Re: Cell Phone As Modem

2008-06-01 Thread Sameer Verma
Dr. Nicholas Shaw wrote:
> When wireless connectivity isn't available, I've connected my N800 to the
> Internet through my Motorola Razr v3 through Bluetooth.  It was slow (Edge)
> but it worked.  But the Razr had to be replaced.  I decided not to replace
> it with another Razr because I wanted a real keyboard AND I wanted the much
> faster 3G data transfer capability (it still has Edge if 3G isn't
> available).
> Based upon user reviews, I narrowed my search to two phones - the Motorola
> Moto Q and the Samsung Black Jack II.  Both are smartphones and each has the
> above requirements plus they're both quad-band for world travel (another
> requirement).  In the end, I bought the Black Jack II because it's smaller.
> When I got the phone, I paired it through Bluetooth to the Black Jack II.
> What I didn't do, however, was actually attempt to connect to the Internet
> (you know what they say about assumptions...). On a recent trip I discovered
> that I'm unable to connect my N800 to the Internet through the Black Jack II
> and according to AT&T, the Black Jack II doesn't have that ability using
> Bluetooth.  
> This past Friday, I again contacted AT&T and they're willing to switch out
> the Black Jack II for the Moto Q since I'm within the 30-day grace period.
> So I have two questions that I'm hoping someone can answer:
> 1.  Just to verify, has anyone used Bluetooth to connect a N770/800/810
> device to the Internet through a Black Jack II? If so, maybe we can
> communicate the differences in our setups offline.
> 2.  Has anyone used Bluetooth to connect a N770/800/810 device to the
> Internet through the Motorola Moto Q?  I don't want to get the Moto Q if it
> won't work although I'm guessing it will if the Motorola Razr did.
> In advance - THANKS!
> Nick.

Hi Nick,
I've had problems connecting my 770 to a phone from AT&T. The customer
service would keep telling me that I could not use Bluetooth because I
had not purchased the "tethering package". I was at the end of my
contract and so, I switched to T-Mobile. It not only connects vis
Bluetooth to do GPRS, I am also able to use Bluetooth to dial out to a
56K modem pool. Its slow, but works in a pinch.

Now, this may not apply to you, because you seem to have purchased the
Edge package, but for me, it was one more reason to not go with AT&T.


Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information Systems
San Francisco State University
San Francisco CA 94132 USA

maemo-users mailing list

Re: N810 - hardware lock key intermittnently not working???

2008-02-27 Thread Sameer Verma
Scott Carr wrote:
> Joshua Layne wrote:
>> Is anyone else having intermittent problems with the hardware lock key on
>> the N810 (the slider) - mine will just randomly fail, sometimes even
>> immediately after a cold power down (with the battery out).
>> It is a really annoying problem.
>> Yes, I activated red-pill mode and have installed countless third party
>> apps, but this still shouldn't be happening.
>> Any pointers greatly appreciated.
>> josh
> I have seen this before, what I have found is that the slider has a
> "catch" it seems.  When I thought I had slide it far enough, there was
> actually a little more that it was needing to slide before it recognized
> it.  If I find I am having problems with the slider, if I push a little
> more it works.
> Another item I have seen is that if you push it, and get frustrated and
> push it a couple more times, it kind of "catches up", and all of the
> sets works in succession.
There seems to be a bit of a lag between sliding the key and the screen
prompt. I usually slide the key, hold it until I see the prompt.


Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information Systems
San Francisco State University
San Francisco CA 94132 USA

maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] question on the media center software.

2006-12-20 Thread Sameer Verma

Klaasjan Brand wrote:
On 12/20/06, *James Sparenberg* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

Does anyone know what Linux package could be used to replace the
component of media streamer If none no problem I'll just need
to install
icecast.  Thanks.

You need an UPNP server to  use mediastreamer, like twonkyvision 
(payware) or ushare (which had a problem causing mediastreamer not to 
find it, but may be fixed by now...)

I use gmediaserver ( I hear 
it has limitations on number of items. Install is simple though on 
Debian/Ubuntu (apt-get).I also have a MythTV install at home and my 
Nokia MediaStreamer finds it, so I suppose MythTV must be doing uPNP...


Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information Systems
San Francisco State University
San Francisco CA 94132 USA
maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] 770 on the way

2006-11-30 Thread Sameer Verma

Alex Crough wrote:

 > I know its [sucessor] is just around the corner
 I don't like what I see in the leaked pictures.  It's ugly.

It's GPS/Media. Not a web device (according to this site, the photo's
aren't leaked either, Nokia announced the 330).

I believe the successor to 770 is the rumored 870 as shown here


Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information Systems
San Francisco State University
San Francisco CA 94132 USA
maemo-users mailing list

Re: [maemo-users] IT200 upgrade went fine

2006-11-08 Thread Sameer Verma
Jonathan Greene wrote:
> I recently got access to a PC at work, so I chose to just use the
> Windows installer from Nokia's site rather than my Powerbook.  couple
> days in - no issues, though the damn browser still chooses to
> magically shut down every now and again.

I did an upgrade via the Windows installer as well. The upgrade works
well, but I agre that the browser seems a bit too eager to crash.


Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information Systems
San Francisco State University
San Francisco CA 94132 USA
maemo-users mailing list

[maemo-users] pairing with Motorola 551v

2005-12-25 Thread Sameer Verma
Hi all,
I just got my 770 a few days ago, and I must say that I am quite
impressed. I've had the Sharp Zaurus 6000 for some time, but I think the
Nokia 770 has a much better UI.

Anyway, getting to the point: I am trying to pair it with my Motorola
551v. It gets through the seek and exchange of the four digit key. The
Motorola phone shows "paired and saved", but the Nokia 770 fails to
pair. Does anyone have any ideas to make the two work?


Dr. Sameer Verma, Ph.D.
Asst. Professor of Information Systems
San Francisco State University
San Francisco CA 94132 USA
maemo-users mailing list