I think support for javaME/CLDC1.1/MIDP2.0 is what we need first because there 
are lot of applications out there already. I would like for example to be able 
to run the javaME gmail client on my nokia N810.

Next step would be add support for javaME/CDC1.1/FP1.1 + AWT (PP1.1) + eSWT


----- Ursprungsmeddelande -----
Från: Sebastian Mancke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Till: Peter Flynn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Kopia: maemo-users <maemo-users@maemo.org>
Skickat: ons 16 jan 2008 10:05:25
Ämne: Re: Java VM??
Peter Flynn schrieb:
> Gary D Walborn wrote:
>> To all:
>>      I have searched and I have been unable to find a Java VM for maemo...
>> Am I missing something?  I can't believe that Java (or one of the
>> work-alikes) has not been ported... There are a number of Java apps that
>> I would LOVE to run on my N800 and N770.  Java seems perfect for this
>> platform?  Is there some major obstacle to a Java port?  I think this
>> should be high on the "to-do" list...
> I installed Jalimo which is fine if you just want to run java from the 
> command-line (no graphics).
Jalimo contains also SWT packages, for nice GUIs with native look and feel.

> I use it all the time to run Saxon (XSLT) 
> and it's slow but stable.
> I asked about Java in Oct but only got answers about Jalimo and PhoneME. 
>   Unfortunately the PhoneME distributions (including the binary pointed 
> to on the page Ove suggested) don't appear to contain a program called 
> "java". There is something called bin/cvm in there but I have no idea if 
> this does anything useful.
> It would be nice if someone could locate a java plugin for the N800 
> browser. Currently a lot of web sites with java features are off-limits.
> ///Peter
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