Re: [Mailman-Developers] Feedback for mailman developers

2008-02-10 Thread Adrian Bye
Hi guys,

I've copied 3 people who emailed me since May 2007 about this issue.  I
don't know any of them, they just found my post from 3 years ago on the web
and wrote to me.  Clearly its important to them since they emailed me about

Guys:  I encourage you to subscribe to the mailman-developers list so you
can communicate your needs directly with the mailman development team.

The one-click unsubscribe is a critical feature for mailman and will open up
a much larger interest base.  I am not proposing 1-click unsubscribe for
discussion mailing lists such as this one - that would obviously cause
problems with people unsubscribing each other by mistake.  However a lot of
organizations use mailing list software to broadcast newsletters to their
membership.  If users cannot unsubscribe via some kind of (simple) 1-click
interface then it limits the people who can use the system and may not be
CANSPAM compliant.  The FSF is one organization that has been running a
newsletter for a while and they have had to manually handle unsubscribe
requests.  Peter Brown is copied as well as RMS and may be able to respond
if necessary.

When many users cannot unsubscribe from an announcement list (as the FSF
used mailman for) they often don't bother, instead they just hit the this
is spam button.  Neither the sender or receiver notices anything when this
happens.  For the receiver, future emails from the list go into the trash,
so hitting the this is spam button accomplished their purpose.  The sender
doesn't realise there was a problem because they never heard from the
recipient.  But the mail services know (eg hotmail/gmail/yahoo/aol) and they
begin to mark the IP address/domain of the sender as a spam sender.  This
causes future WANTED mail from that sender to go into the trash.

When we were experimenting with mailman 3 years ago, we found that in fact
mailman already has a bad reputation for email.  We found our mail was
directly going into the trash when it included mailman headers.  When we
modified mailman to send but hide the mailman headers, we got directly into
the inbox.  This testing is 3 years old, and I don't remember the specific
services we were testing to, but it included one of hotmail or yahoo.

While mailman continues not to support easy unsubscribe in the footers, it
will continue to hamper the growth of free software, as free software
organizations will not have a reliable product to mail to broadcast to
interested users.  This demand is evidenced by the emails I get every 2
months from people asking me for this patch due to my emails in the archives
from 3 years ago.

I'm not here to get into a debate - I only joined the list again to ask to
have that post removed because I'm tired of responding to these requests
which I cannot help with.

I hope this explains my point of view.  Best of luck,


On 2/7/08, Barry Warsaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hash: SHA1

 On Feb 5, 2008, at 4:07 PM, Adrian Bye wrote:

  Hi guys (and RMS, copied),
  About 3 years ago I made this post:
  As a result, I get an email every 1-2 months from people asking for an
  updated patch.

 It looks to me like there are really two separate unrelated features
 here.  Distributing them in the same patch would make it difficult to
 review, discuss, test and integrate, regardless of whether they are
 good ideas or not.

 I would like to encourage you to develop your patches in a different
 way.  I'm not making any promises about whether they would be
 integrated if you do this, but it would make it easier for us to look
 at, and I believe easier for your to maintain separately if you decide
 to continue to do so.

 I would highly recommend creating two separate Bazaar branches of the
 Mailman 2.1 code.  Each would implement just one of your features.
 You could create a third branch with the whole thing if you wanted,
 but I don't think it would be necessary.  You should then register on
 Launchpad and push these branches, publishing them in a live source
 code repository for all to see.

 I'm really trying to encourage this style of development.  To me,
 patches living in a tracker is dead code.  With a published, public
 branch, the entire process is more transparent, we can easily do a
 merge and test if we wanted to look at it.  We can even find these
 branches easily via Launchpad.  And you will have an easier time
 maintaining them, because as new revisions get pushed to Mailman 2.1
 trunk, you can just merge, commit, and push to update your own branch.

 If you -- or anybody else -- has questions about this workflow, please
 ping me on #mailman on  I will happily walk you
 through it.

 - -Barry

 Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (Darwin)


[Mailman-Developers] Feedback for mailman developers

2008-02-06 Thread Adrian Bye
Hi guys (and RMS, copied),

About 3 years ago I made this post:

As a result, I get an email every 1-2 months from people asking for an
updated patch.

I felt at the time it was an important project.  I was told it was not, so I
made it myself.  And, it was refused to be added to the main fork of mailman
which was quite frustrating.

Given the volume of email requests I get about it, my opinion seems to be
confirmed.  I wanted to bring it to your attention, and hope something will
be done about it.  These are just people who are figuring out my email
address on the web and contacting me.  There must be many more who don't
actually ask me about it.

If another group wants to step up and improve mailman, it might be a good
time to do so.  This is a critical project which could become the
centerpiece of a lot of important software if it was improved.

Best regards,

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RE: making Mailman CAN-SPAM compliant (was Re:[Mailman-Developers]Hashing member passwords in config.pck)

2005-02-17 Thread Adrian Bye
 We need to put a freeze on new features for 2.1.6.  In fact, 
 I think we should freeze all checkins except show-stopping 
 bug fixes.  I'd like to take between now and the end of 
 February for testing.

And, I just talked with my developer, and he got quite upset about the idea of
fixing his code to conform to your coding style.  So I guess that won't be
possible for now.  I certainly understand why you have coding guidelines, I
agree they are important.  I would have happily paid my developer to bring his
code in line with your standards.

I'm disappointed; we put quite a lot of work in to get this working right, and
the work we've done fits very smoothly into the our mailman installation (from
an administrator perspective).

I've updated the wiki page here:

Hopefully someone in the future can see what we've done and implement this
properly for everyone to use.


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RE: making Mailman CAN-SPAM compliant (was Re:[Mailman-Developers] Hashing member passwords in config.pck)

2005-02-16 Thread Adrian Bye
   All I can say is that Mailman is a non-profit open 
 source project, run by a group of people in whatever spare 
 time they can manage to scrape together.
   The Linux folks haven't cracked the ease-of-use aspects 
 of their OS compared to Microsoft, not even for the companies 
 that are spending large quantities of money to try to make 
 that happen.  We're a much, much smaller group, and although 
 this is also a smaller target, I don't see us being likely to 
 succeed in this area where the Linux folks have not.
   If someone wanted to pay large sums of money to make an 
 open source Yahoo! Groups-beating package, and pay people to 
 work on that as their full-time job, we might be able to 
 change this situation -- in time.


We've previously had conversations about some Yahoo groups functionality which
you said wasn't possible:

Yesterday I contributed patches which enables Mailman to have this exact
functionality which we borrowed from Yahoo Groups.  Yet I've seen no response
from you yet, and only one half dismissive response from another mailman

Mailman CAN be as good - and better - than Yahoo Groups.  It doesn't have to
take lots of money and resources.  Just being willing to accept our code a piece
at a time, and encouraging those who contribute will go a long way towards
getting there.

There may be some disagreement on the unsubscribe styff, but the header/footer
handling only benefits everyone.  I certainly hope that the mailman team will be
responsive, and accept these patches and integrate them into the codebase.  From
my side we'll do whatever it takes to make that happen.  Just tell us what we
have to do.


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[Mailman-Developers] Html headers footers, unsubscribe

2005-02-15 Thread Adrian Bye
Hi guys,

I have had patches made for two issues:

1.  HTML headers  footers handling

2.  1 click list unsubscribe

You can get our patches here:

Or also here:

Installation instructions are found in readme.txt

What we did:

1.  Reasonably good handling of HTML headers  footers

The issue we wanted to address is this one:

I wanted to be able to put html headers and footers into messages.  I did not
like the current mailman style of adding an attachment.  I knew this must be
possible to do because yahoo groups is doing it.  So we spent a LOT of time
testing how yahoo groups adds footers to mails.  We tested multipart messages
with varying numbers of attachments, badly formed html and a bunch of other
stuff.  We have documented our testing process in mime.txt.  

Our implementation is about 95% perfect, and works identical to yahoo groups,
which is sending millions of emails/day.  It will correctly handle badly formed
html, and various mimetypes.  Sometimes, depending on the colors of a message,
it will not be possible to view the headers  footers.  Otherwise it works
really well.

2.  1-click unsubscribe with the URL under 60 characters.

I've been involved in some discussions on this topic on the developers list.
The current unsubscribe process was not clear to me, and I wanted it to be very
easy for my users.  I also wanted the URLs to be short, so they would never get
broken by various mail clients.  

We made some small changes to encode the users email address and listnames to
the footer, along with the user password.  When a user wishes to unsubscribe,
they click on the link, it passes this information to mailman, and a
confirmation page is then shown.  The user can choose to unsubscribe by clicking
on the yes, I want to unsubscribe button.

I work with users who are less advanced than your average AOL customer, so both
of these points were extremely important to solve.  While many do feel its
important to continue requiring passwords for mailman accounts, I would strongly
advocate that those passwords become hidden just for access to archives.  

I'd like to see mailman become capable of handling millions of messages/day, and
it is only when simple unsubscribe functionality is incorporated that the
resources will start to appear to make that possible.

Yes, this may represent some change, but I believe it can be done in a way which
leaves everyone happy.

Anyways, those are our modifications.  If you have code questions, all coding
was done by Bushmanov Efim, who can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  He is
available for more work of this kind if you need it, and I would highly
recommend him as a great programmer.  For other questions drop me a line.



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RE: [Mailman-Developers] Hashing member passwords in config.pck

2005-02-12 Thread Adrian Bye
 On Sat, 2005-02-12 at 05:33, Thomas Hochstein wrote:
  I don't think so. I'd prefer to change options 
 *immediately*, without 
  having to wait until I get my mail (partly via UUCP).
 I agree.

And without passwords, you don't have to.  Instead of a password to access
member options, you access it via the custom URL at the footer of every message.
You can either save the URL in a password storage someplace, or just refer to an
older message in your mail.


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RE: [Mailman-Developers] Hashing member passwords in config.pck

2005-02-10 Thread Adrian Bye
 I would suggest 'mailman 2.2' and introduce password-less membership.
 Most of the user operations should be done by confirmation 
 string sent by email message. Users can optionally have their 
 passwords which should be stored in hashed format.

This would be great.

As an additional note, I have had my developer make a pretty good solution for
adding headers and footers in HTML.  We did a _lot_ of research as to how
yahoogroups implements this, and have copied their implementation.  Its not 100%
perfect - for example if the background color of a message is black, the headers
and footers won't show properly.  But it covers probably 98% of mail and
successfully adds headers and footers to all kinds of multi-part mime email.  It
also handles badly formed email, again using the same implementation as yahoo

I have the patches for mailman 2.5 here, and will send them out next week so you
can check them out.

This will make password-less membership quite easy to implement, since it will
support both html and plain text.


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