[Mailman-Developers] Want Mailman 3 suite to release faster? Here's some bugs you can help with!

2014-11-12 Thread Terri Oda
Some weeks back, Florian went through the Postorius bug queue to find a 
list of bugs that he thinks are blocking us from being able to have a 
final Mailman Suite release.

I just wanted to advertise that list to you all in case anyone here is 
looking for some valuable work to do:


There's only 13 of them at the moment, so that's nice.

They're in a variety of different states.  Some are somewhat old and we 
could really use someone to just try to reproduce them on the most 
recent version of postorius and post an update in the bug saying it's 
still a problem (or not!).   Some have notes from me suggesting a 
smaller piece that could be done first by a beginner wanting a new bug 
to try or someone more experienced wanting a quicker task.  (don't worry 
about saving beginner bugs at this stage; I'm more interested in seeing 
a release!) Some are more complex.

If anyone's got time to push these forwards in any way, it would be very 
much appreciated!  I'm even happy to send you some mailman stickers if 
you want a physical token of appreciation.

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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Want Mailman 3 suite to release faster? Here's some bugs you can help with!

2014-11-12 Thread Aurelien Bompard
Very cool, I'll have a look!

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Re: [Mailman-Developers] Want Mailman 3 suite to release faster? Here's some bugs you can help with!

2014-11-12 Thread Barry Warsaw
Thanks very much for sending this around.

On the core, I don't have a formal list of blockers (I should add tags), but
what I think must be done include:

 - Port the REST framework to falcon.  This is essentially done, and is just
   waiting for an upstream falcon release to land on trunk.  I have a branch
   that I'm regularly merging core trunk into and running the tests.

 - lp:~barry/mailman/subpolicy - this fixes the subscription policy so that it
   can be set through REST and actually will affect how folks can subscribe.
   It's a big branch that was blocked on database migration, so now that the
   SQLAlchemy branch has landed (yay!), I've returned to this branch.

I'll go through the 96 mailman3 bugs:


and tag them using mailman3-suite-blocker for anything I think has to be fixed
before the core can be released.  If you have your favorites, please don't
hesitate to tag them, and I'll review when I triage.

BTW, if you haven't seen the recent work in lp:mailman, please take a look.
There's now a tox.ini file so it will make running the test suite much, much
easier.  The instructions for running the tests against PostgreSQL are
simplified too.  It's also possible to collect coverage during the test.  The
numbers aren't as abysmal as I was worried they'd be. ;) We get over 90% for the
full code base, though several modules have rather poor coverage.  It's not a
top priority for suite release, but I do plan on getting the coverage up to
100% over time.

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