Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help?

2006-10-21 Thread Carlos Guerreiro

ext koos vriezen wrote:

2006/10/21, Carlos Guerreiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

ext Murray Cumming wrote:
> I'm not seeing any significant improvement to this situation, and
> Nokia's developers seem no less busy. So I'm still wasting time 

> incredibly minor patches.
> I still think a dedicated empowered community liason would fix this.
Murray, you have suggested this before and we have taken notice. At some
that would most probably improve things and it might very well happen.
However, at
this point our difficulties mainly stem from internal development
processes that are
not well good at enabling community platform development.

I don't fully agree with this, Nokia isn't doing so bad IMO. First the
$99 campaign was a smart move to start up a community. The
and garage are great infrastructures for developers. Scratchbox simply
rocks IMHO. And is often one of the answering ones on this
Certainly. All of this is great infrastructure for _application_ 
That's the original focus of Maemo, to provide a good platform for 

development on the 770.

My understanding of Murray's frustration is that it is mainly about the 
difficulty of
doing  _platform_ development, meaning contributing to Maemo itself, not 

building  on top of Maemo.
It is hardly surprising that community platform development has been so 
given that was not originally a goal for Maemo. Sure, the platform is 
open, the source code
is available and we've tried to enable tinkering with it as much as 
possible since having an
open platform helps and encourages application development and hey, 
contributions to the

platform wouldn't hurt.
But we (Nokia) didn't prepare ourselves or Maemo for developing Maemo 
itself openly with
the community, In terms of infrastructure, processes and even mindset. 
That's why Murray

and others find it so hard to contribute.

Recently we have selected the HAF as the playground for experimenting 
with community
platform development. Why the HAF? Mostly because it contains many of 
the open-source
components originated by Nokia (e.g.: maemo-af-desktop). Those are the 
ones that would benefit
the most from attracting a community of developers. So it's the HAF 
software and the HAF

team that are the primary focus of process and infrastructure adjustments.

May I humbly suggest that not only the haf is important, but also the
community applications may need some more attention. New releases from
Nokia almost looks like calling processEvents() on the community, apps
update/improve suddenly faster. Someone that pushes the community
other ways may do this also.

That's true, point taken.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help?

2006-10-21 Thread koos vriezen

2006/10/21, Carlos Guerreiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

ext Murray Cumming wrote:
> I'm not seeing any significant improvement to this situation, and
> Nokia's developers seem no less busy. So I'm still wasting time chasing
> incredibly minor patches.
> I still think a dedicated empowered community liason would fix this.
Murray, you have suggested this before and we have taken notice. At some
that would most probably improve things and it might very well happen.
However, at
this point our difficulties mainly stem from internal development
processes that are
not well good at enabling community platform development.

I don't fully agree with this, Nokia isn't doing so bad IMO. First the
$99 campaign was a smart move to start up a community. The
and garage are great infrastructures for developers. Scratchbox simply
rocks IMHO. And is often one of the answering ones on this

We are working hard
to adjust them but this is something that is difficult to do within the
constraints of
product development and internal infrastructure. It takes time. Please
be patient,
things are improving at many levels.
> As ever, I'm not complaining so much as trying to suggest how to make
> things perfect.
Your suggestions and help are as always welcome and motivating.

May I humbly suggest that not only the haf is important, but also the
community applications may need some more attention. New releases from
Nokia almost looks like calling processEvents() on the community, apps
update/improve suddenly faster. Someone that pushes the community
other ways may do this also.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help?

2006-10-21 Thread Carlos Guerreiro

ext Koen Kooi wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Murray Cumming schreef:

I'm not seeing any significant improvement to this situation, and
Nokia's developers seem no less busy. So I'm still wasting time chasing
incredibly minor patches.

I still think a dedicated empowered community liason would fix this.

A liason that actively comminucates, instead of passively. Things like herring 
are a great
initiative, but if it's only mentioned on IRC after some questioning it will 
never be of
great value to non-developers.

Hi Koen,

Herring will be announced soon during the next few days, once the 
repository is minimally ready. Please be patient.
For those who cannot absolutely wait  here's a few words about herring, 
which you can find on


Sardine will always contain the latest component versions. However, in 
order to make releases it is necessary to feature freeze the software 
and concentrate on polishing, bug-fixing and otherwise stabilizing the 
code. Doing this without stopping forward development requires branching 
off the code. This is done in the revision control system, component by 
component as it becomes necessary. When components start branching in 
the revision control system the Sardine distro branches as well: a 
separate stabilization distro is created.

The current stabilization HAF distro is Herring. _Please note that the 
Herring is still under construction but should be available very soon_

We are preparing the herring repository here:

   * deb herring main non-free

However, I wouldn't encourage anybody to try it out just yet, it's just 
not ready.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help?

2006-10-21 Thread Carlos Guerreiro

ext Murray Cumming wrote:

I'm not seeing any significant improvement to this situation, and
Nokia's developers seem no less busy. So I'm still wasting time chasing
incredibly minor patches.

I still think a dedicated empowered community liason would fix this.
Murray, you have suggested this before and we have taken notice. At some 
that would most probably improve things and it might very well happen. 
However, at
this point our difficulties mainly stem from internal development 
processes that are
not well good at enabling community platform development. We are working 
to adjust them but this is something that is difficult to do within the 
constraints of
product development and internal infrastructure. It takes time. Please 
be patient,

things are improving at many levels.

As ever, I'm not complaining so much as trying to suggest how to make
things perfect.

Your suggestions and help are as always welcome and motivating.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help?

2006-10-21 Thread Koen Kooi
Hash: SHA1

Murray Cumming schreef:
> I'm not seeing any significant improvement to this situation, and
> Nokia's developers seem no less busy. So I'm still wasting time chasing
> incredibly minor patches.
> I still think a dedicated empowered community liason would fix this.

A liason that actively comminucates, instead of passively. Things like herring 
are a great
initiative, but if it's only mentioned on IRC after some questioning it will 
never be of
great value to non-developers.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Darwin)

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help?

2006-10-21 Thread Murray Cumming
I'm not seeing any significant improvement to this situation, and
Nokia's developers seem no less busy. So I'm still wasting time chasing
incredibly minor patches.

I still think a dedicated empowered community liason would fix this.

As ever, I'm not complaining so much as trying to suggest how to make
things perfect.

On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 20:42 +0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi Murray,
> > The Maemo community is alive, but not thriving as much as it 
> > could. This
> > is because the Nokia developers are so busy and are often unable to
> > respond to the simplest of requests for changes or information, and
> > often unable to even acknowledge that contributions have been 
> > accepted.
> > It's OK to be busy, so this isn't a personal attack on those 
> > developers.
> > It's a suggestion for how to take the weight off them.
> Yes, the Maemo community could be more thriving, and insufficiently
> open development is a key limitation.
> Developers are busy working on the next release and don't have as much
> time as they would wish to interact with the community.
> Things will not always be like this, but at the moment that is the focus
> we have. There are many ways to disappoint, slow developer community
> development is one of them, but there's also the product.
> However, as Tommi pointed out, an equality important factor here is that
> our product development processes and infrastructure are not yet fully
> adapted to open platform development. Developing consumer electronics
> products takes a lot more than platform software development. So those
> processes take time to change. They touch a countless number of aspects
> that constrain how development can be done, and often for good reasons,
> even though from the outside one cannot see why.
> To open up development in order to be more able to make good use of
> the community's help, we are changing the way we do many things. As
> Marius pointed out, a lot is actually happening there. It takes substantial
> energy and time to make it happen. Some of this results in things you can see
> (e.g.: bugzilla) but even more in things you cannot see, as it's about
> fixing internal obstacles and bottlenecks and preparing the ground.
> Things are moving, slowly but surely.
> > I think Nokia needs to assign a dedicated community liaison, full time
> > or part time, while still demanding that all developers are involved
> > with the community as much as possible. This person would maintain the
> > web site, and help the community to maintain it by extracting
> > information from Nokia. This person would also do simple patch and bug
> > triage and apply obvious changes without bothering the developers with
> > trivial stuff.
> > 
> > It must be politically acceptable for this person to be under less
> > pressure than a regular developer. If the community liaison 
> > ever has no
> > problems to solve then that's good.
> > 
> > If you need a more traditional job title, you could squeeze these
> > responsibilities into "Documentation" or "Q & A".
> > 
> > Nokia will get a lot of the advantages of open source if they don't do
> > this, and the community will survive if they don't do this, 
> > but I think
> > the extra salary would be a good investment to get even more valuable
> > advantages.
> All of these tasks are important. Many of them are being done to the
> extent possible by their available time by a number of hard working
> people who (too modestly) "hide" under [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> They are more constrained by the current process and infrastructure
> limitations than anybody else.
> But it's the developers that are not involved enough. That's also
> slowly improving.
> Having a full-time community liason is one option, and athought provoking
> suggestion to be taken seriously. It's not the only option however.
> Definitely we could use more people.
> You'll notice we are hiring, we currently have a couple of positions
> open in, and we'll have more.
> Best regards,
> Carlos
Murray Cumming

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-05-11 Thread Devesh.Kothari

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of ext Dave Neuer
> Sent: 12 May, 2006 00:02
> To: Kothari Devesh (Nokia-M/Tampere)
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not
> complaining
> On 5/10/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > can you be more specific ???
> > >
> > > I can remove all software for which I cannot access and 
> re-publish the
> > > source code and all of the hardware capabilities (power 
> management,
> > > DSP and whatever other little doodads Nokia packed in 
> there) are still
> > > accessible; I can compile a kernel and a corresponding 
> initfs and root
> > > fs from source. Etc.
> >
> > Those are the goals but i have to admit we have not yet 
> reached there. We are
> > working on most parts e.g you can compile your own kernel, 
> create your custom rootfs,
> > remove stuff etc with package management. There are still 
> certain piecies which are
> > either not in our direct control (e.g TI/DSP related 
> stuff), and some which we
> > just cant give out (e.g battery related software).
> As far as the DSP stuff goes, if a developer has linux-dsp-tools,
> what's the issue? The actual code which implements the DSP tasks
> should be distributable under just about any license, no?

developers are free to use the linux-dsp-tool and write dsp tasks
(there have been some previous discussion on the mailing list about 
that)if they want to (and distribute it in a license terms they like), 
for us mostly the licensed codecs run as dsp tasks which
we cannot give out. sorry

> > For us it is important to strive a balance at product 
> creation and at the same
> > time persue the openness goal
> I certainly understand that being a software developer by profession
> myself. However, to some extent, the two goals are either at odds, or
> the second one is actually more important, to whit:

In my opinion, they are more complementary goals, like our desire towards
openess results in us thinking more about customizable, extendible and generally
better architecture which has clear points for openness and 
product differentiation. It also makes us think about enabling MOST developer
use cases to enable cooperation and working with communities as well
as engaging commercial ISV developers

> If Nokia has a product which is viable in the marketplace as it
> currently stands, it actually doesn't need the community and can do
> only what it has to do legally to comply with the licenses of the Free
> Software it ships. In which case pursuing openess is just a
> distraction and internal development effort focussed on that goal is
> probably wasted. This of course puts the community in a position where

Maemo and Nokia 770 is based on large majority or open software and 
has benifit from the open source, and that brings into us a sense to 
work together with the community as a constructive partner. To us open 
source and openness strategy is a long term investment and not a one time
opportunistic goal.
> it has little option but to reverse-engineer the parts that Nokia
> won't release and pursue whatever course makes the community's
> software usable and effective, even if it means forking.

As with all open source projects and initiatives these are individual
choices :) The better option is to identify areas which are close, and then
come up with extendible architecture, so the nokia solution can coexist with 
a reference implementation (so its more worth while to work on stable interfaces
and reasonable standardization). This provides 2 advantages, first better 
architecture and second, points of differentiation for vendors 
(i.e there could be optimized battery and power management features, or better
DSP optimized multimedia)

> On the other hand, if Nokia is hoping that it can leverage the
> comminity to *create* the software that makes the device a compelling
> product for consumers, then it's in a bind; it must please the
> developer community *first,* so that we'll be motivated to do the
> lifting required to get the product to that point; speaking
> personally, my own enthusiasm for the device is directly tied to its
> openess, and my interest in contributing is entirely linked to this

As i mentioned earlier, every individual needs to make or find his/her
happiness and hence reason for contributions. I am sorry to hear
you werent, but that only helps us to keep improving :)
> (hence my not developing software for the various Windows-based
> tablets and handhelds or purchasing said devices).
> To put this in a slightly different perspective, c

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-05-11 Thread Dave Neuer


> > can you be more specific ???
> I can remove all software for which I cannot access and re-publish the
> source code and all of the hardware capabilities (power management,
> DSP and whatever other little doodads Nokia packed in there) are still
> accessible; I can compile a kernel and a corresponding initfs and root
> fs from source. Etc.

Those are the goals but i have to admit we have not yet reached there. We are
working on most parts e.g you can compile your own kernel, create your custom 
remove stuff etc with package management. There are still certain piecies which 
either not in our direct control (e.g TI/DSP related stuff), and some which we
just cant give out (e.g battery related software).

As far as the DSP stuff goes, if a developer has linux-dsp-tools,
what's the issue? The actual code which implements the DSP tasks
should be distributable under just about any license, no?

For us it is important to strive a balance at product creation and at the same
time persue the openness goal

I certainly understand that being a software developer by profession
myself. However, to some extent, the two goals are either at odds, or
the second one is actually more important, to whit:

If Nokia has a product which is viable in the marketplace as it
currently stands, it actually doesn't need the community and can do
only what it has to do legally to comply with the licenses of the Free
Software it ships. In which case pursuing openess is just a
distraction and internal development effort focussed on that goal is
probably wasted. This of course puts the community in a position where
it has little option but to reverse-engineer the parts that Nokia
won't release and pursue whatever course makes the community's
software usable and effective, even if it means forking.

On the other hand, if Nokia is hoping that it can leverage the
comminity to *create* the software that makes the device a compelling
product for consumers, then it's in a bind; it must please the
developer community *first,* so that we'll be motivated to do the
lifting required to get the product to that point; speaking
personally, my own enthusiasm for the device is directly tied to its
openess, and my interest in contributing is entirely linked to this
(hence my not developing software for the various Windows-based
tablets and handhelds or purchasing said devices).

To put this in a slightly different perspective, compare it to the
situation in desktop and server operating systems: it is widely
accepted that it's the open source development process itself which
makes Linux a stable server platform, so it's strongly in the
self-interest of vendors shipping said hardware to support *the
community* well. On the other hand, desktop users are used to crappy
software and expect all the latest whizbang USB devices to work with
their machine out of the box; it's less clear why vendors selling
products in that market should care about fostering open-source
communities because their bottom-line depends on getting products to
market quickly with (perhaps poorly-functioning) device drivers for a
million devices they don't control.

I'm not sure which category Nokia finds itself in with the 770 (I'm
prepared to admit that I also may be creating a false dichotomy here,
but in order to be convinced I'd want to hear evidence); however, in
order for me to expend any effort on making the device a compelling
one, I need it to be compelling for me, and for me what makes any type
of computer or electronics device compelling is that I can run it
w/out using proprietary software. I don't mean to lecture here, but
that's what I believed I was getting myself into when I bought the

Anyway, I of course appreciate you taking the time to respond and to
engage in the discussion, I seriously hope that it eventually becomes
moot due to the device living up to the openess promise (and sincerely
hope it doesn't become moot because it fails in the marketplace before
that happens).

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-05-11 Thread Igor Stoppa
On Wed, 2006-05-10 at 14:45 -0500, ext Larry Battraw wrote:
> On 5/10/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > Behalf Of ext Dave Neuer
> > > Sent: 04 May, 2006 23:39
> > > To: Kothari Devesh (Nokia-M/Tampere)
> > > Cc:
> > > Subject: Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not
> > > complaining
> > > I can remove all software for which I cannot access and re-publish the
> > > source code and all of the hardware capabilities (power management,
> > > DSP and whatever other little doodads Nokia packed in there) are still
> > > accessible; I can compile a kernel and a corresponding initfs and root
> > > fs from source. Etc.
> >
> > Those are the goals but i have to admit we have not yet reached there. We 
> > are
> > working on most parts e.g you can compile your own kernel, create your 
> > custom rootfs,
> > remove stuff etc with package management. There are still certain piecies 
> > which are
> > either not in our direct control (e.g TI/DSP related stuff), and some which 
> > we
> > just cant give out (e.g battery related software).
>   I'm curious-- when you say you can't give out the battery-related
> software are you referring to the power management system as it stands
> OR any of the details about how to talk to the battery control
> interface?  I can understand either one, as the power management is
> difficult/proprietary, and the battery interface might allow someone
> to overcharge or destroy the battery.  That being said, it would be
> nice to have an entry in /proc of the raw battery voltage and any
> additional available power info.
> Larry

please note that the the vast majority of 770 power management stuff is
opened already, since it lives in kernelspace.


Igor Stoppa (Nokia M - OSSO / Tampere)
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-05-10 Thread Larry Battraw


> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of ext Dave Neuer
> Sent: 04 May, 2006 23:39
> To: Kothari Devesh (Nokia-M/Tampere)
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not
> complaining
> I can remove all software for which I cannot access and re-publish the
> source code and all of the hardware capabilities (power management,
> DSP and whatever other little doodads Nokia packed in there) are still
> accessible; I can compile a kernel and a corresponding initfs and root
> fs from source. Etc.

Those are the goals but i have to admit we have not yet reached there. We are
working on most parts e.g you can compile your own kernel, create your custom 
remove stuff etc with package management. There are still certain piecies which 
either not in our direct control (e.g TI/DSP related stuff), and some which we
just cant give out (e.g battery related software).

 I'm curious-- when you say you can't give out the battery-related
software are you referring to the power management system as it stands
OR any of the details about how to talk to the battery control
interface?  I can understand either one, as the power management is
difficult/proprietary, and the battery interface might allow someone
to overcharge or destroy the battery.  That being said, it would be
nice to have an entry in /proc of the raw battery voltage and any
additional available power info.

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-05-10 Thread Devesh.Kothari

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of ext Dave Neuer
> Sent: 04 May, 2006 23:39
> To: Kothari Devesh (Nokia-M/Tampere)
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not
> complaining
> > >
> > > Well, since you brought up "truely open product" and "expectation
> > > management," what are Nokia's expectations about when the 
> 770 will be
> > > a truely open product (i.e., I can run all free software 
> on the device
> > >
> > Maemo 2.0 would take it closer, with real package 
> management. It is even today
> > an open product, you can get root and install whatever you 
> want today :) but
> > remember the hardware limitations of the device itself :)
> >
> > > without losing any functionality)?
> > can you be more specific ???
> I can remove all software for which I cannot access and re-publish the
> source code and all of the hardware capabilities (power management,
> DSP and whatever other little doodads Nokia packed in there) are still
> accessible; I can compile a kernel and a corresponding initfs and root
> fs from source. Etc.

Those are the goals but i have to admit we have not yet reached there. We are
working on most parts e.g you can compile your own kernel, create your custom 
remove stuff etc with package management. There are still certain piecies which 
either not in our direct control (e.g TI/DSP related stuff), and some which we
just cant give out (e.g battery related software).

The important thing i believe is still to work with (work around;) limitations, 
and strive towards abstraction and generic architecture which would enable to 
make maemo more extensible, adaptable and customizable for different hardware 
configuration (though for the moment we pretty much product driven and that 
takes the priority, BUT i firmly believe that community with its experience can 
really help on this front), remember Nokia 770 is NOT
a kind of reference platform :) for us

For us it is important to strive a balance at product creation and at the same
time persue the openness goal

Rome was not built in a day :)

> Dave
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-05-04 Thread Dave Neuer


> Well, since you brought up "truely open product" and "expectation
> management," what are Nokia's expectations about when the 770 will be
> a truely open product (i.e., I can run all free software on the device
Maemo 2.0 would take it closer, with real package management. It is even today
an open product, you can get root and install whatever you want today :) but
remember the hardware limitations of the device itself :)

> without losing any functionality)?
can you be more specific ???

I can remove all software for which I cannot access and re-publish the
source code and all of the hardware capabilities (power management,
DSP and whatever other little doodads Nokia packed in there) are still
accessible; I can compile a kernel and a corresponding initfs and root
fs from source. Etc.

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-05-02 Thread Devesh.Kothari

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of ext Dave Neuer
> Sent: 02 May, 2006 21:07
> To:
> Subject: Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not
> complaining
> On 4/20/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > no offense, it always look simpler from the other side. 
> Developing and
> > bringing a product to market (in all my experience) is no 
> simple task
> > combine that with new challenges working with open source, 
> and OS communities,
> > new processes and at the same time building a truely open product.
> > I am not saying we havnt and we will not make mistakes 
> (maybe we will),
> > but we are ready to listen and willing to learn.
> >
> > And as i see right now, I am ready to take small baby steps 
> and disappoint few
> > than going grand. There is a natural order of things, and 
> lot what you suggested
> > would/may happen but lets take patience as a virtue.
> >
> >
> > As your rightly said, its about expectation management :)
> > cheers
> > Devesh
> Well, since you brought up "truely open product" and "expectation
> management," what are Nokia's expectations about when the 770 will be
> a truely open product (i.e., I can run all free software on the device
Maemo 2.0 would take it closer, with real package management. It is even today
an open product, you can get root and install whatever you want today :) but
remember the hardware limitations of the device itself :)

> without losing any functionality)?
can you be more specific ???


> This has been the #1 reason why the device has mostly sat unused in my
> house rather than constantly traveling with me and sucking up a lot of
> my time. I honestly expected based on Nokia's (admittedly limited)
> advanced advertising of the product that that would be the case
> immediately, rather than at some unspecified point in the future.
> Dave
> ___
> maemo-developers mailing list
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-05-02 Thread Dave Neuer


no offense, it always look simpler from the other side. Developing and
bringing a product to market (in all my experience) is no simple task
combine that with new challenges working with open source, and OS communities,
new processes and at the same time building a truely open product.
I am not saying we havnt and we will not make mistakes (maybe we will),
but we are ready to listen and willing to learn.

And as i see right now, I am ready to take small baby steps and disappoint few
than going grand. There is a natural order of things, and lot what you suggested
would/may happen but lets take patience as a virtue.

As your rightly said, its about expectation management :)

Well, since you brought up "truely open product" and "expectation
management," what are Nokia's expectations about when the 770 will be
a truely open product (i.e., I can run all free software on the device
without losing any functionality)?

This has been the #1 reason why the device has mostly sat unused in my
house rather than constantly traveling with me and sucking up a lot of
my time. I honestly expected based on Nokia's (admittedly limited)
advanced advertising of the product that that would be the case
immediately, rather than at some unspecified point in the future.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-04-25 Thread Jussi Pakkanen
--- Lorn Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > There is also the problem of free software that is
> > GPL-incompatible (MAME etc). They can't link
> against
> > GPL libraries, nor will anyone buy a commercial
> > license for them. Which means you are pretty much
> screwed.
> No, this just means that MAME is screwed.

In case you missed it, I wrote "MAME etc" in my
message. MAME is far from being the only program with
this problem, see for example here:

Among the software listed as GPL incompatible are
OpenSSL, Apache, original BSD stuff, anything Eclipse
related etc. Not that I'm saying that most of those
would make sense on a portable device, but the point
remains that _you can not use those programs and
libraries on an all GPL platform_. In principle even
compiling and using them on your own machine would be

> MAME has it's own legal problems, so I really doubt
> any company would 
> take the chance on delivering that on a device.

And here is the other problem. This is not about "a
company delivering a product". It is about an
individual developer's right to develop and port free
(but GPL incompatible) software and distribute those
programs to other people. Under a GPL/commercial dual
licensing method you can't do that without paying some
company money. A lot of people object to that.

There are disadvantages to both approaches. LGPL
allows closed source development without giving back
to the community and GPL is incompatible with some
free software licenses. During this and other similar
threads you have vehemently denied any and all
problems with GPL/commercial licensing while
downplaying LGPL.

There is a word for blindly refusing to accept any
other point of view than your own as having any merit.
Figuring out what that word is is left as an exercise
to the reader.

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maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-04-20 Thread Kalle Vahlman
On 4/20/06, Lorn Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kalle Vahlman wrote:
> >> The only "legal" difference of GPL and LGPL is
> >> that GPL insures derived sources remain open.
> >
> > No. Sources will always remain open with LGPL too. It's the combining
> > and linking with non-free (in fact, any) licensed work that LGPL
> > allows (and GPL doesn't).
> Which means sources are not open (those that are non free that are
> allowed to link to LGPL), which was my point.

Sources _derived_ from LGPL code will be, which was the fault in your
statement. Sources _combined_ with LGPL need not be, naturally.

Kalle Vahlman, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-04-20 Thread Simon Budig
Lorn Potter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Kalle Vahlman wrote:
> >>The only "legal" difference of GPL and LGPL is
> >>that GPL insures derived sources remain open.
> >
> >No. Sources will always remain open with LGPL too. It's the combining
> >and linking with non-free (in fact, any) licensed work that LGPL
> >allows (and GPL doesn't).
> Which means sources are not open (those that are non free that are 
> allowed to link to LGPL), which was my point.

To nitpick: You originally were talking about "derived sources", which
is something different than "clean room sources, using some LGPL

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-04-20 Thread Lorn Potter

Jussi Pakkanen wrote:

--- Lorn Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Correction. Qtopia is dual licensed, commercial and
GPL. GPL of course 
has no licensing cost. The only "legal" difference
of GPL and LGPL is 
that GPL insures derived sources remain open.

There is also the problem of free software that is
GPL-incompatible (MAME etc). They can't link against
GPL libraries, nor will anyone buy a commercial
license for them. Which means you are pretty much screwed.

No, this just means that MAME is screwed.
MAME has it's own legal problems, so I really doubt any company would 
take the chance on delivering that on a device.

Lorn 'ljp' Potter
Trolltech Qtopia Community Manager
Opie Core Developer
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-04-20 Thread Lorn Potter

Kalle Vahlman wrote:

The only "legal" difference of GPL and LGPL is
that GPL insures derived sources remain open.

No. Sources will always remain open with LGPL too. It's the combining
and linking with non-free (in fact, any) licensed work that LGPL
allows (and GPL doesn't).

Which means sources are not open (those that are non free that are 
allowed to link to LGPL), which was my point.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-04-20 Thread Lorn Potter

Kalle Vahlman wrote:

On 4/20/06, Lorn Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Weinehall David (Nokia-M/Tampere) wrote:

Just using plain Qtopia wouldn't have been an option, just as using
plain GTK+ without Hildon wasn't an option; we had to use a UI that
looks somewhat like Nokia's earlier products, without forking too
wildly.  So the work effort would've been the same either way; the
difference being that Qtopia would've incurred the added penalties
of a licensing cost, C++, and of course the extra legal issues
surrounding the fact that Qtopia is GPL, not LGPL.  The Nokia legal

Correction. Qtopia is dual licensed, commercial and GPL. GPL of course
has no licensing cost.

I remember seeing (but cannot confirm right now) a statement that some
modules were not allowed to be used on GPL when I compiled the
opensource version of Qtopia last night. So I guess to really have
that edge whith all the readily available thingies that were mentioned
one must pay the fee anyway?

The only missing 'modules' in pda commercial thats not in gpl version is 
qtmail. or are you meaning the phone version?

Then there is always Opie which has more programs than you need, and is 
also GPL and in some ways better than Qtopia.

Any company is going to have to pay some kind of fee, regardless whether 
it's a licensing fee, or fee's of developers to update and maintain your 
code base.

Lorn 'ljp' Potter
Trolltech Qtopia Community Manager
Opie Core Developer
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-04-20 Thread Jussi Pakkanen

--- Lorn Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Correction. Qtopia is dual licensed, commercial and
> GPL. GPL of course 
> has no licensing cost. The only "legal" difference
> of GPL and LGPL is 
> that GPL insures derived sources remain open.

There is also the problem of free software that is
GPL-incompatible (MAME etc). They can't link against
GPL libraries, nor will anyone buy a commercial
license for them. Which means you are pretty much screwed.

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maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-04-20 Thread Marius Vollmer

> And as i see right now, I am ready to take small baby steps [...]

First baby-step for you, Devesh: use a real mail program and not one
that corrupts your From: header... :-)

(From what I have heard, these annoying [EMAIL PROTECTED] addresses
are due to some Outlook or Exchange mis-feature that tries to clean
outgoing mail addresses.)

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-04-20 Thread Kalle Vahlman
On 4/20/06, Lorn Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Weinehall David (Nokia-M/Tampere) wrote:
> [snip]
> > Just using plain Qtopia wouldn't have been an option, just as using
> > plain GTK+ without Hildon wasn't an option; we had to use a UI that
> > looks somewhat like Nokia's earlier products, without forking too
> > wildly.  So the work effort would've been the same either way; the
> > difference being that Qtopia would've incurred the added penalties
> > of a licensing cost, C++, and of course the extra legal issues
> > surrounding the fact that Qtopia is GPL, not LGPL.  The Nokia legal
> Correction. Qtopia is dual licensed, commercial and GPL. GPL of course
> has no licensing cost.

I remember seeing (but cannot confirm right now) a statement that some
modules were not allowed to be used on GPL when I compiled the
opensource version of Qtopia last night. So I guess to really have
that edge whith all the readily available thingies that were mentioned
one must pay the fee anyway?

> The only "legal" difference of GPL and LGPL is
> that GPL insures derived sources remain open.

No. Sources will always remain open with LGPL too. It's the combining
and linking with non-free (in fact, any) licensed work that LGPL
allows (and GPL doesn't).

Kalle Vahlman, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-04-20 Thread Weinehall David (Nokia-M/Tampere)
On tor, 2006-04-20 at 18:05 +1000, ext Lorn Potter wrote:
> Weinehall David (Nokia-M/Tampere) wrote:
> [snip]
> > Just using plain Qtopia wouldn't have been an option, just as using
> > plain GTK+ without Hildon wasn't an option; we had to use a UI that
> > looks somewhat like Nokia's earlier products, without forking too
> > wildly.  So the work effort would've been the same either way; the
> > difference being that Qtopia would've incurred the added penalties
> > of a licensing cost, C++, and of course the extra legal issues
> > surrounding the fact that Qtopia is GPL, not LGPL.  The Nokia legal
> Correction. Qtopia is dual licensed, commercial and GPL. GPL of course 
> has no licensing cost. The only "legal" difference of GPL and LGPL is 
> that GPL insures derived sources remain open.

Yes, but since we're talking about a library here, we would have to pay
the licensing cost, since we have several applications on our
device that are closed source and thus cannot use the GPL-version of
the library.  So there would be a licensing cost.

And yes, I already know the difference between the GPL and the LGPL,
thank you very much...

Regards: David Weinehall
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-04-20 Thread Lorn Potter

Weinehall David (Nokia-M/Tampere) wrote:

Just using plain Qtopia wouldn't have been an option, just as using
plain GTK+ without Hildon wasn't an option; we had to use a UI that
looks somewhat like Nokia's earlier products, without forking too
wildly.  So the work effort would've been the same either way; the
difference being that Qtopia would've incurred the added penalties
of a licensing cost, C++, and of course the extra legal issues
surrounding the fact that Qtopia is GPL, not LGPL.  The Nokia legal

Correction. Qtopia is dual licensed, commercial and GPL. GPL of course 
has no licensing cost. The only "legal" difference of GPL and LGPL is 
that GPL insures derived sources remain open.

Lorn 'ljp' Potter
Trolltech Qtopia Community Manager
Opie Core Developer
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help?]

2006-04-20 Thread Devesh.Kothari

>  Original Message 
> Subject: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help?
> Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 13:14:13 +0200
> From: ext Murray Cumming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> The Maemo community is alive, but not thriving as much as it 
> could. This
> is because the Nokia developers are so busy and are often unable to
> respond to the simplest of requests for changes or information, and
> often unable to even acknowledge that contributions have been 
> accepted.

I agree. but sometimes, I believe also community cannot be pushed 
too hard either, things just take time (simple example is if
something itches, you step in to solve :)

> It's OK to be busy, so this isn't a personal attack on those 
> developers.
> It's a suggestion for how to take the weight off them.
> I think Nokia needs to assign a dedicated community liaison, full time
> or part time, while still demanding that all developers are involved
> with the community as much as possible. This person would maintain the
> web site, and help the community to maintain it by extracting
> information from Nokia. This person would also do simple patch and bug
> triage and apply obvious changes without bothering the developers with
> trivial stuff.

I rather turn this other way to identify clear problems today and expectations
e.g (here is my list), feel free to add

1. Responsive discussion on mailing list (this should decrease, as Maemo 
  and more things get documented) - so patience advised
   [Thing community can do for us] : Create a Wiki page with concrete How-To's 
needed. Remember so 
   many things are discussed on mailing dev list, which are asked again and 
again. Also it is easier
   to update things at one place, when things change
2. clear forums for feature/enhancements discussion
3. more transparency from Nokia about Maemo roadmap (with ability for community 
to be involved)
4. responsive bugzilla [this should now start to work :)
5. ability for community to be involved with bleeding edge Maemo, to contribue 
and experiment
   baby step 
6. ability for community to contribute and share Maemo applications
7. Clear process from each project (in Murrays case HAF) 
   - how they accept contributions (e.g access rights, patches, feature 

I still see a lot of value in Murrays proposal, and as Carlos pointed out :) 
there are hiring announcements :).


> It must be politically acceptable for this person to be under less
> pressure than a regular developer. If the community liaison 
> ever has no
> problems to solve then that's good.
> If you need a more traditional job title, you could squeeze these
> responsibilities into "Documentation" or "Q & A".
> Nokia will get a lot of the advantages of open source if they don't do
> this, and the community will survive if they don't do this, 
> but I think
> the extra salary would be a good investment to get even more valuable
> advantages.
> -- 
> Murray Cumming
> ___
> maemo-developers mailing list
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-04-20 Thread Devesh.Kothari

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of ext 
> Shawn Gordon
> Sent: 19 April, 2006 23:06
> To:
> Subject: Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not
> complaining
> At 12:23 PM 4/19/2006, Philippe De Swert wrote:
> >Hello Shawn,
> >
> >On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 11:59 -0700, Shawn Gordon wrote:
> > > I've already got Nils slamming me privately because I dared to
> > > mention Qtopia, but let me provide some perspective as a 
> company who
> > > was very successful with Qtopia and the Sharp Zaurus and 
> what Sharp
> > > and Trolltech did both right and wrong that Nokia could 
> learn from (I
> > > don't care if they use Qtopia at this stage, I just 
> honestly think it
> > > would have been faster and cheaper than going the route 
> they did, but
> > > I am not privy to the information that went in to making 
> that decision).
> >
> >Why would Qtopia be faster and cheaper?
> faster because it is done, has been used, refined, debugged and 
> developed for for years, so other than device drivers in the kernel 
> it wouldn't have taken hardly any time at all to get it up 
> and running.

no offense, it always look simpler from the other side. Developing and
bringing a product to market (in all my experience) is no simple task
combine that with new challenges working with open source, and OS communities,
new processes and at the same time building a truely open product. 
I am not saying we havnt and we will not make mistakes (maybe we will), 
but we are ready to listen and willing to learn.

And as i see right now, I am ready to take small baby steps and disappoint few
than going grand. There is a natural order of things, and lot what you suggested
would/may happen but lets take patience as a virtue. 

As your rightly said, its about expectation management :)
> cheaper - I'm assuming cheaper based on what I know of the licensing 
> costs and the costs to hire a bunch of developers for years to 
> develop and support the software.  Nokia is not going to just rely on 
> the open source community for something that they depend on, they 
> will certainly have their own developers and these are going to be 
> far more expensive than simply paying a small per unit license cost 
> (I'm talking ones of dollars per unit).
> >I am not trying to troll here
> >but both have wide support in the Free Software community. 
> (However in
> >the embedded space GTK might have an edge. GPE is atm better 
> supported
> >and has more active developers than Opie for example. And I am not
> >stating that because I happen to be involved with GPE, but 
> because both
> >Opie and GPe are involved with familiar we know about each other
> >projects and we even co-operate on certain parts.)
> Keep in mind that Opie is simply a fork of the GPL version of Qtopia, 
> so they get the advantage of all the things I spelled out above.
> > > Now by the time the Zaurus was commercially available, my company
> > > already had a dozen products running on it, maybe more, 
> and there was
> > > a big and healthy open source movement that was also producing
> > > software, I don't remember how many apps, but it was a good amount
> > > and grew very rapidly.
> >
> >Well Nokia might not have had applictions readily available 
> before the
> >product was released. But I do remember porting an app in 
> the maemo SDK
> >before the device was actually available
> >
> > > What was done right:
> > >
> > > 1.Sharp actually located about 50 companies and 
> individual developers
> > > 2.They worked with Handango to create a web site where 
> commercial and
> > > 3.Trolltech hired a liaison to work directly with the embedded
> > > community and keep the line of communication open.
> >
> >Ok. That indeed are valid points that could contribute to 
> success with
> >an "open" project. However *again* I see no reason why 
> Qtopia would have
> >been an advantage. In it's own right I believe the technical 
> choice GTK
> >vs QT(opia) has nothing to do with the success of these 
> projects. As you
> >point out political choices are much more important. Nokia 
> has supported
> >Gnome and has hired professional companies to support them as can be
> >seen in Ari Jaaksi's presentation from Boston see (slide 7):
> > .
> >So the one thing they really need to do

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-04-20 Thread Weinehall David (Nokia-M/Tampere)
On ons, 2006-04-19 at 13:06 -0700, ext Shawn Gordon wrote:


> faster because it is done, has been used, refined, debugged and 
> developed for for years, so other than device drivers in the kernel 
> it wouldn't have taken hardly any time at all to get it up and running.
> cheaper - I'm assuming cheaper based on what I know of the licensing 
> costs and the costs to hire a bunch of developers for years to 
> develop and support the software.  Nokia is not going to just rely on 
> the open source community for something that they depend on, they 
> will certainly have their own developers and these are going to be 
> far more expensive than simply paying a small per unit license cost 
> (I'm talking ones of dollars per unit).

Just using plain Qtopia wouldn't have been an option, just as using
plain GTK+ without Hildon wasn't an option; we had to use a UI that
looks somewhat like Nokia's earlier products, without forking too
wildly.  So the work effort would've been the same either way; the
difference being that Qtopia would've incurred the added penalties
of a licensing cost, C++, and of course the extra legal issues
surrounding the fact that Qtopia is GPL, not LGPL.  The Nokia legal
process is not a smoothly operating machine, it's more akin to
the Spanish inquisition...


The world is only black and white if you filter out the greys
by deliberately ignoring to see some things and are not privy to
other things.

Regards: David
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-04-19 Thread Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
Am Mittwoch, den 19.04.2006, 13:06 -0700 schrieb Shawn Gordon:
> Keep in mind that Opie is simply a fork of the GPL version of Qtopia, 

Hmm... "simply a fork"? That does it no justice... :/

If it wasn't for C, I think there would be some more people that you
could've dragged from the Qtopia/Opie c++ developer community to
maemo... that's why I keep wishing those hildonmm bindngs would be there
sooner than later.


Dipl.-Inf. Michael 'Mickey' Lauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-04-19 Thread Murray Cumming
On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 13:06 -0700, Shawn Gordon wrote:
> cheaper - I'm assuming cheaper based on what I know of the licensing 
> costs and the costs to hire a bunch of developers for years to 
> develop and support the software.

Possibly Nokia are thinking longer term. After all, they are trying to
create a platform, and one that's attractive to other companies, not
just one product. In the long term, dependence on a single vendor could
be a huge cost.

And in the short term, they can get wider involvement more quickly by
lowering the initial costs for third-party developers. 

I'm just guessing.

Murray Cumming

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-04-19 Thread Shawn Gordon

At 12:23 PM 4/19/2006, Philippe De Swert wrote:

Hello Shawn,

On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 11:59 -0700, Shawn Gordon wrote:
> I've already got Nils slamming me privately because I dared to
> mention Qtopia, but let me provide some perspective as a company who
> was very successful with Qtopia and the Sharp Zaurus and what Sharp
> and Trolltech did both right and wrong that Nokia could learn from (I
> don't care if they use Qtopia at this stage, I just honestly think it
> would have been faster and cheaper than going the route they did, but
> I am not privy to the information that went in to making that decision).

Why would Qtopia be faster and cheaper?

faster because it is done, has been used, refined, debugged and 
developed for for years, so other than device drivers in the kernel 
it wouldn't have taken hardly any time at all to get it up and running.

cheaper - I'm assuming cheaper based on what I know of the licensing 
costs and the costs to hire a bunch of developers for years to 
develop and support the software.  Nokia is not going to just rely on 
the open source community for something that they depend on, they 
will certainly have their own developers and these are going to be 
far more expensive than simply paying a small per unit license cost 
(I'm talking ones of dollars per unit).

I am not trying to troll here
but both have wide support in the Free Software community. (However in
the embedded space GTK might have an edge. GPE is atm better supported
and has more active developers than Opie for example. And I am not
stating that because I happen to be involved with GPE, but because both
Opie and GPe are involved with familiar we know about each other
projects and we even co-operate on certain parts.)

Keep in mind that Opie is simply a fork of the GPL version of Qtopia, 
so they get the advantage of all the things I spelled out above.

> Now by the time the Zaurus was commercially available, my company
> already had a dozen products running on it, maybe more, and there was
> a big and healthy open source movement that was also producing
> software, I don't remember how many apps, but it was a good amount
> and grew very rapidly.

Well Nokia might not have had applictions readily available before the
product was released. But I do remember porting an app in the maemo SDK
before the device was actually available

> What was done right:
> 1.Sharp actually located about 50 companies and individual developers
> 2.They worked with Handango to create a web site where commercial and
> 3.Trolltech hired a liaison to work directly with the embedded
> community and keep the line of communication open.

Ok. That indeed are valid points that could contribute to success with
an "open" project. However *again* I see no reason why Qtopia would have
been an advantage. In it's own right I believe the technical choice GTK
vs QT(opia) has nothing to do with the success of these projects. As you
point out political choices are much more important. Nokia has supported
Gnome and has hired professional companies to support them as can be
seen in Ari Jaaksi's presentation from Boston see (slide 7): .
So the one thing they really need to do is having somebody that can put
time in co-ordinating the community and pass on all interesting
developments to the people in Nokia who take the decisions. This last
part has not yet been done. And if they manage to pick up the good
things from the community it will become a killer product. So they
definitely need to work on point 3. Apart from that the used toolkit
point is completely moot. The 770 would probabely be as good/bad as it
is now regardless of GTK or QT.

I'm not espousing the benefits of one technology over another here, 
I'm simply making the point of how the business was and was not well 
handled in my opinion.




| Philippe De Swert
| GPE developer:
| Emdebian developer:
| Please do not send me documents in a closed
| format.(*.doc,*.xls,*.ppt)
| Use the open alternatives. (*.pdf,*.ps,*.html,*.txt)


Shawn Gordon

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-04-19 Thread Philippe De Swert
Hello Shawn,

On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 11:59 -0700, Shawn Gordon wrote:
> I've already got Nils slamming me privately because I dared to 
> mention Qtopia, but let me provide some perspective as a company who 
> was very successful with Qtopia and the Sharp Zaurus and what Sharp 
> and Trolltech did both right and wrong that Nokia could learn from (I 
> don't care if they use Qtopia at this stage, I just honestly think it 
> would have been faster and cheaper than going the route they did, but 
> I am not privy to the information that went in to making that decision).

Why would Qtopia be faster and cheaper? I am not trying to troll here
but both have wide support in the Free Software community. (However in
the embedded space GTK might have an edge. GPE is atm better supported
and has more active developers than Opie for example. And I am not
stating that because I happen to be involved with GPE, but because both
Opie and GPe are involved with familiar we know about each other
projects and we even co-operate on certain parts.)

> Now by the time the Zaurus was commercially available, my company 
> already had a dozen products running on it, maybe more, and there was 
> a big and healthy open source movement that was also producing 
> software, I don't remember how many apps, but it was a good amount 
> and grew very rapidly.

Well Nokia might not have had applictions readily available before the
product was released. But I do remember porting an app in the maemo SDK
before the device was actually available

> What was done right:
> 1.Sharp actually located about 50 companies and individual developers 
> 2.They worked with Handango to create a web site where commercial and 
> 3.Trolltech hired a liaison to work directly with the embedded 
> community and keep the line of communication open.

Ok. That indeed are valid points that could contribute to success with
an "open" project. However *again* I see no reason why Qtopia would have
been an advantage. In it's own right I believe the technical choice GTK
vs QT(opia) has nothing to do with the success of these projects. As you
point out political choices are much more important. Nokia has supported
Gnome and has hired professional companies to support them as can be
seen in Ari Jaaksi's presentation from Boston see (slide 7): .
So the one thing they really need to do is having somebody that can put
time in co-ordinating the community and pass on all interesting
developments to the people in Nokia who take the decisions. This last
part has not yet been done. And if they manage to pick up the good
things from the community it will become a killer product. So they
definitely need to work on point 3. Apart from that the used toolkit
point is completely moot. The 770 would probabely be as good/bad as it
is now regardless of GTK or QT.



| Philippe De Swert   
| GPE developer:
| Emdebian developer:  
| Please do not send me documents in a closed
| format.(*.doc,*.xls,*.ppt)
| Use the open alternatives. (*.pdf,*.ps,*.html,*.txt)

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-04-19 Thread Shawn Gordon
I've already got Nils slamming me privately because I dared to 
mention Qtopia, but let me provide some perspective as a company who 
was very successful with Qtopia and the Sharp Zaurus and what Sharp 
and Trolltech did both right and wrong that Nokia could learn from (I 
don't care if they use Qtopia at this stage, I just honestly think it 
would have been faster and cheaper than going the route they did, but 
I am not privy to the information that went in to making that decision).

Now by the time the Zaurus was commercially available, my company 
already had a dozen products running on it, maybe more, and there was 
a big and healthy open source movement that was also producing 
software, I don't remember how many apps, but it was a good amount 
and grew very rapidly.

What was done right:

Sharp actually located about 50 companies and individual developers 
(of which we were part) about 6 months before the release of the 
device, flew us all to San Jose, gave us a limo ride to the hotel, 
put us up with food and lodging, gave us a day seminar on the device 
and gave us devices.  They hired some people that were specifically 
meant to interface with the developers and actually were almost 
always available in IRC for immediate chat and feedback.

They worked with Handango to create a web site where commercial and 
free applications could be hosted.  I don't care for the site much, 
but at least it was a central repository that Sharp would point to.

Trolltech hired a liaison to work directly with the embedded 
community and keep the line of communication open.

What was not done right:

Sharp in Japan wouldn't trust Sharp Americas decisions and really 
pulled the rug out from under them.  One example was that while they 
got the device in places like Best Buy they never sent anyone out to 
the stores to educate the sales people, so consequently they steered 
people away from the device.

Sharp Americas support team kept getting gutted and the contact 
people in Japan kept changing till the point that you could no longer 
get information and it basically killed off any interaction between 
Sharp and the developers to the point that I was actually told by 
Sharp that they didn't want third party developers to do anything for 
the device.

Sharp Japan making major changes to the OS and backend engine without 
telling any of the 3rd party developers and we only found out after 
the devices were released and then documentation was thin or non-existent.

Confusing licensing - the Opie and OZ initiatives were really pushed 
by one of the people at Sharp US to try and commercialize his own 
embedded system, the problem was with the licensing because if you 
strictly followed the license, then a commercial application could 
not be legally sold for a device running Opie and OZ (I don't want to 
get mired in this again, I spent a lot of time working on this with 
lawyers at the time, and this was the end result).  It was confusing 
to the point that Trolltech couldn't even explain it.

Those are some bullet points of what we went through.  We still sell 
a good amount of software for the Zaurus and Archos every single day, 
even with these issues.  My point here is not advocacy for one 
windowing toolkit over another, it is to illustrate what works and 
doesn't work in this environment.  I'd be more than happy to have a 
really detailed conversation with Nokia on this and share more 
details of my experience.

At 10:51 AM 4/19/2006, Kasper Souren wrote:
The product is on the market for less than half a year. There are 
already tens of usable free software applications ported or created. 
That's pretty impressive for the first 'open product' of such a big 
company. I'm not complaining. I'm a pretty satisfied customer _and_ 
developer myself.

Just a little thank you to all the Nokia folks who made this possible...
maemo-developers mailing list


Shawn Gordon

maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help?

2006-04-19 Thread Murray Cumming
On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 20:42 +0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> However, as Tommi pointed out, an equality important factor here is that
> our product development processes and infrastructure are not yet fully
> adapted to open platform development.

That would be necessary to have the most ideal open source development
process. Based on your achievements so far, I'm confident that you'll
get there. But for now, that's not necessary in order to fix the very
simple bottleneck problems that we are currently experiencing. It just
needs someone on the inside who has a little time, and not even anyone
very special.

Your regular developers will have enough work to do with the community
dealing with bigger issues. They don't need to be annoyed with trivial
stuff. You have the luxury of being able to assign a janitor to deal
with that instead.

> Definitely we could use more people.
> You'll notice we are hiring, we currently have a couple of positions
> open in, and we'll have more.

Murray Cumming

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help? I'm not complaining

2006-04-19 Thread Kasper Souren
The product is on the market for less than half a year. There are
already tens of usable free software applications ported or created.
That's pretty impressive for the first 'open product' of such a big
company. I'm not complaining. I'm a pretty satisfied customer _and_
developer myself.

Just a little thank you to all the Nokia folks who made this possible...
maemo-developers mailing list

RE: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help?

2006-04-19 Thread Carlos.Guerreiro
Hi Murray,

> The Maemo community is alive, but not thriving as much as it 
> could. This
> is because the Nokia developers are so busy and are often unable to
> respond to the simplest of requests for changes or information, and
> often unable to even acknowledge that contributions have been 
> accepted.
> It's OK to be busy, so this isn't a personal attack on those 
> developers.
> It's a suggestion for how to take the weight off them.

Yes, the Maemo community could be more thriving, and insufficiently
open development is a key limitation.
Developers are busy working on the next release and don't have as much
time as they would wish to interact with the community.
Things will not always be like this, but at the moment that is the focus
we have. There are many ways to disappoint, slow developer community
development is one of them, but there's also the product.

However, as Tommi pointed out, an equality important factor here is that
our product development processes and infrastructure are not yet fully
adapted to open platform development. Developing consumer electronics
products takes a lot more than platform software development. So those
processes take time to change. They touch a countless number of aspects
that constrain how development can be done, and often for good reasons,
even though from the outside one cannot see why.
To open up development in order to be more able to make good use of
the community's help, we are changing the way we do many things. As
Marius pointed out, a lot is actually happening there. It takes substantial
energy and time to make it happen. Some of this results in things you can see
(e.g.: bugzilla) but even more in things you cannot see, as it's about
fixing internal obstacles and bottlenecks and preparing the ground.
Things are moving, slowly but surely.

> I think Nokia needs to assign a dedicated community liaison, full time
> or part time, while still demanding that all developers are involved
> with the community as much as possible. This person would maintain the
> web site, and help the community to maintain it by extracting
> information from Nokia. This person would also do simple patch and bug
> triage and apply obvious changes without bothering the developers with
> trivial stuff.
> It must be politically acceptable for this person to be under less
> pressure than a regular developer. If the community liaison 
> ever has no
> problems to solve then that's good.
> If you need a more traditional job title, you could squeeze these
> responsibilities into "Documentation" or "Q & A".
> Nokia will get a lot of the advantages of open source if they don't do
> this, and the community will survive if they don't do this, 
> but I think
> the extra salary would be a good investment to get even more valuable
> advantages.

All of these tasks are important. Many of them are being done to the
extent possible by their available time by a number of hard working
people who (too modestly) "hide" under [EMAIL PROTECTED]
They are more constrained by the current process and infrastructure
limitations than anybody else.
But it's the developers that are not involved enough. That's also
slowly improving.

Having a full-time community liason is one option, and athought provoking
suggestion to be taken seriously. It's not the only option however.

Definitely we could use more people.
You'll notice we are hiring, we currently have a couple of positions
open in, and we'll have more.

Best regards,
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help?

2006-04-19 Thread Antonio Gomes
I don't want to flame it at all, but try reading this article to get
them better ... ;)

On 4/19/06, Murray Cumming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 15:14 +0300, Jussi Kukkonen wrote:
> [snip]
> > Still, doing things in private is going to keep everyone else in the
> > dark, and hinder community involvement... I fear one liaison won't help
> > that.
> I don't think it's done intentionally. I think they just don't have time
> for it. So I'd like there to be someone with the time to do it for them.

--Antonio Gomes
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help?

2006-04-19 Thread Tommi Komulainen
On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 14:25 +0200, ext Murray Cumming wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 15:14 +0300, Jussi Kukkonen wrote:
> [snip]
> > Still, doing things in private is going to keep everyone else in the
> > dark, and hinder community involvement... I fear one liaison won't help
> > that.
> I don't think it's done intentionally. I think they just don't have time
> for it. So I'd like there to be someone with the time to do it for them.

Yeah, it's more like we have these familiar internal processes we need
to follow at least. And we have those processes and infrastructure and
such already defined and managed by *other* people.

On the public side there are no such things, so the barrier for entry
for us is bit too high. We could probably handle managing the content
(even if it meant updating some content in two places), but setting up
the infrastructure first is just too much, for me at least. (That's why is still as informational as it is...)

Joel Spolsky recently wrote an article I found interesting and I guess
it remotely matches our situation in certain aspects:

Tommi Komulainen<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help?

2006-04-19 Thread Ian

disse  --> Murray Cumming

originais -> The Maemo community is alive, but not thriving as much as it could.
Perhaps there is some learning curve involved here. This has much to do with 
both language and
cultural differences I think. A lot of 770 work is done at INdT in Manaus and 
while this is
obviously good for the people/economy etc of Manaus it has difficulties too.
Perhaps the biggest one is the idea of instantaneous communications. The Amazon 
is like *big* so a
typical journey to the next town will take probably 2 days by boat.As such a 
couple of hours
either side of this do not make a lot of difference in the great scheme of 
things. Trying to
change this mindset is not easy as the Nokia guys running training sessions 
here can testify.
I am not making excuses for Nokia or taking a cheap shot at the Amazonhenses 
but just calling it
as I see it.


   : :'  :
   `. `'`
 `- Orgulhoso ser MetaRecicleiro

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help?

2006-04-19 Thread Murray Cumming
On Wed, 2006-04-19 at 15:14 +0300, Jussi Kukkonen wrote:
> Still, doing things in private is going to keep everyone else in the
> dark, and hinder community involvement... I fear one liaison won't help
> that.

I don't think it's done intentionally. I think they just don't have time
for it. So I'd like there to be someone with the time to do it for them.

Murray Cumming

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help?

2006-04-19 Thread Jussi Kukkonen
Murray Cumming wrote:
> The Maemo community is alive, but not thriving as much as it could. This
> is because the Nokia developers are so busy and are often unable to
> respond to the simplest of requests for changes or information, and
> often unable to even acknowledge that contributions have been accepted.
> It's OK to be busy, so this isn't a personal attack on those developers.
> It's a suggestion for how to take the weight off them.
> I think Nokia needs to assign a dedicated community liaison, full time
> or part time, while still demanding that all developers are involved
> with the community as much as possible. 
> Nokia will get a lot of the advantages of open source if they don't do
> this, and the community will survive if they don't do this, but I think
> the extra salary would be a good investment to get even more valuable
> advantages.

Good suggestion, I second this. There are probably other solutions too.
Something that would go a long way is opening the development a little
more: I've been really trying to follow what's happening in maemo
development and have found it really difficult...
* None of the development discussions/meetings/decisions seem to happen
  in public
* The bugzilla doesn't seem to be actually used for bug tracking
* I still don't even know who works on what
The only way to follow anything seems to be maemo-commits.

It could of course be that I'm just slow -- it's a large project, and
I'm not that familiar with the components, after all. However, I have
succesfully gotten familiar with other large projects before. This time
I feel like I haven't progressed at all.

I understand that keeping design docs in the wiki or having development
discussions on public mailing lists or in IRC is more work and in some
cases impossible. I also understand that some employees might not want
to be 'in the public eye' and that some bugs need to be Nokia-only.
Still, doing things in private is going to keep everyone else in the
dark, and hinder community involvement... I fear one liaison won't help

Best wishes to the developers -- don't burn yourselves on the release,
we'll need you after that too :)
Jussi Kukkonen
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: [maemo-developers] Too busy to accept help?

2006-04-19 Thread Marius Vollmer
"ext Murray Cumming" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The Maemo community is alive, but not thriving as much as it could. This
> is because the Nokia developers are so busy and are often unable to
> respond to the simplest of requests for changes or information, and
> often unable to even acknowledge that contributions have been accepted.

*Cough* Being one of the non-responsive Nokia developers, I agree
totally.  Things need to improve a lot on our side.  People here agree
with that, too, and good things are actually happening to lower the
'activation energy' that is needed to actually take the community
input in.  We are now starting to deal more seriously with bugs in the bugzilla, for example.

As far as I am concerned, it really helps to tell me again and again
what you want me to do, that helps me get my priorities right.  Don't
feel bad about it.

maemo-developers mailing list