[maemo-users] passwords

2006-12-01 Thread Brian Spindel
Does anyone know how passwords are stored on the 770?  I would have guessed in 
/etc/shadow, but I don't see that file.  I've lost the root password, and I 
plan to crack it using John the Ripper, but I am open to suggestions of a 
better approach.

TIA, Brian
maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Re: new kernel messes up dropbear??

2006-12-01 Thread sean

Marius Gedminas wrote:

On Thu, Nov 23, 2006 at 04:28:11PM -0500, sean wrote:

Trying to generate key pairs with dropbearkey:

Will output 1024 bit dss secret key to '/root/.ssh/id_dsa'
Generating key, this may take a while...
Warning: Reading the random source seems to have blocked.
If you experience problems, you probably need to find a 
better entropy source.

What does 

  cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail

show in a terminal?

I see 292, which seems a bit low.  My desktop has 3586.

Marius Gedminas

 cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail

which seems way low. How do you increase the entropy? Moving 
the stylus around the screen?

When it is low, I can't ssh into the 770, and, more 
importantly, ssh from the 770 to the mother ship. It's 
really irritating.

I don't have anything else running. What else could be using 
the kernel entropy?


maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] 770 on the way

2006-12-01 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On 30 Nov 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Features I'd like to see are
> • better memory swap - no browser quits

More memory is always good, period.  I would gladly pay for 1 GB
memory!  The option to do so should at least be available.  I know the
CPU in the 770 can't do more than 128 MB according to the specs, but
perhaps there's a newer and faster one that would work.  The current
swap situation is a real problem.

I miss GEOS :) In 1 MB RAM they fit a full GUI environment, including
a nice DTP system, spreadsheet, database, games, etc.  I bought the
first Nokia 9000 communicator that ran GEOS when it was available in
the USA, and I keep wondering what could have happened if that
platform had taken off.  In case anyone is curious about how they did
it: all the system libraries were implemented in object-oriented
assembler, heh.  They seem to be gone now.

The Maemo developers may find this interesting, from

"4. Technically speaking, what was the strongest point of GEOS at the time?

Adam de Boor: GEOS had two major strengths, technically speaking:

1. it was highly, highly optimized

2. so much of what an application needed to do was already implemented
   as object classes in the system, with a nice model/view/controller
   mechanism to allow you to incorporate the classes into your apps.

We often pointed out that GeoWrite, which could do a number of things
in 1990 that Word only got to in 2000, was only 150K, and about half
of that was precompiled object instances. What we didn't say was there
was another 500K of code in the system that implemented most of the
functionality. GeoWrite itself was primarily a document manager and UI
resource. "

> • a slightly faster processor never hurts

Ditto, see above.

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