Ok, I have Mailman 2.0.6 installed with Python 1.6.1 on a Cobalt RaQ2
running Sendmail on a Mips. I setup a list called testspot and according to
the directions I added

testspot:                "|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper post testspot"
testspot-admin:          "|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailowner testspot"
testspot-request:        "|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd testspot"
testspot-owner:          testspot-admin

to /etc/aliases and also to /etc/aliases.majordomo
I then run /usr/bin/newaliases

        I then went to the subscription site, subscribed and received the email
that I must reply to in order to get on the list. Hit reply, send and then
The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was rejected by
the server. Server Response: '550<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...User unknown'.

I have searched through the list archives for a fix and have not found one,
all posted responses say to add aliases to aliases and run newaliases which
I have done repeatedly to make sure it is done. Not sure where else to turn
in order to get this thing going.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Patrick Agee
Spotted Dog Computers
AOC Valued Reseller
APC Certified Reliability Provider
Microsoft System Builder
345 Poplar Fork Rd.
Axton, VA 24054
540-650-1718 Voice
540-648-6021 Fax

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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