I just did exactly what you are doing for the same reasons...

I moved everything over to Asmallorange and so far I have been very happy.


On 1/27/2013 12:43 AM, James Reid wrote:
Hi Everyone,

I've been running my own server hosting (amongst other things) mailman for the last 10+ years using a combination of either my own server, or more recently VPS.

However, I've got to the point in my life where it is too much work to maintain the servers myself, so am now offloading all the services on to hosted services.

I have successfully moved everything off with the exception of some mailman services that I run for my church.

I have three lists one of which is used significantly more than the other two, but collectively they have no more than 700 messages per year sent on them / 250 subscribers.

Can anyone recommend a host that might be suitable for my needs?

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