Hey Everyone,

Happy new year to everyone!

I am pleased to announce new release candidates for Postorius and Hyperkitty 
along with new releases for Mailmanclient and Django-mailman3!

These include both new features and bug fixes. Complete change log for each 

Postorius 1.3.4rc1: 
Hyperkitty 1.3.4rc1 : 
Mailmanclient 3.3.2.: 
Django-mailman3 1.3.5: 

These releases require Mailman Core 3.3.2 and Python 3.6+.

Since these are pre-releases, you can install them using:

    $ pip install --pre --upgrade postorius hyperkitty

Or you can also specify the exact versions:

   $ pip install --upgrade 'postorius==1.3.4rc1' 'hyperkitty==1.3.4rc1'

Unless there is a release-blocker bug, stable versions for Postorius and 
Hyperkitty will be released in 2 weeks time. If you can test these releases, we 
encourage you to report any bugs to us on Gitlab.

If you'd like to help out with translations for some of the new strings in your 
native language, the documentation is available here[1] on how to do that.

[1]: https://docs.mailman3.org/en/latest/translation.html

  Abhilash Raj (maxking)
  On behalf of GNU Mailman Team
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