[Mailman-Users] Good Bye!

2002-08-08 Thread Paul Croft


Come to the defense of the innocent and you get your name dragged through 
the mud!  Thanks for the attempted support to those that supported me!  I 
won't make any further comments to those of you that trashed me ... I have 
replied to you in private!

Just for everyone's knowledge (as I leave the list)...I have extensive 
(about 7 yrs) internet experience...and about 12 to 14 yrs computer 
experience.  I have been managing lists for a number of those 
years.  Currently I either own, moderate or contribute to approximately 7 
help lists on various servers for list management.  On ANY of those lists 
if I or any other moderator had seen the RTFM comment...it would have 
resulted in an immediate booting of that member!  THAT is why I made the 
comment I did!  I know of what I speak...and don't appreciate being dragged 
through the mud because of it!

What the content of my website and/or my lists had to do with the 
discussion ... I will never know!  YES I run adult HUMOUR lists and YES I 
have links in those lists that link to porn sites...them porn site owners 
pay really well to advertise for them...and if  you want to get the link to 
them...email me and I will pass it along! I am very proud of my list 
accomplishments and don't really care what anyone thinks of the content...I 
don't force anyone to read or subscribe...so why should anyone complain 
about them?

Thanks to all that have offered help in the pastI am out of here!


Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

[Mailman-Users] Reverse DNS

2002-07-31 Thread Paul Croft

I have been having trouble delivering my mailing lists to AOL 
subscriberstoday I spoke with a tech at AOL and he told me that the 
problem was the my site didn't have its "reverse DNS" set up correctly and 
therefore my emails were considered "suspect". His solution was to correct 
the Reverse DNS.

Anyone have any clues as to how I go about doing this and exactly what it 



Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] Hi everyone

2002-07-24 Thread Paul Croft




Works great!


http://www.samspade.com (but they were down for a while...may be back up now!)


At 04:58 PM 24/07/02, FREDERIC DESJARDINS wrote:
>Hi everyone!
>I had to close my list becuase I had to many spams.
>Does anyone knows how to track down a spammer?
>Can we get the ISP number from someone posting on the list?

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] Subscribe/Un-Subscribe via e-mail, not web

2002-07-11 Thread Paul Croft

Unless the list is set to confirm ... then they will only get subscribed if 
they mail back the confirmation.  My lists are set up to subscribe via the 
web using multiple checkboxes and PHP...it has worked excellent since it 
was installed in March 2002I did attempt the unsubscribe in the same 
way but it didn't function properly and it has since been removed.  My site 
is at:



At 01:36 PM 09/07/02, Support Desk wrote:
>Actually, a form like that could be dangerous; unscrupulous
>bum could subscribe enemy to multiple lists at once, and
>although the actual subscriptions would not activate, due
>to Mailman's required confirmation process, it could easily
>harass the receiver, and the list manager, for lists that
>require manager approval, or that send the manager
>notice of new subs/unsubs. That said, here are some links:
>Build a custom script for managing subscribers:
>http://subscriber.newfieldcash.com/ this is especially useful
>for lists that are on mutiple servers, running multiple
>listserve clients 
>and is not specific to Mailman.

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py

[Mailman-Users] Upgrade differences

2002-05-22 Thread Paul Croft


I am one of those users without Shell access to Mailman and access it 
through a control panel on my websiterecently (I think this 
weekend)...my host upgraded to 2.0.10 and I would like to know where I 
could find out what changes have been made to the software in this upgrade.

Is there a site that lists the new features that are in this version?



Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py

Re: [Mailman-Users] mass adding

2002-04-18 Thread Paul Croft


Just copy and paste large sections of subscribers into the subscribe box at 
the bottom of the members page...I don't know if there is a limit to each 
mass adbut I recently imported a list with over 20,000 subscribers and 
I added them in rather large sectionsso a list of over 1000 addresses 
should be able to be added in one group.


At 12:03 PM 18/04/02, holly wrote:
>I recently just signed up with pair.com and they use mail man as their 
>list server. Is there a way to mass add all the listmembers without adding 
>them in the subscribe button one by one it's over 1000 addresses

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py

Re: [Mailman-Users] Read-Only lists with some specialization..

2002-04-12 Thread Paul Croft

I would hope that this is NOT available and is NEVER made available!  The 
option to unsubscribe should always be there for the subscriberno 
matter what the list owner may think!



At 10:29 AM 12/04/02, ajit k jena wrote:

>I have been successful in creating read-only lists by using
>the privacy options. However, I noticed that from such lists
>the listmembers can unsubscribe thru the web interface.
>Can I somehow change this option so that members can not leave
>(captive audience ??) on their own ?
>Thanks for your attention. Pl reply to me directly. I will post
>a summary.

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py

[Mailman-Users] Removing Subscribers (was: Help :)

2002-04-08 Thread Paul Croft

Log into your listchoose "Membership Management" ... find the email 
address that you wish to remove and UNcheck the box under the "Subscr" 
heading...then choose "Submit your changes" at the bottom of the screen.


At 08:47 PM 07/04/02, Eliza and Zoe wrote:
>Silly me.  I subscribed someone to my list and made an error in their 
>email.  This means that there is an address on the list that doesn't work, 
>and we can't remove it because the password went who knows where.
>Is there a way out of this?  Can I, as list owner, remove this erroneous 
>email address from the list somehow?
>Thank you for your help.
>Elizabeth Leahy

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py

[Mailman-Users] Getting Member listing

2002-04-08 Thread Paul Croft

*** I added a subject line...which is a really nice thing for YOU to do so 
that people can follow the thread!

Very easily

Send a message to:

[listname][EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject line of "who" (no quotes)

Change [listname] to the name of your list and change the domain name also!

This only works if you have the membership viewable by all...but what I do 
is make the switch...send the message and then switch it back really quickly!


At 10:47 AM 07/04/02, ksjones wrote:
>Is there any way with mailman to get a list of all the subscribed email 
>addresses in text form instead of just the web admin pages.  It is easier 
>to review the list when I can have a couple of people look at the list and 
>confirm the addresses.
>Thanks much

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py

Re: [Mailman-Users] newbie question: is there a 'list or file or db' where the bounce mailaddresses are stored ?

2002-03-27 Thread Paul Croft

Your asking for a list of bounced addresses?  That list would be millions 
of addresses long...I doubt if anyone has anything like that!

Your best best would be to input the addresses into the lists and let the 
software do the work!

This is of course JMHO


The ultimate search engine:

At 05:01 PM 27/03/02, Lothar Egger wrote:

>of course not all email-addressee are correct :)
>so we need a list of bounced email-addresses to update our db's .
>is there such a list or file in mailman ?
>thanks in advance

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py

Re: [Mailman-Users] Announce only lists

2002-03-23 Thread Paul Croft

AMEN...I have been on the net since about 1990 and I think I have a pretty 
good handle on things too...but I don't know how many people just cannot 
figure out how to get off the darn lists...even with the simple 
instructions of YahooGroups and Topica...I still had problems...now I have 
moved to Mailman and all heck breaks loose!

A reply to unsubscribe function would be great as long as a confirmation 
was included...even better would be a direct unsubscribe and/or no mail 


My lists are announce only too (humour ezines) and I find that 90% of my 
admin time is spent getting people to figure out how to unsubscribe...so 
much so that I took that function away from them completely and have set up 
my own handy-dandy unsubscribe page...I handle all the no mail and unsub 
requests currently...but it is a chore that I would love if Mailman could 
take it over.

Don't get me wrong...I love Mailman and find hosting my own lists (finally) 
a great experienceBUT I would just like to make it a little easier for 


At 04:50 AM 22/03/02, Simon Gatrall wrote:
>My company's ISP only seems to support Mailman.  At first that seemed 
>fine, but the more that I look into it, the more it seems like the wrong 
>choice for my needs.  I have a list of customers that have asked to be 
>apprised of news from my company.  This is an announce only list that I 
>only plan to use a few times a year.  This isn't a spam list.
>Mailman can sort-of do announce-only lists, but it isn't well suited for 
>that.  For one thing, user passwords make some sort of sense if the list 
>is a daily part of someone's life, but they are completely unnecessary and 
>inappropriate for my use.  Mailman also needs to make the "unsubscribe" 
>method dead simple.  If I just reply to an announce-only list with the 
>word "remove" or "unsubscribe" anywhere in the message subject or body it 
>should grant my wish.  Instead there are EIGHT confusing headers to dig 
>through to find the right one.  This is just a lot of noise to most 
>people.  And then you have to figure out what your password is.  This is 
>fine for geeks but not for the average consumer.  (This is coming from a 
>geek that has been using and programming computers since '78 and has been 
>on the net since '87.)
>I do like the fact that Mailman will track bounces, keeps archives, and 
>provides a basic web based interface for administration and users 
>alike.  Is there a way to configure Mailman for my purposes?
>Simon Gatrall

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py

[Mailman-Users] Personal Footers

2002-03-15 Thread Paul Croft


Is there anyway to include a personal footer on the emails which could 
include the subscribers email address? Something like:

You are subscribed with: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This would make it easier to manage subscribers who can't figure out how to 
read header info.



Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py

Re: [Mailman-Users] Footer added to mail sent to regular list members [empty]

2002-03-14 Thread Paul Croft

I am having the same problem...although I have a custom message in my 
footer...but it still isn't being sent.


At 03:58 PM 14/03/02, carmoda wrote:
>I am getting nothing in the Footer added to mail sent to regular list
>"Regular-member (non-digest) Options"
>i have in the "Footer added to mail sent to regular list members"
>%(real_name)s mailing list
>  - yet mails come through with nothing added.
>Anthony Carmody

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py

[Mailman-Users] Subscriber Notifications

2002-03-12 Thread Paul Croft


Is there anyway to turn notifications of new subs and unsubs OFF when it is 
done by the moderator...but get them when they are done directly by the 



All my lists in one place...MY SITE!

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py

Re: [Mailman-Users] unsubscribing users

2002-03-10 Thread Paul Croft

Yes you are...I missed it too at the start...all you need to do is uncheck 
the check mark next to their name and then choose the submit button at the 
bottom of the page!


All my lists in one place...MY SITE!

At 06:14 PM 08/03/02, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
>hi !
>I just have set up several lists with the mailman.
>easy task! great !
>how can i (the administrator) unsubscribe "unwanted" users ?
>there does not seem to be an interface for such a task.
>am i missing something obvious ???

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py

Re: [Mailman-Users] downloading mailman lists

2002-03-01 Thread Paul Croft


Send an email to:

[listname][EMAIL PROTECTED] subject line = who

Change [listname] to the name of your list and yourdomain.com to the name 
of your host...

This ONLY works if addresses are viewable by all...but you could change it 
temporarily and once you get the addresses back you could change it back to 
list admin only!


If we do not change our direction we are likely to end up where we are headed.

All my lists in one place...MY SITE!

At 03:07 PM 01/03/02, Linda Hondroulis wrote:

>Hi,  I'm using mailman for an email list, and I'm changing from Hostway to 
>another ISP.  I want to download the email addresses I have set up on my 
>list, but I'm not sure how to do that.  Can you help?
>--- Linda Hondroulis
>--- EarthLink: The #1 provider of the Real Internet.

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Downloading members?

2002-02-23 Thread Paul Croft


Is it possible to download my membership into my computer so that I can 
search for members instead of having to go on site for it?  Reason I ask is 
that sometime people don't necessarily know their email address when they 
complain to you...but by reading headers you can usually find the 
address...I find it much easier to search off-line than on the site!



Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Welcome letter

2002-02-20 Thread Paul Croft


Is there anyway to edit the standard welcome letter that goes out with 
Mailman subscriptions?  I know that we can append stuff to the top of the 
letter...but my plan is not to run with the features or web addresses that 
Mailman uses because they are too cumbersome for "unsavvy" users!  I like 
the simple approach!

Can we completely delete the welcome letter and send a more user friendly one?



Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Bouncing

2002-02-19 Thread Paul Croft

Hi All

Okay...sent my first message to my Mailman list today that was transferred 
from Topica...I had a bunch of bouncing members at Topica...but I added 
them anyway because I have heard that some of the "free" list servers 
bouncing routines don't work too wellanyway it has resulted in me 
getting quite a few bounce notices direct to my mailbox from the various 
members whose mailboxes are full!

Isn't Mailman supposed to handle the bouncers for you?  Why are they coming 
to me?  Is there a setting that I can change...or is this something that I 
am going to have to deal with?



Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Subscriber options

2002-02-18 Thread Paul Croft


I am in the process of moving some rather large announce only lists from 
Topica to my own server using Mailman.  I have looked for solutions to my 
problems but cannot find them...so I am going to ask here and hope someone 
can help me.

Currently I see that I can veiw 30 subscribers at a time...is there anyway 
to view more?  One of my lists has in excess of 20,000 subscribers and 
looking at them 30 at a time is too difficult to handle!

Is there a search feature for subcribers so that I could search for 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and be instantly taken to the options for that user?

In addition to the above...is there an easy way to unsubscribe users 
without having to use the password feature?  With large lists 
administrating using a password is very hard...especially with clueless 
users!  ;)

My lists are humour related and all opt-in...but I KNOW that someone is 
going to demand that I unsubscribe them...if I have to search through 
20,000 subs 30 at a time...that is way too tedious!

Thanks in advance for your answers.


Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]