[Mailman-Users] Mailman 2.1

2002-02-10 Thread Ben Franske

Any recent timeframe on betas or final, are we still looking at the end
of Q1 2002 for a final 2.1 release? I patiently await the new features,
especially finally getting rid of subscriber passwords for unsubscribes.


Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] 2.1 Date Feature Question

2002-01-24 Thread Ben Franske

Two questions about Mailman 2.1:
1. When is 2.1 estimated to be finished, in general is fine ie. a couple
of months, 6mos. Or a year
2. Would it be possible to write in a feature to allow either the list
administrator to turn off subscriber passwords for a specific list or a
site administrator to disable them for the entire site. I understand the
security user passwords provide, but it can be a hassle to have people
emailing the list admins wanting to get off the list and either not know
their password or not know they even had one.

Thanks for a great product!

--Ben Franske

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Designing a PHP interface

2002-01-14 Thread Ben Franske

I know this isn't a PHP support forum, but I thought that some of you
might have some ideas for me. I'm working on a PHP front end to the
command line commands for Mailman. I've been working on this for quite a
while and can't seem to get it, must be missing something. I've tried
using the backtick, the system() and exec() functions and more, but this
just doesn't seem like it's working because the list is never created, I
haven't even gotten to the aliases part... What I'd like to do is run
the command:

/bin/su -c /home/mailman/bin/newlist $list_name $owner $passwd1 | grep
: | grep -v file:

I also need to send a \r (CR) after $passwd1 before the first grep and I
need to capture the output of it and append all that to a sendmail
aliases file. It would be nice to be able to remove the list as well it
involves running: /bin/su -c /home/mailman/bin/rmlist -a $list_name
and then removing the aliases (for that list) from the sendmail file.
PERL snippits that accomplish this are included below.

Thanks for your help! --Ben

The PERL code (for adding) is below:
sub createNewList {
if ($_[2] eq ) {
$listName = $_[0];
$adminEmail = $_[1];
$listPassword = $_[2];

#this command is a cludge, if they change the output it may
#mess the whole thing up
$commandLine = su -c '.$config{newlist_exec}. $listName

$listPassword' .$config{exec_as_user}.| grep : | grep -v file:|;

#this will only add the newlist to mailman, we still need to
#add the aliases
open(RESULT, $commandLine ) || return 0;
print $text{txtAlias}.br\n;
while (RESULT) {
$line = $_;
$line =~ s/\/\/;
$line =~ s/\\n/\/;
$line =~ s/\n//;
system(echo \'$line\'  $config{aliases_file} );
print $linebr;

system(su -c '$config{newaliases_command}' );
#   system($config{newaliases_command});


The PERL code (for removing) is below:
sub deleteList {
if ($_[0] eq ) {
$listName = $_[0];
$delArchives = $_[1];
if ($delArchives) {
$cmdLine = su -c '$config{rmlist_exec} -a $listName' 

} else {
$cmdLine = su -c '$config{rmlist_exec} $listName' 

open(OUTPUT, $cmdLine | )||error($text{erExecution});
while (OUTPUT) {
print $_br;
$cmdLine = cat $config{aliases_file} |grep -v $listName:| grep

$listName-owner:|grep -v $listName-request:|grep -v $listName-admin: 

#we need to backup our old alias file
system(cp $config{aliases_file} $config{aliases_file}.backup);
system(su -c '$config{newaliases_command}'
#   system($config{newaliases_command});
print $text{txtBackup}.$config{aliases_file}.backup;


Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [Mailman-Users] ./configure error

2002-01-11 Thread Ben Franske

Where is python *supposed* to be, ie. Where should I put the symlink?

-Original Message-
From: Justin Zygmont [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 12:08 AM
To: Ben Franske
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] ./configure error

it is looking for python in a different directory, you must check the
it is looking for to see.  I just made a symbolic link to fix that.

On Thu, 10 Jan 2002, Ben Franske wrote:

 I'm trying to install Mailman on a Linux Mandrake box. When I attempt
 run ./configure I get the error:
 bash: ./configure: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
 I've checked and on this box /bin/sh is a symlink to /bin/bash It's
 a long time since I did much on a **ix (Irix last time hehe) box and
 could certainly be something really stupid I forgot about. In any
 any help anyone can offer is appreciated much!

 --Ben Franske

 Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] (no subject)

2002-01-10 Thread Ben Franske

Im trying to install Mailman on a Linux Mandrake box. When I
attempt to run ./configure I get the error:

bash: ./configure: bad
interpreter: No such file or directory

Ive checked and on this box /bin/sh is
a symlink to /bin/bash Its been a long time
since I did much on a **ix (Irix last time hehe) box and it could certainly be something really stupid
I forgot about. In any event any help anyone can offer is appreciated much!

--Ben Franske


[Mailman-Users] ./configure error

2002-01-10 Thread Ben Franske

I'm trying to install Mailman on a Linux Mandrake box. When I attempt to
run ./configure I get the error:
bash: ./configure: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
I've checked and on this box /bin/sh is a symlink to /bin/bash It's been
a long time since I did much on a **ix (Irix last time hehe) box and it
could certainly be something really stupid I forgot about. In any event
any help anyone can offer is appreciated much!

--Ben Franske

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]