.so.6
 (gdb) bt
 #0  0x40047c14 in kill () from /lib/libc.so.6
 #1  0x40047a2c in raise () from /lib/libc.so.6
 #2  0x8f20 in ?? ()
 I'm still running mistral.  I've two status bar applets installed
 (panelclock 0.5 and load-applet-run 0.4.3-2), but previously I've seen
 these spontaneous reboots with only osso-statusbar-cpu installed instead
 of these two.
 (I also happen to have four other core files from previous crashes:
 browser, maemo-launcher, dsme, osso_hss.)

A few things:

. maemo_af_desktop uses maemo-launcher. This means that the
maemo-launcher process is the one actually running the maemo_af_desktop
code. When a crash happens you should see 2 core files (with consecutive
  .  a small one from maemo_af_desktop, which is just coming from the
 maemo-invoker process which tells maemo-launcher to load
  . a big one (several MB) which is maemo-launcher running
maemo_af_desktop.launch. That's the interesting one.

so to get something useful you need to run gdb /usr/bin/maemo-launcher

. you will need all the debug symbols. Unfortunately it seems the debug
packages (-dbg) are all missing from mistral and scirocco. Ferenc, Tran,
do you know why? Now the only way would be to apt-get source libc6, gtk,
glib, and maemo-af-destkop and rebuild them :(

You can also send me the core file I can take a look.

Johan Bilien
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] BadWindow error when calling hildon_program_add_window?

2006-12-08 Thread Johan Bilien
On Fri, Dec 08, 2006, Braimah, AL (Adam) wrote:
 I'm just starting off coding with Maemo (Scirocco, on Debian) and am
 running into an X error straight away; hopefully a more experienced
 person can spot if there's an obvious mistake here!
 The code is a basic Hello, world as shown at the foot of this message.
 However, trying to run it causes an X error;
 'BadWindow,' (serial 68 error_code 3 request_code 20 minor_code 0)
 The line which appears to cause the problem is a call to
 hildon_program_add_window(). I've compiled one of the included example
 programs (which it turns out only uses direct GTK calls) with the same
 includes and libraries and that runs fine, and I can also bring up the
 emulated 770 desktop so I'm really at a loss!

Can you try running the matchbox window manager before starting the program?

I filled #904

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Proper documentation (was Re: [maemo-developers] HildonProgram input to gtk_widget_show()?)

2006-11-29 Thread Johan Bilien

Mike Frantzen wrote:

And like on other Linux Desktops, you need to have a .desktop
file so that your program appears in the menus.

And they're much more mature that what we have on the N770.  There was
the recent thread about trailing whitespace being invalid in a .desktop
file.  If you edit the .desktop file on the N770 and use word completion
then it will leave trailing whitespace...
A bit offtopic but trailing spaces in .desktop are a problem in the 
mature Linux Desktop  GNOME. Add a space after the Type= value and your 
application disappears from the GNOME menu, just as it does on the 
Hildon Navigator menu :).

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] 2 dekstop file + 1 program

2006-08-16 Thread Johan Bilien

Laszlo T. wrote:
I have 2 desktop file and a service file for one program. But it 
didn't work perfect.

[Desktop Entry]

[Desktop Entry]

[D-BUS Service]

There is no animation loading for X menuitem, Y is good. Why?
I have a similar problem and it's interesting.

The problem is that when Task Navigator is asked to display the banner, 
it looks up the application by its service name. On startup TN 
associated this service name with your first application, and cannot 
find it running, so it skips showing the banner.

In other words Task Navigator does not handle the situation and this 
would be worth a bug report on maemo.org/bugzilla.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] A good debugger infrastructure

2006-07-18 Thread Johan Bilien
On Tue, Jul 18, 2006, Philip Van Hoof wrote:
  How exactly gdbserver crashed? Did you try to run application with it or
  to attach to existing pid? I only tried with simple non-gui applications
  (ping, tracepath) and it worked without any problem.
 I only tried once, but I attached it to a new program:
 gdbserver /opt/tinymail/bin/tinymail

Just a note, man gdbserver says that in
 gdbserver host:port myapp 

host is the remote host, the one that is expected to run the client on.
So in your case not

But man also says that Currently,  the  ‘host’  part is ignored.

 Other computer: gdb, target remote
 And gdbserver crashed. I forgot what it said. I think something about
 target not found or something with the tinymail binary.
Johan Bilien
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] IT2006 no taskmanager icon for SDL app, worked in IT2005

2006-07-05 Thread Johan Bilien
On Mon, Jun 12, 2006, Tommi Komulainen wrote:
   The application starts fine but there is no icon.

 Basically the above should work. However I just learned there's a
 related bug between SDL and Task Navigator. You should report this to
 https://maemo.org/bugzilla/ so it's easier to keep track of things.

This has been fixed in the final release, SDL applications should now
have an icon in the task navigator.

Best regards,
Johan Bilien
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] N770 fullscreen button and IT2006

2006-07-03 Thread Johan Bilien
On Mon, Jul 03, 2006, Luca Donaggio wrote:
 Under Maemo 1.x / IT2005 I used to call
 hildon_appview_set_fullscreen_key_allowed() to enable N770 fullscreen
 hardware button and automatically bind it to proper fullscreen /
 unfullscreen routines. Under Maemo 2.x / IT2006 there seems to be no similar
 method in hildon-libs: tutorials suggest using gtk_window_fullscreen() /
 gtk_window_unfullscreen() but how to bind them to the pressure of the n770
 fullscreen hardware button?

Connect a handler to the key-press-event, the fullscreen key is F6.

Johan Bilien
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] GTK+/glib versions

2006-04-19 Thread Johan Bilien
On Wed, Apr 19, 2006, Devesh Kothari wrote:
 ext Murray Cumming wrote:
  What GTK+ and glib versions does Maemo plan to use for Maemo  2.0?
  In Maemo 1.1, I think it's GTK+ 2.6 and glib 2.6.
  As long as the cairo problems are not resolved (though they probably can
  be), I'd expect Maemo 2.0 to use GTK+ 2.6 and glib 2.10.
 gtk - based on 2.6.10

And glib based on 2.10

Johan Bilien
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] RFC: Redesigning the HildonApp+Views

2006-01-19 Thread Johan Bilien
On Fri, Dec 16, 2005, Tommi Komulainen wrote:
 There's a bit of a problem. People want more eyecandy and flashy
 gimmicks related to application windows, but the current design makes
 those things difficult to implement without making a big mess.
 Therefore we're going to implement new widget(s) in parallel with the
 current HildonApp and HildonAppView that would support those new
 features. Existing applications will not be affected, but they won't be
 getting the benefits either. Eventually App+Views are going to be
 deprecated and dropped altogether.

The design and implementations are now well on the way. But before we
proceed with an API freeze, we would to ask again for feedback on the
design decisions and current API.

A design document is available here:

Your comments are greatly appreciated, on this list or on the wiki:

Johan Bilien
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Packages for minisip and dependencies

2005-09-05 Thread Johan Bilien
On Sat, Sep 03, 2005, Ralf Engels wrote:
 I have a 770 now for testing. 
 I tried your package of libgtkmm-2.4-dev-...
 The result is Cannot install, package damaged.
 I get the same error with hello-world and maemopad.
 Maybe someone can help...

Could you try with dpkg directly? 

maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Packages for minisip and dependencies

2005-09-01 Thread Johan Bilien

I have set up a repository with packages of minisip and its
dependencies. These includes gtkmm and libglademm. They should be
updated regularly with new revisions of our SVN.

  deb http://www.minisip.org/maemo/snapshots binary-arm/
  deb http://www.minisip.org/maemo/snapshots binary-i386/

I tried to have them install in /var/lib/install as described on the
website [1], but had to give up. I couldn't get chroot to run in
scratchbox, so dpkg --root= wouldn't work. So for now they install in

We would be very interested in knowing if minisip works on a real n770,
in particular if our soundcard settings work with the device.


[1] http://www.maemo.org/platform/docs/howtos/
maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] Packaging libraries

2005-08-11 Thread Johan Bilien
Hi all,

I'm trying to package minisip, which depends on a few libraries that are
not in the maemo platform. How should I package everything? The Making
a package for the Application Installer howto recommends building
self-contained packages, with no dependencies. So should I link the
application statically? Include the shared libraries in one big package?

One of the dependency is gtkmm, which could be useful to others, so it
would be good to have it as a separate package. Could it be included in
the maemo platform?

maemo-developers mailing list

[maemo-developers] N 770 and webcam

2005-06-21 Thread Johan Bilien

is there any plan to support a camera on the N770? In the specs, the USB
is only device mode, but maybe through the MMC?

It'd be very nice for minisip, allowing video telephony on the device.


maemo-developers mailing list