RE: passing arguments to hildon applications

2008-06-13 Thread josh.soref
ext Andrew Daviel mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 5 Jun 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's actually been poorly supported/unsupported for years.
 How hard can it be .. download a file to a temporary
 directory, spawn an
 application and tell it the filename. It worked in Mosaic, it
 works in
 Lynx. (never mind, I'm not sure I really want to know ...)

Go read the spec. some of the handlers want urls not files.

Now here's a simple problem:

How do you know which handler to pick?
Oh, you check the mime type.

How do you find the mime type?
Oh, you download the file.

What if the file is behind a one time token?
Oh, you're in trouble.

What if the file requires a cookie?
Oh, good luck passing that url to a handler.

Now, if you only care about the simple file cases, then yeah, that's
almost supported by most things.
But the spec supports all sorts of fun bits.

 Someone should write a dbus wrapper thing
 I found one (Eero told me how to make it work).

Yeah, I was hoping someone would include the name (I know it's in the
archives), as someone else asked me about it for some other purpose

 I'm not sure if I can pass an argument in a Dbus service
 record (probably not; in which case I'd have to create a
 separate wrapper for each MIME type, or get a name
 from a symbolic link or something).

 But in reality I'm not that likely to want to port Xdvi or
 Xfig to the tablet; most documents are saved in PDF.

 Mplayer on the other hand would be nice to have -
 preferably with a robust plugin that would play those
 Hollywood trailer embedded WMV movies or streaming media from

Personally, I've tried to suggest that people get totem or a similar
proper NPAPI plugin configured.

The browser's default plugin can be disabled from the mangify button in
the toolbar, which means it really shouldn't be too hard.

The only trick is deciding how much integration you want w/ the system
components (I'd suggest none).

What I've suggested internally is that the idea media plugin would
basically support streaming and pass the data to an out of [browser]
process which would handle the media playback. Whether it sticks ui
controls into the browser or just has a button which brings the media
player forward is not my problem :).

From playing w/ flash movies on my mac w/ two displays, I'm actually
fairly annoyed w/ them... Because they have this full screen button,
which will full screen on the proper display (aux), but when I click on
another application, the full screen mode is discarded. So I can't
actually watch a full screen video while using my computer's primary
display to do work 

I mention this because I think wanting to full screen videos is a fairly
common task, and bad implementations, especially for embeddings will
result in unhappy users. Of late, I can't really think of many cases
where I actually need to be able to see a video and do something else on
my tablet at the same time, and in the cases when I do, I'm fairly
certain that having them fixed in the browser's frame will not agree w/
me (iow, I'd rather the video float above the browser, so that I can
scroll around the page while watching the video).

 (they dropped RealPlayer from a lot of the site)


 - on my desktop I end up doing things in Firefox like
 Tools/PageInfo/Media, clip the media URL and give it
 to mplayer on the command line - ugly, but usually works.

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: maemo Bug Jar #7

2008-06-05 Thread josh.soref
Stephen Gadsby wrote:
 61 bugs were closed:

Luca Olivetti wrote:
 I noticed that some of the bugs are marked as fixed in diablo, and
 that's not really useful unless you release diablo rsn or provide
 updated packages for chinook. 

I suppose you think that black mail or threats is useful?

As it happens, you can actually update your device to diablo prerelease
images using application manager, as has been mentioned both on this
list and on the web.

We're trying to be open and indicate which versions will have fixes.
This is a lot better than the past where bugs.maemo was mostly a black

The target milestone (which people should be using instead of simply
writing fixed in diablo) will enable people who look at
after fremantle to determine which release had a fix. This is a valuable
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: maemo Bug Jar #7

2008-06-05 Thread josh.soref
Eero  wrote:
 I would like the close bug jar section to separate things that were
 marked as wontfix from things that were fixed (or worksforme).

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: maemo Bug Jar #7

2008-06-05 Thread josh.soref
Stephen Gadsby wrote:
 A Quick Look at maemo Bugzilla
 2008.05.29 through 2008.06.04
 As of 2008.06.04 maemo Bugzilla contains 3166 (+22 this week) items,
 including 1152 open issues (-40 this week):
 * 783 open bugs (-43 this week)
   * 9 critical/blocker (-3 this week)
   * 22 moreinfo (+4 this week)
   * 25 crash (-2 this week)
   * 21 patch (-2 this week)
   * 293 unconfirmed (+1 this week)
 * 369 open enhancements (+3 this week)
   * 7 moreinfo (+1 this week)
   * 5 patch (no change this week)
   * 104 unconfirmed (no change this week)

I'm finding that I want to load all the bugs you're listing each week.
And since I'm using outlook (yeah, I know, but Outlook-QuoteFix makes it
almost bareable) clicking individual links is painful.

Could you include links in the summary sections?
The easiest way is:,2

The alternative is to include the queries you used w/ date pinnings,
however those are less useful and won't really survive, although they
could help people get into triaging:[Bug+c
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: maemo Bug Jar #7

2008-06-05 Thread josh.soref
Frederic Crozat wrote:
 Remember that most people are not used to Nokia policy to embargo any
 date (even estimate) regarding software (or hardware) release.

For simplicity's sake, I don't know when Diablo will be released.
I also didn't know when Chinook was going to be released (in fact, I
believe a number of end users got Chinook before engineers at Nokia
discovered/learned it was released).

Releasing is a management decision, whether that's an open decision or a
closed decision, and whether it's for an open, closed, or semi open
project, it's still that.

I also have absolutely no idea when Firefox 3 will be released.
And that's the open source project that I work on.

I don't have any idea when Safari 3.1.2 will be available, or IE8.

The only products that I know release dates for are date based products
(I can predict Ubuntu 8.04).

Nokia's products are generally seasonal. And they have some wiggle room.

The Mozilla view which I would hope people are familiar with is:

It'll ship when it's ready.
Kairo (one of the driving people behind SeaMonkey) writes: Only, ever,
ship when it's ready to be shipped, never before that point. 

 Except Quim has specifically requested those instructions to not be
 disclosed on this list or on the web and the hole in the update
 repository was closed for non insiders (or people who did the update
 before it was closed).

Regardless, it was discussed both here and there that it is possible to
retrieve the updates and that they're not simply vaporware.

OpenSolaris also lists fixes at before they're
available anywhere (as it happens, they're date based, so a fix should
be in the next binary drop w/in 2 weeks unless it fails QA which happens
from time to time).

Similar behavior can be found with other open projects (netbeans comes
to mind, although I haven't worked w/ them in nearly a decade).

As for Apple and Google, you will find that they may or may not announce
a date for a product, and there can easily be a lag time between when
it's announced and when you can get it.

As for Kernel. If I'm using a Linux distribution, I know that just
because mm or someone has committed a fix to an upstream kernel doesn't
mean I'll instantly get that fix in my Linux distribution, in fact, for
maintenance distributions (centos 3, rhel), I may be forced to wait for
the time when I'm willing and able to upgrade to something newer. If I'm
using a non-stock Linux or a non stock compiler )embedded-arm,
codesourcery) then I'll probably have to wait for them to integrate the
fix into a new release, and then pick a time to upgrade.

If you aren't used to any of these things, then hrm... I dunno...

I'm certainly used to waiting. And whenever people tell me about
improvements, I'm happy, because it means that instead of bugging them
about X, I know that they're responsive and I can choose to bug them
about Y that they didn't know about.

This applies to Qt (I filed a bug against Qt, they confirmed it, I'm
still waiting for them to fix it) and Opera (I'm not sure how many bugs
I've filed their way) and Apple (I need to file a bug about iLife's iWeb
generating bad content).

Note that with Trolltech, if I'm told that they've fixed a bug in Qt,
and I'm using QtEmbedded (which I was at the time), then I have to wait
for them to backport it to QtE, or I have to wait for a new version of
QtE (and those lag a bit).

I really don't know of many groups who deliver software instantly... At
least, not good software.

FWIW, in Mozilla if someone says X is fixed, that just means there's a
code fix, it doesn't mean it has passed through all verification steps.
It could cause a regression and be backed out. As was written elsewhere
(by the original complainant), there's a risk in fixing things, and
perhaps it'll be backed out, or regress something else or  Now I'm
not going to discourage people from using bleeding edge software, bug
reports based on the latest sources and binaries are always more welcome
than old stale versions. But I understand the reason people don't want
to upgrade (I rarely upgrade my software) and I would hope that people
understand that if they're afraid of using the latest prerelease, then
asking that the latest prerelease be released is at least a bit
ridiculous, changing the name from alpha, may destroy your computer to
official doesn't mean it won't destroy your computer.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: maemo Bug Jar #7

2008-06-05 Thread josh.soref
Marius Gedminas wrote:
 Personally, I'm disappointed that when a bug is closed as fixed in
 diablo, as a user I've no idea how to get the updated package on my

Please excuse my disbelief ... you guys are the strangest users I've
ever met.

 I've got scratchbox handy,

In fact, I've got scratchbox handy is one of many definitions of not
a user. Another is actually using Bugzilla at all (* see long paragraph

If you're using Scratchbox, or if you're using Bugzilla, you're a
developer. As a developer, there should be a much higher bar[ier]
(reading a couple of pages) to entry.

If you're using bugzilla, there are a few pages you should read
Here's a short list of links that you can get to from enter_bug and
Oddly, you can only reach bug writing if you have CANCONFIRM (people w/o
CANCONFIRM should get guided which doesn't offer it) the link is 
bug writing guidelines
(this is auto generated), there are links from status, severity,
resolution on any bug.
This link should be present for most bugs (excluding bugs which are in
video converter and misdirected) as a link from target milestone

Note that this page indicates what 4.1 is and that it's equivalent to
Diablo (thanks to whomever maintained this wiki page) is sorta the only other page I
know of with numbers, but it's not really a page that's likely to be

I can't find any pages on that talk about dates (in fact, the
roadmap pages are utterly useless, typically even the utterly useless
Mozilla roadmaps which are perennially out of date at least try to
include guesses about seasons next year). I think it'd be nice if
someone actually made page with release dates. Something like: (which is sadly
incomplete) would be nice

Probably an interim fix would be for
To be updated to indicate that Diablo will not be available for
download until after the N810 WiMax Edition is available for sale.

If it happens that this statement is wrong, someone can correct the wiki
when a better statement is available. Most people in the interim would
be able to follow the links read that, and realize that they'll just
have to wait like the rest of us.

(I'm actually waiting for Diablo, and I'm an internal!)

 just point me at the new source
 package and I'll backport it -- but has
 no 'diablo' in dists/.

Note that bugzilla now only talks about versions (4.0, 4.1). And anytime
someone says a bug is fixed in Diablo, they should make sure it has
target milestone 4.1

When 4.1 (Diablo) is released, then everyone can upgrade to it using
whichever upgrade methods are available (I'll probably flash since I'm
running stuff from 3.x or pre 4.0).

Btw, for people who said they can just download Firefox nightlies, try
doing it for/from your tablet, Mozilla nightlies are available for a few
platforms but that doesn't include tablets. Yes, as a convenience for
testing they make available binaries for a limited set of common
platforms, but for the rest you often get to wait for a release cycle.
Oh, and if you were actually around when Netscape 6 was in development,
you could see the same process that Nokia has now in place for bugs 

* (long paragraph from above)

 n.b. I work on Bugzilla, I'm a developer.
 When I claim to be a user,
  I read the user documentation;
  follow the instructions for reporting problems,
  sit back and wait until I'm asked for more input
  I don't ask questions about development process.
 As a user, I of course look in the official channels to see if there's
a new version of software available for me.

 As a user I have:
  OS X 10.3.9 (the 9 is an auto update thing, the 3 is because I like
the rest of you don't buy software, I buy hardware).
   Safari 1.x (dunno what x is, but it should be whatever it was when
apple end of life-d it),
   Camino 1.6.1 multilingual (it's the latest and greatest!)
   Firefox 2.0.0.x
   Python 2.3

   - I can't run:
Firefox 3
Safari 2/3
Mercurial (because it requires Python 2.4)

  XP SP2 (users don't get prerelease service packs, and in business
units SPs are always delayed)
   IE6 (no one offered me IE7 - I think my IT disabled that update),
   Firefox 2.0.0.x (generally not the latest because IT disables updates
and delivers them urgently late),
   Office 2003 (I'm not responsible for purchasing software, so this is
what's on my box)

  CentOS 3 (it came in a pretty vm - it's also the latest available for
the host in question)
  Ubuntu 7.10 (it came in a pretty vm)
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Having trouble installing the scratchbox development environment.

2008-06-05 Thread josh.soref
Hendrik Boom wrote:
 I'm following the instructions in
 as advised by Graham Cobb, and have run into a snag.
 When I get to the point of creating the bora rootstrap, it tells me:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sb-conf rs mistral-armel
 ERROR: You don't have a Scratchbox user account!
 Now doing
  adduser hendrik sbox
 was easy, but it didn't help.  Evidently something else is
 also required.

Did you log out?
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Having trouble installing the scratchbox development environment.

2008-06-05 Thread josh.soref
Hendrik Boom wrote:
 Did that; I suspect I am really, truly, don't have a Scratchbox
 account, and that something more is involved than just having an
 entry in /etc/group: 

Wow. Well, one thing to do is check /scratchbox/users/hendrik

I believe that directory needs to exist.

The alternatives are

sh -x `which sb-conf` ...
strace -f `which sb-conf` ...
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: passing arguments to hildon applications

2008-06-05 Thread josh.soref
Andrew Daviel wrote:
 I'd like mailcap to work as a fallback; it's simple,

Kinda, it's not so simple (see below)

 I understand it, and it's been standard in Unix for years.

It's actually been poorly supported/unsupported for years.
42,173106  Add correct
parsing/spawning of handlers from mailcap entries support %u in
mailcap helpers needsterminal
flag in mailcap must be respected Helper
Applications doesn't prepopulate based on mailcap copiousoutput
ignored in mailcap

I think this doesn't include the fairly important bug about file handles
not being closed before helper applications are spawned.

 Apart from the streaming media playlists,
 I have entries on my desktop for things like Xfig,
 LaTeX DVI, PostScript, Excel etc. while installers
 for things like Java Web Start
 assume they can add mailcap entries.

I'm not knocking mailcap. I happen to think it's nice in theory too.

But in practice, there are a lot of problems, a number of which are hard
if not impossible to solve properly.

 Any application specifically written for the tablet would use
 DBUS, but we might still port desktop applications which run
 from the command line.

Someone should write a dbus wrapper thing

But yes, gecko kinda supports mailcap and microb or tablet-browser
breaks it. Sorry about that.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [gtkmm] Gdk::Pixbuf::create_from_file() segmentation fault inmaemo

2008-06-02 Thread josh.soref
Dinh Khac Thanh wrote:
 Thank you for your fast reply, that deferencing one was
 correct. However the error is still there after I changed it.
 I am suspecting that it is because of thread conflict ( I
 tested the create_from_file without threading and it worked
 fine). I am not sure if gtkmm is thread-safe or not?

GTK+ is thread aware but not thread safe - it provides a global lock
controlled by gdk_threads_enter()/gdk_threads_leave() which protects all
use of GTK+. That is, only one thread can use GTK+ at any given time.
Neither X, nor GDK nor GTK+ nor gtkmm are thread safe by themselves. You
must use either the gdk_threads_{enter,leave}() functions to protect any
and every 

Note that you really should not send email to more than one mailing

I don't know how to set a followup-to from outlook. But please only
reply to gtkmm 
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: D-BUS service name confusion

2008-05-29 Thread josh.soref
Kimmo wrote:
 libosso.h says:
 * @param application The name of the application.
  * This name forms the last part of the default (D-BUS)
 service name of the
  * application.

This is wrong. Last part implies that will become either or neither of which are correct,
As it will actually become

 Note that the D-BUS service name will be
  * '', where 'application' is the value
 you gave as the
  * parameter. Note also that this argument must be identical to the
  * X-Osso-Service value in the desktop file, or the D-BUS
 daemon will kill
  * your application.

This is wrong. As application is not identical to

It needs to say the resolved value.

And in fact, this special casing of Nokia is just plain stupid.
But that's a different story. Vendors should not make it easy for everyone else 
to claim to be them.

If a vendor wants to make it easy for the vendor's own apps to save characters, 
it should use a vendor specific wrapper.
Note that this shortcut is probably a perf penalty since it has to involve 
extra checks and copies/allocs.

The byte savings on flash are really not worth any of this.

 If you do not want to use the default
 '' prefix, 
  * you must pass the whole D-Bus service name, e.g.

This should not be embedded into the same paragraph.

  * The only valid characters that the name may contain are
 letters a-z and
  * the underscore '_'.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Segmentation fault with the latest microb-engine

2008-05-29 Thread josh.soref
ext Zhihai Wang mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 (gdb) run
 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
 0xb64e8aaa in nsFrame::BoxReflow (this=0x839c854,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], aPresContext=0x82800b8, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 aRenderingContext=0x83b2d28, aX=0, aY=0, aWidth=0,
 aHeight=0, aMoveFrame=1)
 6291if (metrics-mLastSize.width != aWidth) (gdb) bt

Congratulations you got symbols.

Now you can go read the unix debugging faq (as referenced earlier).

You could also practice using bugzilla.

Answers (use this to check your work, do try to read the faqs and use
the search tools before you read below the line):
(gdb) info locals
(bugzilla) 436232 [there are about 10 other resolved answers, but you
said head, and afaik the others are all resolved]
(code) metrics ?= 0
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: passing arguments to hildon applications

2008-05-28 Thread josh.soref
On Tue, 27 May 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Fwiw, at the present time, video/x-ms-wxv is among the hacks. These
 hacks were requirements. We're hoping that some future version may
 lose some or all of these hacks. But don't hold your breath, I've
 been holding my breath for two years and only just now got a sign
 that maybe something might happen eventually.

Andrew Daviel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As I recall, these playlist content-types such as WXV, WXA and
 Realmedia RAM are required because the browsers do not
 understand RTSP URLs.

I don't want to try to dig through my memory for why they were created.

Our browser has *different* hacks for rtsp and similar urls.

Actually, I can say for certain that feed: was created exactly for the
opposite reason.

Web servers wanted to ensure that some other application safely got a

 So there's a short text file containing the URL of the

Sadly from reading bugs, it seems that one microsoft mime type can mean
either a stream or a playlist. I can't remember if this was by design or
simply because the microsoft plug-in was tolerant and web sites were

 For a video file available via HTTP,
 using the playlist will let Mplayer stream it via HTTP,
 otherwise you have to wait for the entire file to download. 

Our hacks are basically designed to address this unfortunate standard
behavior for the non playlist case if you're using the normal plugin

It of course doesn't work correctly for mplayer (although in theory it
could work as well as it does for the standard player).

and it doesn't always work properly in general...

 It may be a hack, but I'm not sure how you'd get around it.

Well, atm the browser has logic that should be in a plugin. How the
plugin should be written should not be the browser team's problem :).

I explained that when I first arrived, and maybe someday that might be
the way it is.

For people curious about NPAPI, the browser will give you a url and a
chance to receive the data. You can choose to let the browser stream it
to a file, feed it to you piecemeal, or not download it. 

 At one time I thought there was a mailcap variant that caused Netscape
 pass a URL to the helper application rather than downloading the file
 passing the filename.

There is (%u), support for this has been poor for years. I can't
remember how well n4 supported it, but generally speaking Mozilla
support didn't exist until fairly late (iirc bz tried to add some
support for it). has an example

The problem is that by the time you have a mime type, the browser also
already has a stream of the file, and if it's a one time stream or a
stream guarded by authentication, passing the url to someone else means
paying twice ($+$) and possibly not getting anything at all ($ -
/dev/null; 0 - /dev/audio).

 Or I guess you write a browser plugin.

We have a strange browser plugin. Given the choice of this or a normal
browser plugin, I'm hoping to get a normal one.

 I prefer an external helper that doesn't take the browser with it when

There are a number of strategies, but in the end, you'll lose.

audio and video are coming to beta browsers near you by the year's

* This is *not* a commitment by the microb team to include such a
feature, merely a statement that prereleases of Safari, Firefox, and
Opera will all include this feature in the near future. I can't predict
when MicroB might get such a feature (we obviously need it for
compatibility reasons).

Audio processing can be done out of process, a plugin only really needs
to accept a stream and set it to a different process for handling. It
shouldn't even need to do much in the way of parsing. It *should* be
possible for a couple of teams to write safe plugins which perform this
sort of out of process implementation.

There are a number of projects to do things like this, if only to enable
64bit browsers to host 32bit plugins, or for Qt based browsers to host
Gtk based plugins.

Actually, as far as browser crashes, diablo includes a feature such that
the ui doesn't die when the engine crashes. It's not full sessionstore
ala firefox, but we hope you'll like it.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Segmentation fault with the latest microb-engine

2008-05-28 Thread josh.soref
Zhihai Wang wrote:
 I have checked out the latest source code from the repository
 and compiled in scratchbox under CHINOOK_X86, everything went
 After installing the built debian packages, I started /usr/lib/microb-engine/TestGtkEmbed,
 and try to access some website such as or
 about:blank, I got a Segmentation fault.
 /usr/bin/ line 11: 21205 Segmentation fault 
 (core dumped) $@ 
 Anyone knows what might have happened?


Before sending messages like this about *any* software to any list you

1. build everything with debugging symbols

For gecko, this means adding: --disable-strip
(or --enable-debug) to your mozconfig
(it also means doing something to prevent debugging symbols from being
stripped by debian)

2. get a stack trace

For gecko, this means:
./ -g -d gdb ./TestGtkEmbed

In maemo this means:

/usr/bin/ /bin/sh
cd /usr/lib/microb-engine/
./ -g -d gdb ./TestGtkEmbed

If you were actually dealing with a device instead of a scratchbox then
gdbserver would probably be your friend (-d gdbserver).
Note that you want to build an install the latest version of gdb (6.8 or
something) instead of using whichever version your system has.

You should also read any debugging guides for your platform.

Google: debugging maemo 4

Google: debugging unix faq

Google: maemo-debug

You'll want to use debug-dep-install to grab symbols for the system
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Segmentation fault with the latest microb-engine

2008-05-28 Thread josh.soref
Zhihai Wang wrote:
 I'm not good at gdb, and I'm just learning how to debug.
 Following is the trace I got, if this is not enough, I would
 like to collect more trace for you:

 Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
 0xb64d42ea in XRE_GetFileFromPath () from
 /targets/CHINOOK_X86/usr/lib/microb-engine/ (gdb) bt
 #0  0xb64d42ea in XRE_GetFileFromPath () from

You don't have symbols. You need to install symbols.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: D-BUS service name confusion

2008-05-28 Thread josh.soref
Axel Sommerfeldt wrote:
 So in total I find the current situation very bad:
 - The Maemo 4.0 Tutorial is wrong, it must be osso_context =
 osso_initialize( org.maemo.example_libosso, 0.0.1, TRUE, NULL);
 instead of osso_context = osso_initialize(
 example_libosso, 0.0.1,
 TRUE, NULL);, otherwise this example will simply not work.

 - The documentation of osso_initialize() is wrong/misleading.

 - The maemopad example is misleading: It works, but only as
 long as you
 don't change the to something different,
 otherwise it stopps
 working and you simply don't know why.

So, did you file
a bug?
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: certificate dialog in microb

2008-05-16 Thread josh.soref
Zhihai Wang wrote:
 When accessing some websites like;, a 
 certificate dialog will show to the user.
 I guess that the one of the following signals should be emited:
 I searched over the source code, but I failed to find where 
 this signal be emited.

You didn't search very hard. But instead of trying to search hard over
the source code, please learn to use the cross reference.

If you want to skip the documentation, you can use a smarter search:

 It must have been emited since my N800 show me a certificate 
 dialog ...
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Let's do something together in LinuxTag

2008-05-15 Thread josh.soref
Simon wrote:
 We'll also have to think about a better way of organising 
 IRC meetings
 - it must have been rather painful for Quim writing answers
 to questions asked ~10min previously, and then missing the 
 comments people made as he answered
 (and also confusing for people asking questions,
 wondering why they weren't being answered straight away).
 Someone suggested a separate chat channel and a channel
 simply for questions.

Niels wrote:
 I think we can try out this approach in the next meeting. Use 
 #maemo for
 the general chatting and ask questions and moderate 
 #maemo-meeting. We can
 then give people voice when they have asked a question on 
 #maemo and it is
 their turn to get their question answered?

You should look at how runs its #class channel

Specifically the after portion. People send messages to identified users
who queue questions and then present them.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Scratchbox cs2007q3-glibc2.5-arm7 toolchain support?

2008-05-07 Thread josh.soref
Ben wrote:
 Trying to run this on an n810 gets
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] hello-world $ ./hello 
 ./hello: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found
 (required by ./hello)

Welcome to the wonderful world of c++ and glib versioning.

 FWIW the normal C only hello-world compiled with the new 
 toolchain runs fine on the n810.

 It doesn't require any newer libraries it would seem.

 What is the recommended solution for folks wanting to use the more
 recent g++ and toolchain? The new linking method is supported 
 out of the box for the more recent ld in this toolchain ;)

I haven't tried it, but personally I'd try to downgrade the scratchbox so that it's the same one used by the older scratchbox.
That's ideal, since what you want is the new compiler and the new
linker, but the same libc as your target.

If you can't do that, you should be able to point the build system to
the old libc++ and say don't link against the compiler's libc++.

 I could imagine doing similar things to the things that were mentioned
 on a recent thread about glib.

Pretty much. In the end I think it's probably best for the community to
maintain a /usr/maemo/lib which when created is added to /etc/
and when files are added here ldconfig gets run.

 The quick and dirty version being having
 a personal lib directory and forcing its use with LD_LIBRARY_PATH in a
 little wrapper script for any tools I compile like:

Yep, this is the standard mozilla approach for libraries.

The theoretical downside for embedded devices is that you will run out
of space if everyone ships their own copy of each library c++ (it's 740k

 $ gcc4-launch foo
 Or forcing the scratchbox to link to instead of
 and just shoving the into /usr/lib and being done
 with it.

This becomes problematic, if you're going to do it, please coordinate w/
the community to make sure that there's an actual package for it and
that you depend on it, otherwise when a second provider has it, they'll
conflict with you, which will suck.

 I thought I'd throw it out there in case someone is using this newer
 toolchain and has a solution.

Fwiw the mozilla mobile - fennec people intend to use the newer
toolchain for their release (if they ever make one?), so you could wait
and see what they do. Offhand I'd expect them to go the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
route since that is what gecko traditionally does.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Who's who in maemo

2008-05-07 Thread josh.soref
Dave Neary wrote:
 I've been looking for a Who's who in maemo - a list of active
 developers (Nokia and otherwise) and what they specialise in. 
 I haven't found one.

I wrote one for the browser team:

 I think that such a list would be very useful.

 In particular, I'd like to know when I see a email
 address replying to a subject about the roadmap whether the
 person is a decision maker, a developer, or somewhere in between.

There was a crusade for this a while ago. Oddly I think I
defended one side of the fight and am now writing from the
wrong side. For which I feel quite embarrassed because in
addition to it making me look hypocritical, I fully agree
w/ my original stance and am sure that the fact that I'm
writing this email now indicates I am in the wrong writing
from a address (and was right in my original
Bugzilla Bug 2035
Bugzilla users who are Nokia employees should be noted

 It would also help, I think, to allow people to
 personalise and better direct any concerns and complaints,
 rather than just saying It's Nokia's fault.

Speaking of which. I was just having lunch w/ Quim and I
lamented not recognizing that you work for Nokia as a
maemo representative.

(Yes, I read the notice that there were new maemo representatives,
but see below.)

 What do people think about this? Should I just get started and see how
 far I get?

That's always fun. I tried making a map showing where we
worked and to whom we reported. It was valid for at most
three months (technically, I believe it was out of date
before it was printed), and usable for another two years.
The last reorganization meant that it's 100% useless (and
then they tore down our walls and removed my chart, so now
it's truly gone).

And no, I won't and can't publish it anywhere.

 Dave Neary
 GNOME Foundation member

It'd be nice if your address was,
it sounds like Quim could help make that happen.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Diablo, do we need a separate repository?

2008-05-06 Thread josh.soref
Graham cobb wrote:
 If there are *any* library changes (you mentioned libssl but 
 I *really* hope there will be an up to date version of glib!)

Perhaps we did a really bad job explaining what not changing the
platform means.

I'm 99.99% certain that glib2.0 will be based on 2.12.12, just as it was
in the previous release.
Assuming I'm correctly reading the changelog there was only one change
to glib2.0, and that was to fix shlibs in debian/rules.

Sadly it looks like the changes were all done in some private repository
because my snapshots from both projects show the 4 version bumps all
happening in one week even though the datestamps imply it would have
happened weeks earlier. My guess is that this was because their versions
failed integration (hopefully this is explained below).

There was one attempted change, however it was reverted because it would
have broken the ABI.

Diablo is not a new OS. Most applications haven't changed
According to the marketing material it's Internet Tablet OS: maemo
Linux based OS 2008 feature upgrade

The only major changes are feature updates to the browser (not actually
a new browser, it's still based on the same old gecko as 2008), a new
mail client, and the ssl change to support WiMax.

I'll actually be working on browser release notes starting this week (it
takes a long time). I might actually try to grab the highlights for the
other apps if I manage to do the browser notes in fewer than 2 weeks.

** many applications probably haven't changed at all, I can do a diff at
some point to get more details, but in general the maemo platform people
actually provide pretty colored tables of this, so I don't need to.

 then apps built for Diablo will not work on Chinook. 
 So, you have the problem that users still running 
 chinook will find that apps in the chinook repository will 
 not install!

No. The only case where this should happen is an app that uses libssl.
And libssl 0.9.8 *should* be in the repository.

And fwiw, diablo includes the libssl 0.9.7 library (and package), so
apps built against it from chinook would still work in diablo (this
actually scares me, but I don't want to read the changelog to figure it

 (presumably Nokia does not allow a chinook 
 package to upgrade libssl)

Wrong, as explained above. Both 0.9.7 and 0.9.8 are installed and owned
by their own independent packages. Note that there is no
/usr/lib/, /usr/lib/, nor /usr/lib/
only /usr/lib/ and /usr/lib/ - so there is
no problem. An app that needs 0.9.8 simply writes:

Build-Depends: libssl-dev (= 0.9.8)
Depends: libssl-dev

An app that doesn't care writes:
Build-Depends: libssl-dev
Depends: libssl-dev

The former will force the system to install libssl0.9.8 into chinook as
part of the install. And the latter will just work in either place (as
long as the builder doesn't start with 0.9.8).

It does mean that the autobuilders should actually use chinook with
repository access to diablo, otherwise the results will be things that
aren't the most pleasant of experiences.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Keeping Glib up to date (was RE: Diablo, do we need a separate repository?)

2008-05-06 Thread josh.soref
  That said, to some extent people obviously do want to use 
  later versions of libraries when/where possible. No one
  loves the idea of using code that's many years out of
  date with its ever growing set of known bugs.
  However sometimes bug-wise compatibility triumphs.

Graham Cobb wrote:
 During the life of an installed release, I agree. 

 Between Nokia-issued firmware releases, I disagree. 

I suspect the original hope was that diablo would have been delivered by

If you keep that in mind, does it help change your view?

Also note that the merge cost for hundreds of packages exceeds the small
window for a project like diablo (which really really was a dot

 My view (I realise you disagree)

Actually, in this case, I have no particular opinion. I understand why
Nokia did it, and I can understand why you're upset.

From a technical perspective, the browser team did not have enough
time/resources to merge to trunk (nor was there a stable trunk of any
value until long after we were frozen) and get any work done for diablo.
We therefore had to choose not to merge to trunk and plan to do it for a
future release. Most other projects (excluding wimax) probably had much
fewer resources than the browser (in some cases they probably had no
resources at all).

 is that at each new release Nokia should update all shared libraries.

I think the key is that you're ascribing this to be an OS release.
It isn't. it's a dot release. We never claimed it was a new OS release,
the marketing information on this is quite clear, and I can't imagine
anyone from Nokia would have claimed otherwise.

 You are running Debian stable, because you prefer the stable Debian
tree. It runs great, there is just one problem: the software is a little
bit outdated compared to other distributions. That is where backports
come in. 

Think of chinook as a debian stable. Diablo is basically a collection of
libraries provided by Nokia for chinook. You still have old libraries,
and because it isn't actually newer software, the more you use it the
more little bit outdated your software will become until an actual new
distribution is released.

As for how you manage to get a up and running, obviously
that the package manager makes it harder is well... Unfortunate. But
such is life.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Diablo, do we need a separate repository?

2008-05-06 Thread josh.soref
I wrote:
 I'm 99.99% certain that glib2.0 will be based on 2.12.12, just as it
 was in the previous release.
 Assuming I'm correctly reading the changelog there was only 
 one change to glib2.0, and that was to fix shlibs in debian/rules.

I should have written to _Nokia's_ glib2.0 for diablo.

Marcin Juszkiewicz wrote:
 glib2 keeps source and binary compability between releases so 
 from 2.12.12 to 2.16.x should not even require recompiling of 

It might, however, please see the changelog I referenced in one of my
other replies.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: autoconf upgrade problem

2008-05-05 Thread josh.soref
Kwan Hong Lee wrote:
 For some reason, even if I have the new autoconf directory 
 added to the beginning of the directory, when I call 
 pulseaudio/ it uses the older autoconf, currently 
 2.59.  I can't modify sb_autoconf_wrapper because it's read only.
 What can I do?

Please don't reply to individuals. This is a list for a reason.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/scratchbox/tools/bin$ echo *2.50*
autoconf2.50 autoheader2.50 autoreconf2.50
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/scratchbox/tools/bin$ ls -l autoconf2.50
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 38 2008-03-31 18:52 autoconf2.50 -
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/scratchbox/tools/bin$ cd ../autotools/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/scratchbox/tools/autotools$ ls
autoconf2.13  autoconf2.59  automake-1.4  automake-1.7  automake-1.8
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/scratchbox/tools/autotools$ mkdir ~/ac262
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/scratchbox/tools/autotools$ pushd ~/ac262/
~/ac262 /scratchbox/tools/autotools
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/ac262$ wget 2 /dev/null 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/ac262$ tar jxf autoconf-2.62.tar.bz2
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/ac262$ cd autoconf-2.62/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/ac262$ ./configure
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/ac262/autoconf-2.62$ make -s

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# cd /home/timeless/ac262/autoconf-2.62
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/timeless/ac262/autoconf-2.62# make install 2 /dev/null
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/timeless/ac262/autoconf-2.62# cd /scratchbox/tools/bin
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/scratchbox/tools/bin# ls -l autoconf2.50
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 38 2008-03-31 18:52 autoconf2.50 -
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/scratchbox/tools/bin# ln -s
../autotools/autoconf2.62/bin/autoconf autoconf2.60
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/scratchbox/tools/bin# ln -s
../autotools/autoconf2.62/bin/autoheader autoheader2.60
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/scratchbox/tools/bin# ln -s
../autotools/autoconf2.62/bin/autoreconf autoreconf2.60
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/scratchbox/tools/bin# patch  /dev/stdin
--- sb_autoconf_wrapper 2008-05-05 09:40:45.0 +0300
+++ sb_autoconf_wrapper 2008-05-05 09:42:47.0 +0300
@@ -26,2 +26,4 @@
ac250 ();
+   } elsif ($force eq '2.60' || $force eq '2.62') {
+   ac260 ();
} else {
@@ -158,2 +160,9 @@
-# Default to 2.13.
-ac213 ();
+if ($force eq '2.50' || $force eq '2.59') {
+ac250 ();
+} elsif ($force eq '2.60' || $force eq '2.62') {
+ac260 ();
+} else {
+# Default to 2.13.
+ac213 ();
@@ -222 +223,5 @@
+sub ac260 {
+run_autoconf (/scratchbox/tools/bin/${mode}2.60);
 sub run_autoconf {
patching file sb_autoconf_wrapper
Hunk #2 succeeded at 161 (offset 1 line).
Hunk #3 succeeded at 224 with fuzz 1 (offset 1 line).

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ scratchbox
[sbox-test-arm: ~]  SBOX_DEFAULT_AUTOCONF=2.60
[sbox-test-arm: ~]  export SBOX_DEFAULT_AUTOCONF
[sbox-test-arm: ~]  autoconf
autoconf2.60: no input file
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: autoconf upgrade problem

2008-05-02 Thread josh.soref
Kwan Hong Lee wrote:
 What do I have to do for autogen to use the latest autoconf I 

Probably depends on your environment.

lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 19 Mar 31 08:52 /scratchbox/tools/bin/autoconf
- sb_autoconf_wrapper
if ($force eq '2.13') {
ac213 ();
} elsif ($force eq '2.50' || $force eq '2.59') {
ac250 ();

if ($mode eq 'autoreconf'  $arg eq '--install') {
ac250 ();

# Default to 2.13.
ac213 ();

sub ac213 {
run_autoconf (/scratchbox/tools/bin/${mode}2.13);

sub ac250 {
run_autoconf (/scratchbox/tools/bin/${mode}2.50);

[sbox-test-arm: ~]  ls /scratchbox/tools/bin/autoconf
autoconf   autoconf-2.13  autoconf2.13   autoconf2.50

Personally, I'd probably just manually run autconf2.62 or however it's

Instead of installing in /usr, you could install in ~/ and have your
path be of the form:


If ~/usr/bin/autoconf2.62 exists, you could ln -s ~/usr/bin/autoconf2.62

And then move on with life.

Installing things to / are imo one of the most foolish things people can
do. For fun just look at all the problems people have w/ /usr/bin/python
(which might be /usr/bin/python: symbolic link to `python2.5', or
/usr/bin/python: symbolic link to `python2.4' or /usr/bin/python:
symbolic link to `python2.3' or ..., where different versions of python
are fairly incompatible, and you never know which things will break if
you change the symlink).
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Reboot with charger plugged in

2008-04-28 Thread josh.soref
Juuso wrote:
 I just observed that the reboot of N810 or N800 is not a 
 perfect reboot if you have charger plugged in during the 
 switch off - switch on - sequence.
 At least manually loaded (insmod) kernel modules remain 
 loaded and the ssh connections to the device does not result 
 in connection lost if the charger is plugged in. The reboot 
 time seems to be shorter as well..
 This behavior was a bit confusing at first... :|

It's a design feature. It's actually quite useful.

If you're ssh'd in, use [/sbin/]reboot instead, that will kill your
device completely.

The fact is that the charger screen is actually managed by X, so if you
turn off your device, the system essentially switches to the special
run level (ignore the detail in case it isn't a true run level) where
X is running w/ the charging screen, and when you turn on your device,
the system essentially switches to the normal run level (*).

As a user, this is usually fine.

As a power user (anyone using an ssh session can not claim they are not
a power user), this isn't a problem, and again is useful (the one time I
recently executed reboot instead of using the power switch, I was
annoyed because I lost my ssh session!). And as mentioned above, as a
power user, if you want the other behavior, you can execute a true
reboot from your session.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: the shared libraries used by /usr/lib/browser..

2008-03-25 Thread josh.soref
Vinod Hegde wrote:
 I am trying to get the shared library dependencies that 
 browser in n810 has.

(the trick would let you do it if you could find the right binary
which may be browser.launch or something similarly strange.)

Why are you trying to do this?

Browsers generally speaking are dynamic creatures and will load other
modules at run time.

Debian package management has a concept of dependencies which you could
look at to get a general understanding of which libraries are required
by another binary. In fact, generally speaking the debian build system
is designed to answer this exact question

Note that neither of these techniques will tell you that the flash
player plugin is used by the browser. For that, you're better served by
strace or something that lets you look at loaded libraries at runtime.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: RE : Re: Fullscreen and Flash

2008-03-05 Thread josh.soref
Frédéric Charrier wrote:
 I can't find this file, there is no tutorial-applet on my n810.
 Is there a way to install it ?

It shipped w/ the os update, you should run the latest version of os2008, not 
the earlier ones.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Using the scrollbar on the N810

2008-02-25 Thread josh.soref
 [snip observations that the web widget is catching mouse events
 outside the thumb but inside the scrollbar]

I wrote:
 Unfortunately, this isn't really how things work. Either a 
 widget asks to capture input, in which case it can get events
 outside its boundaries, or it doesn't.

 If a widget does ask to capture events outside its boundaries, it then
 needs to have some idea about what to do with them.

 And that's hard (and each group will implement it differently, but

Kalle wrote:
 I don't understand this, why would the browser widget be interested in
 events that happen on the scrollbar widget?

Pictures required:

Browser Widget
|This is a web page. It's a bit wide..|^|
|This is web content, it isn't interes| |
|Sometimes there might be /^%$TRER^Y\ | |
|Other times you mightHSDfkjl435H |X|
|have a link or buttonDSFGDFGDR$T | |
|there are other objects  SDFDSFDSFDS | |
|but most people forget   SDFDSFSDFSD | |
|about them.  sDFSDFDSFDS | |
|XXX x|

We have two thumbs (labeled X and XXX for
vertical and horizontal scrolling in their respective tracks).

If you click on X, and then drag over the button or link, or any other
part of the page, then X gets the events and has to decide what that
means. If you happen to reach all the way to the link in my picture,
something has /probably/ gone wrong. That said, the exact algorithm that
Gtk uses is to my knowledge not exposed (unlike Gtk Widget theming which
is exposed). The windows algorithm seems to involve the thumb halting
movement when the distance from the track is ~60px, offhand, I don't
believe there's an API available to find out this information either.

| |^|
| | |
| | |
|  1  |2|
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| 3  4|

1 - browser content
2 - browser widget emulating vertical scrollbar
3 - browser widget emulating horizontal scrollbar
4 - browser unhappy

More detailed pictures are of course available, but usually the
interesting ones involve much more complicated pages. For example, pages
that are 200,000 pixels tall (historically some widgets especially
related to X toolkits had issues with 16bit limits). if you think that
your toolkit can really handle such widgets correctly, I have a number
of crashing bugs involving X and images that are e.g. 1x200,000 in
dimension [you're of course welcome to volunteer to fix them].

You will not find a properly functioning css3 capable web browser which
actually uses native widgets. They *all* synthesize them (some do more
synthesis, and some less, but all widgets are synthetic).

 That's what happens
 anyway, I start a drag over the scrollbar outside the thumb and the
 page is panned as if I dragged on the page.
 Unless of course (and I guess this is the case) it's not really two
 widgets but one widget doing funny things.

It's not not two widgets, but it isn't a browser widget and a gtk
scrollbar widget. It's a browser content area and a browser scrollbar
widget emulating a gtk scrollbar widget, both inside a browser widget.

I'm glad you figured out the general problem.

 I don't see this with any
 other application, the scrollbar will jump to the direction of the
 stylus as expected if I start a drag outside the thumb.

 So I suppose this particular bug can and should be fixed in the
 browser UI / browser engine...

Lots of things can be done in lots of places, some things can't be done
correctly in any one place. Some things shouldn't be done. And some
things might never be done.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Using the scrollbar on the N810

2008-02-25 Thread josh.soref
Kalle wrote:
 I don't understand this, why would the browser widget be interested in
 events that happen on the scrollbar widget? That's what happens
 anyway, I start a drag over the scrollbar outside the thumb and the
 page is panned as if I dragged on the page.

Eero wrote:
 AFAIK the scrollbar is part of the HTML widget.

Bah, eero's answer was way to short (accurate, but short).
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Using the scrollbar on the N810

2008-02-25 Thread josh.soref
 Yes, the general problem seems to be that there is a bug in the
 emulation that makes it work differently and, more importantly, in a
 way that is error prone and confuses the user.
 Let's take that pretty picture here:

Glad it came in handy (and I do appreciate the explanation, because w/o
yours, I indeed had a different understanding of which problem was being

 | |^|
 | |-|
 | |-|
 |  1  |2|
 | |-|
 | |-|
 | |-|
 | |-|
 | 3  4|
 Now let's consider the two scenarios:
  1) user pushes stylus down on 2 (the thumb) and starts dragging
  2) user misses 2, hitting the dashed area instead and starts dragging
 1) is fine, works reliably (as long as the touchscreen does) 
 and so on.
 2) is where normally nothing but a jump in the location towards the
 cursor happens (for the record, works like this on this ff3b3 I'm
 writing this on). On ITOS2008/microb, the page is not jumping but
 instead starts to pan.

Gah, I misread this twice. (it's late)
Here's what I originally wrote (it's irrelevant):
Some of these problems stem from bogus behaviors in the kernel/x-server.
And some of them stem from hacks to work around the aforementioned.

I believe that some of these problems are resolved in internal builds.

Capture to me is only interesting when the user accidentally strays from
2 into 1. If you're only worried about 2 and 2's track, ok. We have some
changes for it (but they're useless w/o a new xserver).

Right, this is purely a bug introduced by the panning code, and
basically it's probably capturing too much (capturing is dangerous)
Is the relevant file as shipped with 2008.

The evil code can be seen here:
From what I can tell, it doesn't think about scrollbar (tracks) and is
very brutish. If you can figure out a way to make it behave sanely, I'll
commit it tomorrow :).

Offhand, it should probably find out the clientRect (?) bounds for the
elemnt it's trying to scroll and if the point is outside those bounds it
should fall through to the normal behavior.

Perhaps dolske ( or someone else there w/ a device would
be able to help (I'm reviewing about 600 bugs right now, and while I'd
love to fix this one, I unfortunately need to push those around
instead), it's probably ~10 lines of code limited to that one function.

 Now, it's normally not an issue (nobody scrolls from the shaft are
 anyway) but when it is difficult to hit the thumb due to it's size
 (those huge pages you talked about)

Indeed, please feel free to create some nice testcases and file a user
interface feedback bug against the ui designers explaining that tiny
thumbs don't work for big thumbed users.

(sorry, I've given up, I'm hoping they listen to customers.)

Actually, w/ about:config, whether I'm zoomed to 80% or 240%, the
scrollbar thumb size doesn't change, it's about 1/4th the size of any of
my fingers (which upon reflection is clearly fairly unreasonable as
targets go...).

 and the fact that the touchscreen is a shotgun instead of a sniper

 it confuses the user when scrolling actually goes to the opposite
 direction than what was intended.

Sure, personally I blame the ui designers for this too. They introduced
panning which is 180 degrees reversed from scrolling and wow, users get
confused when bad things happen.

I'm sorry. I'd love to fix this (and I have a fix: disabling panning),
and my fix happens to solve a number of other problems too. But really,
in order to do this, we'd need to make the scrollbars much more finger
friendly (by we, I mean you+ui designers, I want no part in it, as long
as whatever is done doesn't make web browser interaction worse than it
is in firefox or microb today).

 Usually you end up multiple pages in the wrong direction,

Hrm, panning should never let you go more than 1.5 pages away from where
you are ... (clicking repeatedly in the track otoh...)

 and *poof* went your mental context of what you were doing (something
 considered harmful to the user experience). This was the issue raised
 originally, AFAICT.

If the browser gets sent a mouse up event and then a mouse down event in
the track, you'd have this problem. We're pretty much at the mercy of
the x-server. Second guessing it leads to bugs (some of which you're
suffering from in the track, 

RE: Developing applications in Flash

2008-02-22 Thread josh.soref
Alfie wrote:
 I notice that the Getting Started applet is a full screen 
 Flash application.


 Does anyone know how this is achieved, specifically:
 -  How to add to start menu
 -  How to add to desktop

This is basically a distinct application/applet.

 -  How to launch the swf

It creates a browser eal instance and then asks the eal to load a url,
which happens to be flash.
As it happens, the application doesn't depend on flash, and it doesn't
ensure that flash is available.

If you're going to implement something like this, please ensure the

1. your application has a depends: adobe-flashplayer |
2. you have your own profile directory with a plugins directory
containing a symlink to the flash player library
3. provide a desktop file that claims to handle .swf and the mime type

Here's a fairly short overview of what it does (written in C++ coding
style so I can declare variables as I need them; note that proper
release of modules and similar is not implemented in this quick

/* XXX there is *no* function which lets you get the user's prefered
 * and in fact there's virtually no way to figure out which ones are
 * we hard code microb-eal.
#define EAL_BROWSER microb-eal

 GModule* module = g_module_open(/usr/lib/lib EAL_BROWSER .so.0,
 if (g_module_error())
   return 0;
 setenv(MOZ_COMP_PATH_OVERRIDE, .swfplayer, 1);
 setenv(MOZ_PROFILE_OVERRIDE, FlashPlayer, 1);
 if (!g_module_symbol(module, g_web_set_env, (gpointer *)
   return 0; 
 if (!g_module_symbol(module, g_web_new, (gpointer*) web_get_new))
   return 0; 
 GWeb* web = web_get_new();
 if (!web)
   return 0;
 /* this code is a copy of code copied from code copied from svn which
you can read at
  * however, do note the / between the VendorName and the Version.
  * This is required by the UserAgent specification,
  * which is unfortunately not followed by the example above, nor by the
people who copied it.
 g_web_set_ua_string(web, SWFPlayer/0.1);
 GWebEngine* engine = g_web_new_web_engine_window_with_context(web,
 if (!engine)
   return 0;
 GObject* widget = g_web_engine_get_engine_widget(engine);
 gtk_fixed_put(GTK_FIXED(container), GTK_WIDGET(widget), 0, 0);
 gtk_widget_set_size_request(GTK_WIDGET(widget), 0, 0);
 GObject* notify = g_web_engine_get_engine_notifier(engine);
 g_signal_connect(notify, G_WEBWIDGET_SIGNAL_FINISHED_LOADING,
G_CALLBACK(finished_loading), NULL);
 g_web_engine_load_url(web, file:///tmp/foo.swf);

Note: none of the code to do shutdown is included here. The plugin
directory should be /home/user/.swfplayer/plugins

 -  Does it have to be full screen?

No, the player happens to hard code this.

 I'm interested in how one might write applications for OS2008 
 using Flash alone, in order to make development easier for 
 the new breed of Flex developers!

There's actually a browser bug that's catching people unhappy. And given
the existence of the tutorial, I'm going to see if I can solve it.
However if you get a working standalone player sooner, all the better.

Note: it'd be great if you could use rewrite the browser .desktop file
in a postinst.
For an example, see

It should be something like this:

(not tested)

 Does anyone think it would be possible to develop Flash apps 
 that make use of the Hildon menus, etc? This would presumably 
 need native calls from Flash and I'm not sure this is 
 currently possible.

That's a question for people who probably can't comment. Good luck.

 In the medium/long term it would be great to see Adobe AIR 
 fully supported on OS2008. See

That seems unlikely.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Using the scrollbar on the N810

2008-02-19 Thread josh.soref
Richard Booth wrote:
 I find it particularly awkward at the times when you want to fast 
 scroll down a page. I really wish the N810 had a scroll wheel

Eero wrote:
 I'm not sure whether this helps, but you can scroll the page with
 long-press of the down key in keyboard.  Short press moves 
 just to next

And if you don't like the link navigation, you can disable it ...
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Using the scrollbar on the N810

2008-02-19 Thread josh.soref
Neil wrote:
 Bug 2961[1] now opened for what it's worth... I've 
 inadvertently assigned it to the incorrect component (input 
 method framework) when it should be Window Manager (I think) 
 - perhaps someone would be kind enough to reassign?
 After further investigation this problem is not due to the 
 thumbtrack - simply dragging within the scrollbar region 
 OUTSIDE the thumbtrack will result in the drag events being 
 passed to the main application. I suspect I've often been 
 missing the thumbtrack in the past and thus hitting this 
 bug - ideally the window manager would allow for a few extra 
 pixels above and below the thumbtrack widget when determining 
 if it's been clicked upon!

Unfortunately, this isn't really how things work. Either a widget asks
to capture input, in which case it can get events outside its
boundaries, or it doesn't.

If a widget does ask to capture events outside its boundaries, it then
needs to have some idea about what to do with them.

And that's hard (and each group will implement it differently, but
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Using the scrollbar on the N810

2008-02-19 Thread josh.soref
Neil wrote:
 Hi Josh - I'm guessing your reply concerns my comment about 
 the thumbtrack capturing events slightly above/below and not 
 the bug being discussed (2961)? If so I can understand what 
 you're saying - it would just be nice if the scrollbar were 
 able to allow for slightly mis-directed tocuhscreen hits! 

 Ultimately I guess scrollbars will disappear to be replaced 
 by more finger friendly drag/kinetic scrolling

I'm not sure how practical this is for full web browsers.
I know everyone says ooh look shiny when they look at iPhone/iPod touch, but 
the fact is that if you need to be able to allow full integration w/ Google 
Maps and the rest of Google's applications (note: Apple cheats by shipping 
their own Google Maps UI), then trying to trap user interactions is a disaster 
(which is quite visible from the bad compromises we've made for the tablet 

For any other application that doesn't have to host full applications (i.e. 
flash embedded into an application has the same problem as a web browser), then 
finger friendly whatever may be better, but those aren't my problem spaces, and 
I don't own ui design, so I'm staying away from them.

 so improving 
 thumbtrack hit detection isn't such a big deal, but fixing 
 the broken click  drag event processing certainly is 
 something which needs fixing.

Some of our problems relate to trying to counteract some bad kernel/x behaviors 
(they're fixed in newer internal builds, which means we can remove some of our 
bad hacks), and some of them stem from trying to implement bad design 
decissions from the platform (dragging a web application with a finger, see 
earlier complaints).

If you're looking for another case where things don't work correctly, try 
typing into google reader's main screen using the n810's keyboard.
 I have tested bug 2961 on a 770 running OS 2007HE and Opera, 
 and it is not present. And on a N810, bug 2961 doesn't appear 
 to be present with other applications such as the RSS Feed 
 Reader (which also supports page drag scrolling) so perhaps 
 bug 2961 is in fact an EAL/MicroB issue?

I was pretty sure that the bad dragging/scrolling hacks were in microb-eal, but 
I can't find them...
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: maemopad exits suddenly when clicking on Save icon

2008-02-18 Thread josh.soref
Jakov wrote:
 I'm using Maemo 4.0 Chinook. After I load maemopad, click on 
 Save icon, this application suddenly exits. The msg in the console is:
 [sbox-CHINOOK_ARMEL: ~/maemopad-2.1]  src/maemopad
 qemu: Unsupported syscall: 264

This is the problem, you need a version of qemu w/ support for more of
the arm cpu.

Please keep in mind that the ARMEL environment is designed for cross
compiling, not for hosting/testing.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: SDL, tearing, X overhead and direct framebuffer gfx

2008-02-18 Thread josh.soref
Tobias wrote:
 Q: Where can I find the sources to the OS2008 SDL?

Eero wrote:
 Where all the other sources are i.e. from the repository:

Or you could search for them:
or if you have installed
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: 810 not always obeying redirects from websites

2008-02-18 Thread josh.soref
Simon wrote:
 Just done some more tests and the problem seems to go away on G 
 wireless network and only be present on a B wireless network - so 
 maybe it is related to wireless rather than browser.  Has anyone else 
 had these symptoms?
 I don't have a site to test with setup it is on an internal network.

You're going to need to get some tcpdump or wireshark style logs.

But it sounds like your scenario is way too flaky for someone else (like
me) to want to go off and investigate it.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Fullscreen and flash, new question

2008-02-17 Thread josh.soref
Jussi wrote:
 Josh mentioned .browser already. I just wanted to add a piece 
 of advice:
  Don't even think about modifying browser settings from your
 application. Your users will hate you for that. Embedding the mozilla
 engine is a better solution if you really want total control 
 of the UI.

Oh yes. I should have said that, and I'd like to thank Jussi for noting

Your programs should *never* make changes to these files (a package
which clearly only changes a single setting which a user must manually
install individually is different). Users absolutely do not expect it,
and the results are always bad.

I'm usually fairly good about yelling at developers internally who
indicate some plan to change browser files (or bookmarks files), and I
think I did tell people on this list not to do it in other threads. I'm
sorry if anyone got the idea that changing these files was somehow an
endorsed or reasonable idea.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Fullscreen and Flash

2008-02-14 Thread josh.soref
Carlos wrote:
 i published the newest issue of my maemo ezine yesterday and 
 had two ideas,
 wishes and questions :)
 1st: Is there a way to force the browser to go Fullscreen 
 without the address
 field at the bottom of the screen?

No. this is a violation of the user interface (and security) model we
offer to our users. You can tell users how to turn off the full screen
[app menu]viewshow toolbar[ ] Full screen

 2nd: Is it possible to display Flash on the today-screen 
 aka desktop?

Yes, theoretically, but it's really not recommended.
In order to do this, you'd need to successfully embed the browser (there
are a couple of apps that do this, including get started), but keep in
mind that if flash is disabled and you try to embed flash, your applet
will be on average fairly unhappy (the get started applet sure is).
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: WebKit Incremental Layout

2008-02-14 Thread josh.soref
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ext Alp Toker
 Sent: February 13, 2008 5:01 PM
 To: David Carson
 Cc: maemo-developers; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: WebKit Incremental Layout
 David Carson wrote:
  the main issue that it tries to address is that on really 
 really slow 
  networks, the user goes to a site and takes a long time to 
 load, and 
  they think the browser has stopped working or is not doing 
 anything and 
  give up and cancel the load.
  By showing some content, some progress, the user can see 
 that there is 
  activity and will continue to wait for the page to load.
  Again, this is for slow network connections (ie low bandwidth)

If this is the actual problem you want to solve, I would hope there are
better ways that we could solve it.

 I used this on a real mobile device with a slow connection 
 for a couple 
 of weeks to get a feel for it.
 As a browser developer, the feature at first seemed neat. But 
 as an end 
 user I found that the appearance of styling up to ~10/20 
 seconds later 
 was annoying, since by that point I'd already started reading the 
 unstyled content and was getting the information I needed. The 
 subsequent CSS load often meant I had to find the 
 newly-styled paragraph 
 and start reading it all over again.
 Maybe it's subjective, and maybe there's a technical solution to make 
 the transition from unstyled to styled content less distracting. I've 
 pinged some other mobile browser developers to get their 
 thoughts on this.

I've heard a lot of people complain about the style jump problem, and I
experience it too. It'd be less of an issue if:
1. the user was prevented from accidentally clicking as things moved
(this requires disabling input for a couple of seconds before/after a
rendering) - and this is almost certainly going to annoy someone, but
perhaps not as much as accidentally clicking on the wrong thing. On
mobile devices, accidental clicks are very expensive as you lose the
current page, have to wait for a new page, and going back can result in
you waiting again.
2. somehow enable the user to indicate exactly which element they're
looking at (this is impossible with most input methods today - eye
scanning being the only exception), plus distinguishing between
overlapping elements :)

Given that both 1 and 2 are expensive, 1 is hard and 2 is impossible, I
think the blocking approach on CSS is better.

I think basically that Opera got a press win for this behavior, but
overall we'd be better off with everyone refusing to do this form of
incremental rendering, as it'd encourage sites to design content where
the css is not expensive and is designed to be preloaded+cached for
future pages.

Note: I'm replying to a cross posted entry to maemo-developers. I would
not normally comment to webkit-dev and suspect that they might find this
offensive, I'm sorry and do not intend to send any further comments.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Fullscreen and flash, new question

2008-02-14 Thread josh.soref
Frédéric wrote: 
 I tried the --full-screen option of the command line, but I still have
 problems :
 1) when I launch the browser with the --full-screen option, during a
 few seconds, I can see the browser in a normal display mode. After 3-4
 seconds, it goes to fullscreen mode. Is there a way to display the
 browser ONLY when it is in fullscreen mode ?

I'm fairly certain this is just a bug (I'm not certain there's actually a 
report for this in, there should be if there isn't).

 2) About the address field at the bottom of the screen, is there a way
 to force it hidden without any user action ? By example, by 
 changing an
 option in a file ?


The browser should not be running while you try to change these (or any other) 

 About the first question, I'm thinking for instance about a C program
 which run the browser, hide it, wait 4 seconds, and display 
 it again...
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: RE : RE: Fullscreen and flash, new question

2008-02-14 Thread josh.soref
Frédéric wrote:
 Where can I find a documentation of this config file ?

The settings are either explanatory or ducible by tweaking browser settings and 

On average, the latter. I haven't actually tried those settings, and am merely 
guessing based on their strange names that they're the right ones.

 Is there other config files for the Maemo browser ?

The browser ui is controlled by that one file.
Bookmarks is not part of browser and mostly has its single data file 
(MyBookmarks.xml ? - which should be owned by user:users, not root:root - in 
case anyone else decides to be evil and use a package to attempt to do evil 
things to it).
There is a history file for browser (somewhere, strace would find it)

The engine (opera, gecko) of course has its own files, and these are documented 
by the respective engine providers.

For examples of evil things that you can do to the browser, there are some 
packages at:

These were generally built by blackbox engineering and google searches and not 
based on any internal knowledge of any Nokia (or debian packaging!) code.

Note that of course any debs I may provide are unsupported, subject to breaking 
randomly and well open source, so read before using :). specifically the 
sources to the debs are available as directories that are siblings of the .debs 
themselves, although you might want to use dpkg-deb to extract the deb to make 
sure that the version of the deb has the same scripts as the sources, sometimes 
the debs may be out of date if I'm hacking them.
maemo-developers mailing list

Repository corruption checker

2008-02-14 Thread josh.soref
I mentioned to ferenc before he left that I had a script that I used to
check for corruption of the repositories.

The perl script is here:
And syntax for using it is here:

I kinda forgot where I had put it, and of course, ferenc is gone, so
this is more of a general hey, in case people want it.

It's obviously quick and dirty, but it did work once or twice for me :).
Of course, it assumes you do have a local copy of the repository
( does - )
but that's not strictly necessary, you could w/ very little effort adapt
it to operate against the live repository (or create a script which only
downloaded the indexes and directory lists and parsed those instead of
using stat).
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Maemo's glib version, lobbying for GIO

2008-02-12 Thread josh.soref
Philip wrote:
 Therefore I'm pleased that at the level of glib a team has started
 working on GIO.

 GIO not only comes with a streaming API, but also with a standard way
 for making cancellable asynchronous APIs.!6CAF0CCA79C2F340!145.entry
   The wonderful thing about standards...
   ... is that there are so many to choose from

I can't speak for anyone, however, I don't expect mozilla to instantly
add gio. It took a while before someone added gnomevfs, and now that's
going to go the way of the dodo (three cheers!)

 It uses the Asynchronous pattern for this which results in types like
 GAsyncResult and a type GCancellable.

 As Tinymail's main developer I would like to start using these types
 as soon as possible (that's instantly after my first release). I 
 would like to standardise on how future glib GObject based libraries 
 will do async APIs that are cancellable and I would like to
 standardise on my stream related APIs too.
   Samsung sued over defective first-gen Blu-ray players

Jumping to new standards can get you in trouble.

 To sooner I can do this, the fewer times my API will need to 
 be broken,

I don't see how this follows. Someone jumping to maemo1.0 has probably
had their impl broken at least yearly (so 4 times?).

 the fewer major releases I have to do. The less headaches development
 teams depending on Tinymail, like Modest's team, will have.

I'm sure they appreciate fewer headaches (I sure would like to have
fewer headaches).

 If after this current distro Maemo would not get a glib for half a
 year that includes a GIO, people like me could be blocked for the 
 entire time from delivering APIs like E-mail ones 

I'm not sure this follows. I'm not a representative of maemo, but if you
look at the history, OS releases have been named after years (2005,
2006, 2007, 2008).

As a normal developer, I wouldn't expect something faster than that.
Looking at product announcements from Nokia,
   Sprint will offer a Mobile WiMAX-enabled version of Nokia's N800
Internet Tablet to North American customers 

So far most Nokia product releases relating to maemo are either at the
beginning of the year (n800) or at the end of the year (n810). Given an
announcement, and the fact that the device clearly hasn't surfaced yet,
I think it's safe to assume it'd come out closer to the end of the year.

This of course doesn't imply that you get a new OS, it might run 2008 (I
have no idea).

 unless I hack-in a standalone version of GIO (sounds ugly to me,
 but if necessary ...).

 My questions ...
 Therefore I wonder about what the plan is for Maemo's glib 

Upgrading glib generally speaking breaks the entire toolchain and scares
everyone (for some releases it's attempted and rejected because too many
things break). So it should never be done in the middle of a release

The same applies to the kernel, X, gcc, ld, and a number of other core
components - this of course excludes bug fixes [gio is not a bug fix].

 How soon will Maemo upgrade?

(I don't speak for maemo.)
NPTL was added for 4.0
But it was actually a risk item. It could very well have missed even
though most people wanted it.

 What can we do to help speeding up GIO's inclusion into Maemo?

My personal believe is that it's unlikely that there's anything you can
do here.

 Would a standalone version be acceptable?

I think you should try to find a way to get gio to work on the existing
glib and then provide a package which could be installed into existing
OS releases.
Or yes. Just package it properly and support it. Add it to
maemo-extras and version it well

 My opinion ...
 .. is that the sooner we have this API in Maemo, the sooner 
 application and- library developers will be synchronised with each 
 other's APIs and IO sharing.

I don't think it'll happen that fast anyway. The sooner people develop
and test w/ gio, the sooner they can start working out some of the bugs.

 For example HTML components need to share IO with the E-mail
 framework (inline attached images in base64 encoding).

I don't think this is truly necessary. Are you planning on loading
hundreds of images at a time?

 The VFS needs to share IO with the E-mail framework (Attachment-Save

I'd rather see fuse implemented.

 The media player (hi there Valagume developer!) could share IO with
the E-mail
 framework (streaming an attached MP3), or GStreamer could share the IO
 (a source element that knows about GIO's streams).

Streaming an attached mp3 sounds like a really odd thing to do.

Are you streaming from a 

RE: TestGtkEmbed on N800

2008-02-08 Thread josh.soref
Andrew wrote:
 Maybe i'm going about this wrong. All i really want is to write an 
 application that has the browser shipped with the device 
 embedded in a 
 widget inside it. I thought getting TestGtkEmbed would best 
 the quickest 
 starting point, but maybe not. Does anyone know of any 
 examples that i 
 can compile in scratchbox that does this?

Officially we want to encourage people to use the eal apis instead.

I'm not sure there are any good or useful eal demos out there (and the
one that people might mention should not be mentioned, as it has some
major non technical issues).

Using the EAL should enable your browser consumer to use whichever
browser may be on the maemo tablet.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: TestGtkEmbed on N800

2008-02-07 Thread josh.soref
Andrew wrote:
 You suggest i need a symlink, but i'm still unclear where. The is at /usr/lib/ on the device, but ldd says that 
 TestGtkEmbed doesn't depend on it anyway.
 Using nm on TestGtkEmbed in the armel environment gives B addresses 
 next to all the gtk_moz_embed functions, which suggests to me 
 that the 
 symbols are embedded in the program?
 Can you tell me where the symlink would be needed?

TestGtkEmbed is probably linked against, a symlink
from to would probably make things

./ `which ldd` ./TestGtkEmbed
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: TestGtkEmbed on N800

2008-02-07 Thread josh.soref
  This too can be answered w/ google (as mentioned in one of 
 the links in
  my previous email, which sorta cross paths with the one to 
 which I'm now

  or do i need 
  to copy all these files somewhere to get the TestGtkEmbed working?
  There is one (ibid)
  +export GRE_HOME=/usr/lib/microb-engine
  But again, the question is what's your goal. Do you want to 
 use the one
  that ~worked so well~ in scratchbox, or do you want ot use 
 the one that
  is shipped w/ the device. The choice is yours :).

 I would like to use the one shipped with the device, to keep any 
 installed files to a minimum.
 I've patched with the diff file linked above. 
 This sets 
 the GRE_HOME for you so my command line becomes ./ 
 ./TestGtkEmbed. I couldn't find the ibid file / llibrary you mention. 

??? Ibid is a latin reference. It means something like the same as the
previous reference

 The closest match is a which is already 
 installed on the 
 device. With the above command line i now get Couldn't find 
 symbols, but i guess this has something to do with the ibid file?

GtkMozEmbed has a different name in microb, just to be difficult, a
symlink would be needed.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: TestGtkEmbed on N800

2008-02-07 Thread josh.soref
 Does anyone know what tools i can use to track down where 
 these symbols 
 are coming from inside the scratchbox environment? If i can 
 do that then 
 i should be able to work out whats missing on the device.

Typically nm and ldd are your friends. 

That and a debugger which will tell you what's loaded.

I'm still confused. Libidl should only be needed by xpidl, which you
didn't indicate you were going to run
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: TestGtkEmbed on N800

2008-02-06 Thread josh.soref
Andrew Gatt wrote:
 I've been playing around with the TestGtkEmbed program under 
 the VMWare 
 device downloaded from 
 and i'd like to test it out on my N800. I've copied over TestGtkEmbed
 and and as before run;

Sorry, you copied them over *where*?

 GRE_HOME=. ./ ./TestGtkEmbed
 But it says Couldn't start XPCOM. Now i'm not really sure what the 
 run-mozilla script is doing but maybe i need to adjust these runtime 
 configurations to get the TestGtkEmbed program to run on the actual 
 device? Anyone had any success with this?
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: extras: promotion interface

2008-02-06 Thread josh.soref
Niels wrote:
 - Packages can not only be promoted, but also demoted if they 
 are breaking
 things. (With the ability to tell the author why it was demoted)

How do you deal with packages that are already installed on people's
devices when they're demoted?

Personally, if I have bad software installed and it's managed by some
central system, I'd like to be notified. Preferably given the option to
uninstall it.

 - All promotions and demotions should be logged to some 
 mailing list to
 keep the process as transparent as possible.

I'm biased, but I think you should consider either a like system or an like system :)

 We would also need to provide an easier way for developers to upload
 packages. If we can make a webinterface where developers can add their
 package to the upload/promotion queue, I think we will make 
 uploading to
 extras a lot less complicated. (Regular dput uploads would 
 also end up in
 this same queue)

 We can add this as a first step, auto-builders would be a 
 next step to add.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: TestGtkEmbed on N800

2008-02-06 Thread josh.soref
Andrew wrote:
 OK so i should have tried harder.


 GRE is the Gecko Runtime Environment, 
 which under scratchbox is setup in the /dist/bin folder of the VMWare 
 device. I now suppose the question is, is there a GRE already in the 
 rootfs somewhere that i need to specify to the GRE_HOME= ,

This too can be answered w/ google (as mentioned in one of the links in
my previous email, which sorta cross paths with the one to which I'm now

 or do i need 
 to copy all these files somewhere to get the TestGtkEmbed working?

There is one (ibid)
+export GRE_HOME=/usr/lib/microb-engine

But again, the question is what's your goal. Do you want to use the one
that ~worked so well~ in scratchbox, or do you want ot use the one that
is shipped w/ the device. The choice is yours :).
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: TestGtkEmbed on N800

2008-02-06 Thread josh.soref
Andrew wrote:
  I copied them to /home/user/MyDocs/.documents and chmod'ed 
 them both 
  to 777 and ran them after gaining root access (sudo gainroot).
  GRE_HOME=. ./ ./TestGtkEmbed
  And you thought this would work because you also copied a GRE to the
  ~/MyDocs/.documents directory?

 You'll have to forgive my ignorance, but i suppose this is half the 
 question. I don't know what a GRE is or how to copy one or 
 what it does. 
 I couldn't find any reference to it anywhere and so just 
 tried what was 
 working under scratchbox.

If you don't mind, I'd rather you read about it. Running random commands
from random web pages on random devices is not a good idea.

GRE_HOME is of course an environment variable, and . is of course a
reference to the current directory, which is of course relatively empty,
because you've copied two files (, and TestGtkEmbed). In
short, GRE_HOME specifies *where* the GRE you *want* to use lives.

A simple google query for GRE_HOME (or possibly GRE) would do wonders.
Here are a few queries thrown in at no extra charge.

Note that typically the right thing to do w/ a mozilla build is to rsync
dist/bin to whereever you want. I think that's something like:

builder:~/mozilla/obj-firefox-i386-pc-linux/dist/bin% rsync -azL .
builder:~/mozilla/obj-firefox-i386-pc-linux/dist/bin% ssh victim
victim:~% cd firefox_build
victim:~/firefox_build% #do random stuff here.

But, I'm not really sure what your goal is. Do you want to use microb's
own GRE, or the one you built? (GRE_HOME of course lets you pick which
one to use, but picking a non existent one is not a good idea, as I hope
you now understand.)
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: flashplayer plugin doesn't effect in microb

2008-02-01 Thread josh.soref
 I just installed microb browser from .deb files reside on one by one.
 The installion procedure went smoothly and the browser could 
 be properly launched and mozilla based browser for maemo
 has been set to default homepage.
 But I found 2 questions:
 1. Set engine is missing from menu.

You can manually force this by changing a line in ~/.browser to say:

 2. Couldn't render flashs (.swf), just displayed Flash not 
 supported or similar stuff in the Flash area. I viewed the 
 about:plugins, which shows that Shockwave Flash 9.0 r31 has 
 been installed and the status is Enabled.

Are you using ARM or X86? because we don't have flash for x86...
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: explanations of the recent download problems

2008-01-17 Thread josh.soref
Ferenc wrote:
 When apt-get update talks to our repository it actually fetches a
 package database [1] first. From that file apt-get knows that it
 supposed to receive 12380 bytes for the
 pidgin-extprefs_0.7-0nix2_armel.deb package. If you go to the pool's
 index [2] you can see that the file is actually 12382 bytes long. This
 could explain the size mismatch error.
 Wget will not match the file size with a package db, so it will just
 fetch it without a problem.
 why the Packages have the wrong size. Well, frankly I don't know. It
 can only be because our repo manager tool had a hiccup, though it has
 been working quite well in the past years.
 Anyways, I try to rebuild that package database and see if 
 that will help.

Fwiw there are a number of mismatched files but most of them are pidgin
related, I found them while trying to mirror and trouble shooting
people's complaints.

I ended up writing a script that compared my repo against my index. I
think I decided part of the problem might relate to multiple uploads (of
the same exact filename) or multiple arches, but that's pure

I can run the script this weekend, but I'm sure ferenc can make an
equivalent script...
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Where can I find source codes of following MicroB Browser Packages

2008-01-16 Thread josh.soref
On 16/01/2008, Huang Gao [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am studying MicroB for Bora, and can not find 
 source codes of following packages:

Is there anybody can tell me where I can find them?

Daniel Bainton wrote:
 I believe those are all closed source by Nokia. They're not really a
 part of MicroB, just the browser UI.

Daniel is correct, and this should actually be clear from the package

 A pity really that it isn't a completely free browser...

You should be able to build and install microb-refui which should give
you TestGtkMozEmbed 
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Where can I find source codes of following MicroB Browser Packages

2008-01-16 Thread josh.soref
Huang Gao wrote:
 I have checked out the codes from the SVN several days ago, 
 however its version is too old, and the install package is 0.0.1
 and can not be used in my N800 device. 
 I am not sure if this SVN has been updated during these days, 
 in that I can not connect to it any more.

It's indeed not for use, the actual browser ui work is done in a private

This was a management decision beyond the control of the people who
wanted to open source it.

 BTW, I can not find these packages, even binaries in Chinook 
 repository, and therefore does it mean that Chinook has a different 
 architecture and does not use these packages for UI?

Chinook uses tablet-browser-* which is a much newer version of
browser-ui (as you noticed).

Calling it a different architecture isn't reasonable. The architecture
is effectively the same, the package names are slightly different and
the code is slightly different, but the general structure / design /
interfacing hasn't changed that much.

Antonio should not have recommended that directory to you (or anyone).
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Compiling Kryptpad ...

2008-01-14 Thread josh.soref
Massimo Mund wrote:
 I am trying to compile kryptpad for OS2008.
 Running ./ works fine, but ./configure gives me:
 checking for ANSI C header files... (cached) yes
 checking for pkg-config... /scratchbox/tools/bin/pkg-config
 checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes
 checking for HILDON... configure: error: Package requirements
 (hildon-libs = 0.9.50 hildon-fm libossohelp) were not met:
 No package 'hildon-libs' found
 No package 'hildon-fm' found
 No package 'libossohelp' found
 Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if
 installed software in a non-standard prefix.
 Alternatively, you may set the environment variables
 and HILDON_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
 See the pkg-config man page for more details.
 So, any suggestions?*pc
Shows that the library got a new name.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: n810: Light Sensor (?)

2008-01-09 Thread josh.soref
Luca De Cicco wrote:
 Sorry if ask something which has been already discussed...
 I was wondering if there is some specification about the
 small thing near the camera which appears to be a Light Sensor.

Andrew wrote:
 Your best bet is to hook up SSH or an xterm or something and 
 poke around the
 filesystem. I imagine Nokia are going to be closed-mouthed 
 about it for the
 time being like they were with the FM radio in the N800.
 Alternatively looking at kernel sources would be a good idea.

Or if you have this installed:
Then these urls;;

Of interest is probably this:
 361   * I2C: TSL2563 Light sensor integration time fix
 365  -- Yauheni Kaliuta [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tue, 04 Sep 2007
19:34:02 +0300

Which shows that the i2c TSL2563 thing is Nokia related

Googling for i2c and TSL2563 should probably get you the rest of the
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Microb browser and GTK configuration

2007-12-20 Thread josh.soref
Tomàs Jiménez Lozano wrote:
 This means I should build microb browser from scratch but I've read in
 this list that it's not possible to do it:

You're misinterpretting. microb-engine is essentially a library, and 
libgtkembedmoz or libgtkmozembed whichever is also a library.

As long as you have the tablet-browser-ui (which anyone running os2008 has), 
you can simply package your replacement libraries and drop them in place.

The note is more for people who think that they can use microb-engine 
standalone on an empty scratchbox that doesn't include the Nokia portions, 
e.g., an intel scratchbox (which as I recall does not include the Nokia ui).

As it happens, microb-eal is an even smaller library, so as long as you have 
enough prerequisites, you should be able to skip building microb-engine.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Creating a simple installer

2007-12-19 Thread josh.soref
Michael Stepanov wrote:
 Thanks for your suggestion, Rafael. I already created the 
 package and specified there all dependencies. But the problem 
 is that Application Manager cannot install dependencies 
 automatically. It just displays exception.

Application manager will only handle dependencies if you install from a 
repository. If you try to install the same .deb using install from file, it 
will not follow dependencies.

In theory, if you create:
1. a deb with proper dependencies
2. a repository and insert the deb
3. a .install file that ensures the necessary repository(ies) are available and 
instructs application manager to install the package (1)
Then when the user loads the .install file (3) it will get the repository (2), 
look for the deb (1), and get the dependencies.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Build the entire Mozilla based browser for maemo

2007-12-19 Thread josh.soref
Yong Zhang wrote:
 Can someone give some guidelines or point me some links on 
 how to build the Mozilla based browser for maemo from 
 scratch? Which packages from 
 need to be included to make the final application 'browser'? 
 Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Has better steps.

However, you can't build the browser ui, the sources are not published
(they got stuck somewhere between management and legal).

The best result you can build from scratch is a TestGtkEmbed
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Build the entire Mozilla based browser for maemo

2007-12-19 Thread josh.soref
Brian wrote:
 Hopefully this is just a temporary issue right?

Don't hold your breath.

 It is not as if someone has killed publication I hope.

I'm not sure if I can say.

 I am actually looking forward to the browser UI.

I'm not sure why. Personally, I'm hoping to redesign the ui, as is the
ui designer, and it would seem just about everyone else.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Microb browser and GTK configuration

2007-12-19 Thread josh.soref
Ross Burton wrote:
 As far as I know, microb ... can render forms using GTK+ widgets

It doesn't use gtk widgets, it emulates them.

 That said, there should be an xsetting you can change, instead of

Xsetting sounds a bit arcane...
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Apache + PHP5 + MySQL/SQLite

2007-12-18 Thread josh.soref
Joshua Layne wrote:
 Graham Cobb has made some SQLite packages available
 Graham's ( repository

This is confusing.
Shows that sqlite3 is a package included as part of chinook itself.

Is there some reason to have a second non Nokia version available?
Index of /pool/chinook/free/s/sqlite3/
Last modified   Size  Description
Parent Directory
22.11.2007 13:52   -
08.11.2007 15:26 470
08.11.2007 15:26 2217587
08.11.2007 15:262231
08.11.2007 15:26  177292
08.11.2007 15:26  242354
08.11.2007 15:26  208174
08.11.2007 15:26  271178 
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Do you need a maemo LXR-type service?

2007-12-05 Thread josh.soref
Juha wrote:
 there used to be a source code cross-referencing [1] service 
 for maemo sources. For reasons unknown (to me), it's no longer there. has too few people and resources :). I've made plans to
maintain a replacement, I'm hoping to get it up with branding and a dns entry this year (I'm currently syncing garage-all - the
index reduced view and index update push will probably have to wait for
next week).

 Would you find such a service useful? What would it need to 
 index? Is it 
 important for you that the service is under

 I'm just charting out the feeling of the community on this 
 issue and I don't 
 want to belittle any (one?) of the cross referencing services 
 for maemo that 
 are out there already :-)

Indexed Debian sources packages:

Index svn repositories:
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: Embed microb

2007-12-05 Thread josh.soref
Andrew Gatt wrote:
 OK so i followed this under 
 Crocodile heading which allowed me to compile libidl and libidl-dev 
 which are now both installed using dpkg -i. Going back to the 
 libgtkembedmoz svn checkout and running dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot 
 throws up another dependency issue with bc. apt-get install 
 bc doesn't 
 work. Anyone know where i can get this from?

Alternatively, you could search bugzilla
Summary /contains/: doc

2152 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ASSIBrowser MicroB e
Documentation on how to build MicroB is not correct

And read the bug.

Sorry, the document in question is currently in such a position that I
can't figure out how to fix it. A replacement or patch attached to the
bug would speed up the process.
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [Fwd: Looking for npapi microb-engine header files]

2007-11-30 Thread josh.soref
Jean-Sébastien Légaré wrote on November 28, 2007 10:34 AM
Subject: Looking for npapi microb-engine header files
 I would like to port an existing mozilla plugin to the microb browser
 on the N800 running the latest OS2007. The whitepaper on the
 microb-engine available at doesn't say much
 about their implementation of NPAPI and NPRuntime.

It's standard gecko from a certain time period, but you shouldn't need to ask, 
NPAPI has functions you can call to ask if features.

 Where could I get the set of header files, specific to the
 microb-engine on the n800 that I need to include in my plugin code?

NPAPI is designed such that you should not need to get some specific version. 
Use the version you're using, and the run it. If you write your plugin 
correctly so that it asks for features then it will just work.

 am referring to the header files that we normally find in the
 gecko-sdk, such as npapi.h and npupp.h.
Shows that chinook has a package whose source includes the files of interest.

Reading through:
It seems that the only likely candidate is
  68 Package: microb-engine-dev

 Also, once I manage to compile the plugin as a shared object, how can
 I register it in the browser ? e.g. Can I install it with xpi from the

How to create an extension package for Mozilla based browser for maemo

Clearly shows conversion from xpi to debian package
clearly says:

How can I extend the browser?

Thanks to the open standards support and a code base shared with Firefox, 
developers are able to easily port add-ons and extensions available from Firefox extensions can not be installed directly.
There is a project to help enhance MicroB, called browser-extras which is busy 
porting and packaging content and extensions to improve your browsing 
experience as well as reduce the pressure on our in house developers. Thanks to 
their contributors there for settings it up and working on it. 

You can examine the packages they produce:

At the present .deb is the only official way to install things, and this is a 
platform requirement (xpinstall was explicitly disabled per platform 
integration requirements)

 Can I place it in user's home directory under
 .mozilla/plugins/ or something similar ?

There are actually a couple of choices

System plugins are installed into:
/usr/lib/browser/plugins with symlinks pointing to them in ~/.mozilla/plugins

This is probably the best behavior as it enables hypothetical users to choose 
which plugins to have enabled w/o forcing multiple installations of the same 

Please please please keep in mind that there can easily be more than one 
browser on the system. My systems tend to have at least 3:
Opera (I have a 770...)

Your plug-ins should be written according to NPAPI which means runtime 
interogation and proper error handling. You should not be crashing just because 
the user has a different browser (newer, older, or just plain different) 
hosting your plugin. NPAPI requires that plugins be browser agnostic.
maemo-developers mailing list