Re: [Mailman-Users] patch for Re: problems with different chatsets

2003-01-09 Thread Alberto Marcedone

The patch does not work in my system.
I have modified the but 

- Original Message - 
From: "Tokio Kikuchi" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Alberto Marcedone" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 1:08 
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] patch for Re: problems 
with different chatsets
 Hi,  I have uploaded the patch on 
SourceForge.   Alberto Marcedone wrote:  
Please, you can send me the complete or attach it in a 
message  in the mailing list?  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  - Original Message -  From: "Tokio Kikuchi" 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 3:47 AM  Subject: 
[Mailman-Users] patch for Re: problems with different chatsets  
 Hi Folks,  
I've been reading -users with digest option. So, forgive me for 
cutting the thread. Since the patch manager of SF is not 
allowing to upload a new patch now, I send this to the list. 
(sorry, if it's folded)  With 
this patch, will try to make the footer and header 
in a plain text message by converting the three into unicode and 
then encode in a appropriate (defined by mailman) charset. 
 Hope it helps!  
-- Tokio Kikuchi  

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[Mailman-Users] How apply a patch?

2003-01-09 Thread Alberto Marcedone
I have take a look in the directory /Mailman/Handlers to apply the patch at
I have look a file Decorate.pyc.
It's the compiled version of
If yes, how compile to make Decorate.pyc?
Tanks in advance.
Alberto Marcedone

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Re: [Mailman-Users] patch for Re: problems with different chatsets

2003-01-09 Thread Tokio Kikuchi

Alberto Marcedone wrote:

The patch does not work in my system.
I have modified the but nothing.

How nothing? Are you sure you restart the qrunners by
bin/mailmanctl restart ?
What was the combination of message charset and list charset?


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Re: [Mailman-Users] AOL subscriber bounces

2003-01-09 Thread Jon Carnes
You would have to modify the source to handle this special situation

The bounce given has a specific code associated with it (or at least it
should).  You could use that code to scan the message in the Bounce
module of Mailman and then redirect the bounce as appropriate. 

You might want to simply setup a filter on your own mail and dump
these.  Your option.
On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 13:41, Ed Greenberg wrote:
 I have this problem too, though it's not severe, and frankly, the guy being 
 blocked is moderately awful, so would be pretty bad to a less insensitive 
 person than myself :)
 I prefer that they can block each other, since it keeps them from 
 responding to each other and flaming. I also would rather though that the 
 sender got the bounce, so that he would know he was being dissed :)
 So I'm also interested in the answer. Currently running 2.0.?? but 
 migrating to 2.1 as we speak :)
  If it was my list, I would just write the AOL users and ask them to
  remove the block, and if they don't you'll have to unsubscribe them.
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Lists periodically vanishing

2003-01-09 Thread Jon Carnes
Interesting, so you have both archives working in parallel: Pipermail
and Mhonarc?  That sounds like a hack.

And I'm assuming that you are running a 2.0.x version install.

I think that if you upgrade to 2.1.x you will remove the problem.  The
ubiquitous qrunner was replaced with various sub-processes that each do
individual tasks - one such task is archiving.

An other alternative is to copy the archive MBox periodically to a
separate location and then point Mhonarc to the copy of Mbox, then it
won't hold open the one used by Pipermail when Mhonarc does its
re-indexing and discovery of new messages.

I run Mhonarc differently.  I simply subscribe a local user to my list
and let Mhonarc use the mbox from the local user.  You might think about
that as an alternative for yourself.

Good Luck!
On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 14:18, Tom Maddox wrote:
 Hi, everyone,
 I've just been assigned the task of managing an existing mailman 
 installation, and it's evidently been having a recurring problem with 
 lists mysteriously vanishing for some short period of time and then 
 reappearing, occasionally in a corrupted state (membership list and 
 config settings hosed, etc.)
 The symptoms I've observed are as follows:
 1)  Mail sent to a list will bounce with a message like the following:
 - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
  (reason: Data format error)
 - Transcript of session follows -
 list: Mailbox does not exist
 501 5.6.0 Data format error
 2)  Attempting to access the archive web page for the list returns a 
 404 Not found error, although it *is* possible to access the standard 
 information page about the list.
 Relevant system information:
 FreeBSD 4.7-STABLE #0
 sendmail 8.12.6
 Mailman 2.0.8
 The mailman archives are also being archived by mhonarc v.2.5.13; 
 archiving by mhonarc happens every 15 minutes.  It scans for changes in 
 the mailman archives and then updates its own copy as necessary (at 
 least, that's how I think it works).  I would guess it's possible that 
 mhonarc is locking the list archive file and causing concurrency issues 
 and disruptions in the list as a result.
 Any thoughts?
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Re: [Mailman-Users] mm2.1 cookie problem?

2003-01-09 Thread Darrell Duane
  I'm seeing the same thing from Mozilla on Linux.  I haven't tried 
restarting my browser.  

It works fine from Mozilla on Windows.

Anything else I should try to help diagnose this problem?


I've run into something since I installed mm2.1 and wanted to see if 
anyone else is seeing it before I report it as a bug.

 From time to time (ah, the best kind of bug), the cookie set when 
logging into a list seems to go bad - after authenticating, any other 
admin operation (admin pages, admindb, list archives) results in 
prompting again for the password every time a link is clicked or a form 

At first I thought this was just something with my browser (OmniWeb 
4.1.1 on MacOS X), but one of my list admins whose list I just migrated 
from 2.0 to 2.1 has said it's happened to him as well, and he's using 
IE5.5 on WinME.

For me, the fix has been to quit and restart the browser - once that's 
done, everything works as expected. My list owner, however, had to 
reboot his machine (probably because IE doesn't necessarily really quit 
when you quit the app since it's used to much by the OS..).

It's possible that this is something to do with mm2.0 - mm2.1 
interworking, either to do with cookies set for both the old and new 
version of the list, or cookies set for other lists with a similar name 
(the list in question is called trawler-world-list-help, there's also 
trawler-world-list and several other trawler-world-* lists which are 
still mm2.0).

Anyone seen this?



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Re: [Mailman-Users] mm2.1 cookie problem?

2003-01-09 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

 BF == Bryan Fullerton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I had the same problem initially. I manually deleted all the
 old cookies set by mailman and it worked fine. Deleting just
 the cookie from that list didn't help.

BF Unfortunately, in this case both of the lists are active, so
BF they're setting cookies all the time. Telling my list-owner
BF that he has to delete all his cookies for his other 10 mm2.0
BF lists on my server every time he wants to admin his mm2.1 list
BF isn't really a good solution IMHO. :/

BTW, for the hacker inclined, an possibly useful way to debug this is
to edit, the __checkone() method.  Stick something
like this before the first try: line (untested):

syslog('debug', 'key: %s, c[key]: %s, val: %s', key, c[key], c[key].value)

then tail logs/debug until you see the problem.  Maybe something
interesting will show up.


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords of members UPDATE

2003-01-09 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

 SR == Steve Rifkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SR OK, I upgraded to MM2.1.  After having to run check_perms with
SR -f to fix permissions, I finally got the web pages up.

SR When I go in as site admin and change the list admin's
SR password for a list, I *still* cannot log in as the list
SR admin.  (I still receive the authentication error).

SR And if I go back into the password change page for the list as
SR the site admin, and if I put in a new list admin password and
SR have a *different* verified password, I receive no errors when
SR I click submit.

SR However, if I run change_pw from the command line, changing
SR the password for the list admin for the specific list, them, I
SR CAN log in!  :)

SR So, it's the web interface that's screwing up.  We're
SR narrowing this one down now... I hope!  Any suggestions?

Do you have any cookie blockers or other proxies between your browser
and the web server?  That's about the only thing I can think of.


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Re: [Mailman-Users] MM 2.1 -- another qrunner crash

2003-01-09 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

 DG == David Gibbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DG Any thoughts on this?

| IOError: [Errno 4] Interrupted system call

Just that something's wrong with your mail server, or the connection
between it and Mailman, or something sent the qrunner process a signal
while it was in the middle of talking to your mail server.

Try this patch; it won't avoid the interrupted system call, but it
ought to handle the situation more gracefully (assuming it's a
transient problem).

Untested, but let me know if it works for you.

 snip snip 
RCS file: /cvsroot/mailman/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/,v
retrieving revision 2.25
diff -u -r2.25
---   6 Nov 2002 04:43:54 -   2.25
+++   7 Jan 2003 05:35:24 -
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@
 refused = e.recipients
 # MTA not responding, or other socket problems, or any other kind of
 # SMTPException.  In that case, nothing got delivered
-except (socket.error, smtplib.SMTPException), e:
+except (socket.error, smtplib.SMTPException, IOError), e:
 # BAW: should this be configurable?
 syslog('smtp', 'All recipients refused: %s', e)
 # If the exception had an associated error code, use it, otherwise,

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[Mailman-Users] htdig integration patch access problem now fixed

2003-01-09 Thread Richard Barrett
A short saga. The guys at sourceforge have come up with the goods, 
identified what was causing the problem in accessing patch #444884 and 
fixed it. Good job by them. Their support response reads as follows; it was 
a generic problem that this patch just happened to trip over:

Date: 2003-01-06 16:59
Sender: regs
Logged In: YES

Found it, fixed it.  It was a PHP memory exhaustion issue
caused by the number of attached files, it would seem.  I've
bumped the memory limits by 2 MB for php and all seems to be
happy now.

Ari Gordon-Schlosberg, Engineering


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Install issue on Mac OS 10.2.3

2003-01-09 Thread Jean-Michel Biraghi
Hi John,

Developer Tools downloading and installing was OK. I took advantage of 
the downloading time to learn some terminal basics. It was useful : I'm 
now 0,01 % better than before :-)

Still refering to Kathleen's guide, I'm still in trouble from step 5-h

Step 5-h : the /var/mail folder was already set for mail group... so I 
wonder if there is an error... I was expecting mailman group... Am I 
right ?

Step 6-a

de-jmb:/usr/adm/sm.bin] jmb% sudo 
Starting mail services
451 4.0.0 /etc/mail/ line 93: 
fileclass: cannot open 
'/etc/mail/local-host-names': Group 
writable directory

local-host-names file is set on read only. Is it normal ?

[Ordenador-de-jmb:/usr/adm/sm.bin] jmb% 
sudo m4 /usr/share/sendmail/conf/m4/cf.m4 
/etc/mail/  /tmp/
[Ordenador-de-jmb:/usr/adm/sm.bin] jmb% 
sudo mv /etc/mail/ 
[Ordenador-de-jmb:/usr/adm/sm.bin] jmb% 
sudo mv /tmp/ 
[Ordenador-de-jmb:/usr/adm/sm.bin] jmb% 
sudo makemap hash /etc/mail/access  
WARNING: Group writable directory /

What do you think about this warning ?

[Ordenador-de-jmb:/usr/adm/sm.bin] jmb% 
sudo newaliases
/etc/mail/aliases: line 1: alias line too 
/etc/mail/aliases: 0 aliases, longest 0 
bytes, 0 bytes total

Well.. what's wrong here ?...

Thanks to all...

Jean-Michel Biraghi
4D Hispano
28230 Las Rozas de Madrid, Spain

El Sat, 4 Jan 2003 15:24:56 -0800, John W Baxter escribió :
 Note that since the Developer Tools CD packed with Jaguar there have been
 a small but critical update, and more recently a complete new release
 (December 2002 Developer Tools).  Hope you have a fast's a
 300+ meg download [1].  (You can get a CD shipped for $19.95 plus tax.)
 But since you want Mailman, you likely have a fast connection.

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[Mailman-Users] Coerce Plain Text with Mailman 2.1

2003-01-09 Thread Webmaster ST Frontier Fleet

Hi everyone,

We've been running Mailman 2.0.x with the coerce plain text patch
previously and this worked great. All mail sent by AOL users or M$ Word
users got nicely converted to plain text. Additional viruses that might
be send to the mailinglists also got rendered inactive because all MIME
got stripped from the message as a matter of fact. So attachments were
also impossible.
We choose to do this plain text coercing for multiple reasons.

But okay, here is my problem: I've now started with giving Mailman 2.1 a
try on my testing machine. I've used the unofficial undo-coerce patch to
get Mailman to update the old lists and so far so good. Mailman 2.1
seems to run as it should.

But then we get to the point of trying to see if the HTML to Plain Text
conversion has been set properly. As I've understood Mailman 2.1 should
be able to do this plain text coercing itself without an additional

Using Outlook Express 6, I create a standard HTML message (using one of
OE's default templates) and the first tries resulted in the message
disappearing into nowhere. So next I removed all content filter
settings, so it now says:
- Should Mailman filter the content of list traffic according to the
settings below? [ Yes ]
- Remove message attachments that have a matching content type. [
Empty ]
- Remove message attachments that don't have a matching content type.
Leave this field blank to skip this filter test. [ Empty ]
- Should Mailman convert text/html parts to plain text? [ Yes ]
- Action to take when a message matches the content filtering rules. [
Forward to List Owner ]

Using this settings it indeed converts the email from HTML to plain
text however, the plain text body is attached as an attachment
instead of being in the body of the email. The only thing in the email's
body is the message footer.

So, my question is if anyone here might happen to know how I can get
Mailman 2.1 act similar to Mailman 2.0.x with the coerce plain text
patch active. Or at the very least, how to get Mailman 2.1 to put the
body of an email in the body and not add it as an attachment?

Kind regards,

-- Webmaster ST Frontier Fleet

Creativity is necessary for the health of the body.
 -- Spock, Return of the Archons

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Re: [Mailman-Users] mm2.1 cookie problem?

2003-01-09 Thread Stephan Berndts

On Mon, Jan 06, 2003 at 07:22:03PM -0500, Bryan Fullerton wrote:
 Here's the rewrite rule I used for the 2.1 list:
 RewriteRule ^/mailman/(.*)/(trawler-world-list-help.*) \
 /home/mailman-2.1/cgi-bin/$1/$2 \

I realized the problem that trawler-world-list-help matches not only
the rewriterule for trawler-world-list-help but also that for
trawler-world-list. (Is there one in your case? I cannot remember.)
I had this problem for two of mine lists as well. As I moved both I did
not have to think long about a better regex -- I tried to find one but
did not succeed.

The more I hear, the less I know

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[Mailman-Users] Plesk 2.* and MM2.1

2003-01-09 Thread Marco Trevisan | Bazzmann.Com
Ciao ragazzi!

So, I've resolved the problem with my own upgrade, I found out which
problem stopped my work and upgrade.

I run my server with Plesk 2.5 panel ( ), useful
to admin hosting quickly and let customer admin sites themselves. To
create correctly lists under it Dan Byrne made a script called
addnewlist that works with 2.0.* versions of MM.

I just completed the update of this script and now it works correctly
with MM2.1, under Plesk. I have to complete some little thing and
the script removelist to make correct removing of list created
with addnewlist and I let you know the URL where find it. Hope
it can be useful to some other user of Plesk and MM. :)

Have a nice day!

Bazzmann Labs(c) - Accessibilita', usabilita', webdesign e standard W3C
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Re: [Mailman-Users] mm2.1 cookie problem?

2003-01-09 Thread Stephan Berndts

On Mon, Jan 06, 2003 at 07:22:03PM -0500, Bryan Fullerton wrote:
 Here's the rewrite rule I used for the 2.1 list:
 RewriteRule ^/mailman/(.*)/(trawler-world-list-help.*) \
 /home/mailman-2.1/cgi-bin/$1/$2 \

I realized the problem that trawler-world-list-help matches not only
the rewriterule for trawler-world-list-help but also that for
trawler-world-list. (Is there one in your case? I cannot remember.)
I had this problem for two of mine lists as well. As I moved both I did
not have to think long about a better regex -- I tried to find one but
did not succeed.

The more I hear, the less I know

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Re: [Mailman-Users] aliases in README.QMAIL

2003-01-09 Thread David Sammons

Hi there!!!

   About this question what was the solution...

Thanks a lot!!!

 --- Marco Trevisan | Bazzmann.Com
[EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:  Stanton Schell wrote:
  Illegal_command:_mailowner/.  I changed the
 aliases for the list to 
  use the commands request and owner instead of
 mailcmd and 
  mailowner and that fixed things.
 So you changed this line inside .qmail-list-* :
 |preline /usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman mailcmd
 with the request and owner command? I'll try to
 What about normal posting? Does it work properly?
 Bazzmann Labs(c) - Accessibilita', usabilita',
 webdesign e standard W3C

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[Mailman-Users] Settings for announcement only list questions.

2003-01-09 Thread Jonathan Chum
A client of ours with 72K subscribers recently became the victim when one of
the subscribers decides to email the list owner address which sent out 72K
emails to everyone on the list. I know this is a feature of Mailman, but
never once in the past 6 months of using Mailman has this ever happened

I did not setup the lists for this particular client, but I'm reviewing the
administration area and do not see any settings turned on so that the
individual could have blasted out the email by emailing the list owner. I
don't think it's security hole as this guy only sent out his email in the
body and his email provider attached signatures related to dating services.
He could have been a lot more malicious than that. I may have looked over
some setting. Any have a list of settings to check to make sure only one
email address has the authority to blast out?

Jonathan Chum
Systems Developer

A I S   M e d i a ,  I n c .
We Build eBusinesses
115 Perimeter Center Terrace
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Re: [Mailman-Users] problems with different chatsets (footer getsattached if different)

2003-01-09 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

 ST == Sebastian Talmon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

ST I'm sorry, but with this path the headers are set correct, but
ST MS Outlook still shows the footer as a pseudo-Attachement
ST (giving it the name ATT00010.txt or so)


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Re: [Mailman-Users] problems with different chatsets (footer getsattached if different)

2003-01-09 Thread Ben Gertzfield
Sebastian Talmon wrote:

I'm sorry, but with this path the headers are set correct, but
MS Outlook still shows the footer as a pseudo-Attachement
(giving it the name ATT00010.txt or so)

Then it's definitely an MS Outlook bug, and there's not a whole lot we 
can do until Mailman gets fully internationalizable headers/footers with 
many charsets possible per list instead of the one charset for headers 
and footers per list it currently has.

Sorry about this!  You should report the bug to Microsoft; ignoring 
Content-Disposition (which is admittedly an optional specification) 
violates RFC 2183, which has been available since August 1997.  They're 
6 years out of date!


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Re: [Mailman-Users] MM 2.1 -- another qrunner crash

2003-01-09 Thread David Gibbs
 | IOError: [Errno 4] Interrupted system call
 Just that something's wrong with your mail server, or the connection
 between it and Mailman, or something sent the qrunner process a signal
 while it was in the middle of talking to your mail server.

I kind of figured it was something like that ... although MM 2.0.13 never
encountered problems like this (that I knew of).  I did, however, recently
upgrade to Redhat 8.0.

I have noticed that, on occasion, I have a sendmail task that will sit for
extended periods of time in 'data' mode ... the PS entry looks like this:

31445 ?S  0:02 sendmail: h07Knsb2031445 localhost []: data

When I looked at the mail queue file's associated with id
h07Knsb2031445, they were defintely associated with the mailing list.

 Try this patch; it won't avoid the interrupted system call, but it
 ought to handle the situation more gracefully (assuming it's a
 transient problem).

I'll give it a try ... but even after I applied the patch, I saw the hung
task again.



Who said I couldn't have it all?
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Error comfirming subscription from Mailman

2003-01-09 Thread Ashley M. Kirchner
Feng Jeffrey wrote:

After I installed Mailman on my FreeBSD server, I created a test list and
sent a subscription to it, the server returned the folowing error message.
What causes this problem? Any help will be appreciated. Jeffrey

The original message was received at Tue, 7 Jan 2003 16:16:41 -0800 (PST)
from localhost []

  - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
   (reason: 550 5.1.1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... User

   Did you add the aliases to your MTA's alias file?

W | I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere.
 Ashley M. Kirchner mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   .   303.442.6410 x130
 IT Director / SysAdmin / WebSmith . 800.441.3873 x130
 Photo Craft Laboratories, Inc.. 3550 Arapahoe Ave. #6 . .  ..   Boulder, CO 80303, U.S.A.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] problem with pipermail

2003-01-09 Thread syed
What version of mailman?  If 2.0 is your crontab installed?

 Back to the httpd problem.  Did you restart apache?

 If there hasn't been any posts to the list, there won't be a dir there, and you'll 
get that error.

I'm using mailman-2.0.13
MTA sendmail-8.11.6
Crontab already installed.
I already set the aliase, but my mail still pending.
Any suggestion which log files did I need to check for clue?


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[Mailman-Users] cron daemon error on FreeBSD 4.7

2003-01-09 Thread C Burchell
Hello - I'm new to Mailman.

I have just recently installed mailman 2.0.12 on a FreeBSD 4.7 system
using the pkg_add feature.

I believe I have successfully configured the majority of the software
package, but ever since I ran the '/usr/local/mailman/cron/' I
have been receiving the following e-mail message every minute:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/local/mailman/cron/qrunner, line 276, in ?
  File /usr/local/mailman/Mailman/, line 219, in lock
  File /usr/local/mailman/Mailman/, line 350, in __write
fp = open(self.__tmpfname, 'w')
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:

/usr/local/ mailman dir entry reads as:

drwxrwsr-x  18 root  mailman  512 date mailman

Almost everything under /usr/local/mailman reads:
(only expection is number of links in ls -l listing of some items)

drwxrwsr-x  2 root  91  512 date dirname

I apologize that if this has been addressed on this list before, but I
have been so far unable to find a searchable archive of the
Mailman-Users list.

Any help / guidance to solve the issue above would be most appreciated.


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman/htdig Success and a question or 3..

2003-01-09 Thread Richard Barrett
At 05:18 08/01/2003, Glenn Sieb wrote:

First I just want to say:


I managed to get 2.1 and htdig all running together and working 
peachykeen... :) it's a beautiful thing! My monthly mailers all work now, 
creating lists from the webinterface works, etc!

However--a suggestion? In, once all the patches are added, we 
now see:

ARCHIVE_INDEXING_ENABLE = '!--/htdig_noindex--'
ARCHIVE_INDEXING_DISABLE = '!--htdig_noindex--'
# htdig integration parameters
# if you set USE_HTDIG then you must also set HTDIG_MAILMAN_LINK
# and HTDIG_RUNDIG_PATH to suit your htdig installation, for instance:
# HTDIG_MAILMAN_LINK = 'htdig-mailman'
# HTDIG_RUNDIG_PATH = '/usr/bin/rundig'
USE_HTDIG = 0# 0 - don't use integrated htdig, 1 - use it
HTDIG_ARCHIVE_URL = '/mailman/htdig/' # must end in a slash
HTDIG_SEARCH_URL = '/cgi-bin/htsearch'
HTDIG_FILES_URL = '/htdig/'
HTDIG_CONF_LINK_DIR = os.path.join(VAR_PREFIX, 'archives', 'htdig')
HTDIG_MAILMAN_LINK = 'htdig-mailman'
HTDIG_RUNDIG_PATH = '/usr/local/bin/rundig'

Now.. as far as I can tell, HTDIG_ARCHIVE_URL is just wrong. 
/mailman/htdig/ isn't the location of archives using Pipermail.. it's 
/mailman/pipermail ... So I'm wondering:

1) Am I just reading this wrong? Is my setup somehow b0rken? I had to set 
HTDIG_ARCHIVE_URL = '/mailman/pipermail/' in

/mailman/htdig/ is correct. This is explained in the file 
$build/INSTALL.htdig-mm installed by the #444884 patch. In part it says:


these are a CGI script and its wrapper, which is always on the path
of URLs returned from searches of htdig indices. The script provides
secure access to such URLs in the same way that the
$prefix/cgi-bin/private and $prefix/Mailman/Cgi/
ensures private archives are kept private, applying the same
criteria for permitting access as, and delivering
material from public archives without demanding any authentication.

2) What about private archives? Can there be (maybe in a future version) 
HTDIG_PRIVATE_ARCHIVE_URL ? As it stands, I have to manually edit the 
listname.conf to fix it for private archives... hardly a big deal, but 
I'm just the curious type...

3) I'm using the (modified to work with 2.1--easy 
enough, if anyone would like a copy, I'll happily post it), and do not use 
mailman's aliases file--is there a way to stop mailman from writing to 
this data/aliases file? Not a biggie, I'm still just a curious guy :)

Again... you guys rock!!! :)


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RE: [Mailman-Users] no 2.1 version on Gnu FTP site?

2003-01-09 Thread John Dennis
On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 13:19, Angel Gabriel wrote:
 When will this RPM be produced? And where can I get it from?

In the next few days. I will post a pointer when its done. I'm trying to
clean up some issues in the spec file at the moment. Getting some
testing on installing this package will be appreciated.

On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 13:37, Adam Beatham wrote:
 along these same lines.. I don't suppose there's a BSD package, 

I'm sorry I can't help you with BSD, perhaps someone else can.


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[Mailman-Users] help

2003-01-09 Thread sales

Please I am what you may consider a newbie in the 
computer world.My problem is that I am recently building a website and I 
want to use your mailing list.However,I have tried everything I can to transfer 
the mailinglist to my file manager in order to publish it so that people 
can subscribe to my site.Till now I have not been able to do that.I was told 
that I can do that through mailman control center and I don't even know how to 
find it.
Please the help I need from you is how can I use 
your mailing list on my site?That is how can I publish it?I must confess it is a 
very easy form for new users like us.Please help.
My e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Chinemerem Njoku
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[Mailman-Users] BCC allowed?

2003-01-09 Thread Carl Holtje

While the power of denying a list to be specified in a BCC field is certainly 
undeniable, I'd like the ability to accept a post that has the list BCCd if 
the sender is a list member -- is this possible?

Thanks so much!



There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary and 
those that don't.

$whoami: Carl Holtje
$mail holtje: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Mailman-Users] AOL subscriber bounces

2003-01-09 Thread Gregory Woodbury
It was written once upon a time (by Raquel Rice):
 On Wed, 8 Jan 2003 12:13:23 -0500
 Bob Puff@NLE [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've noticed that a few of my list subscribers are using AOL's
  functions to block email from certain senders, who are on my
  lists.  So as a list admin, I get all these AOL bounces.  Is there
  a simple script that can be used to direct these nastygrams bacl
  to their AOL user, so that the user can get nagged instead of me?
 If it was my list, I would just write the AOL users and ask them to
 remove the block, and if they don't you'll have to unsubscribe them.

Individual AOL users don't have the ability to control the block.  It's
AOLs inbound mail handlers that are determining that the source machine
is somehow tresspassing by not using the ISP outgoing mail servers for
access to them.

This particular tresspassing by dial-up machines meme has infected
several of the larger ISPs lately. Most notable are AOL and RoadRunner.
I had to start using a smart host for all my outgoing mail because of
this viscious meme.

Gregory G. Wolfe Woodbury   `-_-' Owner/Admin:
ggw at  U
The Line Eater is a   Hug your wolf.
 Boojum Snark

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[Mailman-Users] cAse sEnsiTive

2003-01-09 Thread JMD

I can't get my list to be lower case. I know it's 
case sensitive but it does say that it can be changed; however, when I try it 
will not allow it. Anything I try does not work and my list always shows with 
the first letter capitalized, even in the reply address. Any 
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Errors running CGI script

2003-01-09 Thread Bill Hilburn

You will also see this if Apache is not configured correctly...

You may need an Alias in httpd.conf:
Alias /pipermail/ /your mailman root/archives/public/

Quoting Matthew Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 * Feng Jeffrey ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  I've been trying to install Mailman onto a FreeBSD based computer. After
  created a test mailing list, I ran into an error like this when accessing
  the mailing list archive from the Apache server:
  You don't have permission to access /pipermail/test/ on this server.
  Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use
  ErrorDocument to handle the request.
  Apache/2.0.43 Server at Port 80
 Did you run check_perms -f?
 | Matthew Davis /\ |
 | Monday, January 06, 2003 / 11:05PM |
 Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.
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Bill Hilburn
NOC Frontier Internet

This mail sent through webmail service!

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Re: [Mailman-Users] MM2.1 daily checkdbs traceback

2003-01-09 Thread Scott Lipcon
FYI - i traced this down to a corrupt requests.db file for one of my
lists that had a pending subscription request before the 2.1 upgrade.
It seems that's __opendb function attempts to upgrade the
db file, but somewhere during my 2.1 install it looks like the
requests.db file was partially upgraded - ie, it didn't have the full
name field added, but it did have the version field.   Therefore,
opendb didn't try to add the full name field.   I was able to look at
the pending submission via 'strings requests.db' and then just kill
the file, and now checkdbs runs fine.


On Wednesday, 8 Jan 2003, Scott Lipcon wrote:

 I just upgraded a 2.0.13 installation to 2.1, and I'm getting the following 
 traceback every morning when checkdbs is called.  I get the same traceback 
 I run checkdbs manually.   I don't think any of my databases are corrupt - I 
 ran bin/check_db on each list and no problems were reported.
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File /home/mailman/cron/checkdbs, line 136, in ?
   File /home/mailman/cron/checkdbs, line 80, in main
 text += '\n' + pending_requests(mlist)
   File /home/mailman/cron/checkdbs, line 98, in pending_requests
 for id in mlist.GetSubscriptionIds():
   File /home/mailman/Mailman/, line 157, in GetSubscriptionIds
 return self.__getmsgids(SUBSCRIPTION)
   File /home/mailman/Mailman/, line 149, in __getmsgids
 ids = [k for k, (type, data) in self.__db.items() if type == rtype]
 ValueError: unpack tuple of wrong size
 The system is OpenBSD 2.8 on a sparc, with a newly compiled python 2.2.2
 any ideas?
 PS: to the moderator: I sent this a day or so ago but was not subscribed - 
 feel free to cancel the held posting, if you haven't already.
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[Mailman-Users] All messages in qfiles

2003-01-09 Thread jsingh
I just created 10 lists and whenever I send a message to any of them the
messages end up in qfiles directory. So I cleaned up the directory send
the message to a different mailing list, it got posted. But there is no
message being posted to the new lists I created. When I go through the
mail log, I see the wrapper is trying to post and in logs I checked the
qrunner log, it tells me exception in reading the message file. I am
using mailman version 2.0.2. Its an openbsd3.1 box with sendmail as its
Can you tell me what am I doing wrong?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of
Barry A. Warsaw
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 12:32 AM
To: Steve Rifkin
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords of members UPDATE

 SR == Steve Rifkin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SR OK, I upgraded to MM2.1.  After having to run check_perms with
SR -f to fix permissions, I finally got the web pages up.

SR When I go in as site admin and change the list admin's
SR password for a list, I *still* cannot log in as the list
SR admin.  (I still receive the authentication error).

SR And if I go back into the password change page for the list as
SR the site admin, and if I put in a new list admin password and
SR have a *different* verified password, I receive no errors when
SR I click submit.

SR However, if I run change_pw from the command line, changing
SR the password for the list admin for the specific list, them, I
SR CAN log in!  :)

SR So, it's the web interface that's screwing up.  We're
SR narrowing this one down now... I hope!  Any suggestions?

Do you have any cookie blockers or other proxies between your browser
and the web server?  That's about the only thing I can think of.


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[Mailman-Users] Problems with Mailman server...

2003-01-09 Thread Ashley M. Kirchner

   My subscription got disabled, so anyone who answers to this message, 
please CC me as well.  I don't know if anyone noticed this or not, but 
when I go to my account preferences for this list 
I can log in just fine, but whenever I try to submit anything (like 
re-enabling my subscription), it just sits there and will eventually 
just time out (or return a 'document contains no data' page.)  I've 
tried Netscape 4.79, 7.01, and IE 6, they all behave the same way.  Does 
anyone know if there is a problem with the server, or is there some 
there way I can re-enable my subscription?

   Remember to CC me as well since I'm no longer receiving list 
messages.  Thanks.

W | I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere.
 Ashley M. Kirchner mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   .   303.442.6410 x130
 IT Director / SysAdmin / WebSmith . 800.441.3873 x130
 Photo Craft Laboratories, Inc.. 3550 Arapahoe Ave. #6 . .  ..   Boulder, CO 80303, U.S.A.

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[Mailman-Users] Re: Fw: [Scuolasommozzatori] prova

2003-01-09 Thread Tokio Kikuchi

You are sending messages in multipart/alternative.
The patch works only for text/plain messages.

Header and footer for HTML message are always added as attachments.


Alberto Marcedone wrote:

Tokio here is a sample message.
I have try to use /bin/Mailmanctl restart.
Also look at my I have deleted the file Default.pyc
Tanks for your help.

Subject: Fw: [Scuolasommozzatori] prova
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 14:17:40 +0100
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/related;

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[Mailman-Users] Problems running mailctl and sending to lists...

2003-01-09 Thread Steve Rifkin

I recently installed mailman 2.1 (upgrading over our mailman 2.13) to correct a 
problem with list admin passwords.

At the time of the upgrade, I was running python 2.1

Today I finally ran genaliases to modify the old mm list aliases for the new 

With the aliases in place, I sent e-mail to one of my lists... newlist.

Instead of the message going through, I get back the following from the 

  - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
|/users/rtfm/mailman/mail/mailman post newtest
(reason: 1)
(expanded from: newtest@cs)

   - Transcript of session follows -
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /users/rtfm/mailman/scripts/post, line 69, in ?
  File /users/rtfm/mailman/scripts/post, line 64, in main
tolist=1, _plaintext=1)
  File /users/rtfm/mailman/Mailman/Queue/, line 119, in enqueue
msgfp = open(msgfile, 'w')
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 
554 5.3.0 unknown mailer error 1


What is causing the above?

OK, so I figure, since I was running python 2.1, maybe mailman 2.1 would rather 
me run python 2.2.2.

I then installed python 2.2.2.  Directly afterwards, I rebuilt (make clean, 
configure, make, make install) mailman 2.1 again, and then, ran check_perms (and 
corrected anything that needed correcting so that check_perms now comes back 

Now, when I start to run the scripts/mailman script to startup mailmanctl, I 
immediately get lots of messages that look like this:

# ./mailman start
cs:/users/rtfm/mailman/scripts:{153} Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /users/rtfm/mailman/bin/qrunner, line 77, in ?
from Mailman.i18n import _
  File /users/rtfm/mailman/Mailman/, line 18, in ?
import time
ImportError: No module named time
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /users/rtfm/mailman/bin/qrunner, line 77, in ?
from Mailman.i18n import _
  File /users/rtfm/mailman/Mailman/, line 18, in ?
import time
ImportError: No module named time
Traceback (most recent call last):

I get the above messages continuously.  What's happening here?

Mind you, when I had python 2.1 installed, I had no problem running mailmanctl 
(except that mail sent to lists would yield the message near the top of this 
e-mail.  With python2.2.2 installed, I can't even get mailmanctl to run 
properly... or rather, whatever it's running is giving me the errors directly 

And remember, *after* I installed python 2.2.2, I *rebuilt* mailman.

So, what should I do here?

If python's an issue, I'll go back to python 2.1 and hope someone here can help 
me fix the problem with the mailer-daemon message.  At least python 2.1, I could 
run the mailman startup script.

(Note, the machine mailman is built on is Solaris 2.8.

Thanks in advance!

Steve Rifkin

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Passwords of members UPDATE

2003-01-09 Thread Steve Rifkin
I recently installed mailman 2.1 (upgrading over our mailman 2.13) to correct a 
problem with list admin passwords.

At the time of the upgrade, I was running python 2.1

Today I finally ran genaliases to modify the old mm list aliases for the new 

With the aliases in place, I sent e-mail to one of my lists... newlist.

Instead of the message going through, I get back the following from the 

  - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
|/users/rtfm/mailman/mail/mailman post newtest
(reason: 1)
(expanded from: newtest@cs)

   - Transcript of session follows -
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /users/rtfm/mailman/scripts/post, line 69, in ?
  File /users/rtfm/mailman/scripts/post, line 64, in main
tolist=1, _plaintext=1)
  File /users/rtfm/mailman/Mailman/Queue/, line 119, in enqueue
msgfp = open(msgfile, 'w')
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 
554 5.3.0 unknown mailer error 1


What is causing the above?

OK, so I figure, since I was running python 2.1, maybe mailman 2.1 would rather 
me run python 2.2.2.

I then installed python 2.2.2.  Directly afterwards, I rebuilt (make clean, 
configure, make, make install) mailman 2.1 again, and then, ran check_perms (and 
corrected anything that needed correcting so that check_perms now comes back 

Now, when I start to run the scripts/mailman script to startup mailmanctl, I 
immediately get lots of messages that look like this:

# ./mailman start
cs:/users/rtfm/mailman/scripts:{153} Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /users/rtfm/mailman/bin/qrunner, line 77, in ?
from Mailman.i18n import _
  File /users/rtfm/mailman/Mailman/, line 18, in ?
import time
ImportError: No module named time
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /users/rtfm/mailman/bin/qrunner, line 77, in ?
from Mailman.i18n import _
  File /users/rtfm/mailman/Mailman/, line 18, in ?
import time
ImportError: No module named time
Traceback (most recent call last):

I get the above messages continuously.  What's happening here?

Mind you, when I had python 2.1 installed, I had no problem running mailmanctl 
(except that mail sent to lists would yield the message near the top of this 
e-mail.  With python2.2.2 installed, I can't even get mailmanctl to run 
properly... or rather, whatever it's running is giving me the errors directly 

And remember, *after* I installed python 2.2.2, I *rebuilt* mailman.

So, what should I do here?

If python's an issue, I'll go back to python 2.1 and hope someone here can help 
me fix the problem with the mailer-daemon message.  At least python 2.1, I could 
run the mailman startup script.

(Note, the machine mailman is built on is Solaris 2.8.

Thanks in advance!

Steve Rifkin

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