Re: [Mailman-Developers] Bug? Refused subscription confirmation

2006-03-17 Thread JC Dill
Mark Sapiro wrote:
 Giuliano Gavazzi wrote:
 To: mylist-confirm+8a671672b88489848cd212b368d290cc343af848
 This is the problem. You have VERP_CONFIRMATIONS = Yes so the
 confirmation is From: and the user's reply should be To:
 but the user's MUA has replied To: as above.
 VERP_CONFIRM_REGEXP doesn't expect this and parses the cookie as
 which doesn't work. Then there's been an error, so the confirm command
 in the body is not processed.
 The user can use a different MUA

That's a work-around rather than a solution.  This problem needlessly 
makes it harder for both list owners and subscribers to use Mailman 
hosted lists.

 The user can manually edit the To: to remove the real name

IMHO, this is a bug.  Mailman should correctly parse email sent to:


since that is a correctly formatted email address header per the example:

To: Mary Smith: Personal Account [EMAIL PROTECTED]

in RFC 2822:


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[Mailman-Developers] Access options for command line tasks

2006-01-03 Thread JC Dill
Barry Warsaw wrote:

I'm actually thinking we need /less/ magic in command line scripts,
especially for typical user and admin tasks, because I think
increasingly, fewer people have access to the command line (or know what
to do with it when they've got it).

Wearing my product manager's hat here - I request that EVERY 
administrative function be usable in all 3 methods - via the command 
line, via email, and via the admin webpage.  The underlying function 
would always be the command line task but it could then be called via 
the other 2 methods.  If this is not already a feature of MM3, I'm 
formally making it a request now.  Please???

As a work-around for those who don't have direct command line access, 
and for ease of implementation in the web UI, I suggest we build a tool 
that takes a line of text via web form input, processes it on the 
command line, and spits the resulting command line text back out on a 
web page (concatenated with previous (in the past x minutes) commands 
and their results from this user, e.g. a screenshot of the command line 
interface).  This tool would be a work-around for all the places where 
we haven't built a more elegant web interface for the given command line 
tool/function.  The server admin should have options to enable or 
disable this access when installing mailman, or when 
installing/configuring each new list.  Are there security implications 
with this that are not easily addressed?

Finally, to address Barry's concern that many people don't know what to 
do with the command line - even if they don't know what to do, it's 
still useful for them to have access to it.  I've done a lot of work on 
other people's PCs where I access the command line and type a few 
commands and this gets me info to help me solve their problem.  In some 
cases I talk them thru using the command line themselves (e.g. tell them 
how to do a ping, or tracert).  If this tool was not available at all, 
it would make it much harder for me to help them fix their problems.  I 
expect that similar things will happen when experienced mailing list 
server admins try to help novices, so we avoid designing a system 
without the tools that the experienced server admins need to get the job 


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] On allowing any list member to be an email moderator

2006-01-01 Thread JC Dill
R. Bernstein wrote:

 Please allow me explain why I initially posted to mailman-developer.

Your reasons make perfect sense.  I don't want you to think I was saying 
your reasons were wrong when I mentioned in my prior post that I might 
not have approved your initial post.  Just that there is room for 
interpretation about if a post is on-topic or not, or if it's being 
posted to the right list or if there's a better list for the particular 
discussion.  My point was that even moderators who are trying to follow 
the same policy and who have very similar opinions about when a post 
is on- or off-topic can still disagree sometimes.

 (I have no idea if this will make it to the mailman-developers list
 given what I'm reading so far. As I write this, my first reply to Brad
 Knowles is, as far as I know, being held for moderation. But I've
 received two other emails from that list on the thread, one of which
 seems to reinterpret the problem I stated.)
 I wanted to request a new feature. I looked at to find out the proper
 way to do so. I submitted a feature request on But I
 also read at the URL mentioned:
   It is also recommended that you email a note about your submission
   to the mailman-developers mailing list, but don't rely on just the
   email to get the attention of the Mailman developers.

There still exist some disconnects between some of the webpages (that 
were often written years ago) and the mailing list policies that have 
been changed or updated in more recent times.

A bit of history might help you to understand how we got to where we are 

When I first joined mailman-users, it was an open list that non-members 
could post to.  Unfortunately, it started getting a lot of spam.  First 
Barry tried filtering out the spam and letting all non-spam thru to 
the list, but still a lot of spam got thru.  Then Barry solicited 
volunteers to help administrate the list (and I volunteered), and we 
started approving non-member (non-spam) posts, and rejecting non-member 
(spam) posts.  At this point 2 new issues surfaced.

1)  The percentage of spam kept increasing until it was much too 
difficult for the owners and moderators to keep up with the moderation 
duties.  Some days we would have upwards of 100 spam posts that had 
slipped past the initial spam filters and were in the moderation queue, 
and perhaps only a handful of on-topic posts that needed to be approved.

2)  Some -users were replying to the list only - assuming that the 
person who asked was subscribed to the list and would see the reply - 
meanwhile the user didn't get their question answered (so they thought) 
and then posted the same question again.

I take the blame (for good or bad) of persuading Barry that due to the 
changing environment it was not unreasonable to require a mailman user 
to subscribe to the mailman-users list before posting.  Once Barry 
agreed we changed the list to reject all non-member posts.  If a mailman 
user had a question for -users, they had to subscribe and confirm before 
posting.  New users on that list are not moderated.  When we made this 
change we had to change the list info pages, the welcome message, and 
the text describing the mailman-users link on many different webpages. 
Getting this all sorted out took several months and there may still be 
links out there that imply that mailman-users goes to a person rather 
than being an address for a discussion list where one has to subscribe 
before posting.

So, that's how we ultimately dealt with the moderation problem you 
presently have when we encountered it on the mailman-users list.

The mailman-developers list is different.  The primary purpose of -dev 
is for discussion about development of mailman code.  Feature requests 
are a gray area - are we discussing code development, or are we 
discussing using mailman?  Many feature request *discussions* are 
better held on -users where more actual users of mailman can 
participate.  We also had problems with discussions that weren't 
actually about developing mailman becoming a predominant part of the 
list traffic on -dev, overwhelming the subscribers on -dev that only 
wanted to discuss actual development issues.

But, as you noted, the feature request process on sourceforge suggests 
you mail the -dev list when you submit a new request.  We haven't quite 
figured out how to address this item with our current list policies. 
I'd love to hear your suggestions on this topic!

 So I do that. I have to subscribe to the mailing list first.  Not to
 be able to post -- but to have it looked at by a moderator for
 posting. A little bit involved, but okay. I'm actually am lucky that
 the initial post was accepted.

The primary reason that new subscribers to -dev are moderated is that 
for a while we were getting a lot of users who thought that their 
particular problem with mailman was the type of problem that they need 

Re: [Mailman-Developers] On allowing any list member to be an email moderator

2006-01-01 Thread JC Dill
R. Bernstein wrote:

 I guess sometimes things are not what they may seem initally, so many
 thanks for the detailed explanation; it all makes sense. It is also
 interesting to learn that the GNU mailman mailing lists have the same
 problems as other GNU lists. But it sounds like the GNU mailman lists
 have very dedicated moderators.


I don't write code - my role in projects is as a product manager. 
Helping administer/moderate the mailman lists is one of the ways I can 
help contribute to mailman.

 Again at the risk of beating this horse dead, what we're looking for
 is a way for mailing lists to distribute the burden of moderation such
 as by having the mailing list be more self moderating as it appears
 that the wiki works. (I could be wrong here about the wiki.) 

There are a lot of differences between editing a wiki and moderating a 
list.  Most people edit a wiki by adding content in areas where they 
have knowledge.  Sometimes this contribution is prodded by going to the 
wiki to *get* the information and discovering that it's not there, and 
realizing that they are well suited for putting it there.  There's also 
immediate positive reinforcement, their words are now on the web for all 
to see.  When they need to refer someone to the content they can say go 
to the wiki and their words will be there for the other person to refer 
to.  So they get value (something they made is there and can be used 
later) and recognition from this activity, and that positively 
reinforces their efforts and encourages them to do more of it.

The process of digging thru spam to find on-topic posts that should go 
to a mailing list is not nearly so rewarding.  (The term Thankless 
task comes to mind.)  Without receiving reminders that there are posts 
waiting for moderation, there is no event to nudge moderators to go 
moderate.  Once they have moderated the posts, there is no recognition 
that they discarded all that spam, that they were the ones who freed 
the held posts for delivery on to the list.  I don't think you will get 
a lot of participation from a wide range of your list membership.  I 
think that you will find that a very small number of your list members 
regularly do the moderation duties and that occasional moderation by 
other list members is very very rare.

Another option for the solution I proposed is to just give out the 
moderator's username and password in the footer of the main list, in 
addition to having a moderators list.  Now a would-be moderator has 2 
different ways they can participate - they can just randomly log in from 
time to time to see if there is anything that needs moderating, or they 
can subscribe to the moderator's list to receive notices when there are 
posts that need moderating.  You still don't have any way to track who 
moderated the post, but you would make participation easier because they 
don't have to subscribe to the moderator's list to get the username and 

In your original proposal you suggested a box or flag that allows anyone 
who is a subscriber to the list to moderate the list, which provides the 
individual activity tracking.  If we were to add this, I think that this 
should be a *member* setting (mod-access) rather than a *list* setting, 
and then it can be added to the new member config options.  A list owner 
could then configure the list to have new members automatically included 
in the people who can moderate the list, and the mod-access flag can be 
turned off (or back on) member by member for existing members.

 The observation is that right now, a number of mailing lists at least GNU
 mailing lists are just getting neglected, and this suggests something
 is wrong. Maybe it's just a global misunderstanding of how to set up a
 general help list (e.g. a documentation change), but I have a feeling
 it's not just that.

Moderating a mailing list is a different type of activity than 
contributing code.  For best results you need to enlist, encourage, and 
reward (with recognition from the list owners or key developers) the 
people who do this work, even if you do all the reward and encouragement 
in private email to your helpers.  This goes a long way towards keeping 
them happy.  I do this work on the mailman lists as a service to the 
mailman community, but when Barry says thanks that's a real motivator 
for me to continue.  I'm pretty sure Brad feels similarly.

 I don't know how to or have a suggestion as to how to deal with
 concerns of the getting discussions to the right user/developer group
 or what should be indicated when making a feature request. However I
 do see the wisdom in discussing things in the right venue. After all,
 what's important is getting ideas and solving this problem, not
 bothering or using up the bandwidth of the wrong people. So if this
 discussion should be moved to the user list, please let me know.

The -dev list is fairly quiet right now, so it's not a bad thing to have 
this discussion here.  You 

Re: [Mailman-Developers] On allowing any list member to be an email moderator

2005-12-31 Thread JC Dill
Brad Knowles wrote:

   But there's a problem with multiple moderators, one that we have 
 on the mailman-users and mailman-developers lists ourselves -- in 
 addition to many other lists hosted on  In short, the 
 problem is getting all the moderators to follow the same moderation 
   Even if you have agreed on a moderation policy, there is still a 
 certain amount of judgement required, and Barry might feel one way 
 regarding a given post, JC might feel a different way, and I might be 
 somewhere on the fence -- or any other combination of the various 
 people involved.

That's a very interesting and accurate observation.  In fact, the 
moderated post that started this thread is one that I don't think I 
would have approved for posting to this list!  I felt mildly (but not 
strongly) that this was a discussion that should probably take place on 
-users first, because it's a discussion about the possibility of 
changing the way the mailman list is used (by it's users) rather than a 
discussion about developing a new feature, per se.  But, it's not 
totally off-topic for -dev so Brad is also correct for approving it.

The main problem I think Rocky is experiencing is the problem of absent 
moderators, period.  Rather than some automated method of turning the 
moderator tasks over to others, I suggest that a better way is to more 
closely oversee pending moderator tasks so that the list owner and the 
list server administrator receive notices when a moderator's queue has 
not been recently attended to, and address the lack of moderation while 
the queue is still small and relatively fresh.

To this end, I suggest a list server setting and a per-list setting for 
sending email notices (to the list server admin and to the list owner, 
respectively) daily, listing the number and type of stale moderation 
requests for each list.   My suggestion is that the default state of 
this setting be set to on and it can be toggled off as desired, and 
that the default is to start sending these emails once daily when there 
are pending moderator items in the queue that are older than 3 days (72 
hours).  List server admins and list owners could then adjust these 
settings based on their list traffic etc.

It might also be useful to provide a cc field for the list-owner setting 
so that when the owner is going to be absent from list management duties 
this message (and all other messages that go to the list owner) could be 
sent to a co-owner, and to allow the owner address to be set to nomail 
when there's a co-owner address entered.


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[Mailman-Developers] On-topic-ness for -users and -dev

2005-12-15 Thread JC Dill
Brad Knowles wrote:

   Unless you're talking about Python code you've developed to 
 implement this feature, or commenting on Python code that someone 
 else has developed to implement this feature, I'm pretty certain that 
 this discussion belongs on mailman-users and not here.
   When we get down to the point where we're talking about going to 
 the archives of the list to see the previous discussion on this 
 topic, and to see the patch that was produced, etc... then we are 
 definitely into mailman-users territory and not mailman-developers.
   If Barry or JC disagree, then I'm willing to bow to their greater 
 knowledge on this topic, since they've been moderators of this list 
 longer than I have.  If Tokio or Mark disagree, I'm willing to bow to 
 their greater knowledge because I know they've been hacking on the 
 code longer than I've been associated with the project.

IMHO, -users is for discussions about using mailman (installing it, 
using the features it has, integrating it with other software, etc.). 
The posts we are hoping to keep OFF of -dev and ON -users are the posts 
by users who are having what they believe are complicated use problems 
and they want advanced support and thus try to post a -users 
appropriate question to -dev to get an answer faster or from someone 
with more knowledge than those who answer posts on -users.  (This is 
almost always an inappropriate use of -dev and an intrusion on developer 

As long as the topic brought here is about *how* to develop a new 
feature, I believe it's on-topic for -dev.  It can often be a good idea 
to get feedback on the idea and the proposed implementation before 
spending time on writing the code.  This way one can avoid writing one's 
way into a rat-hole because of a lack of knowledge about why it is the 
way it is now, and learn the best way to incorporate the proposed fix 
into the existing design.  Then go code it!

I believe the discussion about a this is spam button is appropriate 
for -dev.  I agree that there are a lot of technical issues that need to 
be addressed about if or how to implement it.[1]  I believe that -dev IS 
the right list for that discussion.

When all is said and done though, I'm not a developer.  My role here is 
more of product manager - I help with input on priorities, user 
interface, and of course with the boring details of administering -users 
and -dev so that the developers can spend their time on actual code 
development.  So Barry (and Tokio and Mark, et al) really have the final 
say on what they want -dev to include or exclude.  Until one of the key 
developers opines that this is off-topic I encourage using -dev for 
further discussion on the this is spam button topic.


[1]  Does it belong in the headers, the footer, the body?  Should it be 
a configuration option to place it in one or more of these locations? 
What happens when the button (or link) is clicked?  What if non-spam is 
reported?  What about RFCs?  Etc.

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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Spam/Scam button

2005-12-15 Thread JC Dill
Nigel Metheringham wrote:
 While agreeing that MM is not really a good spam control place, my life
 would be made easier if:-
   * Marking a message as spam killed all other messages sent by the
 same sender address to that and all other lists currently
 awaiting moderation.
   * Marking a message as spam killed all other messages sent with
 the same subject to that and all other lists currently awaiting

If this marking is taking place within the mailman admin webpage 
structure, this could be accomplished by providing checkboxes for each 
of these actions, and the default setting would be to have those boxes 
pre-checked so that when you click the button, those actions happen. 
The setting should be changeable within the mailman configuration so 
that one or both of these boxes are not pre-checked if desired by that 
mailman admin.


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Make web_page_url visible in the admin GUI?

2005-11-26 Thread JC Dill
John W. Baxter wrote:

Max == Max Bowsher [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Max Is there any reason not to add web_page_url to the
Max configurable options in the admin GUI? Right below host_name
Max in the general category would be a good place.

 Yes, there is a reason.  It is the same reason that the ability was taken
 out many Mailman versions ago.
 Thought experiment:
 1.  Make a typo which cripples the URL such that you can't reach the admin
 web page.

As I read it, Max's request is to be able to set the URL to the user
webpage, not for the admin webpage.  Then the right URL will show up in
the list footer, etc.

 2.  Now fix it from the browser.
 The sort of thing in #1 (sometimes not a typo but a more fundamental
 mistake) happened often enough to make removing the ability seem quite
 One thing which has changed since the decision is that a much higher
 proportion of list operators don't have command line access than was the
 case then.  So *perhaps* it would make sense to revisit the decision (making
 it a site option, please).

How about an option to set a new URL as the default for displaying in
the footer (and archives, and elsewhere within your list's web
structure), while still maintaining an alias (or having the new URL be 
the alias) to the machine address.

That way the machine address will always work and give you a way to
reach your list via the default machine name/listname path if you make a
typo or otherwise change the URL in a way that doesn't work.

As an example, this list is at:

We could add a function to let the list admin set a default URL.  If
Barry wanted to change this list to:

Then this would be the new URL displayed in the list footer, and mail
sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] would be sent on to the list
membership etc, BUT we could still always reach the list thru the
original (default servername) URL and email address.


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Sibling list

2005-11-05 Thread JC Dill
Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
Tokio == Tokio Kikuchi [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Tokio - Is the terminology 'sibling' appropriate?
 I hesistate to give it a +1 because I know I think differently from
 most people, but FWIW I *did* guess what it does from that name.



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[Mailman-Developers] Head's UP - we changed administrivia settings for the mailman-users and -dev lists

2005-06-24 Thread JC Dill
Because the mailman-users and mailman-developers lists frequently 
discuss administrivia matters and because most users on these lists know 
how to properly email the list server for administrivia tasks, most 
administrivia filter matches to these lists are false positives.

We have just changed the list config to no longer try to filter out 
administrivia requests.  When you send email to unsubscribe or otherwise 
change your list settings be *extra* careful to send your request to the 
server address and not the list submission address, lest your mistake go 
out to the whole list.  (You probably won't like the flames this is 
likely to produce.)

jc - volunteer assistant list admin for -users and -dev

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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Head's UP - we changed administrivia settings for the mailman-users and -dev lists

2005-06-24 Thread JC Dill
Brad Knowles wrote:
 At 4:35 PM -0400 2005-06-24, Barry Warsaw wrote:
 Just out of curiosity, what was the reason of the change?  Does it
 drastically decrease the server load or the something else?

 I think it's primarily to reduce the workload of the volunteer
   There are occasionally postings to the list that have words like 
 subscribe or unsubscribe in the first five lines or so, but which 
 are perfectly valid postings.
   And yes, the result is that there should be fewer messages which 
 have to be approved by the moderator volunteers.

In many cases the poster is actively working on a problem and posts the 
question hoping to get help right away (i.e. in the next hour or so). 
If the message is held for moderator approval it may not get approved 
and posted on to the list for several hours, or even a day or two if all 
owners/moderators are particularly busy that day or it's a weekend and 
we aren't checking non-essential email as often, etc.  So while an 
occasional administrivia post may get thru due to this change, it also 
means that on-topic posts that false-positive trigger the administrivia 
filter will now be sent on to the list in a more timely fashion.

jc (now you have heard from all 3 of us, Barry, Brad, and JC :-)

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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Search members bug?

2005-05-14 Thread JC Dill
Barry Warsaw wrote:

On Sat, 2005-05-14 at 09:11, Jimmy Svensson wrote:

I'm using the latest release candidate of Mailman and have a problem 
with the search function. When the result from the search is more than 
could be viewed on one page the result is divided into several pages 
depending on the beginning character of the email address... but when I 
want to view the results from the search beginning with anything other 
than A (for example B) the search is forgotten and all members beginning 
with B is shown instead of the ones I searched for. The problem is that 
the links for the different characters only contain the get variable 
letter and not findmember which is the variable posted by the search 

Have anyone else had the same problem? Would be nice with a fix for this.

JC Dill mentioned the same thing to me in private email.  

Jimmy's bug report is different from mine.  I was reporting the 
pagination - I hadn't seen letter-paginated search results for wild-card 
searches before.  (I don't do them very often, so I don't know how long 
this has been the case.)  Jimmy's bug is reporting something worse, not 
only are the results paginated but when you click on a letter to get the 
results starting with that letter, you don't GET the paginated results 
page for results starting with that letter.  My report was about UI 
clumsiness (bad design), Jimmy's report is about something that is truly 
broken and not working as designed.

Since the paginated results are broken, I suggest we try to fix both 
problems by generating the results on a single page (no pagination) or 
paginating by count (using the maximum number of members per page 
setting) rather than first letter.


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Search members bug?

2005-05-14 Thread JC Dill
Barry Warsaw wrote:

On Sat, 2005-05-14 at 13:30, Mark Sapiro wrote:


At least since 2.1.4

I think unfortunately, we're going to have to postpone fixing this until
after 2.1.6.  We /really/ need to get this release out to fix the
security issues.  

OK.  Can we document the search result work around in the release notes?


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] [Mailman-Developers] Patch for Mail Archive mirroring

2005-05-12 Thread JC Dill
Barry Warsaw wrote:

On Tue, 2005-05-03 at 04:45, Fil wrote:

I would see it that way, in the Archiving section of admin :

  Archiving on a foreign system :

prevent archiving on foreign systems   yes []  no [x]
(adds a X-NO-Archive: header)

You'd have to make clear that this would just be a hint to the foreign
system, of course.

Good point.  It would probably be simpler and clearer to just say:

Add X-NO-Archive: Yes header yes [] no [x] 

Do we need to explain what this header does (and doesn't) do, or could 
we assume that if the list owner doesn't know that they can google to 
find out?



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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Patch for Mail Archive mirroring

2005-05-06 Thread JC Dill
Brad Knowles wrote:

At 7:17 PM +0900 2005-05-06, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:


 Maybe you could make it part of the user's configuration.  Then the
 list master could default it to X-No-Archive: yes; individual users
 could turn it to no if they want to, including on a message by message
 basis.  A stretch, I know, but it would be really horrible to have to
 have separate archiving control headers for the user and the list, and
 to have to establish a precedence, etc.

Allowing users to set their archive preference in their list settings is 
a completely different feature.  If someone wants to write a patch that 
does that, it should act on incoming email before mailman processes that 
mail for local archiving so that the local archive honors the user's 
setting.  Then the list archive process would happen after the local 
archive is written.

   I think the concept of having Mailman optionally add it's own 
X-No-Archive: header would greatly complicate the situation, and I 
would be opposed to spending a whole lot of time working on this 
unless someone else can provide us a pretty much complete 
feature-rich patch that allows for modifying where in the stream this 
process is done and where in the stream Mailman pays attention to 
this header itself, and on a per-user basis.

Personally, I don't see this as a big problem.  If the header is 
inserted at a single specific place in the stream that is OK *as long as 
it's properly documented*.  Then each list server admin or list owner 
can choose to turn this feature on or not, knowing exactly what it will do.

IMHO, the correct place to insert this header is after mailman has 
processed the incoming message and archived it locally.  That way the 
original sender's x-no-archive setting (set in the original incoming 
email or by the *other* x-no-archive patch that might someday be added) 
is correct for the local archive, and the outgoing mail is correct for 
the list's preference.


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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Patch for Mail Archive mirroring

2005-04-30 Thread JC Dill
Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
The second is that this patch evidently constitutes a significant
endorsement of The Mail Archive.  As I understand Jeff's post, he went
to the trouble of asking Lars if he would like a similar setup added
for Gmane, patch to be coded by Jeff || Jeff.  I have to admit that
somebody who would go to that much trouble to implement the same
feature for a close substitute sounds pretty endorsable to me!
... if Mailman is going to endorse services that way.  I don't really
think it's a good idea in principle, though.  What happens if The Mail
Archive goes away or goes proprietary?  What are people going to think
if The Mail Archive's maintainers hire Barry or Brad?  Etc, etc.
On the pro side, there is the point that this would make such
mirroring an opt-in on the listmaster's side, which is good.  So it
might be worth Mailman thinking about under what conditions it would
be good to make such an endorsement, and adding anybody who satisfied
those conditions.
I personally don't see it as being a significant endorsement.  AIUI, 
it's a patch that allows 2 software programs to work well together.  
Mailman already provides patches or directions to make mailman work well 
with qmail and postfix, but I don't believe this constitutes an 
endorsement of qmail and/or postfix.  Patches/directions that make 
mailman work well with archivers are similar - both with local archiver 
software and with mirror site archiver software.  The documentation 
for these patches (or directions) should simply make it clear that the 
other programs - *all* the other programs (qmail, postfix, MHonArc, 
gmane, Mail Archive, etc.) - are not Mailman programs, and that the 
patches (or directions) are included solely for those who want to make 
mailman work well with the indicated outside-provided software or service. 

A simple patch philosophy that will address this and future patches:  If 
the patch is incorporated into the main mailman build then the default 
state should be off so that the listmaster has to proactively turn the 
feature on for their mailman list server.  If the patch remains as an 
add-on feature that has to be downloaded separately from the main build, 
then the default state could be on (since downloading the patch 
separately would be a clear indication that the listmaster desired to 
implement this feature on their mailman list server).  This should be 
the same for all patches that specifically enable cooperation between 
mailman and any other outside-provided software or service.

IMHO, etc.  Caveat:  I'm not a developer so those of you who actually 
write code and build/install the software (I just run it after someone 
else installed it for me :-) have much more say on this than I do.  So 
if you hate my idea, speak up!

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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Patch for Mail Archive mirroring

2005-04-30 Thread JC Dill
Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
JC == JC Dill [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   JC I personally don't see it as being a significant endorsement.
   JC AIUI, it's a patch that allows 2 software programs to work
   JC well together.
My understanding is that the programs already work well together; you
just type [EMAIL PROTECTED] into Mass Subscribe, hit
Submit and you're there.  The patch changes this to one-click, ie,
advertises the Mail Archive as part of the ordinary configuration

But *only* for lists on a server whose listmaster has explicitly:
A)  patched mailman to add this feature
B)  toggled the setting in a mailman install to turn this feature on.
so it's the *listmaster* who has to do something to make this available 
for the server users in the ordinary configuration process.

This is very different from patching the docs to explain
that the Mail Archive is an alternative / supplement to pipermail,
MHonArc, or Gmane.

Mailman is what the listmaster makes of it, isn't it?  The listmaster 
makes various decisions about how to patch and install mailman on their 
particular server.  Once installed, it's not our mailman it is their 
mailman with the features and customization the listmaster selects.  A 
patch that defaults to off unless the listmaster does something 
explicit to turn it on (by downloading a separate patch or by 
specifically changing the setting to on) is not an endorsement, IMHO.  
It's just one more feature that allows the listmaster to easily 
customize mailman for their particular user needs.

From a technical standpoint, I'm all for it (subject to the defaults
to OFF policy).  Archiving is a sore point with all the MLMs; giving
admins another easy-to-install option is a plus.  But from a support
and PR standpoint, I think it does constitute an endorsement.

Would it help if  the patch documentation elaborated on this concern?  

This patch is provided for those who wish to enable their list owners to 
have a one-click option to have their lists archived with The Mail 
Archive.  This patch is not an endorsement for The Mail Archive, each 
mailman server installer needs to make their own determination if this 
feature is desired on their server or not.

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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Patch for Mail Archive mirroring

2005-04-30 Thread JC Dill
Tobias Eigen wrote:
 - New third party archiving option that uses The Mail Archive.  The
 implementation subscribes or unsubscribes the address from the subscriber list.

I find this whole discussion fascinating. I've been thinking about 
these types of possibilities for a while, and have been watching gmane 
and mail-archive off and on for inspiration for what Kabissa might do. 
Archiving is getting to be a big 'problem' at Kabissa currently, esp 
as our archives get older and bigger, and we desire to move to a more 
interactive and useful format for archiving discussions and making 
them more accessible via the web, i.e. in forums. Maybe the short-term 
answer is to encourage the listowners of our very busy lists to move 
their archives to mail-archive or gmane. 

This looks like a good opportunity to mention that mailman-users and 
mailman-developers are now also archived at:
See this particular thread at:
They asked for permission to join -dev so that it could be archived on 
their site.  At the time, their archives didn't have munged email 
addresses, and Barry and I decided that if they fixed their archives to 
not expose email addresses, he would give them permission to join -dev 
and to archive mailman lists..

I like gmane's feature of making lists accessible in a newsgroup 
fashion, and I like's format of providing the list in a 
threaded fashion via the web.  This is not an endorsement of either 
site, just a personal observation of some of the positive features each 
of them offers over traditional list archives.  Some list admins might 
want to offer their lists to be mirrored/archived at more than one site.

While RFC 2369 only allows for one List-Archive: URL, I wonder if email 
client implementations that understand 2369 (is there a list of which 
ones are?) are generous in their response when a list email has more 
than List-Archive header...  Be generous in what you accept and all 
that... :-)

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Re: making Mailman CAN-SPAM compliant (was Re:[Mailman-Developers] Hashing member passwords in config.pck)

2005-02-16 Thread JC Dill
Adrian Bye wrote:
	If someone wanted to pay large sums of money to make an 
open source Yahoo! Groups-beating package, and pay people to 
work on that as their full-time job, we might be able to 
change this situation -- in time.

We've previously had conversations about some Yahoo groups functionality which
you said wasn't possible:
Yesterday I contributed patches which enables Mailman to have this exact
functionality which we borrowed from Yahoo Groups.  Yet I've seen no response
from you yet, and only one half dismissive response from another mailman

Sometimes the key developers are busy on other things (the recent 
security issues obviously screwed up their work schedules) and patches 
aren't immediately evaluated.  You should give them more than just one 
day before you determine if your patch is appreciated and accepted etc.

Mailman CAN be as good - and better - than Yahoo Groups.  It doesn't have to
take lots of money and resources.  Just being willing to accept our code a piece
at a time, and encouraging those who contribute will go a long way towards
getting there.
There may be some disagreement on the unsubscribe styff, but the header/footer
handling only benefits everyone.  I certainly hope that the mailman team will be
responsive, and accept these patches and integrate them into the codebase.  From
my side we'll do whatever it takes to make that happen.  Just tell us what we
have to do.

Right now, I would suggest being patient.  I suggest you give it a week 
for Barry and the other key developers to to find the time to start 
looking at new code after they dig out from their present schedule 
overload caused by the recent security incident.

I don't know what Brad's key focus is on this list, but I can share with 
you that *I* am not a developer in that I don't write code.  My role 
here is that I help in a product management type role, helping 
prioritize, helping define, helping with documentation (FAQ entries 
etc.), enter feature requests, etc.  And I help with the day-to-day 
management of the mailman -users and -dev mailing lists so that the key 
developers can focus their time on code instead of running the lists.  
Sometimes when we have list management related email threads it takes 
the key developers more than a week to chime in on something too

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[Mailman-Developers] Your pending subscription request to mailman-developers - more info needed, please reply ASAP (second request)

2005-01-22 Thread JC Dill
We have set the mailman-developers list to require list admin approval
for membership requests because of a recent problem with some people
subscribing to this list and then posting messages that belong
elsewhere.  Can you please share with us your background with mailman
and your purpose for subscribing to the developers list so we can
approve your membership request?  Thanks!
This is our second request.  If we don't get a response from you within
4 days your subscription request will be rejected.

Mailman-Developers mailing list

[Mailman-Developers] Your pending subscription request to mailman-developers - more info needed, please reply ASAP

2005-01-22 Thread JC Dill
We have set the mailman-developers list to require list admin approval
for membership requests because of a recent problem with some people
subscribing to this list and then posting messages that belong
elsewhere.  Can you please share with us your background with mailman
and your purpose for subscribing to the developers list so we can
approve your membership request?  Thanks!
This is our second request.  If we don't get a response from you within
4 days your subscription request will be rejected.

Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] Your pending subscription request to mailman-developers - more info needed, please reply ASAP

2005-01-22 Thread JC Dill
oops.  Apologies for typo-ing the cc on these emails.
Mailman-Developers mailing list

Re: [Mailman-Developers] [Fwd: [vendor-sec] Weak auto-generated passwords in Mailman]

2004-12-22 Thread JC Dill
Florian Weimer wrote:
Last time I checked, Mailman lables its member-only archives
private, and the implicit promise to keep things posted to the list
private is not kept if the software assigns easily guessed to new
I can only repeat that Mailman's current behavior surprises your users
*a* *lot*, 

I disagree. 

So called private archives are only kept from prying eyes until those 
eyes subscribe at which time they are then visible.  As I see it, the 
point of Mailman's security measures is not to keep anyone else from 
ever viewing the archives, it is to keep random web browsers and web 
spiders from accessing the archives.  If someone has the ability to 
script a password guessing algorithm to try to guess an acceptable 
username/password pair to access the archives, they can more easily 
script a program to subscribe, confirm, and then access the archives as 
a subscriber.  Plus, no matter how simple or secure the password, if you 
are scripting a password cracker then it's just a matter of time, the 
more easily guessed password is cracked *faster* (on average) but even 
secure passwords will be cracked eventually. 

If your mailing list archives need greater security than this, then you 
need a different system.  I don't think it is necessary or useful for 
Mailman to be the system that meets those needs, especially at the cost 
of making Mailman less useful for others who don't need such strong 
security measures for their list archives.

and leads to security breaches.
I would love to see a cite for your claim of leads to security 
breaches.  Do you know of actual cases where someone has gained access 
to private archives by cracking a mailman generated semi-random password 
rather than by simply subscribing, or by gaining access to a single 
password thru intercept or social engineering means?

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