VKB state (popped up/hidden ?)

2008-09-02 Thread tonikitoo (Antonio Gomes)
hi guys,

Is it possible to found out whether the virtual keyboard is being
shown or hidden programaticaly ?

--Antonio Gomes
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Download request signal in browser-eal

2008-07-11 Thread tonikitoo (Antonio Gomes)

maybe it has something to do w/ the new way microb is communicating
microb-eal w/ its ui - though - new eal (/usr/lib/libbrowserneteal.so)
- dbus. In your case I believe you want to use the old
libbrowsereal.so to do so. How are you linking against it ?


On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 9:27 AM, Mikko Mehtonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have an application which has an internal web browser. It is a WEB Engine
> widget from browser-eal. In Chinook everything worked nicely, but now when I
> updated to Diablo download request signals aren't working anymore. I have
> connected it:
> g_signal_connect(en_notify, G_WEBWIDGET_SIGNAL_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST,
> G_CALLBACK(g_web_widget_signal_download_request), NULL);
> But g_web_widget_signal_download_request function never gets called, even if
> it should. Other signals are working properly. Does anyone have any ideas or
> should I report bug somewhere?
> -Mikko
> ___
> maemo-developers mailing list
> maemo-developers@maemo.org
> https://lists.maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/maemo-developers

--Antonio Gomes
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: xulrunner on scratchbox(CHINOOK)

2008-06-17 Thread tonikitoo (Antonio Gomes)
there are some instruction to build fennec (code name for firefox mobile) here:

http://wiki.mozilla.org/Mobile/Build/Fennec ...

to build just "xulrunner", remove all "mobile" stuff from mozconfig file.


On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 2:25 AM, jitender singh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> can someone tell how to install xulrunner on scratchbox,
> and also link/references to study C-bindings of xulrunner
> ___
> maemo-developers mailing list
> maemo-developers@maemo.org
> https://lists.maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/maemo-developers

--Antonio Gomes
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Fullscreen and flash, again ;-)

2008-03-10 Thread tonikitoo (Antonio Gomes)
you could tweak on some gconf to disable vkb from you app ?

maybe /etc/gconf/schemas/hildon-input-method-ui*.schemas

On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 11:48 AM, Frédéric Charrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
>  sorry, but I still have a question about fullscreen & flash.
>  In my flash app, when I clic on a textfield area, the toolbar appears
>  on the bottom of the screen, displaying the keyboard mode of the N810
>  ("abc" / "Fn" / "ABC"...)
>  Is there a way to disable this toolbar ?
>  Thanks,
>  Frédéric

--Antonio Gomes
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Hybrid Web/Python apps with gtkmozembed

2008-03-06 Thread tonikitoo (Antonio Gomes)

> Hi there,
>  I spent a few days working on a Maemo Python app that embed mozilla
>  via gtkmozembed. This ITT posting has a short description and
>  screenshots, source and debian packages are available on the linked
>  page:
>  http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showpost.php?p=150211&postcount=40
>  Since libgtkmozembed packages are now in the maemo chinook repository,
>  all that is missing is the python binding for gtkmozembed, which is
>  part of the gnome-python-extras package. Thankfully, Owen Williams had
>  already built this for maemo [1], and also helped me build it myself.
>  [1] http://ywwg.com/maemo/
>  The good: Although the gtkmozembed API [2] is rather coarse, it is
>  possible to have two-way communication between gtk/python and
>  javascript running in the browser quite easily. For python to
>  javascript, simply send "javascript:foo()" URLs to the browser like
>  bookmarklets do. Javascript to python is a bit more tricky. What I do
>  is open URLs like "http://cmd/dosomething#arg"; from javascript, and
>  catch them in a python function bound to the browser's "open-uri"
>  signal [3]. So it's really possible to have both worlds integrated
>  seamlessly.
>  [2] http://www.pygtk.org/pygtkmozembed/class-gtkmozembed.html
>  [3] 
> http://www.pygtk.org/pygtkmozembed/class-gtkmozembed.html#signal-gtkmozembed--open-uri
>  And now the bad: the embedded browser is not hildonized. At least I
>  couldn't get the virutal keyboard to pop up by clicking into a HTML
>  form input field. Also, scrolling via dragging did not work. Do these
>  features have to be enabled by some init code, or are they implemented
>  on top of libgtkmozembed? What amount of work would be involved to get
>  a fully hildonized embedded browser widget?

This "hildonization" (vkb handling) is implemented in another microb
layer, microb-eal (see

instead of straight using gtkmozembed , you could maybe use
browser/microb-eal to access browser functionalities.

>  I think that hybrid GTK/Web apps have a lot of potential. I'd love to
>  have this well supported on maemo!



--Antonio Gomes
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: EAL Example (attempt)

2008-02-13 Thread tonikitoo (Antonio Gomes)

IIRC, page_size and finish_status values were hardcoded in open
chinook release timeframe. But it has been fixed in latest versions
(microb svn). I am running microb-engine/eal from the svn (latest
snapshot) , ran your example and things worked fine:

* start, title, stop, url changed signals got fired fine (see console
output bellow)

Start Loading signal, with url: file:///bin
Url changed signal, new url is: file:///bin
MOZMOZEAL:title_changed_cb:1698: Embed:0x822c878, Title: 'file:///bin'
Title changed signal, new title is: file:///bin
Url changed signal, new url is: file:///bin
Finished Loading signal with status 0, and page size 4255

* page_size is properly shwon for each load.

* file:/// page was rendered properly and I am able to browser through
links (local folders).

So try building microb-engine/eal and browser-eal by your hands from
the svn ...  issues are fixed.


On Feb 12, 2008 4:45 PM, Andrew Gatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK so i'm trying to hack together an EAL example, it seems to be firing
> up the mozilla-eal, the finished loading signal is triggered, but i'm
> not getting anything on the display. The finish_status is 0 and the page
> size is 15000 everytime, so i'm sure i'm doing something wrong.
> Can anyone spot what i'm missing? This is all done under the chinook
> sdk. I had to apt-get install browser-eal, browser-eal-dev and
> microb-eal. I also did an apt-get install microb-engine and
> microb-engine-dev.
> I'd really appreciate some help on this if anyone has got any

--Antonio Gomes
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Wish list

2008-02-11 Thread tonikitoo (Antonio Gomes)

I would like to request a "apply to all" check button in the proxy set
up dialog (network manager) like Firefox does. it is really simple to
implement and particulary useful.

my 2 cents

--Antonio Gomes
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Where can I find source codes of following MicroB Browser Packages

2008-01-16 Thread tonikitoo (Antonio Gomes)
On Jan 16, 2008 7:03 AM, Daniel Bainton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 16/01/2008, Huang Gao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dear all Maemo guys:
> >
> >I am studying MicroB for Bora, and can not find source codes of
> > following packages:
> >
> >   tablet-browser-controls_0.1.16-1_armel.deb
> >
> > tablet-browser-default-plugin_0.1.2-1_armel.deb
> >
> > tablet-browser-dialogs_0.1.9-1_armel.deb
> >
> > tablet-browser-ui_0.2.9-1_armel.deb
> >
> > tablet-browser-widgets_0.13.11-1_armel.deb
> >
> >Is there anybody can tell me where I can find them?
> I believe those are all closed source by Nokia. They're not really a
> part of MicroB, just the browser UI. A pity really that it isn't a
> completely free browser...


But you can use https://garage.maemo.org/svn/browser/browser-ui/ for
microb testing proposes .


--Antonio Gomes
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Microb browser and GTK configuration

2007-12-20 Thread tonikitoo (Antonio Gomes)
Hi Tomàs,

Don't care about the UI ... Actually, you can build only the microb
stuff (microb-eal, microb-engine and libgtkembedmoz - and
dependencies) with your changes and install .deb files.

> I've been googling a while looking for alternatives to microb browser
> that may use GTK and I've found that you were working time ago to port
> MiniMo browser to ITOS2006. Do you know if MiniMo use GTK or as a 
> Mozilla-based browser like microb

Minimo runs the same engine of Firefox 2.x , while microb runs FF 3.x
, but in their guts, both use gtk on the same way (emulating it -
josh, could you explain better here ?). Actually, mozilla's
libgtkembedmoz is a gtk widget to make mozilla embedding easier in a
gtk application. Microb uses it, minimo does not.

--Antonio Gomes
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Microb browser and GTK configuration

2007-12-19 Thread tonikitoo (Antonio Gomes)

go to 
and search for 'gtk_mozilla_tap_and_hold_timeout' and friends there

my 2 cents

On Dec 19, 2007 2:31 PM, Tomàs Jiménez Lozano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've modified GTK source code to change the amount of time that is
> needed to fire the "tap and hold" event after the initial tap.
> All applications installed in my N800 device fire the "tap and hold"
> event 10 seconds after the initial tap. All applications except the one
> all this effort was intended for: microb browser.
> Does any one know why microb browser does not react to GTK configuration
> changes and it still shows the contextual menu after a
> just-one-second-tap?
> Could this be fixed?

--Antonio Gomes
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Embed microb

2007-12-05 Thread tonikitoo (Antonio Gomes)
if you  built libgtkembedmoz from svn, you better build microb-engine
from svn as well .. maybe this compile errors just go way after that

On 12/5/07, Andrew Gatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > OK so i followed this http://scratchbox.org/wiki/Apophis-r4 under
> > Crocodile heading which allowed me to compile libidl and libidl-dev
> > which are now both installed using dpkg -i. Going back to the
> > libgtkembedmoz svn checkout and running dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
> > throws up another dependency issue with bc. apt-get install bc
> > doesn't work. Anyone know where i can get this from?
> >
> >
>  Alternatively, you could search bugzilla
>  https://bugs.maemo.org/query.cgi?product=Browser&resolution=---
>  Summary /contains/: "doc"
>  https://bugs.maemo.org/buglist.cgi?product=Browser&short_desc=doc&short_
>  desc_type=allwordssubstr&resolution=---
>  2152 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ASSI Browser MicroB e
>  Documentation on how to build MicroB is not correct
>  https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2152
>  And read the bug.
>  Sorry, the document in question is currently in such a position that I
>  can't figure out how to fix it. A replacement or patch attached to the
>  bug would speed up the process.
>  ___
>  maemo-developers mailing list
>  maemo-developers@maemo.org
>  https://lists.maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/maemo-developers
> >> Thanks for the heads up, that does show what i've been going through. I
> >> followed the last couple of steps and ran fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -us
> >> -uc -nc -d inside libgtkembedmoz checkout. This did get rid of the bc
> >> dependency, but the compilation errors:
> >>
> >> ../../src/EmbedPrivate.cpp:2334: error: request for member `type' in
> >> `pluginEvent.nsPluginEvent::event', which is of non-class type `uint16'
> >>
> >> I did a quick grep for nsPluginEvent, but that line was the only hit so
> >> i'm not sure where its referencing it from or why it doesn't like it.
> >> Has anyone actually managed to compile this library?
> >> ___
> >> maemo-developers mailing list
> >> maemo-developers@maemo.org
> >> https://lists.maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/maemo-developers
> >>
> >>
> >
> > odd .. how did you build your microb-engine package ? as described in
> > browser garage website ?
> >
> >
> Ah this is a right mess. I actually installed microb with apt-get.
> apt-get install microb-engine and microb-engine-dev. But i did this
> before i'd added the chinook repositories to the sources.list. I've
> updated the two packages (which automatically did the dependencies).
> After this i did a fresh checkout of libidl and libgtkembedmoz. Ran
> through compiling and installing libidl as per bug page which went fine.
> Started compiling libgtkembedmoz which now runs further but comes up
> with compile errors:
> ../../src/EmbedDownloadMgr.cpp:775: error: `nsIXPIProgressDialog' has
> not been declared
> ../../src/EmbedDownloadMgr.cpp:775: error: `DOWNLOAD_START' undeclared
> (first use this function)
> ../../src/EmbedDownloadMgr.cpp:775: error: (Each undeclared identifier
> is reported only once for each function it appears in.)
> ../../src/EmbedDownloadMgr.cpp:777: error: `nsIXPIProgressDialog' has
> not been declared
> .
> There are more but they are all along the same lines and i thought i'd
> spare you. I'm sure i'm doing something stupid or not in the right
> order, but i have to say i'm getting confused!

--Antonio Gomes
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Embed microb

2007-12-04 Thread tonikitoo (Antonio Gomes)
humm, 'apt-get build-dep libgtkmozembed microb-engine' (or
libgtkembedmoz, I dont recall correctly) would work, but if it dont,
you can checkout the libidl the same way you did for libgtkembedmoz
(same repository), and build it by yourself as well.


about you apt-get problem, maybe copying you /etc/resolv.conf from
outside to inside sbox ? not sure ... =/


> Thanks "use 'dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot' " is what i was looking for.
> However now i've got a different problem. Using this command spots a
> dependency issue with libidl-dev. Trying apt-get install libidl-dev gives:
> Reading package lists... Done
> Building dependency tree... Done
> W: Couldn't stat source package list file: chinook/explicit Packages
> (/var/lib/apt/lists/_home_maemo_maemo-sdk-nokia-binaries%5f4.0_dists_chinook_explicit_binary-i386_Packages)
> - stat (2 No such file or directory)
> W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems
> E: Couldn't find package libidl-dev
> Running apt-get update gives:
> Ign file: chinook Release.gpg
> Ign file: chinook Release
> Err file: chinook/explicit Packages
>   File not found
> Ign http://repository.maemo.org bora Release.gpg
> Ign http://repository.maemo.org bora Release.gpg
> Hit http://repository.maemo.org bora Release
> Hit http://repository.maemo.org bora Release
> Ign http://repository.maemo.org bora/free Packages/DiffIndex
> Ign http://repository.maemo.org bora/non-free Packages/DiffIndex
> Ign http://repository.maemo.org bora/free Sources/DiffIndex
> Ign http://repository.maemo.org bora/free Packages/DiffIndex
> Ign http://repository.maemo.org bora/non-free Packages/DiffIndex
> Hit http://repository.maemo.org bora/free Packages
> Hit http://repository.maemo.org bora/non-free Packages
> Hit http://repository.maemo.org bora/free Sources
> Hit http://repository.maemo.org bora/free Packages
> Hit http://repository.maemo.org bora/non-free Packages
> Failed to fetch
> file:/home/maemo/maemo-sdk-nokia-binaries_4.0/dists/chinook/explicit/binary-i386/Packages.gz
> File not found
> Reading package lists... Done
> W: Couldn't stat source package list file: chinook/explicit Packages
> (/var/lib/apt/lists/_home_maemo_maemo-sdk-nokia-binaries%5f4.0_dists_chinook_explicit_binary-i386_Packages)
> - stat (2 No such file or directory)
> W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems
> E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old
> ones used instead.
> As mentioned i'm using the VMWare sdk, and i've installed (double
> clicked) the Install Nokia Binaries (Chinook). Any ideas?

--Antonio Gomes
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Embed microb

2007-12-04 Thread tonikitoo (Antonio Gomes)

if you do not want to use 'dpkg-buildpackege -rfakeroot' to build
libgtkembedmoz, try following debian/rules file steps manually.


On 12/4/07, Andrew Gatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tuomas Kulve wrote:
> > Andrew Gatt wrote:
> >
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> Does anyone know if its possible to embed the browser in a new window of
> >> your own program. This was possible with the original 770 OS, but they
> >> removed ability in later versions. Now they've moved over to the microb
> >> engine and the new 2008 OS maybe its possible again? Does anyone have
> >> any ideas?
> >>
> >
> > I don't know much about the subject, but maybe these reveal more:
> >
> > http://browser.garage.maemo.org/docs/eal/index.html
> > http://www.mozilla.org/unix/gtk-embedding.html
> > https://garage.maemo.org/svn/browser/mozilla/trunk/libgtkembedmoz/
> >
> >
> Thanks for that. I'm now trying to compile the libgtkembedmoz files
> inside the VMWare chinook sdk. I checked out the folder from maemo
> garage svn. I first tried to run auotgen.sh, but for some reason it
> didn't seem to decompress the src tarball into src/ so i did that
> manually, reran autogen.sh, then configure then tried make. However it
> gives me this error:
> Makefile:44: ../../../../config/autoconf.mk: No such file or directory
> Makefile:168: ../config/config.mk: No such file or directory
> Makefile:200: ../config/rules.mk: No such file or directory

--Antonio Gomes
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: OS 2008 Web browser scrolling with hardware keys

2007-12-03 Thread tonikitoo (Antonio Gomes)

you can disable the "spatial navigation" feature if you want to, just
open a browser window, load "about:config". At "set preference"
related input fields, set "snav.enabled" to "0" . Scroll will be
performed always in that way.


On Dec 3, 2007 5:04 PM, Daniel M German <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I installed OS 2008 two days ago. It is a very nice upgrade. Thank you
> to all go have been involved.
> The only real annoyance that I have experienced is the different
> behaviour of  how the "up" and "down" hardware keys behave inside the
> Web browser.
> In OS 2007, whenever the currently displayed area of the page did not
> have any links, pressing the down key will just scroll down a little
> bit. If there was a link below, it will jump to that link.
> The current behaviour jumps from link to link, regardless of where in
> the page they are.  Once has to scroll with the other hand.
> Jumping from link to link makes for very erratic behaviour, too.
> I presume this is a result of moving from the Opera engine to the
> Mozilla one, and it might be difficult to implement this feature
> exactly the same.
> But it would be nice to switch the behaviour of Up and Down to be more
> like Up and Down in the computer: just scroll. Or even better, provide
> both and let the user choose.
> I suspect there is a configuration file somewhere that tells the
> browser what to do when the user presses the up/down key?
> thank you!
> --
> --
> Daniel M. German
> http://turingmachine.org/
> http://silvernegative.com/
> dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
> replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .
> ___
> maemo-developers mailing list
> maemo-developers@maemo.org
> https://lists.maemo.org/mailman/listinfo/maemo-developers

--Antonio Gomes
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: n800 nokia tabletr

2007-12-03 Thread tonikitoo (Antonio Gomes)

take a look at browser-extras project, at fonts part, specially



> ia hav nokia n800 its not reding arabic web pages
> what can i do .
> help me duds
> thanks regards

hope it helps.

--Antonio Gomes
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: repositories: please provide microb-gtkmozembed

2007-11-27 Thread tonikitoo (Antonio Gomes)
https://garage.maemo.org/svn/browser/mozilla/trunk/libgtkembedmoz/ ?


--Antonio Gomes
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Details on SVG support status on N810 browser ?

2007-11-05 Thread tonikitoo (Antonio Gomes)
go to


search for "svg", and not commented out entry. No support !


--Antonio Gomes
Open Bossa
INdT - Instuto Nokia de Tecnologia
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Building microb in scratchbox

2007-10-18 Thread tonikitoo (Antonio Gomes)

If you update your source, you will see that the patch for that change
is commented out. Go to
and look for "750" (it is the patch number) .. it is out !


On 10/18/07, Tommi Komulainen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-10-18 at 22:49 +1300, ext Chris Double wrote:
> > On 10/18/07, Kaj-Michael Lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > What SDK/Gtk are you using ? That function is new in gtk 2.12.
> > > (http://library.gnome.org/devel/gdk/stable/gdk-Events.html#id2743065)
> >
> > I'm using Maemo Bora 3.2 SDK.
> gdk_event_request_motions() is new in Chinook, the implementation is
> trivial:
> void
> gdk_event_request_motions (GdkEventMotion *event)
> {
>   g_return_if_fail (event != NULL);
>   if (event->type == GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY && event->is_hint)
> gdk_device_get_state (event->device, event->window, NULL, NULL);
> }

--Antonio Gomes
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: microb-browser depends osso-browser-opera-eal

2007-09-20 Thread tonikitoo (Antonio Gomes)
On 9/20/07, Miko Nieminen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just realized that microb-browser package has dependency to
> osso-browser-opera-eal. Is this just a bug or why this dependency exists? It
> just doesn't make any sense.

there is no such dependency. Where did you get it from  ? what does

$ grep -inHR opera-eal microb-engine/microb-engine/debian/

get to you ?

> Btw, maemo repositories lack one of microb-engine build dependencies (bc).

that is a bug ; )

--Antonio Gomes
INdT - Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia - Manaus / Br
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: how to install libIDL-2.0 into scratchbox

2007-09-17 Thread tonikitoo (Antonio Gomes)
https://garage.maemo.org/svn/browser/mozilla/trunk/libidl/ ;)

On 9/17/07, hong zhang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> List,
> I have installed maemo 3.1 with scratchbox using
> installer scripts successfully. It asks libIDL-2.0
> when firefox is compiled inside scratchbox using
> SDK_ARMEL . There is no libIDL hearders and library in
> maemo3.1.
> Does anyone know how to install libIDL package for
> maemo3.1 or I have to upgrade to maemo3.2 to have it?

--Antonio Gomes
maemo-developers mailing list