Re: [Mailman-Users] Brute force attacks on mailman web ui

2018-04-17 Thread Carl Zwanzig

On 4/17/2018 7:20 AM, Rich Kulawiec wrote:

I stood up a new server last fall with *no* valid ssh access and logged
about 750,000 attempts in a month.   Similar patterns.

There's a reason I don't put sshd on port 22; moving it elsewhere and 
blackhole-ing 22 cut the auth log tremendously.

(Nothing to do with mailman, though.)

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Re: [Mailman-Users] GSOC idea: mail server/DNS server/mailing list healthcheck

2018-04-17 Thread tlhackque via Mailman-Users
On 17-Apr-18 10:28, Rich Kulawiec wrote:
> The idea for this comes from some of the web sites that perform this;
> unfortunately most of them are "upgrading" from simple, fast, easy
> checks to bloated ones that use a ton of Javascript, can't be scripted,
> and are increasingly behind signups/paywalls/etc.
> The concept is simple: given a domain, check its DNS, mail, etc.
> setup for correctness and consistency.  For example:
>   - does it have an A record?
>   - is that valid hostname?
>   - does it have an  record?
>   - is that valid hostname?
>   - does it have MX records?
>   - are the MX records *not* CNAMEs?
>   - are they valid hostnames?
>   - do those hostnames resolve to public IP addresses?
>   - are any of those MX records duplicates?
>   - are all the MX responding?
>   - are the MX weights valid?
>   - do all MX's pass FCrDNS check?
>   - does it have NS records?
>   - are they valid hostnames?
>   - do they have A,  records?
>   - are they in public IP space?
>   - are the NS records *not* CNAMEs?
>   - do all NS pass FCrDNS check?
>   - are any of those NS records duplicates?
>   - does the list of NS match the list of authoritative NS?
>   - do all the NS return the same list of NS?
>   - do all the NS return the same list of MX?
>   - do the NS *not* allow recursion?
>   - are any of the NS lame?
>   - are any of the NS missing?
>   - are all the NS responding?
>   - is there a working postmaster address?
>   - is there a working abuse address?
>   - is there a working hostmaster address?
>   - if not is there a working address that matches the one in the SOA?
>   - is the domain's SOA sane?  (e.g. plausible serial number,
>   refresh, retry, etc.)
>   - do all the NS return the same SOA with the same serial number?
>   - is there ASN diversity among the NS?
>   - and so on
There are plenty of tools for this.  Don't re-invent the wheel.

Here are a few (free) web-based tools (in no particular order); each has
its niche: # many non-mx tests too # and many other tools. # Tools.  All but DMARC Analyzer are
free; it's freemium

Yes, there is a trend toward heavy UIs, but these are not frequent
tests.  If you set things up properly, it's not set and forget - but set
& validate changes need not be frequent enough to care.

If you maintain a few domains, it's not worth scripting.  If you
maintain a lot, the key is picking reputable providers for whatever you
don't do yourself.  If you have decent providers, there's not much for
you to monitor.  If you don't, you have bigger problems.

curl will let you script access to most, or you can use libraries such
as Perl's LWP, WWW::Mechanize::Firefox, WWW::Scripter, WWW::Selenium -
the last few support Javascript by running a browser.

It's better to maintain an interface to tests that someone else
maintains than to try to create & maintain all the tests - many seem
easy, but you'll find it becomes a serious time sink.  In the long term,
there is no such thing as a "small" P.roject.

> Those are the sort of checks that pertain to the operation of any domain
> and its nameservers and mail exchangers.  But in addition, if run on a
> Mailman 2 or 3 host:
>   - what mailing lists are public?
>   - what mailing lists are private?
>   - does every list have a working -request address?
>   - does every list have a working -owner address?
>   - does every list have a working -bounces address?
>   - if any list supports the optional -subscribe address,
>   does it have a -unsubscribe address?
>   - if any list supports the optional -join address,
>   does it have a -leave address?
>   - and so on
These are more interesting for mailman-users.  V3 has an API - but it
can be quite painful to navigate; I opened quite a few issues before
concluding that V3 isn't ready for (my) primetime.

V2 has some CLI tools in /usr/lib/mailman/bin - parsing output can get
you a lot of information.

In either case, it's not particularly interesting what Mailman THINKS is
configured; more things go wrong with bitrot in mailserver configuration
than in Mailman.  So you need to script something that actually tests
each action, receives list mail.  And while you (and I) may use the
CLIs, most users will use a GUI.  You have to test what the customer
uses.  So again, curl and company are your friends.

> Note: command-line tool.  It has to be, because then it can be scripted
> and run via cron and so on.  Besides, 

[Mailman-Users] GSOC idea: The central scrutinizer ;)

2018-04-17 Thread Rich Kulawiec
I have a partially-completed spec for a module that will examine
messages for various issues but my Python-fu is likely not sufficient
to realize it and I'm busy writing anyway.  This is probably a GSOC-size
and GSOC-scope project, so if anybody is game, below is a poorly-written
and large incomplete description of what I have in mind.

1. As I've said for years, anti-abuse controls should be layered and
should start at the network perimeter (with things like the Spamhaus
DROP list in border routers).  Additional layers may be in firewalls,
in the MTA, in the MLM (such as Mailman).  No one layer can catch
everything because it doesn't have contextual knowledge, e.g., the
firewall doesn't know who the members of a mailing list are or even
that a particular SMTP connection it's allowing contains traffic for
a mailing list.

Unfortunately, email accounts have been hijacked by the billions (and
that's just counting Yahoo).  The new owners of those accounts likely
enjoy the same SMTP reachability that the old owners did and can thus
drop messages onto mailing lists.  (I'm going to omit the long explanation
about why context-sensitive measures in the MTA are not only inadequate
to stop this, but are also highly undesirable.)  To put it another way:
we don't have many defenses against our friends.  But we need them.

2. We all have our own views on proper netiquette for mail/mailing lists,
and of course, mine are the only correct ones. ;)  But regardless of
those, it'd be useful to have a mechanism to scrutinize messages for
things like "800 lines of quoted digest with one top-posted line above it".
Of course some of this is easy to see and hard to code, but I think a
modest attempt in this direction would be helpful.  (Besides, if the
action taken on detection of these is to merely hold the message,
then little harm is done by false positives.)

3. 1 and 2 are related.  The same kinds of criteria that are useful
in detecting and putting a hold on spam are useful in detecting undesirable
content in messages, like URL shorteners and third-party tracking links.
So it makes sense to have a highly configurable module that comes with
a minimal/loose default configuration that can be salted to taste.

So what I have in mind is a module that scrutinizes messages based
on a set of (enabled/disabled) criteria, each one of which is configurable.

I know that's not very clear.  Let me make up an example and see if
that helps.

Let's suppose we call this module the Central Scrutinizer (CS) because
oblique tributes to Frank Zappa are always in order.  The CS might have
a list of dozens of checks like this:

- URL shorteners (1)
- tracking links (2)
- full digest quoting (3)

Check (1) would consult a list of known URL shortening domains and
do pattern matching of any URLs in the message against them.  Check (2)
would attempt to detect tracking links/"web bugs".  Check (3) would
check messages to see if it includes an entire quoted digest.

Each one of these would be associated with an action -- and I strongly
think that "hold" would be best, because these tests are going to make
lots of mistakes for a while.  The results would be presented to list
owners (in email notifications and in the browser interface) with
something like:

Central scrutinizer report:
- URL shorteners - fail, detected
- tracking links - pass, none detected
- full digest quoting - pass, none detected

with appropriate presentation so that it's easy to read and so that
when a test fails, it reports *why* it failed.

Let me note that the MTA is wrong place to do this stuff for a whole
bunch of reasons.  Among other things, lots and lots of people want
different policies applied to mailing list traffic (which will result
in outbound mail traffic) than they due to local traffic (which won't).
This is a serious issue for anybody concerned with their mail system's
reputation, which is based on what it emits, not what it accepts.

Of course not everyone will agree with every check, and not every
check is appropriate on every mailing list.  (For example, a one-way
announce-only list is unlikely to need most of these.)  But if this
is modular, and if individual checks can be switched on/off readily,
then it can ship with everything off and folks can enable whatever
subset they find palatable.

Let me also note that the motivation for this comes not just from
things I've bumped into while running lists, but things I've seen on
other lists.  (And I'm on rather a lot of them.)  I've been thinking
about this for years, but have become convinced in the last six months
or so that the problem has now reached a point where a solution is
worth constructing.

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[Mailman-Users] GSOC idea: mail server/DNS server/mailing list healthcheck

2018-04-17 Thread Rich Kulawiec
The idea for this comes from some of the web sites that perform this;
unfortunately most of them are "upgrading" from simple, fast, easy
checks to bloated ones that use a ton of Javascript, can't be scripted,
and are increasingly behind signups/paywalls/etc.

The concept is simple: given a domain, check its DNS, mail, etc.
setup for correctness and consistency.  For example:

- does it have an A record?
- is that valid hostname?
- does it have an  record?
- is that valid hostname?
- does it have MX records?
- are the MX records *not* CNAMEs?
- are they valid hostnames?
- do those hostnames resolve to public IP addresses?
- are any of those MX records duplicates?
- are all the MX responding?
- are the MX weights valid?
- do all MX's pass FCrDNS check?
- does it have NS records?
- are they valid hostnames?
- do they have A,  records?
- are they in public IP space?
- are the NS records *not* CNAMEs?
- do all NS pass FCrDNS check?
- are any of those NS records duplicates?
- does the list of NS match the list of authoritative NS?
- do all the NS return the same list of NS?
- do all the NS return the same list of MX?
- do the NS *not* allow recursion?
- are any of the NS lame?
- are any of the NS missing?
- are all the NS responding?
- is there a working postmaster address?
- is there a working abuse address?
- is there a working hostmaster address?
- if not is there a working address that matches the one in the SOA?
- is the domain's SOA sane?  (e.g. plausible serial number,
refresh, retry, etc.)
- do all the NS return the same SOA with the same serial number?
- is there ASN diversity among the NS?
- and so on

Those are the sort of checks that pertain to the operation of any domain
and its nameservers and mail exchangers.  But in addition, if run on a
Mailman 2 or 3 host:

- what mailing lists are public?
- what mailing lists are private?
- does every list have a working -request address?
- does every list have a working -owner address?
- does every list have a working -bounces address?
- if any list supports the optional -subscribe address,
does it have a -unsubscribe address?
- if any list supports the optional -join address,
does it have a -leave address?
- and so on

Note: command-line tool.  It has to be, because then it can be scripted
and run via cron and so on.  Besides, anyone running name servers,
mail servers, etc., had better be able to work at the command line.

Note: should work on systems that aren't running Mailman: just can't
analyze Mailman then, of course.  This leaves open the door for people
using other MLMs to write checks that work with those.  And maybe that'd
be a nice thing to do.

Note: should have varying levels of verbosity, including one that
explains why something is wrong by referencing RFCs/BCPs/manual by
chapter and verse.

Note: the second set of checks (above) are outside the scope of what
Mailman checks inside itself.  That is, they require correlating
what Mailman thinks should be in place versus what's actually in
place in the MTA.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Brute force attacks on mailman web ui

2018-04-17 Thread Rich Kulawiec
On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 02:05:35PM -0400, tlhackque via Mailman-Users wrote:
> Good advice.??? But use httpS: (and make sure the UA validates the server
> certificate).
> Unless you fancy experimenting with DOS attacks.

Yep.  You're exactly right.

> But the biggest source of attacks, by far, is the US.??? Unfortunately,
> while some people run business that don't interact with the US, in most
> cases a non-country based approach is necessary for that :-)

Yes.  There's no question that the US is a huge source of attacks, and
if I were running a mailing list for birdwatchers in Australia, I'd
seriously consider blocking it.  But you're right, that bumps into
all kinds of hosting/infrastructure issues and so blocking the whole
country will likely have unpleasant side effects.

> A new release that provides better management is overdue -- but
> hopefully soon. cool.  Thanks for the pointer.

> The best defense for ssh is to configure it for certificate
> authentication only.
>The script kiddies will make their 10,000 login attempts [...]

True, but I find the clutter in logs annoying. ;)  So in situations
where I know a priori that a valid login attempt will never originate
from an operation, I just firewall it and let them eat dropped packets.

> [I'm not kidding; I do see lists of 10K+ attempts from "adam adam",
> "adam password" thru "zeke password" "zeke zeke"...]

I stood up a new server last fall with *no* valid ssh access and logged
about 750,000 attempts in a month.   Similar patterns.

> If you keep up your lists of cloud services' network blocks & have them
> on a publicly accessible
> website, I'll add them to my list of optional block lists.??? (Hopefully
> you use a standard format - e.g.
> ipaddress[/netmask or length] with # or ; comments...)

I keep them in CIDRnetwork-name but honestly I'm not diligent
enough about maintaining them.  As a result, they're always under-inclusive
(very rarely over-inclusive).  That works for what I use them for, but
I'm hesitant to inflict my laziness on others.  Let me see if I can
locate someone who's doing a better job than I am.

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