> On Feb 5, 2022, at 5:51 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephenjturnb...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Suyash Singh writes:
> Welcome, Suyash!
> Sorry this mail has been sitting in my drafts for a day or so, but I
> don't think anybody else has answered yet.  Let me just send it and
> start the conversation.
>> I have started a development environment and am starting to read the
>> documentation. I picked up issue #973 because it seemed like a easy issue
>> to fix.
> Not clear what you're reading.  The dev setup guide starts here, but
> the site structure is somewhat complicated (disorganized):
> https://docs.mailman3.org/en/latest/devsetup.html
>> Link to Issue: https://gitlab.com/mailman/mailman/-/issues/973
> Note that at least one other developer (whose handle I don't recognize
> so probably new) is working on that issue.
>> 1) I am unable to recreate the problem. As I can't find the API url and how
>> do I access them in my development environment. I tried the using the
>> command "mailman shell" which is referred to in the documentation for
>> debugging. and after holding a message and handling it. I get the following
>> error:
>>>>> handle_message(mlist, 1, Action.discard)
>>>>> handle_message(mlist, 1, Action.discard)
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
>>  File
>> "/home/suyashsingh/Desktop/mailman/mailman/src/mailman/app/moderator.py",
>> line 113, in handle_message
>>    key, msgdata = requestdb.get_request(id)
>> TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object
> I think you probably don't have Mailman running, but I can't be sure
> because of the limited information you've given about how you set up
> your dev environment.
>> 2) How can I start http://localhost:9001/ on my local machine as currently
>> its not working. What is the port 9001 used for?
> In a dev environment, port 9001 is used for the REST API served by
> Mailman core.  You start Mailman by running "mailman start" in the
> directory where you want Mailman's database stored (this assumes you
> have configured your dev environment to use sqlite3 as the backend).

A minor clarification for this, Port 9001 is only used in our testing since
we don’t want to start a test server on 8001, which is the default port and
also the port using for dev.

Although, this does make me think that we should consider making a chage
to our docs to suite more as docs and less as just tests. It would interfere
with a dev server running when you run tests, which isn’t ideal though.

We have pages that have documented this kind of behavior about 9001/8001
I think, but I am sure this has to be told at least once to folks new to Mailman

I wonder if we can do something about it?

At some point though, I want to get rid of call_api() towards `requests.get()`
or simple urllib3.urlopen() methods as it will be a lot easier for folks to
understand and run for folks and maybe equally testable.

Abhilash Raj (maxking)

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