Re: [Mailman-Users] changed domains, need to change list url

2003-08-14 Thread Richard Barrett
See the FAQ entry:

Run fix_url after you have changed and do not foget to 
mailmanctl restart.

On Tuesday, August 5, 2003, at 05:15  pm, Kirk R. Wythers wrote:

I need to change the url on a list (we have switched domains and I want
the list web pages to reflect that change). I have tried the
script, but it just wants to set the list url to the name of the
local_host (probably getting it from uname or something). I have 
'ServerName' in httpd.conf to the new domain name, also changed

What else needs to be done so that fix_url can change the list url?



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Re: [Mailman-Users] help on converting Lyris archive

2003-08-14 Thread Jon Carnes

Try the arch again, and if it bombs in the same place, then most likely
you have a problem with one of the headers in the mbox.

If there is a message header (in the mbox) that is malformed or out of
spec you should be able to trace this down by looking at the last
message in the generated archives and then diving back into the mbox to
find that message.  The message after that one is a likely culprit.

Once you look, it normally becomes fairly obvious what the error is. 
I've run into this several times at clients.  With a little patience and
the help of a few scripts you should be able weed this out easily.

A troubleshooting technique I sometimes use on very large mboxes, is to
break the mbox up (say by month or by year) and then arch one piece of
it at a time.

Good Luck - Jon Carnes

On Mon, 2003-08-04 at 23:42, Zhang Qu wrote:
> Hi,folks
>  Does anyone have experience of converting a Lyris mailing list
> archive to mailman?
>  I am trying to convert a mailing list from Lyris to Mailman. I used
> came with Lyris) to extract archive to a .mbox file
> and strip those CR/LF. I created a list in mailman with the same name
> and put this .mbox under archives/private/hdfnet.mbox/,then
> I run "arch" command from mailman/bin like this
> ./arch hdfnet /usr/local/mailman/archives/private/hdfnet.mbox/hdfnet.mbox
> I got such error message
> Updating HTML for article 182
> Updating index files for archive [2002-December]
>   Date
>   Subject
>   Author
>   Thread
> Computing threaded index
> Updating HTML for article 183
> Pickling archive state into /usr/local/mailman/archives/private/hdfnet/pipermail.pck
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "bin/arch", line 186, in ?
> main()
>   File "bin/arch", line 174, in main
> archiver.processUnixMailbox(fp, start, end)
>   File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Archiver/", line 544, in 
> processUnixMailbox
> m =
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.2/", line 33, in next
> return self.factory(_Subfile(self.fp, start, stop))
>   File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/", line 79, in scrubber
> return mailbox.scrub(msg)
>   File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/", line 99, in scrub
> return self._scrubber(self._mlist, msg)
>   File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/", line 132, in process
> dir = calculate_attachments_dir(mlist, msg, msgdata)
>   File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/", line 93, in 
> calculate_attachments_dir
> datedir = safe_strftime(fmt, now)
>   File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/", line 77, in safe_strftime
> return time.strftime(fmt, floatsecs)
> TypeError: argument must be 9-item sequence, not None
> and in mailman web interface, I only got monthly archive up to 2002
> Dec.
> anyone can help me?
> thanks a lot in advance!

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[Mailman-Users] Restrict number of subscribers for a mailinglists

2003-08-14 Thread Christian Schoepplein

Can I somehow restrict the number of subscribers for my mailinglist? For 
example list1 should only have 100 members, list2 150 and list3 50 
members? Is it ppossible to define a maximum number of listmembers?

Best regards,

Christian Schoepplein | Beste Rockband der Welt:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Linux fuer Blinde:

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Re: [Mailman-Users] IP's instead of FQDN

2003-08-14 Thread Richard Barrett
On Thursday, August 7, 2003, at 04:12  pm, James Pifer wrote:

Actually I did look those over, but someone on another list (before
joining this one) told me I didn't need to do all that. Obviously they
were mistaken.
And they were quite right, you do not have to do all that, just some of  
it. The README.SENDMAIL document doesn't say do all of this; it lists  
things under headings which you can apply selectively depending on your  

Given the error message you are getting from Sendmail contains the  
words 'smrsh: "mailman" not available for sendmail programs' I would be  
inclined to concentrate on the words in README.SENDMAIL that say:

Many newer versions of Sendmail come with a restricted execution
utility called "smrsh", which limits the executables that Sendmail
will allow to be used as mail filter programs.  You need to
explicitly allow Mailman's wrapper program to be used with smrsh
before it will work.  If mail is not getting delivered to
Mailman's wrapper program and you're getting an "operating system
error" in your mail syslog, this could be your problem.
One good way of doing this is to:

- cd into /etc/smrsh (or where ever it happens to reside on
  your system, such as /var/smrsh or /usr/local/smrsh).
- create a symbolic link to Mailman's wrapper program

For example, if you've installed Mailman in the standard location,
you can just execute these commands (you might have to do these as
% cd /etc/smrsh
% ln -s /usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman mailman

I would follow those instructions rather than cooking up some cooking  
up some even more complicated scheme. Changing from a working Sendmail  
to another MTA will not be painless. Depending on your installation you  
will probably find the GID that it runs as is different requiring a  
re-run of MM ./configure and make install

If you have a working Sendmail server on your Mailman machine then all  
should be well if you follow the instructions.

btw: INSTALL also refers to setting up the mailman wapper to run  
through smrsh with the words:

Problem:  I send mail to the list, and get back mail saying,
  "sh: mailman not available for sendmail programs"
Solution: Your system uses sendmail restricted shell (smrsh).  You
  need to configure smrsh by creating a symbolic link from
  the mail wrapper ($prefix/mail/mailman) to the directory
  identifying executables allowed to run under smrsh.
  Some common names for this directory are
  /var/admin/sm.bin, /usr/admin/sm.bin or /etc/smrsh.
  Note that on Debian Linux, the system makes
  /usr/lib/sm.bin, which is wrong, you will need to create
  the directory /usr/admin/sm.bin and add the link there.
  Note further any aliases newaliases spits out will need
  to be adjusted to point to the secure link to the

I looked it over again and not being a sendmail expert I'm  
with the changes since this is my main mail server running MailScanner,
etc. So I'm going to try putting it on another machine.

Let me ask you this, more of a sendmail question. If I install Mailman
on another machine, could I have it use the same domain, and have my
main Sendmail server forward email for specific addresses, like lists,
to this other mailman server? Would that work? The mailman server would
be able to deliver directly.
Also, if I do it on another machine, should I use something other than
Sendmail? Are any of the others easier to integrate? From the files it
looks like postfix.
Thanks for your time.
On Thu, 2003-08-07 at 09:58, Richard Barrett wrote:
I can only assume that you haven't read all of the notes in the  
and README.SENDMAIL documentation files in the Mailman build  

If that is because you did not install from source then I suggest you
download the MM source distribution from:

and unpack it to get at those two files.

On Thursday, August 7, 2003, at 02:05  pm, James Pifer wrote:

No I hadn't started that. Is that something I should add to rc.local  
it starts every time the box is restarted?

Covered in  the INSTALL file

Something is still screwed up in my Sendmail config. I tried to post  
message to my new list and got the following:

   - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
"|/usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman post stoneware-users"
(reason: Service unavailable)
(expanded from: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
   - Transcript of session follows -
smrsh: "mailman" not available for sendmail programs (stat failed)
554 5.0.0 Service unavailable

Covered in the README.SENDMAIL file

On Thu, 2003-08-07 at 02:45, Richard Barrett wrote:
On Thursday, August 7, 2003, at 01:

Re: [Mailman-Users] no mail... looks like an exim config problem

2003-08-14 Thread Richard Barrett
As your problem at this juncture seems to be more Exim related than  
Mailman ...

A google search for 'Exim "remote host address is the local host"'

threw up these, which may be relevant: 

The Exim mailing lists (Mailman managed of course :) are here linked  

On Wednesday, August 6, 2003, at 06:42  pm, Kirk R. Wythers wrote:

I need to configure exim for a virtual domain. The uname of my machine
in, the virtual domain that I want to run  
to/from is

Here is the exim log error:
2003-08-06 12:14:53 remote host address is the local host: (while verifying
host ( [::1])
If I add the domain as the primary hostname, will
that take care of it?
# primary_hostname =
primary_hostname =
or do I also need something here?

domainlist local_domains = @
domainlist relay_to_domains =
hostlist   relay_from_hosts = localhost
Lastly, how does one HUP exim?

Richard Barrett
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[Mailman-Users] very weird behavior

2003-08-14 Thread Kirk R. Wythers
So here is the deal (with a fresh outlook and a good night sleep). I am
convinced that I did get everything working yesterday. I took some
futzing around with the exim config file, and apache. The
reason that I thought things were working was that I created a new list
'testlist' and it worked fine (i.e. allowed me to subscribe, sent me
notice that I had subscribed, let me post, sent the post, etc...)

But when I tried to use the old (imported) list, I got the error about:

Try tweaking the mail server to run the script as group "mailnull", or
re-run configure,  providing the
command line option `--with-mail-gid=mail'.

So I tied re-configuring mailman with gid=mail, that got me the error

Try tweaking the mail server to run the script as group "mail", or
re-run configure,  providing the
command line option `--with-mail-gid=mailnull'.

This is clearly a loop...

So this morning I go back to the 'testlist' and start poking around. It
seems that everything works fine unless I turn on moderation, or aproval
in the "required for subscription" field (anything that requires a
message to be sent to the moderator/admin), then I'm back to the error:

Try tweaking the mail server to run the script as group "mailnull", or
re-run configure,  providing the
command line option `--with-mail-gid=mail'.

Any idea what is going on here?


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Re: [Mailman-Users] deleting a list.

2003-08-14 Thread Gustavo Gouvea
Have you read the docs?
Many admin tasks are done via command line...

Subhasis Mahapatra wrote:
> Hello to All
> How can I delete a mailing list and how can I change the name of an
> exesting list?
> With Best Regards,
> Subhasis Mahapatra
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Re: [Mailman-Users] error log reports miss spelled listname?

2003-08-14 Thread Richard Barrett
On Friday, August 8, 2003, at 06:37  pm, Kirk R. Wythers wrote:

On Fri, 2003-08-08 at 09:25, Richard Barrett wrote:

Does the moved list have a directory called $prefix/list/ 
if it is set for archiving a directory called
$prefix/archives/private/ and
How/what exactly did you move when you moved this old list to the new
MM 2.1.2 installation?
I untarred the achive, moved it all to $prefix/ and then ran ./fix_url
Does this old list show up on the /mailman/listinfo and /mailman/admin
URI response pages?
Did you run prefix/bin/check_perms -f after manually moving this old
list into the new MM installation area?
yes... no errors
Have you tried running fix_url against this moved list?
yes... did that when I moved the list in oreder to get the list 
to the right url

The only other odd thing is when I querry 'owner' like this:

/usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman owner

I do not know what you are trying to achieve by running this command
and what you mean by "querying 'owner'".
What you are in fact doing is running the Mailman mail delivery 
wrapper which is intended to be called by the MTA to deliver messages
to Mailman. This wrapper checks the egid it is called with is that
specified by the --with-mail-gid value from the ./configure during
installation. As this condition is not being satisfied when you are
running it from the command line you get an error reported to that
If the gid wheel is a problem, then why do newly created lists work
I tied changing the group with:

chgrp -v -R -L mailnull /usr/sbin/sendmail

then restarting sendmail and mailman. But it has no effect. What else
does the message 'try tweaking your mailserver to run the group 
mean I should try... obviously I don't know what is meant by the term

Whenever /usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman, which is a compiled C wrapper 
for the mailman delivery script is run, it checks the gid of the 
process in which it is being run. The wrapper is not the least bit 
interested about on which list's  behalf it is being called and 
actually does not look at any list specific stuff.

The wrapper expects that the gid of its process to be that defined to 
./configure by --with-mail-gid when Mailman was installed. This 
information is compiled into the C wrapper when make install is run. If 
it is the correct gid then it does a setgid to the 'mailman' group 
before exec'ing the actual Python delivery script. This is a security 
measure. The message text, having told you what the problem is then 
suggests a possible course of action. But that suggestion is based on 
the assumption that the wrapper is being run by the MTA as intended and 
not by you from the command line.

When you are running /usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman from the command 
line, presumably as root:wheel, then the wrapper refuses to run the 
delivery script, and tells you why and offers a potential course of 
action. This is a fairly solid hint that running the wrapper that way 
is not going to get you very far; this is a complete red herring and 
distracting attention from whatever your real problem is.

Now if this gid error occurs during some deliveries by an MTA to 
Mailman and not during others it suggest that the MTA is not always 
executing delivery scripts with the process gid set to the same value; 
which is pretty strange but that is an MTA configuration or whatever 
problem and not a Mailman problem. If that strangeness is linked to 
which list deliveries are being done on behalf of then that is down to 
how the MTA is handling different lists' mail aliases not to Mailman 
per se.

I get this error:

Group mismatch error.  Mailman expected the mail
wrapper script to be executed as group "mailnull", but
the system's mail server executed the mail script as
group "wheel".  Try tweaking the mail server to run the
script as group "mailnull", or re-run configure,
providing the command line option `--with-mail-gid=wheel'.
It just doesn't make sense that there would be a real gid error if 
testlist does all the right stuff (ie subscribes sends mail, accepts

-- Kirk R. Wythers  Department of Forest Resources  
Tel: 612.625.2261   University of Minnesota
Fax: 612.625.5211530 Cleveland Ave. N
Richard Barrett
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman + htDig

2003-08-14 Thread Rich West
Ok.. I think I know what I did.. I didn't restart the qrunner.  As I 
wrote the previous email to you, I realized that I had _thought_ about 
restarting the qrunner, but didn't.  I went through the whole process again:
o Edit to set USE_HTDIR=1
o python -c 'from compileall import *; 
o /etc/init.d/mailmanctrl restart
o bin/rmlist test
o bin/newlist test
o bin/arch test
o Entered additional recipients via the web interface.
o Sent a test message to the test list
o /usr/bin/python -S /cron/nightly_htdig -v test  (it complained 
about not having the centralized db files, but that seemed ok)
o Pointed my browser at the test archives, and viola!  The search 
ability was there!  And searching worked!

I'm not sure if it was the fact that I recompiled the file or 
restarting the qrunner which started things working, though.

Now, I just have to go through and migrate the existing lists. :)  
Hopefully, that won't be too difficult. :)

Thanks for all of your help!
Rich West wrote:

Ok.. I blew away my test list, set USE_HTDIG=1, restarted the qrunner, 
created the list with newlist, ran blow_away_htdig test, ran arch 
test, and sent a message to the list.

It seems likeit does everything BUT create update the index.html file 
with the search info..

Perhaps I should start over from scratch...


Wait a sec... if I am reading that correctly, then existing lists 
would have been created using the standard templates which did not, 
obviously, have the htdig patch.  Newly created lists would be 
created against the now-patched htdig templates, and they should work 
properly.  Existing lists would have to have their templates patched 

Is that right?

If so, then it is likely that my installation IS working as 
expected.  I will have to delete my test list and recreate it, then 
run some tests and observe the results.

I'll let you know if I have any troubles there.

Thanks for your help!!


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[Mailman-Users] Public/private archives problem.

2003-08-14 Thread tony-mm

I hope someone can help me with this:
I am a web space reseller on a shared server.
One of the features we get is mailman, which we offer to our clients.

One thing I have noticed about it is that if a mailing list has a has a
private archive, the address is, which is fine, but if
the archive is public, then the address is - which is
not fine :(

This means that my clients can see the domain name of the underlying
provider I am buying space off, and potentially they might jump ship.

Is this something that can be fixed by me/the hosting provider, and if
so, how?

Many thanks,


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Public/private archives problem.

2003-08-14 Thread Rob Brandt
I recently submitted a bug report on that:

No response yet.



> Hi,
> I hope someone can help me with this:
> I am a web space reseller on a shared server.
> One of the features we get is mailman, which we offer to our clients.
> One thing I have noticed about it is that if a mailing list has a has a
> private archive, the address is
>, which is fine, but if
> the archive is public, then the address is
> - which is
> not fine :(
> This means that my clients can see the domain name of the underlying
> provider I am buying space off, and potentially they might jump ship.
> Is this something that can be fixed by me/the hosting provider, and if
> so, how?
> Many thanks,
> Tony
> --
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[Mailman-Users] Re: Fw: Re: Re:Remove from mailing list please (Ihave received this email in error READ)

2003-08-14 Thread Barry Warsaw
On Sun, 2003-08-10 at 18:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi Barry,
> We seem to have a problem here with your mailing list called **. A ton 
> of us are getting these emails for removal from this list. Here is the URL:
> The email address is:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] which is a bogus email address and causes a 
> bounce-back.
> Please cancel and remove all people from this list as we are all requesting this.
> Thank you for your help in this matter,
> Frani Morrison
> Recruitment Director

Please be advised that this is not "our" mailing list.  I have never
heard of before, nor the
mailing list.

It appears that they use our free mailing list software called Mailman,
but Mailman is open source software and we usually have no idea who is
using it.

You will have to contact someone at to resolve your


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[Mailman-Users] mailman for dummies

2003-08-14 Thread Astropof inc.

We are testing mailman as main mailing-list software for our customers.

Do you have somewhere on the web a mailman for dummies website ?

We just want our customers to send a one-way newsletter

Thanks a lot


Astropof inc.

Efficacité et innovation, nous sommes votre partenaire sur internet !

Tél - Fax : +32 2 256 45 89 

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman with sendmail

2003-08-14 Thread Richard Barrett
On Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 01:03  pm, Georges Engelmann wrote:


I Have problems getting mailman to work with sendmail. I followed the 
Readme.sendmail instructions, but always i send a mail to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] i get an error that the user 'somelist' doesnt exist.

If you are getting a 550 'User unknown' response from the MTA then have 
you added the aliases for your lists to Sendmail's aliases file and 
rebuilt its aliases database? The following FAQ page may be relevant:


Webmaster & Server Admin

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Re: qrunner with over 90% CPU

2003-08-14 Thread Jon Carnes
On Mon, 2003-08-11 at 21:12, Paul H Byerly wrote:
> >You can adjust these values by becoming root and typing in something like:
> >   echo 16384 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max
> >   echo 2048 > /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max
> >
> >Note: this is not a recommendation (well it is, but it's not *my* 
> >recommendation...)
>   Both of which are well less than what I have.  What would this do?

For *you* it would make things worse!  So don't change what you have.

> >I hope your mail traffic is not too high!
>   Not yet, but it will be in time as I move more lists.  I am way over 
> due for some upgrades and the box no longer covers what I need, so I'm 
> looking to move to a new server.  I'm thinking a two HD box running 
> C-panel, and I'm looking to run a better MTA than sendmail.
Hmmm, well you could experiment with Postfix now. You might have to mess
with the GID's from the Mailman install, but other than that (which is a
PITA) Postfix is pretty much a drop and insert replacement for Sendmail.

> >You might want to drop the Open Relay checks for a week and see if that
> >makes a difference. I'm not sure, but Sendmail may be holding open the
> >access.db file while it does these checks.
>   Could be, but my lists are currently announcement lists that send at 
> a low mail time.  I once let the runaway process go for 15 minutes to see 
> if it would clear, it did not.  The open relay checks cut my mail volume 
> substantially, and I suspect I'd hear from some customers if I stop them.

Well my thought, isn't that the checks are continuing on forever.  I'm
thinking that something in the Sendmail install is very time sensitive
and that the Open Relay lookups stretch you beyond that time - holding
open the access.db file (without proper locking). So that when some
other child process from Sendmail attempts to access the access.db, it
is blocked and never cleared by the parent.

I've googled for the problem and at least two other folks changed MTA's
and the problem went away... No other solutions though.

Good Luck - Jon Carnes

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Listserv wide announcements?

2003-08-14 Thread John DeCarlo

It is probably about the same amount of work, but you could also create 
an umbrella list to which all the other lists are subscribed.  The 
tedious part would be making sure that the sender is allowed to post to 
all 50 lists, but you have to do that one way or another.

Then the infrastructure would be in place should you need to make any 
other huge announcements.

Of course you would have to be extra careful about spam or other stray 
messages.  Probably would want to require moderation of every message 
sent to the umbrella list, even by you.

John Wofford wrote:

On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 07:55, John Wofford wrote:
Is there a nice, clean, and preferably easy way to send out an
announcement to the *entire* listserve?  Any other suggestions?


John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Script Alternative to Radio Buttons?

2003-08-14 Thread Jordan Hayes
> We need a command line script alternative to the web
> page radio buttons, and we are willing to pay for it!

Here's what I did: in Mailman/Cgi/, there's some code that
looks like this:

buttons.AddRow(map(lambda x, s=' '*5: s+x+s,
   ('Defer', 'Approve', 'Reject', 'Discard')))
buttons.AddRow([Center(RadioButton(id, mm_cfg.DEFER, 1)),
Center(RadioButton(id, mm_cfg.APPROVE, 0)),
Center(RadioButton(id, mm_cfg.REJECT, 0)),
Center(RadioButton(id, mm_cfg.DISCARD, 0)),

Change the DEFER default to '0' from '1' and change DISCARD from '0' to
'1' and then when you visit the web page, the default action selected is
to DISCARD the pending message; after a quick scan to look for 'legit'
messages, you can drop them all in one click.

You're welcome; that'll be $1.5M.



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[Mailman-Users] Mailman problem

2003-08-14 Thread Ms E. Boshoff
Dear sir,

I have the following problem:  When I tried to creat a mailing list 
the program told me that I am not authorized to create a new mailing list - what am I 
suppose to do?  Our organisation want to use this program and I will be the listowner.

Kind regards,
Ms. Elbe Boshoff
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[Mailman-Users] script alternative to radio buttons?

2003-08-14 Thread Chris Wellens

We need a command line script alternative to the web page radio buttons, and we
are willing to pay for it!

We have ten mailman mailing lists that we use very effectively with our
customers and internal staff.  Every day, our Administrator has to go to
the "Pending Administrative Requests for mailing list ..." to get rid
of all the spam posts.  Often there are fifty or so per mailing list,
so 500 unwanted administrative pieces of mail.

It takes a very long time (one or more hours per day) to click the
"discard" radio button for each mail message per mailing list, and then
finally click on the "Submit All Data" button.

Our administrator would like to quickly skim the pending messages,
see if there are any that are bonafide messages that should be posted
to the mailing list, and then discard all the rest in one fell swoop.

If someone could write us a script that we could run from the Red Hat Linux
command line, we are willing to pay for the development and resubmit to the

We would like to do something like this:

linux prompt% discard pendingmsgs mailinglistone

where "discard" is the command, "pendingmsgs" is an argument, and
"mailinglistone" is the name of the mailing list to get the treatment.

We use Mailman 2.1.2 and RedHat Linux 9.x.  We compiled our own version of
Mailman because the one that shipped with RedHat did not work right.  Our
network administrator who set this all up says he is too busy to write the
script for us, so that is why we are asking for help from the community.

Thanks in advance.

==--==-  Chris Wellens  President & CEO  InterWorking Labs 
--==--=  108 Whispering Pines Dr, Ste 115, Scotts Valley, CA 95066-4792
==--==-  [EMAIL PROTECTED] +1 831 430 3610   +1 831 430 9144 Fax

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Managing archives

2003-08-14 Thread Jon Carnes
On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 09:26, Victor Tsaran wrote:
> Hello, listers!
> Here is my situation. I am managing several lists for an international
> organization. Over the last couple of years our archives have grown quite
> large and, I am sure, that many of the messages are no longer necessary to
> keep. What is the easiest way for me to pull down the whole archive, convert
> it to something that can be reviewed/edited by the organization's secretary,
> pull it back together and reupload back to the server. Is there a tool that
> will allow me to do this? I myself don't have the time to carry out this
> task, however, I cannot expect the secretary to fool around with Unix mail
> boxes etc.
> Also, I have seen some web sites that zip their messages while archiving.
> How is this done?
> Thanks much for any response I can get on this.
> Regards,
> Vic
> --

You should be able to set it up so that the secretary can simply browse
the archive emails via an email program and then delete the messages he
thinks are not necessary.

Mailman archives are stored in an mbox file on the server

If you copy the mbox file to a computer running evolution (that's what I
currently use for my email - and its great!) then he can read the
messages as though they are simply local messages in the INBOX (or some
other folder that you create). Once he deletes the extraneous messages,
he does an "expunge" or rebuild on the mailbox! Now you have a new mbox
that is ready to be copied back up to the Mailman archives.

Once the mbox is put back in place, you will need to run the
~mailman/bin/arch command to rebuild the archives using the new mbox

Aside: I wonder how hard it would be to build a web interface for
editing the archives?  We could use formail to break-out each of the old
messages and move them into a holding directory, then scan the holding
directory to get the subject/date from each message. Display those with
a link to pull up the whole message, and a checkbox for deleting the

Once you click done, the back-end cgi would reassembles the mbox by just
cat-ing the remaining files back together - then it would back up the
old mbox file and put this one in place. After that, it would run the
Mailman arch program for the list.

OR it would probably be easier to use the existing pipermail setup but
add a delete field for use by an admin (running pipermail from a
specified ip or from localhost), then use the built-in python libraries
for handling mbox - after all, you are just deleting a message from an
mbox file and that is a fairly boring/mundane task.

Jon Carnes

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Listserv wide announcements?

2003-08-14 Thread Jon Carnes
On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 07:55, John Wofford wrote:
> I run reasonably large mailman list server, and I've recently been doing
> some upgrades.  I've been on a time crunch or I wouldn't have pushed this
> to get to the point I'm in without knowing this, but here is my situation:
> Our list server runs with qmail, and as the alias creation has always been
> a bit of a pain, we decided to go with the contrib
> script and migrate our lists over to an dedicated domain.  The problem is
> this, I now need to notify everyone on ~50 lists that the e-mail address
> has now changed.  This is somewhat urgent, as I don't want people to get
> too many bounced e-mails before they figure it out.  Is there a nice,
> clean, and preferably easy way to send out an announcement to the *entire*
> listserve?  Any other suggestions?
> Many thanks,
> -John

You'll have to send the message out to each list (as a valid member of
each list).

I hope you aren't discarding the old email addresses for the list.
Instead, simply alias your old lists addresses to the new addresses -
forward the traffic on to the new list names.  

You will have to do maintenance to each existing list (since you are
changing the mailing address), as part of that maintenance add the old
and new email addresses as valid implicit addresses for the list.

Good Luck - Jon Carnes

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Re: [Mailman-Users] script alternative to radio buttons?

2003-08-14 Thread Tokio Kikuchi

How about this;



Chris Wellens wrote:

We need a command line script alternative to the web page radio buttons, and we
are willing to pay for it!
We have ten mailman mailing lists that we use very effectively with our
customers and internal staff.  Every day, our Administrator has to go to
the "Pending Administrative Requests for mailing list ..." to get rid
of all the spam posts.  Often there are fifty or so per mailing list,
so 500 unwanted administrative pieces of mail.
It takes a very long time (one or more hours per day) to click the
"discard" radio button for each mail message per mailing list, and then
finally click on the "Submit All Data" button.
Our administrator would like to quickly skim the pending messages,
see if there are any that are bonafide messages that should be posted
to the mailing list, and then discard all the rest in one fell swoop.
If someone could write us a script that we could run from the Red Hat Linux
command line, we are willing to pay for the development and resubmit to the
We would like to do something like this:

linux prompt% discard pendingmsgs mailinglistone

where "discard" is the command, "pendingmsgs" is an argument, and
"mailinglistone" is the name of the mailing list to get the treatment.
We use Mailman 2.1.2 and RedHat Linux 9.x.  We compiled our own version of
Mailman because the one that shipped with RedHat did not work right.  Our
network administrator who set this all up says he is too busy to write the
script for us, so that is why we are asking for help from the community.
Thanks in advance.

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FW: [Mailman-Users] Public/private archives problem.

2003-08-14 Thread tony-mm
Forgot to copy to list - the reply defaulting to the sender caught me
out :)

-Original Message-
From: Tony Butler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tony
Sent: 11 August 2003 22:53
To: 'Richard Barrett'
Subject: RE: [Mailman-Users] Public/private archives problem.

Hi Richard,

> > Is there a reason the two are different?
> If I am honest, it is not immediately obvious to me why the
> difference
> in computing the hostname used in private and public archive 
> URLs. But  
> with a properly configured vanilla Mailman installation, the results  
> should be same in either case.

LOL, thanks for your honesty.  I see what you're saying about vanilla
MM, but sadly I have to use the bananna flavoured version :/

> But you could check the 'Host name this list prefers for
> email' option  
> on the General Options page of one of your problem lists (3rd 
> from last  
> option with MM 2.1.2). Does this look to be correct? I would 
> expect it to.

Yes, this is correct.

> > As you say, it could be how CPanel have integrated mm, or
> it could be a
> > configuration issue with how they set it up.
> There is fresh news. There is good news and there is bad news.
> The good news is that you are not alone. I have just fooled
> The bad news is that this looks like a built in 'feature' of the
> current CPanel implementation.

Deep joy :(
Still, thanks for checking it out - it means I can at least eliminate my
hosting provider from my enquiries

> My guess is that the CPanel's own scripts are used by CPanel
> in place  
> of the standard Mailman scripts to create new lists and that these  
> scripts set the list web_page_url and host_name attributes 
> directly but  
> without adding any matching add_virtualhost() calls to to  
> expand the VIRTUAL_HOSTS dictionary.

Okey doke, so if I say to the Cpanel people that they
"need to add matching add_virtualhost() calls to to expand the
VIRTUAL_HOSTS dictionary."

Then they should understand what that means, since they've been doing
their own scripts?

> This would not be a major surprise as the VIRTUAL_HOSTS dictionary
> stuff now in Mailman is a MM 2.1.x introduction and CPanel basic  
> implementation predates it with MM 2.0.x.

K.  2.1.2 was only recently added to Cpanel AFAIK

> If I can find time I will look at the issue a bit harder but
> right now  I cannot see any easy solution for you. Basically it looks
> me like a  rough edge on the CPanel implementation rather than a bug
in Mailman.

Thanks.  An "easy" solution would be for private and public to do the
same thing, but I'd still have to convince the Cpanel guys to implement
and my hosting provider to upgrade :( You have been a great help already
by getting me this far.  Much appreciated.

> You could try posting a query to one of support forums on
> to see if one of their support people can 
> confirm/deny  my hypothesis and hopefully offer a solution.

Funnily enough, I'd just registered on their forums before I read your

> Let me know how you get on.

Will do.

Kind regards,


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Script Alternative to Radio Buttons?

2003-08-14 Thread Jon Carnes
On Mon, 2003-08-11 at 13:56, Jordan Hayes wrote:
> > We need a command line script alternative to the web
> > page radio buttons, and we are willing to pay for it!
> Here's what I did: in Mailman/Cgi/, there's some code that
> looks like this:
> buttons.AddRow(map(lambda x, s=' '*5: s+x+s,
>('Defer', 'Approve', 'Reject', 'Discard')))
> buttons.AddRow([Center(RadioButton(id, mm_cfg.DEFER, 1)),
> Center(RadioButton(id, mm_cfg.APPROVE, 0)),
> Center(RadioButton(id, mm_cfg.REJECT, 0)),
> Center(RadioButton(id, mm_cfg.DISCARD, 0)),
> ])
> Change the DEFER default to '0' from '1' and change DISCARD from '0' to
> '1' and then when you visit the web page, the default action selected is
> to DISCARD the pending message; after a quick scan to look for 'legit'
> messages, you can drop them all in one click.
> You're welcome; that'll be $1.5M.
> :-)
> /jordan

Well you have got to be using Mailman version 2.0... In which case,
Jordan solution is ideal for you!

If you don't want to re-install, then you can use the work-around that
is in the FAQ.

Basically, you store a copy of the empty request.db file, then you can
delete the messages manually at anytime and replace the old request.db
with the empty one.

  rm ~mailman/data/heldmsg--* 2> /dev/null
  cp ~mailman/lists//orig.request.db ~mailman/lists//request.db

If you want, you could box it in a script like so:
 #! /bin/bash
 # Mailman 2.0 work around to manually delete held messages
 # Note: go through the web interface and scan first (if you like)
 # then run this script for the list.
 # Note: orig.request.db is a copy of an empty request.db database
 # that has been copied to ~mailman/data/orig.request.db
 # Input: The name of an existing list
 If [ "xxx" == "xxx$1" ]; then
   echo Please input the name of a Mailman List
   exit 0
 if [ ! -d ~mailman/lists/$1 ]; then
   echo Invalid list name (use all lower case)
   exit 0
 rm ~mailman/data/heldmsg-$1-* 2> /dev/null
 cp ~mailman/data/orig.request.db ~mailman/lists/$1/request.db

That should do it for you!

Enjoy - Jon Carnes

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Listserv wide announcements?

2003-08-14 Thread Bruce Mitzit
Hello, MM users---

After upgrading from mailman 2.0.9 to mailman-2.1.2, and tweaking all 
the things I could find to tweak, I still get this error emailed to 
me at the rate of about three a minute:

Your "cron" job on
/usr/local/bin/python -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/qrunner
produced the following output:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/mailman/cron/qrunner", line 89, in ?
from Mailman.Handlers import HandlerAPI
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/", line 26, in ?
from Mailman.pythonlib.StringIO import StringIO
ImportError: No module named pythonlib.StringIO
Suggestions on how to fix, please?



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Re: [Mailman-Users] Listserv wide announcements?

2003-08-14 Thread John Wofford
> On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 07:55, John Wofford wrote:
>> I run reasonably large mailman list server, and I've recently been
>> doing some upgrades.  I've been on a time crunch or I wouldn't have
>> pushed this to get to the point I'm in without knowing this, but here
>> is my situation:
>> Our list server runs with qmail, and as the alias creation has always
>> been a bit of a pain, we decided to go with the
>> contrib script and migrate our lists over to an dedicated domain.  The
>> problem is this, I now need to notify everyone on ~50 lists that the
>> e-mail address has now changed.  This is somewhat urgent, as I don't
>> want people to get too many bounced e-mails before they figure it out.
>>  Is there a nice, clean, and preferably easy way to send out an
>> announcement to the *entire* listserve?  Any other suggestions?
>> Many thanks,
>> -John
> You'll have to send the message out to each list (as a valid member of
> each list).
> I hope you aren't discarding the old email addresses for the list.
> Instead, simply alias your old lists addresses to the new addresses -
> forward the traffic on to the new list names.
> You will have to do maintenance to each existing list (since you are
> changing the mailing address), as part of that maintenance add the old
> and new email addresses as valid implicit addresses for the list.
> Good Luck - Jon Carnes

Thanks for the prompt response.  Of course, not entirely what I wanted to
hear, but good to know what I have to do at least.  I didn't have any
option with the old domain, so hopefully a mass mailing will do the trick.


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Re: [Mailman-Users]HandlerAPE error: WAS :Listserv wide announcements?

2003-08-14 Thread Richard Barrett
On Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 07:23  pm, Bruce Mitzit wrote:

At 3:33 PM +0100 8/12/03, Richard Barrett wrote:
On Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 03:10  pm, Bruce Mitzit wrote:

Hello, MM users---

After upgrading from mailman 2.0.9 to mailman-2.1.2, and tweaking 
all the things I could find to tweak, I still get this error emailed 
to me at the rate of about three a minute:

Your "cron" job on
/usr/local/bin/python -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/qrunner
produced the following output:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/mailman/cron/qrunner", line 89, in ?
from Mailman.Handlers import HandlerAPI
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/", line 26, 
in ?
from Mailman.pythonlib.StringIO import StringIO
ImportError: No module named pythonlib.StringIO

Well some of your old MM installation is executing to generate these 
warnings. The traceback is from MM 2.0.x code as the 
Mailman/Handlers/ file is not in the MM 2.1.2 
distribution; well its in MM 2.0.13 but not in MM 2.1.2 on my test 

With Mailman 2.1.2 the qrunner is no longer run as a cron job.

The 2.1.2 qrunners are run as daemons started by the 
$prefix/bin/mailmanctl script.

Looks like, maybe, you did not remove the mailman user's crontab 
before doing the update and the old 2.0.9 crontab is still trying to 
do stuff.

Did you take a look at the section 'UPGRADING FROM 2.0.x to 2.1' in 
the UPGRADING file in your MM 2.1.2 build director as part of your 
Richard et. al.--

Well, yeah, I did read that thing. I did not remove (in Solaris 7) 
/var/spool/cron/cronjobs/mailman prior to the install.

So, I've rm'd that cronjob. We'd been running that cron from root 
anyway, so I commented all out from there as well.  I did a configure, 
make install all over again. I still am getting the same error message 
by email. Any suggestions? The original install of MM made me feel 
pretty smart. This one makes me feel dumb.

If messages reporting the same error are still turning up then either 
the mail system has a backlog it is drip feeding you or there is still 
another crontab which executes the old MM qrunner script in place and 
enough old MM code extant to generate the error.


Richard Barrett
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RE: [Mailman-Users] Access problem..

2003-08-14 Thread Anders Norrbring
Thanks.. :)  A -f fixed quite some errors, but still I get this in e-mail
from the server:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/mailman/cron/gate_news", line 274, in ?
  File "/usr/lib/mailman/cron/gate_news", line 249, in main
  File "/var/tmp/mailman-2.1.1-build/usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/",
line 238, in lock
  File "/var/tmp/mailman-2.1.1-build/usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/",
line 415, in __write
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:

Still there's no directory in /var/tmp 

Anders Norrbring

-> -Original Message-
-> From: Richard Barrett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
-> Sent: den 13 augusti 2003 12:44
-> To: Anders Norrbring
-> Cc: Mailman users
-> Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Access problem..
-> On Wednesday, August 13, 2003, at 10:13  am, Anders Norrbring wrote:
-> > Here's one of the mails I get every 5 minutes from my server:
-> >
-> > Traceback (most recent call last):
-> >   File "/usr/lib/mailman/cron/gate_news", line 274, in ?
-> > main()
-> >   File "/usr/lib/mailman/cron/gate_news", line 249, in main
-> > lock.lock(timeout=0.5)
-> >   File
-> > "/var/tmp/mailman-2.1.1-build/usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/",
-> > line 238, in lock
-> >   File
-> > "/var/tmp/mailman-2.1.1-build/usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/",
-> > line 415, in __write
-> > IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:
-> > '/var/lib/mailman/locks/gate_news.lock.berit.6176.0'
-> >
-> You could try running Mailman's check_perms program. Looks from the
-> paths in the traceback above as though it could be in
-> /usr/lib/mailman/bin/check_perms. Run it with the -h option to get it
-> to print its usage.
-> > And when I look in '/var/mailman/locks' that dir is empty!
-> > Also, in '/var/tmp' there's only one entry, a subdir named 'vi.recover'
-> >
-> > There's something wrong, but I don't know where to start looking.  It's
-> > installed on a SuSE system based on United Linux 1.0 and the mailman
-> > package
-> > is a SuSE distributed one.
-> >
-> > Anders Norrbring
-> > Norrbring Consulting

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RE: [Mailman-Users] Access problem..

2003-08-14 Thread Anders Norrbring

You were absolutely right.  There was an error in the uid/gid mappings.  But
I believe that's out of the way now since now I get other errors. *sigh*  It
never ends!  Maybe I'd kill the .rpm install and do one from scratch

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/mailman/cron/gate_news", line 40, in ?
from Mailman import MailList
  File "/usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/", line 36, in ?
from Mailman import Utils
  File "/usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/", line 45, in ?
from Mailman import Crypt
  File "/usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/", line 19, in ?
if mm_cfg.USE_CRYPT:
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'USE_CRYPT'

And then in next mess I get: 

/usr/bin/python: can't open file '/usr/lib/mailman/cron/senddigests'


/usr/bin/python: can't open file '/usr/lib/mailman/cron/gate_news'

Anders Norrbring
Norrbring Consulting

-> Then I guess you will have to check what uid/gid has write permissions
-> over the /var/lib/mailman/locks/ directory and compare this for
-> compatibilty  with the uid that the Mailman crontab has been installed
-> under.
-> I would expect then both to be the 'mailman' uid (as decided by the
-> installer when Mailman was configured) but plainly they cannot be
-> compatible or you would not have a permissions failure when the cron
-> job is (presumably) trying to create a lock file in the directory.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Subscriber tracking

2003-08-14 Thread Vivek Khera
> "TM" == Todd Morrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

TM> It seems that a user subscribing via mailman's webform thing gets all
TM> this info logged in $MAILMANROOT/logs/subscribe.  However the vast
TM> majority of my subscribers subscribe via a custom webform (integrated
TM> with a catalog request page).  This custom webform just sends an email
TM> to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the necessary arguments.
TM> I looked in the subscribe log and it shows the users email address in
TM> place of the ip address.  Ideally I need it to show the appropriate ip
TM> address.  You can start to see some complications here, as if it were to

I was just investigating this for Mailman as well...

One of my lives is as running a (broadcast-only) email newsletter
service using our own proprietary database-driven software.  For
confirmation records, we keep a copy of the confirmation request email
that was sent and the headers of the confirmation reply or some
details from the click-thru confirmation depending on how the
confirmation was completed.  We do track the IP of the original
web-form submission, but that is irrelevent in dealing with most

If you have a copy of the confirmation message and the evidence of the
response, almost nobody will come back and say, "well, that's not good
enough".  Heck, even spamcop accepts this as proof of signup.  If
they're complaining about the confirmation message itself, well, then
unless they're AOL, they will go away when you explain that it is just
a confirmation message.  If they're AOL, you lose, because they play
by their own rules :-(

As for Mailman, I think keeping this kind of record associated with
each active email address would be ideal.  How to go about
implementing that is way beyond me, as I'm more of a perl hack, and
know just enough python to know I don't know enough.

Has anyone hacked up Mailman to keep such detailed records of signups
and confirmations?   If not, is anyone looking for consulting work to
do so (and a few other mods to Mailman I need)?

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[Mailman-Users] command list

2003-08-14 Thread Anders N. Thingholm
We are 2 guys' that are making API for mailman to a project in our
So I need a complete list of commands to mailman.
Anyone have a link for this ?
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RE: [Mailman-Users] Managing archives

2003-08-14 Thread Jon Carnes
oops... forgot to set the rights for the new archive mbox file...
I added that to the second script.

Jon Carnes

A script that creates the imap mbox and copies the mbox from the archive:
  #! /bin/bash
  # Used to move an archive into position for editing
  # by anyone who can use an email client
  # Assumptions: 
  #   - mailman install is in /var/mailman
  #   - imap mailbox root is /home/user/mail/
  # This means that you already created the mbox
  # using your email program.
  #== $1
  # Input: a valid mailman list name (with archives)
  # Check that the list name is valid and the archives exist
  if [ ! -f $PATH2ARC/$1.mbox/$1.mbox ]; then
echo ERROR: $1 is not a valid mailman list with archives
echo   (be sure to use all lower case)
echo   or path to archive files is incorrect:
echo $PATH2ARC
echo " "
exit 0
  # Check that mbox has been created...
  if [ ! -f $PATH2MB/$1 ]; then
echo ERROR: Please check that the path to your IMAP Mailbox
echo   is: $PATH2MB  
echo   and that you have created a Mailbox called:$1
exit 0
  cat $PATH2ARC/$1.mbox/$1.mbox >> $PATH2MB/$1

Now someone simply edits the mailbox using their email client. This
doesn't take anyone technically minded...

When they are done, we put back the archives:
  #! /bin/bash
  # Used to move an edited mbox from an imap folder 
  # and put it back into the Mailman archive from
  # which it was grabbed.
  # Assumptions: 
  #   - mailman install is in /var/mailman,
  # with archives being in /var/mailman/archives/private/..
  #   - imap mailbox root is /home/user/mail/
  # and the imap header for the file is 13 lines long
  # including the blank line at the end of the message.
  # Input: a valid mailman list name (with archives)
  # Check that the list name is valid and the archives exist
  if [ ! -f $PATH2ARC/$1.mbox/$1.mbox ]; then
echo ERROR: $1 is not a valid mailman list with archives
echo (be sure to use all lower case)
echo " "
exit 0
  # Check that mbox has been created...
  if [ ! -f $PATH2MB/$1 ]; then
echo ERROR: could not find mailbox $1 in path:
echo   $PATH2MB  
echo   Please check that root path to mailbox is correct.
echo " "
exit 0
  # Number of lines in IMAP header
  mv $PATH2ARC/$1.mbox/$1.mbox $PATH2ARC/$1.mbox/$1.mbox.bak
j=`cat $PATH2MB/$1 |wc -l`
k=$(( j - IHEAD ))
tail -$k $PATH2MB/$1 > $PATH2ARC/$1.mbox/$1.mbox
chown mailman.mailman $PATH2ARC/$1.mbox/$1.mbox
  # now lets remove the old archive files and regen
  # the archives with the new mbox!
  rm -rf $PATH2ARC/$1/*
  /var/mailman/bin/arch $1


The scripts aren't tested, but should be good for a quick start!
Take care.  Hope that helps someone.

Jon Carnes

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RE: [Mailman-Users] Whoooi... :)

2003-08-14 Thread Anders Norrbring

Thanks! Finally I found it.. :)

Anders Norrbring

-> Take a look at the FAQ. There is one written about just how to setup an
-> "announce only list".  Basically you go to the membership section of the
-> Web-admin and set all the users Modify bit to on, then you go to
-> selected users (like your admins) and turn their modify bit off - or
-> leave them all on and force the admins to approve any and all messages
-> (so that the messages can't be spoofed by someone).
-> Mailman FAQ:
-> HtH - Jon Carnes

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RE: [Mailman-Users] Email posts get posted to the wrong list!

2003-08-14 Thread William Knechtel
Please forgive my misuse of the term "umbrella list". I made an incorrect
correlation. :-)  Now, for your peruasal, I'm posting the contents of my
alias files.  I have mailman installed in /usr/local/mailman/  My
MTA uses maildirs, very much like Qmail, and in fact uses the same style of
aliasing, if your familiar with the way .qmail works, though in my case, the
files are .courier.  My maildirs are in /usr/local/mail/  So,
here are my aliases for both "mailman" and "all":

mailman (found in /usr/local/mail/
|/usr/local/mailman/ post mailman
|/usr/local/mailman/ admin mailman
|/usr/local/mailman/ bounces mailman
|/usr/local/mailman/ confirm mailman
|/usr/local/mailman/ join mailman
|/usr/local/mailman/ leave mailman
|/usr/local/mailman/ owner mailman
|/usr/local/mailman/ request mailman
|/usr/local/mailman/ subscribe mailman
|/usr/local/mailman/ unsubscribe mailman

And all (found in /usr/local/mail/
|/usr/local/mailman/ post all
|/usr/local/mailman/ admin all
|/usr/local/mailman/ bounces all
|/usr/local/mailman/ confirm all
|/usr/local/mailman/ join all
|/usr/local/mailman/ leave all
|/usr/local/mailman/ owner all
|/usr/local/mailman/ request all
|/usr/local/mailman/ subscribe all
|/usr/local/mailman/ unsubscribe all

So, the Aliases are correct.  I don't blame you for doubting me on this one,
and I don't think you argumentative, I'd do the same if the roles were
switched.   Would you have any ideas where else I could look??

Kindest regards,
> -Original Message-
> From: Richard Barrett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 4:36 PM
> To: William Knechtel
> Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Email posts get posted to the wrong list!
> On Thursday, August 14, 2003, at 10:24  pm, William Knechtel wrote:
> > Hello All!
> >
> > I'm trying to set up Mailman 2.1.2 on a FreeBSD 4.6 server.  I'm using
> > courier-MTA as my mail server software. I've gone through the install
> > procedure, and set up the prescribed umbrealla list called "mailman",
> Why do you refer to the 'mailman' list as an umbrella list? This term
> has a specific meaning for Mailman lists being that for a list whose
> members are other lists.
> > and set up a test list, which I'm calling "all".  When I sent a message
> > to [EMAIL PROTECTED], it's not actually posting to that list, it's posting
> > to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Now, I've redone the install process (twice),
> > I've verified that the aliases I'm giving courier are correct,
> Without wishing to be argumentative, if the Mailman mail delivery
> wrapper is called correctly by the MTA then the mail will be accepted
> for and processed on behalf of the correct list. If it is getting to
> the wrong list then the Mailman mail delivery wrapper is not being
> called correctly and typically this is because the mail aliases are
> incorrect.
> > and
> > still, the post end up posting to the wrong list.  The "mailman" list
> > respond to my attempts to post to "all" with:
> >
> > 
> > Your mail to 'Mailman' with the subject
> >
> > Please Work
> >
> > Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.
> >
> > The reason it is being held:
> >
> > Message has implicit destination
> >
> This will occur when mail is received by a list which does not find its
> email address in either the To: or Cc: header.
> In your case, this tends to reinforce the view that the MTA, when
> delivering the message via Mailman's mail delivery script, is passing
> it to the wrong list. When the message is being processed by that list
> it finds it is not in the To: or Cc: header of the message; hence the
> error message.
> This error can also occur when posting to a list which has another list
> as a member and the sublist does not see itself in the To: or Cc:
> header when the message is passed down to it.
> > Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive
> > notification of the moderator's decision. 

RE: [Mailman-Users] Access problem..

2003-08-14 Thread Anders Norrbring
Well, my preference when it comes to my 'big production' server based on
SuSE's SLOX on top of United Linux 1.0 is to never compile by myself but
always trust the distributions.  However, this particular installation is on
a beta server and I guess I'll have to go compile..  And file a bug in the
tracker.. :)

Anders Norrbring
Norrbring Consulting

-> My personal preferences are to install Mailman from source. It really
-> is very straightforward and the number of support request to the list
-> related to screwed up pre-packaged installs for various Linux flavours
-> is quite high.
-> The other advantage is that adding enhancement patches (such as htdig
-> list search intergration), bug fix patches and future upgrades is so
-> much easier with a source install. No  waiting for the Linux
-> distribution Mailman packager to screw up the upgrade or enhancement
-> for you.
-> If you are just starting and haven't got an investment in real use/data
-> then switch to the MM source installation before it is too late.
-> I do not know what version of Python you have installed. Python 2.2.3
-> would be good. I've not seen final confirmation about using Python 2.3
-> with MM 2.1.2

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[Mailman-Users] Whoooi... :)

2003-08-14 Thread Anders Norrbring

So many obstacles.. But now I'm up and running!

But.. Now to another thing, if I want a list to be 'read-only', that is so
users can't post, just receive mail from the list?  Only admin and
moderators should be able to post to it.  (It an info list).  How do I set
that up?  It doesn't seem to be all logical to me and I can't find it in the
doc files I have.

Anders Norrbring
Norrbring Consulting

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Access problem..

2003-08-14 Thread Brian Burdette

I do not know what version of Python you have installed. Python 2.2.3 
would be good. I've not seen final confirmation about using Python 2.3 
with MM 2.1.2
I'm running Python 2.3, MM 2.1.2, RH 8.3 3.2-7

I'm having issues with a few lists.

most lists work properly.

one list is generating the error below, and shunting ALL email.
deletion and re-creation of the list will cause it to work again, for a 
while. It's just started this again.

A hunt thru the tracker doesn't turn up anything about iterable arguements.

Do I need to downgrade python to 2.2.3 to make this work?



Aug 13 15:02:13 2003 (21139) SHUNTING: 
Aug 13 15:02:14 2003 (21139) Uncaught runner exception: iterable 
argument required
Aug 13 15:02:14 2003 (21139) Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 105, in _oneloop
self._onefile(msg, msgdata)
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 155, in _onefile
keepqueued = self._dispose(mlist, msg, msgdata)
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 130, 
in _dispose
more = self._dopipeline(mlist, msg, msgdata, pipeline)
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 153, 
in _dopipeline
sys.modules[modname].process(mlist, msg, msgdata)
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/", line 89, in 
send_digests(mlist, mboxfp)
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/", line 130, in 
send_i18n_digests(mlist, mboxfp)
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/", line 303, in 
msg = scrubber(mlist, msg)
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/", line 257, in 
url = save_attachment(mlist, part, dir)
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/", line 349, in 
ext = guess_extension(ctype, fnext)
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/", line 80, in 
if ext in all:
TypeError: iterable argument required

Aug 13 15:02:14 2003 (21139) SHUNTING: 

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Junk mail copied in post approvals

2003-08-14 Thread Richard Barrett
On Thursday, August 14, 2003, at 09:23  pm, Mark Adler wrote:


From the change log for 2.1:

When a message is first held for approval, the notification
sent to the list admin is a 3-part multipart/mixed.  The
first part holds the notification message, the second part
hold the original message, and the third part hold a cookie
confirmation message, to which the admin can respond to
approve or discard the message via email.
The consequence of this change since 2.0 is that every single junk  
mail to the list (which is nearly all mail that ends up getting held  
for approval) is copied in its full glory to the list administrator.   
This particular list administrator experiences the further consequence  
of having to give his junk mail filter mixed messages about trying to  
not mark such email as junk, yet mark other email with the same  
contents as junk mail.  Even ignoring the filter problems, I'd just as  
soon not have all that email copied to me at all.  It would be  
sufficient to send me an email that there is a post awaiting approval  
without even providing the from address or the subject line.  I can  
always go look at the email in its less offensive raw text form on the  
Mailman disposition web page.

This patch may be of use to you: 

So is there a way to turn this off?  Is there an option for this, or  
does the source code need to be modified?


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Email posts get posted to the wrong list!

2003-08-14 Thread Richard Barrett
On Thursday, August 14, 2003, at 10:24  pm, William Knechtel wrote:

Hello All!

I'm trying to set up Mailman 2.1.2 on a FreeBSD 4.6 server.  I'm using
courier-MTA as my mail server software. I've gone through the install
procedure, and set up the prescribed umbrealla list called "mailman",
Why do you refer to the 'mailman' list as an umbrella list? This term 
has a specific meaning for Mailman lists being that for a list whose 
members are other lists.

and set up a test list, which I'm calling "all".  When I sent a message
to [EMAIL PROTECTED], it's not actually posting to that list, it's posting
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Now, I've redone the install process (twice),
I've verified that the aliases I'm giving courier are correct,
Without wishing to be argumentative, if the Mailman mail delivery 
wrapper is called correctly by the MTA then the mail will be accepted 
for and processed on behalf of the correct list. If it is getting to 
the wrong list then the Mailman mail delivery wrapper is not being 
called correctly and typically this is because the mail aliases are 

still, the post end up posting to the wrong list.  The "mailman" list
respond to my attempts to post to "all" with:

Your mail to 'Mailman' with the subject
Please Work

Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.

The reason it is being held:

Message has implicit destination

This will occur when mail is received by a list which does not find its 
email address in either the To: or Cc: header.

In your case, this tends to reinforce the view that the MTA, when 
delivering the message via Mailman's mail delivery script, is passing 
it to the wrong list. When the message is being processed by that list 
it finds it is not in the To: or Cc: header of the message; hence the 
error message.

This error can also occur when posting to a list which has another list 
as a member and the sublist does not see itself in the To: or Cc: 
header when the message is passed down to it.

Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive
notification of the moderator's decision.  If you would like to cancel
this posting, please visit the following URL:

I'm at a loss here.  Would someone be so kind as to point me in the
right direction??  Thanks in advance!
Kindest Regards,
Richard Barrett
Mailman-Users mailing list
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[Mailman-Users] Re: non-member bounces

2003-08-14 Thread Will Yardley
On Wed, Aug 13, 2003 at 06:19:38PM -0400, Clay Stuckey wrote:

> Is there a way to allow posts from all non members? I have 20 or so lists
> for my company. I want to allow anyone to email any list even it they are
> not a member. I am using this purely as a centrally managed group email
> solution.

Yes. How to do so depends on the version you're running.

"Since when is skepticism un-American?
Dissent's not treason but they talk like it's the same..."
(Sleater-Kinney - "Combat Rock")

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Re: [Mailman-Users] v2.1.1 and Archive download problem

2003-08-14 Thread Richard Barrett
On Thursday, August 14, 2003, at 08:40  pm, Anders Norrbring wrote:

I have the precis same problem, seems like the URL is not converted  
in my IE6 it comes up with:


Which of course is totally wrong..

In the case of my Mailman machine, for a public archive, the Apache  
server was returning the HTTP response header Content-Type:  
message/rfc822 for .mbox files.

IE6's behaviour when trying to render a .mbox file appears to be due to  
this header value.

This Content-Type header results from a combination of the Apache  
server's mime.types and magic configuration files. Change those so that  
Apache returned a Content-Type: text/plain header for a .mbox file and  
IE6 renders the .mbox as text OK.

In the case of a private archive, the $prefix/Mailman/Cgi/  
returns a Content-Type: text/plain header which IE6 renders as text  
without problems.

It might be possible to adjust some IE setting to persuade it to  
respond more appropriately to the Content-Type: message/rfc822. But its  
is late and I am tired and I hate non-Open Software so I leave this as  
a task for the reader.

This is not a Mailman problem per se.

Anders Norrbring

-> We are using version 2.1.1 and when someone clicks on the "download  
-> full
-> raw archive" on the archives page, the archive is not downloaded  
-> IE.
-> It downloads okay using Netscape or Opera.
-> I've tried downloading this list's archives and it works fine.   
-> I'm thinking this is either a configuration problem or an upgrade
-> problem.
-> Has anyone experienced this?  Got a fix?
-> Ken

Richard Barrett
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[Mailman-Users] unsubscribe options

2003-08-14 Thread Nils Puhlmann
I just installed mailman and found out that there does not seem to be an 
option to have confirmed unsubscribes?
It is a good idea to prevent others from unsubscribing members and the 
password is really inconvenient when people want to get off a list but do 
not remember their password. This leads to complaints which in turn can 
lead to a block by AOL for example.
Is there anything planned like a confirmed unsubscribe option pretty much 
the same way the confirmed subscribe works?


Nils Puhlmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

- Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP),
Certified Novell Instructor (CNI), Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT),
Netscape/Iplanet Solution Expert, Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA),
Check Point Certified Security Engineer (CCSE Firewall-1) -

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information may be subject to legal, professional or other privilege or may 
otherwise be protected by work product immunity or other legal rules. It 
must not be disclosed to any person without our authority.
If you are not the intended recipient, or a person responsible for 
delivering it to the intended recipient, you are not authorized to and must 
not disclose, copy, distribute, or retain this message or any part of it.

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RE: [Mailman-Users] v2.1.1 and Archive download problem

2003-08-14 Thread J Yunke
Changing your Apache (or other web server software) mime.types file for
the line that says text/plain from:

text/plain  asc txt

text/plain  asc txt mbox

...seemed to do the trick for us over here at

-- Justin

On Thu, 14 Aug 2003, Anders Norrbring wrote:

> Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 21:40:43 +0200
> From: Anders Norrbring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: 'Justin Yunke' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: [Mailman-Users] v2.1.1 and Archive download problem
> I have the precis same problem, seems like the URL is not converted right,
> in my IE6 it comes up with:
> mhtml:
> fo.mbox
> Which of course is totally wrong..
> Anders Norrbring
> -> We are using version 2.1.1 and when someone clicks on the "download the
> -> full
> -> raw archive" on the archives page, the archive is not downloaded under
> -> IE.
> -> It downloads okay using Netscape or Opera.
> ->
> -> I've tried downloading this list's archives and it works fine.  Therefore
> -> I'm thinking this is either a configuration problem or an upgrade
> -> problem.
> -> Has anyone experienced this?  Got a fix?
> ->
> -> Ken

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[Mailman-Users] Bug whith wrong adress

2003-08-14 Thread Denis --

I have an admin lists who had by error some members with this error on
the mail adress:


Then, he can't suppress them 

What is possible to do ?


Here is the error log:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/lib/mailman/scripts/driver", line 87, in run_main
  File "/usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/Cgi/", line 169, in main
change_options(mlist, category, subcat, cgidata, doc)
  File "/usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/Cgi/", line 1354, in change_options
  File "/var/lib/mailman/Mailman/", line 925, in ApprovedDeleteMember
self.SendUnsubscribeAck(emailaddr, userlang)
  File "/var/lib/mailman/Mailman/", line 78, in SendUnsubscribeAck
Utils.wrap(self.goodbye_msg), lang)
  File "/var/lib/mailman/Mailman/", line 203, in __init__
self['Subject'] = Header(subject, charset, header_name='Subject')
  File "/var/lib/mailman/pythonlib/email/", line 164, in __init__
self.append(s, charset)
  File "/var/lib/mailman/pythonlib/email/", line 230, in append
ustr = unicode(s, incodec)
UnicodeError: ASCII decoding error: ordinal not in range(128)

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[Mailman-Users] Email posts get posted to the wrong list!

2003-08-14 Thread William Knechtel
Hello All!

I'm trying to set up Mailman 2.1.2 on a FreeBSD 4.6 server.  I'm using
courier-MTA as my mail server software. I've gone through the install
procedure, and set up the prescribed umbrealla list called "mailman",
and set up a test list, which I'm calling "all".  When I sent a message
to [EMAIL PROTECTED], it's not actually posting to that list, it's posting
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Now, I've redone the install process (twice),
I've verified that the aliases I'm giving courier are correct, and
still, the post end up posting to the wrong list.  The "mailman" list
respond to my attempts to post to "all" with:

Your mail to 'Mailman' with the subject

Please Work

Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.

The reason it is being held:

Message has implicit destination

Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive
notification of the moderator's decision.  If you would like to cancel
this posting, please visit the following URL:

I'm at a loss here.  Would someone be so kind as to point me in the
right direction??  Thanks in advance!

Kindest Regards,

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[Mailman-Users] Re: Evolution, GPG,and mailman 2.1.2 - blank message bodies

2003-08-14 Thread Will Yardley
On Thu, Aug 14, 2003 at 01:01:09PM -0400, Jeremy Portzer wrote:
> Note:  I've also heard that Outlook Express has a similar problem
> reading GPG-signed emails with evolution's MIME-added signature, so this
> isn't really uniquely an evolution problem.  But Outlook Express handles
> GPG pretty pitifully anyway, so I'm not worrying about that.

Well maybe Evolution were copying Lookout! so exactly, they decided to
reproduce the bugs as well

Of course, the obvious workaround is not to GPG sign list mails, or to
clearsign instead of using PGP/MIME

"Since when is skepticism un-American?
Dissent's not treason but they talk like it's the same..."
(Sleater-Kinney - "Combat Rock")

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Re: [Mailman-Users] SPAM getting through on moderated lists

2003-08-14 Thread Ed Wilts
On Thu, Aug 14, 2003 at 09:56:49AM -0400, John A. Martin wrote:
> Hmm That makes for IMHO an interesting question.  Since many, if
> not most MTAs can be configured to reject mail from specific envelope
> senders, usually specified as regular expressions, the question is
> what if any envelope senders related to mailman lists (and not
> from our local {host,net}) can be rejected by an MTA that is
> dedicated to handling incoming mail for only the lists.
> It is advantageous to reject unwanted mail during the SMTP
> conversation rather than later.
> It should be pretty easy to cause a MTA reject all incoming mail from
> non-local relays with any envelope sender address appearing among the
> Mailman aliases.

This sounds like a good and safe thing to configure, but I'm not enough
of a sendmail expert to write those rules.  What would one look like to
allow, for example, a mail message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to only come from an
MTA in the domain?


Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA

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[Mailman-Users] Junk mail copied in post approvals

2003-08-14 Thread Mark Adler

From the change log for 2.1:

When a message is first held for approval, the notification
sent to the list admin is a 3-part multipart/mixed.  The
first part holds the notification message, the second part
hold the original message, and the third part hold a cookie
confirmation message, to which the admin can respond to
approve or discard the message via email.
The consequence of this change since 2.0 is that every single junk mail 
to the list (which is nearly all mail that ends up getting held for 
approval) is copied in its full glory to the list administrator.  This 
particular list administrator experiences the further consequence of 
having to give his junk mail filter mixed messages about trying to not 
mark such email as junk, yet mark other email with the same contents as 
junk mail.  Even ignoring the filter problems, I'd just as soon not 
have all that email copied to me at all.  It would be sufficient to 
send me an email that there is a post awaiting approval without even 
providing the from address or the subject line.  I can always go look 
at the email in its less offensive raw text form on the Mailman 
disposition web page.

So is there a way to turn this off?  Is there an option for this, or 
does the source code need to be modified?


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RE: [Mailman-Users] v2.1.1 and Archive download problem

2003-08-14 Thread Anders Norrbring
I have the precis same problem, seems like the URL is not converted right,
in my IE6 it comes up with: 


Which of course is totally wrong..

Anders Norrbring

-> We are using version 2.1.1 and when someone clicks on the "download the
-> full
-> raw archive" on the archives page, the archive is not downloaded under
-> IE.
-> It downloads okay using Netscape or Opera.
-> I've tried downloading this list's archives and it works fine.  Therefore
-> I'm thinking this is either a configuration problem or an upgrade
-> problem.
-> Has anyone experienced this?  Got a fix?
-> Ken

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[Mailman-Users] Help with weird setup

2003-08-14 Thread Mike
I'm having a heck of a time getting my mailman configuration finalized
and I know it's because of my setup.  I'll ask my question now and list
all the technical details below.

QUESTION:  What can I do to modify my current lists so that they send
out their subscription confirmation links as instead of


I have two boxen behind a NATting firewall that looks like this:

  Port 80 > +--|   IIS   |
|  +-+ 
  +--+  |redirects to +
[Outside IP]--| Firewall |--+ |
  +--+  | |
|  +-+|
  Port 8080---> +--| Apache  | <---+
   | Mailman |
   +-+  Apache is listening on Port
- IPTables DNAT is
  Port 8080 on the outside
  Port 80 internally

1.  When I access I
get redirected by the IIS server to  This is on
purpose to get around people that will simply type in and wonder why things don't work.  When I get to
the requested page, I can then fill out the HTML form to subscribe.
When I submit the form, because it's ACTION is and not host2:8080,
the POST variables seem to get stripped and I get an error saying that
"You must supply a valid email address".  I cannot subscribe to lists
through the HTML pages.

2.  If I send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I get a
confirmation e-mail back which looks like this:

I click on the URL and am forwarded to:

When I click on the Subscribe to Listname button I'm presented with
another form asking for the confirmation code.  I then copy the
confirmation code out of the e-mail
(0618bc95ac6b9f595dafc3f6c2b08fe34eb1b412) and paste it to the form.
The form is submitted and then I'm presented with the same form asking
for the confirmation code.  Again, I suspect this is happening because
the FORM's ACTION is http://host2/ and not http://host2:8080/ resulting
in the POST variables being stripped.

3.  If I simply reply to the list confirmation request I can subscribe
successfully and send and read email's sent to the list.

4.  All of my lists were created internally with DNS pointing to the
internal (192.168.0.x) address of the server.  They worked great.  Now
I've changed the DNS to the outside IP of the firewall and now these
problems are cropping up.  Also, if I go directly to I'm told that there are no
lists available.  If I attempt to create a list with this interface and
then subscribe to it, I'm successful (even using the web interfaces).

Thanks for any help, 

Mike Fetherston

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[Mailman-Users] (no subject)

2003-08-14 Thread Chuming Chen
Hi, all,

We are using mailman to set up mailing lists. It works great. I
have some questions about using mailman.

Before I send a digest out, I would like to edit it.  Where in the
Unix world is it located? How can I have permission to read/write

I would like to be able to send out a digest when I want.  From
the help manual, it appears that my choices are (1) daily and (2)
when a size limit is reached.  I would prefer weekly or on-demand.

Thank you for your kind reply.

Chuming Chen
UNIX System Support
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of South Carolina
Swearingen 1D49
Columbia, SC 20208
+1 803 576-6308

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RE: [Mailman-Users] Managing archives

2003-08-14 Thread Victor Tsaran
Hi, John!
Do you think the access to the mbox can also be done through IMAP? I am not
an administrator on this machine, just a list admin, but I need to know what
to tell the root.

-Original Message-
From: Jon Carnes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Managing archives

On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 09:26, Victor Tsaran wrote:
> Hello, listers!
> Here is my situation. I am managing several lists for an international
> organization. Over the last couple of years our archives have grown quite
> large and, I am sure, that many of the messages are no longer necessary to
> keep. What is the easiest way for me to pull down the whole archive,
> it to something that can be reviewed/edited by the organization's
> pull it back together and reupload back to the server. Is there a tool
> will allow me to do this? I myself don't have the time to carry out this
> task, however, I cannot expect the secretary to fool around with Unix mail
> boxes etc.
> Also, I have seen some web sites that zip their messages while archiving.
> How is this done?
> Thanks much for any response I can get on this.
> Regards,
> Vic
> --

You should be able to set it up so that the secretary can simply browse
the archive emails via an email program and then delete the messages he
thinks are not necessary.

Mailman archives are stored in an mbox file on the server

If you copy the mbox file to a computer running evolution (that's what I
currently use for my email - and its great!) then he can read the
messages as though they are simply local messages in the INBOX (or some
other folder that you create). Once he deletes the extraneous messages,
he does an "expunge" or rebuild on the mailbox! Now you have a new mbox
that is ready to be copied back up to the Mailman archives.

Once the mbox is put back in place, you will need to run the
~mailman/bin/arch command to rebuild the archives using the new mbox

Aside: I wonder how hard it would be to build a web interface for
editing the archives?  We could use formail to break-out each of the old
messages and move them into a holding directory, then scan the holding
directory to get the subject/date from each message. Display those with
a link to pull up the whole message, and a checkbox for deleting the

Once you click done, the back-end cgi would reassembles the mbox by just
cat-ing the remaining files back together - then it would back up the
old mbox file and put this one in place. After that, it would run the
Mailman arch program for the list.

OR it would probably be easier to use the existing pipermail setup but
add a delete field for use by an admin (running pipermail from a
specified ip or from localhost), then use the built-in python libraries
for handling mbox - after all, you are just deleting a message from an
mbox file and that is a fairly boring/mundane task.

Jon Carnes

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[Mailman-Users] "lost data files for filebase" ==> Mail not posted??

2003-08-14 Thread Martin Maechler
This is the tail of my current
.../mailman/data/logs/error  file

Aug 10 06:42:07 2003 (541) lost data files for filebase: 
Aug 10 12:34:29 2003 (540) lost data files for filebase: 
Aug 10 20:30:11 2003 (541) lost data files for filebase: 
Aug 11 00:52:07 2003 (541) lost data files for filebase: 
Aug 11 02:32:07 2003 (541) lost data files for filebase: 
Aug 11 09:00:33 2003 (540) lost data files for filebase: 
Aug 11 11:07:56 2003 (541) lost data files for filebase: 
Aug 11 12:22:29 2003 (6743) lost data files for filebase: 
Aug 11 12:22:29 2003 (6743) lost data files for filebase: 
Aug 11 14:12:08 2003 (6744) lost data files for filebase: 
Aug 11 15:09:55 2003 (6743) lost data files for filebase: 
Aug 11 17:03:19 2003 (6743) lost data files for filebase: 
Aug 11 18:38:50 2003 (6743) lost data files for filebase: 
Aug 11 18:38:50 2003 (6743) lost data files for filebase: 

I have about 2 dozen mailing lists running under mailman 2.1.2 (Solaris)
quite sucessfully, see
but I've been getting error messages like the above quite regularly
since the upgrade from 2.0.x to 2.1.2 (in early May).
I never cared too much about them but today.

I saw that a message got into the daily digest, but was really not put
out to mailing list (R-help).
It was sent (via procmail) to R-help
( Folder: /usr/local/app/mailman-sfs/current/mail/mailman post  r-help  2298)
on 11:07:30 today, better never sent out, and the above line
Aug 11 11:07:56 2003 (541) lost data files for filebase: \
comes 26 seconds later.

What could have happened?
Can you help me find out? I'll voluntarily give you more info.
Thanks a LOT in advance!
Please CC to me directly, since I'm not subscribed to the
mailman-users list.

Martin Maechler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Seminar fuer Statistik, ETH-Zentrum  LEO C16Leonhardstr. 27
ETH (Federal Inst. Technology)  8092 Zurich SWITZERLAND
phone: x-41-1-632-3408  fax: ...-1228   <><

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[Mailman-Users] 'recipient list too long'? -- [dr-fun-changes] has changed. (fwd)

2003-08-14 Thread Jonathan Ah Kit

The message below got bunged onto me as moderator even though I have an
explicit non-member approve for this sender, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mailman said the recipient list was too long, and to shorten it. However,
of course, as moderator I approved it.

This is a big 'um' for me, as I run another mailing list on this server,
internet-news, where the moderator there crossposts to about five mailing
lists! The real name 'Doctor Fun website changes list' I suspect may be at
fault, but I don't see how that *should* make the recipient list too long.

Ideas, people? I'd rather not approve messages every time unless I have to
(though changing the real name might be a good idea, but again, I'd rather
not if I don't have to).


Jonathan Ah Kit - Lower Hutt - New Zealand
Away message: Looking for adhesive tape, not Alibrandi.
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 08:01:03 +1200
From: Jonathan Ah Kit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Doctor Fun website changes list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [dr-fun-changes] has changed.

Latest changes to
File locations have been moved from /ftp the /html on ibiblio.
>August 11, 2003 - All the stuff described below has been done.

dr-fun-changes mailing list
Note: URLs aren't in this diff. :(

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[Mailman-Users] Apache config question.

2003-08-14 Thread David Barr
I'm a brand new user of mailman, setting it up for the first time. RH9, 
Mailman 2.1.2 compiled from source.

I'm getting the 404 error when I try to use the web interface to create 
a new list.

I've done this to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:

ScriptAlias /mailman/ "/usr/local/mailman/cgi-bin/"

Options ExecCGI
AllowOverride None
Allow from from all
Order allow,deny

Mailman and Apache have both been restarted several times.

What have I missed?

David - Offbeat
dafydd - Online
Fire2 - Burning Man ESD: Integrity*Commitment*Communication*Support
There are no normal people.
There are only people you don't know very well. --unknown
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[Mailman-Users] Re: Suscribers number

2003-08-14 Thread Paul H Byerly
Matthieu HUTIN  wrote:
I'm looking for a way to put the subscribers number of my lists on a web
page that is not generated by MailMan. Is it possible ?
 If you mean the number of subscribers, yes.  Set up a cron job with 
something like this for each list:

/usr/local/mailman/bin/list_members  listname | wc -l > //www/html/mm/listnamecount

 You can then use a virtual include or other method of getting the 
number in listnamecount onto a web page.

 While you are at it, you can also show pending members in a similar 
way.  The cron job looks something like:

find /usr/local/mailman/data -name "listname" | wc -l > //www/html/mm/listnamepending

<>< Paul 

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[Mailman-Users] include HTML in public pages

2003-08-14 Thread Will Knapp

I'd like to include some kind of pointer in the public pages forms to
outside HTML.

I know that SSI won't work inside CGI, but is there in include tag for
Mailman or Python that will point to my html header and footer files.

I'll have a number of lists (as well as other pages in the site!) and would
like to edit once.

thanks very much.

Will Knapp

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Re: [Mailman-Users] qrunner with over 90% CPU

2003-08-14 Thread Paul H Byerly
Jon Carnes wrote:
Paul, I have never seen this on a sendmail install. Maybe your problem is 
a different one.
 Perhaps I miss read the issue.  Give that my runaway is Python I 
suspect this is the case.  Sorry.

 I posted about my problem a while back, see 
.   It 
seems MM is a little over eager about retrying messages when sendmail (or 
any MTA) reports a temporary failure. Richard said a change had been made 
in the CVS, and wondered if a patch was available.

what version of python are your running, and what is the OS?
Mailman 2.1.2
Redhat 7.1
Python 2.2.2
<>< Paul 

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Prevent bounce back messages tomoderators?

2003-08-14 Thread Brent Herring
Ok. I must have had some mental block. That is so obvious, I'm
embarrassed that I asked. Thanks for your help.


>>> John DeCarlo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 8/12/2003 9:38:52 AM >>>

The "moderator" role is to approve or disapprove messages.

You don't have to make them moderators to let them post.  Just make
their "mod" flag is off and that the "mod" flag for everyone else is 
turned on.

Brent Herring wrote:

> We have an administrative type list with all employees as members.
> a small subset of members should be able to post messages. I created
> list and made those members moderators. Now these moderators are not
> list admins, just the ones who can post. Whenever there is a bounce
> message the moderators receive these notices as well as me. I would
> for this to not happen but cannot figure out how to prevent the
> moderators from receiving the notices and still be the only ones who
> post to the list. 


John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own

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Re: [Mailman-Users] 'recipient list too long'? -- [dr-fun-changes] has changed. (fwd)

2003-08-14 Thread Richard Barrett
On Monday, August 11, 2003, at 09:13  pm, Jonathan Ah Kit wrote:


The message below got bunged onto me as moderator even though I have an
explicit non-member approve for this sender, 
Mailman said the recipient list was too long, and to shorten it. 
of course, as moderator I approved it.

This is a big 'um' for me, as I run another mailing list on this 
internet-news, where the moderator there crossposts to about five 
lists! The real name 'Doctor Fun website changes list' I suspect may 
be at
fault, but I don't see how that *should* make the recipient list too 

You are probably seeing the effect of the value of the 'Ceiling on 
acceptable number of recipients for a posting' option on the 
Privacy->Recipient web admin GUI page.

The issue is the number of recipients on the incoming message NOT the 
number of people on the list(s) to which the outgoing distribution will 

Ideas, people? I'd rather not approve messages every time unless I 
have to
(though changing the real name might be a good idea, but again, I'd 
not if I don't have to).

Jonathan Ah Kit - Lower Hutt - New Zealand
Away message: Looking for adhesive tape, not Alibrandi.
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 08:01:03 +1200
From: Jonathan Ah Kit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Doctor Fun website changes list 
Subject: [dr-fun-changes] has changed.

Latest changes to

Re: [Mailman-Users] List Admin sent to wrong domain--solved

2003-08-14 Thread Jens Gutzeit
On Wednesday 13 August 2003 21:47, John Locke wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm surprised nobody had an answer for this. Anyway, I just figured it

This is a known problem, check the archives or just my thread "qrunner with 
over 90% cpu", you should configure your postfix to give permanent errors 
instead of temporary ones.


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Public/private archives problem.

2003-08-14 Thread Rob Brandt
The problem is resolved, with great help from Richard.  For the sake of
posterity, let the mailing list archives show:

* Be sure you have proper virtual host mapping (add_virtualhost()) in;
* Be sure that the list setting for "Host name this list prefers for email" is
in fact your mail exchange address, not a base URL for browsing (which was my
* Run



Quoting Rob Brandt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Richard;
> Thanks for your help in this.  I am going to email you a link to my
> "testlist",
> which you can log into as an administrator and see for yourself what the
> problem is.  My server does not run CPanel, so I don't think that's an issue
> here.  My server is sitting here next to my desk, so I have full control if
> you
> need any information.
> Best Regards
> Rob
> Quoting Richard Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Tony
> >
> > The questions I am asking are to elicit information that will
> > distinguish between and identify whether there is a problem with (a)
> > Mailman or (b) misconfiguration of Mailman or (c) third party
> > modifications made to Mailman or (d) other aspects of the host system
> > configuration such as the Apache server.
> >
> > You are complaining about links but I can interpret that in several
> > ways:
> >
> > 1. whether the URL of concern is accepted and served by the Apache
> > server when you think/prefer it should or should not be.
> >
> > 2. whether the URL of concern is found embedded in the HTML text of a
> > web page generated by Mailman as either a static page or by a Mailman
> > CGI script.
> >
> > 3. whether the URL of concern is found embedded in the HTML text of a
> > web page generated by something other than Mailman as either a static
> > page or as one delivered by a CGI script.
> >
> > I must have been having a stupid day as I was not entirely clear from
> > either the referenced bug report or your initial post about which of
> > these interpretations I should adopt.
> >
> > Now see further comments below.
> >
> > Richard
> >
> > On Monday, August 11, 2003, at 01:14  pm, Tony wrote:
> >
> > > Hi Richard,
> > >
> > > Quoting Richard Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > >> Rob's bug report, as with yours, lack precision in specifying exactly
> > >> which Mailman generated pages have links on them which contain (in the
> > >> HTML text), absolute URLs referring to the wrong hostname. See my
> > >> comments below on the broadfer questions that need to be answered in
> > >> order to attack the perceived problem.
> > >
> > > Sorry, I thought it was clear enough.  I will elaborate.
> > >
> > >> I do not work with it myself, but I believe that the CPanel virtual
> > >> hosting support software, which your hosting provider may be using,
> > >> does perform some trickery to help avoid conflicts between list names
> > >> on different virtual hosts. If your hosting provider is using that and
> > >> something related to it is misconfigured then this may be contributing
> > >> to the problem.
> > >
> > > Correct.  The list directory gets names _ to avoid
> > > conflicts
> > > with any other similarly named lists.  CPanel is what is being used in
> > > this
> > > case.
> > >
> > > This means that any other virtual host on the server can access the
> > > mail
> > > archives by providing the correct path name to the list.
> > >
> > >> When you say "if the archive is public, then the address is
> > >>"; what
> > >> precisely do you mean?
> > >
> > > What I mean is that the link to the archives, and only this link, from
> > > what I
> > > can see, shows the hosting provider's server name and not the virtual
> > > domain
> > > for the client.
> > >
> > > Example:
> > > I have a list called "test" on clientdomain1.
> > >
> > > The path to the list and all the admin pages etc is
> > > http://clientdomain1/mailman//test_clientdomain1/
> > >
> > > This list could also be accessed by another virtual domain on the same
> > > server
> > > as:
> > > http://clientdomain2/mailman//test_clientdomain1/
> > >
> > > When the archives are set to public, the archive address is:
> > > http://clientdomain1/mailman/private/test_clientdomain1/
> >
> > Did you mean the statement immediately above or are you just reflecting
> > on the fact that a public list is still available through its private
> > list URL?
> >
> > >
> > > When the list archives are set to public, then the archive address is:
> > > http://hostingproviderservername/pipermail/test_clientdomain1/
> > >
> > > I would expect this to read:
> > > http://clientdomain1/pipermail/test_clientdomain1/
> > > or similar.
> > >
> > > This appears the same on both the main page for the list and in the
> > > admin
> > > interface.
> > >
> >
> > Just to confirm; do you mean the web pages returned by the URLs
> > http://clientdomain1/mailman/listinfo/test_clientdomain1  and
> > http://clientdomain1/mailman/admin/test_clientdomain1?
> >
> > I am no

[Mailman-Users] Keywords header for Topics filtering

2003-08-14 Thread Michael Lechasseur

I have setup Topics which are filtering posts with success, but am 
having trouble setting a Keywords: header.

All of the msgs posted to the list are moderated by me, and posted 
manually to the list using the Approved: command in the first line of 
the msg.

If I set a Keywords: header in the body of the email below the Approved: 
line, the filter seems to ignore the text.

eg:   Approved: password
  Keywords: exhibit   

If I place the Keywords: header above the Approved: line, the msg 
doesn't get approved.

eg:  Keywords: exhibit   
 Approved: password

Is there a way to use both at the same time?

Is there an email client (Windows) that allows me to set a Keyword: 
header in the actual header of the msg?  I am currently using Mozilla 
for mail.

My thanks!

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Re: qrunner with over 90% CPU

2003-08-14 Thread Paul H Byerly
Jon Carnes  wrote:

>   Both of which are well less than what I have.  What would this do?

For *you* it would make things worse!  So don't change what you have.
 That's what I thought.

>   Not yet, but it will be in time as I move more lists.  I am way over
> due for some upgrades and the box no longer covers what I need, so I'm
> looking to move to a new server.  I'm thinking a two HD box running
> C-panel, and I'm looking to run a better MTA than sendmail.
Hmmm, well you could experiment with Postfix now. You might have to mess
with the GID's from the Mailman install, but other than that (which is a
PITA) Postfix is pretty much a drop and insert replacement for Sendmail.
 I have learned that with a chrooted environment nothing is a drop in 
ANYTHING.  I plan to have a good long overlap on the two servers, so I can 
play with the new one and get it right without upsetting any of the paying 
customers!  Unless Postfix could be installed alone side of Sendmail and 
used just for MM.  I've not looked into that, but I have a bad feeling 
about it.

I've googled for the problem and at least two other folks changed MTA's
and the problem went away... No other solutions though.
 Well that is my long term fix.  Thanks.

<>< Paul 

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RE: [Mailman-Users] Managing archives

2003-08-14 Thread Jon Carnes
We could have the archiver add an X-Header to each message it adds to
the mbox, and use that as the identifier. Then have arch look at the
header of each message and maintain a consistent name

Boy, I would love to take over the Pipermail branch and make some of
these proposed changes.  I'm just afraid that my work load would keep me
from doing the job right.

Jon Carnes

On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 18:12, Jim Popovitch wrote:
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Jon Carnes
> > Sent: Tuesday, 12 August, 2003 10:55
> >
> > Once the mbox is put back in place, you will need to
> > run the ~mailman/bin/arch command to rebuild the
> > archives using the new mbox file.
> >
> Doing this will cause all or most of your archives to have new URLs, thus
> causing problems for any users who search/locate your archives via public
> search engines.
> What would be really nice is a way to delete messages (yes, even via
> Evolution) but not mess up the archive URLs.
> -Jim P.
> --
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Re: [Mailman-Users] I was thinking.doc

2003-08-14 Thread Jon Carnes
On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 14:22, Anders Norrbring wrote:
> I was thinking... Could it be possible to edit the file
> '/etc/sysconfig/mailman' put in another parameter to get it reflected into
> the resulting when I change it in YaST2 and then run SuSEconfig ?
> Or are all parameters in the /etc/sysconfig files hardcoded?  If it's
> possible, and anyone know how to manage it, can you please tell me how to

Well that change rightfully should just go into and be left
unchanged by whatever upgrade tool you use!

Files in /etc/sysconfig are normally reserved for items that go on the
command line for starting up a daemon.

Just my .02

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Re: [Mailman-Users] command list

2003-08-14 Thread Richard Barrett
On Wednesday, August 13, 2003, at 12:07  pm, Anders N. Thingholm wrote:

We are 2 guys' that are making API for mailman to a project in our
So I need a complete list of commands to mailman.
Anyone have a link for this ?


Richard Barrett
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Re: [Mailman-Users] List Admin sent to wrong domain--solved

2003-08-14 Thread John Locke

I'm surprised nobody had an answer for this. Anyway, I just figured it
out. While checking top on the server, I noticed that a Python process
owned by mailman was taking up all the extra CPU, at a low priority,
with some 52 hours of processing time.

I used mailmanctl to stop and restart, but the process came right back
up to the top of the list. So I tried doing an strace on the process,
and it was quite active... it kept adding, renaming, and deleting a file
in qfiles/out. 

On Sat, 2003-08-09 at 13:11, John Locke wrote:

> I checked in the qfiles/ directories, couldn't find it there. I tried
> stopping and starting mailmanctl. I checked all of the Postfix queues,
> and it's nowhere to be found. Where do I find this message, and how do I
> get rid of it?

So I rechecked this directory, and found that mailman kept creating and
deleting two files, a .db and a .pck in this directory, each time with a
new name, a few times a second! I stopped mailmanctl, and this time the
files were there. I deleted them, restarted mailmanctl, and both
problems are solved--no more attempts to mail to the bad domain every
hour, and mailman is no longer hogging all the cpu time.

John Locke
Owner, Freelock, LLC
Small Business Computing with Open Source

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[Mailman-Users] Re: Hotmail and Yahoo sending mail straight to junkfolders

2003-08-14 Thread Paul H Byerly
Angel Gabriel wrote:
It seems that hotmail and yahoo are sending mail from mailman straight
to junk folders, this is REAL bad, especially because it's possible to
delete junk folders without actually looking in them.
Why is this, is this because there is a bulk mail setting in the mail
header? If so, how can I stop this being written into the mail?
 In my tests this only happens with HotMail when "Hide the sender of a 
message, replacing it with the list address (Removes From, Sender and 
Reply-To fields)" on the General Options list administration page is set to 

 Yahoo uses a bulk mail folder for this, and the first time a bulk 
mail is received a message about the folder is sent to the in box.

 Removing the bulk mail header would be false advertising of what the 
mail is, and that is a good way to get labeled as spam and end up on some 
blacklist.  I hate spam more than the next guy, but we are starting to see 
an over the top, shoot first ask questions later mentality that is making 
it hard for anyone running any list.  Usually the ISP could care less about 
a list owner, so you have to get the folks who use the service to complain.

 At some point I want to write a "why I'm not getting my list mail" 
page with info on the most common problems.  When I get it done I'll let 
folks here know.

<>< Paul 

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[Mailman-Users] Access problem..

2003-08-14 Thread Anders Norrbring
Here's one of the mails I get every 5 minutes from my server:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/mailman/cron/gate_news", line 274, in ?
  File "/usr/lib/mailman/cron/gate_news", line 249, in main
  File "/var/tmp/mailman-2.1.1-build/usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/",
line 238, in lock
  File "/var/tmp/mailman-2.1.1-build/usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/",
line 415, in __write
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:

And when I look in '/var/mailman/locks' that dir is empty!
Also, in '/var/tmp' there's only one entry, a subdir named 'vi.recover'

There's something wrong, but I don't know where to start looking.  It's
installed on a SuSE system based on United Linux 1.0 and the mailman package
is a SuSE distributed one.

Anders Norrbring
Norrbring Consulting

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[Mailman-Users] Mailman not starting correctly.

2003-08-14 Thread jsmith
Hello all,

I seem to have made a bad decision on changing my dedicated server to
someplace that can't keep a machine with power for very long.  

I haven't had a problem with mailman 2.1.2 like this for some time.

It seems that my ISP rebooted my machine or had a power failure.  Now my
machine is back up and mailman is only half working it seems.  I can get
to the web interface and all.  And my list only has 3 people sending to
the list occassionally.  This morning a post was sent to the list and it
was never sent out.  I thought maybe it was a fluke when it was reported
to me so I resent it from my account.  Same deal, nothing in pending
tasks and nothing going out.

I know this is probably something very simple that didn't start on
bootup.  Just kinda odd that it didn't this time and me being new to
freebsd (4.7) makes it a little harder to figure out.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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[Mailman-Users] Subscriber tracking

2003-08-14 Thread Todd Morrey
To anyone who can offer advice,

I admin a couple lists, and I have just come to realize that my ISP
requires me to keep perfect history of every subscriber: date they
signed up and originating ip address, all available with 1 day of any
complaint.  It is very important to me to conform to these requirements.

It seems that a user subscribing via mailman's webform thing gets all
this info logged in $MAILMANROOT/logs/subscribe.  However the vast
majority of my subscribers subscribe via a custom webform (integrated
with a catalog request page).  This custom webform just sends an email
to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the necessary arguments.
I looked in the subscribe log and it shows the users email address in
place of the ip address.  Ideally I need it to show the appropriate ip
address.  You can start to see some complications here, as if it were to
simply use the ip address of the originating mail, it would get my
webserver (it originates the mail on behalf of the user).  So, ideally,
I'd like to pass the originating ip address as an argument in the
subscription request email, or have it log the ip address of the
confirmation reply.

I guess that in most cases I could line up logs and I might be able to
figure it out (the clocks are always perfectly synced on these servers

Does anybody else deal with this kind of issue?  How do y'all handle
this?  Any advice of where to find docs on this?

Running mailman-2.0.13.
I google'd, searched archives of this list, read the FAQ, and looked
through the mailman docs.  I couldn't find any document dealing with
this type of issue.

Todd Morrey

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[Mailman-Users] Define stuff per list or language?

2003-08-14 Thread Anders Norrbring

Hiya all!

I've found the really nice feature in 2.1 to have custom templates for each
list and/or language available.

But, there's one important (to me, anyway) variable I can't seem to find any
possibility to customize per language, so if anyone knows how, please help!

The variable is 'member_moderation_notice'.  Since we run a couple of dual
language lists it kinda important to set.  We have both English and Swedish
languages on those lists, and as many of you know, we Scandinavians (and
others) use extended ASCII in our texts, so if I use any of those, they show
up correctly when a user have set his/her language to Swedish, but if the
language option is set to English, then it's a mess in the mail sent out as
moderation/reject e-mail.

Due to the fact that I haven't found any customization function for that
specific parameter, I have to include both Swedish and English explanatory
text in the response e-mail, and it really sucks when a user gets a mail
full of  å and alikes just because I can't set one string per

Please point out to me how it can be done!

Thank you! 

Anders Norrbring
Norrbring Consulting

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RE: [Mailman-Users] Managing archives

2003-08-14 Thread Jon Carnes
Alright, it worked great!

I have a list on one of my servers called "test", it has a lot of
messages in it, but nothing I care anything about. I used it to test

I created an empty mbox on one of my imap accounts and called it "test"
then moved all the mbox information from the archives into the new imap
  cat /var/mailman/archives/private/test.mbox/test.mbox >> test

This copied all the emails from the archive and left the imap header
information intact. 

The imap header is an "email" at the top of the file. The IMAP header is
created by Evolution (my email client) inside every IMAP mailbox that it
reads. The header is exactly 13 lines long. This seems to be fairly
standard for most IMAP clients.

All the messages in my test archive showed up as email messages in the
test mailbox.  I pruned out some messages and then copied the test mbox
back into the archive file. Next I edited the test.mbox file and removed
the imap header (which looks like the first email in the mbox - very
easy to recognize).

Next I deleted the old archives:
  rm -rf /var/mailman/archives/private/test/*

and generated the new archives:
  /var/mailman/bin/arch test

Viola! It worked great. My newly pruned archives looked fantastic, and
it was fast and easy.

It would be quite easy to automate this as two scripts, one that creates
the imap mbox and copies the mbox from the archive:
  #! /bin/bash
  # Used to move an archive into position for editing
  # by anyone who can use an email client
  # Assumptions: 
  #   - mailman install is in /var/mailman
  #   - imap mailbox root is /home/user/mail/
  # This means that you already created the mbox
  # using your email program.
  #== $1
  # Input: a valid mailman list name (with archives)
  # Check that the list name is valid and the archives exist
  if [ ! -f $PATH2ARC/$1.mbox/$1.mbox ]; then
echo ERROR: $1 is not a valid mailman list with archives
echo   (be sure to use all lower case)
echo   or path to archive files is incorrect:
echo $PATH2ARC
echo " "
exit 0
  # Check that mbox has been created...
  if [ ! -f $PATH2MB/$1 ]; then
echo ERROR: Please check that the path to your IMAP Mailbox
echo   is: $PATH2MB  
echo   and that you have created a Mailbox called:$1
exit 0
  cat $PATH2ARC/$1.mbox/$1.mbox >> $PATH2MB/$1

Now someone simply edits the mailbox using their email client. This
doesn't take anyone technically minded...

When they are done, we put back the archives:
  #! /bin/bash
  # Used to move an edited mbox from an imap folder 
  # and put it back into the Mailman archive from
  # which it was grabbed.
  # Assumptions: 
  #   - mailman install is in /var/mailman,
  # with archives being in /var/mailman/archives/private/..
  #   - imap mailbox root is /home/user/mail/
  # and the imap header for the file is 13 lines long
  # including the blank line at the end of the message.
  # Input: a valid mailman list name (with archives)
  # Check that the list name is valid and the archives exist
  if [ ! -f $PATH2ARC/$1.mbox/$1.mbox ]; then
echo ERROR: $1 is not a valid mailman list with archives
echo (be sure to use all lower case)
echo " "
exit 0
  # Check that mbox has been created...
  if [ ! -f $PATH2MB/$1 ]; then
echo ERROR: could not find mailbox $1 in path:
echo   $PATH2MB  
echo   Please check that root path to mailbox is correct.
echo " "
exit 0
  # Number of lines in IMAP header
  mv $PATH2ARC/$1.mbox/$1.mbox $PATH2ARC/$1.mbox/$1.mbox.bak
j=`cat $PATH2MB/$1 |wc -l`
k=$(( j - IHEAD ))
tail -$k $PATH2MB/$1 > $PATH2ARC/$1.mbox/$1.mbox
  # now lets remove the old archive files and regen
  # the archives with the new mbox!
  rm -rf $PATH2ARC/$1/*
  /var/mailman/bin/arch $1


The scripts aren't tested, but should be good for a quick start!
Take care.  Hope that helps someone.

Jon Carnes

On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 12:09, Jon Carnes wrote:
> I'll give it a shot on one of my boxes (create a soft link to the mbox
> into my mailbox) and let you know... It *should* work.
> On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 11:18, Victor Tsaran wrote:
> > Hi, John!
> > Do you think the access to the mbox can also be done through IMAP? I am not
> > an administrator on this machine, just a list admin, but I need to know what
> > to tell the root.
> > Regards,
> > Victor
> > 
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Jon Carnes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 10:55 AM
> > Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Managing archives
> > 
> > 
> > On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 09:26, Victor Tsaran wrote:
> > > Hello, listers!
> > > Here is my situation. I am managin

Re: [Mailman-Users] Re: qrunner with over 90% CPU

2003-08-14 Thread Jon Carnes
Sorry to pepper you with so many questions... but here are some more...
What do you get when you type:
  cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max
  cat /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max

On one of my well-running RH 9 boxes, I get:

  cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max

  cat /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max

You can adjust these values by becoming root and typing in something like:
  echo 16384 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max
  echo 2048 > /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max

Note: this is not a recommendation (well it is, but it's not *my* recommendation...)

BTW: I'm guessing that you are not running either NFS or NIS (NIS is a way of sharing 
user information amoung a lot of unix servers)

I also guess that hda1 is your /boot and that hda3 is /

That indicates that your install is using one IDE drive. I hope your
mail traffic is not too high! 

You might want to drop the Open Relay checks for a week and see if that
makes a difference. I'm not sure, but Sendmail may be holding open the
access.db file while it does these checks.

Jon Carnes
On Mon, 2003-08-11 at 12:12, Paul H Byerly wrote:
> Jon Carnes wrote:
> >Are you running NFS or NIS on the server?
>   I don't have NFS on the system, so I'd say NIS.
> >  How big are your volumes?
> hda1 is 99 Mb with 6 Mb used
> hda3 is 54 Gig with 9 gigs used
> >Are the errors always on trying to open "/etc/mail/access.db" or do they
> >occur for other files as well?
>   All are "/etc/mail/access.db"
> >Finally, what modifications (if any) have you made to Sendmail?
>   Other than some open relay rejection features, nothing.
> <>< Paul 

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Listserv wide announcements?

2003-08-14 Thread John Wofford
John (also),

I decided to go with this plan and it's worked out fairly well I believe. 
I only had to moderate on the parent list (by choice, per recommendation)
and and the site-lits "mailman" which I mistakenly added in the batch. 
Thanks a ton for the idea.


> John,
> It is probably about the same amount of work, but you could also create
> an umbrella list to which all the other lists are subscribed.  The
> tedious part would be making sure that the sender is allowed to post to
> all 50 lists, but you have to do that one way or another.
> Then the infrastructure would be in place should you need to make any
> other huge announcements.
> Of course you would have to be extra careful about spam or other stray
> messages.  Probably would want to require moderation of every message
> sent to the umbrella list, even by you.
> John Wofford wrote:
>>>On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 07:55, John Wofford wrote:
> [snip]
 Is there a nice, clean, and preferably easy way to send out an
announcement to the *entire* listserve?  Any other suggestions?
> --
> John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Access problem..

2003-08-14 Thread Richard Barrett
On Wednesday, August 13, 2003, at 01:24  pm, Anders Norrbring wrote:

Thanks.. :)  A -f fixed quite some errors, but still I get this in 
from the server:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/mailman/cron/gate_news", line 274, in ?
  File "/usr/lib/mailman/cron/gate_news", line 249, in main
line 238, in lock
line 415, in __write
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:

Then I guess you will have to check what uid/gid has write permissions 
over the /var/lib/mailman/locks/ directory and compare this for 
compatibilty  with the uid that the Mailman crontab has been installed 

I would expect then both to be the 'mailman' uid (as decided by the 
installer when Mailman was configured) but plainly they cannot be 
compatible or you would not have a permissions failure when the cron 
job is (presumably) trying to create a lock file in the directory.

Still there's no directory in /var/tmp

Anders Norrbring

-> -Original Message-
-> From: Richard Barrett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
-> Sent: den 13 augusti 2003 12:44
-> To: Anders Norrbring
-> Cc: Mailman users
-> Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Access problem..
-> On Wednesday, August 13, 2003, at 10:13  am, Anders Norrbring wrote:
-> > Here's one of the mails I get every 5 minutes from my server:
-> >
-> > Traceback (most recent call last):
-> >   File "/usr/lib/mailman/cron/gate_news", line 274, in ?
-> > main()
-> >   File "/usr/lib/mailman/cron/gate_news", line 249, in main
-> > lock.lock(timeout=0.5)
-> >   File
-> > 
-> > line 238, in lock
-> >   File
-> > 
-> > line 415, in __write
-> > IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:
-> > '/var/lib/mailman/locks/gate_news.lock.berit.6176.0'
-> >
-> You could try running Mailman's check_perms program. Looks from the
-> paths in the traceback above as though it could be in
-> /usr/lib/mailman/bin/check_perms. Run it with the -h option to get 
-> to print its usage.
-> > And when I look in '/var/mailman/locks' that dir is empty!
-> > Also, in '/var/tmp' there's only one entry, a subdir named 
-> >
-> > There's something wrong, but I don't know where to start looking. 
-> > installed on a SuSE system based on United Linux 1.0 and the 
-> > package
-> > is a SuSE distributed one.
-> >
-> > Anders Norrbring
-> > Norrbring Consulting

Richard Barrett
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Modifying held posts feature

2003-08-14 Thread Jon Carnes
On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 12:26, Adam Boettiger wrote:
> I'm using mailman 2.1.2
> As I recall in the archives of last year there was a post about a patch that
> could be installed in 2.0 that would allow moderators and admins to modify
> held posts.  I'm wondering if this feature or patch has become a permanent
> addition to 2.1.2 or if there are plans to include it in the next upgrade?
> Also, I am new to Python so excuse the ignorant question, but how does one
> install a patch?  Is there a document somewhere that explains it in layman's
> terms?  And, if I install this patch, will I need to kill and then recreate
> my mailing list or regenerate it?
> Finally, I see by reading the archives that one can modify the held posts
> directly by modifying the file in /mailman/data . I tried this once using
> BBEdit and FTP and got an error when I tried to approve the post.  Any
> suggestions on the best way to modify a file on the server and what parts of
> it I should stay away from or what file type it needs to be saved as?
> - Sorry for so many newbie questions.  Thanks in advance for any insight.
> The modify held posts is a really critical feature for me, so I'd like to
> get it working.
> AB

Look in the FAQ's. There is a specific procedure for editing the message
directly using version 2.0.  This also works in version 2.1, but only if
you modify the default value for one of the settings in The
setting determines whether held messages will be stored in text format
or in a pickle format. If you scan you should be able to
find it.

 You of course want them stored in a text format if you are going to
edit held messages directly.

Mailman FAQ:

There is a great patch that allow you to edit the message while in the
approval web-browser.  I *think* this patch was ported to 2.1 as well. 
This makes modifying messages a real snap!

There is also an FAQ on applying patches to mailman. Be prepared to
install from the source code!

Good Luck - Jon Carnes

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[Mailman-Users] Modifying held posts feature

2003-08-14 Thread Adam Boettiger
I'm using mailman 2.1.2

As I recall in the archives of last year there was a post about a patch that
could be installed in 2.0 that would allow moderators and admins to modify
held posts.  I'm wondering if this feature or patch has become a permanent
addition to 2.1.2 or if there are plans to include it in the next upgrade?

Also, I am new to Python so excuse the ignorant question, but how does one
install a patch?  Is there a document somewhere that explains it in layman's
terms?  And, if I install this patch, will I need to kill and then recreate
my mailing list or regenerate it?

Finally, I see by reading the archives that one can modify the held posts
directly by modifying the file in /mailman/data . I tried this once using
BBEdit and FTP and got an error when I tried to approve the post.  Any
suggestions on the best way to modify a file on the server and what parts of
it I should stay away from or what file type it needs to be saved as?

- Sorry for so many newbie questions.  Thanks in advance for any insight.
The modify held posts is a really critical feature for me, so I'd like to
get it working.


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[Mailman-Users] Mailman + htDig

2003-08-14 Thread Rich West
I realize this has come up often in the list, but hit a snag and was not 
sure where else to turn.  I couldn't find much in the archives that 
addressed this, but if it is a duplicate, please accept my apologies.

I've applied the htDig patches :
And all were applied happily.

The indexing appears to be happening correctly on the filesystem level 
since the htdig directory is being created, the conf file is being 
created, and if I manually perform a search (htsearch -c ), I do 
get output and results.  However, I am not getting the search form at 
the top of the index.html page as is supposed to happen.  So, as 
expected, I cannot search via the web interface. :(

The index.html file *IS* being updated, but nothing is getting added to 
it (no search form)...

I *believe* I followed the htdig docs to the letter, but it seems as if 
I am still missing something.

Any help would be much appreciated!

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[Mailman-Users] Hotmail and Yahoo sending mail straight to junkfolders.

2003-08-14 Thread Angel Gabriel

It seems that hotmail and yahoo are sending mail from mailman straight
to junk folders, this is REAL bad, especially because it's possible to
delete junk folders without actually looking in them.

Why is this, is this because there is a bulk mail setting in the mail
header? If so, how can I stop this being written into the mail?

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Access problem..

2003-08-14 Thread Richard Barrett
This may be applicable: 

On Wednesday, August 13, 2003, at 08:53  pm, Brian Burdette wrote:

I do not know what version of Python you have installed. Python 2.2.3  
would be good. I've not seen final confirmation about using Python  
2.3 with MM 2.1.2
I'm running Python 2.3, MM 2.1.2, RH 8.3 3.2-7

I'm having issues with a few lists.

most lists work properly.

one list is generating the error below, and shunting ALL email.
deletion and re-creation of the list will cause it to work again, for  
a while. It's just started this again.

A hunt thru the tracker doesn't turn up anything about iterable  

Do I need to downgrade python to 2.2.3 to make this work?



Aug 13 15:02:13 2003 (21139) SHUNTING:  
Aug 13 15:02:14 2003 (21139) Uncaught runner exception: iterable  
argument required
Aug 13 15:02:14 2003 (21139) Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 105, in  
self._onefile(msg, msgdata)
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 155, in  
keepqueued = self._dispose(mlist, msg, msgdata)
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 130,  
in _dispose
more = self._dopipeline(mlist, msg, msgdata, pipeline)
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Queue/", line 153,  
in _dopipeline
sys.modules[modname].process(mlist, msg, msgdata)
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/", line 89, in  
send_digests(mlist, mboxfp)
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/", line 130, in  
send_i18n_digests(mlist, mboxfp)
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/", line 303, in  
msg = scrubber(mlist, msg)
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/", line 257, in  
url = save_attachment(mlist, part, dir)
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/", line 349, in  
ext = guess_extension(ctype, fnext)
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/", line 80, in  
if ext in all:
TypeError: iterable argument required

Aug 13 15:02:14 2003 (21139) SHUNTING:  

Richard Barrett
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Access problem..

2003-08-14 Thread Richard Barrett
On Wednesday, August 13, 2003, at 01:58  pm, Anders Norrbring wrote:


You were absolutely right.  There was an error in the uid/gid 
mappings.  But
I believe that's out of the way now since now I get other errors. 
*sigh*  It
never ends!  Maybe I'd kill the .rpm install and do one from scratch
My personal preferences are to install Mailman from source. It really 
is very straightforward and the number of support request to the list 
related to screwed up pre-packaged installs for various Linux flavours 
is quite high.

The other advantage is that adding enhancement patches (such as htdig 
list search intergration), bug fix patches and future upgrades is so 
much easier with a source install. No  waiting for the Linux 
distribution Mailman packager to screw up the upgrade or enhancement 
for you.

If you are just starting and haven't got an investment in real use/data 
then switch to the MM source installation before it is too late.

I do not know what version of Python you have installed. Python 2.2.3 
would be good. I've not seen final confirmation about using Python 2.3 
with MM 2.1.2

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/mailman/cron/gate_news", line 40, in ?
from Mailman import MailList
  File "/usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/", line 36, in ?
from Mailman import Utils
  File "/usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/", line 45, in ?
from Mailman import Crypt
  File "/usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/", line 19, in ?
if mm_cfg.USE_CRYPT:
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'USE_CRYPT'
I didn't ask what version of MM you had installed but this doesn't look 
like it is from the latest stable 2.1.2 release code; there is no 
Mailman.Crypt module in that. Another good reason for canning the RPM 
and going with a source install!

And then in next mess I get:

/usr/bin/python: can't open file '/usr/lib/mailman/cron/senddigests'


/usr/bin/python: can't open file '/usr/lib/mailman/cron/gate_news'

Nothing more to contribute.

Anders Norrbring
Norrbring Consulting

-> Then I guess you will have to check what uid/gid has write 
-> over the /var/lib/mailman/locks/ directory and compare this for
-> compatibilty  with the uid that the Mailman crontab has been 
-> under.
-> I would expect then both to be the 'mailman' uid (as decided by the
-> installer when Mailman was configured) but plainly they cannot be
-> compatible or you would not have a permissions failure when the cron
-> job is (presumably) trying to create a lock file in the directory.

Richard Barrett
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[Mailman-Users] Evolution, GPG,and mailman 2.1.2 - blank message bodies

2003-08-14 Thread Jeremy Portzer

I feel like this must be an F.A.Q. but I could find no mention of it in
the searchable archives or the FAQ-O-Matic.

Anyway, it seems that evolution has a bug in message display that
affects GPG-signed email sent to mailman 2.1.x lists (when the GPG
signature uses PGP/MIME).  Mailman adds the list's signature as a MIME
attachment, and for some reason evolution shows ONLY the list signature,
and not the body of the message at all!

This is apparently fixed in Evolution 1.4.3, but unfortunately a large
number of our users are using prior versions of evolution, like 1.2.2
that's included in Red Hat Linux 9.  I suspect this is true of many
users around the community.  Though this is an evolution bug, most of
our users are seeing it as a "mailman problem," because suddenly they
cannot view their messages after we upgraded to mailman 2.1.x.

Does anyone have any ideas or workarounds?  Is there any way to make
mailman 2.1.2 go back to the old behavior that doesn't use MIME to add
the signature (or just skips it for MIME messages) ?

Note:  I've also heard that Outlook Express has a similar problem
reading GPG-signed emails with evolution's MIME-added signature, so this
isn't really uniquely an evolution problem.  But Outlook Express handles
GPG pretty pitifully anyway, so I'm not worrying about that.

Thanks for any advice,


| Jeremy Portzer   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| GPG Fingerprint: 712D 77C7 AB2D 2130 989F  E135 6F9F F7BC CC1A 7B92 |

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
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[Mailman-Users] Administrative requests for mailing list

2003-08-14 Thread mercenary
Hello, All,

  We use Microsoft Outlook as mail client, it place e-mail as

  And mailman generate Administrative requests, that I must approve
every time :-(

  Reason: Message has implicit destination

  General posting filters
  Must posts be approved by an administrator?   No
  Restrict posting privilege to list members?   No
  My users is in the "Addresses of members accepted ..." list

  Please, help.

Best Regards, Mail Admin
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ# 40912331

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[Mailman-Users] yet another undocumented, undiscussed bug

2003-08-14 Thread Greg Swallow
Let's see how this one works...the last time I had a problem I got no 
response to two separate posts.

We had a server crash yesterday, and I brought the server back online. 
Since then, I have this problem when viewing the mailman web interface 
or trying to run check_dbs:

Bug in Mailman version 2.1.2

We're sorry, we hit a bug!

If you would like to help us identify the problem, please email a copy 
of this page to the webmaster for this site with a description of what 
happened. Thanks!

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/mailman/scripts/driver", line 87, in run_main
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Cgi/", line 42, in main
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Cgi/", line 87, in 
mlist = MailList.MailList(name, lock=0)
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/", line 124, in __init__
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/", line 583, in Load
dict, e = self.__load(file)
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/", line 556, in __load
dict = loadfunc(fp)
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'append'

Python information:

sys.version 2.2.2 (#1, Apr 6 2003, 18:09:02) [GCC 3.2]
sys.executable  /usr/local/bin/python
sys.prefix  /usr/local
sys.exec_prefix /usr/local
Environment variables:

Variable	Value
HTTP_PRAGMA 	no-cache
PYTHONPATH 	/usr/local/mailman
SERVER_SOFTWARE 	Apache/1.3.27 (Unix)
SCRIPT_FILENAME 	/usr/local/mailman/cgi-bin/listinfo
SCRIPT_NAME 	/mailman/listinfo
Apache/1.3.27 Server at Port 80
REQUEST_URI 	/mailman/listinfo
HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET 	ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
HTTP_USER_AGENT 	Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.3.1) 
TZ 	US/East-Indiana
HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE 	en-us,en;q=0.5
HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING 	gzip,deflate,compress;q=0.9
DOCUMENT_ROOT 	/usr/local/apache/share/htdocs

Any ideas, or should I start thinking about ditching mailman?

   "I still think the odds are good that you can make a bet
 on what will be the odds" -- Tub Ring
| Greg Swallow | CCNA | System Administrator | accessIndiana |
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Re: [Mailman-Users] SPAM getting through on moderated lists

2003-08-14 Thread John A. Martin
Hash: SHA1

> "Ed" == Ed Wilts
> "Re: [Mailman-Users] SPAM getting through on moderated lists"
>  Thu, 14 Aug 2003 10:09:46 -0500

Ed> What would one look like to allow, for example, a mail message
Ed> to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to only come from an MTA in the
Ed> domain?

I don't do Sendmail anymore.  One way to do this with a recent Postfix
would be something like the following which is untested but should
work for a dedicated MTA on the same host as Mailman.

1. Check that 'postconf mynetworks' gives plus whatever
   IPs from which you do _not_ want to block SMTP 'mail from:
   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'.  NB. If 'mynetworks' includes MX backup hosts mail
   arriving therefrom will not be blocked by what follows.

2. Cause something like the following to be run as root either
   whenever the Mailman aliases are modified or, less well,
   periodically by cron.  This converts the Mailman aliases file,
   excluding the loop detection alias, into a Postfix access table.

egrep -v '^$|^#|^mailman-loop'
postmap /etc/postfix/check-list-bmf

   The above bash script assumes Mailman and Postfix installed from
   recent Debian packages.

3. In /etc/postfix/

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/check-list-bmf

Something similar should be easy with Sendmail, right?  :)

It still needs to be determined whether the above will do no harm.





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[Mailman-Users] Trouble in getting incoming mail right...

2003-08-14 Thread Anders Norrbring

Hello out there!

I'm absolutely fresh to mailman, and of course I'm in deep trouble..  I have
the SuSE distributed v2.1.1 installed on SuSE SLOS8, based on United Linux

The mail system on the server is Postfix, Cyrus-IMAP and Cyrus-SASL and the
back end is LDAP.

All is well when using only the web interface, and all mails are sent out
from the system just as it should.  But, no incoming mail are routed to
mailman, so nothing sent to it gets where it should go.  I guess the problem
is Cyrus in some way, but I don't know how I should be able to fix it.  I
can't find any documentation on this, so please help me out!

Thank you!

Anders Norrbring

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Re: [Mailman-Users] SPAM getting through on moderated lists

2003-08-14 Thread John A. Martin
Hash: SHA1

> "Nuno" == Nuno Serra
> "[Mailman-Users] SPAM getting through on moderated lists"
>  Wed, 13 Aug 2003 22:16:20 +0200

Nuno> Hi, SPAM email where the from address appears as the list
Nuno> itself is bypassing the list rules for posting and is
Nuno> automatically accepted.

Hmm That makes for IMHO an interesting question.  Since many, if
not most MTAs can be configured to reject mail from specific envelope
senders, usually specified as regular expressions, the question is

what if any envelope senders related to mailman lists (and not
from our local {host,net}) can be rejected by an MTA that is
dedicated to handling incoming mail for only the lists.

It is advantageous to reject unwanted mail during the SMTP
conversation rather than later.

It should be pretty easy to cause a MTA reject all incoming mail from
non-local relays with any envelope sender address appearing among the
Mailman aliases.

Will this do no harm?

Nuno> How can I stop it without turning emergency moderation on
Nuno> (not sure if this will stop them or not)?

If the list shows up as a header sender, have you looked at "Hold
posts with header value matching a specified regexp" among the Privacy




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Re: [Mailman-Users] mailman for fan club

2003-08-14 Thread John DeCarlo

I seem to have forgotten what the menu options are in 2.0.X.

First you have to concentrate on making every subscriber set to 
"moderated" - I know there is a flag for this in 2.0.X, but I forget 
what it is called.

This is the most important part.

You can then make yourself able to post in various ways - subscribe and 
turn off the moderation flag, or add yourself to the list of people who 
can post unmoderated (I seem to remember this was also in 2.0.X).

The rest is to make it nicer and cleaner - but it probably depends on 
what your hosting company will do for you.  My guess is you can't edit 
system files.

Anyone else out there who has maybe an archive copy of the old FAQ 
answer for 2.0.X?

Amy Rynne wrote:

Thanks, I have already looked at that and I am using version 2.0.6  which
comes with my hosting company.  most of the setup in this article is in
version 2.1.  Will this work in 2.0.6? Is this the only reference?  I'm
having a tough time figuring this one out.

John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own

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RE: [Mailman-Users] Simple question about "Protected groups"

2003-08-14 Thread Laureijs, Quinten

After upgrading from 2.0.13 to 2.1.2, the unsubscribe_policy becomes
available and the customer requirement was satisfied. Thanks for your reply.

best regards,

Unix Administrator
NCR Nederland N.V.

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 21:57
> To: Laureijs, Quinten
> Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Simple question about "Protected groups"
> Hello,
> In Mialman 2.1.X there is an "unsubscribe_policy" setting on the
> "Privacy Options" page that might work:
>   unsubscribe_policy (privacy): Is the list moderator's approval
>   required for unsubscription requests? (No is recommended)
>   When members want to leave a list, they will make an 
> unsubscription
>   request, either via the web or via email. Normally it 
> is best for
>   you to allow open unsubscriptions so that users can 
> easily remove
>   themselves from mailing lists (they get really upset if 
> they can't
>   get off lists!). 
>   For some lists though, you may want to impose moderator approval
>   before an unsubscription request is processed. Examples of such
>   lists include a corporate mailing list that all employees are
>   required to be members of.
> n.
> On Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 01:18:01PM +0200, Laureijs, Quinten wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > One of our customer's requirements is that the application 
> is able to
> > contain protected groups: groups (or lists) that contain users'
> > mailaddresses from which they cannot unsubscribe.
> > 
> > I have gone through the admin pages on a test-machine and 
> the online FAQ's
> > but so far I haven't seen anything that could comply to my 
> customer's
> > requirement.
> > 
> > Did I miss something or is it just not possible?
> > 
> > Thanks in advance,
> > 
> > Quinten
> > 
> > ---
> > Unix Administrator
> > NCR Nederland N.V.
> > 
> > --
> > Mailman-Users mailing list
> >
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> > Searchable Archives: 
> > 
> > 
> This message was sent to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Unsubscribe or change your options at
> > 
>> -users/
> -- 
> Nate Perry-Thistle
> Director of Technology
> Performance Learning Systems
> 530.265.9066
> 800.255.8412
> --
> Mailman-Users mailing list
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[Mailman-Users] deleting a list.

2003-08-14 Thread Subhasis Mahapatra
Hello to All

How can I delete a mailing list and how can I change the name of an
exesting list?

With Best Regards,
Subhasis Mahapatra

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Re: [Mailman-Users] IP's instead of FQDN

2003-08-14 Thread Richard Barrett
I can only assume that you haven't read all of the notes in the INSTALL  
and README.SENDMAIL documentation files in the Mailman build directory.

If that is because you did not install from source then I suggest you  
download the MM source distribution from:

and unpack it to get at those two files.

On Thursday, August 7, 2003, at 02:05  pm, James Pifer wrote:

No I hadn't started that. Is that something I should add to rc.local so
it starts every time the box is restarted?
Covered in  the INSTALL file

Something is still screwed up in my Sendmail config. I tried to post a
message to my new list and got the following:
   - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
"|/usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman post stoneware-users"
(reason: Service unavailable)
(expanded from: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
   - Transcript of session follows -
smrsh: "mailman" not available for sendmail programs (stat failed)
554 5.0.0 Service unavailable

Covered in the README.SENDMAIL file

On Thu, 2003-08-07 at 02:45, Richard Barrett wrote:
On Thursday, August 7, 2003, at 01:50  am, James Pifer wrote:

Thanks, worked like a champ.

Now my next problem after fixing that one. Looks like the messages  
getting stuck in the "virgin" directory?
Have you started Mailman's qrunner daemons by executing
$prefix/bin/mailmanctl start?
I'm using Sendmail and not sure
I've done everything I need to do. I do have the aliases set up
I did it correctly.
I have not search the archives on this one yet, but I will.

Thanks for the help.
On Wed, 2003-08-06 at 14:56, Richard Barrett wrote:

and in particular the comment under the heading 'Existing versus new
On Wednesday, August 6, 2003, at 07:42  pm, James Pifer wrote:

I'm new to mailman and have everything setup except for one  
I've tried searching the archives but didn't find my resolution.

I have it installed (version 2.1.2) and created a list. It seems  
except that some of the links in the forms are not using my domain
settings, rather that have an IP address in the URL like,
For example, when you try to subscribe the Subscribe button tries  
post to the IP address rather than the domain.

I've tried setting the defaults for HOST and URL in,  
still can't get it fixed.

Can anyone tell me what I might be missing?

Richard Barrett

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[Mailman-Users] There are humans at!!

2003-08-14 Thread Paul H Byerly
Hi all,

 It took four rounds of auto responders requesting headers to get a 
real person, but I now have word from that they no longer use 
the filter that identifies as spam mail with "long words" in the subject line.

Excite Email Help wrote:
We regret you have not received an adequate response to your previous
emails.  The filter you are speaking about is no longer in use by our
company.  You should not have any difficulty sending emails that you
have described below.
If you experience any difficulty, please send an email to
Excite Abuse Department
<>< Paul 

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RE: [Mailman-Users] Public/private archives problem.

2003-08-14 Thread tony-mm
Good for you Rob!

Sadly, as you will see in the posts from Richard and I, that does not
appear to be the problem in my case.
I will report to Cpanel and see what they say

> -Original Message-
> From: Rob Brandt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 11 August 2003 13:43
> Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Public/private archives problem.
> The problem is resolved, with great help from Richard.  For 
> the sake of posterity, let the mailing list archives show:
> * Be sure you have proper virtual host mapping 
> (add_virtualhost()) in;
> * Be sure that the list setting for "Host name this list 
> prefers for email" is in fact your mail exchange address, not 
> a base URL for browsing (which was my problem);
> * Run
> Thanks
> Rob
> Quoting Rob Brandt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Richard;
> >
> > Thanks for your help in this.  I am going to email you a link to my 
> > "testlist", which you can log into as an administrator and see for 
> > yourself what the problem is.  My server does not run CPanel, so I 
> > don't think that's an issue here.  My server is sitting 
> here next to 
> > my desk, so I have full control if you
> > need any information.
> >
> > Best Regards
> >
> > Rob
> >
> >
> > Quoting Richard Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > > Tony
> > >
> > > The questions I am asking are to elicit information that will 
> > > distinguish between and identify whether there is a 
> problem with (a) 
> > > Mailman or (b) misconfiguration of Mailman or (c) third party 
> > > modifications made to Mailman or (d) other aspects of the host 
> > > system configuration such as the Apache server.
> > >
> > > You are complaining about links but I can interpret that 
> in several
> > > ways:
> > >
> > > 1. whether the URL of concern is accepted and served by 
> the Apache 
> > > server when you think/prefer it should or should not be.
> > >
> > > 2. whether the URL of concern is found embedded in the 
> HTML text of 
> > > a web page generated by Mailman as either a static page or by a 
> > > Mailman CGI script.
> > >
> > > 3. whether the URL of concern is found embedded in the 
> HTML text of 
> > > a web page generated by something other than Mailman as either a 
> > > static page or as one delivered by a CGI script.
> > >
> > > I must have been having a stupid day as I was not entirely clear 
> > > from either the referenced bug report or your initial post about 
> > > which of these interpretations I should adopt.
> > >
> > > Now see further comments below.
> > >
> > > Richard
> > >
> > > On Monday, August 11, 2003, at 01:14  pm, Tony wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hi Richard,
> > > >
> > > > Quoting Richard Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > >> Rob's bug report, as with yours, lack precision in specifying 
> > > >> exactly which Mailman generated pages have links on them which 
> > > >> contain (in the HTML text), absolute URLs referring to 
> the wrong 
> > > >> hostname. See my comments below on the broadfer questions that 
> > > >> need to be answered in order to attack the perceived problem.
> > > >
> > > > Sorry, I thought it was clear enough.  I will elaborate.
> > > >
> > > >> I do not work with it myself, but I believe that the CPanel 
> > > >> virtual hosting support software, which your hosting 
> provider may 
> > > >> be using, does perform some trickery to help avoid conflicts 
> > > >> between list names on different virtual hosts. If your hosting 
> > > >> provider is using that and something related to it is 
> > > >> misconfigured then this may be contributing to the problem.
> > > >
> > > > Correct.  The list directory gets names _ to 
> > > > avoid conflicts with any other similarly named lists.  
> CPanel is 
> > > > what is being used in this
> > > > case.
> > > >
> > > > This means that any other virtual host on the server can access 
> > > > the mail archives by providing the correct path name to 
> the list.
> > > >
> > > >> When you say "if the archive is public, then the address is 
> > > >> 
>"; what 
> > > >> precisely do you mean?
> > > >
> > > > What I mean is that the link to the archives, and only 
> this link, 
> > > > from what I can see, shows the hosting provider's 
> server name and 
> > > > not the virtual domain
> > > > for the client.
> > > >
> > > > Example:
> > > > I have a list called "test" on clientdomain1.
> > > >
> > > > The path to the list and all the admin pages etc is 
> > > > http://clientdomain1/mailman//test_clientdomain1/
> > > >
> > > > This list could also be accessed by another virtual 
> domain on the 
> > > > same server
> > > > as: http://clientdomain2/mailman//test_clientdomain1/
> > > >
> > > > When the archives are set to public, the archive address is: 
> > > > http://clientdomain1/mailman/private/test_clientdomain1/
> > >
> > > Did you mean the statement immediately above or are you just 
> > > reflecting on the fact that a pu

Re: [Mailman-Users]HandlerAPE error: WAS :Listserv wide announcements?

2003-08-14 Thread Richard Barrett
On Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 10:35  pm, Bruce Mitzit wrote:


You're right, thanks. I have a number of files from the old install:

 Apr 16  2002 /usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/
 Dec 20  2002 /usr/local/mailman/ bin/digest_arch
Dec 20  2002 /usr/local/mailman/ bin/move_list
a bunch of cgi's,
Apr 16 2002  ../cron/qrunner
I removed, renamed cron/qrunnerBU (with current date) to 
qrunner. Gave it 755 perms.

This has not seemed to have calmed things down.

I know it is a bit obvious but you have used the crontab command to 
double check that the old Mailman crontab is still not extant and being 
executed on behalf of some user or another.

If I wanted to do a clean install --start from scratch-- what 
directories in /usr/local/mailman/ should I keep?

If it were me trying to do what you suggest, I would;

1. rename the current /usr/local/mailman and take a backup of it

2. mkdir /usr/local/mailman

3. use mv to put /usr/local/mailman.old/lists and 
/usr/local/mailman.old/archives to /usr/local/mailman

4. ./configure and make install MM 2.1.2 into /usr/local/mailman

5. crank up the new MM install per the INSTALL file

Best of luck

Thanks a lot for your help.


On Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 07:23  pm, Bruce Mitzit wrote:

At 3:33 PM +0100 8/12/03, Richard Barrett wrote:
On Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 03:10  pm, Bruce Mitzit wrote:

Hello, MM users---

After upgrading from mailman 2.0.9 to mailman-2.1.2, and tweaking 
all the things I could find to tweak, I still get this error 
emailed to me at the rate of about three a minute:

Your "cron" job on
/usr/local/bin/python -S /usr/local/mailman/cron/qrunner
produced the following output:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/mailman/cron/qrunner", line 89, in ?
from Mailman.Handlers import HandlerAPI
  File "/usr/local/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/", line 
26, in ?
from Mailman.pythonlib.StringIO import StringIO
ImportError: No module named pythonlib.StringIO

Well some of your old MM installation is executing to generate these 
warnings. The traceback is from MM 2.0.x code as the 
Mailman/Handlers/ file is not in the MM 2.1.2 
distribution; well its in MM 2.0.13 but not in MM 2.1.2 on my test 

With Mailman 2.1.2 the qrunner is no longer run as a cron job.

The 2.1.2 qrunners are run as daemons started by the 
$prefix/bin/mailmanctl script.

Looks like, maybe, you did not remove the mailman user's crontab 
before doing the update and the old 2.0.9 crontab is still trying 
to do stuff.

Did you take a look at the section 'UPGRADING FROM 2.0.x to 2.1' in 
the UPGRADING file in your MM 2.1.2 build director as part of your 
Richard et. al.--

Well, yeah, I did read that thing. I did not remove (in Solaris 7) 
/var/spool/cron/cronjobs/mailman prior to the install.

So, I've rm'd that cronjob. We'd been running that cron from root 
anyway, so I commented all out from there as well.  I did a 
configure, make install all over again. I still am getting the same 
error message by email. Any suggestions? The original install of MM 
made me feel pretty smart. This one makes me feel dumb.

If messages reporting the same error are still turning up then either 
the mail system has a backlog it is drip feeding you or there is 
still another crontab which executes the old MM qrunner script in 
place and enough old MM code extant to generate the error.


Richard Barrett
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Public/private archives problem.

2003-08-14 Thread Richard Barrett

The questions I am asking are to elicit information that will 
distinguish between and identify whether there is a problem with (a) 
Mailman or (b) misconfiguration of Mailman or (c) third party 
modifications made to Mailman or (d) other aspects of the host system 
configuration such as the Apache server.

You are complaining about links but I can interpret that in several 

1. whether the URL of concern is accepted and served by the Apache 
server when you think/prefer it should or should not be.

2. whether the URL of concern is found embedded in the HTML text of a 
web page generated by Mailman as either a static page or by a Mailman 
CGI script.

3. whether the URL of concern is found embedded in the HTML text of a 
web page generated by something other than Mailman as either a static 
page or as one delivered by a CGI script.

I must have been having a stupid day as I was not entirely clear from 
either the referenced bug report or your initial post about which of 
these interpretations I should adopt.

Now see further comments below.


On Monday, August 11, 2003, at 01:14  pm, Tony wrote:

Hi Richard,

Quoting Richard Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Rob's bug report, as with yours, lack precision in specifying exactly
which Mailman generated pages have links on them which contain (in the
HTML text), absolute URLs referring to the wrong hostname. See my
comments below on the broadfer questions that need to be answered in
order to attack the perceived problem.
Sorry, I thought it was clear enough.  I will elaborate.

I do not work with it myself, but I believe that the CPanel virtual
hosting support software, which your hosting provider may be using,
does perform some trickery to help avoid conflicts between list names
on different virtual hosts. If your hosting provider is using that and
something related to it is misconfigured then this may be contributing
to the problem.
Correct.  The list directory gets names _ to avoid 
with any other similarly named lists.  CPanel is what is being used in 

This means that any other virtual host on the server can access the 
archives by providing the correct path name to the list.

When you say "if the archive is public, then the address is"; what
precisely do you mean?
What I mean is that the link to the archives, and only this link, from 
what I
can see, shows the hosting provider's server name and not the virtual 
for the client.

I have a list called "test" on clientdomain1.
The path to the list and all the admin pages etc is
This list could also be accessed by another virtual domain on the same 

When the archives are set to public, the archive address is:
Did you mean the statement immediately above or are you just reflecting 
on the fact that a public list is still available through its private 
list URL?

When the list archives are set to public, then the archive address is:
I would expect this to read:
or similar.
This appears the same on both the main page for the list and in the 

Just to confirm; do you mean the web pages returned by the URLs 
http://clientdomain1/mailman/listinfo/test_clientdomain1  and 

I am now talking about plain vanilla, unmodified, MM 2.1.2 code. The 
GetBaseArchiveURL() function used to generate the links to both public 
and private list archives. Its operation is subtly different in two 
cases although both depend upon the values in the VIRTUAL_HOSTS 
dictionary which is conventionally constructed by calls to the 
add_virtualhosts() function in the MM configuration file

In the case of a public archive, the function does a lookup for the 
list's host_name attribute (visible/editable on the General Options 
page of the list) in an inversion of the VIRTUAL_HOSTS dictionary. The 
actual statement that forms the URL is:

  url = mm_cfg.PUBLIC_ARCHIVE_URL % {
  'listname': self.internal_name(),
  'hostname': inv.get(self.host_name, mm_cfg.DEFAULT_URL_HOST),
This works reliably on  vanilla MM installation with a correctly set up 
VIRTUAL_HOSTS dictionary, so long as each URL_FQDN key in the 
dictionary is associated with a unique EMAIL_FQDN value.

If the list's host_name is not found then the DEFAULT_URL_HOST value, 
which is likely to be that of your, 
will be used.

I have no idea as to how CPanel integrates with Mailman or how the Mailman configuration file is maintained as new domains are 
hosted by a server on the system you are depending on.

My best guess is that something that sh

[Mailman-Users] Suscribers number

2003-08-14 Thread Matthieu HUTIN

I'm looking for a way to put the subscribers number of my lists on a web
page that is not generated by MailMan. Is it possible ?

Thank you

Matthieu HUTIN
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman + htDig

2003-08-14 Thread Richard Barrett
On Saturday, August 9, 2003, at 04:06  pm, Rich West wrote:

Ok.. I think I know what I did.. I didn't restart the qrunner.  As I 
wrote the previous email to you, I realized that I had _thought_ about 
restarting the qrunner, but didn't.  I went through the whole process 
o Edit to set USE_HTDIR=1
o python -c 'from compileall import *; 
o /etc/init.d/mailmanctrl restart
o bin/rmlist test
o bin/newlist test
o bin/arch test
o Entered additional recipients via the web interface.
o Sent a test message to the test list
o /usr/bin/python -S /cron/nightly_htdig -v test  (it 
complained about not having the centralized db files, but that seemed 
I think you can resolve this by reference to the section under the 
heading "htdig Permissions Considerations" in INSTALL.htdig-mm

When rundig is being run by 'mailman' cron as the 'mailman' uid it 
probably does not have permissions to create the 'shared' htdig db's. 
My hack is to give the 'mailman' group group ownership and write 
permission over the the common and db subdirectories of the htdig 
install (/opt/www/htdig/ or wherever yout htdig is installed), and the 
files there contained.

o Pointed my browser at the test archives, and viola!  The search 
ability was there!  And searching worked!

I'm not sure if it was the fact that I recompiled the file 
or restarting the qrunner which started things working, though.

Now, I just have to go through and migrate the existing lists. :)  
Hopefully, that won't be too difficult. :)

Best of luck.

Thanks for all of your help!
No problem. Pleased you are up and running.


Rich West wrote:

Ok.. I blew away my test list, set USE_HTDIG=1, restarted the 
qrunner, created the list with newlist, ran blow_away_htdig test, ran 
arch test, and sent a message to the list.

It seems likeit does everything BUT create update the index.html file 
with the search info..

Perhaps I should start over from scratch...


Wait a sec... if I am reading that correctly, then existing lists 
would have been created using the standard templates which did not, 
obviously, have the htdig patch.  Newly created lists would be 
created against the now-patched htdig templates, and they should 
work properly.  Existing lists would have to have their templates 
patched accordingly.

Is that right?

If so, then it is likely that my installation IS working as 
expected.  I will have to delete my test list and recreate it, then 
run some tests and observe the results.

I'll let you know if I have any troubles there.

Thanks for your help!!


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Re: [Mailman-Users] IP's instead of FQDN

2003-08-14 Thread Richard Barrett

and in particular the comment under the heading 'Existing versus new 

On Wednesday, August 6, 2003, at 07:42  pm, James Pifer wrote:

I'm new to mailman and have everything setup except for one problem.
I've tried searching the archives but didn't find my resolution.
I have it installed (version 2.1.2) and created a list. It seems fine
except that some of the links in the forms are not using my domain
settings, rather that have an IP address in the URL like,
For example, when you try to subscribe the Subscribe button tries to
post to the IP address rather than the domain.
I've tried setting the defaults for HOST and URL in, but
still can't get it fixed.
Can anyone tell me what I might be missing?

Richard Barrett
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