> On Apr 28, 2021, at 11:03 PM, Danil Smirnov <da...@smirnov.la> wrote:
> Hi,
> As per public Gitlab stats for Mailman Core repo, 25 issues have been
> closed in April so far, which is the record of the last 12 months and beats
> the previous four months total.
> From a merge requests perspective, it is the record too, and the merged
> requests number pace is growing by ~15% over the last four months, reaching
> a quarter of a hundred in April.
> I know that it's just a month from the previous Mailman Core release, but
> given the stats above should the next release be planned earlier than usual?

A release for Core is actually imminent, but I am not sure about timing as there
are other things going on. Maybe in two or three weeks I can get some betas

We want to get out new version of web components soon as they’ve accumulated
some fixes and new stuff. But the new version of Postorius requires an new REST
endpoint so we’d need to release Core for that anyway.

Abhilash Raj (maxking)

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