>Yes, I also noticed the flurry of dev projects after the
> announcement.Interesting.

I would say,  "logic", not "interesting".  One thing is to invest  your
spare time in an open source project (I don't  know you guys,  but i do
other things  for a living) but also investing  400 euros is maybe too much
to ask to developers, who are creating the sustainability of the N800 as an
appealing platform for non developers. Also, consider that the new N800 is
much better and more appealing that the 770, so many of us are now
considering it seriously.

By the way, I'm not currently in any project (neither do I own a N800 in
this moment) but I'm cooking one project regarding gesture based interfaces.
If initial research goes well, I'll let you know  . . . and this will hapen
regardless  of that rebate :-D

Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 11:02:34 -0800
From: Ty Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [maemo-developers] n800 camera specs
To: Michael Wiktowy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: maemo developers mailing list <maemo-developers@maemo.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

Michael Wiktowy wrote:
> On 1/16/07, Matt Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >
>> > I take nokia is going to refund the €300/$300 price difference for
>> > people that bought an
>> > n800 already but are going to be in the dev program?
>> Wow, that's a wonderfully well developed sense of entitlement you've
>> got there.
> Getting beyond the easily misinterpreted intentions of mailing list
> participants, he does have a very good idea. If Nokia just sends 500
> worthy developers mail-in rebates for store-bought n800's then there
> is no issue of waiting anymore. It is probably the easiest thing to
> handle logistically on Nokia's side also.
> On another note, one beneficial thing that this delay has generated is
> a lot of developer activity on the 770 as devs fight to get noticed
> via project updates :]
> So as a simple user I say, Nokia, delay all you want ;]
> /Mike
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Yes, I also noticed the flurry of dev projects after the announcement.
Interesting. Maybe the whole discount program is just a psychological
experiment on motivation and reward, and there are no discounted units.
Perhaps it's a first test for the 'bounty' program discussed
earlier...(please don't misinterpret my intentions! I'm just kidding!)



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