[Mailman-Users] Re: Web interface for users (not admins)?

2021-05-07 Thread Skip Montanaro
> First, a bit of admin.  Mailman 2 is still in active use, so we've
> split out a separate list for Mailman 3: mailman-us...@mailman3.org.

>  > So, I got to thinking... Are there any free web user (not admin)
>  > interfaces which integrate with MM3?
> Yes.  The HyperKitty archiver, which is part of the Mailman 3 suite[1],
> provides an interface for submitting posts as well as reading them,
> and has a few social media features (liking posts).

Thanks (and to Mark). I was completely unaware of an MM3 list (been
far out of the MM loop for years). Also, since the MM2 list is hosted
on mail.python.org, when I checked the MM3 lists there, I didn't see
the other list. Also, I am a basically 100% email user for these
groups to which I referred and don't have a ton of experience with
MM3, so, though I was aware of Hyperkitty, its label as an "archiver"
gave me no clues as to its added functionality.

I'll check it out.

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[Mailman-Users] Web interface for users (not admins)?

2021-05-06 Thread Skip Montanaro
I've been sort of casually looking for alternatives to Google Groups.
I subscribe to and/or help administer a number of groups there. There
are a large fraction of us who only ever use the email interface.
There are others who would leave (or get out their pitchforks) if the
web interface wasn't available. A couple of the groups are fairly
large, 3000-4000 subscribers, with archives dating back ten to twenty
years. Functionally, Google Groups is fine, but  well, it's Google,
with all that implies. Most of the time everything is okay, then they
make a change to the web interface and all hell breaks loose for a
couple weeks or months until Google gets around to fixing the

I've been keeping an eye on Groups.io (subscribed to its group
managers list). It's not free, and would cost at least $2000/year for
the bigger lists. They have a donation interface to make it easier for
list admins to solicit donations to defray costs, but it's not clear
that always works as desired. The messages to the group managers list
seem to imply GIO has various other warts as well. (It does have a
clever #hashtag-in-subject feature for tagging related messages.)

So, I got to thinking... Are there any free web user (not admin)
interfaces which integrate with MM3? Something which when combined
with MM3 could conceivably be an alternative to Google Groups, (the
now defunct) Yahoo! Groups, or Groups.io? I poked around the archives
a bit and browsed list.org for a few minutes, but turned up nothing.
Or rather, all I found related to web interfaces was the admin


Skip Montanaro
Mailman-Users mailing list -- mailman-users@python.org
To unsubscribe send an email to mailman-users-le...@python.org
Mailman FAQ: http://wiki.list.org/x/AgA3
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Searchable Archives: https://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users@python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] Looking for a server

2016-01-24 Thread Skip Montanaro
> Or google groups?
> https://gist.github.com/adamamyl/02a8f44981c8685f9c88 reminds me of
> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-users/2014-October/077893.html

Thanks for the suggestion. I've actually already tried that. It was my
first thought. I found a Python Google API which looked straightforward to
use, but I could never figure out the whole setup/authentication process,
and my pleas for assistance on the (I think appropriate) Google help forum,
yielded no help, so I gave up.

I will take a look at your links.

Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org
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Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

[Mailman-Users] Looking for a server

2016-01-23 Thread Skip Montanaro
I've not hosted a mailman list in a long while. I'm trying to help
some folks migrate a list with ten years of archives and no current
subscribers just to make the archives indexable by the various search
engines. I see the list of hosting services on wiki.list.org, but I'd
appreciate actual recommendations (or pointers to prioritized lists),
not an unprioritized list.


Skip Montanaro
Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org
Mailman FAQ: http://wiki.list.org/x/AgA3
Security Policy: http://wiki.list.org/x/QIA9
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] list subscription spammers

2015-08-25 Thread Skip Montanaro
On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 1:25 PM, Will Yardley 

> Mostly curious about the motivation behind this - what do these bots do
> if / when they are actually able to confirm or get confirmed?

They probably try to read the subscription list to get more email
addresses. Of course, they can also post spam to the lists. Perhaps both,
but I suspect the email addresses are of more value.

Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org
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[Mailman-Users] MM doesn't really forward me the full message

2015-07-18 Thread Skip Montanaro
Sometimes when I see a bit of held spam, I ask Mailman to forward it to me
with the intention of pumping it into SpamBayes for training purposes.
(This is on mail.python.org, where we are running 2.1.something.)
Unfortunately, it doesn't properly forward the entire message to me. It's
one of those crappy forwards like you get from Gmail, where the message
body and three or four user-visible headers are embedded in the message:


Am I missing something? Is MM the culprit here or Gmail? Is there some way
to get MM to forward me the complete message (including all headers) as an


Skip Montanaro
Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org
Mailman FAQ: http://wiki.list.org/x/AgA3
Security Policy: http://wiki.list.org/x/QIA9
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] spam filter not working

2015-07-07 Thread Skip Montanaro
On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 9:47 PM, Mark Sapiro  wrote:
> Which means they run spamassassin against outgoing mail but not incoming
> mail. The mind boggles at the absurdity ...

It might be possible to worm around this craziness. You'd need two lists
though, one which just forwards to the second. The second should see the SA

Also, I would use SpamBayes, but that's just me... (Let's try one of these
new fangled Unicode Emojis...)☺

Skip Montanaro
Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org
Mailman FAQ: http://wiki.list.org/x/AgA3
Security Policy: http://wiki.list.org/x/QIA9
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] X-Spam-Score: 22.4 and still sent out to the list...

2015-05-29 Thread Skip Montanaro
On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 10:12 AM, Adam McGreggor
> Drop/Discard/Reject mails at SMTP time, before they hit Mailman?

Right, but it seems like James is saying Exim4 isn't doing that.

I poked around the MM config for the chic...@python.org mailing list,
but for the life of me couldn't find the setting where it holds
messages with X-Spam-Score with spam or unsure values. (We use
SpamBayes on mail.python.org.) I know it's there somewhere, but I can
never find such nuggets.

Mail.python.org has a very mature Postfix setup. It's all magic to me
(well, except for the SpamBayes part), but I think publishing a small
document about the configuration might be worthwhile.

Skip Montanaro
Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org
Mailman FAQ: http://wiki.list.org/x/AgA3
Security Policy: http://wiki.list.org/x/QIA9
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

[Mailman-Users] Mapping back from pipermail HTML to a specific message in the raw archive?

2015-05-20 Thread Skip Montanaro
I have a list of spam HTML messages in pipermail archives. I need to clear
out their content (no great problem there), but I also want to clean the
corresponding messages in the raw mbox file (zap subject, message body,
etc, but leave a placeholder message so future archive regeneration doesn't
mess up article numbers). Looking at one of these messages (HTML source), I
see nothing like a message id which would allow me to unambiguously
identify the corresponding raw message. Does something exist? If not, what
heuristics have people developed to perform this mapping?


Skip Montanaro
Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org
Mailman FAQ: http://wiki.list.org/x/AgA3
Security Policy: http://wiki.list.org/x/QIA9
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Re: [Mailman-Users] ANNOUNCING: GNU Mailman 3.0

2015-04-28 Thread Skip Montanaro

Congratulations, you mail d(a)emon, you! And all the other responsible
d(a)emons. Has it really been 20 years since the NIST workshop?

Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org
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[Mailman-Users] Script to condense the review page

2004-06-25 Thread Skip Montanaro
I help moderate a couple mailing lists on python.org.  The biggest challenge
for me is vetting messages which were held for review.  The information
density in the Mailman review page is pretty low, typically showing only two
or three messages per screen.  Most of the time all I'm really interested in
are the subject and the disposition buttons.  I wrote a script to display
just that information (and set the default disposition to "discard"):


The subject links to the full review page for that message, so you still
have access to all the bells and whistles available should you want them.

Ideally something like this will be incorporated into Mailman itself, but
for now mmfold.py is a reasonable substitute and should serve as a decent
place to experiment with other ideas.

Skip Montanaro
Got gigs? http://www.musi-cal.com/submit.html
Got spam? http://www.spambayes.org/

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Reason: Message body is too big: 225276 bytes with a limit of 40 KB

2004-02-27 Thread Skip Montanaro

Steen> Reason: Message body is too big: 225276 bytes with a limit of 40KB

Steen> Where can I change the limit?

Change the value of max_message_size on the general options page.


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Re: [Mailman-Users] error running change_pw

2004-02-03 Thread Skip Montanaro

>> Looks that way.  RH 7.3 comes with Python 1.5.2 which definitely
>> doesn't have the print >> fd gimmick.  I believe Mailman needs at
>> least 2.1.  Just download the Python 2.3.3 tarfile, extract it and
>> execute

Todd> That's not really a bad idea, but you could also just install the
Todd> python2 (and associated -devel package) from the RH 7.3 distro.

Oh, yeah.  Forgot about that.  I've been building Python from source for so
long I tend to forget that RH has a python2 package. ;-)


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Re: [Mailman-Users] error running change_pw

2004-02-03 Thread Skip Montanaro

Chris>  I get the following error when I run change_pw

Chris>   File "./change_pw", line 90
Chris> print >> fd, _(__doc__)
Chris> SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Chris> I am unsure as to which version of mailman I have installed.  I
Chris> also looked at upgrading to the most recent version, but my
Chris> Redhat 7.3 system has a python interpeter that is to old.

Looks that way.  RH 7.3 comes with Python 1.5.2 which definitely doesn't
have the print >> fd gimmick.  I believe Mailman needs at least 2.1.  Just
download the Python 2.3.3 tarfile, extract it and execute

make install

from the toplevel directory of the distribution.  (The last step will
probably need to be run as root.)

I think you'll need to reinstall Mailman after that with something like

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
make clean
make install

I think that will get the #! lines adjusted to refer to
/usr/local/bin/python instead of /usr/bin/python.

Skip Montanaro
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Got spam? http://spambayes.sf.net/

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[Mailman-Users] confused about -owner/-admin/-bounce addresses

2004-01-29 Thread Skip Montanaro
In the 2.0 days, if I wanted to send a message to the various people who
administered a list I'd send it to the -admin address.  Now
(2.1), that always seems to generate an "Uncaught bounce notification"
message for the -owner address.

Just what address is the correct one to use to communicate with all the list
admins?  What's the difference between the -owner, -admin, and -bounce
addressess in 2.1?  Where's this documented?  The "List Manager
Documentation" page refers to 2.0 docs, and since I'm specifically
interested in what I perceive to be 2.0/2.1 differences, I don't think that
will help me much.


Skip Montanaro
Got gigs? http://www.musi-cal.com/submit.html
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Mailman-Users mailing list
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Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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Re: [Mailman-Users] who command

2004-01-28 Thread Skip Montanaro

Mike> That being said, how can a subscriber cause his password to be
Mike> resent?  I had to unsubscribe and then resubscribe myself to find
Mike> my missing (subscriber) password.

On the listinfo page:


enter your email address in tha last slot and click "Unsubscribe or edit
options".  On the page which is displayed there's an "Email my password to
me" button.

Skip Montanaro
Got gigs? http://www.musi-cal.com/submit.html
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Re: [Mailman-Users] How to block spiders?

2004-01-21 Thread Skip Montanaro

Paul> Normally with an apache web server you can just place a robots.txt
Paul> file in the root of the documents directory.  Not sure how one
Paul> might be able to do this with mailman.

Paul> When you take a look at the archives for a list, one sees


Paul> Since there isn't a pipermail directory, one can't just place a
Paul> robots.txt file in that directory.  

The robots.txt file only belongs in the server root.  Placing it lower in
the hierarchy isn't supported, and I doubt any spiders/crawlers would look
for it lower down.  Instead, add a Disallow: rule which references

User-agent: *
Disallow: /pipermail/

Skip Montanaro
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Mailman-Users mailing list
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[Mailman-Users] What is the "mailman" mailing list used for?

2004-01-16 Thread Skip Montanaro
I asked about this a couple days ago, but it was buried in another message,
so maybe nobody saw it.  Why is the "mailman" mailing list necessary?
Pre-2.1, I just had an alias which pointed to me.  Now I apparently need a
fully functioning Mailman list called "mailman".  I read the FAQ at


but it doesn't explain why a list (as opposed to a simple alias) is

Skip Montanaro
Got gigs? http://www.musi-cal.com/submit.html
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Mailman-Users mailing list
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[Mailman-Users] "mailman" list - why can't it just be an alias?

2004-01-14 Thread Skip Montanaro

In moving from MM 2.0 to MM 2.1 I began getting warnings during the
start-of-month mailings about a missing mailman list.  I had previously just
had a mailman alias pointing to me, but that apparently wasn't sufficient.

Who needs to be on that list?  All list admins & moderators or just those
who actually administer the mailman installation?  That would be just me on
this particular machine and is how I have it set up.


Skip Montanaro
Got gigs? http://www.musi-cal.com/submit.html
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Mailman-Users mailing list
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Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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[Mailman-Users] pending subscriptions sent to -owner address not -admin address

2004-01-14 Thread Skip Montanaro
I'm running MM 2.1.2.  On one list which has three admins, all pending
subscription messages appear to be going to the -owner address (just me)
instead of the -admin address (all three of us).  Any ideas where to look
for an answer?  I checked the MM FAQ Wizard.  It appears that question 3.27
addresses this, but there's no answer posted.  I also googled the archives
but couldn't find anything obvious.  Here are my sendmail aliases:

cedu-admin:"|/etc/smrsh/mailman admin cedu"
cedu-bounces:  "|/etc/smrsh/mailman bounces cedu"
cedu-confirm:  "|/etc/smrsh/mailman confirm cedu"
cedu-join: "|/etc/smrsh/mailman join cedu"
cedu-leave:"|/etc/smrsh/mailman leave cedu"
cedu-owner:"|/etc/smrsh/mailman owner cedu"
cedu-request:  "|/etc/smrsh/mailman request cedu"
cedu-subscribe:"|/etc/smrsh/mailman subscribe cedu"
cedu-unsubscribe:  "|/etc/smrsh/mailman unsubscribe cedu"

I suppose I could try changing cedu-owner to be an alias for cedu-admin.  Do
others do that?


Skip Montanaro
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Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Non-membr submissions & regex's

2004-01-06 Thread Skip Montanaro

Chris> I'm trying to put a regex in the non-member submission list.  I'm
Chris> my case I put in


Chris> which, if I understand this correctly, should allow the list to
Chris> accept all addresses in my domain and post them.  It ain't
Chris> working.  

The star isn't repeating anything.  Try


instead.  (Dunno if the ^ is required or not.  It may perform match()
instead of search() calls.)

Skip Montanaro
Got gigs? http://www.musi-cal.com/submit.html
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Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Spam Issue

2004-01-05 Thread Skip Montanaro

Lee> I administer a Mailman mailing list, and spam is a major problem.
Lee> I chose the option of permitting posting only by members to avoid
Lee> spamming the members.  However, that causes all spam to be held for
Lee> administrative action.  That means I have to laboriously scroll
Lee> down the page checking "Discard" for every message.  Finding the
Lee> selection button and clicking requires concentration.  Tonight I
Lee> discarded 140 messages, and the problem is growing.

Lee> Is there any way to simply discard all non-member email or check
Lee> Discard for all messages?

I'm sure there are other solutions by now, but awhile ago I wrote a simple
script to do a bulk discard:


I've only ever used it with MM 2.1.  YMMV with other versions.

Skip Montanaro
Got gigs? http://www.musi-cal.com/submit.html
Got spam? http://spambayes.sf.net/

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Lists stopped working

2004-01-02 Thread Skip Montanaro

jo> I host 5 lists using mailman and all of them have stopped working.
jo> Mail sent to them is not going through and not found in archives.
jo> There are no error messages.  Can someone please tell me where I
jo> might begin to look for the problem?

Is mailman running?  You din't identify your system, but on my Linux system
I have lots of mailman-ish processes:

% ps auxww | egrep mailman
mailman  24530  0.0  0.4  4096 3088 ?S04:02   0:00 
/usr/local/bin/python /etc/rc.d/init.d/mailmanctl start
mailman  24535  0.0  0.5  5272 4040 ?S04:02   0:00 qrunner 
/home/mailman21/bin/qrunner --runner=ArchRunner:0:1 -s
mailman  24536  0.0  0.5  5376 4204 ?S04:02   0:00 qrunner 
/home/mailman21/bin/qrunner --runner=BounceRunner:0:1 -s
mailman  24537  0.0  0.5  5308 4168 ?S04:02   0:00 qrunner 
/home/mailman21/bin/qrunner --runner=CommandRunner:0:1 -s
mailman  24538  0.0  0.6  5884 4736 ?S04:02   0:00 qrunner 
/home/mailman21/bin/qrunner --runner=IncomingRunner:0:1 -s
mailman  24542  0.0  0.5  5304 4076 ?S04:02   0:00 qrunner 
/home/mailman21/bin/qrunner --runner=NewsRunner:0:1 -s
mailman  24543  0.0  0.6  6316 5160 ?S04:02   0:00 qrunner 
/home/mailman21/bin/qrunner --runner=OutgoingRunner:0:1 -s
mailman  24544  0.0  0.6  5976 4808 ?S04:02   0:00 qrunner 
/home/mailman21/bin/qrunner --runner=VirginRunner:0:1 -s
skip 22599  0.0  0.0  1764  624 pts/1S11:46   0:00 egrep mailman

Assuming you're on a Linux system and Mailman is properly installed, you
might want to try (as root):

/etc/rc.d/init.d/mailmanctl start

Skip Montanaro
Got gigs? http://www.musi-cal.com/submit.html
Got spam? http://spambayes.sf.net/

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Message from Cron Daemon

2004-01-02 Thread Skip Montanaro

Fred> Cron Daemon has started occasionally sending me the message:
Fred> Site list is missing: mailman

Fred> Can someone tell me what's up with that?

Recent versions of Mailman (>= 2.1 I think) require an actual Mailman
mailing list called "mailman" for some of the regular monthly upkeep.  Just
create such a list in the usual fashion using bin/newlist and subscribe to

Older versions of Mailman used to be happy with a "mailman" alias.  For some
reason that's no longer sufficient.

Skip Montanaro
Got gigs? http://www.musi-cal.com/submit.html
Got spam? http://spambayes.sf.net/

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Enquiry

2003-10-27 Thread Skip Montanaro

johnson> Could you please send me some detail whether the Mailman
johnson> software supports windows operating system? 

The 2.1 README indicates it won't run with Windows, though it appears that
if you are willing to jump through the proper hoops it may work on Win2k.
Check the FAQ:


Note that q&a was last updated over a year ago.


Skip Montanaro
Got gigs? http://www.musi-cal.com/
Got spam? http://spambayes.sf.net/

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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Re: [Mailman-Users] email looping - autoresponders - how to stop it?

2003-10-20 Thread Skip Montanaro

> email looping - autoresponders - how to stop it?

I don't know if Mailman has any capability in this area.  You can push
things through procmail though and have it control the generation of the
automatic response.  I have a non-Mailman email alias which I manage this
way.  Its procmailrc file has a rule like this:


:0 Whc: reply.lock
| $FORMAIL -rD 65536 $HOME/.msg.cache

  :0 ehc # if the name was not in the cache
  | ($FORMAIL -rA"Precedence: junk" -A"$MY_XLOOP" ; \
 cat .../auto-reply.txt) | $SENDMAIL -oi -t

A shell script in /etc/cron.weekly deletes the .msg.cache file, thus nobody
gets the auto-response more than once a week.


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[Mailman-Users] how is content filtered in the presence of multipart/alternative?

2003-10-17 Thread Skip Montanaro

I read the FAQ and the content filtering page of the admin interface but
didn't see this answered.  Given these settings:

filter_content: Yes
convert_html_to_plaintext:  Yes

if a message is sent as multipart/alternative and it contains one text/plain
and one text/html section, is the text/html section deleted or just stripped
of HTML tags and retained as (a roughly duplicate) text/plain section?


Skip Montanaro
Got gigs? http://www.musi-cal.com/
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[Mailman-Users] Auto-discard notifications?

2003-10-17 Thread Skip Montanaro

I get the occasional message from Mailman (2.1) with the subject
"Auto-discard notification" and an attached mail which was discarded.  The
message offers no explanation for why Mailman discarded it.  After looking
through the bounce and filter pages of the admin interface, it doesn't seem
that either applies.  (Both pages suggest that I should get a reason along
with any messages forwarded to me.)

Any pointers would be appreciated.

Skip Montanaro
Got gigs? http://www.musi-cal.com/
Got spam? http://spambayes.sf.net/

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Re: [Mailman-Users] dump the queue??

2003-10-15 Thread Skip Montanaro

Amanda> 2) some kind of queue dump at the command line side, so that as
Amanda>the site administrator I can do that for someone, just clear
Amanda>out their whole queue if it got clogged up and they just want
Amanda>to ditch everything in it.

I posted my mmdiscard.py script the other day not realizing the attachment
would get stripped.  I just added it into my Python Bits page:


It's crude (no command line parameters and the password is embedded in the
script), but worked for me.


Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Not knowing what address is subscribed

2003-10-13 Thread Skip Montanaro

Allan> We're getting some people wanting to check their address in
Allan> Mailman to see how we subscribed them (we seeded lists with
Allan> extracts from our main database), and they don't know what
Allan> address we used for them.

This is kinda techno-nerdy which might not match your user population very
well, but in many/most situations people should be able to look at the
Received: headers (when the personalization footer is absent) and work their
way from bottom to top to see what address of theirs is subscribed based
upon who it's being delivered to.  Here are the Received: headers I got from
your message, numbered for convenience:

7. Received: from localhost [] by localhost with POP3 (fetchmail-6.1.0)
  for [EMAIL PROTECTED] (single-drop); Mon, 13 Oct 2003 14:16:20 -0500 
6. Received: from dolly1.pobox.com (dolly1.pobox.com [])
  by manatee.mojam.com (8.12.1-20030917/8.12.1) with ESMTP id
  for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Mon, 13 Oct 2003 14:15:09 -0500
5. Received: from dolly1.pobox.com (localhost[])
  by dolly1.pobox.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id D0310BA062
  for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Mon, 13 Oct 2003 15:15:07 -0400 (EDT)
   Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
4. Received: from mail.python.org (mail.python.org[])
  by dolly1.pobox.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id CE735B8D8B
  for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Mon, 13 Oct 2003 15:12:44 -0400 (EDT)
3. Received: from localhost.localdomain ([] helo=mail.python.org)
  by mail.python.org with esmtp (Exim 4.22) id 1A987Y-0005WZ-Ip
  for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mon, 13 Oct 2003 15:12:44 -0400
2. Received: from [] (helo=mail.prin.edu)
  by mail.python.org with esmtp (Exim 4.22) id 1A985f-0004g0-9f
  for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mon, 13 Oct 2003 15:10:47 -0400
1. Received: from AllanTrick.prin.edu ([])
  by mail.prin.edu (8.11.6/8.11.6) with ESMTP id h9DJ86216797
  for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Mon, 13 Oct 2003 14:08:06 -0500

The server running Mailman will probably talk directly to the MX host for
the destination domain.  In this case, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" appears in #3 while
the message is still on mail.python.org as well as in #4 once it gets to

Skip Montanaro
Got gigs? http://www.musi-cal.com/
Got spam? http://spambayes.sf.net/

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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Re: [Mailman-Users] ban_list example?

2003-10-13 Thread Skip Montanaro

>> Try

Scott> Not knowing anything about mailman's use of these values:

Scott> The "^.*something" regex is equivalent to just "something".  

Scott> "^.*" is useless, confusing and should never be used in a regex
Scott> for the regex libraries with which I am familiar.

I realized it was superfluous shortly after posting.  I was focusing on the
missing '.' (really, just about anything) in the OP's post.  "@xyz.com"
should be sufficient, unless Mailman uses re.match() for this particular

Skip Montanaro
Got gigs? http://www.musi-cal.com/
Got spam? http://spambayes.sf.net/

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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Re: [Mailman-Users] ban_list example?

2003-10-13 Thread Skip Montanaro

David> I tried ...


David> ... but got an invalid value error.



Skip Montanaro
Got gigs? http://www.musi-cal.com/
Got spam? http://spambayes.sf.net/

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Dealing with posts from non-subscribers efficiently

2003-10-12 Thread Skip Montanaro

John> I run a couple of Mailman lists with a prohibition on postings by
John> non-subscribers.  This is very effective at ensuring that no Spam
John> gets through to the list.

John> The only problem is that each week I have to sit down and click on
John> the "Discard" button for a couple of hundred rubbish messages.

I wrote the attached script during the latest worm debacle.  Worked well for
me to keep the python-help list cleaned out.  At the height of the furor, I
was discarding over 1,000 messages per day.

Skip Montanaro
Got gigs? http://www.musi-cal.com/
Got spam? http://spambayes.sf.net/

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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[Mailman-Users] pending_subscriptions.db format?

2003-10-11 Thread Skip Montanaro
I've been migrating my subscriptions over to 2.1.2 from 2.0.9, mostly
because I began having problems I couldn't fathom with the lists hosted on
2.0.9.  A few are still on 2.0.9 and I'll probably migrate them soon enough,
however I encountered a problem with my 2.0.9 pending_subscriptions.db file
I'm curious about.  I got this traceback in the mail:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/mailman/Mailman/MailCommandHandler.py", line 223, in 
self.__dispatch[cmd](args, line, msg)
  File "/home/mailman/Mailman/MailCommandHandler.py", line 621, in 
  File "/home/mailman/Mailman/MailList.py", line 1024, in ProcessConfirmation
got = Pending().confirmed(cookie)
  File "../Mailman/Pending.py", line 88, in confirmed
  File "../Mailman/Pending.py", line 111, in __save
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 

Investigating, I saw the file was owned by nobody:mailman.  (This change may
be sendmail-related since I upgraded sendmail recently.  Any thoughts on
that?)  Anyway, I chown'd it back to mailman:mailman and decided to take a
look at it from the Python interpreter.  I thought it was in pickle format,
but that appears not to be the case:

>>> import pickle
>>> d = pickle.load(open("pending_subscriptions.db"))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.2/pickle.py", line 982, in load
return Unpickler(file).load()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.2/pickle.py", line 597, in load
KeyError: {

Is it in some other non-bsddb format?


Skip Montanaro
Got gigs? http://www.musi-cal.com/
Got spam? http://spambayes.sf.net/

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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RE: [Mailman-Users] Nothing gets archived...

2003-01-30 Thread Skip Montanaro

Skip> I've been using Mailman for a couple years to run several small
Skip> private, non-archived mailing lists.  Today, I tried creating a
Skip> public, archived mailing list for the first time.  The list mail
Skip> comes and goes just fine, but nothing turns up in the archives as
Skip> far as I can tell.  I googled a bit but couldn't find anything
Skip> helpful.  I'm hoping one of the experts here can steer me quickly
Skip> in the right direction before a lot of mail messages flow through
Skip> unarchived.

After posting my message and getting a "held for the moderator" response but
not hearing anything for awhile (thinking maybe the message had been
"discard"ed), I decided to bite the bullet and upgrade to Mailman 2.1.

I now have archives.  Dunno what was wrong w/ my MM 2.0.9 installation, but
the problem is fixed now.



Mailman-Users mailing list
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[Mailman-Users] Nothing gets archived...

2003-01-30 Thread Skip Montanaro

(Please cc me on any replies, as I'm not subscribed to this list.)

I've been using Mailman for a couple years to run several small private,
non-archived mailing lists.  Today, I tried creating a public, archived
mailing list for the first time.  The list mail comes and goes just fine,
but nothing turns up in the archives as far as I can tell.  I googled a bit
but couldn't find anything helpful.  I'm hoping one of the experts here can
steer me quickly in the right direction before a lot of mail messages flow
through unarchived.

Here's my configuration: mailman 2.0.9 built from source running on Mandrake
Linux with (I believe) Python 2.1.1.  (I hesitate a bit there because I have
several versions of Python installed.  The mailman user sees /usr/bin/python
before /usr/local/bin/python though.)  ~mailman is /home/mailman.  The
relevant bits of the archives tree looks like so:

% ls -lR archives
total 2
drwxr-s--x   24 skip mailman  1024 Jan 28 21:44 private/
drwxrwsr-x2 skip mailman  1024 Jan 28 21:46 public/

total 22
drwxrwsr-x2 skip mailman  1024 Jan 28 21:44 csv.mbox/

total 0

total 0
lrwxrwxrwx1 skip mailman19 Jan 28 21:44 csv -> ../private/csv.mbox/

I manually renamed archives/public/csv.mbox to archives/public/csv because
the link to the list archives web page is to


Speaking of which, the Mailman portion of my Apache config file looks like

ScriptAlias /mailman/ "/home/mailman/cgi-bin/" 
Alias /pipermail/ "/home/mailman/archives/public/" 

  Options FollowSymLinks Indexes

SetHandler cgi-script 
Options ExecCGI 

The only new bits I added today were the Alias directive and the 
stuff.  The ScriptAlias directive and  stuff were there before and
work fine.  I can get to http://manatee.mojam.com/pipermail/csv/ just fine,
but there's nothing there.  Do archive messages not get appended immediately
as mail transits the system?

Here's mailman's crontab:

# At 5PM every day, mail reminders to admins as to pending requests
0 17 * * * /usr/local/bin/python -S /home/mailman/cron/checkdbs
# Noon, mail digests for lists that do periodic as well as threshhold delivery.
0 12 * * * /usr/local/bin/python -S /home/mailman/cron/senddigests
# 5 AM on the first of each month, mail out password reminders.
0 5 1 * * /usr/local/bin/python -S /home/mailman/cron/mailpasswds
# Every 5 mins, try to gate news to mail.  You can comment this one out
# if you don't want to allow gating, or don't have any going on right now,
# or want to exclusively use a callback strategy instead of polling.
#0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /usr/local/bin/python -S 
# At 3:27am every night, regenerate the gzip'd archive file.  Only
# turn this on if the internal archiver is used and
# GZIP_ARCHIVE_TXT_FILES is false in mm_cfg.py
27 3 * * * /usr/local/bin/python -S /home/mailman/cron/nightly_gzip
# Retry failed deliveries once per minute.
* * * * * /usr/local/bin/python -S /home/mailman/cron/qrunner

and the relevant entries in /etc/mail/aliases:

## csv mailing list
## created: 28-Jan-2003 skip
csv: "|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper post csv"
csv-admin:   "|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailowner csv"
csv-request: "|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd csv"
csv-owner:   csv-admin

I didn't dink around with the archive settings.  The archive options are all
defaults: archive messages, archive file source is public, archive date is
when the mail claims and new volumes should be started monthly.

What am I missing?


Skip Montanaro

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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Re: [Mailman-Users] use of MIME stripping plugins

2002-04-02 Thread Skip Montanaro

Jo> I'm about ready to try Alex's stripmime.pl, because I've tried every
Jo> imaginable configuration and can't seem to get the patch from
Jo> sourceforge to work at all...and no one here has fessed up yet that
Jo> they've got it working on their install.


Jo> (using FreeBSD 4.4, sendmail 8.11.6, Python 2.1.1, Mailman 2.0.8)

I had a little difficulty getting StripMime to work with setndmail.  It
turns out that aliases like

foo:  "| prog1 | prog2 | ... | progN"

don't work because sendmail (or smrsh) strips everything through the last
pipe character.  You need to write a little shell script that does the above
piping and make it the target of the alias.

That said, I have no idea if this is the cause of your problems, but it
might be worth one last try before throwing in the towel on the sf patch.

Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.mojam.com/)

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py

Re: [Mailman-Users] Re: stripmime

2002-03-22 Thread Skip Montanaro

tneff> If you get verification that Stripmime is running, but it's just
tneff> acting like 'cat'...

I'm not 100% sure what the actual problem was, but I have a good idea now.
As I mentioned, my alias looked like

thelist: "|/usr/local/bin/stripmime.pl|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper post thelist"

as described on the stripmime.pl web page.  The messages were going through
untouched. I suspect that sendmail was throwing away everything up to the
last pipe symbol before processing.  A suggestion off-list that worked was
to create the following shell script as /etc/smrsh/stripmime that does

/usr/local/bin/stripmime.pl | /home/mailman/mail/wrapper "$@"

and install that script as the alias target.  I am now in business...

Alex, I know you don't want to get roped into supporting every possible
stripmime/MTA/MLM combination, but it might be worth mentioning this trick
related to sendmail on your web page.

Thanks for the help,

Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.mojam.com/)

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py

Re: [Mailman-Users] Re: stripmime.pl doesn't?

2002-03-22 Thread Skip Montanaro


Thanks for the reply and the test case.  I verified that it seems to do the
right thing when fed your mimehtml test case or one of my test messages at
the shell prompt.  I will have to check into things deeper to see what's
going on w/ mailman.

Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.mojam.com/)

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py

[Mailman-Users] stripmime.pl doesn't?

2002-03-22 Thread Skip Montanaro

I'm running Mailman 2.0.8.  I just installed Alex Wetmore's stripmime.pl
script today (including chmod +x), modified /etc/mail/aliases (I run
sendmail) like so:

thelist: "|/usr/local/bin/stripmime.pl|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper post thelist"

reran newaliases and added the necessary symlink to /etc/smrsh.  I then sent
five test messages to the list using XEmacs+VM 6.96.  Test #1 was plain
text.  Tests 2, 3, and 4 had a plain text section and a single small html
attachment.  Test 5 had a plain text section and three html attachments.

Viewing a generated plain text digest I can't see that stripmime.pl did
anything.  None of the five messages was lost, but none appear to have been
altered in any way.  Am I perhaps missing something?  I thought it's main
thing was to zap HTML attachments.


Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.mojam.com/)

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py

Re: [Mailman-Users] Mm friendly ISP/web host?

2002-03-15 Thread Skip Montanaro

Chris> Hi all.  I am soon going to lose my broadband (moving to the
Chris> countryside), which means that the server in my office is going
Chris> to disappear.  I was wondering if you all could suggest an ISP or
Chris> web hosting company whose accounts allow you (both technically
Chris> and as part of the TOS) to install and run Mailman under a hosted
Chris> domain.  Thanks much for any suggestions.

Hostway (http://www.hostway.com/) provides Mailman with all services except
their most basic offering.  They allow you to run one list with up to 250
subscribers.  If you want to run more mailing lists or run a list with more
users you can for an extra fee.

I have a Hostway account, but have not used Mailman there and have no
financial interest, yadda, yadda, yadda.

Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.mojam.com/)

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py

Re: [Mailman-Users] Commands via email...

2002-03-13 Thread Skip Montanaro

Frederick> Is it possible to send in approval commands via email (I used
Frederick> to do it with Majordomo and Yahoogroups, but they are both
Frederick> difficult in other ways) instead of having to log on via the
Frederick> Net?

Yup...  Try sending a message to the list's -request address with a message
body of just 'help' (no quotes).  You should get back a message like

* help
Help for ... mailing list:

This is email command help for version 2.0.8 of the "Mailman" list
manager.  The following describes commands you can send to get
information about and control your subscription to Mailman lists at
this site.  A command can be in the subject line or in the body of the

Note that much of the following can also be accomplished via the World
Wide Web, at:


In particular, you can use the Web site to have your password sent to
your delivery address.


The following commands are valid:

subscribe [password] [digest-option] [address=]

unsubscribe  [address]


Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.mojam.com/)
"... if I were on life-support, I'd rather have it run by a Gameboy than a
Windows box." - Cliff Wells

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py

[Mailman-Users] AOL disabling Reply All button - is this unique?

2002-03-03 Thread Skip Montanaro

I got the following message from a user on a Mailman-managed list:

>> I have a technical question.  On all the CEDU mailing list e-mail I
>> get, the reply to all button is blanked out so I can only reply to
>> the person sending the mail.  I've also been having some problems
>> with AOL.  Is this related, or unique to this site?  I've got several
>> other groups I send to, but no others have this particular problem.

I do not mess with the Reply-To header, so it refers to the poster, not the
list.  Any ideas why AOL might be disabling the Reply All button?  That is,
is it something AOL doesn't like about Mailman or is it something specific
to this user?


Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.mojam.com/)

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] HTML formatting in digests

2002-02-07 Thread Skip Montanaro

marina> Will the formatting of email messages in digests be fixed in
marina> 2.1?

Sounds like your users have selected so-called "plain text" digests.  If
it's possible for them to use MIME digests, the problem should go away.
Some folks (like those using AOL I think) can't, however.

Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.mojam.com/)

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] feature request - distiguish bouncing from "no mail" addresses

2002-01-15 Thread Skip Montanaro

>> I would find it helpful if mailman distinguished addresses for users
>> asking to go "no mail" and bouncing addresses mailman disabled.

Dan> Part of 2.1

Praise !



Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] feature request - distiguish bouncing from "no mail" addresses

2002-01-15 Thread Skip Montanaro

I run a mailman-managed mailing list with about 250 subscribers.  In
December, through no fault of mailman's I f*cked up my sendmail
installation.  Consequently, lots of mail to this list bounced and mailman
obligingly disabled the bouncing addresses (about 140 addresses all told).

Once my sendmail problems were straightened out, I checked the logs/bounced
file to identify which addresses were disabled by mailman, then unchecked
their "no mail" setting one-by-one in the membership management section.
This was obviously a bit tedious, so I made some mistakes in the process.  I
would find it helpful if mailman distinguished addresses for users asking to
go "no mail" and bouncing addresses mailman disabled.  Even if I couldn't
click a "reenable all bouncing addresses" link, it would be easier to simply
uncheck all boxes in a particular column instead of having to go back and
forth between the bounce log and the membership management pages unchecking
some and leaving others alone.

Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.mojam.com/)

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] Premature End of Headers

2002-01-04 Thread Skip Montanaro

Scott> Failure to exec script. WANTED gid 48, GOT gid 501.  (Reconfigure
Scott> to take 501?)

Scott> Where 46 = GID of apache .

Did your apache runtime GID change?  Sounds like Mailman needs to be
reconfigured with the correct --with-* flags and reinstalled.

Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.mojam.com/)

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] Premature End of Headers

2002-01-04 Thread Skip Montanaro

Scott> I have Mailman installed and working ( for nine months now ).
Scott> Yesterday I rebooted my server for the first time in four months.
Scott> Today, Mailman works (send mail) but the Admin interface doesn't.

Scott> I receive 'Internal Server Error' in the browser window.
Scott> in httpd/error.log I receive the 'Premature end of headers' error, 
Scott> I recieve no error in syslog (messages) or maillog.  

What's the full traceback?  It should be in error.log and will probably help
pinpoint the source of the problem.

Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.mojam.com/)

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] Mailman doesn't understand email address details?

2001-12-29 Thread Skip Montanaro

I started experimenting with Jason Mastaler's TMDA spam fighting tool a few
days ago.  It allows you to generate time-sensitive reply addresses in
outgoing mail like [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Many MTAs
support the use of such "detail" information.  I discovered that Mailman
doesn't, however.  This makes it impossible to use dated addresses with
closed mailing lists.  Any chance that Mailman will recognize such addresses
in the future?

Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.mojam.com/)

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] [Fwd: Cron /usr/bin/python/usr/lib/mailman/cron/checkdbs]

2001-12-21 Thread Skip Montanaro

Rodolfo> Somebody can explain me what this message means??
Rodolfo> when, addr, passwd, digest, lang = mlist.GetRecord(id)
Rodolfo> ValueError: unpack tuple of wrong size

It means that the list or tuple returned by mlist.GetRecord(id) didn't have
a length of 5.  To figure out what size it is, you might try this:

stuff = mlist.GetRecord(id)
print ">> output:", stuff
when, addr, passwd, digest, lang = stuff

Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.mojam.com/)

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] loops with "out of office/vacation" autoresponders

2001-12-20 Thread Skip Montanaro

[ ... 5000 "I'm away for the holidays" messages - what fun ... ]

Robert> Why do I not see more of this on other lists that I participate
Robert> in?  I manage the Xforms list, using Majordomo.  I've never seen
Robert> such a loop on Xforms.  What is happening that makes lists here
Robert> at USU so problematic when the "reply ot all members" feature is
Robert> enabled?

The broken vacation program replies to the Reply-To address which is
... shazam! ... the entire list.  That message gets forwarded to the email
address of the person vacationing in the Bahamas and the cycle repeats.  I
would think the potential damage this can cause is severe enough in
repy-to-all lists to motivate list managers to not set up their lists that

Assuming Xforms is set up as a reply-to-all list, perhaps Majordomo has more
sophisticated heuristics in place than Mailman about such stuff.  It
wouldn't be the first time a more mature program had more features than a
less mature program.  (I'm not saying Mailman isn't mature, just that since
Majordomo has been around longer, it's had more time to collect such

It may just also be that you've been blessed with good luck on the Xforms
list and haven't run into such problems.  Runaway vacation programs are, in
the grand scheme of things, actually fairly rare.  I run the Mojam and
Musi-Cal websites.  We have an auto-notify feature that lets people
subscribe to specific searches.  When new stuff turns up, it sends them a
message.  In addition, the websites themselves supports a couple email
aliases that function (in part) as autoresponders.  Over the nearly eight
years I'm been running this stuff I've only encountered 20-30 instances of
such bad responders.

Now that your users have seen the potential damage from such runaway
responders, you might explain to them that the reply-to-all setup had a hand
in this debacle and ask them if they'd prefer that "feature" be turned

Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.mojam.com/)

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] HTML in digests?

2001-12-13 Thread Skip Montanaro

marina> We are running a list using Mailman 2, where most of the members
marina> are totally computer illiterate, and cannot be bothered
marina> understanding why or how to change their email settings.

marina> As a result, this list digests include huge portions of HTML
marina> coding - which is perceived as extremely annoying by several
marina> users (including some who choose to use HTML mail, of course).

Can you just change your users' digest settings from plain to MIME digests
for them?  Can you make MIME digests the default option for people who
choose to read the digest version of your list?

Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.mojam.com/)

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mailman-Users] struggling with "minor" mailman upgrade

2001-12-11 Thread Skip Montanaro

Albert> You should change the /etc/smrsh/wrapper entry into a Logical
Albert> link in /home/mailman/mail/wrapper.
Albert> One more thing that I forgot to mention earlier, Sendmail 8.12.1
Albert> and smrsh also use the /usr/adm/sm.bin directory.

Thanks for the suggestions, however, smsrh was compiled with /etc/smrsh as
the link directory and /etc/smrsh/wrapper is a symlink to
/home/mailman/mail/wrapper already.

Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.mojam.com/)

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mailman-Users] struggling with "minor" mailman upgrade

2001-12-10 Thread Skip Montanaro

Over the past week I have upgraded several bits and pieces of the machine
from which I run a small number of Mailman-administered mailing lists.  Mail
still isn't flowing, the natives are getting restless, and I'm about to
throw my laptop out the window.  I'm hopeful someone here can steer me in
the right direction.

I am running Mandrake 8.1, sendmail 8.12.1 and mailman 2.0.8.  Any time I
try to post a message to the mailing list I get the following barf from

   - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
"|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailowner cedu" 
(reason: Service unavailable)
(expanded from: cedu-admin )

   - Transcript of session follows -
smrsh: wrapper not available for sendmail programs
554 5.0.0 Service unavailable

/usr/sbin/smrsh was compiled with /etc/smrsh as its CMDDIR, verified with
the strings command:

# strings -a /usr/sbin/smrsh | egrep /etc

/etc/smrsh contains a link to /home/mailman/mail/wrapper:

# ls -l /etc/smrsh/wrapper
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   26 Mar 14  2001 /etc/smrsh/wrapper -> 

which, when dereferenced, seems fine to me:

# ls -lL /etc/smrsh/wrapper
-rwxr-sr-x1 skip mailman 39212 Dec 10 13:41 /etc/smrsh/wrapper*

If I run the above wrapper command manually, it complains:

# /home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailowner cedu
Failure to exec script. WANTED gid 12, GOT gid 0.  (Reconfigure to take 0?)

This I don't understand, because the program is clearly set gid to the
mailman group (which happens to be gid 70, not 12 or 0 - gid 12 is the mail
group).  Mailman was configured as

./configure  --with-mail-gid=mail --with-cgi-gid=nogroup

I tried configuring with-mail-gid=mailman instead and got:

   - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
"|/home/mailman/mail/wrapper mailowner cedu" 
(reason: 2)
(expanded from: cedu-admin )

   - Transcript of session follows -
Failure to exec script. WANTED gid 70, GOT gid 12.  (Reconfigure to take 12?)
554 5.3.0 unknown mailer error 2

FWIW, /usr/sbin/sendmail is setgid smmsp (gid == 25).  Should that be the

Before upgrading from Mandrake 7.2 to 8.1 I was happily using sendmail
8.12.0 and mailman 2.0.6.  After the upgrade I fell back to sendmail 8.11.6
and my problems began.  Today I installed sendmail 8.12.1 and upgraded to
mailman 2.0.8.

Any suggestions appreciated...

Skip Montanaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.mojam.com/)

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]