Hey Everyone,

I have been trying to document how to propose changes to the Mailman 
documentation, which is hosted on ReadTheDocs. 

Right now, I think i have the complete flow in Gitlab documented in this 
page[1] and 
how to reach Gitlab from any page in documentation. I am sure there could be 
some parts
that aren’t completely obvious to others. If you think I have missed a few 
steps or
if there are issues in the doc, please feel free to reply on this thread or 
just open
issues directly in Gitlab project[2] for documentation at docs.mailman3.org.

[1]: https://docs.mailman3.org/en/latest/documentation.html
[2]: https://gitlab.com/mailman/mailman-suite-doc/-/issues

Hope this is helpful!

Abhilash Raj (maxking)

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