[Mailman-Users] virtual hosts and https

2005-08-01 Thread Dan Collins
Hello All -

With Mark Sapiro's help, I got Mailman running on my apache virtual server, at 
least for the most important virtual host, xxx.org.  I'd like to get Mailman to 
deliver from either of my two virtual hosts both over https. I have mailman and 
pipermail dirs set up in httpd.conf under each of the virtual hosts. I'm using 

So, before unsubscribing from this list, I have a couple of questions. -

1) In the mm_cfg.py file, I have

DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN = 'https://%s/mailman/'
add_virtualhost(DEFAULT_URL_HOST, DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST) (NOTE: doesn't need 
quotes, right? It worked fine without quotes)
add_virtualhost('second-virtual-host.com', 'second-virtual-host.com') (NOTE: 
needs quotes or I get an error message when running mailmanctl restart)

Right now, the list I want to run from second-virtual-host and its admin pages 
come up under https://.org . When I try to use the web interface from 
second-virtual-host/mailman/admin/list-name, I get 404 error still under 
https://.org .  

I changed the list setting to second-virtual-host.com, so now Overview at the 
bottom of the page includes second-virtual-host.com, but all links at the 
bottom of the page (including Overview) shows the url as https://.org . In 
other words, I can not reach the list from second-virtual-host.com, either http 
or https.

I hope that this message is clear enough to spell out my problem and hopefully 
initiate a useful response.

Thanks as always.

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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Re: [Mailman-Users] virtual hosts and https yet another follow-up

2005-08-01 Thread Dan Collins
Hi again Y'all -

I think I now understand what you said before, Vince.  I need a unique ip 
for each 443 port I set up, not one ip, qualified by Server Name, Server 
Alias and port, right? So, I'll need to remove the Mailman config from the 
second-virtual-server so that Mailman on SSL processes the .org server name 

That's easy enough. My lingering question is why does https work with mysql 
admin for instance on the second server? (No cross-over server or alias 
confusion.) Is that because its a separate server?

Anyway, thanks for the quick response and great information.  I'll return to 
lurking now.


- Original Message - 
From: Dan Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Vince Van De Coevering [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mailman-Users@python.org
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 1:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] virtual hosts and https follow-up

 Hello Vince, Mark and all --

 Well, I ran the withlists program (duh! can't believe I forgot to do this)
 on the one list I want to run from the second-virtual -host only. But now
 (maybe before, too), I can go into any list under https xxx.org, https
 www.xxx.org, https www.second-virtual-host, but not just plain https
 second-virtual-host. (It recognizes the server Alias but not the server
 name). The confusion only appears to be happening with mailman.Yes, I
 restarted Apache. Obviously, this is not what I want and I should have 
 left well enough alone. Dang.

 Vince, I have four virtual hosts on my machine (running Apache) - In
 httpd.conf,  I have the ip address with port 80 or 443 for each of the two
 hosts. I have mailman and pipermail set up for each host under the 443 
 like so

 VirtualHost xxx.xx.xxx.xx:443

 Alias   /pipermail /usr/local/mailman/archives/public

 Directory /usr/local/mailman/archives/public
 AddDefaultCharset Off
 Options FollowSymLinks
 AllowOverride None
 Order allow,deny
 Allow from all

 ScriptAlias /mailman/usr/local/mailman/cgi-bin

 Directory /usr/local/mailman/cgi-bin
Options ExecCGI FollowSymlinks MultiViews
   AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

 All enclosed in the VirtualHost xxx.xx.xxx.xx:443 container for each 

 - Original Message - 
 From: Vince Van De Coevering [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Dan Collins' [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mailman-Users@python.org
 Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 12:31 PM
 Subject: RE: [Mailman-Users] virtual hosts and https

 Sorry for the top post but I really don't have any in-line comments...


 Is it safe to assume that you are using apache as your web server?

 Have you set up each of your virtual domains with its own IP address or
 you attempting to share the same IP address between multiple servers? 
 doesn't support name based virtual hosting so you will need a unique IP
 address for each domain.

 Vince Van De Coevering
 IT Manager
 Figaro's Italian Pizza, Inc.
 503-371-9318 x216

 -Original Message-
 From: Dan Collins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: August 01, 2005 8:56 AM
 To: Mailman-Users@python.org
 Subject: [Mailman-Users] virtual hosts and https

 Hello All -

 With Mark Sapiro's help, I got Mailman running on my apache
 virtual server, at least for the most important virtual host,
 xxx.org.  I'd like to get Mailman to deliver from either of
 my two virtual hosts both over https. I have mailman and
 pipermail dirs set up in httpd.conf under each of the virtual
 hosts. I'm using Sendmail.

 So, before unsubscribing from this list, I have a couple of
 questions. -

 1) In the mm_cfg.py file, I have

 DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN = 'https://%s/mailman/'
 doesn't need quotes, right? It worked fine without quotes)
 'second-virtual-host.com') (NOTE: needs quotes or I get an
 error message when running mailmanctl restart)

 Right now, the list I want to run from second-virtual-host
 and its admin pages come up under https://.org . When I
 try to use the web interface from
 second-virtual-host/mailman/admin/list-name, I get 404 error
 still under https://.org .

 I changed the list setting to second-virtual-host.com, so now
 Overview at the bottom of the page includes
 second-virtual-host.com, but all links at the bottom of the
 page (including Overview) shows the url as https://.org .
 In other words, I can not reach the list from
 second-virtual-host.com, either http or https.

 I hope that this message is clear enough to spell out my
 problem and hopefully initiate a useful response.

 Thanks as always.

 Mailman-Users mailing list
 Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
 Searchable Archives

[Mailman-Users] Follow-up - Duplicate Messages Sent - Follow-up

2005-07-28 Thread Dan Collins
Hi Y'all --

First, thanks so much to Mark Sapiro for answering a number of questions.

Why the duplicate messages?  I'm still not really sure.  But I had debug on 
in a couple of sendmail config files - etc/resolv.conf and etc/qpopper.conf. 
Python didn't like that I guess and as Mark suggested, Mailman's 
qfiles/retry queued the messages for retry. I removed debug references and 
restarted sendmail. Then deinstalled and reinstalled Mailman.  It appears 
to work fine now;  I'll sleep a lot better if it still looks fine by happy 
hour tomorrow.

Another unrelated thing that drove me crazy was that every time I added a 
list from the command line, or made any change at all from the command line, 
I had to re-run bin/check_perms and chown mailman:mailman mailman.  That's 
because on my set-up (freeeBSD), the user mailman has no log-in (as per 2.1 
in the Installation manual), and so I set the whole thing up as the root 

When re-installing, remove any lists first, run make deinstall from 
ports/mail/mailman (freeBSD) (and NOT rm mailman dir) THEN run make and make 
install. No shortcuts and follow the installation manual. e-x-a-c-t-l-y.


You can lead a horse to water, but if you get it to lie on its back and 
float, THEN you got something.

- Original Message - 
From: Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Dan Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED]; mailman-users@python.org
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Duplicate Messages Sent

 Dan Collins wrote:

The second message I sent to the mailman list had attachments for testing 
scrub; over 50 mb no doubt. That subsequent e-mail has never arrived, but 
a Mailman message informing me that there is an administrative task 
arrived.  I went to the web admin and discarded the message, but the 
administrative warning message continues to arrive every 5 minutes, just 
like freakin clockwork. Could there be two identical cron entries causing 
this or what?

 The only cron that should run every 5 minutes is gate_news. Do you have
 anything set up in Mail-News gateways? The cron that sends the nn
 LISTNAME moderator request(s) waiting message is checkdbs which
 normally runs once daily at 8:00 a.m.

In usr/local/mailman/locks, mailmanctl starts master-qrunner AND 
master-qrunner.bigt dot com dot 17567 (or some other number) Is that 
correct? In usr/local/mailman/data, I have one master-qrunner.pid.

 This is correct. One file data/master-qrunner.pid containing the pid
 and two files locks/master-qrunner and
 locks/master-qrunner.your.host.name.pid both containing the same thing
 as the name of the second file with a full path.

Logs --

Mailman logs have 137KB of locks entries of the type

Jul 27 20:31:00 2005 (9701) mailman.lock unlocked

 This refers to a lock for the 'mailman' list

mailman/logs post read

Jul 27 18:54:14 2005 (17583) post to mailman from 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], size=1783, 
message-id=[EMAIL PROTECTED], 1 failures

 This looks like a mailman generated message. Why is it posted to the
 'mailman' list? Is the'mailman' list an owner or moderator of another
 list or itself? That could probably cause loops.

qrunner logs say

Jul 27 20:26:55 2005 (17567) Master watcher caught SIGTERM.  Exiting.
Jul 27 20:26:55 2005 (17567) Master qrunner detected subprocess exit (pid: 
17582, sig: None, sts: 15, class: NewsRunner, slice: 1/1)
Jul 27 20:26:55 2005 (17567) Master qrunner detected subprocess exit (pid: 
17581, sig: None, sts: 15, class: IncomingRunner, slice: 1/1)
Jul 27 20:26:55 2005 (17567) Master qrunner detected subprocess exit (pid: 
17579, sig: None, sts: 15, class: BounceRunner, slice: 1/1)
Jul 27 20:26:55 2005 (17567) Master qrunner detected subprocess exit (pid: 
17578, sig: None, sts: 15, class: ArchRunner, slice: 1/1)
Jul 27 20:26:55 2005 (17567) Master qrunner detected subprocess exit (pid: 
17580, sig: None, sts: 15, class: CommandRunner, slice: 1/1)
Jul 27 20:26:55 2005 (17567) Master qrunner detected subprocess exit (pid: 
17584, sig: None, sts: 15, class: VirginRunner, slice: 1/1)
Jul 27 20:26:55 2005 (17567) Master qrunner detected subprocess exit (pid: 
17583, sig: None, sts: 15, class: OutgoingRunner, slice: 1/1)
Jul 27 20:26:55 2005 (17585) RetryRunner qrunner exiting.
Jul 27 20:26:55 2005 (17567) Master qrunner detected subprocess exit (pid: 
17585, sig: None, sts: 15, class: RetryRunner, slice: 1/1)

 Looks like a 'mailmanctl stop' or maybe a kill of the master qrunner.

partial mailman/logs smtp say

Jul 27 20:10:10 2005 (17583) 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] smtp to mailman for 1 
recips, completed in 3.799 seconds
Jul 27 20:25:06 2005 (17583) 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] smtp to mailman for 1 
recips, completed in 1.167 seconds
Jul 27 20:25:07 2005 (17583) [EMAIL PROTECTED] smtp 
to mailman for 2 recips, completed in 0.408 seconds
Jul 27 20:25:24 2005 (17583) 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] smtp to mailman for 1 
recips, completed in 6.489 seconds

partial smtp-failure logs say

Jul 27 20:25:06 2005 (17583) SMTP session

[Mailman-Users] Duplicate Messages Sent

2005-07-27 Thread Dan Collins
Hi y'all. Sorry if this is a little long. 

The continuing problem is that 1) the welcome to the mailman list e-mail (in 
German no less), 2) the first message I sent to the mailman list and then 3) 
the administrative warning message from Maillman regarding a subsequent message 
all go out to me time and again. A second e-mail account gets my first message 
over and over.

Mailman doesn't know that I have received a welcome, confirmed I want to be on 
the list by sending back an e-mail, started using the mailman list for testing 
and I've attended to the administrative task by discarding the over 50kb 
attachment-laden e-mail. All three e-mails go out every 5 minutes or so until I 
stop the qrunner(s).

The second message I sent to the mailman list had attachments for testing 
scrub; over 50 mb no doubt. That subsequent e-mail has never arrived, but a 
Mailman message informing me that there is an administrative task arrived.  I 
went to the web admin and discarded the message, but the administrative warning 
message continues to arrive every 5 minutes, just like freakin clockwork. Could 
there be two identical cron entries causing this or what?

My set-up - 

freeBSD 4.7 virtual server  - (bigtuner dot com and uniconexed dot org) 
mm-cfg.py has the unicon.org default and the add virtual host entry.

sendmail v 8.13.1 with 
FEATURE(`smrsh') ( with soft link to usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman)

Mailman v 2.1.6

In usr/local/mailman/locks, mailmanctl starts master-qrunner AND 
master-qrunner.bigt dot com dot 17567 (or some other number) Is that 
correct? In usr/local/mailman/data, I have one master-qrunner.pid.

Logs --

Mailman logs have 137KB of locks entries of the type 

Jul 27 20:31:00 2005 (9701) mailman.lock unlocked
Jul 27 20:31:00 2005 (9701)   File /usr/local/mailman/Mailman/LockFile.py, 
line 363, in __del__
Jul 27 20:31:00 2005 (9701) self.finalize()
Jul 27 20:31:00 2005 (9701)   File /usr/local/mailman/Mailman/LockFile.py, 
line 359, in finalize
Jul 27 20:31:00 2005 (9701) self.unlock(unconditionally=True)
Jul 27 20:31:00 2005 (9701)   File /usr/local/mailman/Mailman/LockFile.py, 
line 335, in unlock
Jul 27 20:31:00 2005 (9701) self.__writelog('unlocked')
Jul 27 20:31:00 2005 (9701)   File /usr/local/mailman/Mailman/LockFile.py, 
line 416, in __writelog
Jul 27 20:31:00 2005 (9701) traceback.print_stack(file=logf)

mailman/logs post read

Jul 27 18:54:14 2005 (17583) post to mailman from [EMAIL PROTECTED], size=1783, 
message-id=[EMAIL PROTECTED], 1 failures

qrunner logs say

Jul 27 20:26:55 2005 (17567) Master watcher caught SIGTERM.  Exiting.
Jul 27 20:26:55 2005 (17567) Master qrunner detected subprocess exit (pid: 
17582, sig: None, sts: 15, class: NewsRunner, slice: 1/1) 
Jul 27 20:26:55 2005 (17567) Master qrunner detected subprocess exit (pid: 
17581, sig: None, sts: 15, class: IncomingRunner, slice: 1/1) 
Jul 27 20:26:55 2005 (17567) Master qrunner detected subprocess exit (pid: 
17579, sig: None, sts: 15, class: BounceRunner, slice: 1/1) 
Jul 27 20:26:55 2005 (17567) Master qrunner detected subprocess exit (pid: 
17578, sig: None, sts: 15, class: ArchRunner, slice: 1/1) 
Jul 27 20:26:55 2005 (17567) Master qrunner detected subprocess exit (pid: 
17580, sig: None, sts: 15, class: CommandRunner, slice: 1/1) 
Jul 27 20:26:55 2005 (17567) Master qrunner detected subprocess exit (pid: 
17584, sig: None, sts: 15, class: VirginRunner, slice: 1/1) 
Jul 27 20:26:55 2005 (17567) Master qrunner detected subprocess exit (pid: 
17583, sig: None, sts: 15, class: OutgoingRunner, slice: 1/1) 
Jul 27 20:26:55 2005 (17585) RetryRunner qrunner exiting.
Jul 27 20:26:55 2005 (17567) Master qrunner detected subprocess exit (pid: 
17585, sig: None, sts: 15, class: RetryRunner, slice: 1/1) 

partial mailman/logs smtp say

Jul 27 20:10:10 2005 (17583) [EMAIL PROTECTED] smtp to mailman for 1 recips, 
completed in 3.799 seconds
Jul 27 20:25:06 2005 (17583) [EMAIL PROTECTED] smtp to mailman for 1 recips, 
completed in 1.167 seconds
Jul 27 20:25:07 2005 (17583) [EMAIL PROTECTED] smtp to mailman for 2 recips, 
completed in 0.408 seconds
Jul 27 20:25:24 2005 (17583) [EMAIL PROTECTED] smtp to mailman for 1 recips, 
completed in 6.489 seconds

partial smtp-failure logs say

Jul 27 20:25:06 2005 (17583) SMTP session failure: -1, es_setoptions( debug, 
Jul 27 20:25:06 2005 (17583) SMTP session failure: -1, es_setoptions( debug, 

vette logs say (regarding the subsequent message, no doubt)

Jul 27 18:18:22 2005 (32572) Mailman post from [EMAIL PROTECTED] held, 
message-id=[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Message body is too big: 12472312 bytes with a 
limit of 50 KB
Jul 27 18:46:20 2005 (7448) mailman: Discarded posting:
Subject: test wtih attachments
Reason: Your message was too big; please trim it to less than 50