as you might know the Nokia internet tablets are still very much
encumbered because of the lack of free drivers and key system management
software. Things are getting better for the N8x0 series because Nokia
managed STMicroelectronics to publish the specs for the stlc45xx chipset
used therein.

Additionally the release of the 'dsme' userspace device management is
planned (this one is used on the n770 as well).

Earlier attempts to support the Nokia 770's wifi chip failed because it
could not be tested on actual hardware whether the SPI support that had
been written really works.

With the docs for a later chip available and a working driver for
different variants of the p54 is someone willing to write one for the
stlc4370 if hardware (= Nokia 770) is donated for this effort?

If one succeeds to enhance the existing p54 driver to support the
stlc4370 this might fit as a testbed for a later inclusion of the new
stlc45xx driver (as suggested in the initial stlc45xx discussion on

Perhaps Nokia can be asked to get into contact with STM
again for the stlc4370 specs (though I think this is unlikely).

What is sure it that I can promise two devices being made available for
this effort (probably more since some OE people own one). It might also
be possible to donate an N800 for this. While the N800 has
not the right chip in it one might need it for reference purposes in
case the specification for the stlc4370 remains closed.


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