Re: [Mailman-Developers] Storing additional user data

2003-07-10 Thread Donn Cave
On Tuesday, July 8, 2003, at 06:19 AM, Chris Boulter wrote:
I'm hoping to use Mailman, but have a few requirements which may not be
addressed 'out of the box'. In particular, I'm integrating with another
system and would like to store the foreign system's user IDs in 
Mailman so
that I can correlate our users with Mailman subscribers. This will then
allow us to do things like replicate changes to users' email addresses,
which they currently enter in the foreign system.

I've considered using clone_member from the command line, but this 
like it might not be problem-free. For instance, a user could change 
email address to match someone else's who's already subscribed to one 
more lists, and then change it back, and thus hijack that user's 
(identifying only be email address, the users would become 
to us).
Right.  You need an extra database,  user-id :: list :: role :: 
mailman-id  (maybe you
wouldn't need role, we do because our external IDs authenticate also.)

Does Mailman support the storage of any sort of user metadata? If not, 
it be easyish to add? I'm not terribly familiar with Python, but it 
like I could add attributes to a class and then have them persisted by
Python's 'marshalling' into a (non-standard) Mailman database.
It isn't easyish to add.  There are a boat-load of places where that 
extra user-ID
needs to be carried around and accounted for in various ways.  I think 
in the
long run there will be enough interest in this that we'll see some 
support for it
in Mailman, but at best I imagine it's a long way off.

In your case, I'm wondering if some arrangement could be made so that 
delivery unifies everything with the foreign system, and your user 
just uses
that ID as an email address.  Put the final destination address in an 
database and have sendmail look it up.  No changes to Mailman.  Or is 
what you're doing already?  Well, anyway, without some real Python 
I think you're better off working around Mailman than trying to make 
this kind
of change to it.

Donn Cave, University Computing Services, University of Washington
Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Storing additional user data

2003-07-10 Thread Donn Cave
On Thursday, July 10, 2003, at 11:50 AM, Chris Boulter wrote:
Yes, I can imagine others might be also interested in storing data in
addition to subscribers' email addresses - having external system UIDs 
help with 'single sign-on' integration too, which I've seen discussed 
Right.  With luck.

In your case, I'm wondering if some arrangement could be made so that
email delivery unifies everything with the foreign system, and your 
just uses that ID as an email address.  Put the final destination 
in an LDAP database and have sendmail look it up.
This sounds interesting. So you're suggesting that rather than storing
email addresses of subscribers in Mailman, we store our external system
UIDs, then have sendmail resolve those into email addresses just 
before the
mail gets sent? This sounds neat, but wouldn't it break other parts of
Mailman? Anything which compares the From address of an incoming email 
break, so that would probably screw with moderation among lots of other

I'll carry on thinking about it, but we might be able to just enforce a
unique constraint on email addresses, so we know a given email address
always refers to a particular user in our external system.
I think that might be what I meant.  Say your site is, and your 
ID in
your external system is cboulter.  Set up a host y that references 
data, so mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] forwards to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Use [EMAIL PROTECTED] in Mailman.  Voila'. If that made sense, I 
you would already be doing it, but at any rate that was the idea.  I 
threw in LDAP to sound like I know what I'm talking about.

Donn Cave, University Computing Services, University of Washington
Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Storing additional user data

2003-07-10 Thread Donn Cave
On Thursday, July 10, 2003, at 02:48 PM, Chuq Von Rospach wrote:
4) write a script that processes ~mailman/logs/bounce once a day and 
feeds bounce data back to the subscription management program.
That might be the key point - if the information he needs is in 
then something can read that and do the MySQL flags as required.  If 
also means the web pages have to be disabled, subscriber lists reloaded,
etc. -- that would also have to be done when using the proposed external
interface program, true?  I may have missed something, this thread took
kind of an odd turn a couple of messages back and I'm not sure where I 
In any case, logging seems like a fine way to satisfy external 
interface needs
when they're asynchronous.  When they're synchronous, you have bigger
problems anyway.

Donn Cave, University Computing Services, University of Washington
Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] ssl for admin pages

2003-06-09 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth matze [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
| so i dived into the mailman sources and figured out a possible
| solution. it seems to me that the best way to achieve ssl connections
| for the admin is putting a condition in ScriptURL() in
| if((0 != mm_cfg.DEFAULT_ADMIN_USE_SSL) and
|(target[0:5] == 'admin')):
|   web_page_url = replace(web_page_url, 'http:', 'https:')
| as you see a new paramerter DEFAULT_ADMIN_USE_SSL has been added to
| i tested this on the lists of both projects and it's
| working fine. as i'm sure that there are more ppl out there who would
| like this feature i ask you whether you are interrested in adding it
| to the mailman distribution. i uploaded a patch for mailman 2.1 on the

We don't support passwords for admin at all, at our site, so I didn't
have exactly the same problem.  We do use cookies for authentication,
though (as does standard Mailman password authentication), and we
needed to make these ``secure'' cookies that only go to the server
via SSL.  And we need that for everyone, not only admin.

I added a parameter to ScriptURL(..., upgrade=0) and a couple of
functions to deal with the protocol part of the URL (http vs. https.)
The upgrade parameter indicates that the URL must be https.  And then
I had to change a few modules other than - some to specify a
true value for upgrade, if for example the link is to an archive
page that is protected, and some to pass this upgrade parameter through
from there to ScriptURL() (GetScriptURL(), for example.)

The effect is to present either an http or an https view of the site,
depending on the preceding URL.  If you get there via https, the links
will _all_ be https, even to listinfo etc.  This gets a little complicated,
but is in my opinion better than making everything https hard coded, which
would cause problems for some people, and yet it does support an all-https
site as an option for SSL browsers.

Following is highlights of the code changes.

Donn Cave, University Computing Services, University of Washington

RCS file: RCS/,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -c -r1.3
*** 1.3 2003/04/28 22:50:48
---  2003/02/21 00:18:39
*** 239,244 
--- 239,245 
  # We use session cookies, so don't set `expires' or `max-age' keys.
  # Set the RFC 2109 required header.
  c[key]['version'] = 1
+ c[key]['secure'] = 'yes'
  return c

  def ZapCookie(self, authcontext, user=None):

RCS file: RCS/,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -c -r1.3
*** 1.3 2003/04/28 22:50:48
--- Utils.py2003/06/09 22:23:50
*** 238,254 
  return [p for p in path.split('/') if p]
  return None

! def ScriptURL(target, web_page_url=None, absolute=0):
  target - scriptname only, nothing extra
  web_page_url - the list's configvar of the same name
  absolute - a flag which if set, generates an absolute url
  if web_page_url is None:
! web_page_url = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN % get_domain()
  if web_page_url[-1]  '/':
  web_page_url = web_page_url + '/'
  fullpath = os.environ.get('REQUEST_URI')
  if fullpath is None:
  fullpath = os.environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '') + \
--- 238,288 
  return [p for p in path.split('/') if p]
  return None

+ def CurrentHTTPProtocol(default):
+ server_port = os.environ.get('SERVER_PORT', None)
+ if server_port is None:
+ return default
+ elif server_port == '443':
+ return 'https'
+ else:
+ return 'http'
+ def DefaultURL(host = None):
+ protocol = CurrentHTTPProtocol('http')
+ if host is None:
+ host = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_URL_HOST
+ return mm_cfg.PROTOCOL_URL_PATTERN % (protocol, host)
+ def UpgradeURL(old, force):
+ if force:
+ protocol = 'https'
+ else:
+ protocol = CurrentHTTPProtocol(None)
+ if protocol is None:
+ return old
+ try:
+ oldproto, rest = old.split(':', 1)
+ except ValueError, TypeError:
+ return old
+ if protocol == 'http' or oldproto == protocol:
+ return old
+ else:
+ return protocol + ':' + rest

! def ScriptURL(target, web_page_url=None, absolute=0, upgrade=0):
  target - scriptname only, nothing extra
  web_page_url - the list's configvar of the same name
  absolute - a flag which if set, generates an absolute url
  if web_page_url is None:
! web_page_url = DefaultURL(get_domain())
! if upgrade:
! web_page_url = UpgradeURL(web_page_url, upgrade)
  if web_page_url[-1]  '/':
  web_page_url = web_page_url + '/'
+ else:
+ web_page_url = UpgradeURL

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Re: [Spambayes] spambayes fronting a mailinglist?

2003-01-21 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Barry A. Warsaw):
| False positives get caught on the admindb screen, so you approve and
| train them in one action.  Although I never saw any false negatives, I
| think the way to handle these will be to add a -spam address that
| people can send messages to.  If the list admin sends it then it gets
| spam trained.  If not, the list admin will have a chance to decide
| whether to spam train it or not.

I thought of that, but had some doubts.  I'd strike the ``if the list
admin sends it'' part, but maybe other sites are OK with admin passwords
or whatever it takes to make that work.  But mainly I'm not sure I see
how an average admin is going to re-send something and make it look like
the original - I'd hate to accidentally train a spam filter to reject
all mail from the admin!

Donn Cave, University Computing Services, University of Washington

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] mm2.1 - DEFAULT_PLAIN_DIGEST_KEEP_HEADERS

2003-01-15 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Phil Barnett [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
| On Tuesday 14 January 2003 4:25 pm, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
| BTW, if anybody else is going to be at the Spam conference, let me
| know.  I'd love to have a chat about Mailman, spam and other stuffis.
| I'll be getting in Thursday night.
| I'd love to see mailman get some spam recognition and some thresholds that we
| can set to deliberately get rid of the most obvious stuff.

The statistical approach sounds very good to me for lists - I guess the
spambayes project that some notable Python people have been working with
falls in that category, I've been using something called spamoracle, etc.

In this case, though, before you start thinking about thresholds, you have
to train the classifier for your list's traffic - furnish it with examples
of good and bad mail.  After a couple of batches, it's surprisingly accurate
with my own mail, and since lists should normally follow a narrower range
of subject matter it ought to do even better there.

I haven't thought of a real good way to set up the training, though.  You
want to be able to select particular messages from the archives and feed
them into the classifier intact (headers and everything.)  That sounds
like writing a new archive index from the ground up (which might be a
good thing anyway, but I hope I'm wrong and that isn't necessary!)


Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Alternate authentication mechanism (was ...RELEASED Mailman 2.1 beta 5)

2002-11-21 Thread Donn Cave
Quoth Terri Oda [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
| On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 03:10:29PM -0500, Stonewall Ballard wrote:
| Nobody on any of the lists I run would have a clue on how to use this.

| And to contrast, I've not only had people request this sort of thing, or
| express surprise that there is no secure way to do passwords, but I've also
| gotten mail from one user had some, um, choice words for the list
| administrators when she discovered that her password was sent in plaintext.

I think at our site, most fall into both categories.  They're generally
not interested in computing technology of this kind and you can't make
them understand something they won't think about.  But we've worked hard
enough to make them conscious of a password security issue here - I mean,
they will sense an incongruity.

As do we.  Mailman is one of the few, if not the only, application at
our site that uses passwords, and we had to make a case for it.  Part
of the deal is that we avoid password authentication for our own site
local users, so they (we hope) will not be tempted to set their Mailman
password the same as their site (Kerberos) password.  Instead they use
their Kerberos password to authenticate to the site web authentication
service, whereupon they're authenticated automatically to Mailman (as
their Kerberos principal, which I map to mailman ID.)  That's our fig


Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] mailman-bugs list?

2002-09-17 Thread Donn Cave

Quoth J C Lawrence [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
| On Mon, 16 Sep 2002 12:11:44 -0600 
| Jason R Mastaler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|  How about shuffling all the Sourceforge bug reports/replies to a
|  separate list, instead of here?
| They used to be separate and were deliberately moved to the -developers
| list as a way of keeping them under scrutiny and review.

For me, it would be more effective to that end if the original subject
appeared in my mailer's presentation of the Subject header.  I mean,
in this morning's mail, I see
 [Mailman-Developers] [ mailman-Bugs-610570 ] RFC

and that's better than usual.  I know this is my fault - you all probably
have fancier mailers or more screen real estate or whatever, but I thought
I'd share that anyway.  I probably overlook some traffic that I could be
scrutinizing and reviewing, if the first 2 or 3 letters of the subject
don't grab me.

Donn Cave, University Computing Services, University of Washington

Mailman-Developers mailing list

[Mailman-Developers] External domain web authentication

2002-07-18 Thread Donn Cave

My site (University of Washington) has a central authentication
domain, and we like to use it for everything.  I have hacked
up 2.1b2 to support external authentication, meaning that your
site-wide (UW) login ID is attached to your Mailman email addresses,
and once authenticated by our web login you're authorized to deal
with those emails.

We're getting set to use Mailman for a bunch of lists, like seriously
several thousand.   List membership varies, some are all UW (course
mailing lists), some have hardly any UW members.  Non-UW members will
not be affected, they'll use the existing password system.

UW members can use the password system too (so far, anyway), but they
will normally (we hope) use their UW web login authentication.  That's
a cookie based central system,

I process the potential UW login prior to WebAuthenticate(), and if it
works, I can get per list email addresses for that ID, pick the right
one for the page in question, if any, and authorize.  Or if not, go on
to WebAuthenticate() for the email and password.  If authenticated by
ID, I fill in the blanks in the listinfo page.

I have it roughly working, can't tell if anyone but me has really
even tried it yet.  So it's real early in the development cycle.
I can certainly release the code, but at this point it's more like
a bunch of hacks to support our environment, than a solution to the
general problem.  Is there anyone else out there who is doing this
kind of thing, or contemplating it?

The changes are primarily in Cgi/*.py, plus a couple of policy refinements
in, and of course a module to handle all the new stuff and
the external database that holds the list/email data for an ID.  The
database in particular is just a stop-gap implementation.

Donn Cave, University Computing Services, University of Washington

Mailman-Developers mailing list