On Tue, 2003-05-20 at 04:23, Oliver Egginger wrote:

> But further particulars:
> when I comment out the line 126 in mailmanctl the error messages go away.
> Here is the line
>       LogStdErr('error', 'mailmanctl', manual_reprime=0)
> I execute this function call with python -v on command line via:
> >>> import paths
> >>> from Mailman.Logging.Utils import LogStdErr
> >>> LogStdErr('error', 'mailmanctl', manual_reprime=0)
> and receive:
> <Mailman.Logging.MultiLogger.MultiLogger instance at 0x80fe374>
> without error messages.
> So it seems to work.
> But when I terminate the python session by typing CTRL-D (end of input)
> I receive the same error messages as I get from mailmanctl during the start 
> and stop phase.
> I have trailed them at the end of this message.
> Also it seems as if the error messages came from 
>       Mailman.Logging.Utils import LogStdErr.
> Maybe by destroying the objects which gets created by 
>       LogStdErr('error', 'mailmanctl', manual_reprime=0).
> The function seems to work, none the less the shutdown of the corresponding 
> objects seems to fail.
> But I'am no python expert.

To be honest, I'm at a loss.  It seems to me like a Python problem, but
it's definitely not something I see or can reproduce.  The only thing I
can recommend is to try to upgrade to Python 2.2.3 and see if that helps
at all.  Other than that...?


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