[maemo-users] Re: Aircrack-ng command line

2007-02-13 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Mon, 12 Feb 2007 23:35:13 -0800, Christopher Harris wrote:
> I am a new debian user and I am currently working out how to get  
> aircrack-ng to work on my Nokia 770.
> / $ -q
> sh: -q: not found

You meant to write:

$ aircrack-ng -q

Also, the command line was supposed to be "aircrack-ng [options] <.cap / .ivs 
file(s)>", so you would still be missing the cap/ivs file(s):

$ aircrack-ng -q whatever.cap

> how about how when I try to initiate airodump by typing /usr/bin/ 
> airodump-ng
> / $ /usr/bin/airodump-ng
> sh: not found

Strange. Try:

$ head -1 /usr/bin/airodump-ng

What does that say? (= first line of "/usr/bin/airodump-ng")


maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Re: ?OT: Cant set background color w/py2.5 glade notebook widget on 770

2007-02-13 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Mon, 12 Feb 2007 18:36:23 -0500, Jeff G wrote:
> I can't seem to set the background color of a label widget in a
> notebook widget (not the page identifier)
> window1
>  notebook1
> I'm trying to make the entire notebook have a background color.
> setting window1 background works directly on linux
> window.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse('#4A85DD'))
> on scratchbox had to add similar line for notebook1
> nbook.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.gdk.color_parse('#4A85DD'))
> but can't seem to do it under the 770 implementation

Err. I hope you only wrote "modify_bg" as a simplification and don't actually 
have that in code. Colors are a theme issue.

If you just want to make the user able to recolor your widget, give it a 

Then as user / theme author in "~/.gtkrc-2.0" / your theme do:

style "foo" {
bg[NORMAL] = { 0.5, 0.5, 0.7 }
base[NORMAL] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }

widget "foobar" style "foo"

If, on the other hand, you draw your own widget:

This also makes it a lot easier to test when what change works where :-)

> if this is way off topic, sorry, and please redirect me to proper list.

Seems on-topic to me, however I don't have an answer to your particular 
question. Maybe create an eventbox, theme that and add your notebook in it? 
Should be able to find out by hacking a bit...


maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Packages, Plan9; Re: Re: Bricked a third time

2007-02-13 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Tue, 13 Feb 2007 16:00:58 +0100, Aniello Del Sorbo wrote:
> I mean, if my apps need to be called as "helloworld" and it looks at a 
> conf file called "helloword.conf", why I have to copy the executable in 
> /usr/bin and the conf file in /etc while I can just copy it to 
> /usr/local/bin (owned or writable by 'user) and the conf file in 
> /usr/local/etc  ? (just to give an example) and add /usr/local/bin to 
> the path?

Sigh. This is hard learning for us GNU/Linux people and I don't see the 
possibility of someone unilaterally fixing the problem (or most people even 
acknowledging that there is one).

Some tried: http://cr.yp.to/slashpackage.html

If that challenge were ever to be met, there would need to be a FHS-like entity 
saying "you do this or else you don't get to be compliant". 
But the pain needs to get a lot worse first.

btw: Plan9 does union mounts (don't hold me on the actual commands, this is 
from memory):

bind /n/package1/bin/ /bin/
bind /n/package2/bin/ /bin/
bind /n/package3/bin/ /bin/


In the end, /bin/ is a directory "containing" (logically) all nodes contained 
in /n/package1/bin/ , all of /n/package2/bin/ and all of /n/package3/bin/ .
You can even bind another directory and let it hide stuff underneath.
(Writes go to the "last" directory physically)

These bindings are per-process (which implies per-user) (inheritable to 
children), so every process could have another view of the system.

This ensures nice segregation of packages so they don't step on each other's 
toes (they still can, by naming their executables the same - although just do 
"/n/package1/bin/foo" then) and does away with the dreaded "/usr" / "/var" / 
"${HOME}/config" special case stuff:
Because one can bind a read-write overlay on a read-only directory, 
configuration can be stored right where it belongs, too (and be per process or 
user or mixed, nevertheless).

Note there is no $PATH. If you want it to be globally executable, bind it into 
/bin/ . Otherwise call using full path (don't worry, there are no strange parts 
in the path, so it's not bad)

Doesn't seem to have caught on much.

> When the apps is build for Maemo you just need to pass 
> --prefix=/usr/local to the ./configure command and the app should know 
> where to look for the conf file.

Back in the days, when everything was better and the world was perfect and it 
rained bread, we called that prefix "/opt//". Seems to have 
fallen out of favour lately since almost every GNU/Linux reverted to 
let's-mess-everything-into-usr-lib style.

Note that a package which didn't support "--prefix" (and DESTDIR) wouldn't even 
build on a modern distribution like Gentoo Linux, so source packages not 
accepting "--prefix" probably don't have much exposure.

The real problem, of course, is, that people try to install whatever binary 
package they can get, from any of the 350 debian distributions and expect it to 

> I don't see why it should limit somehow the exensibility of the device.

Well, some things need root. Init scripts, kernel modules, messing with 
ifconfig, creating special files...


maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Re: Re: Unzip - GUI or linked through File Manager?

2007-02-08 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Wed, 07 Feb 2007 17:55:26 -0800, maemo wrote:
>>The Desktop Entry Specification[4] says:
>>%fA single file name, even if multiple files are selected. The system 
>>reading the desktop entry should recognize that the program in question cannot
>>handle multiple file arguments, and it should should probably spawn and 
>>execute multiple copies of a program for each selected file [...]
> I share your frustration.  I spent a long time trying to figure out how
> to get this to work and eventually gave up and wrote a wrapper.
> It takes a bit of configuration but I now have a "mimewrap" application
> that does the osso_mime_set_cb thing and passes the arguments to a
> specified application based on the file extension.  Seems to work fine
> for feeding spreadsheets to gnumeric from the file manager.  

I see :)
Well, nice as a workaround...

>I'd think
> it should work for unzip as well although I'm not sure how you'd want
> to specify where the unzipped contents should go.

To where the zip file was...

> And it's only 188 lines of C :-)

Hehe :-)

> I've yet to contribute anything to the maemo world.  Where should
> something like this go?  garage.maemo.org?

Yes, sounds good (for a short term solution)[1], start a garage project.


[1] Long term, the platform could just support launching scripts with a useful 
main argv _as well_ (in addition to the maemo dbus optimize stuff) - if it 
doesn't already - I don't know...

maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Re: Re: Re: Unzip - GUI or linked through File Manager?

2007-02-08 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

> IMHO best option would be to port some Gnome/Gtk archive manager that
> supports zip/tar/gzip/lha/zoo/rar/you_name_it to Maemo and make it to
> accept the files through D-BUS.  

Well, someone can do that as well. But I only care about automatic 

>I think users would appreciate a GUI
> bit more that files automagically getting uncompressed (where they don't
> want them :-)).

It probably depends on what you are used to. If I click on a file, I am used to 
it extracting right away, into a subfolder of where the zip was, named like the 

It's not like I were emotionally attached to zip files and would want them to 
stay around on my drive longer than neccessary :-)


maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Re: Re: Unzip - GUI or linked through File Manager?

2007-02-07 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Wed, 07 Feb 2007 14:25:22 -0600, Paul Klapperich wrote:
> Ok, nevermind. I think I mostly understand why now...
> I followed the instructions in the Maemo Developers Tutorial [1] creating a
> .desktop file for unzip and an xml mime-type definition. The downside for
> this is that "unzip" shows up in the application list, but filemanager does
> claim to be "loading unzip." 


> I guess the real downside is that it doesn't unzip :-) 


> Still not sure why you think you need a %f, but this obviously
> isn't as straight forward as it should be. 

Usually, desktop files register an application with the desktop system(s).
This means with everything: the menus, the file manager, the full text search, 

In case of the file manager, once the user tries to open a file [1], the file 
manager is supposed to check the "MimeType" entry of all desktop files[2] and 
if some application matches[3], then it should parse the "Exec" entry, replace 
"%f" by the file path (and several others) and then use that command line to 
create a process...
This is described in detail in Desktop Entry Specification[4].

Maemo extended this is order to cut down on number of process creations 
(presumably because it got faster that way, I hope, otherwise that would be 

The desktop file now can have a "X-Osso-Service" (I think) entry and this 
specifies the name of a dbus service.
This dbus service must be registered by the application[5] by putting a file 
into "/usr/share/dbus-1/services/". This file is a configuration that lists the 
(new) dbus service name and the executable to start when that name is used.

Now when the file manager processes the "file open", it will read that key (I 
think, never saw the code yet), prepend "com.nokia." (sigh...), then ask dbus 
for that service.

Dbus will check whether that is running, and if not, start the executable from 
the service file's "Exec" key.

At this point, it's guaranteed that the application's dbus service is running, 
and by that, that the application is running.[9]

The file manager sends a dbus message to the application's dbus service.
The application ['s dbus service] enters the callback set by osso_mime_set_cb, 
gets passed URLs (yeah... URLs) of the files that it's supposed to open[6].

>I'd assume the Filemanager is waiting for a dbus response from the application 
>it just launched, which the commandline app "unzip" just won't do.


For completeness:

> Obviously "%f" would be the filename path, but what would be "calling" this 
> .desktop file? 

In this case, the file manager (maybe via a helper library).

The Desktop Entry Specification[7] says:
>An application is expected to be able to reasonably open files of these types 
>[listed in the MimeType value] using the command listed in the Exec key.

> My experience has been .desktop files either show up on the Gnome desktop on 
> a PC, or in the application list on either a desktop or here on maemo.
> What would tell the .desktop file what to place into %f?

The Desktop Entry Specification[4] says:
>%fA single file name, even if multiple files are selected. The system 
>reading the desktop entry should recognize that the program in question cannot 
>handle multiple file arguments, and it should should probably spawn and 
>execute multiple copies of a program for each selected file [...]

>> Perhaps the reason for a lack of answer is that nobody understand why  
>> you're trying to do that... 

Maybe :-) we'll see, now that I elaborated here :-)

btw: 350 lines of C and counting... [8]


[1] as opposed to Edit, Print, ... - asked about that too, no answer yet - 
these are called "Desktop Actions"
[2] just in certain directories, like "/usr/share/applications/"
[3] there is extra confusion about what to do when TWO applications claim to be 
able to handle it - I've been asking that too, no answer yet - ideally it would 
pop up a menu and ask
[4] http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/ar01s06.html
[5] or else, osso_initialize fails
[6] or Edit or Print or xxyy or ..., although I don't see how I would know which
[7] http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/ar01s07.html
[8] http://www.scratchpost.org/patches/batch-unzip.c <-- this is NOT finished
[9] If it is not, maemo desktop will just show "Loading..." for some time, then 
cancels. Or maybe say "Unable to open", who knows.

maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Re: Unzip - GUI or linked through File Manager?

2007-02-07 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Sat, 03 Feb 2007 13:57:02 +0100, Daniel Martín Yerga wrote:
> On Fri, 2 Feb 2007 12:31:11 -0500
> "Jonathan Greene" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Is there anyway to get Unzip to "just work" by association of a
>> downloaded file?  I know I can drop into the terminal and unzip x, but
>> I was hoping there might be a way for the download to be associated
>> with the command through either a menu option on-tap, or perhaps even
>> through the file manager itself.

The file manager / launch system is a riddle to me. Everytime I touch the 
desktop integration, something breaks.

And it seems that there's no one knowledgeable about this part on 
maemo-developers (and/or I posted too much gibberish :-)), so questions like 
"[How] can I use %f in unzip.desktop's Exec line?" don't get answered. 

I'm currently stalled for information (then again, I could check out the entire 
svn repository and grep -R ? *wonders*)... 

However, since I just want to get the job done, if nobody answers this by a few 
more days, I'll just do it the hacky, complicated (and more runtime-efficient) 
way and write a C program that does the mime_set_cb callback dance, turning 
something that was a 50 line shell script and addition of two characters ("%f") 
in the desktop file into a 900 line C program (and I can't contribute that 
upstream since they'll just consider me crazy or something :-)). 

Hey, at least I will (need to) have a "unzip" DBus service, too. 



P. S.: Oh, just in case:
[How] can I use "%f" in a desktop file's "Exec" line?

maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Re: Re: RE: editor

2007-01-31 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Wed, 31 Jan 2007 01:02:17 +0200, Marius Gedminas wrote:
> Which, incidentally, is very handy when you have a laggy slow ssh connection.


It's the right tool for that job... 

As for programming, I prefer to have a more responsive connection :-)


maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Re: N800 as e-book reader

2007-01-30 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Tue, 30 Jan 2007 11:06:17 -0800, Rick Prelinger wrote:
> [ N800 as a scanned book reader]
> [ Internet Archive (IA) public domain books]
> [ Google Books available in downloadable pdf form]
> With regard to our IA books, we offer a number of formats.  Let's use this 
> 1931 book on television as an example:
> http://www.archive.org/details/televisionitsmet00felirich
> If you look on the left side of the page, you'll see that we offer DjVu, PDF, 
> and .txt (all downloadable and readable offline), and what we call the 
> "FlipBook," an interactive reader that requires an online connection.
> The FlipBook works fine with my N800 through the browser, so that is 
> basically no problem. 

> What I'd like to do is figure out how to make the PDFs more usable.  Though 
> mid-size PDFs (under 8 or 10 MB) work ok with the bundled PDF reader, it 
> takes as many as 30 sec., sometimes more, to turn a page.  I gather this is a 
> memory management issue.  In fact, until I enabled VM, it was impossible to 
> open a PDF.  (However, I have no problem playing a 221 MB video file through 
> the media player.)

That probably doesn't help you, but:

http://pdftoxml.sourceforge.net/ and poppler-utils' pdftohtml

can extract the useful text from the PDF.

Using the nokia 770 for all kinds of e-book reading for the last year, I can 
only say the trying to read scanned books as-is on the screen doesn't work well 
because the font will be too small or not the entire page will be on screen, 
both of which are bad (although when I scan a book, I scan it into jpeg, not 
PDF -  are PDF OCRed, too?).

I use FBReader in portrait mode for reading all books now and prefer HTML 
(better) and plaintext (ok). That way, it will be a newspaper-column-like 
display which works surprisingly well. I've read thousands of "pages" that way 
and quite like it.

The obvious disadvantage is that it needs to be converted to HTML first (if it 
isn't aleady in HTML) [or text or aportisdoc or whatever else FBReader 

> Would anyone have any thoughts about how to improve PDF handling?  

I have a bit of knowledge of the PDF "standard" (we're writing PDFA converters 
at work, among other things), but I don't know how nokia's pdf reader is 

>I would prefer to avoid DjVu, if at all possible.  If there was a way to 
>optimize PDF Reader, I think we have a wonderful e-book platform here.

That would be nice, but for me it's already quite useable (since I just extract 
useful text from PDFs, I don't really use the PDF reader at all). I do see that 
purists would like to read "the original", though ;-)


maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Re: editor

2007-01-30 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Tue, 30 Jan 2007 09:44:00 -0600, Levi Bard wrote:

>> Slightly off-topic and maybe? a little bit flamebait, but I have never found 
>> an editor adapted for programming that wasn't a pain to use in UN*X.
>> I'd like to know one... (certainly of all the editors there are for UN*X, 
>> there should be one that fits requirement below?)
> gtksourceview (the editor component used in gedit), and scintilla (the
> editor component used in scite and anjuta) support most of the things
> you listed; if these are all must-have features, you could probably
> create a lightweight editor based on one of these widgets without too
> much trouble.

Thanks, I'll read up on them...


maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Re: RE: editor

2007-01-30 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Tue, 30 Jan 2007 11:51:21 +0200, Karoliina.T.Salminen wrote:

> Hi,
>>> But I must say that the first thing that prevent to use the 
>>device to 
>>> do programm is the lack of a good editor adatpted to it.
>>Slightly off-topic and maybe? a little bit flamebait, but I 
>>have never found an editor adapted for programming that wasn't 
>>a pain to use in UN*X.
> You mean graphical editor or text mode editor?
> I guess you dislike vi like I do, so here is a list of other editors:
> Modern graphical UI:

> - kate (KDE text editor, works fine on Gnome, this is my favourite, very
> similar to UltraEdit editor on Windows)

After reading your post, I must try that as soon as possible :)

> - emacs (the traditional editor for linux etc., some people love it,
> some hate
> it because of the commands being CTRL+X+CTRL+...+..., in my opinion
> still a lot more
> user friendly and intuitive than vi).

Well, even the author of vi admits that most of the weird stuff is in vi  
because terminals back in the day were just too darn broken (losing/repeating 
characters, 10bps slow, ...) ;-)

As for emacs, I guess with some major hacking on the configuration lisp code, I 
could get it to drop the Ctrl-K stuck key thing. As I'm naturally lazy, I'd 
like to avoid that ;-)

> - then there is the vi and vim for those who have different modes in their 
> brain for typing and moving the cursor. You can play Kraftwerk-robot with 
> this one.

heh ;-)

>>- command line option to jump to line/column number on load
> Well Kate don't have this most likely. However, when you load the text, you 
> can CTRL+G and type the line number where you want to go.

Well, if it only misses that, I'm not against just adding it myself :-)
I automated most of the build and it's nice when the build system will 
automagically fire up an editor at the exact line of mistake (which I 
inevitable make lots of :)).

>>- interface for filling extra columns like:
>>  - line number
> kate has this
>>  - breakpoint (modifyable)
> you should check out some IDEs if you need breakpoints

I think you missed the part "interface to". All I ask it to support is giving 
it another file with data for an extra column that I fill however I want (and 
which is not saved into the original file).

I do see that the UNIX lots-of-small-tools philosophy is kinda outmoded and I 
should just jump on the IDE bandwagon, creating/using an app that does 
everything (and nothing of it well) :->

>>  - misc user-defined flag
>>  - line the other people viewing this file are currently on
> nope

I put this line in just to show what a simple extra column file could be used 
for ;-)

>>  - and so on...
>>- folding of blocks
> kate has this

Really? Nice :)

Installing it as we speak... 

>>- virtual concatenation of files (I'd really prefer the 
>>_filesystem_ to support that, but...)
> ??

Hmm. If you have lots of small files, it _could_ (ideally, I know, never going 
to happen) concatenate them all into one large buffer, separated by a line 
stating file name. Later when saving, it could split them again.
So you could do like "kate source/" (note: directory(!) path) and it would show 
a great concatenated view of all the files in the directory (in one window, one 
view, one buffer - making reading to get an overview and search&replace 

|  1  a.c: ^|
|  2  #include||
|  3  #include "a.h"   ||
|  4   ||
|  5  int a()  ||
|  6  {||
|  7  }||
|  8   ||
|  9  a.h: ||
| 10  #ifndef _A_H ||
| 11  #define _A_H ||
| 12  int a(void); ||
| 13  #endif /* _A_H */||
| 14   ||
| 15  main.c:  ||
| 16  #include "a.h"   ||
| 17   ||
| 18  int main(int argc, char* argv[]) ||
| 19  {||
| 20  return a();  ||
| 21  }v|

Yeah ok, so it's kinda sick ;-)

>>- every time someone writes "." and then pauses for 1 second, 
>>call external tool (with all the text on stdin?)  (Intellisense :))
> ???

Hehe, I am way too accustomed to think in tools, I fear. The editor would call 
an external tool to implement intellisense with (which would do whatever magic 
and return the result to the editor, which would just display it in a combo 

>>- every time I press the Newline key in order to create a new 
>>line, repeat the leading whitespace from the line I came from 
>>on the new line (and I mean, exactly, not expanding tabs, not 
>>grouping spaces into tabs, not tr

[maemo-users] Re: N800: virtual memory

2007-01-29 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Thu, 25 Jan 2007 20:06:42 -0500, Larry Battraw wrote:
> From my limited experience, VM helps when you're opening several
> applications/windows, particularly web pages.  Without out it things
> may start disappearing when you run low on memory as you might expect.
>  It's definitely much better than the 770 without VM, but I don't see

> a reason to avoid VM in the first place.

How good is wear leveling on the SD cards?
Does it pose a problem when using it for swap? (after all, the swap would be on 
a limited, fixed are of the card, and would be updated rather often)


maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Re: N800 screen protector

2007-01-28 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Fri, 26 Jan 2007 21:28:17 +0100, Laurent MARTIN wrote:
> Thank you very much for your answer: the *real* screen protector for  
> my brand new N800 has just arrived by postmail, so I'm going to  
> replace the stock film protection soon!

Where did you get the real screen protector?
Does a screen protector mess with the touch screen interface?


maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Re: application catalog reviews

2007-01-28 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

[hmm, it seems I can't find the earlier posts of this thread, so I'm posting 
without having read the entire thread. Forgive me]

On Sun, 28 Jan 2007 07:49:50 +0100, Zoran Kolic wrote:
>> e.g. if there is a repository bob.example.com/, how about having a .deb 
>> that adds the appropriate line to /etc/apt/sources.list for 
>> bob.example.com - that way, if I want to add a repository, I can just 
>> click on a link in the browser, the package adding the repo gets 
>> downloaded and handed off to the application installer, and there you 
>> are - the repository has been added, no typing of the repo data.

I thought that's what .install files[1] are for?



maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] editor

2007-01-26 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Wed, 24 Jan 2007 09:40:20 +0100, Jean-Christian de Rivaz wrote:
> Programing directly on the device is interresting. Maybe porting TCC 
> Tiny C Compiler http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/tcc/ is appropriate. I 
> use it all the time to do small applications on my desktop computer. 
> It's blazing fast and allow to use C file as you use script. It is not 
> fully compatible with GCC, but far enough for everyday use to me.

Sounds nice...

> But I must say that the first thing that prevent to use the device to do 
> programm is the lack of a good editor adatpted to it. 

Slightly off-topic and maybe? a little bit flamebait, but I have never found an 
editor adapted for programming that wasn't a pain to use in UN*X.

I'd like to know one... (certainly of all the editors there are for UN*X, there 
should be one that fits requirement below?)

Of the top of my head it should be able to do:
- Unicode (including double-width characters)
- non-variable width fonts (having a variable width font in any kind of entry 
field is an accident waiting to happen)
- undo
- virtual word wrapping (and I do mean _words_, not wrapping individual 
characters, like emacs does the latter)
- If the new line after virtual word wrapping is still too long, then insert a 
virtual linebreak inside it anyway, until it's fitting into the width of the 
client area
- syntax highlighting (a simple finite state machine dumpfile is enough, ala 
"joe's own editor")
- search / replace without 36 random reserved characters (while regexps are 
nice, being _forced_ to use them is a pain, especially when searching & 
replacing in a text that is itself a regexp ;))
- command line option to jump to line/column number on load
- command line option for file format (implying config for syntax highlighter, 
argv[] of tools for it (intellisense, indexer, debugger, ...), ...)
- interface for filling extra columns like:
  - line number
  - breakpoint (modifyable)
  - misc user-defined flag
  - line currently debugging on
  - (subversion) blame annotation
  - (subversion) line last changed on date
  - line the user is currently on
  - line the other people viewing this file are currently on
  - and so on...
- folding of blocks
- virtual concatenation of files (I'd really prefer the _filesystem_ to support 
that, but...)
- every time someone writes "." and then pauses for 1 second, call external 
tool (with all the text on stdin?)  (Intellisense :))
- every time I press the Newline key in order to create a new line, repeat the 
leading whitespace from the line I came from on the new line (and I mean, 
exactly, not expanding tabs, not grouping spaces into tabs, not trying to 
backstab me, ...)
- keep the file open while editing, so it shows up inside /proc//fd/ (or 
lsof). No really, nobody's gonna die of that one file descriptor.
- double-clicking on a word selects it. A word is delimited by one of " )}]>". 
If one really must make it more complex, ignore (only) trailing punctuation in 
that selection.

User interface:
- no (control-..., whatever) key combinations for essential stuff
- no mode-change keys (that means you, vi) (having to change mode 5 times or 
more in 1 minute is too much) (that does include not having "stuck" keys like 
- have function keys that actually do something (and I do mean like Save, 
Search, ... and not inserting gibberish into the text ;))
- being able to move whereever I want on a line, also within the empty (*cough* 
"non-existant") parts to the right
- Ctrl+Click on a word -> call a tool, passing the word, file and position
- don't destroy the text buffer when the window is resized (some versions of 
emacs did that)

Nice to have but not essential:
- autosave
- backup files (I'd really prefer the _filesystem_ to support that, but...)
- session saving support (remote saving, like the desktop saying "save all now" 
to all applications so that some "make" process uses the new version of the 
edited files)
- usable without X/framebuffer/graphics terminal

_Not_ to have:
- tabs -> the window manager, not the application, manages windows
- multiple buffers -> the process manager, not the application, manages 
- single instance optimization -> would mess up automated tool firing up an 
editor to confirm something (that means you, gedit)
- integrated object browser, cross referencer, spell checker, project manager, 
build system, word counter, program to calculate the answer to the life, 
universe and everything ...  (can just do that using another tool :))

> The Note application is unusable to do code and editor in xterm are very 
> annoying because there heavly use CTRL ou ESC that are not easly to do on the 
> device.

Or make any sense to do on a desktop PC, for that matter ;)

Sorry for the rant... :)

No really, if anyone knew an editor that fulfills most of these criteria, I'd 
like to hear about it.
(then I could stop writing the one based to GtkTreeView I started but never 
seem to finish)

Hm, maybe wit

[maemo-users] Re: os2006 frequent vfat badblocks

2007-01-26 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Thu, 25 Jan 2007 15:00:00 -0800, James Sparenberg wrote:
> On Thursday 25 January 2007 07:39, Levi Bard wrote:
> Levi,
>I'm with you.  Using scp works a lot better than the USB cable.  

The same thing happens to me. I'm using the WLAN to transfer large files 
because with _large_ files, over time it will just die with IO error.
when I keep the transfer size down, it works fine.
Funny enough, opera also has a bug with small debian-binary files, sometimes it 
will not really download them and in the end the installer will choke on a 0 
byte file. Downloading it again helps. Weird.

> The real fun comes if you use the 770/n800 as a middle man between your 
> laptop/desktop  and phone.  Create your own ringtones and backgrounds and 
> load them right up.  

I thought about that, but I'm not much of a phone extra stuff user apart from 
just using it for actually making phone calls ;) (read: too lazy)

> The heck with paying 1.99 for a 15 second capture, or someones bad anime  
> artwork. *grin* 

Well, you have to give the cell phone carriers the credit for having the idea 
of selling ringtones in the first place. Who would have thought... ;)

> For even more "fun" use fuser

You mean FUSE (Filesystems in Userspace), I think?

> (to the developers, thanks you got it working faster than I could) then if 
> you have openssh installed (windows, mac or Unix, I've tested windows and 
> linux) you can mount a drive/dir of your desktop and use it as if it were a 
> local drive.  Right at the moment I have a 770 that thinks it has 600GB of 
> drive space, and I'm 40 miles away from the parent box. 

Yeah, mounting is a nice concept :)
Too bad GNOME (and KDE) thought inventing their own incompatible layer would be 
fun. sigh.

Actually I looked into adding a nice mount manager to the Nokia 770 file 
manager somewhen (including ability to use fusermount), but I think the source 
code wasn't available back then? I wonder...


maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Re: ogg libs anybody?

2006-11-29 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Wed, 08 Nov 2006 14:29:03 +0100, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:

> Hi all,
> the wiki describes pretty detailed how to install the gst ogg plugins 
> but I am not able (and willing after some failures) to install a 
> scratchbox just for compiling these.
> Did *anybody* suceed compiling the tremor library etc which are needed 
> for ogg support? 

I did, but Audio Player uses 100% memory and does nothing with it.
gst-launch works. Being investigated...

> If so, it would be great to make them available somewhere, so I could
> grab them. No need for install/config scripts, I can do that myself,
> just the *.so's would be great.

Since they don't work, I don't put them up :)
After they work, sure...


maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Re: 2GB card?

2006-10-26 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Tue, 24 Oct 2006 22:57:52 -0400, Jonathan Greene wrote:

> Thanks - I've been trying those instructions but keep getting the
> command to fail with the command line as root 

What does it say?

>and can't even get the
> patch to run from the GUI flasher... 


maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Application Manager: the good and the bad

2006-09-21 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

so since I read the mail from Frank Burton, I was exposed to the Application
Manager again. And I noticed the good and bad points again:

First the good ones:

- Nice _big_ (as in "good" :)) main buttons 
  (I mean "Show installed applications" etc)

- Nice "path bar" navigation
- Nice Update support
- Support for installation from multiple catalogs
- Nice "Settings" dialog ;)

That parts are well done :)

And now, inevitably, the bad...

Application Manager

[ Update ] [ i ]   [ |-| ]

- This one is a little weird in that half of the buttons are text
  and the other half of the buttons are symbols, for no apparent reason
  (the symbols even are spaced in a way so that their word representation
  would have fitted easily)

Application Manager > Check for updates > Update

[ Update ]

xournal 0.3.1-indt3
0.8 MB

[ OK ] [ Details ] [ Cancel ]

- Dialogs shouldn't really have a title bar. 
  Most on the nokia don't, this one does. Weird.

- The dialog text could have read 'Update "xournal" to version 0.3.1-indt3'

- Action Buttons should have a caption that denotes _what they do_.
  I would prefer if gtk just removed the GTK_STOCK_OK, GTK_STOCK_YES,
  GTK_STOCK_NO from their headers and crashed whenever a textual match
  were found, to foil people that are trying to break the UI at all 
  costs ;-)

  Button order is non-gnome, but I guess it's arguable which order is
  better, so I mention it once here and then I shut up:

  Gnome's way is:
  Button causing progress to the right, 
  buttons causing cancellation to the middle and
  uncommon buttons to the left. 
  The reason is so that when you want it to progress, 
  you can stay at the right side at all times.

  That said, I am not convinced that's enough to warrant breaking 
  user's habits of x years. So I'll not change button order in the
  suggestions below.

- Suggestion

[ Update ]

Update "xournal" to version 0.3.1-indt3?
(takes 0.8 MB)

[ Update ] [ Details ] [ Cancel ]

- End Suggestion

- Ok, so I click on "Update", err, I mean "OK", and this appears:


If the software is not obtained from Nokia, Nokia is unable to guarantee
that the software will not harm your device and installation will be at your
own risk.
Continue anyway?

[ OK ] [ Cancel ]

This notice is too DARN LONG.

- Suggestion

Install non-nokia software?

[ Update ] [ Cancel ]

- End Suggestion

Anyway, so I click on "Update", err, "OK", and:

[i] xournal successfully updated

[ OK ]

- If there is one button and it does nothing except closing the window, 
  it should be named "Close"

- So I click "Close", err, "OK", and:

Application Manager > Tools > Refresh list of packages

[?] Refresh Package List

  [ OK ]   [ Cancel ]

- Well now that's strange. For the life of me, I can't figure out what 
  kind of destructive things it is plotting. Why does it ask me? 
  I don't ask "may I breathe in", "may I breathe out" either ;-)
  And it's not a question. "Breathe in". "OK". ;-)

- If that was intentionally, the menu items need "..." at the end:
  "Refresh list of packages..." (dot,dot,dot)

  This signals that the command needs extra information for it to commence
  (read: user still able to back out after clicking :))

- the buttons, try "Refresh" and "Cancel" instead

- anyway, I click "Refresh", err, "OK" and:

[!] Unable to refresh list.
Last refreshed list is shown.

  [ OK ]

- The button should be "Close".
- It's kind of obvious that it doesn't fabricate a list out of thin air, 
  so remove the obvious "Last refreshed list is shown."
- How about a button "Show Log", too?

Application Manager > Tools > Application catalogue...

[ Catalogue ]


[ New ] [ Edit ] [ Delete ] [ Close ]

- the application catalogue appeared without requiring further input and
  without giving the user the chance to back out, so the menu entry 
  should read:

  "Application catalogue" (no-dot-dot-dot)

- dialogs have no title, this one does: what is it, then?
- this dialog is too small, all the URLs are cut, but half the screen is
  still available.
- The buttons are nice, but the "New" button needs extra information to 
  be able to create a new entry, so "New..." (dot-dot-dot)

- the "Edit" button needs extra info... blah... you get the idea

Application Manager > Tools > Application catalogue > Delete

[?] Delete catalogue?

Package list originating from this catalogue will also be deleted.

[ OK ] [ Cancel ]

- The buttons should be "Delete" and "Cancel".

- I find the extra lines stating the obvious funny. 
  Is that some kind of plot to keep user's brain cycles occupied? ;-)

[?] Refresh package list

[ OK ] [ Cancel ]

- Why does that appear now? I only _removed_ a catalogue... 
  Well anyway, the dialog itself has already been criticized above.

Application Manager > Tools > Log...

- The menu item should read "Log" (no-dot-dot-dot)
- Horizontal scroll bars are evil, how about word wrapping?

Application M

[maemo-users] Re: problem adding repositorys to the Catalogue.

2006-09-21 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Tue, 19 Sep 2006 13:30:08 -0700, Frank Burton wrote:

> I have just got a 770 and have upgraded to os2006 but am having a hard time
> adding repositorys to the catalogue. 

I know that doesn't help you, but just in case someone who _can_ fix
that for the better is listening:

Manually needing to enter information about catalogs is bad (URL,
distribution, component). How about some way to just be
able to open some special "debian catalog description" file with the web
browser and that will add a catalogue automagically?

I can think two ways of implementing that:
1) invent a mime type for debian-catalog and have the handler add the
catalog (_without_ asking any questions), or
2) use fake debian binary packages that [are not installed but] add the
catalog in their post-installation function. [sounds bandaid and bad]

>liste I add it then it says downloading
> file then I got an error that it is unable to refresh package list. I
> have tried various repositorys and have cut and pasted into  the
> catalogue so I don't think it is a spelling error. Just wondering if I
> am missing something obvious here.

No, it works for me that way. 

I just updated again, and just for reference, one of the catalogs that
worked is:

Web address: http://bgran.net/etrunko/apt
Distribution: mistral
Components: user
Enabled: x


maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Re: file manager type associations

2006-09-19 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Mon, 28 Aug 2006 20:53:49 +, Danny Milosavljevic wrote:

> Hi,
> answer:
> - edit "/usr/share/applications/hildon/FBReader.desktop"
> - add "MimeType=text/plain;"
> - save, quit
> - call "update-desktop-database" as root.
> works, kind of :)
> Now need to get fbreader to support opening its argument... :)

*FBReader* supports opening its argument (as verified in xterm), but it
seems putting "Exec=FBReader %f" into the desktop file and doing 
- update-desktop-database
- update-mime-database /usr/share/mime 
will never ever make the file manager pass the file path that is to be
opened to FBReader.

Strange... is there some DBusism to watch out for here?


maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Re: Making software installation a bit easier in Maemo

2006-08-30 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Thu, 24 Aug 2006 12:50:37 +0300, Miko Nieminen wrote:

> On Thu, 2006-08-24 at 08:31 +0300, Henri Bergius wrote:
>> So, how could we make it easier to add new apt repositories?
> Actually Maemo SDK has even more simple way to do this. Just install
> package:
> http://repository.maemo.org/pool/mistral/free/m/maemo-contrib-
> repository/maemo-contrib-repository_2.0-1_all.deb
> After that your Application Manager is configured to have contrib
> repository. This is very simple method, just "install" repositories and
> then use Application Manager as usual.
> What do yo think about this kind of way?

Hehehe... very nice :)

Is there an easy way to generate those repository deb files? 
(by easy I mean as in "call one script with the obvious parameters to get


maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Re: [maemo-developers] Future features for Maemo Desktop (Task Navigator, Home, Status bar)?

2006-08-30 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Fri, 18 Aug 2006 10:04:10 -0400, Vladislav Grinchenko wrote:

> On Fri, 2006-08-18 at 15:33 +0200, koos vriezen wrote:
>> What I would like is the filedialog keeping it's current
directory, so
>> not starting at scratch all the time within an application. That also
>> includes the loading of the iconlist, which btw. is rather slow as
>> well.
> I would second that request. Also, while on a subject, the file browser
> needs an optional 'View as list' option similar to the one found in
> nautilus.

Huh? It does that here... In fact, the only modes are "List" and
"Thumbnails". And that's nice :)

> P.S. Also, a native desktop support for landscape->portrait rotation
> would be really nice.

I'm not sure if that would be nice on that screen for the entire
desktop... but a little experiment wouldn't hurt :)


maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Re: file manager type associations

2006-08-28 Thread Danny Milosavljevic


- edit "/usr/share/applications/hildon/FBReader.desktop"
- add "MimeType=text/plain;"
- save, quit
- call "update-desktop-database" as root.

works, kind of :)

Now need to get fbreader to support opening its argument... :)


maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] file manager type associations

2006-08-28 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

I wonder how the file manager determines the application used to open a

So far, I found /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache , but I guess that
isn't to be edited directly? *tries anyway* :)

Should there also be a "defaults.list" ? Not here...

(I want to use fbreader to read text files and osso_notes 'only' to edit


maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] Re: [maemo-developers] Future features for Maemo Desktop

2006-08-28 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

On Sun, 27 Aug 2006 16:41:51 -0500, David D. Hagood wrote:
> Integration of the Festival Text to speech engine as an optional 
> component, with hooks into the RSS feed reader and mail client would be 
> nice - that way you could download an RSS feed and have it read to you 
> while you are doing something else.

Hehehe, that's nice. Is there some kind of embedded festival package for
the nokia 770 already? :)

> Integration of a calendaring app (e.g. GPE) with the evolution data
> server such that a common location for all calendaring data can be set
> up.

ical, a remote mount point/rsync? *wonders*

> Sync of the internal Evolution data server with an external server, to
> allow syncing with Desktop Evolution.

ical, a remote mount point/rsync? *wonders*

> [...]


maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] MMC Card Problem

2006-03-29 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

Am Mittwoch, den 29.03.2006, 09:48 -0700 schrieb Preston Schilling:
> Hello,
> I just purchased a Nokia 770 and everything seems to work fine except 
> for the nokia says that the MMC card is not inserted when it really is. 
> I'm sure i am putting it in right, i put the card in my mmc reader and 
> card seems to be fine, i even put a file on it. but i have been unable 
> for the nokia to recognize it. Has any one seen this problem? Also when 
> connecting nokia via the USB cable to my computer i do not see the 
> storage device either.

Argh, this will sound so cocky, especially since you said you put it in
correctly but:

Are you sure?

The seven contacts must be facing upwards (towards you when the nokia
screen front is visible)

also there is a cut edge... it must be at the top left.



when the nokia is on the table in a way that lets you read text on it
normally :)

On my MMC card, there is a sticker, too. It faces DOWN to the table.

Also, you must put it in far enough so that you hear a gentle click of
the holding mechanism. It's far enough when you can close the cover an
it doesn't stick out of the outline of the nokia at all (and you have to
close the cover).

And another thing, what (filesystem) did you format it with?


maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] bugs with gtk2 on maemo?

2006-03-28 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

Am Montag, den 27.03.2006, 17:09 -0800 schrieb smartkenny:
> Hello, everyone
> I create a GtkListStore and a GtkTreeView, and place a column with 
> GtkCellRendererToggle in it. The GtkCellRendererToggle is associated 
> with a G_TYPE_BOOLEAN.
> The bug is that: when insert data to the liststore, the toggles 
> (checkbox) are always unchecked no matter what the G_TYPE_BOOLEAN value is.
> And the same codes works just like what it should be under linux (I am 
> using freepascal, which can cross compile to ARM codes).
> Did anybody ever used this widget, and didn't you have the same problem?

How did you connect the model column to the cellrenderertoggle?


maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] Quick review of the Nokia 770

2006-03-22 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

Am Mittwoch, den 22.03.2006, 01:16 +0100 schrieb Lionel Dricot (aka
> On 3/21/06, Danny Milosavljevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Am Sonntag, den 19.03.2006, 23:05 +0100 schrieb Lionel Dricot (aka
> > Ploum):
> > Comments about the wiki page:
> >
> > > **Suggestion : make the hardware home key acts as a shift key when in
> > keyboarding mode**
> >
> > Having strange second uses for well-defined hardware keys doesn't sound
> > like a good idea. What about putting the dot on the same mode (side) as
> > the numbers instead ;)
> well, not as default of course. but it would be so easy and
> convenient! the shift key is far left, wich is very difficult for my
> right hand.

Yes, but what about putting the dot on the same page on the virtual

As in:

(on the right side of the shifted virtual keyboard:)

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
- 0 .

I dont see at all what the equals sign is for (that was at the slot
before) when entering numbers... then again, maybe it's just me.

Just thinking aloud :)

> [...]

> > > Why can't I have access to the MMC card when USB is plugged ?
> >
> > You (actually your PC) _has_ access to the MMC card, I thought that was
> > the whole point (apart from for flashing)
> but why is concurrent access not possible?

Well, two drivers accessing the same hardware at the same time is just
calling for trouble, I'd guess... 
heh, David D Hagood completely explains it in his follow-up mail, I
see :)

> > > Why can't I have access to the system memory ?
> >
> > As in RAM? or as in user-useable flash? I guess the latter uses a
> > filesystem type MsWindows does't know (if you use that, just guessing
> > here) - not that I tried, actually I'd just scp it over the net and
> > spare myself all the work of plugging
> > usb/mounting/copying/unmounting/unplugging :)
> I'm using Ubuntu only ;-) Ispeak of course about the user flash.

No idea then - not that I ever tried accessing it, as I said I just do
the stuff the lazy way - via the WLAN :)

> > > The whole email reader is simple and efficient. It just takes too long
> > to start and why the hell does it sort mail in chronological order
> > *BEFORE* sorting them in anti-chronological order like I want ?  It
> > would be better to simply load, at first, the last twenty emails so I
> > can already browse them.
> >
> > I don't quite follow you... you mean it doesn't scroll to the end of the
> > list (= newest posts) by default when app is started?
> >
> > Reversing the well-known chronological order of
> > newer-things-are-below-older-thing to something else doesn't seem to
> > make sense to me (think about it, even a Terminal has newest entries at
> > the bottom...)
> >
> > Or did I misunderstand you?
> I put newer mail above (anti-chronological order). but when I start
> the mail reader, he reads all mail once and display them in
> chronological order before redisplaying them as I want. quite a waste
> of ressources...

I see... so you mean it first displays and formats everything
chronologically, taking time x, and _after that_ loads the saved sort
order and does that _again_, taking time x :) baad...

> [...]

> > > Voice recorder: Still missing. I hope to see something so I can record
> > my ideas in speex or ogg format. It would be damned cool as the 770
> > already has a microphone.
> >
> > Really? might be something I'd like to try hack on... any details? can a
> > normal OSS dsp be used to read from it? :)
> >
> > I remember a talk on maemo-developers that involved an external mike
> > faintly, but nothing much about the internal one ...
> Tommi showed it to me at FOSDEM. it's the little hole next your power
> socket. I don't know nothing much than that ;-)

Good to know :)

> >
> > > Terminal: Cannot live without it. The annoying bit is that the custom
> > applications are not in the $PATH. that's really annoying.
> >
> > Tommi Komulainen hinted at FOSDEM 2006 that /var/lib/install will be
> > gotten rid of soon :) there is hope...
> We were in the same room then :-)  but I hadn't a 770 at this time so
> I didn't understand all.

hehe, I was the guy with the (doodled) Xfce Developer name tag ;)
Must... plan... ahead  next time (not like, "oops! the plane is
leaving to FOSDEM *runs away from work*" ;))

> [...]

> thanks you a lot for your long answer. very interesting. When typing
> this reply, I wished there was a way to lock the virtual keyboard
> open. oh, and gmail is not very 770 friendly ;-)

Hehe, mail google on that ... maybe they add a special maemo mode ...
now that would be interesting... (if the browser identifies itself
differently than on a desktop pc, that is)


maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] Quick review of the Nokia 770

2006-03-21 Thread Danny Milosavljevic

Am Sonntag, den 19.03.2006, 23:05 +0100 schrieb Lionel Dricot (aka
> Little story
> Today, I was in a shop, in the queue. There was a lot of people in
> front of me. 10 minutes to wait, at least. Fortunatly, there was an
> open Wifi not far. So, I spent the whole queue reading
> planet.gnome.org. How have I lived so long without my lovely Nokia 770
> ?
> End
> So, after only two days with my 770, I've written this quick'n dirty
> review. It might be of interest for some of you :
> http://wiki.frimouvy.org/Nokia770  (wiki, feel free to edit)

Comments about the wiki page:

> **Suggestion : make the hardware home key acts as a shift key when in
keyboarding mode**

Having strange second uses for well-defined hardware keys doesn't sound
like a good idea. What about putting the dot on the same mode (side) as
the numbers instead ;)

> A lot of people have complained about memory on this device. 

Yeah I never quite got that... just what the heck are they _doing_ with
their device? Storing a database management system on it or what? 
As someone being in the computer field for far too long (when 64KB ram
were much and 500KB floppy was huge - note the K :)), let me say that if
64MB+64MB of backing store and 64MB of ram aren't enough, please tell me
just what are you using it for? I'm curious, it's not just a rhetoric
question :)

> I like very much the current idea with left panel, top panel-window
bar. It works and I think we should port this idea to our average
desktop. I simply wish I could customize the left panel and the menu.
For now, all installed programs are in the same submenu. I wish I could
access GPE-calendar quickier than Scummvm...

I agree that the submenu where the application entry is put into should
be freely choosable by the packager (who best sticks to the desktop file
standard for the actual category names he uses, of course :)).

> Why can't I have access to the MMC card when USB is plugged ?

You (actually your PC) _has_ access to the MMC card, I thought that was
the whole point (apart from for flashing)

> Why can't I have access to the system memory ? 

As in RAM? or as in user-useable flash? I guess the latter uses a
filesystem type MsWindows does't know (if you use that, just guessing
here) - not that I tried, actually I'd just scp it over the net and
spare myself all the work of plugging
usb/mounting/copying/unmounting/unplugging :)

> The web browser sometimes crashes... Not too often but it happens more
than it should be.

Really? it never crashed for me, however half of the time I can't add
bookmarks o_O

> The whole email reader is simple and efficient. It just takes too long
to start and why the hell does it sort mail in chronological order
*BEFORE* sorting them in anti-chronological order like I want ?  It
would be better to simply load, at first, the last twenty emails so I
can already browse them.

I don't quite follow you... you mean it doesn't scroll to the end of the
list (= newest posts) by default when app is started?

Reversing the well-known chronological order of
newer-things-are-below-older-thing to something else doesn't seem to
make sense to me (think about it, even a Terminal has newest entries at
the bottom...) 

Or did I misunderstand you?

> File type association. When I click on a ogg file, I want it to open
the ogg reader. When I click on a pdb file, I want it to open FBreader.
It doesn't have to be automatic. I can specify it the first time. But,
at the moment, I only have a very frustrating "cannot open this file"

That has been a mess in the whole open source world... I finally see a
light at the end of the tunnel as how to store those things internally
is being standardized somewhat (sigh...).

> I hope to seen soon the ogg player and the mp3 one merged. 

yeah, that is: ogg played by gstreamer and mp3 played by gstreamer as
well :)

> And why not also the video player ? Mini-totem anyone ?

What do video and audio players have in common (from a users point of
view, not the developers point of view)? 

I do expect many _more_ things from an audio player than from a video
player, the reason being the sheer number of audio files I have and the
few video files in comparison, namely:
- seaching in tags (!)
- categories by artist/album/year/...
- editing tags, maybe (though by now my audio tags have been fixed, but
have to think of the new users :))
- maybe playlists/shuffle

(does anyone else find it strange that bought music CDs don't have CD
Text on them so you actually have to edit every single one of them to
tag them properly?)

On the other hand I don't care about those things in a video player at
all, all that has to be able to do is play the video :), seek, maximize,
and close. No playlists, not even file>open, actually. Others may see
that differently :)

> Is there a site where I can download 770-compatibles videos ? 

I thought 3gpp video sites worked, but a quick try showed them not to
work... weird, I could have sworn