Thanks Christian, Mark, & Stephen.

I guess this is a non-issue after all. 

I've noticed that all recent posts don't have poster's address in the 
Reply-To:, but is in the cc: field. I've made sure all members are set to 

It is a reply_goes_to_list = this list using Mailman 2.1.23. 

Mark Sapiro wrote at 03:36 PM 3/27/2022:
>On 3/27/22 12:02, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
>>Getting rid of the poster address in Reply-To requires patching the
>>code.  We are not going to change this in Mailman 2, for sure.  The
>>general sense of the developers is that it's a bad idea to completely
>>remove the poster's address, and they can work around with no-dupes,
>>so we probably will not change it in Mailman 3 either.
>We actually try to ensure that both reply and reply-all to a message with a 
>munged From: do the same thing as they would without From: munging. See 
> To this end if the lists reply_goes_to_list setting is This list or Explicit 
>Address The Poster's address is added to Cc:, and not to Reply-To:.
>So the bottom line here is if you have reply_goes_to_list set to This list and 
>the poster's address ends up in Reply-To:, either the poster's address is in 
>Reply-To: in the incoming mail and first_strip_reply_to is No, or more likely, 
>dreamhost's Mailman version is older than 2.1.19 and doesn't have this fix 
>Note that 2.1.19 was released over 7 years ago.

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