[Mailman-Users] migrating mailman lists

2007-01-03 Thread Kelsey Forsythe

I've recently moved to a new server.  It is an Xserve G5 running  
10.4.3 OSX.
I'd like to migrate the mailman lists from the old server (Xserve G4).

Does anyone have experience migrating lists?
If so, please let me know what procedure you followed.


Mailman-Users mailing list
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Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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Re: [Mailman-Users] migrating mailman lists

2007-01-03 Thread Paul Tomblin
Quoting Kelsey Forsythe ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I've recently moved to a new server.  It is an Xserve G5 running  
 10.4.3 OSX.
 I'd like to migrate the mailman lists from the old server (Xserve G4).
 Does anyone have experience migrating lists?
 If so, please let me know what procedure you followed.

If you have command line access to both servers, it's dead easy.  I've
done it twice.  Here is the procedure I followed.  Note that your file
paths may differ because OS X does strange things:

1. Copied all of /var/lib/mailman/lists/ from the old server to the new
2. Fixed the permissions with chown -R list.list /var/lib/mailman/lists/
3. Fixed the urls for the new one with withlist -l -r fix_url [listname]
for each list.  (Only necessary if the new server has a different domain
name than the old one - one time I was moving from xcski.com to
list.xcski.com and the other time I was keeping the same list.xcski.com
4. Copied all /var/lib/mailman/archives/private/*mbox/*mbox to the new
5. Fixed the permissions with chown -R list.list
6. Regenerated the archives using /var/lib/mailman/bin/arch [listname]
for each list.  Note that if your archives are big, this process can
consume all the memory in your system and then some, so you may have to
split the mbox files up and regenerate the list archives in peices or use
the --start and --end options to arch.

Paul Tomblin [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://blog.xcski.com/
We'll burn that bridge when we come to it.
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Security Policy: 

Re: [Mailman-Users] preserving original lists' subject prefix

2007-01-03 Thread Raymond Blum
Hi Mark
  I'm glad that to hear that it should be doing the sensible thing.  The
subject prefix for each list is
[list1] and [list2]
It's mailman version 2.1.5
Unfortunately I am a list owner but not a sys admin for the machine running
mailman so I don't have any access to check the mailman installation for the
.py file, is there a way to get that info from mailman?

On 1/2/07, Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Raymond Blum wrote:

   I have a situation where I need to preserve the history or chain of
 subscriptions that a message has passed through on its way to the
 recipients.  For example if user1 subscribes to list1 and list1 is
 subscribed to list2, I wish messages sent to list2 to have something like
 this in the subject
 [List1] [List2] here is a message for you
 It looks like mailman is removing [List2], leaving me with [List1] ... as
 the subject.  If empty out the subject prefix for List1, then neither

 It should work as you expect.

 What mailman version is this?

 What is the value of subject_prefix for each of the lists?

 What is the setting in Defaults.py-mm_cfg.py for OLD_STYLE_PREFIXING?

 Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
 San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

Wow, as busy as I am I took to the time to write this.
I must really like you!
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Security Policy: 

Re: [Mailman-Users] Incorrect links after list creation

2007-01-03 Thread Mark Sapiro
Spyro Polymiadis wrote:

 nah they are all fine... - i havent seen any errant links any where 
And those 2 links are fixed now :~ go figure

You are correct.

The create script set the list's web_page_url attribute using the web
host and DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN. Thus it had no trailing slash and those
two links on the create response page were missing the slash.

But, the next time the list is loaded, some attributes are 'sanity
checked', and this process adds the missing trailing slash to
web_page_url, and it is correct from then on.

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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Re: [Mailman-Users] migrating mailman lists

2007-01-03 Thread Jerold Stratton
On Jan 3, 2007, at 5:06 AM, Kelsey Forsythe wrote:
 I've recently moved to a new server.  It is an Xserve G5 running
 10.4.3 OSX.
 I'd like to migrate the mailman lists from the old server (Xserve G4).

 Does anyone have experience migrating lists?
 If so, please let me know what procedure you followed.

My experience was similar to Paul's: dead easy. My steps were  
slightly different; and I had been running the new Xserve with some  
test lists before copying the files over. These are my notes for the  
final switchover:

on old lists
mailmanctl stop

on old list server, copy files to personal workstation:
sudo rsync -a --delete -e ssh /home/mailman/lists  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:Desktop/lists/ --progress
sudo rsync -a --delete -e ssh /home/mailman/data  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:Desktop/lists/ --progress
sudo rsync -a --delete -e ssh /home/mailman/archives  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:Desktop/lists/ --progress

shutdown old lists hardware

on new lists:
--copy from personal workstation to staging area
sudo rsync -a --delete -e ssh [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]:Desktop/lists/lists / 
var/mailman/new --progress
sudo rsync -a --delete -e ssh [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]:Desktop/lists/data / 
var/mailman/new --progress
sudo rsync -a --delete -e ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED]:Desktop/lists/ 
archives /var/mailman/new --progress

--fix staging area
cd /var/mailman/new
rm -r lists/mailman
rm data/adm.pw data/aliases data/aliases.db 
sudo chown -R mailman:mailman /var/mailman/new

--fix symbolic links in public directory
cd /var/mailman/new/archives/public
sudo ~/bin/fixlinks *

--move from staging area to live
sudo scp -pr /var/mailman/lists /var/mailman/data /var/mailman/ 
archives /Users/cole/mailmanvar
sudo mv /var/mailman/new/lists/* /var/mailman/lists
sudo mv /var/mailman/new/data/* /var/mailman/data
sudo mv /var/mailman/new/archives/* /var/mailman/archives

--add alias lines to /var/mailman/data/aliases
--note that I had kept a list of lists in FileMaker, along with 
necessary aliases for each
--this is what I copied
sudo scp -p [EMAIL PROTECTED]:Desktop/lists/list_aliases .
sudo vi /var/mailman/data/aliases
:r list_aliases
sudo /usr/sbin/postalias /var/mailman/data/aliases

--update data files
sudo /usr/share/mailman/bin/update
sudo bin/withlist -l -a -r fix_url -- -v

--add IP address (change from test-ip to live-ip)
sudo changeip - test-ip live-ip
sudo networksetup -setmanual Built-in Ethernet 1 live-ip 
sudo networksetup -getinfo Built-in Ethernet 1

stop and start postfix from server admin?

The fixlinks script referenced above, because after the copy the  
public alias links didn't work, as they were pointing to the wrong  

$privatebase = /var/mailman/archives/private;
while ($item = shift) {
 $reallink = $privatebase/$item;
 print Changing $item to $reallink\n;
 symlink($reallink, $item);
Maher 190/x8773
The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing  
that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot  
possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to  
get at and repair.--Douglas Adams (Mostly Harmless)

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Security Policy: 

Re: [Mailman-Users] FW: Problems with spam

2007-01-03 Thread Mark Sapiro
Lenore Pearson wrote:

I am in charge of the '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' list
serv on the Rutgers Newark campus.  I am receiving spam on the list
serve and it is not being approved by me.  Please contact me and let me
know what actions can be taken to stop the spam and whether or not I
need to change the email server address to alleviate the situation.

I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible, as this matter
is very urgent.  The
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' listserv contacts high level
administrators within Rutgers University and they will not trust the
server if they are constantly bombarded with spam.

While this is in some ways a security issue, it will be better if any
follow-ups are addressed to mailman-users@python.org and not to

First of all, what kind of list is this? Is it a discussion list where
all members are allowed to post or an announcement list where only one
or a few people post?

If the latter, see
for suggestions on configuring such a list and
for a further discussion on 'spoof proofing'.

If it is a discussion list, make sure only list members are allowed to
post. On the web admin interface, Privacy options...-Sender
filters-generic_nonmember_action should be discard or possibly reject
or hold, but not accept.

In any case, it is best if your own email server administrators at
Rutgers install some spam filtering ahead of Mailman so the spam
doesn't reach Mailman in the first place.

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Security Policy: 

Re: [Mailman-Users] preserving original lists' subject prefix

2007-01-03 Thread Mark Sapiro
Raymond Blum wrote:
subject prefix for each list is
[list1] and [list2]
It's mailman version 2.1.5
Unfortunately I am a list owner but not a sys admin for the machine running
mailman so I don't have any access to check the mailman installation for the
.py file, is there a way to get that info from mailman?

The OLD_STYLE_PREFIXING setting was new in 2.1.6, so it doesnt't apply
in your case.

I am unable to explain or understand what might be happening in your
case unless the machine is running some package version of Mailman
which is modified from the base 2.1.5.

I even ran a test on a 2.1.5 installation and it worked as I expected
with both prefixes in the subject and both list's footers added to the

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Security Policy: 

[Mailman-Users] using mailman for newsletter

2007-01-03 Thread Manlio Perillo

Is it possible to use Mailman for sending newsletter (where each user 
should receive a personalized version of the email, using a template)?

Thanks  Manlio Perillo
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Security Policy: 

Re: [Mailman-Users] using mailman for newsletter

2007-01-03 Thread Mark Sapiro
Manlio Perillo wrote:

Is it possible to use Mailman for sending newsletter (where each user 
should receive a personalized version of the email, using a template)?

It is possible to 'fully personalize' a Mailman list which will put the
recipient's address in the To: header of the message sent to that
recipient and which allows some personal information to be inserted in
the list's msg_header and msg_footer, but Mailman doesn't support
substituting information into a template or otherwise personalizing
the actual message body.

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Security Policy: 

Re: [Mailman-Users] using mailman for newsletter

2007-01-03 Thread Manlio Perillo
Mark Sapiro ha scritto:
 Manlio Perillo wrote:
 Is it possible to use Mailman for sending newsletter (where each user 
 should receive a personalized version of the email, using a template)?
 It is possible to 'fully personalize' a Mailman list which will put the
 recipient's address in the To: header of the message sent to that
 recipient and which allows some personal information to be inserted in
 the list's msg_header and msg_footer,

What params can be specified with msg_header and footer?

Regards  Manlio Perillo
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Security Policy: 

Re: [Mailman-Users] using mailman for newsletter

2007-01-03 Thread Mark Sapiro
Manlio Perillo wrote:

What params can be specified with msg_header and footer?

From the help for msg_header:

Text prepended to the top of every immediately-delivery message. This
text can include Python format strings which are resolved against list
attributes. The list of substitutions allowed are:

* real_name - The pretty name of the list; usually the list name
with capitalization.
* list_name - The name by which the list is identified in URLs,
where case is significant.
* host_name - The fully qualified domain name that the list server
runs on.
* web_page_url - The base URL for Mailman. This can be appended
with, e.g. listinfo/%(list_name)s to yield the listinfo page for the
mailing list.
* description - The brief description of the mailing list.
* info - The full description of the mailing list.
* cgiext - The extension added to CGI scripts. 

When personalization is enabled for this list, additional substitution
variables are allowed in your headers and footers:

* user_address - The address of the user, coerced to lower case.
* user_delivered_to - The case-preserved address that the user is
subscribed with.
* user_password - The user's password.
* user_name - The user's full name.
* user_optionsurl - The url to the user's option page. 

The same substitutions apply to msg_footer.

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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[Mailman-Users] (no subject)

2007-01-03 Thread Whitcomb, Jeff
When someone sends an email with a read receipt request to a list that I
own, I get a lot of uncaught bounce notifications (I have attached one
for reference).  I am wondering if there is any way I can stop getting
all these Read Receipt messages when people send an email to a Mailman
list, without turning off bounce processing all together.  I tried just
filtering them in Outlook, but you can't filter on an attachment name.
I do currently have all of the bounce notifications going to a folder,
but would like to either stop getting these particular ones, or be able
to further filter them into another folder.


I am on Mailman v. 2.1.6 and Exchange 2003 with Outlook 2003.


Any help would be appreciated.



Jeff Whitcomb, MCP
Technology Services Manager
Cumberland School of Law - Samford University


Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Security Policy: 

Re: [Mailman-Users] Incorrect links after list creation

2007-01-03 Thread Spyro Polymiadis
Mark Sapiro wrote:
 You are correct.
 The create script set the list's web_page_url attribute using the web
 host and DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN. Thus it had no trailing slash and those
 two links on the create response page were missing the slash.

 But, the next time the list is loaded, some attributes are 'sanity
 checked', and this process adds the missing trailing slash to
 web_page_url, and it is correct from then on

Ah ok - so in actual fact all the links theoretically should have been 
missing that slash - but the sanity check added them in is there a 
way to get the sanity checker to auto fix those 2 links as well for 
the future? if someone forgets the slash again? - other than that - 
everything else seems to work fine still ;)


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Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Security Policy: 

Re: [Mailman-Users] Incorrect links after list creation

2007-01-03 Thread Mark Sapiro
Spyro Polymiadis wrote:

Ah ok - so in actual fact all the links theoretically should have been 
missing that slash - but the sanity check added them in is there a 
way to get the sanity checker to auto fix those 2 links as well for 
the future? if someone forgets the slash again? - other than that - 
everything else seems to work fine still ;)

Basically what happens is the web list create script sets the list's
web_page_url attribute by interpolating the web host name into
DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN, and it does no checking of the result for a
trailing slash. Thus, the links that it creates for its results page
are missing a slash if DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN has no trailing slash.

Then, the MailList module, adds the trailing slash to the list's
web_page_url attribute the next time the list is accessed so the
absence of the trailing slash in DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN ultimately causes
no harm, but it does cause the two links on the list create results
page to be wrong.

If you want the two links on the create results page to be correct in
the absence of the trailing slash in DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN, you have to
add the same make sure that web_page_url ends in a slash code that's
in Mailman/MailList.py to Mailman/Cgi/create.py.

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Security Policy: 

Re: [Mailman-Users] Read Receipt uncaught bounces was: (no subject)

2007-01-03 Thread Mark Sapiro
Whitcomb, Jeff wrote:

When someone sends an email with a read receipt request to a list that I
own, I get a lot of uncaught bounce notifications (I have attached one
for reference).

And the list's content filtering removed it.

I am wondering if there is any way I can stop getting
all these Read Receipt messages when people send an email to a Mailman
list, without turning off bounce processing all together.

This is just one more reason why Read Receipts are bad.

If possible, train your users not to request receipts for list mail.
What do they think they are going to get anyway?

It would be fairly simple to implement header_filter_rules for your
list (admin-Privacy options-Spam filters-header_filter_rules) that
would reject any post that asked for a receipt.

You could also not send unrecognized bounces to the list owner.
Automated bounce processing will still be done, but unrecognized
bounces will be discarded. See admin-Bounce

I tried just
filtering them in Outlook, but you can't filter on an attachment name.
I do currently have all of the bounce notifications going to a folder,
but would like to either stop getting these particular ones, or be able
to further filter them into another folder.

What happens is at least some of your list subscribers (via their MUAs)
are returning receipts to the envelope sender. This may or may not be
correct. I don't know how these things are supposed to work.

In an OOB Mailman, you can't differentiate these 'unrecognized bounces'
from any other unrecognized bounces

I think your best solution if you have access to the Mailman
installation and you don't want to train the users is to implement a
custom handler (see
to remove all headers that request receipts or acknowledgements from
the list posts.

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Security Policy: 

Re: [Mailman-Users] Read Receipt uncaught bounces was: (no subject)

2007-01-03 Thread Tokio Kikuchi
Mark Sapiro wrote:
 Whitcomb, Jeff wrote:

 I am wondering if there is any way I can stop getting
 all these Read Receipt messages when people send an email to a Mailman
 list, without turning off bounce processing all together.
 This is just one more reason why Read Receipts are bad.

What exactly is the header name?  We already strip these headers by 

# Some headers can be used to fish for membership
del msg['return-receipt-to']
del msg['disposition-notification-to']
del msg['x-confirm-reading-to']

It should not be difficult to add one or more in the next release.

Tokio Kikuchi, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Security Policy: 

Re: [Mailman-Users] Read Receipt uncaught bounces was: (no subject)

2007-01-03 Thread Mark Sapiro
Mark Sapiro wrote:

I think your best solution if you have access to the Mailman
installation and you don't want to train the users is to implement a
custom handler (see
to remove all headers that request receipts or acknowledgements from
the list posts.

I just looked at the existing Mailman/Handlers/Cleanse.py handler with
the thought of creating an example of a custom handler to remove
receipt requests, and I was reminded that we already try to remove any
headers that request this. This is what we currently do.

# Some headers can be used to fish for membership
del msg['return-receipt-to']
del msg['disposition-notification-to']
del msg['x-confirm-reading-to']
# Pegasus mail uses this one... sigh
del msg['x-pmrqc']

So the question is, what header(s) are your users using to request
receipts that aren't among those above? Tell us what they are, and we
will remove them effective with Mailman 2.1.10.

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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