On Mon, Mar 16, 2020, at 11:19 AM, brian_carpen...@emwd.com wrote:
> I have some questions for the Domains page of Postorius.
> 1. What intended audience is this page for? The server owner?

Yes, server owner a.k.a Super User in Django.

> 2. This brings up a follow up question. We have list owners, list 
> members, and list users. What is the title for the superuser account 
> that has the permissions to add/remove domains via Postorius?

In terms of Core, we have:
- Site (Server) Owner (full management capability, Superuser in Django)
- Domain Owner (management of domain and all underlying lists, not implemented 
at all in Postorius)
- List owner (Access to List settings, List Owner in Postorius)

Domain owner permissions are not implemented in Postorius, so for now, only 
Superusers are able to manage even domain related settings.

List of domains is also something not publicly visible AFAIK to non-superusers. 

> 3. What scenario would make someone want to add a description for a Domain?

For server owner to keep track of them, just like Mailinglist's have small 

> 4. Since templates can be added on a per domain basis, does that mean 
> that domain template is applied to any list that is created under that 
> domain name? Does it override list templates?

More specific targets override less specific ones. The order is:

- Site (server)
- Domain
- List

The details of this are documented here: 

> 5. What is the purpose to have multiple owners for Domains? Does this 
> allow a list owner to access the domains page and edit/create templates 
> for their list domain?

Ideally, yes. As I mentioned above, this hasn't been implemented in Postorius 
to give full access to the domain owners to allow them to edit/create 
templates. There aren't any domain level settings just yet, but it would be the 
place for it.

> Thanks,
> Brian
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